Designer beaver coat. Beaver fur coats

To please lovers of fur products, designers annually release new models of fur coats. For their manufacture are used different types fur, they differ in styles and colors. A practical option is a beaver coat - with careful operation, such a thing will last for many years, will attract with gloss and elegance. In terms of quality characteristics, the beaver is in no way inferior to the mink, and sometimes surpasses it.

Regardless of what the fur coat was cut from - from whole skins or strips, the product looks expensive and stylish. A beaver coat can have soft and fluffy fur or plucked pile. The latter option looks simpler and looks like a fur coat. Products with a long pile are more expensive because they look more attractive and nobler.

The large pile of a beaver can be confused with the fur of other animals, as it looks thick and shiny. In addition to an attractive appearance, beaver fur coats have the following advantages:

  • high wear resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • good heat retention.

After snow and rain, such fur coats do not lose their appearance, but, on the contrary, come to life. The fur begins to shine and shine even more. At the same time, the pile dries quickly.

The skins of the correct dressing should not have bald spots, and the weight should be small.

Fur varieties

The appearance, performance, cost of the product directly depend on what kind of beaver fur was used for tailoring.


Such a beaver has a thick undercoat, so its fur is valued more, due to its high thermal insulation. Fur coats from the Canadian variety of beaver look voluminous and shiny. The color varies from light brown to dark chocolate.


Such fur requires complex manual dressing, therefore it is more expensive than others. Fur coats made of such material look impressive and expensive, but they are inferior to others in terms of thermal characteristics.


Such fur coats are cut from whole skins. Beaver fur, not processed, looks stylishly expensive and noble. It should be borne in mind that products from a young beaver look better.

The natural fur of a wild beaver is well dyed, so it can be given any shade.


Bog beavers are called nutria. The fur of these animals has identical properties. They have a thick undercoat. The fur is quite dense, but not as dense as that of beavers. The same goes for the skin. Compared to beaver, it is thinner, therefore not so reliable. Fur coats from nutria have a shorter service life, they are worn for 5-7 seasons. The lack of pile is increased fat content, which often causes an unpleasant odor.


Under the Argentine beaver they mean the same nutria, since these animals are bred there. Such products are more suitable for the European winter.


Despite the fact that modern artificial fur is of high quality, appearance and performance, it is inferior to natural. He does not have a thick undercoat, which negatively affects thermal insulation. The second disadvantage is the lack of water resistance. After rain and snowfall, artificial fur coats do not look as aesthetically pleasing as natural ones.

Despite the weaknesses, artificial beaver fur coats are in demand because they differ in budget cost.

Styles and models

Modern fur products differ in cut and design, so every woman can find the right option, regardless of age and features of the figure.


This option is the warmest and most practical. The hood will be a salvation for ladies who do not like scarves and hats, and will save the hostess from gusts of strong wind. Despite the convenience, many women refuse to buy hooded fur coats, as they have a slightly sporty style.

It should be borne in mind that the hood does not always look appropriate with high heels and chic outfits.

From pieces

In this way, flared fur coats are more often sewn, since it is difficult to create such a style using whole skins. Products from pieces often have a non-standard design and are affordable. Also, pieces are used to create a plucked canvas.

With stand-up collar

The detail looks aesthetically pleasing and concise, so adult ladies love fur coats with a stand-up collar. The element serves as a decoration and gives the product a feminine touch. Such a fur coat is universal and fits all outfits, but looks better with festive and formal wear. Another advantage of the rack is that it reliably protects the throat from the wind.


Models up to the middle of the thigh or slightly lower are cheaper than long ones and are suitable for motorists. In order not to freeze, such a short fur coat is recommended to be worn with high boots or boots. The model is suitable for girls short stature because it visually lengthens the legs.

With lightning

This element is rarely installed on women's fur coats, as it visually simplifies the product. Nevertheless, the zipper is practical and convenient, as it reliably protects against wind and fastens faster than buttons. The detail looks better on short fur coats and products for children.


Despite the fact that natural beaver fur is well dyed, in most cases products are produced in classic colors.


Black beaver fur looks expensive and presentable, suits women of any color type, harmonizes with clothes of all colors. Coal color is considered the most practical.


Snow-white fur coats look fabulous and magical, they will decorate any lady. The only drawback of the color is that it gets dirty quickly.


Gray fur coats are suitable for everyday wear, they look stylish and modern.


Most popular color. Brown is versatile, often complemented by other colors.


When buying a fur coat, attention should be paid not only to the style and quality of the fur, but also to the length of the product, since this criterion directly affects comfort and warmth.


This option is suitable for merzlyachki. This coat covers the whole body and looks stylish. Maxi products are in trend, give the image of mystery.

Preference should be given to dark colors, as the hem will collect dirt.

Up to the knees

The classic and most practical length. A fur coat to the knees will not let you freeze, but it will be comfortable to wear. It has less weight and does not hinder movement. The product can be combined with different things all sorts of styles.


For cold winter this option is not suitable. Short fur coats are more often chosen by girls who drive a car, since the hip-length product does not interfere with driving. Suitable for late autumn.

How to choose

Often, unscrupulous manufacturers, under the guise of an unshorn beaver, offer lower-quality fur products that are made from nutria or Rex rabbit. You can distinguish a sheared or long-haired beaver by the following features:

  • you need to iron the product along the pile and against it. If the fur is soft on both sides, then it is not a beaver;
  • it is necessary to strongly blow on the fur or push it apart. If beaver skins were used for tailoring, the undercoat will be visible below.

And, of course, you need to buy fur coats only from trusted manufacturers who monitor their reputation.

What to wear

What things to complement a beaver coat depends only on individual preferences and the general style. When creating an image, you need to consider what style the fur coat has, and in what color it is made.

Classic models are universal, they can be worn with any wardrobe items: dresses, skirts, trousers and even jeans. As shoes, you can choose boots with medium heels or solid soles. To complement the outfit will help a stylish handbag from genuine leather and an embroidered scarf.

Stylish looks 2019

Spectacular look options:

  • black fur coat with a straight cut + dark blue velvet dress+ over the knee boots with a solid sole + suede bag;
  • a short fur coat made of black sheared beaver with a silver fox collar + black jumper and trousers + high suede boots + a scarf with a Khokhloma pattern;
  • coat gray color middle length+ skinny jeans + white sweater + black ugg boots + sock cap.

As optional accessory leather gloves can be worn with outfits. If the product short sleeves, preference should be given to high gloves.

In order for the fur coat to please the hostess for several seasons, when choosing a product, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • girls with sports figure it is better to choose products of a simple cut, knee-length;
  • hourglass women are ideal for fitted models and coats;
  • ladies with a massive bottom should give preference to flared products;
  • on a rounded figure, straight-cut fur coats, as well as trapezoidal models, will look good.

As for the color, the presence of a belt, hood, collar, voluminous pockets and other decorative elements, then you need to be guided only by your own preferences.

Each season brings something new to the fashion world, but the real fur traditions remain unchanged. Fur coat from natural fur will always be in trend, and a beaver fur coat will never lose its beauty and uniqueness. Even historically, it so happened that in the times of Rus', beaver fur was equal in importance to currency, and it was forbidden for anyone below the noble rank to wear products from it.

What is the uniqueness of a beaver fur coat?

The beaver is a special animal, and its skin is a valuable fur, which, moreover, has quite interesting properties: thanks to the moisture-resistant down, such a fur coat will not let water through and will surely repel wet snow and wet weather. In addition, many owners of a beaver fur coat note not only its practicality and beauty, but also an impressive wear period - up to 20 seasons. Therefore, a product made of this fur will show itself favorably in any weather, and will warm its mistress for many years.

Thanks to modern fur processing technologies, tough and uncomfortable beaver products, such as men's hats and collars have sunk into oblivion. To date, for the manufacture of beaver fur coats, two types of processed skins are used:

  • Sheared beaver - all coarse hairs are cut with a special machine. Such fur becomes plastic and wear-resistant, it is ideal for daily wear products.
  • Plucked beaver - thanks to manual plucking of the hard elements of the pile, it retains the natural leather properties. Pinch is a longer and more laborious process, so these skins are more expensive and are considered exclusive.

Where to buy a beaver fur coat in Khanty-Mansiysk at the best price?

Salon "Sobol" is famous for its 25-year history of working with the highest quality materials, and all collections are made in accordance with the trends of fur fashion. The most current shades: from classic black and chestnut to silver-ash, basic models and coats of the original cut - all this is presented in our online store.

Beaver fur coats are beautiful and durable products that are not often found in the store. The fact is that beavers are not bred in captivity, and their fur is very rare. Consider what options for these fur coats exist, and also talk about analogues.

When working with expensive furs, designers themselves prefer simple styles and cuts - a straight or fitted beaver coat just below the knee length - versatile and very stylish option for all time. It is not bad if the fur coat is equipped with a hood - it will successfully protect the head and hair not only from the wind, but also from wet snow, since beaver fur has water-repellent properties.

What is this?

Often on the labels of fur coats there is “beaver fur” and you need to know that this material has nothing to do with the beaver at all. Beaver - smooth and dense fur of a royal rabbit or rex rabbit. This breed appeared in France, the animals had skins with a brownish-red tint and an unusual fur structure: much shorter and denser than that of ordinary rabbits. So the breed got the name "Castor Rex" - the king of beavers. Delicate, even and soft pile is popular with manufacturers, and it is also not too expensive, which buyers like.

But fur coats made from natural beaver have been a value since the times of ancient Rus'. This fur is considered the warmest, it successfully fits the most severe climate, is not afraid of moisture - under wet snow or rain, a beaver fur coat becomes even more beautiful - the fur fluffs up and does not turn into sticky icicles. Natural beaver fur surpasses mink in its qualities and is at the top of the fur hierarchy in terms of wear.

Many beaver factories prefer Canadian fur. The Canadian beaver is a reasonable combination of beauty, wearing comfort, quality and price. Quite rightly, this type of fur is considered the best. As for the price, plucked beaver fur coats are the most expensive. The cost is high due to the exclusive labor-intensive technology of working with fur, during which the product becomes light and durable without losing other characteristics. The fact is that beaver fur is hard, and in order to give it plasticity, the outer hair is plucked by hand.

The fur of the swamp beaver, like the beaver, is not entirely related to this animal. Bog beaver is a name given to nutria, which are successfully raised in captivity, because their fur is relatively cheap. But fur coats from nutria are also very beautiful, strong and not afraid of moisture. Since there are several breeds and colors of artificially bred nutrias, the variations in shades and types of such fur coats are numerous.

Very original fur coats - "cross", sewn from beaver fur. This is a type of skinning where the finished product is textured, striped. Since beaver fur lends itself well to shearing, the pile on such fur coats can be very short, less than half a centimeter.


Since beaver fur is not cheap, and the cost of individual models can reach unimaginable heights, it is better to purchase a classic model of a fur coat from such material. The properties of beaver fur allow you to carry a fur coat for fifteen to twenty years, and the model for such a long period should be universal.

Working with expensive furs, designers themselves prefer simple styles and cuts.- a straight or fitted beaver coat with a length just below the knee - a versatile and very stylish option for all times. It is not bad if the fur coat is equipped with a hood - it will successfully protect the head and hair not only from the wind, but also from wet snow, since beaver fur has water-repellent properties.

Since beaver fur is not long, there are many combined models of fur coats.- with silver fox, arctic fox or fox. The fringe with more fluffy and longer fur does not harm the “canonicity” of the product, but, on the contrary, makes it more interesting. In addition, due to this effect, you can hide figure flaws - for example, voluminous collar balance the pear shape.

There are also large beaver models. These coats are sewn general rules- usually they have a “robe” or “trapeze” cut, a stand-up collar and slightly flared sleeves. Designers advise not to buy a straight-cut beaver coat if you are unhappy with your figure. Not fluffy fur by itself will not hide the flaws, only the skillful hands of the designer can do it.

Beaver fur coats are in great demand among men, there is even an opinion that this is generally a man's fur. Discreet, practical and with purely functional virtues, beaver fur is liked by the strong half of humanity. Outerwear from a beaver for men radiates status - a laconic cut, high-quality inconspicuous accessories, impeccable dressing of fur.

Color solutions

Real beaver fur has a complex color - something between ashen and brown. This is not very expressive, rather, a “dusty” shade, which at the same time has a lot of fans. Often beaver fur is tinted, brightening or vice versa, darkening the fur. This is how shades of brown are obtained: biscuit, nutty, pearl or coffee.

Beaver fur is rarely dyed, even less often in bright colors . If we talk about nutria fur, then there are about a dozen natural shades of fur, from animals bred in captivity. Colors range from pure white and off-white to yellow, smoky, silver blue and graphite black.

As for the color of beaver fur coats, they can be anything. Rabbit fur is easy to color and you can find fur coats not only of the entire classic palette, but also bright, multi-colored: red, pink, purple, blue.


Above, we talked about the fur of the Canadian beaver, which, of course, is actively used in local factories. Canadian manufacturers sew expensive fur products that are highly valued around the world.

Russian manufacturers also produce beaver fur coats. Some of them are from Russian fur, which is handed over to factories by hunters. This is the most valuable option, such furs are subjected to minimal processing, whole skins are used for fur coats, often this is the fur of cubs. Fur purchased at auctions is also in price. You can buy beaver fur coats from such giants Russian market like "Melita" or "The Snow Queen".

Beaver fur coats are made by different manufacturers, including China. Entire fur coat tours are collected there, many of the participants of which are aimed at buying a beaver coat. A well-chosen Chinese-made product will be an order of magnitude cheaper than other factories, but at the same time have decent quality.

When purchasing a beaver product, it is important to understand exactly how to distinguish natural fur from a fake. There are some methods that will help you not to make a mistake with the purchase:

  • Evaluate the fur to the touch

Natural and sheared beaver fur prickles if you run your palm over it. The outer fur is more rigid, it is he who will tingle and rustle. If you move the fur apart and look closely, then these hard, thick hairs will be found in the thick of the down. If you have a rabbit in front of you, there will be no such effect - its fur is soft, uniform. However, when you consider a product from a plucked beaver, there will be no “causticity”, here you need to focus on other signs.

  • Fur plate size

For tailoring fur coats, one-piece plates are almost always used, which have a size of approximately 40 by 50 centimeters.(for comparison, a rabbit is about 20 by 30 centimeters). If possible, inspect the product carefully, compare the size of the skins. But do not forget that beaver skins are sometimes still cut if the style requires it or you have a “cross” fur coat in front of you.

Photo: A fur coat is not a luxury, but a means of salvation from frost, photo

Of course, if you want to be economical, you need to buy a sleigh, that is, a fur coat, in the summer. And if you want to choose a better model, now is the time. But going for women's winter happiness, it is worth keeping in mind some points. So…

How is the fur coat the most wearable?

  • From the fur of an otter and a river beaver (not plucked!) Will last 18-20 seasons;
  • Fur seal 17 seasons;
  • From mink - 10 seasons;
  • From marten and white fox 7 seasons.
  • From astrakhan fur, sheepskin (aka muton) and seals for 6 seasons;
  • Muskrat, fox, plucked coypu 5 seasons;
  • From squirrels and groundhog 4 seasons;
  • From a rabbit and a hare - one to two years.
  • Chinchilla and rabbit (hare) - 1-2 seasons.

But experts should keep in mind the intensity of operation of products. If 15-20 years ago a fur coat was still a relative luxury, now it has moved into the category of everyday things. and if you put on the same mink, as they say, both in a feast and in the world, according to the Russian Fur Union, the approximate duration of wearing such a product will be about 6 seasons (instead of 10). And this is if the thing is of high quality, and not sewn, do not understand where.

Also note that dyed furs wear out 10-20% faster.

At the same time, the wearability of sheared fur (it warms worse) is 20-40% higher, and fur coats made from whole skins are about 20% more durable than even a well-tailored fur coat made of patches.

What is the warmest coat?

We, of course, do not have the Arctic, but -20 in the same Epiphany frosts can last a week or two. So if you really choose a fur coat, then not to throw dust in your eyes, but to warm your soul and body. The skins of reindeer (these are also sold), arctic fox, raccoon dog, fox, beaver, marten and sable are considered the warmest fur. Less warm coat obtained from mink, column, astrakhan fur, ermine, chinchilla. Products made of rabbit, goat, marmot fur have reduced heat resistance. And the fur of a hamster and a gopher warms very badly.

What is the lightest coat?

But the same unbearable and cold hamster, gopher and hare on your shoulders will be like a feather. Medium-weight products are obtained from mink, rabbit, nutria, muskrat, squirrel, ferret. And the heaviest fur coat - from the skin of a wolf, raccoon dog, otter, beaver, arctic fox, sable, astrakhan.

Much also depends on the density of the fur, when it was slaughtered (winter fur is the most beautiful and fluffy), whether it underwent thinning (plucking) or shearing.

In plucked fur, the outer hair is removed entirely (plucked out), when sheared, it is shortened. The essence of pinching is that a coarser awn is removed from the fur, after which only a velvety underfur remains on the skin. The result is a texture reminiscent of natural velvet, very pleasant to the touch. Plucking is a more expensive operation than shearing (especially since after pinching the skin is in most cases trimmed to even out the height of the down). But a pinch, alas, although it makes the fur pleasant and light, is suitable only for very slight frosts.

After the haircut, if you run your hand against the pile, there is a slight tingling sensation. New processing technologies, such as laser cutting, allow you to apply different three-dimensional patterns to the fur.

How to determine the quality of fur?

Run your hand against the coat: the down is thick, long hairs do not break, the fur quickly falls into place, and the skin is soft to the touch? The fur is of good quality. And yet test it again: pull it. If the hairs that have separated from the skin of the fur coat remain in the hand, it will shed constantly. Shake your coat. If the villi do not crumble too intensively, everything is in order. If the fur coat “rattles” like oilcloth, the fur is overdried and is unlikely to be worn for a long time, and it will lose its shape quickly. Pay attention to the seams - they should be stitched thinly, neatly and almost not palpable.

From lysops to an unprecedented animal

If you buy a dyed fur coat, rub the fur with a handkerchief: no traces of paint should remain. Keep in mind that fur coloring is not always a consequence of the designer's flight of fancy or a necessity (for example, for wild nutria, fur coloring is mandatory, because natural color not very attractive). The paint can cover up the imperfections of the fur in order to pass off a cheap one for an expensive one, or a used one for a new one.

There are glued fur coats on the market, glue is used instead of seams, such a fur coat is not worth our attention, if you find a glued fur coat, in no case do not buy it!

Remember, the lining is tightly sewn to the hem only when there is something to hide.

Having chosen a silver fox fur coat, take a closer look at the fur - it should be three-tone (gray, white, black). If there are only two of them, in front of you is a fox fur coat (a hybrid of a fox and a polar fox).

The fur of a real silver fox is richer in color

Yes, yes, not only brands are faked, but also the raw materials used in tailoring fur coats. Often, a marmot and a rabbit serve as “substitutes” for a mink, a mixture of a fox and an arctic fox is given out for a silver fox, and nutria fur is given out for a beaver. IN Lately“bred” fur coats from the so-called beaver. Dear ladies, there is no such animal in nature (there is only a beaver). And under its guise they sell the fur of a special breed of rabbit, bred in France in 1919. The breed was called "Castor Rex" or the king of beavers. By mistake, many call it "chinchilla" because of the peculiar color of the skin and the unusual structure of the fur. The skins of Rex rabbits have a hairline shortened, almost twice, than that of ordinary rabbits.

It looks like a fur coat made of Rex rabbit fur, it is also from "beaver"

How to distinguish a fur coat from a real beaver from a rabbit?

The main difference is in the wear of the fur. The wear rate of a beaver product is 85%, while that of a rabbit is only 12%. But, it is clear that when buying this difference does not work. But there are others.

A beaver fur coat is sewn from several plates (rectangles) measuring 30 by 50 cm or 40 by 60 cm, while the size of a rabbit skin is about 20-35 cm. If you turn the fur coat inside out, you can see how the plates are sewn and the quality of the workmanship.

If you run your hand over the rabbit fur in any direction, you will not feel the difference. The fur will remain silky, like a chinchilla. In a beaver, if you run your palm along the fur, the skin will seem very soft. And if against wool, you will feel some resistance of the villi.

There is a difference in the mezdra (the bottom layer of the skin). If you rub the skin of a rabbit in your hands, it “crunches”, while the beaver’s skin remains soft.

The skin tissue of a rabbit is very soft, while that of a beaver is noticeably stiffer (this is why fur is valuable).

But fur coats made of Rex rabbit fur perfectly endure weather vagaries, including hard frost or wet snow. And when proper care and storage, the appearance and quality retain for five years, or even longer.

How to track where and by whom the fur coat was made?

On a special chip. Now products made from mink, nutria, arctic fox, fox, rabbit, hare, raccoon, sheepskin and other types of natural fur are marked. If the products are only lined with natural fur, or the fur is attached from the outside, they must also be marked. The exception is those items of clothing where the fur performs the function of finishing (collar, lapels, cuffs, pocket trim, etc.). Even if the fur coat was purchased by the store before August 12, 2016, it must still be marked. Without marking, the sale of hats, bags, mittens and shoes is allowed.

A special marking of a fur coat (KiZ) confirms its authenticity and legality of origin. Using an individual code with KiZ, anyone can check any fur coat from the store on the website of the Federal Tax Service. From the same link you can download free mobile applications for iOS or Android on your smartphone. With their help, you can read the QR code from the fur coat with your phone right in the store and find out all the information about it: the name, type of fur, country of manufacture, manufacturer, brand, seller, declaration of conformity number. That is, you can see the entire history of the fur coat and you will know exactly where and from what it was sewn.

The chip (aka KiZ) can be sewn into the seam of the product from the wrong side, glued to the sewn-in marking label or hung in the lapel hole, hanger or fastener loop in front of the product with a disposable seal. KiZ of red color indicates that the fur coat was imported into the territory of the Russian Federation from other countries. Green KiZ is attached to fur products made in Russia.

What determines the price of a product?

Firstly, from whose fur the product is sewn. The most expensive are sable. Their cost starts from 300 thousand and reaches several million rubles.

Sable fur is considered royal fur

Secondly, from the style of the coat and its length.

Thirdly, the quality of fur dressing is of great importance. A well-dressed fur product seems dense, “plump”. Fur coats of good dressing without any "creases", the seams are neat. When buying an excellent dressing with a fur coat, you can do anything: squeeze, crumple, pull the pile, unfold, shake, etc. A solid product will “survive” all these manipulations with dignity.

Fourthly, the softness and shine of the pile affects the cost of the product.

Another important point. In many products, small pieces of fur are “adjusted” using a special computer kit. It is due to the use of such an expensive technology that the cost of this fur coat is almost the same as a similar product made of solid plates. However, in terms of quality, validity and appearance of a fur coat made of pieces selected computer program, are inferior to a one-piece product.

The price of a mink coat depends on its color. The cheapest is hazel (light brown), then comes dark brown, then various red shades. Even more expensive is black mink, beige, gray and blue, in the next price category - "tourmaline" (beige undercoat and brown long hair) and white fur. And on top of all this is the “black diamond” (black with a blue or purple tint).

The warmest and most expensive fur coats are from skins that have the top tags Platinum or Saga Royal, NAFA or American Legend. Such skins are distinguished by a thick down and big amount guard hair. Cheaper and not so thick-haired skins are used to produce not so warm, but very light fur coats.

TV center? fur tricks, beware, scammers! (youtube video).
