Development of an educational event "volunteers - people of good will." Volunteer movement project at school What events can be held in the year of the volunteer

"Good Moscow" is a project aimed at helping in the socialization of orphans and children left without parental care. Volunteers conduct master classes that give the pupil the opportunity to gain skills for successful socialization and self-realization. Particular attention is paid to classes aimed at vocational guidance for children. Pupils are introduced to the world of professions through excursions, lectures, and discussions with experts. Good Moscow works with 3,000 children from 20 orphanages. The project involved 1500 volunteers.

"GRANDSON." - Public volunteer movement to support the elderly. Social grandchildren, volunteers of the movement, help elderly people with limited mobility and living alone. Volunteers meet with pensioners, assist them in buying food and medicine, cleaning. Make minor repairs if necessary. Accompany their wards on trips to cultural events. Within the framework of the social movement, there are projects: "Grandmother Blogger" - an educational program to teach older people computer literacy and work on the Internet. During the year of the program implementation, 315 pensioners were trained.

Volunteer School

"Volunteer School" is an open educational platform for those who want to develop and improve their personal potential. It aims to raise awareness of volunteering among participants. The educational program is designed for active young people interested in self-improvement and development of new areas of activity. Volunteer School trainings are held at the most popular venues in Moscow. For 3 training seasons, 2000 participants attended the trainings of the "School of the Volunteer". The permanent asset includes 100 people. A club of graduates actively involved in volunteer projects was created.

The Sports Volunteer Training Center recruits and trains volunteers for major sporting events. They conduct educational programs and international internships. Volunteers take a special English course, study the sports industry. The Sports Volunteer Training Center took part in the creation of volunteer teams for the XXVII International Summer Universiade in Kazan in 2013, the Russian Championship in Athletics, the Rugby World Cup 7, the IAAF World Championship in Athletics, the Olympic Torch Relay, the Olympic Games Sochi 2014 at the transport hubs of the capital and other competitions. The center launched the program "This is the norm." This is a modern approach to understanding and mastering practice healthy lifestyle life in the metropolis. As part of the program, anyone has the opportunity to: weekly do CrossFit and athletics with a professional trainer, watch and participate in master classes and videos on a healthy lifestyle. The permanent asset of the center is 1500 people. In total, 12,000 volunteers worked at the center.


The project aims to help the environment. It will allow everyone to gain eco-knowledge and contribute to the greening of the surrounding space. The project includes thematic lectures, workshops on ecology, events on the theme of the "second life of things", as well as the collection of clothes and books for those in need.

ZOO exit

ZOOexit is a volunteer platform organized with the support of the Department of Culture, designed to find a home and family for homeless animals. Volunteers also make sure that the life of animals in shelters is simpler and easier. The children spend time with the residents of shelters, give them their love and affection. Also, the goal of the project is to popularize a loyal attitude towards homeless animals, organize trips to shelters, and organize various charity events and campaigns.

I am a donor, I am a person

Donors are people of different professions: teachers, students, businessmen, rescuers, officials, programmers, designers, artists and so on. These are people of different religious and political beliefs, social status, age, hobbies and outlook on life. But they all have one goal, to help save the lives of others. By donating blood, a person gets a chance to save someone's life, and it is this noble desire that becomes an incentive for the development of a culture of donation in our city and country. The purpose of the project is to promote and popularize blood donation. In terms of its social significance, blood donation is one of the first places among all the problems of mankind. In Moscow alone, up to 1,000 patients need blood transfusions every day, and sometimes a donor's blood is the only chance to restore a person's life. Every month there is a campaign aimed at replenishing the blood bank. We make sure that donation is regular and free of charge, and not a one-time act during tragic events. The resource center for the development and support of the volunteer movement of the city of Moscow "Mosvolonter" is working to develop gratuitous donation as an important factor in preserving the health and life of people, instilling in each of us the readiness to give a particle of our blood, the warmth of our heart in the name of saving people.

Project of the Volunteer Movement "Impulse"

Relevance of the problem

At the heart of any volunteer movement is the principle as old as the world: if you want to feel like a person, help someone else. This principle is understandable and close to all those who are familiar with the sense of justice, who understand that the life of society can be made better only through the joint efforts of each of its members.

In all countries, the volunteer movement has deep original roots. For example, in Russia, the history of the volunteer movement was initially associated with the activities of the Orthodox Church, and later with the initiative of the first non-profit public associations - zemstvos, teachers and doctors, who did a lot for the Russian peasantry. In Russia, the first women's volunteer movement arose - sisters of mercy, who voluntarily went to the front during the Russian-Turkish war to help wounded soldiers.

Why do people volunteer? Everyone has their own reasons, and few are willing to speak frankly about them. Basically, this is a matter of conscience for each person, but in addition to the moral satisfaction that gratuitous help brings to one's neighbor, the volunteer movement provides a number of advantages, especially for young people. This is new acquaintances, and the acquisition of new professional skills, knowledge, and even the opportunity to make a good career.

In our difficult time, the elderly, seriously ill people, the disabled, and orphans are especially affected. To help them, it is not necessary to register with a special organization, in our school one of the directions of the children's association "Iskra" is the volunteer movement "Impulse", where everyone can find out where his help is most expected, where the hour of his stay works better than himself strong medicine. But we must not allow volunteers to come and do what they please. They themselves, their abilities and their actual actions need sensitive guidance.

For the further development of the volunteer movement in our school, an art teacher, Verbitskaya A.V. project of the volunteer movement "Impulse".

Objective of the project:
Development of teenage volunteer movement in our school.

1. To have a positive influence on peers in their choice of life values
2. To promote the affirmation in the life of modern society of the ideas of goodness and beauty, spiritual and physical improvement of children and adolescents
3. Show the benefits of a healthy lifestyle by example
4. Promote a healthy lifestyle (through promotions, training sessions, thematic presentations, competitions, etc.)
5. Create conditions that allow students to work on their own to reduce the level of consumption of alcoholism, smoking, and psychoactive substances among adolescents. Provide adolescents with information about healthy lifestyles
6. Form a close-knit active team of volunteers
7. Reduce the number of students registered with intra-school and PDN

1.1. Coverage of activities in the media, public relations.

Functions of volunteers in preventive work:

Conducting preventive classes or trainings
- holding mass actions, exhibitions, competitions, games;
- Dissemination of information (through the distribution of printing, posting posters, work in their social environment - conducting training sessions)
- Initial consulting and support
- creative activity. Development of station games, mass actions, creation of posters, brochures, videos
- collection (questionnaires, testing, surveys) and data processing.

Volunteer instructions:
1. Find someone who needs your support, help, protect him.
2. Reveal yourself in any activity that is useful for others and yourself.
3. Remember that your strength and your value is in your health.
4. Evaluate yourself and your comrades not by words, but by real relationships and

Rules for the activity of a volunteer:
1. If you are a volunteer, forget laziness and indifference to the problems of others.
2. Be an idea generator!
3. Respect the opinions of others!
4. If you criticize - offer, offer - do it!
5. You promise - do it!
6. If you don't know how - learn!
7. Be persistent in achieving your goals!
8. Lead a healthy lifestyle! Your lifestyle is an example to follow.

Stages of work:
1. Organizational: creation of a volunteer team.
2. Educational: training volunteers in the skills of primary prevention and healthy lifestyle promotion
3. Design: planning activities to promote volunteerism
4. Project activities: implementation of block activities
5. Summing up: analysis of work, determination of the prospects for its implementation in your school.

Development potentials
1. Lighting the activities of the project blocks
2. Publications on the problems of the volunteer movement
3. Involving parents in various activities
4. Organization of meetings with employees of the District Department of Internal Affairs, healthcare
5. Organization of meetings with famous people of our region, village
6. Holding joint activities with cultural workers
7. Use of information stands, leaflets, posters.

What do our school volunteers do?
Anything! Volunteers can work any day. Out-of-hours activities typically include dating, outreach and fundraising campaigns, sporting events, environmental protection events, and helping others.

Our project includes 4 blocks

1 block "Mercy"

Target: Revival of the best domestic traditions of charity, education of kindness, sensitivity, compassion.

Block 2 "Sports and a healthy lifestyle"

Block 3 "Visual propaganda"
Target: Attraction of public attention to the problems of ecology, morality, spirituality, health, mutual assistance.

4 block "Creative block"
Target: Formation of a socially active position of children and adolescents, development creativity.

Block 5 "Ecology"
Target: Education respect for the environment.
Main program activities

Directions Events
I block
- assistance to the elderly and veterans of labor and the Great Patriotic War;
- assistance to underachieving peers;
- participation in the action "Gift to a friend"
- Participation in the All-Union Day of Kindness.
- patronage of the monuments "To those who died during the Great Patriotic War
war”, Hero of the Soviet Union F.M.
Melnikov: cleaning, planting flowers;
- meetings with war veterans, thematic
evenings and excursions to the museum;
- help for single pensioners,
- carrying out the action "George's Ribbon",
- Work on the improvement of the village, school:
tree planting;
- "We are different, but we are together" - action,
dedicated International Day disabled";
- the action "House without loneliness" (congratulations on
II block
"Sport and healthy lifestyle"

- strict implementation of the articles of the Charter
health education schools
- conducting trainings on prevention
smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction
- release and distribution
newsletter "Be
healthy!” dedicated to prevention
- participation in all competitions:
class, school, district
- organization sports holidays And
- organization of trips, excursions
- involvement of students in sports sections
and mugs
- publication of wall newspapers about health, stands about
famous athletes of the region, region
- meetings with athletes, alumni
- conversations with health workers about healthy
- participation in class hours dedicated to
III block
"Visual propaganda"
- publication of a wall newspaper
- distribution of brochures, propaganda
- cooperation with the local newspaper
"Kalacheevsky Dawns"
- conducting a survey
- organization of drawing competitions,
- organization creative works
(compositions, crafts)
- participation of the volunteer movement in
creative school report before
- creation of an information stand:
Hotline "How to help
IV block
- organization and holding evenings,
- preparation and display of volunteer
measures to prevent smoking,
alcoholism, AIDS
- participation in artistic
amateur performances, propaganda teams
- Participation in the school month
promotions, subject weeks
- holding traditional holidays
Knowledge Day, Day of the elderly, Day
Teachers, Mother's Day, New Year, Day
Defenders of the Fatherland, Maslenitsa, Day
birds, Last call, Defense Day
children, Prom for grade 9)
V block "Ecology"- Assistance in the improvement of the school
territory, flower beds, garden.
- protection and care of flowers at school
- issue of an ecological wall newspaper
- "Plant a tree and save it" campaign

The project is designed for three years: 09/01/13-09/01/16.
1. Formation and development of the volunteer movement;
2. Work on the development of the volunteer movement;
3. Improving the volunteer movement.

Expected Result
1. Formation in the course of activity of a more responsible, adapted, healthy personality.
2. The ability to reasonably defend one's position on the formation of healthy attitudes and skills of responsible behavior that reduce the likelihood of initiation to psychoactive substances, smoking, alcoholism
3. Involving children and adolescents in socially significant activities and reducing the number of minors who are on the intra-school register and registered in the PDN
4. Children's enthusiasm for the ideas of goodness and beauty, spiritual and physical improvement.
5. Reducing the incidence of children, the risk of committing a crime and introducing adolescents to the use of psychotropic substances.

Dissemination of information about the work of volunteers.
1. Page design on the school website
2. Create a photo album
3. Design of stands for the museum and for the promotion of the volunteer movement when participating in events
4. Design of booklets
5. Preparation of annual progress reports
6. Dissemination of work experience through the media
7. Presentations of the volunteer movement "Impulse" at various events with a social focus
8. A brief review on the problem of the development of the volunteer movement.

In 2017, Russia joined the celebration of Volunteer Day after the relevant decree was signed by the President of the Russian Federation. The date of celebration is December 5, 2019. And this holiday itself was established at the initiative of the UN General Assembly in 1985.

Lectures, charity events, festive evenings and other events are organized on this day. We offer you one of options celebration, dedicated to the Day Volunteer (Volunteer Day).

Holiday script for Volunteer's Day

Decorate the room where the celebration will take place, with the help of balloons, congratulatory posters. Prepare musical accompaniment - this may be a recording of the “Volunteer Hymn”, “Volunteer Song”, the song “Do Good”, etc.

How to celebrate Volunteer Day? The event can begin with a speech by the presenters who will congratulate the guests on the holiday:

- Dear friends! Not everyone will be able to put aside their affairs and come to the aid of those who need it. Only a truly kind and sympathetic person can be a volunteer.

The verses will sound:
- The work of volunteers is important, necessary,
They change the world sometimes
The fact that in the rain, heat and cold
Support with a friendly hand.

Do not expect payment, promotion,
Quietly give their work.
They have a point of view
They feel that way, they live.

Thanks to those who help
To all who are weaker. Forever like this:
Who feels and understands
In those, kindness is a mark of distinction.

Then, according to the scenario of the celebration of the Volunteer's Day, several guys will appear on the stage:
- Who are the volunteers? - you ask. This word comes from the French volontaire, which was borrowed from the Latin voluntarius, and means "volunteer, willing."

– Volunteers or, as they are often called in Russia, volunteers, take part in the most different projects. Among them there are liquidators of the consequences of disasters, and people who are involved in raising funds for those in need, holding socially useful events, charity marathons, as well as cleaning up territories, landscaping and arranging yards, city streets, parks.

– Volunteers at the call of their hearts help the elderly in nursing homes, children in orphanages, etc. In a word, these are caring people who provide assistance to those who need it.
What else will be interesting to know about the Volunteer Day holiday? Further, you can talk about this holiday and about the volunteer movement in our country. Prepare an appropriate presentation in which several people will take part.

- The fifth of December is the International Day of Volunteers in the name of economic and social development. The second name of this holiday is Volunteer Day.

- According to various surveys, 15% of the inhabitants of our country participate in volunteer activities, another 18% sometimes work in this capacity. In total, 50% of respondents are ready to work on a voluntary basis.

- IN Lately In Russia, more and more non-profit organizations are being created that are engaged in charity and educational activities. Currently, the Association of Volunteer Centers unites over five and a half thousand specialized centers in 30 regions of Russia.

– Volunteer Day is a holiday of those who selflessly help people in the most different situations. This is an opportunity to remind that the world does not exist without good people. The volunteerism movement develops and grows stronger, participates in solving social problems.

- Who can become a volunteer? Any young person between the ages of 13 and 30 who wants to devote some of their free time to volunteer work. Absolutely anyone can be a volunteer, because in order to help others, you don't need anything but a good heart and desire.

- Which path will you choose? We encourage you to be active! You are the future of Russia! Join us, young, creative, active.

- Let's console, and not wait for consolation,
Understand rather than wait for understanding
To love, not to wait for love,
Because when we give, we receive
Forgetting about ourselves - we find ourselves!

According to the scenario, the celebration of Volunteer Day will continue with the speech of representatives of the volunteer movement, who will talk about when their associations were created, how many people they have, what activities they are engaged in. They can show videos about their work.

What else to organize on the holiday for the Volunteer's Day?

Give the guys who take part in charitable activities, "Personal books of volunteers". This can be done by a representative of the local administration or an activist of the volunteer movement.

- Dear Guys! Today you will receive an important document. A personal book of a volunteer is a confirmation of your merits, your activities. It is necessary for a volunteer when applying for a job, when enrolling in educational institutions, when moving from one public organization to another.

- December, fifth.
We celebrate Volunteer Day.
And the very first document
We give them wholeheartedly.
We are grateful to them for everything -
For selflessness, humanity.
Their kindness will save the whole world,
Its synonym is kindness.

After that, at the celebration of the Day of Volunteers, the children will be inducted into the ranks of this movement. They will recite the volunteer oath:

- I, (surname, name), solemnly swear ...

– take part in the volunteer movement, which makes it possible to benefit society;

– to be an example and a role model in relation to people, to respect the opinion of everyone, to be an active leader and responsible executor;

– to be a worthy member of your team, to serve as support and support to your senior and junior comrades, associates and friends;

- constantly improve, acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for volunteer work.

- What are the future things for you?
You should be thinking about this more and more.
And if you are a real citizen,
Your country is waiting for a big return.
You develop, contrary to thoughtlessness,
Your determination to fight to the end.
And maybe from one of your hands
Everything that is called the future depends.

What activities can be arranged at the Volunteer Day celebration? Spend team sport competitions, at the end of which reward the best participants. Organize a concert in which professional and amateur groups will take part.

The celebration of the Volunteer's Day in accordance with the scenario will complete the parting words of the hosts:
– If a misfortune happened in a person’s life, he will not be left without help, because in difficult times he will be supported by volunteers. Thank you, nice girls and guys, for your kind hearts and open souls!

For the benefit of society, in the name of high goals,
You work tirelessly!
You bring good deeds to life,
Don't say it out loud though!

Not everyone can be a volunteer
Help people for free!
Smile and "thank you" as a reward
Makes you happier again!

Talent, energy and time,
You have invested in good deeds!
May all desires come true
And dreams will certainly come true!

We hope that this article will help you decide how best to spend the holiday on Volunteer Day, and the event you have prepared will be held at a high level.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the establishment of a new holiday - the Day of the Volunteer (Volunteer). It will be celebrated on December 5th.

“Guided by resolution 40/212 of December 17, 1985, on the announcement of December 5 as the International Day of the Volunteer for the sake of economic and social development, I decide to establish the Day of the Volunteer (Volunteer),” the text of the decree says.

In mid-October, Sochi hosted the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students. The event became the most important event in the youth policy of 2017. According to the estimates of the organizers, more than 20 thousand young people under the age of 35 from 150 countries of the world took part in it. Geographically, the event covered almost all of Europe, and the ratio of Russian and foreign participants is planned to be equal - 50 to 50%. One of the main themes of the holiday was just volunteering.

Among the speakers directly related to civic activism and volunteering were: head of development programs Akim Steiner; New Zealand activist who founded the "Student Volunteer Army" and sits on the board of the International Volunteer Association; William Reese, Executive Director of the International Youth Foundation; Ole Christian Madsen, Senior Analyst at the Danish Institute for Voluntary Efforts; Marco Clausen, one of the authors of the ecological project "Princess Blooming Gardens".

In July of this year, Vladimir Putin instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to coordinate the interaction of volunteer structures with the authorities.

“We need to find those responsible for this area of ​​work at the federal level, but an equally important, and perhaps more important component is the regional one, since a significant part of the competence and responsibilities lies on the shoulders of regional and municipal authorities,” the head of state said.

At the same time, Putin recalled that Golodets is in charge of the social sphere at the federal level.

“If this is brought to the level of the Deputy Prime Minister, naturally, this will be her area of ​​activity. But you can just clarify its responsibility, ”he noted.
According to the Russian leader, a person responsible for this direction should be identified in each region.

“In the course of our work with the governors, we will definitely promote this, I am sure that we will do it,” Putin concluded.

In May, Vladimir Putin instructed to consider the issue of establishing Volunteer Day on December 5th. He gave such an instruction following the results of the IV media forum of independent regional and local media “Truth and Justice”.

The President also instructed to consider holding the Year of Civic Engagement and Volunteering in Russia. In addition, together with him, he instructed to submit proposals for the creation of a single federal Internet resource to cover the activities of volunteers. Putin gave the order to study the issue of establishing Volunteer Day in Russia in April.

“Approximately 7% of our population participate in the volunteer movement, and somewhere around 15% take part in some kind of public events, this is a lot. Therefore, of course, paying attention to these people, supporting them, including morally, by celebrating Volunteer Day, will not be superfluous,” he said.

The President also noted that the establishment of the Volunteer's Day would not require any additional costs from the budget. And last December, Putin congratulated the volunteers on their professional holiday celebrated at the international level.

"Congratulations on this wonderful holiday I wish you success in your important and responsible work. Our country is rightfully proud of the traditions of the volunteer movement. And today, the humanistic ideas of volunteering unite millions of energetic, caring people with an active life, civil position,” the telegram stated.

According to the President, schoolchildren and students sincerely strive to benefit society, to realize their knowledge, talent, experience in the name of creative deeds.

“A vivid example of this is the great, truly invaluable contribution of volunteers to such large-scale events as the Universiade in Kazan, the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi,” the message said.

Putin also noted that the state will provide all necessary assistance to the development of the volunteer movement.

“We need to build up the potential of volunteer organizations, expand the scope of their activities, involve them in patriotic, social, cultural and educational initiatives,” the head of state said.

Plan of events dedicated to the Year of the Volunteer (Volunteer)

in 2018.





Development and approval of an action plan dedicated to the Year of the Volunteer and Volunteer in 2018.


Deputy directors

by BP

Opening of the Year of the Volunteer and Volunteer.


social educator,


Familiarization of teachers and students with the activities implemented as part of the plan for the Year of the Volunteer and Volunteer 2018 at the school.


social educator,


cool watch"Volunteer movement", "Life is given for good deeds."


Classroom teachers

Quest game "Useful and bad habits» for primary and secondary school students.


class leaders,


Questioning schoolchildren "I want to become a volunteer!"


social educator

Exhibition of drawings "Give a helping hand!"


Classroom teachers

Campaign "Youth for a healthy lifestyle".

March, April

social educator

class leaders,


Book exhibition "In the name of goodness and mercy"



Questionnaires for students, parents,

dedicated to world day Health.


social educator

Celebration of the 75th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad. All-Russian historical quest "Battle of Stalingrad".


history teacher,


Ecological action "Clean school yard".


Classroom teachers

Spring week of kindness.


Classroom teachers

All-Russian historical quest dedicated to the achievements of Russia.

history teacher,


Campaign "Plant a tree".


Classroom teachers

Carrying out the action “Gift to a Veteran.

April May

Classroom teachers

Action "Heralds of Spring" (production of birdhouses).

March, April

technology teacher

Action "Hurry to help" (for the disabled, veterans of war and labor). Boss assistance to veterans of war and labor, the disabled.

During a year

Classroom teachers

Campaign "Give joy to children."


Exhibition of books, fakes "Thank you grandfather for the Victory"



Concert dedicated to the Victory Day.


Preparation and participation in the Immortal Regiment procession.

Classroom teachers

Action dedicated to the anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45. "Candle of Remembrance"


Classroom teachers

Release of leaflets "Attention, pedestrian!", "Attention, driver!".


Cl. leaders

Action "Knizhkin hospital" (repair of books in the school library).


Cl. leaders

Day of the elderly. Help action.


Social teacher

Action "We are for a healthy lifestyle."


Social pedagogue, counselors

Holiday "World Kindness Day".



teachers primary school

International Day of Persons with Disabilities "Lend a Helping Hand".

December 2018

social educator

Poster competition on the theme: "What is kindness?"


Art teacher, elementary school.

All-Russian campaign "Day of the Unknown Soldier".


History teacher.

All-Russian campaign "Heroes of the Fatherland Day.


history teachers

Assistance in organizing school events.

During a year

social educator

Distribution of memos, leaflets, booklets to promote the volunteer movement, a healthy lifestyle.

During a year

social educator
