Infant in. When a newborn baby begins to hear and see

INFANT - a child who needs all or part of breast milk; duration infancy up to about 1-1.5 years. The most characteristic of an infant is its rapid growth and weight gain.

The growth of a full-term newborn child is 48-52 cm. By the month, the body length increases by 1-3 cm, and in the first year by 20-25 cm.

The weight of the child increases very quickly and continuously if the child is healthy and has proper care and food. A newborn weighs an average of 3100-3400 g; the boy usually weighs more than the girl.

In the first 3-4 days after birth, the child, as a rule, loses some weight, then begins to quickly regain weight, and by the 10-12th day already has its original weight.

In the first 3 months of life, the child usually gains 150-200 g in weight weekly, in the second 3 months - 130-150 g.

By 6 months, a baby's weight doubles compared to birth weight, triples by 1 year, and quadruples by 2 years. This feature is associated with the intensity of metabolism in an infant and a great need for food.

Weight and height of a child under 2 years old (according to Orlov)

Height in cm

Height in cm


By the end
9th month

By the end
1st month

» » 10th »

» » 11th »

» » 12th »

» 1 year 3 months

Many organs in an infant do not yet reach sufficient development, and therefore its adaptability to conditions external environment is at a relatively low level. This explains the greater morbidity and mortality among young children compared with older and tall children.

In the rapidly growing body of an infant, not only the volume of organs increases, but their structure also changes, and the functions of organs develop and improve in parallel.

The bones of a child in the first months of life consist partly of cartilage, which gradually turns into bone. The head of an infant is large in comparison with the body; its length is 1/4 of the length of the entire body (in an adult it is 1/8 of the height). Between the bones of the skull, you can find places where there is no bone at all, the so-called fontanelles, which ossify only after a year.

The spine of an infant is very unstable and easily distorted (for example, when the child is constantly carried on one arm).

Before 6 months, the child has no teeth; by the age of 2 he already has 20 milk teeth. Sometimes when teething, the child is naughty, sucks his fingers hard, loses his appetite. But there can be neither fever, nor diarrhea, nor convulsions, nor any significant disease. If such a disease coincides with teething, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Digestive organs of the infant. adapted only to the digestion of breast milk and only gradually gain the ability to absorb other foods - milk formulas, cereals, etc.

For increased metabolism and tissue growth, the body of an infant requires a significant amount of nutrients (2-2.5 times more per 1 kg of weight than an adult). Thus, due to the immaturity of the digestive tract of an infant, the load on its digestive organs is extremely increased, this is especially important with improper feeding.

When the digestive system is overloaded, gastrointestinal diseases and metabolic disorders easily develop in an infant.

Due to the great need of the infant for oxygen (the infant has an increased metabolism), his respiratory organs carry out a lot of work - the respiratory rate and the amount of air passed through the lungs are relatively greater in an infant than in an adult.

The tenderness and vulnerability of the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive organs cause frequent diseases of these organs in an infant.

Development nervous system, its improvement goes quickly in the 1st year and continues throughout life.

The sense organs of an infant are sufficiently developed: from the first hours of life, it distinguishes between sweet and bitter; from the first days, the infant responds to loud sounds with a shudder of the whole body; from the first day of life reacts to bright light.

At the age of 1 month, the child fixes bright objects with his eyes. By this time, bright toys should be hung directly against him (so that the baby does not squint his eyes).

The sense of touch and sensitivity of the skin are already developed by birth, but the infant reacts to pain less than an adult.

The baby apparently has a sense of smell from birth: strongly odorous substances cause him anxiety.

One of the first functions of the brain is voluntary (volitional) movements, which a newborn child does not have.

At the 2nd month, the baby begins to raise and hold the head. At the same time, a smile appears; the infant recognizes the mother and distinguishes her from those around her.

Children begin to sit on their own from 7-8 months, crawl from 8 months, almost at the same time, holding onto the crib, they rise to their feet.

About a year old, children begin to walk, first with the help of an adult, and then on their own.

From 8-9 months, an infant pronounces individual syllables, the repetition of which adds up the simplest words.

feeding breastfeeding baby breast milk is a must. Mother's milk is the most suitable food, containing all the substances necessary for the life, growth and proper development of an infant (fats, easily digestible proteins, sugar, salts and water), it contains vitamins necessary for the development of the child.

In addition, through breast milk, the child is transmitted from the mother protective substances (antibodies) against various diseases.

When breastfeeding (i.e., with the so-called natural feeding), the child develops better: he gets sick less, tolerates all kinds of diseases more easily. Breast milk is better than any other food digested by an infant. Milk, which the child receives directly from the mother's breast, has an appropriate temperature; it has no bacteria.

The good mood of the mother, tasty, varied food with enough fluids, daily walks in the fresh air, normal sleep, light work - all this contributes to an increase in her milk supply.

The most complete emptying of the breast also contributes to an increase in the amount of milk: the stronger the child sucks, the more milk comes from the mother. If the mother has little milk, the child still cannot be weaned; even the smallest amount of breast milk makes the child stronger, more viable. If there is so little milk that the child is starving and losing weight, then the doctor prescribes complementary foods or breast milk obtained in consultation for a while.

The first time the baby is applied to the mother's breast 6-12 hours after birth.

From the very first days of life, it is necessary to accustom the child to feeding by the hour, at certain intervals. This is necessary for the health of the child and for the health of the mother. Between feedings, you can give the child only boiled water without sugar - any food between feedings is harmful to the child, it can disrupt his appetite, spoil the stomach and lead to weight loss.

The first 3 months the child is usually fed 7 times a day - after 3 hours during the day, with a night interval of 6 hours; this night's rest is necessary for both the child and the mother.

From 3 to 6 months, the child is fed 6 times a day - after 3-3½ hours in the afternoon; from 6-7 months 5 times a day - after 3½ hours in the afternoon; from 7 months it is necessary to feed the child 4 times a day - after 4 hours during the day, with a complete night's rest at 11-12 hours.

Before attaching the baby to the breast, you must thoroughly wash your hands, wash the nipple and the area around the nipple with fresh boiled water. When the mother begins to get out of bed, it is recommended to feed sitting on a chair with a back, and a small bench is placed under her leg (see Fig.).

It is necessary to feed the child to the full, which takes from 10 to 20 minutes. The baby sucks the most milk in the first 10 minutes. Feeding longer than 15-20 min. gives the child little, but takes away a lot of strength from him when sucking.

During feeding, the child should breathe freely through the nose; To do this, you need to pull the chest up with 2 fingers so that during feeding it does not cover the child's nose and does not interfere with his breathing. If the child has a stuffy nose, before feeding, clean his nose with a cotton wick smeared with petroleum jelly (see fig.).

When feeding, it is necessary to alternate breasts: in one feeding, give the right breast, in the other - the left. Both breasts in one feeding can be given only after 6-7 months, when there is less milk, or on the advice of a doctor, when the mother has little milk. If the mother cannot carry out any feeding herself, she should express the milk into a clean, boiled dish and leave it in a cold place. Before feeding, the milk is heated to the temperature of fresh milk by lowering the bottle into hot water.

From 2 months G. p. vitamin D is prescribed, from 3 months - fish oil, first 1/4 tsp. 1 time per day, gradually increasing the dose to 1 tsp. 2 times a day. From 3-4 months, it is recommended to give 1-5 tsp. raw juice of berries, fruits and vegetables (start with how many drops).

It is necessary to feed the baby from 5-6 months, even if there is enough breast milk. The start time of complementary foods should be indicated by the doctor.

From the age of 6 months, a baby already needs nutrients that are not found in breast milk.

Usually from the 5th month they give semolina, rice, rusk, first 5% (2 tsp per glass of liquid) in half cow's milk, then 10% (4 tsp per glass of liquid) and with 7 months - on whole milk (150-200 g). In the same months, kissel (berry or fruit), crackers, cookies should be given; at 7 months - mashed vegetables (potatoes, carrots, cauliflower), cottage cheese, egg yolk; at 10 months, a broth with mashed vegetables and mashed meat and crackers is recommended.

At this time, the baby can be breastfed 2-3 times: one of the breastfeedings is replaced by coffee from cereals in milk with crackers or with biscuits or whole milk.

The total amount of food is 500-700 g in the 1st month, 800 g in the 2nd, 900 g in the 3rd, 1,000 g - until the end of the year.

It is necessary to wean the child from the breast by the age of one. Weaning should not be done immediately, but gradually, first reducing the number of breastfeedings per day.

Usually, before weaning, the baby is breastfed 2 times a day, after the first and after the last daily feeding.

When weaning a child from the breast, breastfeeding is replaced with cow's milk with the addition of 5% sugar (2 tsp per glass of milk) or kefir.

In the summer you can not wean a child from the breast, even if he is one year old, tk. summer heat is especially dangerous for children who are not breastfed. Breast milk is the best preservative and remedy for diarrhea.

In the case when the mother has little milk and there is no way to get it from another woman, it is necessary to transfer the child to mixed feeding before the specified time. Such early feeding or, more precisely, supplementary feeding up to 4 months of age consists of cow or goat milk, diluted by half with a decoction of cereals (rice, oatmeal) with the addition of 5% sugar.

If, for one reason or another, the mother cannot breastfeed the child and it is impossible to get at least a small amount of human milk, the child is fed entirely with cow's milk (goat, mare, donkey). Such feeding is called artificial feeding. It is impossible to feed a child without milk.

In nursing, the main- absolute purity in everything that one way or another concerns an infant.

One of the most important conditions for maintaining a child's health is the cleanliness of the child's food and utensils. infant must have a separate dish and a separate towel for it. Wash your child's dishes thoroughly. hot water, and before use, rinse the clean dishes again with boiling water. No one, not even the mother, should taste the child's food with his spoon. The child's food should be protected from dust and especially from flies.

Do not use pacifiers, which quickly become dirty and easy to infect. In addition, sucking for a child is a job that takes a lot of effort. In those cases when nipples are still used, they must be thoroughly washed, boiled and kept in a sealed container.

The mucous membrane of the child's oral cavity is very delicate and vulnerable, therefore, in no case should you wipe it with anything, in order to avoid introducing an infection.

In the room where the baby lives, there should not be unnecessary things. Cleanliness and fresh air are the main conditions for the development of a healthy child. The best room in the apartment, the best corner in the room should be given to the child. The room should have enough air and light. The floor and furniture should be wiped with a damp cloth. It is best to send the child for a walk while cleaning the room. While the child is walking, it is necessary to ventilate the room well.

In winter, you should ventilate the room at least 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. In summer, windows should be wide open all day long. If conditions allow, the child should also sleep with the windows open. The best room temperature for an infant is between 18° and 20°. Children living in a hotly heated room catch cold easily, rather chill in the air. It is forbidden to smoke in the room where the child is.

The child must have a separate bed; in a separate bed, the child's sleep is calmer, healthier. The child's bed should be kept clean, aired daily in the air (on the balcony) or at least in the room with an open window or window. The child's bed should be with a grid. You can arrange a bed for your child in a clean wicker basket or in a pram. Just make sure she doesn't wobble.

The mattress for a small child should be thoroughly washed and ventilated. Very good mattresses are made of seagrass, horsehair, and especially of delicate wood shavings used for packing fruit; they cannot be stuffed with down and feathers.

A baby's pillow is not needed, and a large pillow is even harmful to him. It must be remembered that an infant sleeps for a significant part of the day, and therefore it is necessary to create for him the most healthy conditions for sleep.

You can not put a bed in some corner where there is little air, behind a curtain or screens; you can not put a bed near the stove, the child gets used to excessive heat and quickly catches a cold. You can not put a child's bed at the exit door.

You can not rock the child either in your arms, or in bed, or in a stroller, rocking stupefies the baby, and his sleep becomes heavy. A healthy child falls asleep well and without motion sickness. Even if the baby is already accustomed to motion sickness, it can be taught to sleep without motion sickness within 5-6 days.

The child should not be twisted. The twine squeezes the child's chest, which prevents its proper development, prevents the child from freely moving arms and legs.

In every newborn child, some natural curvature of the legs is noticed; with free movements, this curvature rather disappears.

The skin of a child from twisting is easily exposed to diaper rash. Dry skin, easily ill when twisting and wrapping a child, under the influence of air becomes softer, stronger, cleaner. If the child lies without a sling, air easily penetrates through the diaper to his skin.

An infant, especially in the first months of life, must be protected in every possible way from infection. It is necessary to pay attention to the cleanliness of clothes not only for the child, but also for those who care for him. Always approach the child with clean hands (previously washed with soap and a brush).

The skin of an infant, due to its tenderness and easy damage, requires very careful care.

In the morning and evening, a mandatory toilet is performed, consisting in washing the face and neck with boiled water. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the baby's hands. The child puts his hands in his mouth, sucks them; with dirty nails, the child scratches his body, introduces an infection into the skin. The child's hands are washed separately with soap.

Nails are trimmed with scissors as they grow back.

The auricles are wiped with cotton wool or gauze moistened with water; ear canal - with a cotton wick with vaseline or boiled vegetable oil. In no case should you use sticks, matches, hairpins, etc. to clean your ears.

At the slightest leak from the ear, you should consult a doctor.

Every day, an infant is bathed in a bath or trough specially designed for this purpose. Swimming is stopped if the child is sick.

In the first 5-7 days of the child's life (until the umbilical cord falls off), the child does not take a general bath, but only wash it daily with warm boiled water and soap. Before the healing of the umbilical wound of the infant, it is necessary to bathe in boiled water.

Before and after bathing, the bath should be thoroughly washed with a brush and soap and rinsed with hot water.

You can’t wash clothes in the bath, even baby diapers.

Water 36-37 ° C is poured into a cleanly washed bath with boiling water (it is necessary to measure the temperature of the water with a thermometer, and not by touch). A diaper folded several times is placed at the bottom of the bath.

The soap used to wash the child should be soft, greasy, not irritating to his skin (preferably "Children's").

For bathing and washing the child, you should use a piece of absorbent cotton, a soft cloth or mitten, and not a sponge, which is easily dirty and difficult to clean. Washing with soap is enough once every 2-3 days.

The face of an infant is washed from a separate cup with boiled water.

The head must be thoroughly washed, leaving no crusts on it; if they are not washed off with warm water, you should consult a doctor about how to remove them.

When bathing, make sure that water does not get into the child's ears.

The bath should not tire the child: a child under 6 months old can be kept in the bath for 5 minutes, older children - no more than 10 minutes.

Taking the baby out of the bath and turning it face down, pour it from a jug with clean water (the temperature is 1 ° C lower than the temperature of the water in the bath), put on a diaper and, putting the baby on a table or bed, carefully dry its skin, rubbing it with your hand by diaper.

After that, the folds in the groin, armpits, behind the ears are smeared with vaseline or boiled sunflower oil or powdered with talc or other baby powder (see fig.).

In winter, it is best to bathe the child in the evening before going to bed; in summer you can swim at any time of the day. Both in summer and winter, a bath should be done before meals or not earlier than 2 hours after meals. It is not recommended to bathe a child more than once a day.

It is necessary to wash the child with warm water and soap every time he gets dirty, and then sprinkle with talcum powder.

The eyes of an infant should be washed daily with a cotton swab moistened with clean boiled water or a solution of boric acid, separate for each eye. It is necessary to wash the eyes from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, that is, from the temple to the nose.

The nose is cleaned with cotton wicks soaked in oil to remove crusts. When breathing through the nose, the chest and lungs develop better; when a child breathes through his nose, he eats better, sleeps better and is less prone to disease.

Before walking, be sure to clear your nose.

If a child has a runny nose, it is necessary to consult a doctor, because even a slight runny nose can interfere with proper suckling. When a runny nose appears, the child's temperature should be taken immediately.

It is better to measure the temperature of an infant in the anus than in the armpit (the temperature in it is several tenths higher), for which the tip of the thermometer is lubricated with petroleum jelly, the child is placed on the barrel, his legs are held with his left hand, and the thermometer is carefully inserted into the anus with the right hand.

When the mercury column stops rising (after 3 minutes), the thermometer is removed.

If the child does not have a fever, with a runny nose, bathing and walking should not be stopped.

Baby clothes should be washed separately from adult clothes. Under no circumstances should soiled diapers be dried.

The dried diaper remains dirty, smells like urine. Soaked diapers should be washed with soap and boiled, and then (dry) ironed on both sides with a hot iron. In extreme cases, diapers can be rinsed in water.

The child's clothing should be light and warm enough, should not hamper his movements. It should not interfere with the evaporation of sweat and other skin secretions.

Clothing for up to 5 months: a vest, wrapped in the back, a blouse made of a denser fabric (or knitted), tied in front.

You should not wrap a child in an oilcloth.

A diaper folded at an angle wraps the lower half of the body, stretches its lower corner between the legs, wraps the child with legs in a thin diaper up to the armpits, and then in a thicker, coarse calico or flannelette, bending the lower part of the diaper in the form of an envelope.

If the room is not warm enough, you can cover the child with a flannel blanket.

The child's hands remain free (see fig.).

From 3 months, instead of wrapping in swaddling clothes, the baby is put on panties (sliders), which are comfortable for the baby's movements and protect him well from cooling.

The child must be dressed according to the weather. Overheating is especially dangerous for a child, because at the same time he easily catches a cold and often suffers from diarrhea.

Therefore, it is especially harmful to wrap up a child in the summer, he is already weakening from the heat. In the summer, the baby is dressed in a light vest and diaper.

No need to accustom the child to a cap or scarf; it is better if he sleeps with his head uncovered.

From the first days of life it is necessary to accustom the child to fresh air. Clean cool air tempers the child's body, stimulates appetite, strengthens the skin and lungs of the child and protects him from various diseases.

It is necessary to start hardening a baby carefully, because his skin does not regulate heat enough.

It is necessary to use every change of diaper to accustom the child to an air bath.

It is necessary to change diapers (in no case warm them up) slowly so that the child lies naked for about 2 minutes - this will be a gradual transition to a real air bath, i.e. the child being naked in the air.

An air bath, when used correctly, is very useful and completely safe for a child. In the cold season, an air bath should be done in the room, and in the warm season - in the yard, in the garden, field, forest 2-3 times a day. Starting from 1-2 minutes, gradually duration air bath increase up to half an hour a day, but the child should not be allowed to become cold and begin to hiccup.

An infant should be taken out for walks daily 2-3 times a day for 1½ hours, and in summer, if possible, for the whole day.

Without walks, the baby turns pale, becomes capricious, eats poorly.

A newborn is carried out for the first time in the summer immediately upon returning from the maternity hospital; in winter they take it out 2 weeks after birth, if the temperature is not lower than 10 ° C of frost and only for a few minutes, while the child's face is left open or covered with light muslin or gauze in one layer.

The first walk is allowed only when there is no sharp wind, its duration is 2-3 minutes. From day to day, the duration of the walk increases depending on the weather. month old baby can be in the air in winter 35-40 minutes. in a day. When he gets used to such walks, you can increase the walk time daily by 5-10 minutes. and walk with the child 2-3 times a day.

After 3 months, it is good to keep the baby in the air for at least 4 hours a day in winter. At severe frost or a sharp wind, you should reduce the duration of each walk, but more often take the child out into the air. A baby should be in the air every day, at any time of the year, in any weather, except for a heavy snowstorm and rain.

Usually during a walk in winter, children sleep. In winter, the child should be dressed so that he returns from a walk warm, but not sweaty. The sleeping bag is very convenient for the baby.

Breastfeeding should start at birth. In the first months, educational methods are inseparable from child care, but at that time they bring up certain skills in the child, accustom him to the correct regimen; a certain time for feeding, sleeping, walking, waking.

The child is accustomed to order and lies quietly in between feedings. He himself has fun, amuses himself with his legs, looks at and studies his hands, gets acquainted with toys.

A night break in food teaches the baby to sleep peacefully, and gives the mother the opportunity to rest.

A baby needs affection, sometimes being scolded in his arms. But one should not teach the child to be in his arms all day, otherwise there will be no rest for either the mother or the child himself.

Mother and relatives should talk with the baby, accustom him to sounds, play with him. At the age of about 1½ months, you need to show him toys, he begins to grab them.

A healthy child should fall asleep on his own in any situation.

When the child is put to bed, it is not necessary at this time to either darken the rooms or achieve absolute silence, but there is no need for extra noise either.

Both the mother and other adults should calmly and affectionately treat the baby, not doing anything unpleasant for him.

Do not yell at the child, spank him or hit him.

Often the child does not understand what they want from him. If the child is crying, you need to find out the reason for this. The calmness of an infant depends largely on the calm attitude of those around him.

From 4-5 months, it is necessary to accustom the child to ask "to use the potty." Try in time - usually before and after feeding, before going to bed and after sleep - to hold the child over the potty, praise, caress him when he urinates.

It is very important to develop the motor abilities of the child in every possible way, but at the same time some caution must be observed.

If you plant a child ahead of time, when his body is not yet strong, he, although lined with pillows, will sit hunched over, hunched over - as a result, the spine may bend.

If it is premature to start teaching a child to walk, then this may lead to a curvature of the legs.

From 2½ - 3 months, the baby should be placed on the stomach. The position on the stomach strengthens the muscles of the neck, back, legs. It is necessary to put the child on his stomach on something hard and you cannot leave him unattended at this time.

When an infant begins to crawl, it is necessary to encourage the child to crawl by spreading out the toys and allowing the child to reach them and crawl (see Fig.).

Children need toys: the right toy contributes to the proper development of the child. A child should not have a lot of toys at once, he needs to be given the opportunity to focus on one toy, to see it, to study it. A large number of toys tires the child.

The toy should not be very heavy so that the child can easily and freely play with it; do not give him very small things that he could swallow and choke.

Toys should not have sharp corners so that the child does not cut himself.

Colored bright toys bring great pleasure to the child; they must be covered with durable indelible paint, because. the child takes the toy in his mouth.

The best toys for a child are made of celluloid rubber, wood and bone, which can be washed with warm soapy water.

Do not give a child a toy that has fallen on the floor without washing it.

Papier-mâché toys, as well as toys covered with hair, wool (hares, furry "bears", etc.) are forbidden to be given to an infant.

The protection of the health of the infant and his upbringing are provided in the widest network of various medical and preventive institutions that help mothers raise and educate a healthy young generation.

The baby's infancy is the period from the 29th day of his life (the first four weeks the child is considered a newborn) until the end of the first year of life. One can only wonder what significant changes occur in such a short period. Here the baby still does not know how to control his body and can tell his mother about his desires only through a cry, and by the year his skills and requirements are already practically conscious. What happens during these 12 months?

First year of life

If compared with other age periods, then in the first 12 months the baby's body grows intensively, all systems and organs develop very quickly, and an intensive metabolism occurs. For example, the mass of the baby with which he was born doubles by 4-5 months, and when the child reaches a year, it triples, amounting to approximately 10-11 kg.

The growth of the child during this period increases by a quarter of a meter, amounting to about 75 cm per year. The morphological structure and functions of the child's nervous system are improving. Only in the first 6 months of life, the mass of his small brain increases by 200%.

Due to the fact that the functions of the central nervous system develop rapidly, the conditioned reflexes of all analyzers are developed early. Quite quickly goes neuropsychic development. It is in the first year of life that the beginnings of speech appear in babies. When a baby is only 2 months old, all his senses are so developed that the child picks up and distinguishes different signals sent from outside.

How are movements developing?

Perhaps all mothers know that babies are born with the necessary minimum of unconditioned reflexes: sucking, grasping, stepping reflex. For the period from 1 to 3 months, babies begin to hold their heads. By 4, they can already roll over from the back to the side, a little later, and on the tummy. Toddlers reach for rattles, take them in their hands. Now they are very inquisitive.

By 5 months, babies begin to crawl, pulling their legs up to their tummy, they arch their backs in a very funny way. Admittedly, this is not the case for everyone.

By the age of six months, children begin to sit down, kneel in the crib, bravely holding on to the crossbars. If they are driving down the street in a stroller, they carefully study everything that surrounds them. Kids are interested in everything - cars, flying pigeons, running dogs, cats and much more.

By 7-8 months, babies boldly get up in their beds, walk along the railing, holding onto the handles.

There is very little time left before the babies start walking. This usually happens when the kids reach 10-12 months of age.

The infancy of a child is quite interesting both for him and for his parents. Every day for the baby is marked by a new skill and discovery. Eyes loving mother can notice even the smallest changes in the behavior of the baby. But do not forget that all kids are different: for example, someone starts to sit already at 5 months, and someone only at 7. This is completely natural, so you should not rush things, but you just need to enjoy every moment.

Oh those teeth!

It is impossible to imagine the infancy of a baby without the appearance of teeth. It doesn't go smoothly for everyone. In children, the temperature may rise, tearfulness and strong salivation may be observed, and appetite may decrease.

At about six months, the baby's first teeth appear - the two lower incisors, and after a couple of months - the two upper ones.

By 10 months, the two upper lateral incisors erupt in children, and by the year, the two lower lateral incisors erupt.

By the year, usually the little ones already have eight milk teeth. If a child does not have so many teeth, parents should not worry: everything happens strictly individually. In some babies, the first teeth appear only at the age of one.

How does speech develop?

In infancy, the development of the baby's speech also occurs.

For the first six months, the crumbs laugh a lot, walk, pronounce simple sounds: “agh”, “gee”, “aaa”.

After six months (up to about 9 months), the baby begins to pronounce sounds such as “ma”, “ama”, “ba”. By 10-12 months, the little one repeats the sounds of adults. He can already say “ma-ma”, “ba-ba”, “give”. In his first year of life, the child begins to pronounce his first meaningful words.

It should be clarified that the speech addressed to him by mom, dad, grandparents, the little one perceives from birth. But during this period, he recognizes intonation more than speech itself. The baby can be calmed by kindly spoken words, and a raised or irritated voice can be frightening.

At six months, the baby already responds to his name and smiles meaningfully. After a month or two, he already begins to understand when they say to him: “come to me,” in response, he holds out his hands. At the same age, the child understands the word "no". Hearing the word addressed to him, he breaks away from unnecessary occupation.

At one year old, a baby can wave a hand to adults at their farewell gestures and the words “bye-bye”.

In order for the baby to develop speech faster, it is necessary to read fairy tales to him, sing songs, and talk with the baby more often.

About feeding

The baby comes into this world unadapted to independent existence, so feeding an infant is an integral part of his life support. Parents are obliged to take care of him to ensure all his physiological needs. Different types feeding, depending on the existing capabilities and needs of the child, involve the use of breast milk, artificial mixtures and different types complementary foods. Experts are sure that it is breastfeeding that is optimal for babies.

Feeding in infancy should combine the nutrients, fluid, vitamins that are necessary for the body of a newborn baby. All of these components are present in mother's breast milk.

Necessary basis

Mother's milk contains the right balance of nutrients, which changes as the baby grows, as well as antibodies that protect the baby from various diseases during the most sensitive period of infancy. Based on this, the process of natural breastfeeding can be regarded not only as a form of nutrition, but also as a basis for the proper formation of the body's immunity.

The natural mechanism that provides the baby with the necessary period for feeding (until the main part of the milk teeth grows) lasts 1-1.5 years. It is during these months that the child needs their child so much, each mother decides on her own. In most cases, this lasts about 1.5-2 years.


child until the end of the first year of life. From the moment of birth and cutting of the umbilical cord, the child ceases to have a direct connection with the mother's body, and he enters his first period of life - the neonatal period (see Newborn child). From the 2nd months the second period of life begins - the period of infancy, lasting until the end of the first year. During this period, there is an enhanced development of the functional abilities of all organs and systems of the child's body. The most characteristic feature of infancy is an increase in growth and an increase in body weight G. p.

The body length of a full-term newborn is on average 50 cm. Boys are usually slightly larger than girls. During the first year of life, the height of the child increases by 25 cm. The most vigorous increase in growth occurs in the first quarter of the year, when its monthly increase is 3 cm. In the second quarter of the year, growth increases by 2-2.5 cm per month, in the third - for 2 cm and fourth - by 1.5 cm. The laws of weight gain are the same as for growth: the younger the child, the more intense the increase in its mass. During the 1st months life weight of the child increases by 600-700 G, on the 2nd months- by 800-1000 G. For the 1st half of the year, the average monthly weight gain is 600 G, for the 2nd - 500 G. K 5-6 months G. r. doubles its original mass, triples by the year.

G.'s digestive organs r. adapted to the digestion of human milk (See Milk) and only gradually gain the ability to assimilate other foods. For the strengthened metabolism and growth of fabrics to G.'s organism of river. requires 2-2.5 times more food per 1 kg body weight than an adult. The load on the digestive organs is increased and, due to the immaturity of the digestive tract, especially with improper feeding (See Feeding), causes gastrointestinal disorders and metabolic disorders. The amount of saliva increases to 3.5-4-6 months life. The capacity of the stomach in a newborn is on average 30-35 ml, for each month increases by 20-25 ml, to 3 months reaches 100 ml, and by the year - 250-350 ml.

Excrements of healthy G. of river. golden yellow (turn green when exposed to air). At artificial feeding the stool is lighter in color, sometimes with a grayish-clay tint, and may have a putrid odor. In the first weeks of life, bowel movements occur 4-5 times a day, later - 2-3 times, by the end of the 1st year - 1-2 times (with artificial feeding - less often). Infrequent regurgitation of small portions of milk is characteristic of all children. Abundant spitting up after each feeding is usually when the baby is swallowed while sucking a large number air. In such cases, it is enough after feeding to give the child a vertical position for a few minutes and wait until the air comes out (belching). Vomiting occurs when overeating; vomiting that occurs an hour after feeding indicates G.'s disease p. Green stools with small white lumps can also be with overeating, and the presence of other signs (frequent stools, watery stools mixed with mucus and blood, weight loss, vomiting, bloating, fever) indicates the disease. The first, milk, teeth appear in most healthy children on the 6-8th months life. By the age of one, a child should have 8 teeth. Teething, as a rule, does not cause any diseases.

Respiratory organs G. r. carry an increased load, since the need for oxygen in G. p. more than in an adult, due to intensive metabolism. Number of breaths in 1 min in a child aged 2 weeks to 6 months- 40-45, 6 to 7 months- 35-40 and 7 to 12 months- 30-35 (in an adult - 16-20), therefore, the amount of air passed through the lungs (gas exchange) is relatively greater than in an adult. For one respiratory movement in newborns, on average, there are 2.5-3 pulse beats, and by the end of the year - 3-4 beats. body temperature in children of the 1st year of life is 0.3-0.4 °C higher than in adults.

For G. r. characterized by reduced excitability and easy fatigue of the cerebral cortex. The sense of taste is already developed in the newborn; on the 3rd months healthy G. r. quite subtly differentiates the main taste stimuli. A clear differentiation of odors develops by the 4th months life. Skin sensitivity at G. of river. well expressed.

Head circumference, equal in a newborn 34-36 cm, especially intensively increases during the first months of life; by the end of the year it reaches an average of 46 cm. On the skull, places are felt where there is a so-called. Fontanelles. The large fontanel closes (overgrows) by the end of the 1st year of life. The circumference of the chest in boys, as a rule, is larger than in girls. A newborn has a chest circumference of 2-4 cm less than the circumference of the head, and by the end of the year already exceeds it, equaling an average of 51 cm. Spine G. r. it is very unstable and when the child is placed early in a vertical position, sitting down, when the child is carried on one arm, it is easily subjected to curvature (see Curvature of the spine).

Normally developing healthy G. r. on the 2nd months starts holding his head. Lying on his stomach, raises his chest, turns his head to the sound. In response to a conversation with him, he smiles. K 3 months the range of motion increases. G. r. captures the direction of the sound; holds his head well; rolls over from back to side pulls objects into mouth. AT 4 months takes and holds objects, turns from his back to his stomach, lying on his stomach, rises on his hands, leaning on his palms. AT 6 months can sit without outside support, rolls over from stomach to back, tries to crawl, pronounces separate syllables: “ba”, “ma”, etc. B 7 months kneels, clinging to the net of the bed; creeps. By 9-10 months stands without support, walks with support, by the age of one, the child usually walks without it. From 10 months starts to say simple words: “mother”, “woman”, “give”, etc. By the year, the vocabulary is 8-12. An affectionate conversation between an adult and a child stimulates the development of his speech.

Growth and development of G. of river. go normally only with properly organized feeding, care and proper upbringing. From 1.5 to 3 months G. r. should be fed after 3.5 hours, and after 3 months- after 4 h. Until 3 months the child eats food that is 1/2 of his body weight in quantity; aged 3 to 6 months the amount of food taken is 1/6, and after 7 months- 1 / 7 body weight G. p. From the age of one month, the child should receive natural juices (start with a few drops, bring up to 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for 3 months and 50 g per day by 5 months). From 4 months before feeding, give a raw pureed apple (starting with 1/2 teaspoon, gradually increase to 2 teaspoons). From 4.5 months G. r. may receive 1/4 and later 1/2 boiled pureed egg yolk per day. From 5 months introduce complementary foods (vegetable puree, porridge). AT 7 months soup is introduced into the diet (leave 3 breastfeeding). AT 8 months give pureed meat (2 breast feedings). Wean from the chest healthy child expedient by 11-12 months(but not in the summer).

Care for G. p. is built on the strictest observance of cleanliness in everything that comes into contact with G. r. (hands and clothes of caregivers, underwear, clothes, toys, utensils, etc.). The cleaning of the room where G.R. lives should be carried out with a wet method. Each child should have their own bed. The optimum air temperature for a child to stay is 20-22°C. The face and hands of the child must be washed every morning with boiled water. The eyes are washed with boiled water or a solution of boric acid (1 teaspoon of boric acid per glass of warm water) from the outer corner of the eye to the nose. The nose is cleaned with a cotton flagellum moistened with vaseline oil or boiled water. The auricles, as needed, are also cleaned with a cotton flagellum. Hands are washed separately. The nails on the hands and feet are cut as they grow (with scissors with blunt ends). G. r. bathe daily (water temperature 37-36.5°C). It is best to bathe a child at 8-9 h evenings. In order to prevent diaper rash, skin folds are lubricated with oil (vaseline, vegetable, necessarily boiled) or powdered with baby powder. After each bowel movement, the child is washed with warm water. If his hair is tangled at the back of his head, they are cut with scissors. When white dry films (or crusts) appear on the head of the child, the scalp is lubricated with boiled vegetable oil. During bathing, these crusts move away on their own.

In the first months of life G.'s clothes of river. consists of a vest, blouse and diapers. With daily washing for G. p. you need 10 vests, 6 blouses, 24 diaper, 24 thin diapers and 12 flannel. It is harmful to swaddle tightly, and even more so to twist G. p. Tight swaddling interferes with proper development chest G. p., sufficient ventilation of the lungs, the development of muscles. Skin with tight swaddling is easily exposed to diaper rash (See diaper rash), pustular diseases. It is not necessary to wrap G. r. in an oilcloth.

For children from 2 to 9 months the following routine is recommended: sleep, food, wakefulness (play), and then sleep again until the next feeding. The duration of the intervals between sleep is increased gradually: a 3-month-old child can stay awake without getting tired, 1-1.5 h, 9-10-month -2.5 h, from 1 year to 1.5 years - 3-4 h. During waking hours from the age of 2 months G. p. put on diaper pants (sliders).

It is necessary to develop in a timely manner at G. p. skills of independence and tidiness. K 5 months need to develop the ability to hold a bottle, by 9-10 months remove food from a spoon with your lips and drink from a cup. From 5-6 months G. r. should be planted.

Walk enters the G.'s mode of river. regardless of his age. G.'s clothing should be suitable for the weather to avoid cooling or overheating. First time G. p. take out for a walk in the cold season at the age of 3-4 weeks at air temperature not lower than -5°C. In the first days, the duration of the walk is 10 min, during the week it is brought to 45 min- 1 h. 2-3-month-old children are taken outside in winter at a temperature not lower than -10°C. On cold days, it is better to walk 2 times a day for 30 min. With 3-6-month G. p. you can walk at a temperature of -12 ° C, and by the end of the year at -15 ° C. In winter, 2 walks are carried out with a total duration of 1 to 2-3 h. For children who are accustomed to sleeping outside in the summer, you need to keep this mode in the winter.

The tenderness and vulnerability of the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive organs cause frequent diseases of these organs. G. r. an unusual reaction of the body to mother's milk, cow's milk, citrus juice, strawberries, yolk, etc. may come to light. - Exudative-catarrhal diathesis. These children from 2-5 months redness and dryness of the skin appear on the cheeks, accompanied by itching, sometimes peeling; crusts on the scalp; a “geographic tongue” can be observed (alternation of smooth and rough areas, stripes on it); various rashes.

G. r. (especially in winter) at the age of 2-3 months Rickets may develop. Prevention of rickets with vitamin D begins at 2 weeks of age.

Children of the first 2-3 months life are immune to infectious diseases due to the transfer of antibodies in the prenatal period of development from the mother's body (immunity). After a few months, this immunity disappears. For the prevention of infectious diseases of G. of river. preventive vaccinations are carried out: in the maternity hospital - against tuberculosis (intradermal administration of the BCG vaccine), at the age of 2 months- vaccination against polio, DTP vaccine (pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus) is administered at 5 months and then at 6 and 7 months, vaccination against smallpox is done on the 10-12th months. Special danger to G. of river. represent influenza and other acute respiratory infections which at this age are often complicated by pneumonia.

To increase in resistance of an organism of G. of river. Proper physical education and hardening of the body contribute to the harmful influences of the external environment. From the end of the 1st month, the child must be placed on the stomach on a hard surface, massaged, and from 2 months- gymnastics; from 2-3 months you can start air baths (see Aerotherapy), which are combined with gymnastics. Air bath duration 2-3 min at the beginning, gradually increasing to 30 min for one year olds. From the age of 6 months, rubbing with warm water 36-35 ° C with a damp flannel or terry cloth mitten can be recommended. Every 5-7 days the water temperature is reduced by 1°C. For one year olds, it can be 30°C. Rubbing is carried out for 2-3-4 min. After wiping the child dry dry until slight reddening of the skin.

Lit.: Leviant S. M., Physical development children of the first three years life, L., 1963: Lyublinskaya A.A., Essays on the mental development of a child, 2nd ed., M., 1965: Development and upbringing of a child from birth to three years, ed. Edited by N. M. Shchelovanova. Moscow, 1965. Arkhangelsky B. A., Speransky G. N., Mother and child, School of a young mother, M., 1956; Spock, B., The Child and Care, trans. from English, 2nd ed., M., 1971.

E. Ch. Novikova.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


    A child from the moment of birth to the end of the first year of life (the first 4 weeks of life is a newborn child). Characterized by a rapid increase in height and weight gain; relatively functional inferiority of some systems ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    baby- Rice. 1. Schematic representation of the projections of the large and small fontanelles. Rice. 1. Schematic representation of the projections of the large (a) and small (b) fontanelles. An infant is a child under the age of one year. In the first 4 weeks life is called... First health care- popular encyclopedia

    A child from the moment of birth to the end of the first year of life (the first 4 weeks of life a newborn child). Characterized by a rapid increase in height and weight gain; relatively functional inferiority of some systems. * * * BREAST… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Exist., m., use. very often Morphology: (no) whom? child, to whom? child, (see) whom? child, by whom? child, about whom? about the child; pl. Who? children, (no) whom? children, to whom? children, (see) whom? children, by whom? children, about whom? about children 1. As a child ... ... Dictionary Dmitrieva

    CHILD, child, in the meaning. pl. use guys, guys, and kids, kids, husband. 1. (pl. guys and children). Boy or girl in early childhood. “A child will taste fresh bread and run after his father in the field.” Nekrasov. “Forgive me, we are not guys!” ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    child- nka; pl. children / that, bya / t, see also. baby, kids, kids, childish, childish a) (also in mn. pl ... Dictionary of many expressions

    CHILD, nka, in meaning. pl. use children, her and (colloquial) guys, yat, husband. Boy or girl in early age, until adolescence. Thoracic r. R. preschool age. There are two children in the family. Like a small r. who n. (inexperienced or naive, gullible). He is no longer... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    This term has other meanings, see Child (meanings). "children" redirects here; see also other meanings ... Wikipedia

Hello friends! I, Lena Zhabinskaya, am glad to see you again on the pages of this blog. It is difficult to imagine a more mysterious and bewitching phenomenon than the birth of a little man. Since the appearance of two cherished stripes on the test, future mother everything is of interest: how the baby develops, grows and, most importantly, what he feels.

Then the baby is born, and thoughts about his feelings never leave her. The most important thing for her is to understand when a newborn baby begins to see. Just to help him quickly adapt to a new environment, establish contact with him, or timely notice the presence of any pathologies associated with his vision.

There is an opinion that immediately after the birth of the baby does not see anything, however, it does not find scientific confirmation. The formation of the eyes in the fetus falls on the 18th week of pregnancy and lasts up to the 7th month, when the unborn child has an eyeball. Following this, he begins to react to the light directed at the mother's stomach.

It follows from this that the ability to see the world is innate. Another thing is how well children see immediately after their appearance. Doctors say that in the first days, or even months, the eyesight of the crumbs is somewhat dull, and this is no coincidence. Thus, nature simply protects it from strong shocks caused by bright flashes.

Subsequently, when he adapts a little and gets used to it, his vision normalizes, but for now he is able to distinguish only the presence or absence of a light source. You can verify this by noticing how the baby squints.

How long after birth can a baby see well? Everything is individual here, especially since the pressure on the head passing through the birth canal and its strength aggravate the situation. Meanwhile, according to experts, most often a baby can consciously see as early as 3 months. However, this does not mean at all that until that time the world will remain a mystery to him.

When, what and how

Do you know that:

Is there any way to make contact?

A tiny lump is the most expensive thing that parents have. They waited for him for 9 months, and maybe even a lifetime. Therefore, they are unlikely to want to delay the time of establishing contact with him for a few more long weeks. And is it necessary, especially since it can be done almost from birth.

Do you know at what age you will be able to attract the attention of a baby? In any, the main thing is to approach him correctly and help him concentrate. It is known that in the first 60 days of age, a child is able to look at things that are at a distance of 20 - 25 cm from his head. Why? They say that this is the distance that separates him and his mother when breastfeeding.

And this means that if you get close to him exactly that much, there is every chance to get into his field of vision. And do not worry that at this very moment he will not see you clearly. Experts say that this will happen by 3 months.

With each new day, the baby grows and develops, and, therefore, receives more and more information about the world around him. 80% of them come to him thanks to his eyes, but this does not mean at all that you need to ignore the importance of the tactile sensations of a little man.

Stroking, massages and gentle mother's touches, as a means of establishing contact, including, have not been canceled.

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Keep this in mind when choosing toys and rattles! And also save the article to your wall in in social networks and subscribe to blog updates!

I, Lena Zhabinskaya, look forward to seeing you here again!
