Composition and norm of amniotic fluid. How amniotic fluid is renewed during pregnancy Is it possible to reduce the amount of amniotic fluid

For the full intrauterine development of the child, a comfortable natural environment is necessary. Its role is played by amniotic fluid, which gently envelops the fetus, protecting it from mechanical injury and infection. A downward deviation from the normal volume of amniotic fluid or oligohydramnios is observed in about 3-4 cases out of 1000. Today, on the site for moms, we will find out what danger this condition carries, the reasons for its development, and also tell you how oligohydramnios is traditionally treated and folk remedies.

Why is low water dangerous?

2 weeks after the fertilization of the egg, a natural biological environment is formed, which, in addition to the fetus itself, is the main content of the uterus. amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid fill a sealed cavity - the fetal sac, creating a reservoir with a nutrient medium for the normal intrauterine existence of the baby.

If the volume of amniotic fluid deviates from the established norms in a smaller direction, this may mean the presence of oligohydramnios of varying degrees, and this is always a reason to be wary.

For each woman, the optimal volume of amniotic fluid is determined individually, but if the gynecologist suspects that their level potentially threatens the health of the child, a diagnosis of oligohydramnios can be made. The amount of fluid produced depends on the functional ability of the placenta, if these indicators are greatly reduced, the risk of delays in the development of the fetus, a violation of its heart rhythm, and also its death increases.

In gynecology, two forms of oligohydramnios are distinguished, which are diagnosed only after an ultrasound scan and is determined by calculating the amniotic fluid index (AFI):

  1. Moderate. It is fixed if this indicator in a pregnant woman is in the range from 2 to 5 cm, which corresponds to a decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid by 400-700 ml compared to the norm. Moderate oligohydramnios involves treatment at home under regular medical supervision, when you need to normalize your diet, enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals.
  2. Expressed. It is fixed if the IAI is less than 2 cm, which corresponds to the volume of amniotic fluid up to 500 ml. Severe oligohydramnios requires inpatient drug treatment in a hospital setting. Without the application of the necessary measures to eliminate the pathology, this condition can seriously affect the development of the fetus, when there is a deformation of the skeletal system, pathologies of the limbs, fusion of the skin of the baby with the fetal membranes, disruption of the normal functioning of the central nervous system, lag in growth and development. Especially dangerous is oligohydramnios diagnosed in the first trimester of pregnancy, when pathology can cause serious damage to the health of the fetus and even lead to miscarriage.

If the child's vital signs begin to decline, the woman is given a caesarean section or insists on premature delivery. Severe oligohydramnios can cause the birth of children with a lack of body weight and injuries.

Why does oligohydramnios develop?

It is not possible to know exactly when the amount of amniotic fluid began to decrease, but some signs may indicate the development of oligohydramnios:

  1. Fetal movements are painful, interfering with normal sleep.
  2. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen.
  3. Weakness, dry mouth, constant feeling of nausea, not associated with toxicosis.
  4. On palpation during a medical examination, parts of the body of the fetus are clearly palpable.

Now you know what oligohydramnios can threaten, and we will consider further the causes and treatment of this pathology.

In fact, the causes of oligohydramnios have not yet been studied in detail, but gynecologists point out the following:

  1. Amniotic hydrorrhea or leakage of amniotic fluid due to a violation of the integrity of the fetal membrane. To restore the volume of amniotic fluid, bed rest is sufficient.
  2. Abnormal development and infection of the fetal membranes.
  3. Violation of the uniform distribution of blood circulation with.
  4. Prolonged or delayed pregnancy. The aging of the placenta leads to a decrease in the production of the required amount of amniotic fluid.
  5. Congenital anomalies of the face and pathology of the kidneys of the fetus.
  6. Maternal health problems: persistent increase in blood pressure in a pregnant woman, dehydration, eclampsia, diabetes mellitus.

The diagnosis of oligohydramnios is also made more often in women with diseases of the genitourinary system. Transferred bacterial infections that were not treated and were in the birth canal of a woman can penetrate into the amniotic fluid.

Treatment methods for oligohydramnios

Moderate oligohydramnios is not a threatening factor for the health of a child if a woman monitors her diet, diet and is constantly under the supervision of a doctor. This condition is treated on an outpatient basis and does not require hospitalization.

The treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes that caused the development of the pathology (pyelonephritis, high blood pressure, cystitis), therefore, at home, the woman will have to take the drugs prescribed by the doctor.

Before finally making a diagnosis, the doctor should refer the pregnant woman to a series of examinations:

  1. Doppler ultrasound to determine the IAI, the general condition of the fetus and its exact gestational age, as well as to identify pathology in the mother-child system.
  2. CTG (cardiotocography) is required to control the baby's heart rate and clarify the tone of the uterus.
  3. A smear for suspected water leakage and the presence of STDs.

Survey data are necessary to assess the condition of the fetus, find out the causes of oligohydramnios during pregnancy and prescribe treatment that is adequate to the severity of the diagnosed pathology:

  1. With oligohydramnios caused by obesity and pathologies of metabolic processes in the mother's body, it is necessary to comply proper diet, which includes foods rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as taking medications to improve blood circulation in the placenta.
  2. If a viral infection is detected, antiviral drugs are prescribed that are allowed during pregnancy, and general strengthening therapy is carried out with vitamin-mineral complexes and immunomodulators.
  3. With a pathology of the membranes, a woman is sent for treatment to a hospital and is constantly under the supervision of doctors. The main goal of doctors in this case is to maintain pregnancy and prevent infection of the amniotic fluid.
  4. If examinations have shown that the placenta is aging, and this fact has caused oligohydramnios, treatment of FPI (fetoplacental insufficiency) with drugs such as Curantil and Actovegin is prescribed.
  5. Oligohydramnios during post-term pregnancy will be eliminated by puncture of the fetal bladder and stimulation labor activity.

If severe oligohydramnios is diagnosed at the 8th month of pregnancy, it is prescribed drug treatment in a hospital with constant monitoring of the vital signs of the child. If the condition of the fetus worsens, even with the use of drugs, the further stay of the child in the womb becomes extremely dangerous, and if the time permits, the doctor may decide to conduct caesarean section or insist on premature birth.

Prevention of oligohydramnios with folk remedies

Many are interested in the question, is it possible to treat oligohydramnios during pregnancy with folk remedies? In principle, it is impossible to completely restore the IAI to a normal level with medication or folk remedies. But for preventive purposes and to eliminate the causes of pathologies, methods traditional medicine can be used, but only after talking with a doctor. This approach will be especially useful for women whose previous pregnancy was already accompanied by oligohydramnios.

The site site advises:

  1. To lower blood pressure, chokeberry juice is used, which is also rich in vitamins.
  2. At inflammatory processes an infusion of lingonberry leaves will help.
  3. If the last trimester of pregnancy coincided with the middle of spring, then you can drink a course of an excellent diuretic - birch sap.
  4. For the treatment of inflammation of the genitourinary system, use an infusion of nettle leaves, succession, birch, yarrow, rose hips and mountain ash.

But remember, any folk remedy, even harmless at first glance, can cause not an improvement, but a worsening of the original state. Therefore, the first step is to consult with your doctor.

A woman diagnosed with oligohydramnios should not be afraid of her condition, but she should not be ignored either. Severe oligohydramnios is not as common, and moderate oligohydramnios can be corrected if you follow the instructions of a specialist.

In the uterus, the baby is surrounded by amniotic fluid, which is necessary for its proper growth and development. They protect it from injury, promote lung development, prevent infection, and perform many other functions.

Water is excreted by the fetal membranes and, mainly, by the kidneys of the child himself, so that by the end of pregnancy they are almost completely his urine. Periodically, the baby swallows a small amount of them inside, in addition, the water fills his lungs.

The amount of water normally can be different and increases depending on the duration of pregnancy. By week 37, it reaches a peak - about 1000 ml, and then begins to decline again.


An abnormally large amount of water is called polyhydramnios and is often a sign of abnormalities in the development of the fetus. The diagnosis of polyhydramnios is made if, according to the data, the amount of amniotic fluid exceeds 2 liters.

Since, normally, a child constantly swallows amniotic fluid, an increase in their amount may indicate a violation of swallowing. Another common cause is intrauterine infections.

Possible causes of polyhydramnios:

  • Violation of the development of the digestive tract in the fetus;
  • Developmental Disorders nervous system leading to impaired swallowing;
  • Fetal immobility syndrome, accompanied by a violation of swallowing;
  • Congenital disorders of the heart with dropsy of the fetus (edema);
  • Intrauterine infections (rubella, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, etc.);
  • Poorly controlled maternal diabetes;
  • Chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus (Down syndrome, trisomy 13, trisomy 8, etc.);

Rarely, pregnancy with identical twins can cause feto-fetal transfusion syndrome(unequal transfer of blood from twin to twin), which is accompanied by polyhydramnios in one fetus and oligohydramnios in the other. The treatment of this disease is surgical.

Polyhydramnios has nothing to do with how much water the expectant mother drinks and whether she has edema. In many cases, the cause remains unknown.

Excess water for later dates pregnancy stretches the fetal bladder, and can lead to complications. The most common of these is preterm birth, they begin in about 26% of cases of polyhydramnios. In addition, the likelihood of premature rupture of the fetal bladder and postpartum hemorrhage increases.

To reduce risk premature birth in the last weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother needs peace and bed rest, it is necessary to visit a doctor every week to monitor the condition of the cervix and fetus.

If polyhydramnios is detected, it is better to go to the hospital in order to be examined completely and, if possible, to identify its causes. A complete examination of the fetus is also necessary to detect genetic diseases.

If a threat of preterm birth is detected, doctors begin preparing the fetus for them. For this, drugs are administered that accelerate the maturation of the lungs. In some cases, to reduce the amount of water, therapeutic amniocentesis is performed - their partial pumping through a puncture in the abdomen with a special needle.

If polyhydramnios is not associated with swallowing problems in the fetus, the doctor may prescribe indomethacin. In many cases, with its help, it is possible to normalize the amount of amniotic fluid.

If the cause of polyhydramnios is in the diseases of the mother, they are treated. Particular attention should be paid to the control of diabetes mellitus. In case of violations of the uteroplacental blood flow, drugs are prescribed actovegin, trental and others.


Oligohydramnios is considered more dangerous than polyhydramnios, but occurs less frequently. Serious polyhydramnios is set when the amount of water is less than 600 ml. It can lead to underdevelopment of the lungs, bones and other organs of the fetus, increases the risk of death.

The fact is that even when the child is in the uterus, amniotic fluid enters his lungs, which do not yet work. The fetus makes respiratory movements, preparing the lungs and chest for air breathing. If there is little amniotic fluid, this process is very difficult.

In addition, severe oligohydramnios can lead to a violation of the development of bone tissue and skeleton in a baby, curvature of the bones of the legs, underdevelopment of the gastrointestinal tract, narrow chest due to lateral pressure.

Possible causes of oligohydramnios:

  • Insufficiency of kidney function in the fetus or their underdevelopment, which leads to a decrease in the amount of urine. May be the result of an infection or genetic disorder. Appears from early dates;
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid through micro-tears of the fetal bladder. It is characteristic mainly for later dates;
  • Fetoplacental insufficiency (the placenta does not work well) - can occur with pregnancy complications: hypertension, diabetes mellitus in pregnant women and others;
  • Post-term pregnancy (more than 42 weeks). At the same time, the amount of water decreases, the placenta “ages” and does not perform its function well;
  • Multiple pregnancy - can lead to both polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios in the case when one twin steals from the other through the placenta (feto-fetal transfusion syndrome, occurs only in identical ones). At the same time, the donor twin develops oligohydramnios, while the recipient develops polyhydramnios.
  • More than half of the cases of oligohydramnios, as well as polyhydramnios, remain unknown.

An oligohydramnios is usually detected on a planned ultrasound. Sometimes women complain of increased soreness when the baby moves in the uterus, but most often there are no symptoms.

During intrauterine examination of children with oligohydramnios, they often show abnormalities in the structure of the kidneys (polycystic), a distended bladder, and an enlarged abdomen. They are often retarded for their term and are born with a low body weight.

When oligohydramnios is detected, it is very important to establish its cause. Careful examination of the fetus for developmental abnormalities (eg, absence of kidneys or Bladder), congenital infections.

To determine if amniotic fluid is leaking, some clinics inject a dye into the fetal bladder through a puncture in the abdominal wall and look at the staining of the discharge.

Unlike polyhydramnios, which cannot be cured by reducing the amount of water you drink, drinking more water is beneficial for oligohydramnios.

In the second half of pregnancy, bed rest and drinking plenty of water in many cases can improve the situation. Increasing fluid intake to 2 liters per day can give up to 30% increase in the amount of amniotic fluid.

During childbirth, oligohydramnios creates many problems and often requires a caesarean section. The main ones are preterm birth, fetal hypoxia and infectious complications.

Fetal hypoxia may be associated with prolapse and clamping of the umbilical cord, and immediately after birth - due to underdeveloped lungs.

Through long-existing ruptures of the fetal bladder, the infection penetrates, it can affect the uterus and fetus. If labor does not begin after a few hours, antibiotics and stimulation are required.

In some cases, to make up for the missing water, doctors resort to introducing a weak salt solution into the fetal bladder. Often this helps the expectant mother to carry the baby normally and prevent complications in childbirth.

In general, although deviations in the amount of water create certain problems, but if they are detected in the early stages, their cause is precisely established and adequate treatment is carried out, future mother There are chances to endure normally and give birth to a healthy baby.

During pregnancy, an amniotic sac forms in the uterus, which will produce amniotic fluid. This fluid protects your baby. A decrease in amniotic fluid is called oligohydramnios or oligohydramnios. A decrease in amniotic fluid can lead to problems, so it is very important to keep the amount of fluid normal with the help of medical or folk remedies. This article provides some tips on this topic.


Increasing amniotic fluid with medication

    The type of treatment is selected depending on the duration of pregnancy. Therefore, the choice of treatment by the doctor will be based on the gestational age. Doctors usually prescribe one of the following treatments along with water rehydration.

    • If your pregnancy is still in its early stages, then the doctor will carefully monitor your condition and fluid levels. A non-stress test or a contractile stress test can be done to analyze the child's activity. Your doctor may recommend one of the following treatments.
    • If you have oligohydramnios in the last trimester, your doctor may recommend delivery by caesarean section, since a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid just before delivery can be dangerous for both mother and child.
  1. Injection with amniotic fluid. This injection is a syringe filled with leaked amniotic fluid, which the doctor injects back into the uterus, into the amniotic sac. This method can improve the condition of the pregnant woman. This procedure is very similar to an amniocentesis (amniotic fluid test), but instead of taking a sample of the amniotic fluid, the doctor injects the leaked fluid into the amniotic sac.

    • This procedure is often used as a short-term solution to oligohydramnios because after a few weeks the fluid level may drop again. However, doctors have chosen to use this method because it helps them find the problem that is causing the amniotic fluid to drop.
  2. Administer liquid intravenously. Some pregnant women are admitted to the hospital for additional intravenous fluid therapy. This method is resorted to if the usual means (for example, the use of a large number water) is not able to increase the amount of amniotic fluid. If you have tried to increase the fluid on your own, but there is no change, then you will most likely be given fluid intravenously.

    • You will be discharged as soon as your amniotic fluid levels return to normal.
    • Keep in mind that sometimes intravenous therapy has to be taken until delivery.
  3. Catheter to increase amniotic fluid. Amnioinfusion is the introduction of Ringer's solution or normal saline into the amniotic sac using a catheter. With this procedure, the level of amniotic fluid will increase, so that the baby and the umbilical cord will be better protected.

    • The amount of saline injected will depend on how low the amniotic fluid level is.
  4. Talk to your doctor about having a shunt placed in your body. Shunts are used to move fluid from one place in the body to another. In this case, the shunt directs fetal urine to your amniotic sac if the cause is low level amniotic fluid is chronic fetal uropathy (kidney problems that reduce amniotic fluid).

    Talk to your doctor about stopping ACE inhibitors if you are prescribed them. ACE inhibitors are drugs that help lower high blood pressure by stopping the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II in your body. In general, these drugs are harmless, but they should not be taken during pregnancy because they can reduce the amount of amniotic fluid.

What is low water?

  1. What is amniotic fluid for? The most important function of amniotic fluid is to protect the baby while he is in the womb. It plays the role of a pillow, protecting the child from shock. But it also performs other functions:

    • Keeps baby warm.
    • Plays the role of a lubricant. Sometimes some babies are born with webbed fingers and toes due to insufficient amniotic fluid.
    • Ensures the proper development of the lungs of the kidneys.
    • Helps the child move freely, which in turn allows him/her to develop limbs.
  2. We get acquainted with the symptoms of a decrease in amniotic fluid. Oligohydramnios is a condition that occurs when there is a severe decrease in amniotic fluid (below 300 ml). If you suspect the development of oligohydramnios, be sure to talk to your doctor. If you think that a similar problem may appear in the future, you should familiarize yourself with the following signs:

    • Leakage of amniotic fluid.
    • Your belly is smaller than it should be during gestation.
    • The feeling that the child began to move less.
    • When urinating, less urine is excreted.
    • Visible lack of amniotic fluid, when examined by ultrasound.
  3. You should be familiar with the risk factors that can lead to a decrease in amniotic fluid. Some of the more common causes are described below:

    • The baby is small for his gestational age.
    • You have high blood pressure during pregnancy (a condition called preeclampsia).
    • The placenta partially or completely exfoliates from the uterine wall even before the onset of childbirth. This condition is known as placental abruption.
    • If you have identical twins and they share a placenta, sometimes your amniotic fluid levels may decrease. This happens when one of the twins receives more blood through the placenta than the other.
    • In the presence of certain diseases, such as lupus.
    • Overwearing. If your pregnancy reaches more than 42 weeks, you have a higher risk of low amniotic fluid levels due to decreased function of the placenta. Amniotic fluid begins to decrease at 38 weeks of gestation.

The protection of the baby in the mother's abdomen, its stable growth and proper development is provided by amniotic fluid during pregnancy. The enlarged uterus contains a fetal bladder filled with a special liquid substance. It is the "home" for the baby for the entire long period of pregnancy, almost from the very conception. Therefore, it is especially important to monitor the condition of this fluid and correct emerging deviations in time.

Formation and functions of amniotic fluid

The Greek concept "amnion", denoting the membrane of the fetus, gave the name of the amniotic fluid - a nutrient medium for the intrauterine development of the child. Immediately after the fertilized egg enters the uterus and attaches to it from the inside, a chorion is formed at the attachment site (in the future it will become the placenta). With the help of the umbilical cord, the chorion is connected to the amnion - the fetal bladder. Inside the amnion, real magic happens - a baby develops from several cells after the allotted time. Reliable protection is provided by thin and elastic, but very strong bladder walls.

The fetus is in the amnion filled with amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid

The amnion is filled with a fluid, the sterility of which is achieved by regular renewal. How is amniotic fluid renewed during pregnancy? Until the middle of the term, they are produced by the cells of the fetal bladder, and after the 20th week they are mainly formed by the kidneys of the child. At the end of pregnancy, the fluid is updated 8 times a day.

Amniotic fluid provides comprehensive protection for the baby:

  • Due to the content of immunoglobulins, the baby is reliably protected from all kinds of infections.
  • In the event of an accidental fall of the mother, the shock is cushioned by the presence of liquid, and no harm is done to the child.
  • The umbilical cord remains free and is not pinched.

The temperature inside the bubble is constant at 37 degrees Celsius. Until about the third trimester, the baby can even make swimming movements, as long as there is enough space for this.

Characteristics of the waters

More than 95% of the composition of the amniotic fluid is water. The rest is made up of vitamins, trace elements, even particles of the skin and hair of the fetus. Toward the end of pregnancy, when the child masters urination, urine also appears in the composition of the liquid. But due to frequent renewal, the composition of the liquid remains unchanged. There is an opinion that the smell of the liquid is similar to breast milk, which is why a newborn baby unmistakably finds the mother's breast.

The amount of amniotic fluid increases from week to week, reaching a maximum two weeks before the planned date of delivery.

At 38 weeks, the volume of amniotic fluid is approximately 1-1.5 liters. Further, the amount of water decreases, and by the time they are born, about 800 ml remain.
Various pathologies of pregnancy can affect the decrease or increase in the amount of amniotic fluid.

Normally, amniotic fluid should be clean and clear. If a suspension appears in the waters, this most often indicates infection.

Diagnosis of the condition of a pregnant woman and a child using amniotic fluid

The state of the amniotic fluid is one of the main indicators of the normal or pathological course of pregnancy, as well as the condition of the unborn child. The amount and homogeneity of water can be estimated by ultrasound examination, which every woman must undergo at least three times during pregnancy.

If necessary, the analysis of amniotic fluid can determine the sex of the child and his blood type. In addition, the suspicion of the presence of genetic abnormalities in the fetus can be confirmed or refuted by analyzing the amniotic fluid.

If it is necessary to determine whether the child is ready for birth, amniotic fluid is also taken for analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, an emergency delivery by caesarean section can be performed. Also, fluid analysis makes it possible to find out about the readiness of the respiratory system of the newborn for independent work.

Possible problems

Unfortunately, pregnancy does not always go smoothly. There are cases when violations of the quantitative or qualitative composition of the amniotic fluid provoke the occurrence of various pathologies.


This condition is said when the amount of amniotic fluid exceeds one and a half liters. This condition can be caused by kidney problems in the mother, infectious diseases, cardiovascular pathologies of the mother, or congenital diseases of the child. In case of multiple pregnancy polyhydramnios is also quite common.

With polyhydramnios, the amount of amniotic fluid exceeds 1.5 liters

Polyhydramnios is found, usually in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. If polyhydramnios occurred suddenly against the background of the previous normal state, delivery should be carried out immediately.

Low water.

The opposite situation is when the amount of water does not exceed 500 ml. Oligohydramnios can be caused by hypertension in a pregnant woman, inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, overweight of the expectant mother, or disorders in the urinary system of the fetus. The condition is dangerous with the risk of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the child, therefore, appropriate treatment aimed at enhancing the production of amniotic fluid should be carried out immediately.

Oligohydramnios can also have a negative impact on the process of childbirth - the fetal bladder will not be able to press on the cervix with sufficient force, so its slow opening will lead to weakness in labor.

With oligohydramnios, the risk of premature birth is doubled, and babies, due to lack of space, are much more likely to take the wrong position in the uterus, not having time to turn into head presentation in time.

Oligohydramnios often makes itself felt with abdominal pain in a future mother - the child does not have enough space, and his every movement is difficult and painful. Reducing the amount of amniotic fluid can lead to clamping of the umbilical cord, as a result - to oxygen starvation and even death of the fetus.

Water leakage.

In a normal state, the fetal bladder remains intact throughout pregnancy, and the outpouring of water indicates the beginning of active labor. However, there are times when water starts to flow prematurely. Such a situation, or even the slightest suspicion of it, requires an urgent examination by a doctor, since a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid can seriously harm the health of the child in case of untimely assistance.

You can check if water is leaking using special tests

A sign of water leakage is a sharp increase in fluid released when changing body position. You can accurately determine the leakage of water using pharmacy tests. If the condition is confirmed, it is necessary to contact the maternity hospital as soon as possible - perhaps this is a signal of the onset of premature birth.

Water of an atypical color.

In the normal state, the waters are transparent in color, and there are no impurities in them. True, towards the end of pregnancy, impurities inevitably appear - these are epidermal cells and vellus hair of the fetus. This state of the water is quite normal and does not threaten the development of the child. However green color and turbidity of the waters may indicate a serious pathology - fetal hypoxia. In this case, with a lack of oxygen, the muscles of the anus contract reflexively, and meconium is released into the amniotic fluid.

Another cause of premature meconium excretion is the aging of the placenta as a result of prolonged pregnancy. In this case, the placenta ceases to fully supply the fetus with oxygen, as a result of which the child develops oxygen starvation. The muscles of the anus contract again, and meconium is excreted.

Ingestion of amniotic fluid mixed with meconium by a baby negatively affects its development, so green waters require immediate medical attention.

Is it possible to avoid problems

Amniotic fluid is a nutrient medium that ensures the development of the child in the womb until the very birth. Any violations and deviations require close attention and medical supervision. Most pathologies of amniotic fluid are successfully corrected in a hospital with the help of medicines and vitamins. The patient must maintain complete calm, both physical and mental. ABOUT physical activity and an active lifestyle will have to be forgotten for a while.

It will not be superfluous to remind you of the need to visit a doctor observing pregnancy. It is constant monitoring that allows you to avoid many problems that negatively affect the normal course of pregnancy.

We continue talking about amniotic fluid, changes that can occur with them and methods for diagnosing any pathologies using them. We have already said earlier that during pregnancy and during childbirth, the color of amniotic fluid may change. Let's continue our conversation.

If the water is dark brown.
If dark brown amniotic fluid is found during pregnancy and childbirth, this indicates serious problems that should be of great concern to both doctors and the woman herself. In almost 90% of cases, this color of amniotic fluid indicates the presence of intrauterine fetal death. And in the presence of such odes, the question is no longer about saving the fetus, but about saving the life of the pregnant woman, since such a condition is also dangerous for her. But in today's time, when diagnostic methods are actively practiced and a woman's health is carefully monitored, such situations are very rare, therefore, we simply will not talk in detail about this option. With regular monitoring by a gynecologist, such problems are detected in a timely manner, in advance, and then the situation simply does not reach such a state of amniotic fluid.

Amniotic fluid is red or reddish in color.
The presence of red amniotic fluid indicates a serious danger not only for the baby in the mother's stomach, but also for herself. Often, a red or pink hue of the amniotic fluid will occur when blood enters the fetal bladder in the presence of bleeding in both the mother in the body and the fetus. You can judge for yourself how dangerous this situation is for the mother and her child. If you find amniotic fluid of this color in yourself, you should immediately take a horizontal position and under no circumstances, do not move. And your relatives should, without delay, call an ambulance and immediately take you to the hospital. When calling an ambulance, it is imperative to inform the dispatcher receiving the call that the amniotic fluid that has passed from the pregnant woman is red or with blood.

In such cases, an intensive care team immediately leaves for pregnant women, which is equipped with all the drugs and devices necessary to provide assistance. Assistance upon the arrival of an ordinary ambulance in this case may be inferior, since the situation is urgent and the bill can go literally for minutes. It is strictly forbidden to try to deliver a pregnant woman to the maternity hospital on your own, even if the maternity hospital is literally 3-5 minutes drive from the house. With any careless movement, irreparable things can happen and this can lead to the death of the mother and child from bleeding. It is important to remember that we are talking about two people at once, therefore, do not take risks. It is worth noting the fact that such situations rarely occur, usually with serious injuries after an accident or after burning, severe injuries and blows to the stomach. Usually pregnancies end happily.

When talking about pregnancy and amniotic fluid, the question of oligohydramnios cannot be omitted. The state of moderate oligohydramnios during pregnancy is not very common, usually by the end of pregnancy no more than 5% of expectant mothers suffer from this condition. Oligohydramnios in pregnant women is called the amount of amniotic fluid insufficient for the full development of the fetus. We have already said what important functions amniotic fluid performs and why there should be a strictly specified amount of them. The composition of the amniotic fluid can remain relatively constant, their complete renewal will occur approximately every three hours. If the process of production of amniotic fluid and from suction is disturbed, then the amount of amniotic fluid may exceed the norm or be insufficient. With a deficiency of amniotic fluid, a state of oligohydramnios occurs.

It is worth noting that the fact of oligohydramnios in itself will not be any disease, it is just one of the symptoms. And then the consequences of low water will be primarily the consequences of the causes that caused it. The presence of moderate oligohydramnios by the end of pregnancy may also be of a physiological nature, and then it will not pose any danger. However, on the other hand, if oligohydramnios begins in the early stages of pregnancy, and later developed to severe, oligohydramnios by the middle or third trimester of pregnancy can lead to sad outcomes.

Reasons for the development of oligohydramnios.
The development of oligohydramnios during pregnancy can be formed as a result of many reasons and at different stages of pregnancy. So, tendencies to oligohydramnios, which manifested themselves from the earliest stages of pregnancy, may indicate the presence of severe congenital pathologies in the fetus. This type of oligohydramnios, the causes of which may be pathologies in the structure of the fetus itself, unfortunately, are unfavorable in terms of prognosis for the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Usually this is a congenital absence or kidney anomalies incompatible with life, and such a pregnancy is often recommended to be terminated for medical reasons, since after birth the baby simply cannot live without kidneys.

Also, another well-known reason for the formation of oligohydramnios is an increase in blood pressure in a future mother. Usually, this condition is formed by the end of pregnancy, and the mechanisms of its occurrence are determined by violations of the functions of the placenta. This occurs as a result of impaired blood flow due to the fact that the mother has high blood pressure and the small vessels in the placenta come into a state of spasm. Slight oligohydramnios can be normal in the presence of over-pregnancy, which is associated with the physiological process of aging of the placenta. No less rare is relative oligohydramnios in one fetus from twins. This is associated with shunting syndrome (blood shunting) in the placenta from one baby to another. This is often referred to as the syndrome of feto-fetal transfusion or "stealing" of one fetus by another. Usually, violations in the vast majority of cases are insignificant and do not threaten the development of any of the children.

The reasons for the formation of oligohydramnios among pregnant women can also be the presence of chronic, chronic or latent sexual infections that have not been previously treated or treated incorrectly, and which has passed into a latent, sluggish current state. In some cases, factors unknown to doctors become the causes of oligohydramnios among pregnant women. Theories are put forward that there may be a violation of the functions of the amniotic fluid-producing epithelium of the region of the fetal bladder itself. Because of what, in one case or another, there is oligohydramnios, it is far from always possible to establish. However, it is always necessary to look for the causes of oligohydramnios in pregnant women especially carefully, because oligohydramnios is only a symptom of this, and the very reason that caused it can become dangerous for the mother and her baby.

Manifestations and symptoms of oligohydramnios during pregnancy.
Manifestations of oligohydramnios during pregnancy, the symptoms of which can be detected by the pregnant woman herself, will be very pronounced and severe. In such cases, there should be very, very little amniotic fluid so that the pregnant woman herself can think that something is not happening in pregnancy in the way it should be. This is extremely rare and usually occurs with very severe pathologies. If the manifestations of oligohydramnios are moderate, and at the same time the woman is not bothered by any manifestations of pathology, there may be no external manifestations. Only with a pronounced decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid, minor signs may appear, which will make it possible to assume that something is wrong with the amount of amniotic fluid.

If a pregnant woman has severe oligohydramnios, there is extremely little amniotic fluid so that her baby can move calmly inside the uterus. This leads to the formation of painful for the mother and distinct movements of the fetus. Women complain to the doctor that the child kicks hard and often, and his movements cause pain or severe discomfort. Often occurring in women, moderate oligohydramnios practically does not manifest itself, does not have any dangerous symptoms and is diagnosed only during an ultrasound examination.

Tomorrow we will continue the conversation.
