Quotes about good breeding and respect. Aphorisms and quotes about education

Education is terribly difficult, incomprehensible and insanely interesting. We made a selection of quotes that will help you become wise, understanding, listening and hearing parents.

1. Do not offend children with ready-made formulas, formulas are empty; enrich them with images and pictures that show the connecting threads. Do not burden children with a dead weight of facts; teach them techniques and methods that will help them to comprehend. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

2. Children who are treated with respect and support are more emotionally stable than those who are constantly protected. (Tim Seldin, Montessori Encyclopedia)

4. Children partly adopt pessimism from adults. They, like a sponge, absorb both what you say and how you say it. (Martin Seligman, The Optimistic Child)

5. Giving children rewards all the time is not good. Through this they become selfish, and hence a corrupt mindset develops. (Kant I.)

6. There is a rational grain in allowing the baby to break a cup or plate. (Tim Seldin, Montessori Encyclopedia)

7. A habit is strongest when it begins in early years; we call this education, which is, in essence, nothing but early habits. (Bacon F.)

8. Any real education is obtained only through self-education. (N.A. Rubakin)

9. One of the most important functions of creativity is to enable children to express what they cannot say in words. (Gene Van't Hal, "Creative Education")

10. Only a living example educates a child, not words, even the best ones, but not supported by deeds. (A. S. Makarenko)

11. Reading together with children can be an excellent means of emotional education. (John Gottman)

13. No matter how busy your loved one's schedule is, find time to have dinner together. (Julie Litcott-Hames, "Let Them Go")

14. Leave the kids alone, but be within reach in case you need them. (Astrid Lindgren)

15. Many parents think that discipline means punishment. It really means learning. (Tim Seldin, Montessori Encyclopedia)

16. Only by instilling in your child an optimistic view of the world, you teach him to understand himself, to open his inner world and the world around him. (Martin Seligman, The Optimistic Child)

17. You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children (J.-J. Rousseau)

18. Remember: children tend to believe their parents' words. If you tell your baby every day that he is harmful, he begins to consider himself that way. (John Gottman, The Emotional Intelligence of the Child)

19. The purpose of teaching a child is there to enable him to develop further without the help of a teacher. (E. Hubbard)

20. Best gift what you can do to your child is a happy and lasting relationship between you, his parents. (John Gottman and Julie Schwartz-Gottman, "Child Trial")

5 parenting books

The right book can be a good help in education. We chose as many as five to help deal with the difficulties of parenthood. They are all about how to motivate children in learning, inspire creativity and learn how to properly express their emotions.

Geniuses and outsiders

Life is not fair. Money, power, fame and success are distributed extremely unevenly among people. Why is everything for some and nothing for others? The book shows what Bill Gates, the Beatles and Mozart have in common and why they managed to outdo their peers. "Geniuses and Outsiders" is not a "how to become successful" manual. This is an exciting journey into the world of the laws of life, which you can use to your advantage.

Emotional intelligence of a child

This book is a guide for parents who want to get closer to their children and help them learn to regulate their emotions. Experienced specialist in family psychology John Gottman clearly shows that those stereotypes of behavior that we used to consider "correct" do not contribute to the development of the child's emotional intelligence.

What do you really want

This book is written for teenagers who are thinking about the future, but do not yet know exactly what they want. It will help you determine your aspirations and outline a plan to achieve your goals, teach you how to motivate yourself and inspire you to great deeds.

Let them go

A manifesto on the dangers of overprotection as an approach to parenting, written by a curator and dean at Stanford and a mother of two. It talks about the love and fear behind our involvement in their affairs. It looks at the harm we cause by overzealousness and ways to parent differently to achieve good results in the long run and help our children achieve even greater success.

creative education

In the pages of his book, Gene Van't Hal talks about how to develop in a child the ability to be creative, inherent in him from birth, and how to bring creativity into everyday life families. This book will help you:

  • Find time for creativity throughout the day
  • Find activities that your child will enjoy
  • Arrange a place for classes and storage of children's work
  • Choose art materials and tools
  • Encourage and develop creative thinking
  • It is correct to speak with the child about his drawings
  • The upbringing of a man or woman is tested by how they behave during a quarrel. Show B.
  • The educator himself must be educated. Marks K.
  • The whole task of education is to make a person not only do good, but also enjoy good; not only to work, but also to love work. Ruskin D.
  • In an ill-bred man, boldness takes the form of rudeness; learning becomes in him pedantry; wit - buffoonery, simplicity - uncouthness, good nature - flattery. John Locke
  • In every man nature sprouts either as grains or as weeds; let him water the first and destroy the second in good time. Bacon F.
  • Stupid fools, blind blind those who did not raise children. Brant S.
  • It is said that the best rule of politics is not to govern too much. This rule is just as true in education. Jean Paul
  • Children, especially girls, need early age to accustom to unconstrained laughter, for a cheerful expression of the face is gradually reflected in the inner world and develops an arrangement for cheerfulness, friendliness and favor to all. Kant I.
  • If you yield to a child, he will become your master; and in order to make him obey, you will have to negotiate with him every minute. Russo J.
  • If a person has learned the habit of work from an early age, work is pleasant for him. If he does not have this habit, then laziness makes work hateful. Helvetius K.
  • Of all creations, the most beautiful is a man who has received a wonderful upbringing. Epictetus
  • When parents are smart and virtuously modest, then sons are also well-behaved. Brant S.
  • Those who do not have children bring them up well. Jewish proverb
  • There is no such a bad person who has not been made better by a good upbringing. Belinsky V. G.
  • Newborns cry the same everywhere. When they grow up, they have different habits. This is the result of education. Xun Tzu.
  • It is not good to give children rewards all the time. Through this they become selfish, and hence a corrupt mindset develops. Kant I.
  • A respectful son is one who grieves his father and mother, except perhaps with his illness. Confucius
  • The prosperity of the state, the well-being of the people depend invariably on the goodness of morals, and the goodness of morals - invariably on education. Novikov N.I.
  • Let the child's first lesson be obedience. Then the second can be what you consider necessary. Franklin b.
  • Secret successful upbringing lies in respect for the student. Emerson W.
  • Nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him. Belinsky V. G.
  • He is the father who educates, not the one who gives birth. Menander
  • Teachers, to whom children owe education, are more respectable than parents: some give us only life, while others give us a good life. Aristotle
  • A good upbringing most reliably protects a person from those who are badly brought up. Chesterfield F.
  • Good parenting isn't about not spilling sauce on the tablecloth, it's about not noticing if someone else does. Chekhov A.P.
  • Good parenting is the ability to endure the bad parenting of others. Przekrui
  • Frequent and loud laughter is a sign of stupidity and bad upbringing. Chesterfield F.
  • A well-bred person knows how to speak with inferior people without arrogance, and with superiors - respectfully and naturally. Chesterfield F.
  • Man is brought up for freedom. Hegel G.F.

Tags for parenting quotes: upbringing

  1. "All the difficulties of upbringing stem from the fact that parents, not only not correcting their shortcomings, but also justifying them in themselves, want not to see these shortcomings in their children." Lev Tolstoy
  2. "To raise a man intellectually without raising him morally is to raise a menace to society." Theodore Roosevelt
  3. "Call me a barbarian in pedagogy, but I have learned from the impressions of my life a deep conviction that a beautiful landscape has such a huge educational influence on the development of a young soul, with which it is difficult to compete with the influence of a teacher; that a day spent by a child in the middle of groves and fields, when his head seizes some kind of intoxicating fog, in the warm moisture of which his whole young heart opens up in order to carelessly and unconsciously absorb thoughts and germs of thoughts pouring from nature in a stream - that such a day is worth many weeks spent on the training bench. K. Ushinsky
  4. "A child is always able to teach an adult three lessons: he is cheerful for no reason, always busy with something and knows how to achieve what he wants at any cost." Mark Twain
  5. "Spare your children from health-destroying music." F. Uglov
  6. "Every idle citizen is a thief." J-J. Rousseau
  7. "Teach your children to be silent. They will learn to speak themselves."
    Benjamin Franklin
  8. "A child has his own special ability to see, think and feel; there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace this ability with ours." J.-J. Rousseau
  9. "If you choose your work well and put your whole soul into it, then happiness will find you." K.D. Ushinsky
  10. "If a teacher is dedicated and pure, then thousands of children will be better, and the nation will have thousands of formed personalities, educated men and women with strong character." A.-O. Jumsai
  11. "The best way to instill in children a love for the fatherland is to have this love in the fathers." C. Montesquieu
  12. "It is impossible to educate without passing on knowledge; all knowledge acts educationally." L.N. Tolstoy
  13. "Education is an art, not a craft - this is the root of the teaching profession." L.N. Tolstoy
  14. “But how is the younger generation being “educated” at present? The mass media, free from public judgment and control, openly and continuously propagate animal permissiveness and the corresponding “love”. Everywhere one thought: take everything from life, live for pleasure. In schools so-called valeology is presented, in "special circles" - sexual "education". The result of such "education" is obvious. They do not know and do not understand such a simple thing that real love is a readiness for self-sacrifice, self-restraint, mutual support in all directions life together: household, moral, spiritual. But if he and she already from their youth learn to live, seeking only pleasure, then entering into marriage, they are not only mentally unprepared for it, but, moreover, psychologically ready for treason. It is this "education", which not everyone is able to internally resist, is one of the most important reasons for the enormous number of divorces today, more precisely, outright betrayals.
    A.I. Osipov
  15. "They say that misfortune good school. May be. But happiness is the best university."
    A.S. Pushkin
  16. "There are children with a sharp mind and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. Such are usually hated in schools and almost always considered hopeless; meanwhile, great people usually come out of them, if only they are brought up properly."
    Jan Amos Comenius
  17. “I came to the thesis that I confess even now, no matter how paradoxical it may seem. Normal children, or children brought to a normal state, are the most difficult object of education. they require from you not a wide scope of will and not striking emotions, but the most complex tactics.
    A.S. Makarenko
  18. "The greatest mistake in education is excessive haste"
    J.-J. Rousseau
  19. "Conviction cannot exist without being active."
    V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  20. "Suppress the slightest signs of weakness in yourself - capriciousness, resentment, irritability, tearfulness, painful pride."
    V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  21. "Only personality can act on the development and definition of personality, only character can form character."
    K.D. Ushinsky
  22. "Today, an uncompromising struggle for the souls of people, primarily for the souls of youth, is taking place in the world."
    V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  23. "Misfortune is the best teacher. In misfortune one can learn a lot, learn the value of money, the value of people."
  24. "In many, a disgust for teaching is born because reprimands in the mouths of other teachers resemble obvious hatred."
  25. "Many of the teachers can feel trembling fear, feeling that they are not able to live up to the high standards that are expected of them. But in fact, all that is needed is a desire to improve and humility to recognize their shortcomings."
    Art-Ong Jumsa, Teacher's Guide
  26. "The well-being of the whole people depends on the proper upbringing of children"
    J. Locke
  27. "There is nothing insignificant in education"
    N. Pirogov
  28. "People spoiled in childhood retain a special imprint until the end of their lives."
    I.S. Turgenev
  29. "A man can become a man only through education. He is what education makes of him."
  30. "The goal of the school should always be the education of a harmonious personality, and not a specialist"
    A. Einstein
  31. "Lawdiness in manners always entails looseness in principles"
    S. Smiles
  32. "Without the rudiments of the positive and beautiful, a person cannot go out into life from childhood; without the rudiments of the positive and beautiful, one cannot let a generation go on its way."
    F.M. Dostoevsky
  33. "The cornerstone of a pedagogical vocation is a deep belief in the possibility of successful upbringing of each child. Must be tolerant of children's weaknesses. We are talking about the wise ability to understand and feel the subtlest motives and reasons for children's actions"
    V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  34. "History is a witness of the past, the light of truth, a living memory, a teacher of life, a messenger of antiquity"
  35. "In the matter of education, Antisthenes considered the main method personal example teachers. Unlike most ancient philosophers, he highly appreciated the educational role of labor, citing Hercules and his labor exploits as an example. In his opinion, the benefits of a person should be the result of his personal labor. Antisthenes highly appreciated the cultivation of the habit of overcoming difficulties, noting that difficulties are like dogs, they only bite those who are not used to them. Hence the indispensable condition for education - hardening, instilling stamina, contempt for luxury, the ability to endure hardships, physical inconvenience.
    Piskunov A.I., "History of Pedagogy and Education"
  36. "The basis of the whole state lies in the correct education of youth"
  37. "All thinkers have come to the conclusion that it is better to start education from the cradle" N.I. Pirogov
  38. "There is nothing insignificant in education" N.I. Pirogov
  39. "A child needs your love most just when he least deserves it." E. Bombek
  40. "Do not make an idol out of a child; when he grows up, he will require sacrifices." P. Buast
  41. "A meaningful life without a definite worldview is not life, but a burden, a horror." A.P. Chekhov
  42. "Deep within a man lies dormant powers - a power that can shake his imagination, the possession of which he could never even dream of, such forces that can completely transform his whole life if organized and harnessed to work"
  43. “In passing, it is interesting to point out a few more Athenian rules of “good manners” for children belonging to a wealthy society. It was forbidden to speak in the presence of adults (only answers to questions were allowed), it was forbidden to speak loudly at all, while walking on the street it was forbidden to look at the faces of passers-by and so Further"
    Zhurakovsky "Essays on the history of ancient pedagogy"
  44. "Do you understand, Yuan Luo?" Master said. "From now on, no matter who is punished, you will be punished too... True, twice as strong. I want to show you what the burden of responsibility is. You must share
    with their brothers and sisters with their joys, but at the same time share their hardships.
    Jackie Chan
  45. "... Discipline is better when it comes from an inner impulse. In order for this to be possible, it is necessary that the child or youth has an ambition (ambition) to achieve something difficult and the will to make efforts to achieve this goal. Such an desire usually developed by someone around. Thus, even self-discipline depends, ultimately, on the incentives of upbringing.
  46. "I think that a child's incredible attachment to any one person is quite often a sign that something is wrong. Such attachment can arise to one parent if the other parent is not very fond of, or to the teacher if the relationship with both parents. In general, this is a consequence of fear: the object of attachment is only that person who gives a sense of security. But the very attachment of this type in childhood is an unhealthy phenomenon. If such attachment exists, then the death of a loved one shatters the life of a child. Even if outwardly everything seems to be fine, each subsequent love will be experienced with a sense of horror.The husband (or wife) and children will be overprotected and perceived as heartless when they just live their own lives.Parents, therefore, should not feel pleasure if become the object of such affection.If the child is generally happy and has a friendly environment, he will survive the pain of any loss that may befall him without much difficulty. The will to live and hope will be sufficient to provide normal conditions for growth and a happy life."
    B. Russell
  47. “You see what’s the matter: children are growing up. My son was small then. Now a second one has appeared. - and you yourself are lying on the couch? Or: "Son, don't drink!" - Do you drink yourself? "Don't smoke!" - Do you smoke yourself? "Don't be rude to mom!" "And what about her obscenities? Most of all I want my children to understand. There is nothing but a family. Both for you and for everyone. When something out of the ordinary happens and you are left alone, then you understand. By and large, the question is survival. I understand that sooner or later I will be old. I train to delay the moment. And I raise my children so that when I am really bad, someone will bring water in any way. "
    Sergey Badyuk
  48. “Such was my fate from childhood. Everyone read signs of bad feelings on my face that were not there; but they were assumed - and they were born. I was modest - I was accused of deceit: I became secretive. I deeply felt good and evil; no one caressed me, everyone insulted me: I became vindictive; I was gloomy - other children are cheerful and talkative; I felt superior to them - they put me below. I became envious. I was ready to love the whole world - no one understood me. : and I learned to hate. My colorless youth flowed in the struggle with myself and the world; my best feelings, fearing ridicule, I buried in the depths of my heart: they died there. I spoke the truth - they did not believe me: I began to deceive; knowing the light well and the springs of society, I became skilled in the science of life and saw how others without art were happy, enjoying the gift of those benefits that I so tirelessly sought.And then despair was born in my chest - not the despair that is cured at the muzzle of a gun, but cold, powerless despair, veiled by courtesy and a good-natured smile. M. Yu. Lermontov

Every person up to last day must take care of his education. (M. Adzeglio)

Education needs three things: talent, science, exercise. (Aristotle)

In the matter of education, the development of skills must precede the development of the mind. (Aristotle)

He who wishes to bring up a child well is doomed to always adhere to just views. (O. Balashk)

There is nothing more useless and even more harmful than instructions, even the best ones, if they are not supported by examples, are not justified in the eyes of the student by the entirety of the reality surrounding him. (V. G. Belinsky)

Initial education should see in the child not an official, not a poet, not a craftsman, but a person who could later be one or the other, without ceasing to be a person. (V. G. Belinsky)

There is no such a bad person, whom a good upbringing would not make him better. (V. G. Belinsky)

Whoever has not been a student will not be a teacher. (Boethius)

A habit is strongest when it begins in youth; we call this education, which is, in essence, nothing but early habits. (F. Bacon)

Education is not limited to school. (P. Valerie)

Education develops abilities, but does not create them. (F. Voltaire)

If children are allowed to do whatever they please, and besides this, to have the stupidity to give them reasons for their whims, then we will have to deal with the worst way of education, then children develop a regrettable habit of special unrestraint, of peculiar philosophizing. to selfish interest, the root of all evil. (G. Hegel)

Education is primarily to seed our hearts with habits beneficial to the individual and society. (K. Helvetius)

The more perfect the education, the happier the nations. (K. Helvetius)

Nine-tenths of the people we meet are what they are - good or bad, useful or useless - thanks to their upbringing. (D. Locke)

Children are often smarter than adults and always sincere. (M. Gorky)

Education is a scraper that can flatten a tree, but which will never make an ebony out of spruce. (P. Decursel)

Education happens all the time, even when you are not at home. (A.S. Makarenko)

It takes a genius to teach others
It takes a strong soul. (N.A. Nekrasov)

To educate means to prepare for life... You have to learn at school, but you have to learn much more when you leave school. (D.I. Pisarev)

Character is nothing but a long-term habit. (Plutarch)

Of all the best fruits comes from a good upbringing. (K. Prutkov)

Education is learning good habits.(Plato)

How is a person?

It is not so easy for children to explain how a person works, and it is even more difficult to understand the work of our complex ...

The greatest mistake in education is excessive haste. (J.-J. Rousseau)

If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must first get to know him also in all respects. (K.D. Ushinsky)

The purpose of education is not to allow love for oneself to drown out love for one's neighbor. Nature endows with inclinations, education opposes them with habits. (P. Buast)

Youth loves to be encouraged rather than taught. (I.W. Goethe)

A new vessel smells for a long time of what it was filled with for the first time. (Horace)

Nothing in the world purifies, ennobles, and preserves adolescence so much as a strongly aroused public interest. (A. I. Herzen)

Those from whom we learn are rightly called our teachers, but not everyone who teaches us deserves that name. (I. Goethe)

The true student learns to develop the unknown with the help of the known, and thereby draws closer to the teacher. (I. Goethe)

Learn from those you love. (I. Goethe)

Loving children is what a chicken can do. But to be able to educate them is a great state affair that requires talent and a broad knowledge of life. (M. Gorky)

A teacher, if he is honest, should always be an attentive student. (M. Gorky)

Our teacher is our reality. (M. Gorky)

A simple, uncouth person can be re-educated, but a person who imagines himself refined is incorrigible. (W. Gaslitt)

To fashion a beautiful statue and breathe life into it is good; but to develop a youthful mind, to fashion a young soul in one's own way, and to breathe into it a sense of truth, is even better. (V. Hugo)

The educator himself must be what he wants to make the pupil. (V.I. Dal)

Neither art nor wisdom can be achieved unless they are learned. (Democritus)

Education is an ornament in happiness and a refuge in misfortune. (Democritus)

A child knows how to love the one who loves him, and he can only be brought up with love. (F. E. Dzerzhinsky)

Excessive strictness and blind discipline are damned teachers for children. (F. E. Dzerzhinsky)

By intimidation, only meanness, depravity, hypocrisy, vile cowardice, careerism can be cultivated in a child. (F. E. Dzerzhinsky)

The teacher, the way of his thoughts - that is the most important thing in any training and education. (A. Diesterweg)

True education strives for natural development, but not for premature maturity. (A. Diesterweg)

In education lies the great secret of the improvement of human nature. (I. Kant)

A person can become a person only through education. He is what education makes of him. (I. Kant)

Light has long been called a stormy ocean: but happy is he who sails with a compass. And this is a matter of education. (N. M. Karamzin)

Great is the teacher who does what he teaches. (Cato the Elder)

Education is the highest of blessings, but only when it is of the first class, otherwise it is good for nothing. (R. Kipling)

In everything where the word serves as an intermediary between people, and especially in teaching, it is inconvenient both to speak and not to speak. (V. O. Klyuchevsky)

If you have kids, just read

In Rostov, there is a search squad "Liza Alert", whose volunteers arrange open births ...

Teachers were given the floor not to lull their own thoughts, but to awaken someone else's. (V. O. Klyuchevsky)

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach. (V. O. Klyuchevsky)

Without examples, it is impossible to teach properly or to learn successfully. (L. Columella)

He who knows little can teach little. (J. Comenius)

It is easy to follow correctly those who lead correctly. (J. Comenius)

There is nothing more difficult than to re-educate a person who is poorly educated. (J. Comenius)

Absolutely unreasonable is he who considers it necessary to teach children not to the extent that they can assimilate, but to the extent that he himself wishes. (J. Comenius)

Let it be an eternal law: to teach and learn everything through examples, instructions and application in practice. (J. Comenius)

Happy is that school which teaches zealously to study and do what is good, even more zealously the best, and most zealously the best. (J. Comenius)

There are children with a sharp mind and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. Such people are usually hated in schools and almost always considered hopeless; meanwhile, great people usually come out of them, if only they are properly educated. (J. Comenius)

Only that in a man is firmly and reliably absorbed into his nature in his first period of life. (J. Comenius)

Only in a team can a child's personality develop most fully and comprehensively. (N. K. Krupskaya)

To punish children for misdeeds they did not commit, or at least severely punish them for petty offenses, means to lose all their trust and respect. (J. La Bruyère)

We would not believe in teaching, upbringing and education if it were driven only into school and cut off from a turbulent life. (V. I. Lenin)

If you know the means to strengthen the body, temper the will, ennoble the heart, refine the mind and balance the mind, then you are an educator. (Sh. Letourneau)

The world exists not for us to know it, but for us to educate ourselves in it. (G. Lichtenberg)

It is pointless on the part of the educator to talk about the curbing of passions if he gives free rein to any of his own passions; and fruitless will be his efforts to eradicate in his pupil the vice or obscene trait that he admits in himself. (D. Locke)

In an ill-bred man, boldness takes the form of rudeness; learning becomes in him pedantry; wit - buffoonery, simplicity - uncouthness, good nature - flattery. (D. Locke)

A teacher is the person who must pass on to the new generation all the valuable accumulations of centuries and not pass on prejudices, vices and diseases. (A. V. Lunacharsky)

Education is the bread of the soul. (D. Mazzini)

Can't be good educator who does not own facial expressions, who cannot give his face the necessary expression or restrain his mood. The teacher must be able to organize, walk, joke, be cheerful, angry. The educator must behave in such a way that every movement educates him, and must always know what he wants in this moment and what he doesn't want. If the educator does not know this, whom can he educate? (A. S. Makarenko)

What to do with the whole family on a quiet family evening?

Almost all modern families, having gathered together in the evening, either sit buried in computers, tablets ...

It is impossible to educate a courageous person if one does not put him in such conditions when he could show courage, no matter what - in restraint, in a direct open word, in some deprivation, in patience, in courage. (A. S. Makarenko)

No matter how much you create the right ideas about what needs to be done, but if you do not cultivate the habit of overcoming long-term difficulties, I have the right to say that you have not cultivated anything. (A. S. Makarenko)

It is impossible to teach a person to be happy, but it is possible to educate him so that he is happy. (A. S. Makarenko)

If you do not demand much from a person, then you will not get much from him. (A. S. Makarenko)

Combining great trust with great demand is the style of our upbringing. (A. S. Makarenko)

It educates everything: people, things, phenomena, but first of all and for the longest time - people. Of these, parents and teachers are in the first place. (A. S. Makarenko)

If we are well educated, we do not suffer from any limitation in our sense pleasures. (B. Mandeville)

Teachers, as local luminaries of science, must stand at the full height of modern knowledge in their specialty. (D. I. Mendeleev)

All the pride of the teacher is in the students, in the growth of the seeds sown by him. (D. I. Mendeleev)

We are all born sweet, pure and spontaneous; therefore, we must be educated to become full members of society. (Judith Martin)

For the education of young minds, the most useful is the useless. (Georges Duhamel)

The best way to make children good is to make them happy. (Oscar Wilde)

Do you know which one is the most the right way to make your child unhappy is to teach him not to be denied anything. (Rousseau J.-J.)

If you yield to a child, he will become your master; and in order to make him obey, you will have to negotiate with him every minute. (Rousseau J.-J.)

Many troubles have their roots precisely in the fact that a person from childhood is not taught to control his desires, they are not taught to correctly relate to the concepts of can, must, cannot. (Sukhomlinsky V. A.)

The best school of discipline is the family. (Smiles S.)

main function new family there should be a function of educating a person and a citizen. (Gramsci A.)

The main meaning and purpose of family life is the upbringing of children. The main school of raising children is the relationship of husband and wife, father and mother. (Sukhomlinsky V. A.)

Not tyranny, not anger, not shouting, not pleading, not begging, but a calm, serious, and business-like order—this is what should outwardly express the technique of family discipline. Neither you nor your children should doubt that you have the right to such an order as one of the senior authorized members of the team. (Makarenko A.S.)

Willfulness should be put out sooner than a fire. (Heraclitus)

Let the first lesson of the child be obedience, then the second may be what you consider necessary. (Fuller T.)

The best thing we can give our children is to teach them to love themselves. (Louise Hay)

Before getting married, I had six theories about parenting; Now I have six children and not a single theory. (John Wilmot)

Safety precautions: so that the child does not get lost

Children in Russia go missing every 10 minutes - this statistic is extremely depressing and disturbing. If you believe...

How to raise children, everyone knows, except for those who have them . (Patrick O'Rourke)

The purpose of education is to teach our children to do without us. (Ernst Legowe)

There was a time when nothing was expected of children but obedience; now everything is expected of them except obedience. (Anatole Breuillard)

Comrades bring up much better than parents, because they are not characterized by pity. (André Maurois)

The first problem of parents is to teach children how to behave in polite society; the second is to find this decent society. (Robert Orben)

Those who do not need education lend themselves well to education. (Fazil Iskander)

He who does not remember his own childhood quite clearly is a bad educator. (Maria Ebner-Eschenbach)

No matter how much you educate a person, he still wants to live well. (Boris Zamyatin)

Do not make the children shed tears too often, otherwise they will have nothing to drop over your grave. (Pythagoras)

A child needs your love the most just when he least deserves it. (Erma Bombeck)

Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, he will require sacrifices. (Pierre Buast)

If the child does not feel that your house belongs to him too, he will make the street his home. (Nadine de Rothschild)

Educate... the most difficult thing. You think: well, it's all over now! It wasn't there, it was just beginning! (Lermontov M. Yu.)

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Dear colleagues, parents and all who are interested in education issues. I offer you a selection of wise and at the same time such simple and accessible thoughts about education.

A parent who tries to change his child without starting from himself is not only wasting time, but taking a very cruel risk. (V. Levy)

Children immediately and naturally become accustomed to happiness, because by their very nature they themselves are joy and happiness. (V.M. Hugo)

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

By raising children, today's parents are educating the future history of our country, and hence the history of the world. (A.S. Makarenko)

Children are holy and pure. Even among robbers and crocodiles they are in the angelic rank. We ourselves can climb into any hole we like, but they must be enveloped in an atmosphere worthy of their rank. (A.P. Chekhov)

You will not deceive a child with your words; he will not listen to your words, but your gaze, your spirit that possesses you. (V. F. Odoevsky)

For some reason, many women think that giving birth to a child and becoming a mother are one and the same. With the same success one could say that one and the same thing is to have a piano and to be a pianist. (S. Harris)

Play is essentially the growth of the organism. (Stanley Hall)

Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our guilt before other people. (Anton Semenovich Makarenko)

Children need role models more than criticism. (J. Joubert)

Happiness is soft, warm palms. Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa. What is happiness - it's easier not to answer. Happiness is for everyone who has children!!!

Dull and incapable of learning minds are a thing as unnatural as monstrous bodily deformities; but they are rarely seen. (…) The vast majority of children show good hopes; if all this fades with age, it is clear that it is not nature that is to blame, but education. (Quintilian)

Geeks are usually the children of imaginative parents. (Jean Cocteau)

Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist after coming out of childhood. (Pablo Picasso)

A child educated only in educational institution, is an uneducated child. (George Santayana)

From a five-year-old child to me, only a step. From a newborn to me, a terrible distance. (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)

The child has his own special ability to see, think and feel; there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace their skill with ours. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

Education means the nourishment of the child's abilities, and not the creation of those new abilities that are not in it. (Giuseppe Mazzini)

You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

Beware of children! Someday they will take over the world! (Ashley Brilliant)

To make a child smart and reasonable, make him strong and healthy: let him work, act, run, scream, let him be in constant motion! (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

Treat your child like the best guest in the house. (Indian proverb)

The mediocre teacher sets out. Good teacher explains. Outstanding teacher shows. A great teacher inspires. (William Arthur Ward)

The formation of the child's personal image is an internal process, it is conditioned by the formation of the child's self-awareness. The child is valuable in itself, therefore, the personality traits are not “set” by the teacher in accordance with the standards, but are “required”, since they were originally laid down by nature in the student as an opportunity for his personal self-development. (E.V. Bondarevskaya)

Each person is an island within himself, and he can build a bridge to another if ... he is allowed to be himself. (R. Rogers)

Respect the ignorance of the child! Respect the work of knowledge! Respect failures and tears! Respect the current hour and today! How will a child be able to live tomorrow if we do not let him live a conscious, responsible life today? (J. Korchak)

Let the child learn not because you told him, but because he himself understood; let him not learn science, but invent it. If someday you replace reasoning with authority in his mind, he will no longer reason: he will become only a toy of someone else's opinion ... To live is the craft that I want to teach him. (J.J. Rousseau)

Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Let me do it myself and I'll understand.

A disciple is not a vessel to be filled, but a torch to be lit, and only the one who burns himself can light a torch. (Plutarch)

When everything around is amazing, nothing is surprising, this is childhood. (Antoine de Rivarol)

We all come from childhood. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince")

There are no children, there are people. (Janusz Korczak)

Children do not need teachings, but examples. (Joseph Joubert)

Be truthful even in relation to the child: fulfill the promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie. (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)

To be truthful and honest with children, without hiding from them what is happening in the soul, is the only education. (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)

The best way to make children good is to make them happy. (Oscar Wilde)

A child needs your love the most just when he least deserves it. (Erma Bombeck)

Respect the childish desire to be good, cherish it as the most subtle movement of the human soul, do not abuse your power, do not turn the wisdom of parental authority into despotic tyranny. (Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky)

If you want your child to stand confidently on his feet - do not hold his hand all the time. (Victoria Frolova)

Parents educate and children are educated family life, which develops intentionally or unintentionally. (Alexey Nikolaevich Ostrogorsky)

Children's minds are growing. (Ravil Aleev)

There is nothing worse than raising children in a one-sided way: not a single door in this world full of locks and constipation opens with such a key. (Boris Krieger)

Not tyranny, not anger, not shouting, not pleading, not begging, but a calm, serious and business-like order - this is what should outwardly express the technique of family discipline. Neither you nor your children should doubt that you have the right to such an order as one of the senior authorized members of the team. (Makarenko A.S.)

Nothing acts in the young souls of children stronger than the universal power of an example, and meanwhile, all other examples of nothing else impress them deeper and more firmly than the example of parents. (Novikov N.I.)

Don't think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You are nurturing it in every moment of your life. The child sees or feels the slightest changes in tone, all turns of your thought reach him in invisible ways, you do not notice them. (Makarenko A.S.)

The game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around flows into the spiritual world of the child. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. (Sukhomlinsky V. A.)

In the game of children there is often a deep meaning. (Shiller I.)

Many children's games are an imitation of the serious activities of adults. (Korchak Ya.)

Where abilities do not lead, do not push there. (Komensky Ya.)

The purpose of education is to teach our children to do without us. (Ernst Legowe)

Geniuses rarely happen, not because they are rarely born; no, genius is rare, because it is very difficult to avoid the process of "processing" in society. Only occasionally does the child manage to escape its clutches. (Osho)

Every child at the moment of his birth has a higher mental potential than that ever demonstrated by Leonardo da Vinci. (G. Doman)

Someone, sometime, must answer

Revealing the truth, revealing the truth,

What are difficult children?

The eternal question and sick as an abscess.

Here he sits in front of us, look,

Shriveled like a spring, he despaired,

Like a wall with no doors and no windows.

Here are the main truths:

Late noticed ... late taken into account ...

No! Difficult children are not born!

They just didn't get help. (S. Davidovich)
