Presentation of class 5 from a festive costume. Folk festive costume

Lesson type: combined.

Form: lesson-conversation, excursion into history.

Target:development of students' interest in the historical heritage of our Motherland.


  1. To introduce students to the Russian folk costume, the concept of "ensemble", the meaning of color in clothes.

  2. To form the skills and abilities of students when using various kinds technology at work.

  3. Create conditions for creative work and development of artistic taste, fantasy and imagination.

  4. To develop the skills of search and research, independent activities of students.

  5. To instill interest in Russian folk art, to form a sense of patriotism.

Equipment: presentation on the topic: "Russian folk holiday costume”, computer, projector; record player; reproductions of paintings depicting a Russian folk costume(I.P. Argunov "Portrait of a peasant woman in a Russian folk costume", V.M. Vasnetsov "The Frog Princess"); illustrations for fairy tales; panels depicting a rural landscape, patterns of human figures; musical series: Russian folk songs; library materials (books: "Explanatory dictionary", "Russian folk riddles, proverbs, sayings", "Traditions of the Russian people"), a set of art materials.

Lesson plan:

    Setting lesson goals. Introduction by the teacher.

    Talk about folk costume. Student messages, presentation.

    Statement of the artistic task.

    Independent work of students.

    Work on a collective panel, exchange of impressions.


Lesson progress:

I. Organizing time.

II. Announcement of the topic of the lesson, introductory speech of the teacher.

(slide 1,2)

a) Conversation:

Let's imagine, guys, that we live in Russia not in the twenty-first century, but somewhere in the seventeenth! What can you say about Russian life families ? What was life like? What did they do in summer and winter?(Children express their thoughts).

You are correct: life was difficult in past centuries: hard work in the field in spring and summer, harvesting and harvesting in autumn. Work began with the first rays of the sun, and ended when it was already completely dark.

But when the holiday came, it was greeted joyfully, they always prepared for it.

Presentation (slide 3.4)

Every nation has holidays. They reveal the soul of a person, his character. In Rus' they loved holidays. They met spring and saw off winter, celebrated the completion of field work, and sometimes just the end of the working day. Holidays have always been fun filled with music, singing, games and dancing. Every evening people different ages they gathered in the evening at someone's hut and sang and danced (danced) there. The song and dance repertoire was very rich and varied. For all seasons, for everything calendar holidays had their own songs, games, dances, fun, nursery rhymes. Often, incantations, jokes, jokes were invented on the spot, on the move - they improvised, especially ditties.

A holiday is not only songs and dances.

- How else is this day different from ordinary everyday life?/outfits/

On the eve of the festivities, heavy chests were thrown open. The more they were stuffed, the richer the owner of the house was considered. All festive clothes were necessarily decorated with embroidery elements, beads, sequins, which, as a rule, was not in casual clothes. By the clothes one could judge the taste and skill of the craftswoman, because the peasant woman made the outfit herself.

Presentation (slide 5)

Student messages:

    People in the old days were a little like modern inhabitants. They dressed quite differently. Nobody bought clothes: they made them at home with their own hands.

    It was believed that clothes should be comfortable, so they were sewn loose. They did not give their shirt to anyone, as it was believed that it protects a person from adversity.

    In the old days they treated clothes with respect, put them in chests, and washed them on purpose.

What a variety of festive outfits! Slide 6.7 (presentation)

And what do they have in common? (patterns)

How else can you call it? (ornament) What is an ornament?

Any Russian costume in the old days was certainly decorated with ornaments and embroidery.

Let's remember what types of ornament do you know? /plant and geometric/

Let's take a closer look at the outfits. (Slide 8)

The basis of any Russian costume was shirt. Shirts with a fastener on the side were called blouses. These were usually worn by men. They also included trousers who refueled in boots or in onuchi(a piece of cloth), and on top of the onuchs they dressed bast shoes.

The shirt was wide and was decorated along the hem, along the collar, along the edge of the sleeves with embroidery. And be sure to tie sash belt <рисунок 1>.

Belts performed many functions: they spoke about the well-being of a person, and were also an award and a gift, and were inherited. Festive shirts were embroidered with silk colored threads. Preference was given to red (as a talisman).

vocabulary work(work given to students in advance: find the interpretation of words: kosovorotka, shirt, onuchi, bast shoes, pants (ports), belt (sash), V explanatory dictionary Ozhegov or Dalia)

Picture 1.

And now let's get acquainted with the women's suit (slide 9, 10)

In the central and northern regions of Russia, women dressed for the holidays sundress<рисунок 2>.

Vocabulary work: find the meaning of words: sundress, epanechka, dushegreya, kokoshnik, kichka, korotena, poneva, cap.

The smooth lines of the sundress seemed to flow, making the woman look like a swan. No wonder in songs and fairy tales they are called swans.

The festive attire also included the so-called dushegrei - epanechki or shorts - short blouses with straps, similar to sarafans<рисунок 2>.

Figure 2.

And in the southern regions of Russia, women of fashion dressed in a pony complex<рисунок 3>.

Figure 3

Poneva - skirt. She dressed without fail over a shirt, then came an apron, and then a pommel.

Red prevailed. This is the color of fire, the sun, magical, beautiful, a symbol of salvation and a sign of a barrier to evil forces. This color was supposed to scare away demons and spirits that have a human appearance, store and protect the owner from various misfortunes.

And finally, hats.

They were clearly divided into girls' and attire. married women:

Kokoshniks, ribbons, wreaths /girlish/.

Koruna, magpie, kichka /female/.

In the names of headdresses, one can hear kinship with a bird: kokoshnik, kichka, magpie. And this is no coincidence. Remember fairy tales: a swan, a white swan, like a peacock.

Give an interpretation of the words "ensemble", "color".

Ensemble - consistency, harmony of parts of a single whole.

Color - saturation of color, the ratio of colors in tone.

III. Practical work – creation of a collective panel on the theme “Holiday in the village”.

Students are given figurines depicting people and need to make them festive clothes.

Task differentiated:

1 group: colorize ready-made figurines, already “dressed” - a task for slow-moving children and those who have difficulty with self-image. Design your own ornament.

2 group: “Dress” paper figurine, i.e. design and draw your own festive outfit.

The main condition is the presence of an ornament in clothes.

Finished works are glued to a pre-prepared panel depicting the countryside.

In the course of work, you can make a few riddles to the children (slide 11-13) and proverbs (slide 14)

In the course of work, students can be invited to listen to several Russian folk songs.

IV. Outcome.

Everything in life changes, but the holiday remains. And although he can cope in different ways, the main thing remains - joy, special excitement, fun, elegant clothes, gifts, songs and dances, for us now sometimes mysterious. However, these traditions are unusual and special. They need to be remembered and known.

V. Evaluation of works.

VI . Homework: selection of material modern fashion(Materials of magazines).

Interpretation of words:

Class: 5

Presentation for the lesson

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  • To acquaint students with the features of the Russian folk festive costume.


  • Development of skills in creating an artistic image in a decorative composition.
  • To form the skills of students in the use of various types of technology.


  • Raise love and interest in traditional Russian culture, their Motherland and its history.
  • To cultivate respect for the artistic creativity of the Russian people.

Equipment and materials:

  • Tables depicting Russian folk costume.
  • Patterns of female and male figures.
  • Drawings of guys on this topic.
  • Reproductions of historical paintings by Russian artists (I.P. Argunov “Portrait of an unknown peasant woman in a Russian costume”, K.E. Makovsky “Russian beauty in a kokoshnik”, A.P. Ryabushkin “Moscow girl of the 17th century”)
  • A set of art materials.
  • Fabric, ribbons, beads, sequins, glue, appliqué scissors.

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizing time. Check readiness for the lesson.
  2. Talk about folk costume. Acquaintance with the features of the festive folk costume.
  3. Statement of the artistic task.
  4. Making an application based on a sketch made with paints.
  5. Summing up, analysis of work.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment. Check readiness for the lesson.

II. Formation of new knowledge. Acquaintance with the features of the festive folk costume.

The first splash screen of the presentation appears on the screen.

Dear Guys! Today in the lesson we will talk about “Folk holiday clothes”, its features.

Russian National Costume used from ancient times to the present day. It has noticeable features depending on the specific region, purpose (holiday, wedding and everyday) and age (children, girls, married women, old women).

With a general similarity in cut and decoration techniques, the Russian costume had its own characteristics. In the north of Russia, the peasants wore clothes that were significantly different from the peasants in the southern regions. A distinctive feature of the Russian national costume is a large number of outerwear. Clothes cape and oar. The cape was worn over the head, the swing had a slit from top to bottom and was fastened end-to-end with hooks or buttons.

The costumes of the nobility were made of expensive fabrics, using gold, silver, pearls, and expensive buttons. These clothes were passed down from generation to generation. The style of clothing has not changed for centuries. The concept of fashion did not exist.

The Russian national costume became less common after Peter I in 1699 banned the wearing of a folk costume for everyone except peasants, monks, and priests.

Clothing in Rus' was loose, long and extraordinarily beautiful. The most elegant was considered clothing made of red fabric.

The usual idea of ​​a Russian women's northern costume is usually associated with a shirt, sundress, belt, and sometimes an apron. In the north, sarafans were often supplemented with chest-opening clothes - Epanechka, and in cold weather they put on a long-sleeve Dushegreya on a sarafan.

  1. Russian shirt- in Rus', it was customary to trim shirts with embroidery in the most “vulnerable” places for evil forces - at the collar, along the edges of the sleeves, on the shoulders, and especially - along the hem. Embroidery served as a talisman; it was dominated by solar symbols, as well as images of birds, especially roosters, which were traditionally considered guardians, driving away evil spirits.
  2. Swing sundress- worn over a shirt, decorated in front with a patterned strip, braid, silver lace, patterned buttons.
  3. Kokoshnik- the most common type of festive headdress is a kind of dense solid hat, decorated with freshwater pearls, gold and silver threads.
  4. Epanechka- swing shower warmer.
  5. Shugay- Shower warmer with long sleeves.

In the southern regions of Russia, another type of clothing was common, consisting of a shirt, a poneva (skirt), an apron, and a headdress - a hat (magpie).

This clothing, unlike the sundress, was only peasant.

  1. Poneva- sewn from woolen checkered homespun material. It was decorated with embroidery, stripes of lace, ribbons, beads. Poneva consists of three panels, along the seams - an ornament. In color, the ponevs were black, blue in a cage.
  2. Apron- “zapon”, “curtain”. The apron was always generously decorated with embroidery and often red was preferred. No wonder the old word “red” meant at the same time beautiful. Red color was also considered magical.
  3. Magpie- an old Russian headdress of married women or part of it. Was widespread in central Russia. It was the richest of women's headdresses.

Now let's take a closer look at the photos of women's clothing:

1. Festive costume of a young peasant woman in the Tula province

2. Festive costume of the Voronezh province.

3. Festive costume of the Oryol province

Guys! Let's see what elements these costumes consist of.

And we will carefully consider reproductions of historical paintings by famous artists, in which there is an image of Russian folk costume.

1. “Portrait of an unknown peasant woman in a Russian costume” is one of the most famous works of the Russian artist Ivan Petrovich Argunov. The image of a peasant woman in this work is conveyed with piercing truthfulness and sincere sympathy. An ethnographically accurate outfit for a peasant woman in the Moscow province (a kokoshnik embroidered with gold threads, a red sundress, a thin white shirt, bright decorations), as well as ingenuousness and the absence of any mannerisms speak of the peasant origin of the model. Her soft features, friendly, barely noticeable smile and calm posture - everything emphasizes the modesty, openness and kindness of a woman from the people.

2. “Russian beauty in a kokoshnik” K.E. Makovsky.

It seems that this is about her poems by A.S. Pushkin "Beauty"

Everything in it is harmony, everything is wonderful,
Everything is higher than the world and passions;
She rests bashfully
In its solemn beauty;
She looks around herself:
She has no rivals, no girlfriends;
Beauties of our pale circle
In her radiance disappears.
Wherever you hurry
At least for a love date,
Whatever you feed in your heart
You are a hidden dream
But when you meet her, embarrassed, you
Suddenly you stop involuntarily
Reverent devoutly
Before the shrine of beauty.

3. “Moscow girl of the 17th century.” AP Ryabushkin - The picture is surprisingly simple. A girl is walking along an old Moscow street. Her gait is light and graceful. She seems to be hovering over the snow. The impression of lightness is enhanced by a fluttering fur coat and a ribbon in a chic braid.

The figure of the girl is clearly looming against the backdrop of a snow-covered street. She is slim. Her head, covered with a high headdress, is proudly raised up. The snow-white skin of the face is covered with a slight blush. She is dressed simply: a crimson fur coat, from the sleeves of which the sleeves of an expensive outfit look out of emerald green. A red ribbon is woven into a light brown braid. The colors are bright and saturated.

III. Statement of the artistic task.

Based on the sketch made with paints, we are working on the application. We perform the work from pieces of fabric, braid, beads.

IV. Making an application based on a sketch made with paints.

V. Summing up, analysis of work.

Review and exhibition of finished sketches, discussion and evaluation

MOU Khaitinskaya OOSh

Public lesson

visual arts

Theme: Folk festive costume.

Fine art teacher:

Theme: "Folk festive costume."

Lesson type: Lesson learning new material.


To uncover:

Folk festive costume as an integral artistic image;

North Russian and South Russian clothing complex;

A variety of forms and decorations of the folk festive costume in various republics and regions of Russia;

The purpose of which is the creation of a Russian festive costume.

You will now try to depict a Russian festive costume, do the work in color, not forgetting about the main colors and embroidery motifs.

Stages of work:

Choose a costume option;

Build the overall shape of the costume;

Mark the places of decorations and ornaments;

Determine the color (color) of the costume;

Do the work in color.

So guys, let's get to work.

While working, you will hear recordings of the folklore group

Ladushka, who, like you, created festive costumes and sang these soulful songs.

(The melody of folklore sounds).

IV. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, today we looked at the northern and southern festive costumes of the Russian people.

What elements of the costume can be attributed to the northern Russian. nar. suit?

(Shirt, sundress, jacket, shower warmer)

List the elements of the southern costume? (Shirt, ponyova, apron)

Thus, today we touched our culture, the traditions of the Russian people, because the festive costume reflected the breadth of the soul, willpower, beauty, the integrity of the world, the indissolubility of the earthly and heavenly in the form of folk festive clothes.

V. Reflection

1. What was the most interesting thing in the lesson?

2. Continue the phrase: "The most difficult thing in the lesson was when ...".

Thank you for your work. Lesson grades.

VI. Home building: Finish work in color.

Objectives: To introduce students to the Russian folk costume, the concept of "ensemble", the meaning of color in clothes. To form the skills and abilities of students in the use of various types of technology in the work. To continue the development of aesthetic and artistic taste, creative activity and thinking of students. To instill interest in Russian folk art.

LESSON PLAN Talk about folk costume. The relationship of costume composition with folk architecture and ornament in folk art. Listening to musical excerpts, folklore works. Statement of the artistic task: the choice of composition and technique. Execution of a small sketch in which the student determines the color and basic character of the costume. Start of work on the final version. Completion of the sketch. Exhibition and discussion of works.

Russian women's costume The usual idea of ​​a Russian women's costume is usually associated with a shirt, sundress, belt, and sometimes an apron. In the north, sarafans were often supplemented with chest-opening clothes - an epanechka, and in cold weather they put on a long-sleeved dushegrey on a sarafan.

Russian shirt Both in the north and in the south, the shirt was sewn from homespun canvas, generously decorating it with embroidery, patterned weaving, compositions of braid, galloon, sequins. The combination of white and red is a distinctive feature of both embroidery and Russian folk clothing in general.

In the southern regions of Russia, another type of clothing was common, consisting of a shirt, a poneva (skirt), an apron, and a headdress - a hat (magpie). This clothing, unlike the sundress, was only peasant. Poneva was sewn from woolen checkered homespun material. It was decorated with embroidery, stripes of lace, ribbons, beadwork. On men's shirts on the left side, in place of the heart, a rhombus was embroidered. Poneva consists of three panels, along the seams - an ornament. The color of the poneva was black, brown, blue in a cage. The main color of the seed ensemble is red.



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Goals: to acquaint students with the features of the Russian festive costume, to talk about the variety of forms and decorations of the folk festive costume.

Materials: illustrations of various types of Russian folk costume; paper, scissors, glue, brushes, gouache.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

(Greeting, checking the readiness of students for the lesson.)

2. Teacher's conversation

Each of you was interested in how our ancestors looked, what they were wearing. Today we will talk about this.

2.1. Folk festive costume

In ancient times, there were two types of costume in Rus': everyday and festive. The traditions of Russian costume tailoring have evolved over many centuries. The images that we meet in the decoration of the towel can also be seen in the embroidery of the folk costume.

basis women's costume was a shirt. It was sewn from homespun linen or hemp. A woman wore an elegant shirt only on holidays. In the north of our country, peculiar long-sleeved shirts were sewn, the sleeves of which reached two meters. The shirt was certainly decorated with embroidery. We talked about embroidery in the last lesson.

- What do you think, what was the purpose of embroidery on the clothes of our ancestors? (The embroidery on the shirt served as a talisman and protected people from sorrows and illnesses.)

The shirts in which women mowed were called "haymakers" shirts. They were worn without a sundress. The richness of the decoration of the shirt promised happiness to its owner.

At the early time of marriage, a woman in Rus' was called a young woman. Her costume was richly decorated, which symbolized the blossoming age. A sundress and a shower warmer were sewn from patterned damask. The shower warmer was often trimmed with gold stripes, which gave the outfit even more beauty. The head was decorated with a high kokoshnik, decorated with stones. A silk shawl was tied over it, which turned into a cape. On weekdays, a bandage served as a decoration for the head.

The women's outfit of the Russian North is often called a sarafan complex, because its main elements were a sarafan and a shirt. A shirt in Rus' has been worn since ancient times, and it was believed that it should never be sold. She was the main, and sometimes the only clothing in Rus'. For beauty and convenience, the shirt was tightened with a belt.

In the southern part of Russia, instead of a sundress, they wore a poneva - a homespun skirt made of wool, which was strengthened at the waist with a belt. An apron was attached to it, on which the symbolism of the earth was present. He served as a talisman for a pregnant woman. On holidays, a pommel made of elegant fabric was put on over the poneva. Women put their whole soul into making a festive costume.
The headdresses of northerners are very beautiful and unusual - basically, these are kokoshniks, decorated with gold thread and freshwater pearls. The maiden's coruna resembled a royal crown, which looked like a brocade braid decorated with pearls. On weekdays, the girls decorated their heads with a ribbon or scarf.

The Siberian festive costume was unique in its own way. Men and women wore Nenets malitsa (long clothes without a single cut), made of reindeer fur with wool inside, with a hood and mittens. Sundresses were sewn mainly from cotton daba (a fabric like calico or canvas brought from China, usually bleached or dyed in Blue colour). Festive clothes were sewn from oriental silk.

wedding suit was the most elegant, solemn and richly decorated. The ancient peasants believed: as the wedding goes on, such will be the life of the young. The wedding costume was usually complemented with various beads and necklaces. And his most precious part was the headdress. It determined the age of the woman. The wedding suit was sewn long before the celebration, as it required a lot of effort and a huge investment of time.

The male costume was less intricate. Its basis was a shirt-kosovorotka, which was sewn from white, blue and red fabric. Ports were tied around the waist - narrow long trousers. Slippers were put on the feet. A zipun was worn over the shirt, and a hat made of cloth or felt covered the head.
As for shoes, it must be said that people in Rus' walked not only in bast shoes (although they were the most durable shoes). There were no bast shoes in Siberia and Pomorye. They were most often worn leather shoes- boots, ankle boots, shoes. There were also some cats - shoes that looked like spacious shoes so that a foot in a woolen sock could easily enter it. The shoes were decorated with the same care as the costume. Various patterns made the shoes more fun and festive.

2.2. Decorations

Jewelry in Rus' served as a talisman. They were usually placed on the head to protect the thoughts and mind, on the neck and chest to protect the soul and heart, on the arms and legs to prevent bruises and injuries. The material from which the amulets were made had to be of good quality and be a good conductor of good energy. Gold symbolized light, silver - purity. Most of the jewelry was worn by young women and mothers.

Crowns, kokoshniks, diadems served as headdresses in Rus'. They guarded the heads of women. The headdress symbolized the sky, and in shape it could resemble bird heads, scallops and tufts. They were decorated, as a rule, with gold or silver threads, various stones and ornaments.

There were pendants to the headdress. Ryasny - vertical stripes running from the kokoshnik to the chest, which resemble rain jets.

In Rus', they wore rings (temporal rings - muzzles), they served as an identification mark. In some places there were rings with semicircular shields with seven rays, somewhere there were spiral or bracelet-shaped rings. Slavs from Lake Ilmen wore rhombic rings. The circle and spiral symbolized the sun.

Bracelets and hoops were distributed throughout Rus'. They were worn by both men and women. For men, they served as a symbol of courage and courage. The classic theme on the bracelets is earth and water. Bracelets and hoops were made from different materials: silver, gold, bronze, glass, copper, etc. Wire bracelets were very common. They were worn on both hands, sometimes even several pieces at once.

Rings and rings were also decorations in Rus'. They talked about the noble origin of their masters. Even small children wore them. Such jewelry was most often inherited from mothers to daughters. On the rings there were three square hallmarks, which contained a spell meaning. There were ritual rings that were used to make rain.
There was another type of jewelry, mostly girlish, which was called the lunnitsa. Such an ornament had the shape of the moon or the sun, and was worn on the chest. The sun represented the masculine, and the moon the feminine. This decoration was a symbol of marriage.

The combs were used as amulets-pendants. Most often they consisted of two heads of animals or a two-headed bird. The Russian comb was considered a powerful weapon against evil spirits. To have a comb at home meant to be rich. They were made mainly from wood or bone. It was believed that he could protect against all diseases.

But the most favorite jewelry for women were beads and necklaces. The necklace was woven mainly from multi-colored beads. Green beads indicated the wealth of the hostess.

Slavic amulets are divided into male and female. A horse was present on women's amulets, which gave them wisdom and happiness. Among the amulets, birds are quite common. Some amulets were made in the form of two spoons, which meant: it belongs to the newlyweds. Spoons symbolized prosperity.

Amulets-keys were used to preserve household property, and small keys were a symbol of dowry. Hatches protected both men and women. The ax was the sign of Perun (the god of thunder and lightning). Such amulets protected people from sudden evil.

3. Creative task

And now we will try to draw a Russian folk festive costume with gouache. The costume can be both female and male (headdress, main complex, shoes).

First you need to sketch the costume, capture the main details, and only then complete the drawing in color. At the end, decorate the costume with an ornament.
(The work can be accompanied by Russian folk melodies.)

4. Summing up the lesson

(Students show their work.)

Also read along with this:
