Essential oil instead of fabric softener. Effective and safe DIY fabric conditioner

Commercial fabric softeners contain several harmful chemicals that can cause a wide range of health problems. However, you can replace these conditioners with natural alternatives based on inexpensive products like vinegar, baking soda, and so on.

Did you know?

Fabric softeners with antistatic agents can reduce the absorbency of towels. While vinegar can improve the water absorption of towels.

Fabric softeners make our clothes soft, fluffy and fresh. But most commercial conditioners contain chemicals including benzyl acetate, limonene, chloroform, linalool and pentane, which are believed to cause numerous health problems, including cancer.

These chemicals remain on clothing and then interact with the skin and the environment. To mask the smell of chemicals, manufacturers are forced to add fragrances to air conditioners. However, no one knows what the manufacturer uses household chemicals to make these fragrances. However, you can reduce your body's exposure to chemicals without compromising the softness of your clothes by using a few natural fabric softeners.

Natural fabric softeners


White vinegar is probably one of the most universal products, it can be found in every kitchen. It is cheap, readily available and non-toxic. Vinegar can soften any fabric, help remove soap residue from clothes, and also get rid of static. Vinegar is an acid, while powder and detergents The ones we use are alkalis. This is why vinegar softens clothes by neutralizing soap residue. Additionally, vinegar can disinfect clothes due to its antimicrobial properties. However, you should not use vinegar in combination with bleach, as these products may react and create toxic gases.

How to use: To use white vinegar as fabric softener, add 1/4 cup of vinegar to the water you plan to use for rinsing. You can also soak fluff balls in vinegar, which are used to soften clothes while rinsing. Alternatively, you can put some vinegar in a spray bottle and spray your wet clothes with it before putting them in the dryer. If the smell of vinegar bothers you, add a few drops of essential oil.


Just like vinegar, baking soda is an excellent natural fabric softener that can be used for a variety of purposes. It is an excellent alternative to heavy and chemical commercial conditioners. Baking soda is known for its ability to soften hard water, which in turn makes fabric softer. In addition, soda helps deodorize clothes.

How to use: Simply add 1/2 cup baking soda to the machine water. Allow it to dissolve completely before putting your clothes in the washing machine.

Drying balls

Not only do dryer balls soften fabric, they also reduce drying time and help eliminate static electricity. Drying balls are usually plastic or rubber with thorns on the surface. These balls help soften clothes purely mechanically. They move between the clothes and thus fluff up the clothes in the dryer. They also retain and transfer heat to clothing, which reduces drying time and shrinkage of fabrics.

How to use: This is perhaps the easiest way to soften fabric. Simply place the balls in the dryer with your laundry to bring out fluffy, soft clothes. However, the prickly dryer balls can damage delicate fabrics and create small holes in them. Because they use mechanical friction, the balls will help you get rid of static, but not as effectively as dryer sheets.

Homemade drying balls

Homemade dryer balls have a number of compelling advantages over chemically loaded commercial fabric softeners. Wool dryer balls are chemical-free, cost-effective, and can leave your clothes incredibly soft and fluffy. The balls help separate garments during drying, which allows access to hot air, the main drying accelerator. Thus, the balls fluff up the laundry and significantly reduce drying time. Plus, you can add essential oils and make your clothes smell fresh and clean.

To wind the dryer balls, you need to take one end of the thread and wrap it around your middle and index finger 10-15 times. Now, take one of your fingers and wrap the yarn around the center five times, after which you can wrap the yarn in any direction. Remember to maintain a tight tension, try to make the ball round. Once you have the desired shape and size (ideally the size of a tennis ball), cut the string and set the ball aside. You need to make 4-5 of these balls. Cut off one leg of the tights and fold the balls inside. Now tie a knot behind each ball to keep them in place.

How to use: Wash the wool balls on the hottest setting first washing machine to roll the yarn. Make sure the yarn is rolled sufficiently and is tight. Now put the balls in the dryer and set the machine to the hottest setting. If the balls are completely dry, remove them from the tights. Now you can use these balls by placing them in the dryer along with your laundry.

Tennis balls

Tennis balls can also be used as an alternative to conditioners. They can remove static and also soften the fabric of clothing. Because tennis balls are made of rubber, the temperature of the dryer can release certain chemicals that leave odors on clothing. Many people have expressed concern that rubber chemicals may be toxic and therefore tennis balls are not a safe alternative to fabric softener.

How to use: Tennis balls can be used in the same way as plastic dryer balls. Just throw them in the dryer washing machine along with the laundry.


Borax is an amazing cleaner that can kill dust mites, mildew and mold in passing, in addition to removing odors from clothes. Borax also softens hard water and can therefore be used as a fabric softener. However, remember to use this substance in moderation as overusing this cleanser can cause skin irritation.

How to use: If you plan to use borax to soften water, use it during the washing process. For a traditional washing machine load, 1/2 cup of borax is enough. To use it as fabric softener, add 1/4 cup of borax to the water you plan to use to rinse your clothes.

Along with the ones above, you can also try other natural fabric softeners that are available in most stores healthy eating. Even natural or organic hair conditioners can be used as an alternative to harmful commercial fabric softeners.

You can also keep the fabric soft by using an air gun on the lowest heat setting, which will also help reduce drying time. Generally, synthetic fabric is more prone to static electricity than others and requires conditioners to maintain softness and silkiness, unlike natural fabrics like cotton, hemp, linen and wool.

Sometimes housewives have to solve the problem of how to replace fabric softener. Indeed, nowadays there are many various means, designed for better washing or keeping things in new condition. One such substance is fabric softener. Naturally, it is not necessary to add it, but if you compare 2 completely different washes with and without its use, you will see that washed items with fabric softener are much softer and more fragrant than others. Despite its benefits, not every average family can afford such a pleasure, plus some people are allergic to it. What to do in this case, because you really want your laundry to be always fresh and soft?


Who would have thought, but you can prepare an equally high-quality product yourself with minimal time and money. This idea inspires many current housewives who love the cleanliness and aroma of their laundry, but cannot afford to buy such a product due to certain circumstances.

From existing components you can prepare a high-quality and aromatic solution

There is another advantage of making air conditioner at home. Not all family members always like the purchase. Quite often, conflicts arise on this basis, and relatives simply refused to machine wash. In this case, everything is much simpler, since before cooking you can consult with everyone and make right choice. From existing components you can prepare an equally high-quality and aromatic solution.

In most cases, homemade conditioner contains vinegar, which gives the product a slightly sour aroma. If this is not to your taste, you can make at least effective remedy without using it. Modern technologies have reached the point that at home we can prepare an equally high-quality product that even professionals cannot distinguish from a store-bought equivalent. With all this, studies have shown that the aroma of a home remedy lasts on linen at least 2 times longer, which cannot but please household members.

Still, some people do not like cloying smells and prefer that things do not smell at all, but at the same time they will not give up another effect of the air conditioner - softness. In this case, only a mechanical method can help. In this case, several (2-4) tennis balls should be placed in the drum of the washing machine along with the laundry. They soften clothes and linens.

Thus, there are several main advantages of using a home remedy:

  • financial savings;
  • complete safety for both adults and children;
  • the possibility of inventing the scent that you like;
  • long-term effect of the product;
  • does not cause allergic reactions.

All of the above advantages force housewives to give preference to such rinses.


There are many recipes for this product, most of which contain vinegar. Such products, like store-bought counterparts, are used for machine washing.

To prepare the most popular rinse, you should prepare at least 4 liters of acetic acid and approximately 20 drops of lavender essential oil or any other plant whose scent you like. To prepare the conditioner, simply stir these ingredients and pour into bottles. The fabric softener is ready, and this process takes no more than 10 minutes.

Most mouthwash recipes contain vinegar.

Approximately a cup of the product should be added to each wash. If there are few things loaded in the machine, this dose should be reduced by at least half. This rule applies to white linen. For colored items, add half a cup of product and reduce this dose accordingly if necessary. This conditioner can be stored for no more than a week. Therefore, if you need the product for the 1st procedure, you do not need to prepare 4 liters, since this is a highly perishable product, especially when exposed to sunlight.

Another homemade conditioner can be prepared using vinegar and simple mint. The recipe is quite simple. For 3 liters of vinegar it takes approximately 20 drops of mint oil. If you make a smaller amount of conditioner, then, accordingly, you should reduce the amount of essential oil added, otherwise the aroma will become too cloying and even unpleasant. For a full load of the washing machine, regardless of the color of the laundry, you must add at least a glass of this product. The conditioner can be stored for 6 days in a dry and dark place.

Simple, clean table vinegar can provide the necessary softness for linen when hand washed. It may seem that things after such washing will have Not nice smell, but in fact it quickly disappears if you dry your clothes in the fresh air.

And, of course, we can’t help but remember the conditioner made from water, vinegar and hair balm. For 6 parts distilled water, take 3 parts vinegar and 2 parts any hair conditioner. If desired, you can add a few drops of essential oil for more aroma. Half a glass of this product is enough for a normal, full wash with a full load of the washing machine.

As you can see, homemade mouthwash has many advantages over its expensive store-bought counterpart. By making this product yourself, you can not only save money, but also get a longer lasting effect.

The effectiveness of natural laundry detergents has been proven by our grandmothers. They didn’t have such a huge selection of household chemicals, but they always washed everything. In addition to laundry detergents and soaps, a fabric softener is needed to care for your laundry. In modern parlance it is called a rinse aid or conditioner. And it is not at all necessary to buy it in the store, since you can very quickly prepare it at home with your own hands.

Vinegar-based recipes

The most common substance used for rinsing clothes is table vinegar; it is especially suitable for wool products. In addition, vinegar preserves the color of clothes. You can use vinegar alone, but only for hand rinsing. It is not worth pouring it into the machine. There are several recipes based on this substance.

Important! When preparing this or that conditioner, observe the proportions of all the substances from which you make the composition.

For your information! Acetic acid has good disinfectant properties and also washes away laundry detergent well; it is inexpensive, and therefore a home conditioner based on it will be very cheap.

Composition of borax

Borax has the property of softening hard water, so it can be used to wash things with your own hands. You don’t need to do anything special, just pour a quarter glass of this substance into the water while rinsing the clothes.

Borax not only softens fabric, it kills linen mites, as well as various fungi and mold. Things washed this way become cleaner and softer. However, be careful, borax can cause irritation and allergies to the skin, do not apply too much.

"Aromatic" rinses

For those who do not want to deal with acetic acid because of its unpleasant odor, we offer ways to make conditioner without vinegar.

  • Method one. Buy 250 g of Epsom salt (magnesia) at the pharmacy, then add 10 drops of orange oil to the salt. The resulting mixture is placed in a cuvette for rinse aid, a couple of tablespoons is enough. Store this conditioner in an airtight container.
  • Method two. In a glass of warm water, dissolve 3 tablespoons of baking soda and add sandalwood or jasmine oil. This recipe is machine safe.
  • Method three. To make your own thick fabric softener suitable for a washing machine, you need to mix 6 tablespoons of hair conditioner with 10 tablespoons of sea salt and add a few drops of essential oil. This conditioner makes the laundry pleasant to the touch; you need to put it in a volume of 3-5 spoons in a special compartment.

What to replace it with?

Some housewives use tennis balls instead of air conditioning. This is no coincidence. The balls have a smooth surface and do not harm the fabric. They, constantly rotating in the drum along with the laundry, shake it well, making it soft and pleasant.

Of course, tennis balls won't leave your laundry smelling like DIY home conditioners, but if you don't like smells, this is the one for you.

And what is important, tennis balls have the least effect on the performance of the machine, which cannot be said about vinegar or borax. In our opinion, such substances should not be added to the washing machine.

To summarize, we list all the advantages of homemade air conditioners:

  • they are much cheaper than their store-bought counterparts;
  • Vinegar-based conditioner kills germs on clothes;
  • make ironing easier and softer;
  • rinse themselves well and wash away any remaining detergent;
  • From the mass of recipes, even an allergy sufferer can find his own.

During the washing process, many housewives use softener and fabric softener. With them, things acquire a pleasant smell and special softness; moreover, the scented additive facilitates the ironing process and protects printed fabrics from rapid color fading.

Why it's worth a try

If you look at the composition of a purchased product, you can see a whole list of chemical ingredients, for example:

  • benzyl alcohol;
  • linalool;
  • ethanol;
  • pental.

These substances function as aromatic fillers, but can be harmful to health and cause a number of diseases. Their effect on the fragile bodies of children and allergy sufferers can be too harmful. Headache, allergic reactions, apathy, nervous disorders - possible consequences washing clothes with store-bought conditioner.

In addition, produce an ecological rinse aid with my own hands cheaper than buying the product in a store. A large family and the presence of small children are the main reasons for frequent washing. Therefore, thrifty lovers of clean and fragrant things are inspired by the idea of ​​​​how to make homemade fabric softener yourself. The advantages of a homemade mouthwash include:

  • saving the family budget;
  • creating your own scent;
  • made from environmentally friendly components;
  • absence of allergic reactions;
  • long storage and more economical use;
  • high-quality removal of contaminants;
  • softening fabric fibers.

DIY fabric softener: 5 natural recipes

Even an inexperienced housewife can prepare fabric softener on her own. All components for it can be found at home or easily purchased at your nearest store. Homemade mouthwash has a long shelf life. It can be made immediately before use or, conversely, in advance and stored in an airtight container to save time in the future.

With vinegar and essential oil

Peculiarities. Edible vinegar is known as an inexpensive and harmless conditioner. It preserves the brightness of the colors of clothes, the softness of the fibers, and is suitable for woolen items. An effective softener has antibacterial properties and completely removes cleaning powder residues. In addition, towels washed with it begin to absorb moisture better.

What it consists of:


  1. Before rinsing your clothes, pour a cup of vinegar into the special compartment of your washing machine. If the laundry is colored or the load is incomplete, then half a cup is enough for rinsing.
  2. For an exciting aroma, add a couple of drops of ether, but you can do without it.
  3. After washing, hang the laundry on the balcony so that the acidic smell disappears faster.

You can choose any essential oils for the conditioner - be guided by your own tastes. Mint, lavender, orange, bergamot - now you can experiment and create a scent for your laundry yourself! Do not mix vinegar with bleach - toxic fumes can harm the mucous membrane.

From rock salt

Peculiarities. An easy to make, non-toxic, vinegar-free fabric softener. Salt conditioner not only preserves the brightness of colors on clothes, but also fixes them.

What it consists of:

  • salt - four glasses;
  • essential oil - 20 drops.


  1. Pour four cups of salt into a separate container.
  2. Add your favorite ether, stir the mixture with a wooden spoon, break up all the lumps.
  3. Pour three tablespoons of salt softener into the machine compartment.
  4. Store in a cool place in an airtight, opaque container.

From soda and water

Peculiarities. This DIY natural fabric conditioner softens and refreshes your laundry. Baking soda is known for its cleansing properties and is considered a good help washing powder. Vinegar eliminates static on woolen items. The product will look like it has been treated with expensive luxury chemicals.

What it consists of:

  • water - two glasses;
  • table vinegar 9% - one glass;
  • soda - one glass;
  • essential oil - eight drops.


  1. Dilute 150 g of vinegar in warm water.
  2. Add sodium bicarbonate to the mixture a little at a time; it will react with the vinegar and the rinse aid will hiss. Wait until the sizzling stops, stir well.
  3. Pour the product into an airtight container. For scent, add mint essential oil to the mixture, it will give things a fresh aroma. Shake.
  4. For a one-time rinse, 200-250 ml of homemade product is enough.

As an emollient, sodium bicarbonate can be used in in kind, diluting a little with water to dissolve the granules. You need to pour half a glass of baking soda into the washing machine compartment before rinsing.

With hair balm

Peculiarities. An affordable and most popular recipe among housewives, the reviews about it are only positive. But you need to take into account that a conditioner with the addition of a hair smoothing agent still cannot be called natural. Therefore, it is better not to use it for washing children's clothes.

What it consists of:

  • cold water - six glasses;
  • vinegar 9% - three glasses;
  • hair balm - two glasses;
  • essential oil - two or three drops.


  1. Mix the ingredients, add essential oil. For example, roses or peach, they will give clothes a fruity and floral scent.
  2. Add half a glass of product to the special compartment of the automatic machine with each wash.

Hair balm can be added to any of the recipes if your home conditioner has lost its original consistency and you need to restore its thickness.

Borax based

Peculiarities. Fabric softener at home with borax restores the quality of products, they will be soft and silky. Rinsing with borax is suitable for country and old items, as it destroys dust mites, mold and mildew bacteria, and has deodorizing properties.

What it consists of:

  • borax - 150 g;
  • water - one glass.


  1. Stir 150 g of borax into cold water until completely dissolved.
  2. Scroll through the items while adding the solution in the rinse mode.

An important feature of borax is its ability to soften hard water. Add half a glass of product to the tank of the automatic machine before washing. Difficult to remove stains are washed off much easier. Excess borax when washing can cause skin rashes, be careful.

Washing with tennis balls

Many mothers wonder how to make conditioner for washing children's clothes. Rubber is an environmentally friendly material that is suitable for washing children's clothes. This is an alternative to store-bought scented products. The surface of the clothing stops shocking, the fabric will become softer, and old dirt will disappear.

The number of balls directly depends on the capacity of the washing machine and the weight of the laundry inside it. Usually four pieces are enough for effective conditioning. Load them into the drum with washed items, turn it on.

The uniqueness of the method lies in the constant dynamics of the balls in the tank of the machine. As they roll, they fluff up the fibers of the fabric, making it softer. The delicate surface of the ball does not damage clothing upon impact.

How else can you use it?

Making homemade fabric softener for your washing machine is not at all difficult. Remember that homemade rinse can also be used to combat stains. Apply the mixture to the dirt, leave it on for a while, and then wash as usual. Interestingly, softener can be used in other ways in everyday life. The house will sparkle clean if you take note of these four recommendations.

  1. Windows and mirrors. A recipe for homemade clothes conditioner based on table vinegar and water - a streak-free cleaner for mirrors and glass. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions, then start cleaning.
  2. Walls, tiles and floors. Dilute 150 ml of vinegar in a liter of water, pour in two to four drops of essential oil. Cleaning with the mixture will prevent the formation of plaque on the tiles in the bathroom, and the laminate floor will look like it was just laid.
  3. Blockages in pipes. Pour a mixture of 100 g of soda, 100 ml of vinegar into the drain, leave for 20 minutes. Then pour in one liter of boiling water for complete cleaning. It's safe and natural remedy to save pipes.
  4. Disinfection of surfaces. Use a mixture of 9% vinegar with three to four drops of tea tree oil on countertops after cutting meat and fish. You can also wipe taps, door handles, and deodorize the toilet with the solution.

Do-it-yourself homemade fabric softener has the same properties as the products in advertising. It is not difficult to make, and all the necessary ingredients are available. But strictly follow all the proportions of the recipes so that the finished product meets all wishes and does not spoil the laundry. Exceeding the vinegar-based conditioner results in slight shrinkage of the products.

Fabric softener has become an integral part of the household. It appeared relatively recently, but has already become firmly established in everyday life. Of course, some people think that it is not necessary to use conditioner when washing, since the clothes are already clean. Why spend extra money? But there are also housewives who simply cannot do without this product.

Let's figure out what a flavored additive really is - a luxury or a necessity? And how to make fabric softener with your own hands?

Why do you need fabric conditioner?

First, you need to figure out why you need fabric softener and whether it is needed at all. With all of my beneficial properties conditioner depends on surfactants that settle on the surface of clothes and linen, forming a film. It is she who gives a positive effect. Firstly, the fabric becomes softer and more pleasant to the body. Secondly, after washing, especially woolen fabrics, the clothes become “electrified”. The use of surfactants eliminates such an effect. Thirdly, the use of conditioner during washing makes ironing much easier, since under the influence of surfactants the fabric smoothes out on its own.

In addition, there are rinses that protect colored fabric from color fading. And one more important point: the resulting film does not allow dirt to penetrate deep into the fabric, so we can talk about the dirt-repellent properties of the conditioner. And as a bonus, almost every conditioner gives clothes a certain aroma.

We hope that all of the above will convince you that using fabric softener is necessary if you want your clothes to feel fresh.

How to make fabric softener with your own hands? Features of preparation and composition

Making homemade fabric softener with your own hands is not difficult, and everything we need is at hand, or you can buy it at absolutely any nearby store. The composition of a home air conditioner is as follows:

  • Regular baking soda - 125 ml.
  • 9% table vinegar - 125 ml.
  • Warm water (about 40 degrees) - 250 ml.
  • Essential oils - 7 drops.

Now the cooking process itself:

  • First, mix warm water and vinegar.
  • Then add soda little by little to the solution. If you add the entire amount at once, then, of course, it will be effective, but it will no longer be suitable. Therefore, add soda gradually. By the way, it perfectly softens hard water, thereby making the laundry soft. Baking soda also kills unpleasant odors well.
  • Pour the mixture into a container where you plan to store your homemade mouthwash, add essential oil and shake well.

Do-it-yourself baby fabric softener does not take long to prepare, but lasts a long time.

We are all accustomed to the fact that mouthwash has a thick consistency. If your homemade fabric softener turns out to be liquid, you can fix this situation with your own hands - just add a little of your One of the properties of conditioner is color preservation. So, to prevent your clothes from fading, add a capful of white vinegar when rinsing. And yet, homemade conditioner can be used as a solution for soaking stained laundry. Just apply a little product to the problem area and leave for half an hour, and then put it in the wash. Remember to shake the container where you store the fabric softener before each use. With your own hands you can create the scent that you like best. You just need to choose the appropriate essential oils.

How else can you use fabric conditioner?

We all know that rinse aid is used during washing. This will probably surprise you, but it can also be used for other purposes. Interesting? Then remember:

  • The conditioner can be used to clean the glass so that there are no streaks left on it. To do this, just mix the rinse aid with water in equal proportions.
  • The balm perfectly removes impurities from leather goods, so don’t rush to pick up soap.

  • Do you want your laminate flooring to regain its original appearance? Wash it with a solution of conditioner and water.
  • Are you renovating and the old wallpaper just doesn’t want to come off the wall? And this is where a conditioner balm can come to the rescue. Moisten the wallpaper with an aqueous solution, and after a while they will easily peel off the walls.
  • If on your car seat If a stain appears, simply wipe it with a sponge soaked in a solution of water and rinse aid.

Agree, how useful and necessary conditioner is for washing clothes! You can make it with your own hands in any quantities and subsequently use it for a variety of household needs.
