How is the baby located at 38 weeks. Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child

When doctors talk about the 38th obstetric week of pregnancy, this means that 36 weeks have passed from conception, that is, exactly 9 months. Your baby is getting heavier and weighs about 3 kg, and his height reaches 48-50 centimeters. The baby is absolutely ready for birth.

Week 38 can be the last week of your pregnancy, especially if you're not pregnant with your first child. Your baby is getting heavier and weighs about 3 kg, and his height reaches 48-50 centimeters. The baby is absolutely ready for birth. Mom always needs to be in touch with loved ones, because childbirth can begin at any time.

How many months?

When doctors talk about the 38th obstetric week of pregnancy, this means that 36 weeks have passed from conception, that is, exactly 9 months (about timing and calculation methods).

How the fetus develops at 38 weeks

Your baby is already fully prepared for life outside the mother's womb. There are no major changes with him. The baby continues to gain only a little weight and stretch in length. And in his small body, work is underway to bring to perfection the functioning of all systems and organs.

Internal changes

The placenta, which provides nutrition to the fetus, ages and becomes thinner. Reducing the amount of nutrients received by the child leads to inhibition of the process of weight gain. Now the mass of the baby does not increase much, since the main part of all useful substances is spent on his life. A small heart beats at a frequency of 120 - 160 beats per minute.

At week 38, the baby becomes very crowded in the uterus, so he pushes and moves less and less. But his coordination improves significantly, and the movements of his legs and arms are no longer chaotic. You should feel about ten jolts a day. Sucking and grasping reflexes are also well developed. The baby already has a strong grip, which can be seen immediately after birth. Also, the child hiccups less.

The organs of the fetus are in working condition. And the surface of the alveoli is already covered with pulmonary surfactant, which will help the baby take the first breath immediately after birth. The liver and pancreas continue to develop. And meconium has already accumulated in the intestines - feces formed as a result of absorption amniotic fluid.

If you are expecting a girl, then you should know that most often girls prefer to be born earlier than boys. Therefore, the girl's mother should be all the more ready for childbirth this week.

External changes

The baby can no longer be distinguished from a newborn. His pink skin is smooth to the touch, as the fluff is almost completely gone. And his head can be covered with hairs of quite a decent length. The original lubricant remained only in the folds of the body. The nails of some children already protrude beyond the fingertips. Therefore, you should not be surprised if the body or face of a newborn is slightly scratched.

During this period, the testicles of a male infant should be lowered into the scrotum.

Also, parents need to know that the given figures for the growth and weight of the fetus are approximate, since these parameters are highly dependent on hereditary data. If dad and mom have a small weight, then you should not expect the birth of a large child.

If you are lucky enough to carry twins, then this week you are most likely to be in the hospital. The probability of the birth of twins at 36 and 37 weeks is very high. However, if this has not happened yet, then contractions should be expected at the 38th week. The weight and height of babies multiple pregnancy, of course, less than that of ordinary children. But after birth, they quickly catch up.

Fetal position

By the 38th week of pregnancy, the tummy should already drop, and the baby should lie head down, preparing for the birth. This position of the fetus is called cephalic presentation. This is the norm. But not always the head of the child is located in the lower part of the pelvis of a woman.

And if until this week there is a breech presentation of the fetus, then it is unlikely to roll over. But such a possibility exists, especially if the mass of the child is small. Therefore, if this problem occurs, mom should definitely try to do it. special exercises. Maybe the baby will “change his mind” and still settle down with his head down.

Condition of the expectant mother

This week, the mood of the expectant mother is not so certain. On the one hand, she wants to give birth as soon as possible in order to see the baby faster and get rid of constant discomfort, and on the other hand, she begins to be overwhelmed by the fear of the upcoming birth. As a rule, women endure the thirty-eighth week of pregnancy quite hard, so the desire to give birth faster overcomes the fear of childbirth.

At this time, most mothers are overcome by a feeling of fatigue. There is a feeling that the stomach is pulling, which should already go down. It is difficult for mom to stay on her feet for a long time, it is uncomfortable to sit, lie down and sleep. At the same time, many are visited by the desire to equip their "nest", so they take on household chores and even repairs with tripled strength. However, it is only worth taking on work that is feasible for pregnant women.

The uterus is also preparing for childbirth. The height of the bottom of the uterus is about 35-38 cm, and from the navel it is located at a distance of 16-18 centimeters. The cervix becomes softer and softer. If the stomach has already dropped, then it becomes easier for a woman to breathe, heartburn disappears. But now the uterus presses even harder on bladder leading to frequent urge to urinate. The same applies to the gastrointestinal tract, so intermittent diarrhea is a common occurrence for women pregnant at 38 weeks.

During this period, not only the baby, but also the mother herself gains less weight. And many women lose weight. The reason is the preparation for childbirth and the discharge of the mucous plug. In general, the average weight gain during the entire pregnancy should be about ten to fifteen kilograms. But women who do not watch their diet can put on a lot of weight, which leads to pain, swelling and fatigue.

  • Edema

Edema is also characteristic of this period. It's one thing when the swelling is small, which is the norm for pregnancy. And another thing is when they arise abruptly and are accompanied by a jump in weight. In the latter case, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of preeclampsia ().

  • Stretch marks

Does not please the expectant mother and appearance. An enlarged uterus stretches the abdomen. The skin is in a tense state, from which it not only constantly itches, but can also become covered with stretch marks. Stretch marks can appear in the abdomen, thighs and even mammary glands. They are grooves of a reddish color, which after childbirth become lighter over time.

Prevention of the appearance of stretch marks is the use of various vegetable oils. But sometimes these actions are powerless against stretch marks, since heredity plays an important role in this matter. Another reason for your concern may be the navel, which turns outward under the weight of the abdomen. But you should not worry, because after the birth of the baby, he will return to his original place.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

What portends the onset of childbirth

The thirty-eighth obstetric week from the start of pregnancy is the time when you should clearly know what the harbingers of childbirth are. So, the main signs that it's time for you to go to the hospital:

  • Braxton Hicks contractions;

These are training (false) contractions that prepare the uterus for the birth process. These contractions begin about two weeks before the baby is born. False contractions, reminiscent of contractions during menstruation, become more and more noticeable and cause constant discomfort in the lower abdomen.

If you're afraid you'll miss your real contractions when they start again because of training contractions, get up and walk around the room. Breckson-Hicks contractions must pass while moving. And if the intervals between contractions decrease, and their intensity increases, then this may mean the onset of labor.

  • colostrum secreted from the breast;

It's liquid yellow color, which will serve as food for the born baby during the first few days. Small stains on your bra signal that your baby will be meeting very soon. Put your beautiful but impractical bras aside. It is better to support heavy breasts with a cotton bra with strong straps. And in order to avoid traces of colostrum on the linen, you can use special linings.

  • hormonal changes, increased joint mobility, expansion of the pelvic bones and a sagging stomach.

In week 38, your body is completely rebuilding and preparing for the birth of your son or daughter. At this time, you may be disturbed by poor sleep, false contractions, swelling, as well as a feeling that the stomach turns to stone and pulls down. Of course, not all expectant mothers have these symptoms so acutely. Be that as it may, know that your baby will appear very soon, and new worries will take the place of these problems.

If you are not carrying your first child, be prepared for the sudden onset of labor. The birth of the second, third and subsequent children is usually faster and easier, but much more painful. However, this statement is not true in all cases.

What pains bother at 38 weeks

In addition to recurring Braxton-Hicks contractions, a pregnant woman experiences a number of other pain sensations. Pain in the back and lower back has become commonplace. Feelings of a pulling down belly also make a woman feel uncomfortable. Very often, especially in the evening, from a heavy load, the legs begin to hurt.

Often, tingling in the arms and legs is added to this. This indicates a circulatory disorder, which is normal for last days pregnancy. Various diseases are exacerbated. A particularly striking example is varicose veins, which often begins to manifest itself precisely during pregnancy. Due to the load on the vessels and improper nutrition, hemorrhoids can develop.

As a rule, the above pains cause insomnia and lack of sleep. All these far from pleasant sensations increase the desire of a woman to give birth as soon as possible. But the baby decides when he will be born. Therefore, it is necessary to be patient, especially since there is very little left before his birth. Alleviate pain as much as possible and safe means. For example, you can take a walk before bed or ask a loved one for a massage.


Normally, your discharge at this time should be the same as throughout the entire period of pregnancy. That is, they should be milky in color, uniform in structure and without sharp, bad smell. Discharge from the genital tract may vary slightly. If they have acquired a green or bright yellow color, urgently contact for medical care. They may indicate an infection of the genital tract and the possibility of infection of the fetus.

If, in addition to the usual discharge, you notice transparent, yellowish or pinkish mucus with red streaks on your panties, do not be alarmed. This is the so-called mucous plug that covers the entrance to the cervix. It may begin to come out in parts about a couple of weeks before the baby is born, or it may come out right before the birth.

A sign of the beginning of the birth process is the discharge of water. Sometimes they leave in a sharp stream, and sometimes they only begin to leak slowly. In any case, both situations mean that you urgently need to go to the maternity hospital, since there is very little time left before the birth.

If you notice blood on your underwear, see a doctor immediately, especially if it is scarlet. Such discharge may be the result of placental abruption, which can greatly harm the baby.

Possible dangers

At this time, there are risks that should be known expectant mother. One of the threats is placental abruption. Premature detachment can occur quite unexpectedly, even when a woman in position is in excellent health. Signs are abdominal pain and spotting. In such a situation, it is required surgical intervention doctor.

Another dangerous condition is preeclampsia. This term refers to a disease characterized by a strong increase in blood pressure that threatens the fetus and mother. Its development can be understood by the increased protein in the urine and high pressure. Preeclampsia can turn into eclampsia, in which loss of consciousness, convulsions and even respiratory arrest are possible. Another danger is fetal hypoxia (oxygen starvation), the consequences of which can be avoided with timely diagnosis.

It is worth mentioning about various kinds of infections. They require treatment under the strict supervision of a doctor. You should also be wary of fever, diarrhea, constant nausea and vomiting. Be vigilant, because you are responsible not only for your condition, but also for the health of the little man who is inside you!

Sex at 38 weeks

This week, most couples, on their own initiative, prefer to leave intimate life until better times. However, there are also those who interesting position»Women do not interfere with an active sex life. And indeed, if there are no contraindications, you can have sex in positions where there is no pressure on the stomach.

But it should be remembered that sex can provoke childbirth. That is why sometimes doctors strongly recommend having sex to stimulate the birth process. Intimate relations are prohibited if the pregnant woman has any complications, incorrect presentation or is planned C-section. It's not worth the risk if you suspect your partner is infected.

What tests are to be done

At the antenatal clinic, you will pass general analysis urine, they will measure your blood pressure, measure the circumference of your abdomen, the height of the fundus of the uterus and determine the size of your pelvis. An obstetrician-gynecologist will check if there are swelling on your arms and legs, see how the preparation of the cervix for childbirth is going. Ultrasound at this time is prescribed only if necessary, for example, when it is necessary to exclude the possibility of entanglement with the umbilical cord.

Like last week, you will need to undergo a cardiotocography. The CTG procedure will record the fetal heartbeat and uterine contractions. This examination shows whether there are any deviations in the development of the baby. It is this procedure that allows you to identify all possible undesirable conditions.

Among expectant mothers there are many who are shown a caesarean section. The operation can be scheduled as early as this week. And if it will be produced later, then you can be admitted to the hospital (a week or two before the operation). In any case, the baby is already able to fully exist outside of your body, so you should not worry.

How is natural childbirth

Of course, if you are becoming a mother for the first time, you have already been interested in how this process takes place. Of course, the birth of each woman is individual. But everyone goes through the main stages:

  1. Opening of the cervix, discharge of water and regular contractions.
  2. Attempts, in which the woman in labor pushes and breathes, following the prompts of the midwife, the birth of a child.
  3. Attempts and exit of the placenta, which includes the umbilical cord, membranes and placenta.

A woman who has given birth is examined by a doctor and, if necessary, stitches. Then born child applied to her chest, and they rest together.

  1. Enjoy last days and possibly hours of pregnancy. Very soon, the baby will be next to you, but you will miss him inside. Try to think positive and fill your days with positive emotions. Try to surround yourself with close people who are ready to support you at the right moment.
  2. Continue to communicate with the baby as if he was already born. Listen to calm music together, read to him, talk to him. If you have not yet decided on the name of the child, it's time to do it.
  3. In a bag prepared for a trip to the hospital, there should be everything you need for a woman in labor and a newborn baby. Put children's things that will come in handy for the first time, prepare the necessary documents.
  4. By the beginning of the 38th week, you should already be eating according to a special diet. Try to exclude sweet, starchy, fried and too fatty. Eat foods high in calcium. Now the main part of your diet should be fresh vegetables, fruits, lean fish and dairy products. Avoid coffee and strong black tea. Eat less salt to reduce swelling.
  5. If you are still wearing a bandage, you need to remove it so that it does not interfere with the preparation of the child for childbirth.
  6. Think about how you plan to get to the hospital. Find out what you can take with you and what you can't. Find out what items and medicines you may need.
  7. Regardless of fatigue, walk in the fresh air. Well, if you do gymnastics for pregnant women.
  8. Do things at home that you won't be able to do after the baby arrives. You can once again go through the children's things and equip the nursery.
  9. Take sufficient time to rest. Surely, you have a favorite position in which it is easy for you to relax. But it is better to avoid the “lying on your back” position.
  10. If a husband or another close person going with you for childbirth, it's time for him to pass all the necessary tests.

Despite the fact that it is becoming increasingly difficult to endure pregnancy, you are increasingly filled with the joy of the upcoming meeting with your blood. When the baby is in your arms, the brightest and warmest memories of pregnancy will remain!

Video guide: 38 weeks of pregnancy what is happening, swelling in the later stages, getting ready for breastfeeding

Here comes the finish line of your pregnancy - a baby at 38 weeks is considered full-term, and his lungs are formed for independent breathing. A future mother can be ready for the birth of a long-awaited child at any second! If you haven't had time to do a photo shoot yet, it's time to do it, otherwise it will be too late later.

38 weeks how many months is that? 38 obstetric week of pregnancy is the end (38 weeks = 8 months and 26 days). You are in the last, III trimester, and at 36 embryonic weeks.

Weight, height, fetal development at 38 weeks of gestation

Externally and internally, the baby is already fully formed, its weight can reach 3 kg., with growth up to 49-50 centimeters. Your baby is the size of a leek

Your baby is already fully prepared for life outside the mother's womb. There are no major changes with him. The baby continues to gain only a little weight and stretch in length. And in his small body, work is underway to perfect the functioning of all systems and organs.

The weight of a child at 38 weeks of gestation can vary significantly and genetic heredity, in this case, plays an important role.

The respiratory system of the fetus at the 38th week of pregnancy is formed and immediately after birth it will start with the first breath. In the body of the child there is an accumulation of iron, which is useful for independent hematopoiesis.

The baby's skin is pink, the hairs are only on the head, the nails on the fingers are soft from the water, which will immediately harden after childbirth. The volumes of the head and abdomen are almost the same, the shoulders are retracted and somewhat rounded, the baby should already take the correct position in the uterus with the head down. The breech presentation of the fetus at 38 weeks is a reason to refuse natural delivery, but now more and more maternity hospitals are taking in natural childbirth and in this position of the baby.

The placenta, which provides nutrition to the fetus, ages and becomes thinner. Reducing the amount of nutrients received by the child leads to inhibition of the process of weight gain.

Now the mass of the baby does not increase much, since the main part of all useful substances is spent on his life. A small heart beats at a frequency of 120 - 160 beats per minute.

At week 38, the baby becomes very crowded in the uterus, so he pushes and moves less and less. But his coordination improves significantly, and the movements of his legs and arms are no longer chaotic. You should feel about ten jolts a day. Sucking and grasping reflexes are also well developed. The baby already has a strong grip, which can be seen immediately after birth. Also, the child hiccups less.

The organs of the fetus are in working condition. And the surface of the alveoli is already covered with pulmonary surfactant, which will help the baby take the first breath immediately after birth. The liver and pancreas continue to develop. And meconium has already accumulated in the intestines - feces formed as a result of the absorption of amniotic fluid.

Condition of a pregnant woman at 38 weeks of gestation

The downward displacement of the fetal head also leads to increased pressure on the pelvic bones. There are pain sensations in the area of ​​the pubic joint, in the sacrum and the back of the leg up to the knee. The cause of such pain is compression of the enlarged uterus of the femoral nerve.

At the 38th week of pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother is actively preparing not only for childbirth, but also for the upcoming one. The mammary glands of a woman are filled, the nipples become sensitive, a network of small veins appears on the surface of the skin. Pressing on the nipple may release colostrum.

The expectant mother can also participate in preparing for feeding the baby, for example, the nipples can be massaged with a towel, doused with a contrast shower

In the female body, everything is interconnected, so irritation of the nipple receptors increases the tone of the uterus and stimulates the development of labor, which means it is a means of natural prevention.

At a period of 38 weeks of pregnancy, a pregnant woman may have problems sleeping: it is difficult to get into bed because of a large belly, it is problematic to choose a comfortable position. The expectant mother’s sleep is sensitive, insomnia, hunger pangs or the need to visit the toilet often cause discomfort.

The pressure of the uterus extends to the sciatic nerve, in addition to pain in the legs and lower back, this fact can provoke the appearance of varicose veins in a pregnant woman. To prevent the appearance of varicose veins, you need to rest more often, raise your legs off the floor, wear compression underwear if necessary, and change your body position more often.

Now is the time to prepare for newborn care, when the baby arrives, you will be a prepared mom. Detailed description newborn care we presented in this .

Harbingers of childbirth at 38 weeks pregnant

  • The earliest sign of impending labor is prolapse of the abdomen . This phenomenon occurs as a result of softening and stretching of the lower segment of the uterus. In this case, the baby descends and presses its head closely against the bone rim of the small pelvis. the abdomen is accompanied by pulling sensations in its lower part. In addition, as the pressure of the uterus on the lungs decreases, it becomes easier for a woman to breathe, decreases.
  • As a result of the prolapse of the abdomen, there is another harbinger of childbirth during pregnancy - reduced baby activity . A decrease in movement is quite normal, because the child is pressed against the bones of the pelvis, so he can no longer roll over, but only moves his arms and legs.
  • A frequent harbinger of childbirth at the 38th week of pregnancy is expulsion of the mucous plug. As a rule, 3-5 days before delivery, the mucous plug becomes more liquid and flows out. A woman finds a brown or beige watery mucous discharge on a pad or underwear, often streaked with blood. Their volume is small, about 1-2 tablespoons.
  • Navel protrusion can also be attributed to the harbingers of childbirth. It is associated with overstretching of the skin of the abdomen, high pressure in the abdominal cavity and softening of the connective tissues.
  • Many women note that closer to childbirth they begin go to the toilet more often . The reason for this is hormonal changes that help to relax the intestines and increase the rate of fluid excretion from the body.
  • Change psycho-emotional state and well-being of the expectant mother also indicates the imminent onset of the birth process.
  • In addition, pregnant women often experience a feeling of chills, slight dizziness, hot flashes to the head, and excessive sweating. Such manifestations are caused by changes in the hormonal balance in the body.
  • Those pregnant women who weigh themselves regularly may notice stabilization or even weight loss before childbirth (for 1-2 kg). This usually happens 2-3 days before the start of delivery and is explained by frequent urination and decreased appetite.

Symptoms of childbirth, how does labor begin? When is it time to go to the hospital?

Most often, childbirth begins with regular uterine contractions. It is quite simple to distinguish them from training fights: the true generic activity accompanied by rhythmic contractions at regular intervals. How to understand that labor has begun in this case? Try to relax and lie down. In some situations, doctors recommend taking a warm bath and drinking two No-Shpa tablets. Training contractions usually pass on their own with these manipulations.

However, if the reductions have not stopped, then it is worth counting them. Pick up a watch with a second hand or a stopwatch. Or use the contraction counter in the phone application. Notice the time when your stomach comes to tone and tenses. After that, count how many seconds you get between contractions. If contractions occur regularly and increase over time, then most likely you are in labor. If the contractions are spontaneous, and the time between them either increases or decreases, this is not the beginning.

Real labor activity begins with contractions. They are contractions of the muscles of the uterus, which are accompanied by aching pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. Also, the pain can be girdle. A woman feels something similar during menstruation.

During the contraction, the uterus comes into tone, that is, it becomes rigid and elastic. When the contraction ends, the stomach relaxes. Women with a high pain threshold may not even feel pain at the very beginning of the labor process. They can be seen only by periodically coming into tension in the stomach. Further, contractions cause constant discomfort and pain to a pregnant woman, they are periodic.

First, the pauses between contractions fluctuate in the range of 15-20 minutes. Then they become shorter and shorter (3-5 minutes), and the duration of the contraction is longer. During contractions, the cervix dilates. Obstetricians observe the correctness and stability of the process of its disclosure.

Thus, if you systematically have cramping sensations, the interval between them gradually decreases, while the pain intensifies - then childbirth is just around the corner!

After all, it is these characteristics that indicate the onset of labor activity, which in general can be divided into three stages:

  • Initial (or secretive) - a woman may feel a slight cramping pain, while the attacks last no more than 45 seconds, and the frequency between them averages up to 8 hours.
  • Active - the duration of attacks increases to a minute, and the intervals between them are reduced to 3-5 hours.
  • Transition. The fastest phase of labor activity, on average, its duration is from 30 to 90 minutes. The duration of uterine contractions reaches 90 seconds, and the interval between them is reduced not to hours, but to minutes.

You need to go to the hospital in the following cases:

  • When there are regular contractions. From this point on, a pregnant woman can already be called a woman in labor. As soon as the intervals between contractions have reached 10-15 minutes, you can go to the hospital.
  • When bleeding occurs. The appearance of bloody discharge may indicate the discharge of the mucous plug, which accompanies the opening of the cervix. However, blood in the discharge can also indicate placental abruption, which is life-threatening for both mother and baby. Therefore, the appeal in this case to the hospital should be immediate.
  • When amniotic fluid breaks. In this case, you should not wait for the start of contractions, since any delay can be dangerous for the life of the child. The outflow of amniotic fluid should occur when the cervix is ​​dilated by 4-5 cm. However, in 15% of pregnancies it happens even before the onset of contractions.

You should remember the time when the waters broke, and immediately go to the hospital. A long anhydrous period is dangerous for the baby to develop an infection!

Edema at 38 weeks pregnant

By the thirty-eighth week, you have already gained almost the full rate of weight gain for the entire pregnancy. The norm is weight gain up to 13-14 kg. There are also some exceptions where you can score a little less or a little more. Sometimes you may notice that your weight gain is uneven and in the last third trimester of pregnancy you start to add more grams per week than before. Sometimes the increase can reach up to 2 kg per week.

In this case (when the increase is more than 1 kg per week), you should pay attention to your diet and well-being. With an abnormal and accelerated rate of weight gain during pregnancy, your obstetrician-gynecologist may diagnose you with dropsy of pregnancy or even gestational nephropathy. Why is this diagnosis being made and why is it important for your well-being?

Normal, because in some cases the body of a pregnant woman tends to accumulate water. Usually, edema appears in the last few weeks before childbirth. In this case, it is necessary to pay enough attention to them. When edema appears, you need to change your diet and diet. Perhaps pay attention to the state of your urinary system. In no case should this phenomenon be considered natural. Of course, swelling can occur during pregnancy, but they need to be kept under control.

You should tell your doctor about this, because the doctor must monitor your condition and prevent more serious diseases that can occur during pregnancy and serious complications (including pre-eclampsia and eclampsia).

Also, be sure to pay attention to your diuresis, that is, the amount of urine excreted per day. The amount of urine excreted per day should normally be approximately equal to the amount of fluid consumed per day.

Including the liquid that was not only in water, but also in food (in soups, cereals, and so on).

For the prevention of edema, which cause fluid retention in the body. These are salty, fried, fatty foods and all kinds of sweets. It is recommended to include fruit drinks in your diet, for example, cranberry juice. But note that fruit drinks should also be sugar-free, that is, they should not contain artificial preservatives that allow these drinks to be stored longer.

The 38th obstetric week is the finish line for some pregnant women. The baby is ready to be born, the birth canal of the mother is ready to release him.

Get more rest, because soon you will forget what freedom and rest are - a baby in the first year of life requires a lot of attention.

Try not to go far from home - childbirth can catch you at the most inopportune moment. Do not forget to take documents with you even to the store.

Your baby is the size of...

3000-3500 grams
510 mm
120-160 bpm

Fetal development

The child is ready for independent life, weight gain slows down closer to childbirth, he has already taken a position in the uterus that is optimal for birth.

The baby descends to the entrance to the small pelvis, preparing to “exit”.

This is what your baby looks like at 38 weeks

Hair and nails continue to grow slightly. Hair on the body is almost completely rolled out. The original lubricant remains in the natural folds.

From swallowed amniotic fluid in the intestine, meconium is formed, which will be released after birth (if meconium is released into the amniotic fluid before birth, this indicates fetal hypoxia).

Boys' testicles should already be in the scrotum.

In the lungs, the inner surface of the alveoli is coated with surfactant, which will help the lungs open after birth and continue to provide respiratory function for life.

Ultrasound at 38 weeks pregnant

By this point everything planned ultrasound have already been completed, and the study is carried out only for certain indications:

  • clarify the viability of the fetus;
  • assess the function of the placenta, the amount and transparency of amniotic fluid;
  • find out the presence of entanglement of the umbilical cord and nodes on it;
  • clarify the location of the fetus in the uterus (even in a very cramped space, some babies who were previously in a breech presentation can turn their heads down before giving birth);
  • the maturity of the cervix and the degree of its dilatation are also of particular interest.

What happens in your body at 38 weeks?

The excitability of the uterus is growing - the hormones that worked to maintain the pregnancy begin to be produced in smaller quantities. They are replaced by hormones that will ensure the normal force of uterine contraction and help the baby to be born.

The placenta ages, its plethora decreases, the vessels become empty, and calcium deposits and cysts appear in the thickness.

Just enough nutrients are supplied to the baby to ensure its viability, they are already little spent on weight gain - this is how nature ordered it to be easier for a woman to give birth.

The cervix softens and shortens, preparing to form a part of the birth canal for the baby, along which it will move.

How do you feel at 38 weeks?

Approaching childbirth, training contractions lead to constant discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Control the weight - its increase causes only discomfort - the limbs swell, the feet and joints hurt, the back gets tired. Most likely, a few weeks before giving birth, you will stop gaining weight and even lose a few pounds - this is the norm.

The feeling of fatigue with which the pregnancy began returns, the desire to give birth is much more fear of childbirth.

The skin loses its elasticity and stretch marks may appear at this time. This is how hormones work, and even special means stretch marks are not always saved from such a nuisance.

If there is a prolapse of the abdomen, the frequent urge to urinate returns, which bothered you at the beginning of pregnancy.

Often, a tingling sensation appears in the fingers and toes, which indicates a redistribution of blood between the “main” and “secondary” organs and a violation of microcirculation.

Often, before giving birth, expectant mothers have a surge of energy - they put things in order in the house, prepare food for the husband in reserve, wash children's things, and even wash the car.

Discharge from the genital tract

As before, remember - there should be no bloody discharge from the genital tract, as well as green and yellow discharges with an unpleasant odor and an unusual consistency. The first indicate placental abruption and require immediate, often surgical care. The second - for an infection of the genital tract. Treatment should be carried out, even if you plan to go to the hospital tomorrow - the infected contents of the vagina can lead to the development of infection in the fetus and newborn and in the reproductive organs of the mother.

Liquid watery discharge, yellowish or greenish in color - amniotic fluid. If they have departed, it is necessary to go to the hospital without waiting for contractions. They may not come for a long time, and ruptured membranes are the entrance gate for infection.

Photo of tummies at 38 weeks

Examinations at 38 weeks

Continue to take a general urine test at each visit to the antenatal clinic - it will help the doctor to detect abnormalities in your body in time and take the necessary measures.

Also, at each turnout, it is necessary to record the baby's heart rate, measure blood pressure, the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen. Checking the lower extremities for edema will help to suggest the development of gestosis in time.

Risks at 38 weeks

Premature abruption of a normally located placenta is one of the most dangerous states at 38 weeks pregnant. It occurs instantly, sometimes against the background of complete well-being, manifested by spotting and abdominal pain. Requires prompt medical attention.

Preeclampsia with subsequent transition to preeclampsia and eclampsia is another life-threatening condition for mother and child. The development of preeclampsia is indicated by edema, protein in the urine, and an increase in blood pressure. Preeclampsia is manifested by headache, dizziness, "flies", double vision, impaired consciousness. Without therapeutic measures, it quickly turns into eclampsia, with loss of consciousness, tonic-clonic convulsions and even respiratory arrest.

The organism of the future woman in labor completes preparations for the upcoming birth: the bone joints of the pelvis soften, the mobility of the joints increases, the balance of hormones changes. These are natural physiological processes, so a pregnant woman should tune in to childbirth and maintain a good mood.

At the 38th week of pregnancy, a woman should be prepared for the fact that childbirth can begin at any time. Therefore, you should always carry an exchange card and documents with you, as well as tell your loved ones where the things collected at the hospital are.

The weight of the placenta increases, which this moment is about 2 kg. At 38 weeks of gestation, the placenta gradually ages. Her vessels begin to empty, and the thickness decreases. Calcifications and cysts appear. As a result, the fetus begins to receive less nutrients and oxygen, which causes a delay in its growth.

By this time, the child occupies the final position, which is maintained until the moment of delivery. Against this background, at the 38th week of pregnancy, the future woman in labor begins to lower her stomach, which leads to an improvement in her condition: nausea and heartburn disappear, it becomes easier for a woman to eat and breathe. On the other hand, she is forced to go to the toilet more often, because having lowered herself, the enlarged uterus begins to put more pressure on the intestines and bladder.

Most pregnant women develop stretch marks (stretch marks). They form on the chest, abdomen and thighs. Stretch marks look like red streaks, which is frustrating for many women. However, after childbirth, they will brighten and decrease.

What happens to the baby at 38 weeks pregnant

If the baby is born this week, it will be considered full-term, and the birth will be normal. The weight of the baby is 3000-3200 grams, and the height is 51-52 cm. The skin of the fetus is velvety and pink. In some places it is covered with lanugo (vellus hair) and is starting to get rid of the lubrication. The subcutaneous fat layer is well developed, the muscles are in the required tone.

The intestines continue to accumulate waste products of the fetus, forming the original feces (meconium), which will be released after birth. If the baby empties in the mother's womb, at birth it will be covered with greenish mucus. This is not dangerous, but can cause mild hypoxia at the time of delivery.

Many children by this time take the head presentation. In such a case, in the absence of contraindications, the woman will give birth on her own. If the last ultrasound diagnosed a foot or transverse position the baby is scheduled for a caesarean section and at the 38th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother, as a rule, is hospitalized. With a breech presentation of the fetus and the normal course of gestation, a pregnant woman can give birth herself. In case of contraindications, artificial delivery is indicated.

Feelings of a future woman in labor at 38 weeks of gestation

At this time, the abdomen increases to a maximum, which increases the feeling of discomfort. The body of a future woman in labor is preparing not only for labor, but also for the process of lactation. The mammary glands change significantly in size and gain weight, the nipples become more sensitive, and a venous network appears on the surface of the breast. Therefore, the expectant mother should purchase a high-quality bra (you can choose models for nursing mothers). If you press on the nipple, colostrum may start to come out of it.

To prepare the mammary glands for breastfeeding, a pregnant woman can pour a contrast shower over her breasts, massage her nipples with a towel and rub special products into her breasts to prevent the formation of stretch marks.

At the 38th week of pregnancy, sensations and conditions such as swelling of the legs, pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back persist. Also, a future woman in labor may experience varicose veins, which is caused by the pressure of the uterus on the sciatic nerve. To prevent the development of varicose veins, it is necessary to change the position of the body more often, wear compression underwear and rest more.

The movements of the baby become more rare. Most of the time he sleeps. If a child does not show physical activity for a long time, this is a reason to visit a doctor.

Most mothers at the 38th week of pregnancy continue to experience training contractions, during which the tone of the uterus rises, pulls the lower abdomen and lower back, and the stomach also stiffens. Thus, the uterus is preparing for labor, but it is too early to go to the hospital.

The harbingers of childbirth at the 38th week of pregnancy, upon detection of which a woman should tune in to the fact that labor activity will occur in the near future, are:

  • Lowering of the abdomen;
  • Departure of the mucous plug;
  • Sharp mood swings;
  • Increased urge to urinate.

Medical examination at 38 weeks of gestation

At this time, the future woman in labor can visit a doctor who will take care of her childbirth (if necessary). This is done to conduct an examination of the pregnant woman, assess the condition of the uterus and its readiness for delivery.

In the third trimester, a pregnant woman visits a gynecologist, and also takes blood and urine tests every week. This will allow timely diagnosis of possible gestation pathologies. A drop in the level of red blood cells in the blood indicates the development of anemia, and a decrease in the concentration of platelets indicates a violation of blood clotting. With an increase in sugar in the urine, the doctor may suspect the development of diabetes in a pregnant woman. An increase in protein is a signal of a violation of the functioning of the kidneys. An increase in the level of leukocytes is a sign of the development of inflammation.

At the appointment, the gynecologist, as usual, measures the weight, abdominal circumference, the height of the uterine fundus and the blood pressure of the pregnant woman, and also listens to the fetal heartbeat and determines its presentation.

Possible gestation problems at 38 weeks

According to statistics, girls are born at 38 weeks, and boys wait 40 weeks. In women who are not giving birth for the first time, labor may also occur this week. Therefore, a future woman in labor should carefully monitor her health in order to determine the onset of labor in time.

Particular attention should be paid to the consistency, color, amount and smell of vaginal discharge. Normally, they should have a uniform structure, be white, yellowish or transparent, without a sharp, unpleasant odor. The norm this week is an increase in the amount of discharge, which may be caused by the discharge of the mucous plug, which protects the uterine cervix from infections. With any changes and appearance brown discharge at 38 weeks pregnant, you should immediately call an ambulance or go to the doctor.

Also, the help of a doctor will be required with a sharp increase in weight and swelling, causeless diarrhea, vomiting and increased blood pressure.

The future woman in labor should mentally tune in and be prepared that childbirth can begin at any time. At the same time, you should monitor your nutrition and well-being, walk more in the air and not overwork.

Nutrition Features

Even in the last weeks of gestation, it is important for the expectant mother to adhere to a healthy and balanced diet. Against the background of the fact that the stomach has lowered, heartburn disappears, it becomes easier to breathe. This can improve your appetite. Other pregnant women, on the contrary, suffer from nausea and loss of appetite. In such a case, experts recommend eating some sweet cookies or chocolate. This will provide the body of the baby and mother with the necessary energy.

Before giving birth, it is better not to overeat. In this case, the menu should be complete and correct. The daily diet may include dishes from low-fat varieties of fish and meat, various cereals, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Food is best boiled, steamed, stewed or baked. It is recommended to eat in small portions 5-7 times a day. Thus, food will be better and faster digested. It is better to refuse excessively spicy, fatty, salty, sweet dishes and smoked meats.

Taking vitamins

If a gynecologist has prescribed a pregnant woman to take multivitamin preparations, they can be taken not only until childbirth, but also during the recovery period after them. Most of these drugs are recommended to be taken for breastfeeding. Calcium intake can also be continued.

It is not recommended to prescribe any vitamins on your own. An overabundance of certain trace elements can lead to hypervitaminosis.

Sex at 38 weeks pregnant

Many couples on later dates gestation refrain from intimate relationships, fearing to harm the child. According to gynecologists, provided there are no contraindications and the pregnant woman feels well, sexual intercourse can be continued until the birth itself. At the same time, you should choose safe postures which exclude deep penetration and pressure on the abdomen. Also, a woman must be sure that her partner does not have sexual infections.

Contraindications to sexual intercourse at this time may be the threat of abortion, the risk of infection of the membranes, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, leakage of amniotic fluid and other pathologies.

Physical activity

Starting this week, many exercises, even the most gentle ones, are contraindicated. You still need to move, so the best option would be walking in the air. Far from home, it is advisable not to leave and not walk alone.

You can keep doing breathing exercises. She will teach you how to breathe correctly during delivery and will allow you to saturate the body with oxygen. Kegel exercises, which strengthen the pelvic muscles, will be useful. This will facilitate the birth process and help you recover faster after childbirth.

Medical procedures, taking medications

Despite the fact that the child is fully formed and ready for independent living, it is not recommended to self-medicate. The appointment of any drugs and medical manipulations should be carried out by a doctor, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and the state of health of the future woman in labor. If possible, treatment is delayed until the postpartum period.

Number of reads: 15721 Publication date: 11/28/2017
