What is the ombre effect on the lips. How to make an ombre effect on the lips: a step by step tutorial

If you already know how to make ombre arrows, then it's time to learn a new fashionable make-up for yourself.- ombre lips! This trick visually enlarges the lips and makes them more voluminous. And our simple instruction will help you easily master this technique by adding it to your usual make-up routine. Only 5 steps - and you will not be able to part with the ombre!

Step 1. Prepare the lips

Before you start doing the ombre effect on the lips, complete the faces: apply black eyeliner, shimmer or matte shadows, mascara and eyebrow pencil. Also apply lip balm: it will moisturize the lips and serve as an excellent lip base, under which it will be better to lay down pencil and lipstick.

Step 2. Outline the lip line

Take a lip liner and start with a checkmark above the lip: draw a line that looks like the top of a heart (the ideal checkmark shape should look like this), then move to the corners of the lips. Color the lower lip, moving from one corner of the lips to another. Make the contour line a little wider than usual - so the lipstick will look more natural, and its durability will increase significantly.

Try not to go beyond the contour of the lips and do not draw them new form. If this trick is invisible in the photo, then in real life it looks very unnatural. The most you can do is round your lips a little. But don't change their shape.

Step 3. Apply lipstick with a lip brush

Pink is the first base lipstick shade you'll need. It should be combined with a shade of lip pencil as much as possible. Apply the base pink color with a special lip brush so that the lipstick lies in a thin layer and its pigment becomes as saturated as possible. Take some lipstick on the brush and paint over the lower lip. Then press your lips together so that the lipstick is imprinted on the upper lip: this will allow the lipstick to look more matte. As a result, the contour will remain dry and will not mix with the texture of the lipstick. We advise you not to choose a matte lipstick for this purpose: it will not be imprinted on the upper lip and, moreover, you will not be able to shade it well.

Step 4. Wet the lips with a napkin

The next step is a classic that girls have been using for centuries. Take a simple napkin and gently pat your lips with it. The napkin will absorb excess shine and remove the excess layer of lipstick.

Step 5. Apply the next shade of lipstick

Using your finger, apply an orange shade of lipstick to the center of the upper and lower lip. At this stage, do not close your lips. Then take a pencil and circle the lip contour with it again. At this stage, the pencil will add durability to the shades of lipstick and blend the borders between the two shades of lipstick. Ready!

Now you know how to do natural effect ombre lips! As you can see, it is not that difficult, so be sure to try this technique. We are sure you will succeed!

The ombre effect is smooth transition from dark to light color, which originally appeared in hairdressing. The girls dyed their hair using the obmre technique to create a gorgeous look. After some time, the style loved by many gradually penetrated into manicure, and then into makeup.

The ombre effect can be used in the make-up of the eyes or lips. Contrasting colors create an incredible, memorable make-up. If you make up your lips using the ombre technique, they instantly become plump and voluminous. Even the owners of very thin lips will be able to model their size using the ombre effect.

Make-up rules ombre

Lips with an ombre effect are always bright and memorable. Such makeup would be appropriate for a party, while for daily use it is better to use more discreet make-up techniques using pastel or light lipstick colors. In order for the gradation of shades on the lips to be done in accordance with all the rules, you must use the following tips from the world's leading makeup artists:

  • the transition of a shade with a degraded effect is ensured due to more intensively dyed corners and a lighter middle;
  • the main tools for creating the ombre technique on the lips are 2 shades of pencil and lipstick or mirror gloss;

  • when choosing shades of a contour pencil, it is better to give preference to products from the line of one manufacturer: it is recommended to paint the middle with a pencil natural color, and the corners - a brighter and more saturated shade;
  • you can also make an ombre on the lips with the help of various unexpected combinations, for example, a stunning enlargement effect can be created by using a bright orange and pink contour pencil at the same time.

Ombre makeup is not afraid of bold experiments. Colors of decorative cosmetics can be chosen at your discretion. The contour is allowed to be painted not only with a classic red or pink pencil, but also with a rich black eyeliner.

The only thing that must be observed in any case is the rule of three means. It is necessary that no more than three should be used on the lips at a time. various means decorative cosmetics.

Three Ways to Create Ombre Lips

Preparation stage

The effect of a noticeable increase in the volume of the lips can only be achieved with scrupulous preliminary preparation. To make the makeup look good, you should achieve a perfectly smooth surface. To do this, it is recommended to do the following steps step by step:

Having achieved maximum surface smoothness, you can safely paint your lips with selected shades of pencils, lipstick or mirror gloss. There may be several application options. IN Asian countries Ombre is most often performed in light colors. Such makeup involves staining the inner surface with a bright lipstick pigment, for example, pink. The outer edge is masked with a shaded concealer. The effect of slightly bitten or “kissed” lips is created. Most often, such a performance can be seen on the faces of young girls.

However, in our country, ombre of saturated shades is more common. Such makeup is used mainly to create bright and dramatic images.

Create a Gradient Effect

There are quite a few options for creating a make-up with a gradient effect. You can do ombre makeup on one or two lips at once, vertically or horizontally, using lipstick or gloss. Also, the color scheme of the decorative cosmetics used can be quite diverse. Shades should always match the overall image and inspire.

To make a flawless ombre, you need to paint the surface in accordance with the presented scheme:

There are other options for performing the gradient. So, with a vertical ombre, the surface of the lips can be divided into three segments at once, each of which is covered with a different shade of lipstick. It is important not to forget about shading cosmetics so that the surface is always matte, there are no visual transitions between colors.

With a horizontal version of applying a gradient, the upper lip can be made up with dark lipstick, and on the lower lip, make a division into two identical strips: a more saturated inner and the lightest at the outer edge of the lips. This design is perfect if you need a visual highlight of the upper lip.

Ombre options

Hello dear readers!

Agree, well-chosen lipstick and attractive, plump lips - this is what makes us irresistible?

Today, in our article, we will tell you how to properly make up your lips, make a seductive volume and share tips perfect makeup. We will also take a step-by-step look at a very fashionable this season make-up using the ombre technique. Enjoy reading!


  • Popular lip makeup techniques. Makeup Tips

This type of make-up is a whole art that needs to be learned. Today we decided to make a detailed article for you, which will tell you about the most popular makeup techniques, tell you how to make up your lips step by step and share secrets that will help you easily master the art of make-up at home.

A woman begins to use lipstick, gloss and pencil with young years. Initially, few people pay attention to shade, texture, correct application. The first cosmetics in a cosmetic bag is a little joy. And only after some time, leafing through glossy magazines, studying photos on the Internet, we begin to delve into the world of beauty and fashion.

Knowledge about brands, textures, types of cosmetics. And in the cosmetic bag I already want to have worthy, suitable products for us and do high-quality, beautiful makeup.

Fashion does not stand still, one trend is replaced by another. But what always remains relevant is a neat make-up in the right color scheme. Let's look at the most popular lip make-up techniques today.


Perhaps the most popular type of makeup, which has already managed to fall in love with many fashionistas.

ombre- this is a smooth transition from one shade to another, it can be both vertical and horizontal make-up. Usually two tones are used that differ from each other.

This is done so that the contrast is noticeable. Of course, do not forget that lipstick should suit yours and its shades should be combined with each other.

Ombre is not difficult to perform:

  • Apply a light matte lipstick. Wait 3-5 minutes for the lipstick to set firmly. A matte finish is needed in order to avoid unnecessary gloss and shine.

Also, such lipsticks are denser and do not have the feature of spreading. Makeup with dense textures looks more advantageous and is at the peak of popularity.

  • Then in the middle of the lips, apply more dark shade and with a brush, blend it with the light one to get a smooth transition.
  • Finish off with translucent powder.

Pencil technique

It is she who allows you to visually enlarge the lips and give them a seductive volume. Makeup artists recommend choosing a pencil and lipstick of similar shades.

To achieve the desired effect is easy:

  • Take a pencil and circle the outline with it, protruding 1-1.5 mm.
  • Apply foundation fluid or BB cream without going over the contour. To do this, use a brush or a small sponge.
  • Take a dark-colored pencil (wine, burgundy, plum, etc.) and make a wide outline without affecting the central part.
  • Then take a lipstick similar in tone to a pencil and apply it on top.


This type of make-up is very similar to ombre. However, there is one slight difference between them: the gradient is more contrasting and carries bright, unusual shades that do not have to be combined with each other. For example, you can safely take silver, gold lipstick and mix it with a blue or black tone.

Also, the gradient allows you to use three tones. The first should be neutral, the second - the brightest, the third - the average between the first and second.

Like ombre, the gradient can be horizontal or vertical.

To perform makeup, follow these steps:

  • Apply a base on the lips or cover their surface with foundation. Wait a few minutes.
  • Apply shades with a brush, starting from the darkest to the lightest and mix them together without going beyond the contours. You should get a contrasting transition from one tone to another.
  • Finally, apply translucent powder.

Lip makeup using the gradient technique is a great option, both for a celebration and for a noisy party. It remains to choose the appropriate shades that are appropriate for this event. Don't be afraid to experiment, create new looks by mixing different lipstick tones! Create!

Hatching with a pencil

It is this method that allows you to make lasting makeup. To do this, it is recommended to use lipstick and a pencil of almost identical shades.

  • Carefully outline the outline with a pencil. You need to move from the "cupid's arrow" towards the corners. Outline the lower lip, starting from the corners and moving towards the center.
  • Next, shade the entire surface with a pencil in 2 layers.
  • Apply lipstick.

What is the success of a beautiful, lasting makeup? Of course, in the right and high-quality cosmetics. I use lipstick NYX and very satisfied.

I advise you to look into NYX and pick yourself suitable color. Here is a large selection of tools for make-up. Take advantage of discounts and promotions!

You probably thought that only makeup artists can perform makeup using these techniques? We will dispel your doubts!

At home, you can do this by following our tips:

  • A white pencil should always be in a cosmetic bag. And also neutral (beige, light pink). With the help of these products, we can correct the shape of the lips and give them the desired volume.
  • Remember: light tones always increase, while dark tones, on the contrary, decrease and create a shadow effect.
  • Choose a pencil and lipstick as similar in tone as possible.
  • In order for the pencil to look neat, it must be applied with light strokes. Before application, warm the product in your hands to soften the lead.
  • Glitter gives volume, so try to apply it at the end.
  • To give a little plumpness, apply a little light lipstick in the middle of the lips and blend.

Proper lip makeup step by step (photo)

Now we will tell you how to make a beautiful make-up without leaving your home. You need to stock up on cosmetics, brushes, a mirror and of course good mood! So, let's get started: Do a light peeling to remove all the bumps and roughness.

  • Apply moisturizer, let it soak in for 3 minutes.
  • Apply foundation. This is necessary so that the lipstick looks bright and lies as evenly as possible.
  • Next, we form the outline with a pencil.

  • Apply the shade of lipstick of your choice. It is better to do this with a special brush, as this will allow you to evenly apply the product and such makeup will look more accurate. Before applying the second layer (if necessary), you need to take a napkin and attach it to your lips, and then powder them. In this way, your Mike-up will be more resistant and the second layer will lie more evenly.
  • And for the finishing touch, you can use glitter to give it a glossy glow!
  • Now smile and enjoy the result, because you look great!

As you can see, for a correct and neat make-up, it is not necessary to have super skills! It is enough to stock up on good cosmetics that will not let you down at a crucial moment and brushes. A little practice and you will shine!

lovers organic cosmetics I recommend choosing a lipstick in the online store 4fresh. Here you can find many interesting personal care products and delight yourself with quality products. self made! You deserve it.

Today, dear readers, we have learned the basic lip makeup techniques and its correct execution. I hope that the article will help you to make a chic make-up without leaving your home.

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Ilona was with you

Do you want to surprise everyone with your elegant makeup? For this there is great amount various tricks that can help you with this.

A recent trend has been the use of a unique technique based on the visual highlighting of your beautiful lips.


The color variety of overflows in the coloring of various objects used by a person has been used since ancient times. People believed that such colorful overflows should find their place in the creation of the beautiful appearance of the fair sex.

So what is an ombre on the lips? As a rule, this is lip tinting in two or three colors that smoothly transition into each other.

The effect of such lip makeup will depend on the experience and skills of the specialist. Using this method, you can make the lips visually larger or smaller in volume, and lipstick on the lips can acquire the effect of wear.

Ombre: daytime or evening?

Girls who first encountered this technique often wonder if ombre lip makeup is evening? Or can it be used as a daytime look?

Everything will depend solely on the colors of lipstick you choose. If you choose calm natural tones, then you will have an excellent daytime look, and if you prefer saturated bright colors, then it is better to use them for an evening out.

It is worth noting that this type of makeup requires much more patience and time than the usual one. However, after repeated practice, you will easily make such a make-up.

With the right technique for performing this effect, your lips will look irresistible. Such sponges literally attract the views of others and make their owner unique.


An ombre effect is made on the lips using a horizontal and vertical technique. Of these techniques, there are subspecies

gradient horizontal

  • the gradient fill goes from a dark color to a light tone, from top to bottom.
  • the lightest shade should be on the upper and lower lip along the line of their closure. It is worth distributing a dark shade along the contour.
  • dark color located at the closure of the lips and smoothly turns into light closer to the contour. This option is better for girls with full lips and perfectly white teeth - thus, the lips will visually decrease, and the beauty of the teeth will stand out.
  • a light shade is applied in the center, and a dark color is applied around the lips. With this performance, you can visually enlarge the lips, and if you still use gloss, you can achieve a seductive swelling of the lips.

gradient vertical

With it, the shade will change from the center of the lips to their corners. The light middle will increase the mouth, and the dark one, on the contrary, will reduce it.

It is worth considering that this method is not suitable for an everyday look. Most often it is used in professional staged photo shoots.

Execution instruction

How to perform this effect correctly so that the result does not disappoint, but pleases?

It is very important to prepare well for doing makeup. First of all, you need to use special means make a soft peel. To do this, you can apply honey to your lips, and then wash it off.

The skin will be cleansed and blood circulation will increase.

The next step is to apply a lip balm that will moisturize them. Then apply a layer foundation and powders.

Do not forget to treat the oral area with a concealer to increase the effectiveness of makeup.

The preparation phase has ended. We proceed directly to the application of colors.

The contour of the lips is drawn with a pencil. We direct the stroke from the corners of the mouth to its center. After that, blend well.

We apply a dark color depending on the execution technique that you have chosen.

Then add a light shade. Apply it to the non-colored areas of the lips.

We shade. This stage must be approached responsibly. Using a small brush, blur the bordering dark and light colors. They will blend, which will create a gradient.

Final stage. Apply gloss over makeup for a wet effect. Ready!

This instruction will provide indispensable assistance in creating the effect, ombre for beginners and not only.

In the future, you can experiment with colors shades. Perhaps such makeup will become an indispensable addition to your image.

How is it really right to paint lips in such an unusual technique?

Experts advise beginners to use only two tones and no more, because a large number of flowers requires excellent taste, excellent knowledge of color, precision movements of the master.

You also need to know that in order to create such an effect, you need to think over the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmakeup in detail, which should be in accordance with the tone of your lips.

Also best solution there will be the use of cosmetics from one manufacturer, so that there is no negative consequences makeup.

You should also try the ombre lip tattoo. It is a great solution for individuals who love to stand out from the crowd.

To achieve this effect, you need to practice a little and you will get a great result!

Photo ombre on the lips

In the past few years, smooth color transitions have become a trend in literally everything. They decorate clothes, manicures, as well as make-up of fashionistas.

The trend of applying lipstick on the lips using the ombre technique is popular - it looks very stylish and unusual, and can also visually increase or decrease the lips, depending on what you need.

What is makeup?

Ombre is also called degradation or gradient.

This technique assumes smooth transitions from darker to lighter and vice versa.

Through this solution, you can visually increase or decrease the lips, change their shape and simply create a stylish and unusual look.

The classic version uses two tones, but there may be more. However, if you are a beginner in creating makeup of such a plan, it is better to limit yourself to two colors.

You can find out which lipstick is the most resistant from ours.

Basic principles

Ombre lip makeup can be suitable for both daytime and evening looks. Much depends on what tones you will use.

If the colors are natural and close to each other, the transition will be weakly noticeable, and a similar solution can even be used for makeup nude style . Brighter and more noticeable combinations will decorate the evening look.

In order for the makeup to be done correctly and beautifully, consider the following:

  1. Before proceeding to the lips, I need to finish the makeup of the whole face. It is preliminary recommended to apply a balm that will moisturize the skin of the lips and become a wonderful base on which both lipstick and contour pencil will fall well.
  2. The contour line can be made wider than usual. This will increase durability make-up and make it more natural.
  3. Try not to go beyond the natural contour of the lips and don't redraw their shape- it will be very noticeable. Unless you can round your lips a little, but you definitely shouldn’t change them.
  4. To apply lipstick, it is recommended to use brush.
  5. The base shade should be combined with the contour pencil as much as possible.

  6. After completing the make-up, it is recommended to blot the lips with a napkin. It will help remove excess shine and excess lipstick.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by funds from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

What will be required?

Ombre makeup will require almost the same as for regular lip makeup. Prepare the following:

  • two shades of lipstick, darker and lighter;
  • contour pencil;
  • transparent lip gloss;
  • colorless lip balm or primer;
  • paper napkin;
  • brush for blending.

Ways to do it

How to make up lips in ombre style? There are two main ombre lip techniques - vertical And horizontal.

Horizontal in turn, may include the following options:

  • dark upper lip, on the bottom, dark and light stripes are combined. The combination creates upper lip accent;
  • if you combine a light stripe on top and a light stripe with a dark one below, the accent will be the lower lip;
  • a light strip between two dark ones will help visually enlarge lips;
  • if you create light stripes along the contour and dark in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bclosure of the lips, the contour can be visually reduced. This approach will also help enhance the whiteness of teeth.

Vertical method can be done in the following way:

  • vertical light strip between dark adds volume to lips;
  • a vertical dark stripe between light ones, on the contrary, reduces volume;
  • on one half vertically, you can apply a tone lighter, on the other - darker.

This option looks very extravagant, so usually in Everyday life it is not used.

How to make an ombre effect on the lips?

Step by step technique

Step-by-step instructions for horizontal technique assumes the following sequence:

  1. Apply a balm to your lips, powder them.
  2. With a contour pencil, draw a border along natural lines.
  3. Apply lipstick of a darker shade on the surface of the lips, slightly touching the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir closure.
  4. Now take a lighter lipstick, paint over the middle and blend well so that the borders are less noticeable.
  5. Apply a small amount of gloss to the middle of the lips to add volume.

Vertical technique is done as follows:

  1. Lips need to be moistened, draw a contour with a light pencil and shade it.
  2. Divide the upper and lower lip into three parts. On extreme areas, apply more dark tone, blend it to the center of the lips.
  3. Apply a lighter color to the center of the lips, gently blend it in both directions.
  4. Blot your lips with a tissue.

What to consider?

Much in the choice of technique should depend on what effect do you want to achieve Or reduce lips. If the volume of the lips needs to be increased, make the transition from the dark edges to a lighter center.

On the contrary, you can achieve a reduction effect by creating a transition from light edges to dark ones. You can also add volume by applying a transparent gloss to the middle of the lips.

What mistakes should not be made?

Ombre makeup is more complicated than simple lip makeup, so it's easier to mess it up. It is important to avoid common mistakes. So, if you don’t have much practice, try follow the rule of three- Do not use more than three make-up products.

It is enough to use two tones, creating a transition between them. In order to combine more colors, certain skills are needed.

With the choice of colors, you also need to be careful. Pencils must be used from the same series, closest to each other in color. This is a classic option, although you can combine colors that are more distant from each other, for example, red with burgundy, pinkish with orange, and so on.

Having mastered the ombre technique on the lips, you will know how to create stylish and non-trivial image for any occasion. It takes a little practice, and then you can experiment to your heart's content.

Two ways to make ombre lips in this video:
