28 completed weeks of pregnancy. Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child

28th week of pregnancy - the middle of the seventh month and the third trimester. There is not much time left before the birth, however, one should still thoroughly prepare for this event physically and mentally. Most expectant mothers continue to work actively, but are already thinking about a well-deserved rest - a decree.

On time - 28 weeks baby photo attention
how much change
in clinic phase

By week 28, the baby's height is 33-34 cm, weight - about 1-1.3 kg. What happens to the baby at this stage of pregnancy.

  1. The baby already uses the senses, feels the taste and smell of the products that enter the mother's body, gets used to them. The taste preferences of a woman become the main ones in shaping the tastes of a child. So, if the mother prefers spicy dishes, the child also gets used to them.
  2. The eyes open, the baby begins to blink.
  3. The brain is actively developing, improving, its mass increases. Convolutions appear in the cortex.
  4. The heart rate is 140-150 beats per minute. There are changes in heart rate. For example, a baby's heart starts beating faster when he hears his mother's voice.
  5. The cartilages of the ears and nose are still soft, the nails continue to grow, however, they do not yet protrude beyond the edges.
  6. At week 28, the fetus takes a certain position in the uterus. The correct position of the baby is head down, but he can also rest his legs against the mother's pelvic area. Do not worry about this, it is possible that before the birth he will change his position.
  7. The vellus hair that covers the baby's body begins to fall off gradually this week. It remains a little on the lower back, back and shoulders.
  8. The endocrine system of the child begins to work independently, freeing the mother's pancreas, thyroid glands from double work.
  9. At the 28th week of pregnancy, the development of the bronchi occurs. The adrenal glands synthesize hormones responsible for the intensive formation of surfactant in the alveoli. The alveoli themselves (vesicles located at the ends of the bronchi) begin to come into contact with the blood vessels. This is preparation for the independent breathing of the child after birth.

Already in the third trimester

If premature birth occurs at week 28, the baby is not yet able to survive on its own, since its lungs are not fully developed. However, with the help of qualified neonatologists, special equipment, it can be removed. Therefore, childbirth at this time mainly ends positively, it’s just that later the baby stays in the incubator for some time, where it continues its development.

Starting from the 28th week, even with a fatal birth, a newborn baby is considered a full-fledged person, he is issued an identity document. Premature birth before 28 weeks, which led to the death of the fetus, is officially considered a miscarriage.

The 28th week of pregnancy with twins proceeds according to a similar scenario, but still has its own differences. Since there are two babies in the uterus, their weight may be less than 1 kg. However, from next week, the twins will certainly gain weight and begin active preparation for the birth. If twins develop in the womb of a woman, week 28 is the term for maternity leave. With triplets, rest is due from the 26th week of pregnancy.

At a period of 28 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound is usually not done, since the second planned study has already passed, and the third will come at 32 weeks. The exceptions are vital indications and the need to establish some kind of diagnosis so as not to miss the presence of pathology in the mother or child.

If you look at the ultrasound photo at week 28, you can see a fully formed little man who is already not much different from a normal newborn. The video clearly shows his movements, changes in facial expressions. The baby can smile or frown, clap his eyes, suck his thumb, squeeze and unclench his hands.

Changes in the mother's body and her sensations

Week 28 is a pretty solid period when a woman is already used to her position. What changes are happening to her by this time.

  1. By the end of week 28, the total weight gain is approximately 9 kg. With twins or triplets, the increase can be 15 kg.
  2. Expectant mothers notice that urination becomes more frequent than in previous weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the enlarged uterus, which increases pressure on bladder.
  3. The uterus has risen above the pubic joint by 28 cm, the weight of the placenta is about 0.4 kg.
  4. There may be severe itching on the skin of the abdomen, as every day it is more and more stretched. With insufficient elasticity of the skin or lack of prevention, purple stripes appear - stretch marks.
    5. Heartburn continues to torment, to which back and lower back pains are added, caused by an increase in the load on the spine.

If you look at the photo of the mother’s belly at the 28th week of pregnancy, you can already see a rather large and heavy belly, because the weight and size of the baby are quite large.

Treat yourself with great attention, because now there are two of you

The feelings of a woman are quite diverse. On the one hand, the exciting period when she anxiously waited for a miscarriage or complications was left behind. Calmness comes from the realization that in an unforeseen situation the baby can be saved. On the other hand, there are new experiences about the upcoming birth.

  1. The woman feels the active movements of the baby. He can quite sensitively kick under the ribs or in the bladder area. Moreover, the baby shows the greatest activity at night, preventing the mother from sleeping fully. This is due to the fact that during the day the movements of the mother have a calming effect on the child, so he prefers to sleep during the day.
  2. The expectant mother constantly listens to the movements of the child, showing concern about the lack of movement, or, conversely, the excessive activity of the baby. From this period, it is already necessary to count the movements of the fetus. Normally, there should be about ten of them per hour.
  3. On the eve of the 29th week of pregnancy, a woman may feel moderate cramps in the abdomen - the so-called false contractions. This is considered the norm and is a signal that it is time for the expectant mother to go on a well-deserved rest. However, if you experience severe cramping pain, you should immediately call your doctor.

The main task of a woman is to listen to her condition, to maintain a good psycho-emotional background. The following recommendations should be followed.

RecommendationWhat to do?
Have a good restIt has been proven that pregnancy requires healthy sleep and good rest. If you continue to work at week 28, take several breaks during the working day, put your feet on a horizontal surface more often.
Eat rightThe diet now plays a particularly important role, as the expectant mother helps the child to fully develop, instills in him eating habits. It is optimal to consume about 3100 kcal per day, and it is advisable to adhere to fractional nutrition (5-6 meals per day). Food should not only be tasty for mother and child, but bring undoubted benefits to both. Pay special attention to foods high in iron: honey, dried apricots, nuts, cranberries, etc.
Limit liquid volumeSince edema is characteristic of pregnant women, it is recommended to consume no more than 1.5 liters of fluid per day.
More walkingLeisurely walks in the fresh air perform several functions at once:
  • provide future mother oxygen;
  • provide the necessary physical activity;
  • bring positivity and peace.
Follow the psycho-emotional backgroundThe baby is already sensitive to the mood and excitement of the mother. If you feel like you can't control your emotions on your own, start seeing a therapist.
Start preparing for childbirthIt's time to start actively preparing for a responsible event - childbirth. Start attending preparatory courses, complete special breathing exercises, as well as gymnastics to strengthen the pelvic muscles.

Possible risks

Starting from the 28th week, expectant mothers should visit an obstetrician-gynecologist at least 2 times a month, regularly take a urine test. This will help control the condition of the pregnant woman and prevent such undesirable complications as edema, preeclampsia, diabetes in pregnant women.

Baby photo after ultrasound

Many women are concerned about discharge at the 28th week of pregnancy. In general, they do not change their character and remain the same as in previous periods: light, uniform consistency.

If the mother noticed any suspicious changes: the appearance of mucus or pus, yellowish, grayish, greenish color, itching in the perineal area, it is necessary to go to the hospital and get tested, as this is the result of an infection and needs treatment.

The following symptoms may indicate premature birth:

  • spotting from the vagina, signaling placenta previa or abruption;
  • pulling or sharp pains in the lower abdomen;
  • profuse watery discharge, indicating discharge amniotic fluid.

If these warning signs are present, you need to act immediately, take a horizontal position and call an ambulance. Preterm labor often proceeds rapidly, so you should not try to get to the doctor on your own. Remember: the chances of the baby to survive are great, but only if you immediately seek help.

Many parents fear during pregnancy intimacy for fear of hurting the baby. Doctors reassure: sex at the 28th week of pregnancy is not prohibited, and is even useful as a source of positive emotions. However, you should have sex carefully, choose such positions to avoid pressure on mommy's stomach.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

Already the middle of the seventh month of pregnancy! It's time to decide on the choice of a maternity hospital, because there is very little time left! Many expectant mothers are still working at this time. Try to rest more, devote time to health.

The baby already distinguishes tastes, smells, because all the substances that enter the mother's body reach his receptors. Food taste preferences are starting to form, and now is the perfect time to start teaching your baby healthy habits nutrition!

The weight of the fetus at the 28th week of pregnancy is slightly more than 1 kilogram, and its height is 35 cm!

How many months of pregnancy have passed? 28 obstetric week of pregnancy is a full seven months (one obstetric month is twenty-eight days).

What's happening?

Fetal development at 28 weeks gestation

The baby, a week later, has grown a little more, the mother feels how his activity is increasing, how his movements are gaining strength. The baby already knows how to open his eyes. If you watch the video, you can see how he looks at his body, the umbilical cord with curiosity, trying to feel everything with his hands. At this time, the eyes of all babies blue color. Already closer to childbirth, pigmentation will change.

The baby is very active, he is constantly trying to change his position in the uterus, but there is not so much space, and it is more and more difficult to do this. Active strong movements can already cause discomfort to the mother.

A child at 28 weeks of gestation already has taste preferences. Like all kids, he loves sweets the most. But depending on the mother’s nutrition, the baby’s preferences can change, and by this time every expectant mother already understands what she likes.

The kid responds well to various sounds, he is more active with loud music and calms down when he hears the voices of mom and dad.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Feelings of the mother at the 28th week of pregnancy

The well-being of the expectant mother remains the same. May be bothered by swelling of the hands and feet. Such a condition can occur after overwork, and then it is enough to rest, do light gymnastics for the legs (raise them slightly from a horizontal position and lower them), which will improve blood outflow, and do a light lymphatic drainage massage. If severe swelling occurs, be sure to consult your doctor! He will help determine the cause, prevent conditions that threaten complications for you or your baby, and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate medications.

Be sure to ask your doctor what vitamin preparations you need, which trace elements to add. If you are concerned about spasms of the muscles of the legs, you may need to prescribe calcium and magnesium supplements. But only a doctor can do it right. Muscle spasms in the legs can be relieved by warm baths, a special massage that your spouse can help you do. To do this, you need to lie comfortably on your back, and your spouse, holding a slightly raised leg, first brings the foot to the lower leg, pulling the back muscle group, and then kneads the calf muscles with intense movements.

The third trimester is the best time to take care of proper nutrition, because the baby, who already feels all the tastes, remembers everything! Of great importance is the frequency of food intake, as well as its quantity. Observe following rules diet:

  • Eat small meals, but often. This is useful for both the baby and you, because the enlarged uterus squeezes the stomach. When the nutritional components come to the baby in a dosed and frequent way, he feels very comfortable. It is on this principle that the nutrition of newborns is based - most often, babies choose a diet for themselves at intervals of 2-3 hours. A large portion of food in the stomach can also interfere with the mother, because the baby has already grown up, there is less space in the uterus, and the blows of the fists and heels on the full stomach are very noticeable.
  • Try to allow about two hours between your last meal and your night's sleep. Immediately after eating, the baby becomes active, his body receives a large amount of nutrients. And he really needs a healthy sleep. If too much time passes after eating, the baby will be active, but due to a lack of nutrients, he will simply be hungry. Therefore, even if you strictly control the calorie content of your diet, do not forget about the needs of the baby. Excess weight not needed, but fasting may result in insufficient fetal weight gain.
  • Switch to eating only freshly prepared foods. Prepare a dish for one meal. So it retains the maximum useful substances. Yes, it takes more time, but after the birth of the baby, you will cook dishes for him in this way, and the training will only benefit.
  • Experts say that positive emotions during meals improve the absorption of valuable substances, activate the villous apparatus of the intestine. The baby gets more benefit this way.

Belly at 28 weeks pregnant

The uterus at the 28th week of pregnancy is already located 28 centimeters above the womb or 8 cm above the navel.

At the seventh month, a significantly enlarged belly can interfere with the mother's normal lifestyle. The figure is becoming more and more round shape, stretching skin on the abdomen can cause anxiety. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, as well as unpleasant subjective sensations (the skin may itch), you can use special pharmacy skin care products during pregnancy. This will help maintain elasticity. tightened skin and recover faster after childbirth.

Pay special attention proper nutrition, because the enlarged uterus can disrupt the gastrointestinal tract.

The 28th week of pregnancy with twins is accompanied by even greater subjective discomfort, because the size of the uterus is much larger than with a singleton pregnancy. A woman must definitely rest, lie on her side with slightly adducted legs several times a day - this eases the load on the spine, reduces pain in the lumbar region.

As a rule, by this moment the expectant mother is already gaining about nine kilograms. Despite the increased weight and rounding belly, you may well be quite active. However, be more careful about the loads: do not overexert yourself, do not lift weights. But gymnastics for pregnant women - this should be a must in your daily routine. Watch your diet, as in the third trimester it is very important not to gain extra pounds - this will facilitate childbirth and recovery.

Fetal movements at this time

This period of pregnancy is characterized by a significant increase in the activity of the baby. His mother feels his movements very clearly, already feels where the elbow rests, and where the heels, understands what position the baby is in. Movements at the 28th week of pregnancy are very clearly visible on the surface of the abdomen: when the fetus changes position, the abdomen may shift slightly to one side or the other. However, the weight of the child still allows him to actively change his position.

Therefore, the conclusion of the ultrasound “Pregnancy 28 weeks, breech presentation” cannot be final - the baby can easily roll over, and more than once.

Possible pain at 28 weeks

In the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman already feels training contractions. This is usually a feeling of contraction of the uterus, which is absolutely painless. If you experience severe pain, or the stomach aches constantly, be sure to consult a doctor. Pain in the abdomen during pregnancy may be associated with an increase in the uterus, sprain of its ligaments, pressure on neighboring organs, and may be a sign of a threat of interruption. You should not take painkillers, antispasmodics on your own, because only a doctor can determine the cause of this condition and prevent danger.

Required studies and analyzes

Usually, at this stage, standard tests are given: general, can be assigned. During this period, women with Rh-negative blood group are assigned an antibody test. This study makes it possible to determine whether there is a Rh conflict, and to prevent complications during pregnancy and childbirth. If there is still a Rh conflict, then immunoglobulin is administered. It prevents the synthesis in the mother's body of antibodies to the components of the child's blood.

From the beginning of the third trimester, the expectant mother should already visit the gynecologist more often - twice a month. If the stomach hurts at 28 weeks of pregnancy, this must be reported to him at the consultation.

Ultrasound at the 28th week of pregnancy is not included in the routine examination. If your pregnancy is proceeding normally, then two ultrasound examinations you have already done, you already know the gender of your baby, you know that he is growing and developing normally. Ultrasound at this stage can be prescribed if there are health problems on the part of the mother. But ultrasound is an absolutely safe method, and if a mother wants to see her miracle again, take an ultrasound photo at 28 weeks of pregnancy, this can be done!

Useful video

Questions - answers

Tell me, is abdominal pain at the beginning of the third trimester normal? My stomach hurts a little from time to time, I'm afraid that childbirth will not occur at the 28th week of pregnancy.

Pain in the abdomen at your time may occur due to stretching of the ligaments of the uterus, the impact of the enlarged uterus on nearby organs. But these sensations should not be too intense, be of a regular nature. In the third trimester, training contractions are already felt, these sensations resemble muscle contraction, but should not be accompanied by pain. If you are concerned about abdominal pain, and especially if they are accompanied by spotting, be sure to consult a specialist.

What kind of discharge at the 28th week of pregnancy can be? It seems to me that I have a water leak, but it's still very early ...

Allocations at this time may normally increase slightly. Normal are considered liquid, transparent, non-abundant discharge. Usually, women note the leakage of water as more intense. However, it is possible to determine exactly whether this is discharge or leakage only after a smear. If water leaks in large quantities, this is an alarm: be sure to contact the clinic.

I am 28 weeks pregnant, the size of the fetus on ultrasound is normal, and the stomach is very small. How can this be?

The size of the abdomen for each expectant mother is individual. More important criterion- the height of the fundus of the uterus, the size of the fetus. If these indicators are normal, there is nothing to worry about. If you look at 28 weeks of photos of the tummies that moms exchange on the forums, then you can very clearly see that the visual parameters are different for everyone. It depends on the weight of the woman, and on the size of the tazk, on whether this is the first pregnancy, and a number of other factors.

What to do if at 28 weeks the tone of the uterus is increased? How bad is this and is it possible to have sex while doing this?

If you have a tone at this time, you should definitely consult with a gynecologist. He will determine whether the tone is really increased, will give appropriate recommendations. Try to get more rest, limit physical activity. Sex at 28 weeks pregnant increased tone should be limited.

Can the position of the fetus change at 28 weeks of pregnancy? And then we were diagnosed with a breech presentation, and I was very upset ...

Yes, at this time the position of the fetus may well change. The baby is very active, there is still enough space for him, and he can still roll over into a head presentation. In some cases, special gymnastics is recommended, which helps to change the position.

Pregnancy is gradually reaching the finish line. There are anxieties and fears of future childbirth. Back pain, an enlarged belly and weight make you feel uncomfortable. But everything outweighs the joyful expectation of the baby. Future mothers come up with a name, prepare a dowry for a newborn.

Pregnancy 28 weeks - this is how many months, how much is left before childbirth? The third trimester is the most intense in terms of experiences. the appearance of colostrum, absent-mindedness and clumsiness of a woman are not a cause for concern. and confidence in a happy outcome of childbirth will help overcome discomfort.

fetus at 28 weeks

It's the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. It's time to visit the antenatal clinic more often. The baby occupies almost the entire place in the mother's stomach. It is becoming more and more difficult for a woman to endure pregnancy. 28 weeks - the weight of the child is already about 1 kg; his height is approximately 35 cm. These are average figures. Individual features may vary. Both weight and height can be a little more or less.

If the pregnancy is 28 weeks, what happens to the baby? The brain begins to develop actively. Up to this point it has been smooth. After 28 weeks, gyrus begins to form in it. The heart beats at a rate of 150 beats per minute.

The baby's lungs are still weak, underdeveloped. However, at this time the child is quite capable of surviving with medical care. Of course, they nurse babies for more early dates. But it is from the 3rd trimester that the child is legally considered a newborn.

Pregnancy 28 weeks - how many months? Considering that the obstetric month is 28 days, then the 7th month begins at this time. The child's facial features become clearer, the cheeks are rounded. He starts to yawn much more often. Hair accumulates pigment and begins to darken.

Location of the fetus

The baby already knows how to hear, he begins to distinguish the voices of his parents. He opens his eyes and reacts emotionally to what he likes or dislikes. If the pregnancy is 28 weeks - what happens to the fetus? When will it roll over to the correct position?

There are only 3 types of fetal presentation:

  1. Head. The baby is head down, adjacent to the cervix.
  2. Transverse. The fetus is located across the mother's abdomen.
  3. Pelvic. The child is head up, the legs of the fetus, buttocks are adjacent to the cervix.

Up to 3 doesn't really matter. The child's activity increases, he moves regularly and can be in any of the three presentations. If pregnancy has reached 28-29 weeks, then the fetus is in the most convenient position for childbirth. Most often it is head presentation. It is ideal for childbirth.

When during childbirth, the buttocks, the legs of the child first appear. It may be difficult to remove the head, because it is the largest part of the body. Therefore, the prospect of a caesarean section is possible.

At transverse presentation the child will not be able to be born on its own, without medical assistance. It is during this period, when the pregnancy is 28-29 weeks, that the official diagnosis of fetal presentation is made. However, there is no need to worry ahead of time. It also happens that just before the birth, the child is in the head presentation.

baby stirring

Third trimester, pregnancy 28 weeks - how many months until delivery? If the baby is not requested ahead of time, then the expectant mother has 3 more obstetric months left. This is an opportunity to set yourself up for a positive outcome of the case, collect a bag for the hospital, prepare the necessary documents. If the need suddenly arises to leave for maternity ward, all things will already be collected.

At the 7th month of pregnancy, fetal movements are as active as possible. They must occur at least 10 times in one hour. Here you should be careful when counting. Because the baby can sleep during the day. And at night, waking up, start your physical activity, stirring.

We should not forget that the belly at the 28th week of pregnancy is quite large. Sometimes it turns to stone - this means that the uterus is in good shape and is preparing for future contractions. The child is also growing and there is little room for him in his mother's tummy. Therefore, the movements may not be as frequent.

During daytime or nighttime rest, the uterus relaxes, the baby's activity increases. Therefore, when counting, you can find at least 4 movements per 1 hour of mom's rest.

Pay attention to fetal movements. If the movements are less than expected, you should tell the doctor about it.

Tests at 28 weeks

Time to go out maternity leave begins at 27-28 weeks of pregnancy. From this point on, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist more often. Ultrasound at this time is often not done. During the appointment, the doctor listens to notes in the chart the pressure and weight of the woman, measures the circumference of the abdomen and pelvis. As before, you should take the standard tests during pregnancy - urine, blood. But there are some other indicators, the values ​​​​of which must be clarified in the 3rd trimester.

Blood tests to be done:

  • for sugar;
  • for antibodies.

During pregnancy, diabetes can occur. That is why blood sugar levels are so important. In order not to develop anemia, the level of iron in the body is monitored.

An antibody test will reveal the Rh factor. As well as the presence or absence of a Rh-conflict with a child, which can affect the outcome of childbirth. If necessary, a special medicine is introduced that will prevent the formation of antibodies to the child's blood in the mother's body.

Changes in the mother's body

Pregnancy 28 weeks - how many months have passed since the beginning of conception? For 7 months, the baby has been developing in the mother's belly. The forms of the woman are rounded. The abdomen becomes much larger. It is at this time that gynecologists advise wearing a bandage.

The skin on the abdomen is stretched more and more, it starts to itch. Whitish stripes - stretch marks - can cover part of the abdomen. To prevent this, it is necessary to apply special gels and creams to the skin 1-2 times a day. Even plain oil baby cream help prevent stretch marks. In the morning and evening, you should rub the selected cosmetic product clockwise into the abdomen.

Pain in the back, lower back begins at about 27-28 weeks of pregnancy. An increase in the height, weight of the child, a shift in the center of gravity - these are the causes of these pains. It is necessary to distinguish between them. can lead to premature birth. With them, the tone of the uterus also increases. Pain of the radiculitis plan is associated with an increase in the abdomen, softening of the supporting ligaments and joints.


The appearance of edema is a sign that it is time to think about weight control, the time to adjust the diet, reduce fluid intake. It should be 1.5 liters per day. Liquids include not only drinks, but also soups, and fruits, and milk.

Smoked, salty, fried, spicy foods cause thirst. Therefore, it is necessary to refuse such products. You should pay attention to the amount of urine excreted per day. It should be more than the fluid consumed.

At 28 weeks, the fetus may be disturbed by intense edema, the appearance of dropsy. Late preeclampsia is a serious complication, so you need to be careful about your health and nutrition.


Light, milky shades of discharge are considered the norm. They should be homogeneous, have a slightly sour smell. If the discharge changes dramatically, becomes yellow, gray, with clots of pus or mucus, you should immediately consult a doctor. If itching and a strong odor appear, a series of tests should be performed to detect infection.

Watery discharge means leakage of amniotic fluid. They may be small or large. In any case, watery discharge indicates a violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder. You need to see a doctor urgently.

If the pregnancy is 28 weeks - what happens with spotting? This means placenta previa. Be sure to call an ambulance in this case. Spotting may be slight, spotting. Or profuse, with sharp pains. In any case, they disrupt the normal course of pregnancy and can lead to premature contractions, childbirth.

health care

When the 28th week of pregnancy has come, the movements of the fetus are so active that they can cause pain to mommy. In this case, it is recommended to calm the baby, stroke the stomach or change the position of the body.

Walking and bending becomes more and more difficult. However, weight gain in the last trimester is accelerating. Therefore, doctors advise not to engage in vigorous activity (especially if there are cramping pains), but to devote more time to unhurried walks. It is important to monitor the smoothness of movements, not to allow yourself sudden jumps, inclinations.

Contact should be established with the child - communicate more by stroking the stomach. Sing songs, read stories. The child does not yet understand the words, but he is well versed in the intonations of his parents. Therefore, it is better not to swear, not to raise your voice. Talk calmly, softly.


It is better to distribute food intake by 5-6 times during the day. Preference should be given to small portions. A change in taste, the appearance of unpleasant sensations often accompany pregnancy. 28 weeks - what happens in the last trimester?

The appearance of heartburn is due to the fact that with an increase in the uterus, the diaphragm also rises. She presses on her stomach. Therefore, heartburn, nausea are quite acceptable.

A pregnant woman simply needs to take foods containing calcium: cheese, cottage cheese, milk. The inert system of the child continues to form, and calcium is necessary for both mother and baby. But it is better to limit the intake of potatoes, flour products, white rice - these products will contribute to fat accumulation in a woman's body. It is better to prefer cereals. For baking, use wholemeal flour.

Feelings of a woman

28 weeks pregnant. The movements of the child are so noticeable that they cause inconvenience to the expectant mother. Need more rest. Legs at this point should often be kept elevated to prevent varicose veins.

It is important to watch your posture. Back pain due to a shifted center of gravity will continue until the end of pregnancy. To avoid bending the spine, it is necessary to keep your back straight.

On the chest, the veins protrude brighter, colostrum appears. But a pregnant woman needs to remember that squeezing fluid from the glands is undesirable. It is better to wash the chest with cool water, wear special pads so as not to spoil the linen.

In the last trimester, insomnia is possible. This is due to frequent urination, heartburn, thoughts about future childbirth. It is better not to dwell on disturbing thoughts, do not take sedative drugs without a doctor's recommendation. Walking before going to bed, a peaceful mood, an evening shower will help to overcome night vigils.

Causes of preterm birth

Premature birth contributes to the wrong lifestyle - smoking, alcohol, taking drugs. But even in women who have been monitoring their health throughout their pregnancy, some complications are possible (they, in turn, can lead to premature birth):

  • Rubella infection during pregnancy.
  • genital infections.
  • Immune incompatibility of parents and child.
  • Incompetence of the cervix.
  • Polyhydramnios, fetal anomalies.
  • Detachment, placenta previa.

Delivery at 28 weeks pregnant

Timely measures taken can stop the complications that have begun. To do this, you need to consult a doctor or call a brigade for help soon. A baby at 28 weeks will only survive special conditions which can be provided by the obstetric facility.

In some cases, the threat to the life of the mother leads to the initiation premature birth. The rupture of the fruit membranes and possible infection is also a reason to start artificial labor.

It doesn't matter if it's C-section or natural childbirth, it is important to preserve the life and health of the mother and child. If the doctors decide on an operation or on artificial stimulation of activity, then the situation should be accepted without argument.

The postpartum period proceeds in most cases in the same way as in women who have given birth on time. Minor complications can delay the mother and child in the hospital for some time.

By the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman's weight gain should be 9 kg. Slightly more or slightly less weight gain is allowed. However, it is necessary to monitor the increase, adjust the diet. It is bad if the weight is much more - this will affect the general well-being and the process of childbirth.

The raised diaphragm props up the stomach and causes slight nausea. Therefore, it is better to sleep at this time on a high pillow. It will be most convenient to lie on the left side - it is this position that is optimal for mother and child.

To avoid anxiety and fears of childbirth, you should add positive emotions to your life.

  • Spend more time with friends and family.
  • Light scented candles.
  • Read positive books, watch good or funny films.
  • Go to interesting exhibitions, concerts.
  • Wear comfortable shoes, clothes.
  • Turn on relaxation music.
  • Choose a name for the child, talk to the baby.

The pregnancy calendar says that week 28 is the final one in the second trimester. Pleasant changes in the life of the expectant mother are associated with this border - she goes on maternity leave. It is at this stage that significant changes occur in the fetus - muscle tissue begins to actively grow. But there are also unpleasant moments associated with this period - most cases of pregnancy fading and premature birth occur during this period. You can avoid such complications if you follow the recommendations of the gynecologist who observes the pregnancy and follow other common, generally accepted rules of conduct for this period.

Features of fetal development at week 28

At the 28th week of pregnancy, the baby's body and internal organs already practically formed, and active growth of muscle tissue begins. This means that the child will gain his basic weight, with which he will be born and begin his life. In addition, other equally important processes take place:

the formation of reproductive organs - testicles begins,

eyes begin to react to bright light from outside,

Nails grow on fingers

some babies begin to grow hair on their heads,

deposited subcutaneous fat

The first grooves appear in the structure of the brain.

In addition, at the 28th week, the baby begins the active development of the hearing organs, and he likes to listen to music, his mother's and father's voice, he learns to recognize them. Many pediatricians believe that it is at this time that musical ear and taste are laid, a strong bond is formed between the baby and parents.

The weight of the baby, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, during this period already exceeds 1 kg, and his height can reach 35-38 cm, and there is little room for him in his mother's stomach. Trying to turn around, move the legs and arms, the child can hurt the mother, but these sensations are indescribable.

External changes of a pregnant woman at 28 weeks

At this time, the expectant mother should carefully listen to her feelings and carefully monitor changes in her body. By what time of day a child is active, one can predict his character, and this is not folk omen, and the observations of medical professionals. A baby who prefers to move and roll over during the day will be calm. Children who kick their mother at night are born mobile and active.

According to the external changes of a pregnant woman, one can track the condition of the fetus, predict the risk of premature birth. Gynecologists consider alarm signals at this time

drastic weight gain

· change taste preferences,

Decreased activity, weakness

constant irritability,

Deterioration of the skin, hair, nails,

Severe shortness of breath with minimal exertion

An unrelenting feeling of thirst.

Most women look great during this period of pregnancy. This can be achieved through careful selection of the diet, appetite control, long walks in the fresh air. Visit a gynecologist later dates you need to regularly, and on examinations, describe all your feelings, point out even minor external changes.

The well-being of the expectant mother - the norm and deviations

At the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman should pay attention to any physical ailment, psychological nuances of her character, external changes and internal sensations, no matter how insignificant they may seem. At this time, pregnancy may freeze, and this can only be prevented by regularly visiting a doctor.

The belly and mammary glands of a pregnant woman at week 28 begin to increase, which can provoke stretch marks. This can be prevented by using emollient creams with a neutral composition, free of harmful chemical ingredients and herbal ingredients that can cause allergies.

The sharp growth of the fetus and an increase in the uterus can provoke pain in the lumbar region. If the pain intensifies, and from periodic turns into permanent, you should immediately consult a doctor. Severe pain in any part of the body should be alarming, as pregnancy can provoke the development of thrombosis.

At week 28, most pregnant women develop swelling. Only a doctor has the right to give recommendations for their elimination and prevention, but not a neighbor, relative or friend. Use questionable drugs or folk remedies not possible in any case.

This period is characterized by the appearance of training fights. Thus, the body of a woman prepares for childbirth. The norm of training fights is no more than a few seconds, the symptoms are not painful, barely noticeable. If the state of health during training bouts deteriorates significantly, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What to watch out for at 28 weeks pregnant

At this time, the second trimester ends and the third, last trimester of pregnancy begins. Most mothers by this period already have a significant increase in weight and continue to recover, become clumsy and clumsy. It is important to be very careful, try not to get injured, do not plan any serious things that require increased concentration and instant reaction.

Medical specialists at 28 weeks of gestation recommend to be wary of problems such as


premature birth,

anemia in the mother.

Oligohydramnios (lack of amniotic fluid) develops against the background of metabolic disorders in the mother's body, infectious diseases, due to delayed fetal development. Symptoms of oligohydramnios - leakage of amniotic fluid, pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

Premature birth can be triggered by the anatomical features of the structure of the uterus of a woman, an imbalance in the production of hormones, multiple pregnancy, preeclampsia (late toxicosis), a sharp increase in the tone of the uterus. The risk of preterm labor can be prevented if you immediately consult a doctor when the following symptoms appear - bloody discharge, sharp pain in the abdomen, dizziness or fainting, muscle weakness.

To exclude the development of complications at week 28 is the main task of a pregnant woman, a gynecologist and an obstetrician observing her. The expectant mother must strictly observe the following rules:

Monitor blood pressure daily

monitor the intensity of fetal movement and consult a doctor in case of any deviation,

Prevent colds and infectious diseases, if the temperature rises, immediately call a doctor,

Eat properly and regularly, do not stick to starvation diets, but do not overeat.

Not only the pregnant woman, but also her relatives should control the situation. Their task is to create a favorable psychological atmosphere in the house, not to provoke stressful situations, not to endanger the expectant mother, not to allow her to do hard work around the house, in the garden or in the garden. But this does not mean that a woman should constantly lie down, it is necessary to show moderate activity. In addition, it is important to ensure her safety in terms of ecology - to take the pregnant woman out of the city, to organize her leisure in such a way that it is useful and interesting. Emotional background It has a great influence not only on the health of a woman, but also on the intrauterine development of the baby, becomes the basis for his health, intelligence and character.
