European manicure. Permanent polishing of nails

Frequent visitors to nail salons are well acquainted with the technique of performing a classic edged manicure. But not everyone knows about the younger, increasingly popular method called "European manicure". This is a gentle way of nail care, which is suitable even for girls with sensitive skin, it will give only pleasant sensations.

To perform a European manicure, sparing devices are used: nail files, orange sticks, buffs. Cutting, like scissors, wire cutters, tweezers are not used. The technology for performing a European manicure implies delicate handling of the cuticle: it is pushed back, but not removed. The safety of this method allows the procedure to be carried out by those who like a gentler way of processing.


  • low risk of injury and damage (due to the use of gentle tools);
  • painlessness, speed of execution (suitable for owners of delicate, thin skin);
  • no risk of infection (when performing a European unedged manicure, disposable devices are usually used).
  • the need for frequent repetition of the procedure (since the skin is not cut off, the result is not stored for a long time);
  • the inability to use in advanced cases (with a strong increase in the cuticle, a rare manicure).

It should be borne in mind that European manicure requires regular care: at first it should be applied once a week, after - a little less often. If the cuticle has not been processed for a long time, the nail plate is very overgrown or the length of the nails requires the intervention of scissors, you should turn to the classic method, after which you can return to the unedged one. The main difference between European and classic cuticles is the way they work with the cuticle. If traditional method involves cutting it with metal tools, the second option is softer and is carried out without them.

Step-by-step description of the technique of European manicure

Before the master proceeds with its implementation, he must remove the old coating. In the Clips Tips salon, this is done using foil or a hardware method. The removal of the old varnish is already included in the price of the service.

The procedure can be performed "wet" or "dry" method. The first involves the use of a bath with oils to soften the cuticle (with its strong formation or for hard skin). The second is performed without steaming hands in water and is suitable for owners of thin skin that is not prone to rapid growth.

If you decide to do a European manicure in the salon, it will include the following steps:

  1. The master processes the hands, his own and the client, with a disinfectant solution. This is necessary to exclude the slightest possibility of infection, although unedged processing is considered safe in this regard.
  2. With the help of nail files of varying degrees of hardness (abrasiveness), the shape of the nails is corrected. Scissors or cutters are not required.
  3. The cuticle is covered with a softener. In addition to acids, it may contain vitamins and other components that have a beneficial effect on the skin.
  4. Hands are immersed in the bath (if necessary). If the skin does not require additional softening, this step is skipped. The wizard removes the remaining funds and moves on to the next one.
  5. The cuticle is shifted, a thin lower layer is removed with a sharp orange stick. For this, special soft pumice stones are sometimes used, which gently remove excess skin.
  6. Nail plate polished and buffed.
  7. An oil-based emollient is applied to the skin and nutritious cream.

The result is well-groomed hands and nails that delight their owner and attract the eye. The most important thing is not to forget about the regularity of the procedure, to take care of moisturizing the skin. The price of a European manicure is usually fixed and does not depend on the method of its execution.

A beautiful manicure can tell a lot. What is the mood of its owner, the way of thinking and life in general? All this can be told by women's hands. True connoisseurs beautiful manicure know that its first and very significant point is preparatory stage. Even the most beautiful colors and patterns will look careless on neglected nails. You know that there are several ways to take care of your hands. Previously, we have already talked with you about the classic (edged) manicure. Today we will tell you how to do edged manicure at home, which is also called European.

Today, this procedure is especially popular due to the specific technique of execution. No cutting instruments are used during the manicure session. Removal of the cuticle is carried out using a special tool, or the skin is simply moved to the edge of the nail plate. Let's talk in as much detail as possible about how to make a European manicure.

Advantages and disadvantages

What are the significant advantages of a European manicure that it is so popular all over the world?

  1. Euromanicure almost completely eliminates the possibility of any infection, as it is bloodless.
  2. The procedure is absolutely painless and non-traumatic, it has a mild effect on the nails and skin of the hands.
  3. You can do a European manicure at home up to 2 times a week, even for owners of sensitive skin with closely spaced blood vessels.
  4. With a systematic unedged procedure, the growth of the cuticle slows down, so that the nails retain a well-groomed appearance longer.

Of course, the European manicure has its drawbacks.

  1. The procedure is suitable only for owners of thin skin with a weak cuticle.
  2. A noticeable result will appear only after several sessions.
  3. At first, the process of performing a European manicure can be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. For a while, you will have to use the skin cutters to trim the burrs on the side bolsters.
  4. The procedure may be accompanied by burning and irritation of the areas treated with a cuticle remover. There is a possibility of an allergy.
  5. An unedged version of a manicure will not suit you if you have extended nails.

Varieties of euromanicure

The technique for performing a European manicure can begin in three ways, each of which has its own characteristics.

  1. Dry European manicure speaks for itself. The cuticle is treated with a softener and remover without pre-soaking. Therefore, dry manicure is not recommended for brittle and injured nails. The procedure does not take much time and can be performed not only at home, but also, for example, on the road. Take note: after dry processing, the nail polish lasts longer! This is due to the fact that when steaming, the nail plate becomes flat, and after drying, it returns to its original shape, due to which the coating cracks faster.
  2. The wet version of the European manicure involves the obligatory softening and moisturizing of the cuticle in the aquatic environment. Special lotions and oils are added to the hand bath.
  3. Hot manicure is recommended when working with injured cuticles, brittle and dry nails. The skin is steamed in a lotion (cream), heated to a temperature of 50 ° C. For these purposes, we recommend that you purchase an electric bath, as in the photo.

Step-by-step instruction

The technique for performing unedged manicure is very simple. You will need a minimum set of tools and special cosmetical tools to do a manicure at home:

  • nail file;
  • nail scissors;
  • cuticles or rounded scissors;
  • nail file or buff for polishing;
  • nourishing oil and cuticle remover (oil, gel, cream);
  • hand cream.

Having studied the instructions on how to make an unedged manicure at home, you can easily do it yourself. The video at the end of the article will help you visually consolidate the knowledge gained.

Step 1. Preparation phase

So, unedged manicure starts step by step from the stage where you have to clean your nails and steam out the skin of your hands. Use nail polish remover to remove the old coating. Nails must be perfectly clean.

If you want to try an unedged wet manicure, we will give you one piece of advice. Lotions and oils at home can be replaced with lemon juice. Acidic water softens the cuticle very well. If your choice fell on a hot bath, then try olive oil instead of special cosmetics.

Decided to do yourself a dry unedged manicure? Skip this paragraph and watch an interesting video tutorial. The video clearly shows the technique of performing a manicure without preliminary steaming.

Step 2. The length and shape of the nails

Use nail scissors for significant cutting of nails. Using a nail file, give the free edge the desired shape. To keep your nails from peeling, follow three rules.

  1. File the tips in only one direction that is convenient for you.
  2. During the procedure, the nails must be dry. Therefore, if you decide to use a wet or hot type of manicure, correct the shape of the free edge in advance or dry the nail plate thoroughly after the bath.
  3. How to properly file nails? Hold the nail file perpendicular to the free edge, i.e. at an angle of 90 °, as in the photo.

Step 3. Work with the cuticle

In a European manicure, you can use cosmetics that contain lactic and fruit acids to soften the cuticle:

  • fortified cream;
  • gel (oil) to soften or remove the cuticle.

Apply the product to the skin around, but not getting on the nail itself, and leave for 1-3 minutes. The holding time should be adjusted according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Next, with an orange stick or a metal spatula (if the skin is rough), you can push the cuticle to the base of the nail plate or peel it off, as shown in the photo. The second option will be possible only if you have very thin skin, or you do a European unedged manicure 5-7 times in a row. The side rollers are cleaned in the same way.

Step 4. Moisturize and nourish

An important point is to moisturize the skin around the nail plate. Cosmetic oil is applied to the cuticle and side ridges. The tool not only soothes irritated areas, but also has an antibacterial effect. Do not forget about the skin of the hands, which also needs your care. Apply moisturizer and treat yourself to a relaxing massage.

Step 5. Finishing touch

Finally, you can polish your nails with a special nail file or buff for polishing. This will give them a healthy shine, as in the photo.

If desired, apply a base or decorative coat, after degreasing the nails with nail polish remover.

Now you know how to do a European manicure. To consolidate the knowledge gained, we suggest you watch the video. It's better to see once than to read 100 times. Elena will tell you in detail how a wet look of an unedged manicure is done at home. The execution technique is extremely simple, you will not have any difficulties to give your nails a perfect look.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious!


Beautiful pens with neat manicure- a hallmark of a well-groomed woman. Do you want the nail plates not to be injured, and the cuticle does not require the intervention of metal tweezers, scissors? Stop your choice on the unedged version of the manicure. Safe, painless, he won the hearts of fans around the world. What is the technology for performing European manicure, why is it so popular in Europe?

What is a European manicure

From the mid-70s of the XX century to the present time, most beautiful ladies choose a painless, quick way to put their hands in order: without cutting the cuticle with tweezers, using other metal tools. Classic trimming is characterized by:

  • steaming the skin of the hands in warm baths with salt, additives;
  • removal of the skin around the nail with special forceps;
  • deformation, cuts of delicate tissue around the nail plate.

The cuticle surrounding the nail is not a useless part of the human body. It covers the nail plate, protecting the latter from the possible penetration of infections and bacteria. Therefore, cutting it off, women deprive their nails of natural protection. The technology for performing a European manicure is based on pushing the skin away with a wooden stick.

In a broad sense, European hand care is performed in a “dry” way, however, there are three varieties:

  • "Dry". Does not require preliminary steaming of hands in the bath. A special gel or cream is applied to the clean, dry skin of the nail plate to soften and remove the cuticle.
  • Damp (wet). It is used in cases where there are burrs, cracks, and damage around the nail. A warm bath is necessary to nourish the surface of the nail plate, the skin around. It is also easy to soften rough skin.
  • Hot. Very popular in spas and beauty parlors. Helps restore the balance of nutrients due to the effects of trace elements and vitamins contained in the cream. The technology for performing a hot manicure is as follows: a special restoring cream (lotion) for hands is heated in an electric bath to a temperature of 50C.

European nail care has a lot of advantages:

  • helps to maintain youth, beauty of hands;
  • safe;
  • painless;
  • protects against penetration of infections, possible inflammations;
  • with constant execution takes a minimum of time;
  • it is easy to perform a European manicure express at home.

Materials and tools for European manicure

To make an unedged manicure at home, you will need:

  1. Nail polish remover or special liquid pads.
  2. Special nail files of different grain size.
  3. Cuticle file.
  4. Roller for manicure.
  5. Pencil containing nourishing cream (oils).
  6. Cuticle remover.
  7. Revitalizing cream for hands and nails.
  8. A set of devices for performing European hot care.
  9. bath container, essential oils, special salts, liquid vitamins - for the wet method of unedged manicure.

Step-by-step description of the procedure with a photo

The technology for performing European care requires that the skin of the hands be dry. If you prefer a wet or hardware manicure, then do not forget to thoroughly wet your hands after baths with a dry cotton cloth. Wait for 10 minutes after that, so that the beneficial substances are absorbed as much as possible. Then we proceed to the implementation of unedged manicure, the technology of which we will consider in stages.

Preparation of the nail plate

Experts recommend performing the preparatory stage a couple of hours before the manicure, so that the nails have time to “rest” and recover. Old varnish must be removed. To do this, use a vitaminized nail polish remover that does not contain acetone and sponges.

Particular attention is required to remove shellac nails. Prepare for processing in advance 10 sponges and 10 squares of foil, a nail polish remover containing acetone. Moisten a cotton pad with plenty of water, press it firmly against the nail, wrap it with foil as in the photo above. Leave for 10 - 15 minutes. Remove sponges, remove foil. Gently pry off the peeled coating with a wooden stick. Remove the remains on the nails with a liquid without acetone.

Softening and removing cuticles

A pleasant aromatherapy procedure can be carried out not only with the observance of the European care technology, but also daily: the skin around the nails will be tender, and the plate will be white. Using a pencil, apply a thin layer of oil on the cuticle and leave for a couple of minutes. Then soft in a circular motion rub, carefully lubricating the hole of the nail, the skin around it.

Cuticle removal technology is as follows:

  • Apply a cuticle remover gel around the nail plate so that the nail “smiles” at you, as in the photo.

  • Leave on for 45-60 seconds. During this time, the product, which includes fruit acids, plant extracts, will soften the skin.
  • Wipe gently with a paper towel.

  • Use an orange stick to remove excess cuticles and push back the skin, opening the hole, shaping it.

  • If you prefer to perform a hardware European manicure, use a special brush nozzle.

Giving the nail the desired length and shape

Give the nail plate the desired shape with a nail file. To remove burrs, rough skin, use a special cuticle file or select the appropriate nozzle of the device, as in the photo. A sanding file and a special buff will help to remove bumps, grooves, polish the surface. Then with soap appropriate for the pH of the skin, wash your hands and dry with a tissue.

Moisturizing and nourishing the skin

The technology for caring for the delicate skin of the hands after adjusting the cuticle consists in moisturizing, nourishing and restoring the beauty of the hands. Applying creams rich in vitamins, antioxidants helps maintain youth and beauty. To get the result, do not forget about the daily use of aromatherapy oils.

Application of base and decorative coating

In order for the varnish to lay down in an even layer, to keep it for a long time, apply a base coat to the polished nails. The latter contains vitamins that saturate the plates with microelements, and protectors that protect against the harmful effects of the chemical components of the varnish. With gentle, graceful movements of the brush along the nail plate, apply a thin layer of varnish. Carefully circle the entire hole so that there are no places left uncovered with a decorative layer of varnish.

Aerosol drying

The final stage of the European manicure will be aerosol drying. The coating technology is as follows: at a distance of 15 cm from the varnished nails, spray the liquid with a spray gun. Rich in Si, coral and seaweed extract, it will not only speed up the drying process of the varnish, but also protect the nails from damage, strengthening them.

Video lesson: how to do a European unedged manicure

The history of European manicure is due to Mademoiselle Juliette Marlene, the personal master of the great Marlene Dietrich. Possessing thin skin th, capillaries close to the surface, the actress painfully endured the procedure for caring for her hands. So, thanks to two prominent women in the 20s of the last century, a new way appeared - unedged manicure. You can see the secrets of performing a European manicure, learn the intricacies of technology, and get acquainted with the latest in the cosmetic industry by watching our video:

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European manicure - technology for performing the procedure step by step

What is a European unedged manicure. Step-by-step instruction on implementation, means of care, benefits.

This type of care is distinguished by the fact that it is absolutely impossible to use cutting tools. Unedged manicure is safe and painless, so clients with thin sensitive skin prefer it. It is chosen by those who are afraid of possible pain or have fears about infections (completely unfounded, I must say). There are many men among the fans of unedged manicure, who are also probably afraid of microtrauma from scissors.

Origin of European manicure

Unedged European manicure is almost ubiquitous in Europe, which is why it is called such. This species first became popular in France a hundred years ago thanks to a certain Marlene. Didn't exist then modern means for cuticle care, so all care consisted of systematic moisturizing and nourishing hands and nails and periodically pushing back the cuticles.

In the 21st century, the European manicure has more and more fans, and there are more and more excellent care products that can soften and slow down the growth of any cuticle.

Advantages of the unedged method

  • Safe and painless. This is very important for many clients and clients. By switching to an unedged look, you will forget about cracking and swelling of the cuticle, microtrauma during the session.
  • Saves time: when the growth of the cuticle is already stopped and the European manicure is done regularly.
  • Hands look amazingly tender and young due to constant care.
  • Lacquer lasts the longest. This is a "dry" type of processing. With a European manicure, the skin does not soak and the nail does not absorb moisture and does not experience deformation, so the varnish does not peel off for a long time.


How do I switch to an unedged manicure?

If you have thick skin and tight cuticles, then this type of treatment simply may not suit you, because it will not desired result. In reality, it takes five to six visits to the master to switch from edged to unedged. It also requires constant careful care of the nails: softening of the cuticle, treatment with oils and agents that stop its growth. As you can see, even with thin skin and cuticles, it will not be easy to give up scissors.

Is it possible to do a European manicure on your own?

This look doesn't seem complicated because no scissors are used. But, as mentioned above, the difficulty lies in preparing the nails and cuticles for a permanent European manicure. It is better to entrust the execution of the unedged method to the master, at least for the first transitional time.

Is a trimmed manicure worth all these worries?

Of course it's worth it. It's not even about the ghostly danger of all kinds of infections: if you use the services of a high-class master, then there is no danger. An unedged manicure is good because it is painless and requires you to constantly keep your hands in perfect condition.

Types of European manicure

  1. dry method. In this case, the border between the nail and the skin is treated with a softening agent without a preliminary bath. This type has many advantages: you can always quickly make it out of the house, and the varnish will hold up perfectly. But dry manicure is not too good for injured and brittle nails.
  2. "Wet" European manicure performed after pre-soaking. Use for bath special means: oils and lotions to prepare cuticles.
  3. Hot European. It is especially recommended if the cuticle is injured and the nails are brittle. Before the procedure itself, with the hot method, you need to steam the nails in a hot (about 50 degrees) lotion or cream. To do this, use a special container with electric heating.

Necessary tools for a European manicure

When performing an unedged manicure, a minimum of tools is used, and the emphasis is on high-quality cosmetics that suppress the growth of the cuticle and soften it. Required:

  • Nail file. It is better to use glass, which injures the nail plate the least.
  • Bath.
  • Buff for polishing natural nails. The hardness and abrasiveness of the buff should be up to 240 grit.
  • Rounded scissors or cuticle scissors, nail scissors: to shape the shape of the nail and just in case.
  • Specialized softener.
  • Cuticle sticks: wooden and metal.
  • Nourishing oil (gel, cream) for cuticle removal.
  • Hand cream.

Execution Technology

Remove old polish and clean your nails as thoroughly as possible.

This item is relevant for wet and hot types of unedged European manicure. In the bath with water, you need to add a gel or lotion to soften the cuticle. You can use the juice of half a lemon. Water acidified in this way prepares hands very well. Also from natural remedies for a hot unedged manicure, we recommend trying olive oil.

Giving nails the desired shape
If you need to cut your nails much, use nail scissors. Then file the free edge of the nail until you achieve the desired shape. Sawing is a rather traumatic operation for the nail plate. To prevent the nails from peeling, file them like this:

  • Drive the file in only one direction: any direction convenient for you.
  • Hold the file at a 90 degree angle to the free edge of the nail.

Only dry nails can be filed, so for hot or wet manicures, reverse the steaming and filing procedures. You can also wait after the bath for a while so that the nail plate is completely dry.

There are quite a few good money to exfoliate and soften cuticles. For example, lotion CND Cuticle Away, Sally Hansen Cuticle Remover Gel, Titana Remover Liquid, and more. Good cuticle removers usually contain fruit acids, valuable vegetable oils (tea tree, macadamia, apricot, etc.). The gel or lotion is added to the steam bath and applied after it around the circumference of the nail. The product should be kept for as long as the manufacturer advises: usually up to 3 minutes.

Take an orange or metal stick and push or scrape the cuticle towards the skin. You also need to process the side rollers. With a metal instrument, you have to act at first, when the skin has not yet thinned. But after five or six unedged manicures, it's time to switch to a wooden stick.

Nutrition and hydration

Use a special oil for it. We can recommend CND Solar Oil, Macadamia by Codi, Cuticle Oil Gel by Orly. Apply cosmetic oil to the cuticles and nail folds around the perimeter, also as an emollient. It will soothe and heal irritated areas. Next, apply the caring cream on the skin of the hands and finish the caring procedures with a pleasant massage.


A beautiful shine can be given to nails by treating them with a buff or a polishing file. It is advisable to do this twice a month. Hold the buff parallel to the nail and move in one direction until you achieve smoothness and shine. After polishing, remove small dust particles with a brush.

The European unedged manicure is done and the nails are ready for coating. There is nothing difficult in doing this. His main secret is the constant care of his hands with the help of the best and proven means.

Regular care

In between sessions of a European manicure, you need to tirelessly care for your nails: use emollient creams and cuticle oil. If this is not done, then the cuticle will harden and crack, and it will have to be cut off.

During the transition from the species to the European, while the nail roller and cuticle are still not ready, the master sometimes has to cut it in some places: where professional gels and wooden sticks cannot cope.

Video instruction

You can't feel confident with unkempt hands. A European manicure allows you to shape your nails and put them in order without cutting the cuticle, so it can be easily done at home.


European or French unedged manicure is the safest and most practical type of this cosmetic "operation" of all. It was invented in France at the beginning of the 20th century, but only came into fashion a couple of decades ago.

After a classic manicure with cuticle trimming, even with very careful execution, the girl will experience discomfort for some time. The nail plate may hurt near the base, and the cuticle may bleed. European is completely devoid of these shortcomings. It is completely painless, no scissors, cuticle tweezers and trimmers are used during it. This is what is different classic manicure from European.

Benefits of European manicure:

At the same time, technology has some flaws. Firstly, a combined manicure is performed for the first time. In this procedure, trimming and unedged techniques are combined. Secondly, the real effect after the session will be noticeable only after several months of regular procedure. Thirdly, it is a little more expensive than a regular edged one.

Types of European manicure

There are several types of European manicure:

Video lesson: European manicure at home

Execution Technology

Any nice salon Beauty provides its customers with the opportunity to choose a hardware or unedged manicure or pedicure, as an alternative to cutting technologies. This technique in professional offices is often supplemented by paraffin hand therapy, oil massages and other procedures to nourish the plate and epidermis. Procedure in salons:

  1. The skin of the hands is cleaned with scrubs and oil compositions, at the same time, varnish is removed from the nails;
  2. You may be offered a spa massage or parfinotherapy before the manicre. They will relax your hands, the procedure will bring not only more pleasure, but will also become much more useful;
  3. After that, depending on the chosen technique, they will begin to process the nails and cuticles. A gel is applied to the skin, which dissolves it or makes it much softer within a few minutes. After that, with movements from the top of the nail to the bed, the cuticle moves to the very edge. Further, another stick moves along the skin growth line, which completely removes the cuticle;
  4. The remains of the gel are removed with a napkin, because it can harm the growth of nails. After that, it remains to trim the nails with a nail file or a manicure apparatus. At the end of the session, cocoa or shea butter is applied to the cuticle and plate (if it is not planned to work with shellac or ordinary varnish), which quickly restore the skin;
  5. You need to repeat the European technique on average 1-2 times a month, but this depends on the rate of nail growth.

But, you can save a lot if you carry out the procedure at home. First you need to buy tools for European unedged manicure: these are pumice stone, bamboo or orange sticks, a file and a gel for removing cuticles.

Photo - Tools for manicure

And if you have a need to do a pedicure at home for yourself, then follow the link and find here comprehensive information on this issue.

Instructions with a photo, how to conduct a female step-by-step european manicure at home:
