Beautiful hairstyles for girls in 5 minutes. Easy hairstyles for girls to school

What hairstyle to choose for school? Of course, comfortable and original. You should have several hairstyles in stock in 5 minutes for school days.

Both at 8 and at 15 years old, girls want to look no worse than their classmates. A beautiful hairstyle is an opportunity to show individuality. Teenage girls will do the styling themselves, younger schoolgirls will be helped by their mother. Pick a few interesting options. Photos and rules for creating everyday styling will facilitate the process.

Features of hairstyles for school

Listen to the advice of hairdressers and the opinion of experienced mothers:

  • use styling products as little as possible, especially for little girls. Delicate children's skin and hairs quickly deteriorate from exposure to varnish, foam or mousse;
  • the later the girl starts using an iron or curling iron, the better. To create curls without serious harm to the hair, boomerang curlers or ordinary paper curlers will help;
  • for long and medium hair, choose styling with minimal strand tension. Alternate ponytails and pigtails, do not weave too tight. A great option is an inverted tail or a braid made of rubber bands;
  • teach the girl to style her hair on her own. Buy accessories: elastic bands, hairpins, bows, crabs. Then the girl, even without your help, can easily cope with the creation of a simple school hairstyle;
  • become a model for your child. Let the daughter do different types styling on your head: so the child will quickly learn the technique of weaving, “stuff” his hand. Most girls are happy to master the profession of "home hairdresser".

Important! Do not neglect the advice on the minimum composition for styling. Some mothers, in pursuit of the perfect, fashionable styling, spray their children's hair with varnish, treat with foam and mousse from an early age. The result is dandruff, itching, thinned strands, an inevitable visit to a dermatologist and trichologist. Think before you ruin your daughter's hair again.

Take note:

  • hair in early age not as quickly salted as in adults. Let your daughter wash her hair in the evening, then in the morning you will calmly braid your pigtails or make a tail;
  • V adolescence look at the situation. With a strong fat content of the strands, postpone washing your hair in the morning;
  • long hair you still have to wash it in the evening: in the morning, the curls simply will not dry in half an hour;
  • rinsing with herbal decoctions, changing the diet will help reduce the fat content of the strands. Useful homemade hair masks;
  • make sure that your daughter does not often use a hair dryer.

5 minute hairstyle ideas for medium to long hair

Pick a few hairstyles that will make your girl look cute. Check if the front strands get into your eyes, if the elastic bands and hairpins are securely fastened. Perfect styling withstand classes, changes, physical education lesson.

Popular and varied ponytail

How to do light hairstyle to school every day? One of the fastest installs. Even a first-grader can make a ponytail on her own.

There are many options for this hairstyle. How to diversify styling?

Take note of a few tips:

  • for little girls, make two high or low tails, decorate with bows or hairpins;
  • collect the ponytails in the same way, drag the loose strands in two places with thin elastic bands;
  • braid a pigtail from the tail, secure with an elastic band below. Decorate the top with a bow or a bright elastic band;
  • make two ponytails, braid a classic braid from each, wrap around an elastic band, secure with hairpins. Get cute buns;
  • do ponytail, separate one strand, wrap around the elastic. Simple, spectacular decor change hair;
  • another option: separate one narrow strand from the ponytail, braid a simple pigtail, wrap it around the elastic in the same way. Secure the ends with invisibility.

Inverted ponytail

Convenient styling that is easy to do in 5 minutes. You will need a comb and an elastic band.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • collect curls, make a low ponytail;
  • fix the strands with a thin elastic band to match the color of the hair;
  • slightly stretch the area above the ponytail with your fingers, pull the collected strands into the hole;
  • styling is ready.

Make your hair more original:

  • divide the hair with a horizontal parting into three parts;
  • collect three low tails one above the other;
  • turn each one out, as in the main version;
  • thread the tails of the upper tails into the lower ones;
  • leave the curls loose.

Simple, original styling creates the effect of longer strands than they really are. A teenage girl can create such an image on her own.

How to proceed:

  • slightly curl the curls if desired;
  • comb the strands well, collect part of the upper hair from the crown (about half of the total volume) into the tail;
  • just below the first ponytail, also collect strands;
  • Lay the first tail beautifully on top of the second, comb your hair again.

simple greek hairstyle

Ideal for high school students. Depending on whether you are laying straight or Wavy hair, there will be different options.

No special skills are needed, you will need a thin rubber band, comb, hairpins, plus stealth. You can quickly and easily style curls different lengths(minimum - below the shoulders, otherwise the ends of the short strands will be knocked out of the roller).

Nothing complicated:

  • if desired, slightly wind the hair, create soft waves;
  • comb the curls, collect a tight low ponytail with a thin elastic band;
  • proceed as in the case of an inverted tail. Your task is to create a beautiful roller, as for a regular Greek hairstyle;
  • scroll the tail to its full length;
  • the longer the curls, the more voluminous the Greek roller will come out;
  • fasten the ends of the strands with invisibility, straighten the roller, fix with hairpins.

classic beam

comfortable, Fancy Hairstyle more suitable for older girls. The reason is the fastening of selected strands with hairpins. If the girl has thick hair, make a bun at the back of the head: this way the head will not get tired of the rather heavy structure.

A few interesting options:

  • for older students: collect curls in a high or low tail. Divide the strands into two parts, braid a braid from each, wrap around the elastic band, fix with hairpins;
  • simple bundle. At the crown, gather the strands with an elastic band, twist in one direction. Wrap the resulting tourniquet around the base of the tail, secure with hairpins. This hairstyle will take only 5 minutes, no more;
  • retro bun. Create a regular bun at the crown or closer to the occipital area, securely fix with hairpins and stealth. Wrap the design with a ribbon or a thin scarf folded several times.

Bundle based on donut

The original hairdresser's tool will help you create your hairstyle. The soft foam ring is the perfect "helper" in the morning bustle.

If you haven’t stocked up on an unusual donut that looks like a ring from a toy pyramid, make it yourself. Five minutes - and the device will be ready.

Step by step:

  • take a clean sock, preferably synthetic, cut off the bottom;
  • roll the resulting "pipe" to the elastic;
  • how longer toe, the more voluminous the finished bagel will be.

How to create a bun with a donut? Everything is very simple.

Hair option middle length:

  • collect the tail at the top or bottom, fix with an elastic band;
  • put a foam rubber or homemade bagel on an elastic band;
  • distribute the hairs over the ring, completely close the device;
  • fix the structure with invisible hairpins, hide the ends of the strands.

Option for long hair:

  • collect a high or low ponytail, secure with an elastic band;
  • pass the bagel, leave at a distance of 8-10 cm from the end of the strands, wrap the ring with the tips of the curls;
  • twist the ring towards the head;
  • gently pull the strands so that the finished bundle is neat;
  • make the last turn especially tight;
  • result - bulk beam, which will not disintegrate during movement;
  • fix the design with stealth and hairpins, if desired, decorate with a hairpin, ribbon or soft scarf.

original braids

Suitable option for schoolgirls different ages. To create an original image in 5 minutes, you will have to practice in advance.

The easiest way to braid a classic braid. So that the styling is not boring, first make a tail, weave a pigtail out of it.

For a change, collect the strands not at the back of the head or high on the crown, but on the side. From a low side ponytail, braid a regular braid or " fish ear» depending on your skills.

Braid around the head

Another simple option that is easy to braid yourself. Leave the strands loose or collect the tail in the back of the head.


  • comb the hair well, separate three strands above the ear;
  • braid a regular pigtail, throw it to the other ear, secure with an elastic band and invisible.

Another option:

  • start weaving at one temple, move to the second;
  • gradually pick up the front strands, weave them into a pigtail;
  • so you will reach the opposite side;
  • secure the ends of the hair with an elastic band, attach with an invisibility;
  • decorate the junction with a small hairpin or a medium-sized flower;
  • in front, the curls will be neatly braided, in the back, leave the strands loose.

Advice! If you are making a pigtail for your daughter, weave the strands not evenly, but diagonally. So the styling will look more interesting.

Quick hairstyles for short hair

In high school, girls often choose trendy haircuts. For every day, you just need to wash your hair, put it with a hairdryer (infrequently). An excellent option for creating volume is Velcro curlers.

For short bob or shoulder-length straight hair, there are several tricks that allow you to add new notes to a familiar look. Take advantage of these tips.


  • separate strands from each temple, twist the bundles, wind them back, fasten them with invisibility, put on beautiful hairpins on top;
  • make an even or side parting, lift the top strands, tease a little at the roots. You will get additional volume;
  • comb the strands back, put on beautiful bandage or bezel. High school girls can lightly comb the front strands. Get a retro styling;
  • part your hair with a side part. On the larger side, separate the strand 6–8 cm wide, twist it with a tourniquet on one side, secure with a beautiful hairpin;
  • for elementary school students, this option is suitable: make an even parting, pick up the front strands, create two ponytails closer to the crown, tie bows;
  • simple hairstyle: pick up a part of the hair, make a malvinka, decorate the junction with a flat bow or a flower-shaped hairpin.

Now you know how to help a schoolgirl style her hair. Practice, see what kind of styling suits the girl, pick up a few quick, simple looks. Then you will not be tormented by the question: “How to create a hairstyle for school in 5 minutes?” In the morning there will be only pleasant chores.

Hairstyle options for school: video

A few more options for quick and neat hairstyles:

To look beautiful, well-groomed is the primary task of every woman, girl and girl, including schoolgirls. But what to do when there are only 5-10 minutes left to do the hair to school? We will teach you how to do elegant, interesting do-it-yourself styling in a matter of minutes, and we will also demonstrate many photos and ideas of fashionable, cool hairstyles for the 2018-2019 academic year.

Express transformation in 5 minutes

It will not work to look modern, stylish and beautiful without styled hair, a hairstyle is the completion of the image. But do not be discouraged, visiting a hairdresser, a stylist is not at all necessary. Fashionable hair styling will take only a few minutes, and its implementation will not cause difficulties even for the lazy.

So, we offer simple hairstyles for school for every day for long-haired beauties:

  • Inverted tail and its derivatives- casual and festive hairstyle at the same time, ideal for students of any age category. Easy to do and looks elegant. You need to tie a low tail, stretch it over the elastic, as indicated in the diagram. You can hide the tip of the tail, forming a bun, and decorate the hairstyle with an openwork or floral hairpin.
  • Neat hair bow- this hairstyle demonstrates the beauty of curls, plus they do not interfere with the schoolgirl when writing. To perform styling, select 2 strands at the temples, twist at the back and fix with hairpins (invisible), forming a bow.

  • Braid headband- an alternative to the previous styling option. From the strands highlighted on the side, braid ordinary pigtails or form bundles, pin them up like a headband.

  • Bundle of bundles- looks elegant, practical, always in fashion. Collect the curls in the tail, divide into 2 parts. Twist each part into bundles and intertwine with each other. Form a bundle. A similar styling option can be made from braids. It looks no less impressive and beautiful.

  • High bun with weave- unlike the usual beam, it looks more bright, unusual. Tilt your head down, and from the neck, braid the French braid from a section of hair. Gather the curls into a high ponytail. Raise your head and with the help of the “donut” make a bunch, fix it with hairpins. Place the weave on top, on the side, creating new images.

Students with medium length hair We suggest setting them up as follows:

  • Big hair bow- looks playful, bright, practical and easy to perform. Tie a ponytail at the crown. Make a loop, divide it in half, and wrap the ends of the tail between the halves. Fix with invisibility.

  • An easy way to decorate, freshen up a regular ponytail is to weave a pigtail and hide the elastic with a strand of your own hair. Looks very elegant and unusual.

  • Hairstyle for every day in the Greek style- a great option for a young fashionista and high school student. You can use a silk scarf, ribbon, wide elastic band or a special headband. Tie a scarf, a ribbon around your head, and then wrap your hair alternately around the bandage to hide it.

  • You can decorate any tail with a rosette of hair. To do this, collect the strands in a side low tail. Select a small curl, braid a pigtail out of it. Straighten one side of the braid. Twist the pigtail in a circle, forming a rose. Fix with invisibility, and twist the remaining strands. We offer several more options for the original styling with roses.

  • For braid lovers, we suggest trying the following styling option. Separate the strands from the side, braid 2 braids. Connect the braids and twist in the middle, forming a bun. Decorate with a bow or flower hairpin.

For owners of short haircuts, stylists offer no less beautiful everyday hairstyles:

  • Hairstyle "waterfall" suitable for students of all ages. This styling method can be used for medium and long hair, for every day or for an upcoming celebration.

  • "Malvina", decorated with braids- another successful hairstyle for every day, it will not take more than 5 minutes to complete it. Divide the upper part of the hair into 3 parts (middle and 2 side). From the side strands, braid the pigtails, fluff them. Connect the middle part and the resulting braids into a small tail, decorate as desired with a hairpin, bow, ribbon.

  • For girls with squares, we recommend styling your hair in the Greek style. The styling looks elegant, elegant and fashionable.

  • Hairstyles for elementary schoolgirls, teenagers can decorate with bows, ribbons, multi-colored rubber bands. The main thing is that the hair does not interfere with the child's studies, do not close his eyes.

Hairstyles to mask imperfections in appearance

Properly styled hair is also an opportunity to hide, visually correct existing external imperfections (protruding ears, big cheeks, pear-shaped, wide or too narrow face).

Such shortcomings in appearance as protruding ears in girls lead to the development of complexes in a child already from school age. It is not necessary to resort to surgery, you can teach a young beauty to hide an existing defect with properly styled hair. To do this, choose hairstyles that cover all or part of the ear.

For teenagers, dissatisfaction with their own appearance is often caused by acne, pimples. Styling with an open forehead, cheekbones in this case is not recommended. Airy, filtered bangs, released strands of hair will hide unpleasant defects a little.

Not only visible problems worry girls. Too pretty, baby face can also cause bad mood at a high school student. Strict hairstyles, a smooth bun, ponytail or styling with large elements will help to correct the situation. Experts recommend completely abandoning small ponytails and braids. For those who love loose curls, you should give preference to an even central parting, thick bangs.

Asian Style Hairstyles

Korean-style styling looks original, bold, gentle and sophisticated. They ideal for teenagers, girls 12 years and older, emphasizing their young age and eccentric character. Note the hairstyles oriental style distinguished by simplicity, ease of implementation.

Korean women tend to have long and perfectly straight hair. Their curling takes a lot of time, spoils the hair, so the main part of the Korean-style styling with straight strands.

Attention! Korean women's favorite hairstyle decoration is a smooth, thick or asymmetrical, long bang.

One more nuance to express their own style, personality Korean women use bright colors colors. It is not necessary to radically change the color of the hair with persistent dyes, try to transform with the help of crayons, tonics, sprays.

We have prepared for you a selection of trendy, cool hairstyles for schoolgirls in Korean style for medium to long hair.

Girls and girls with short haircut you can try symmetrical ponytails tied with small ribbons.

No less popular is styling in the style of Japanese geishas. For its implementation you need:

  1. Collect strands in a high tail.
  2. Twist the ends into a bundle and lay in a bundle.
  3. Fix the ends of the hair with invisibility, and the bun itself with chopsticks (kanzashi), at an angle of 90 degrees to each other.

For medium length hair, do a Japanese-style beam can be as follows:

  1. Tie a high ponytail, letting go of the strands at the forehead, near the ears.
  2. A loop should be formed from the tail. Use a bagel to add volume.
  3. Secure your hair with pins and bobby pins.
  4. To decorate the hairstyle, use fresh or artificial flowers, bright hairpins, sticks.

You can use only the top of the hair, perform 2 symmetrical beams. We offer you to view photos of simple, elegant hairstyles in the Japanese style.

Important point! For any styling in an oriental style, lightness, airiness, and naturalness are important. Be sure to release even strands from the face, give the bangs extra volume. But do not overdo it with makeup, oriental beauties prefer pastel, pale tones.

Loose hair, curls, curls

Curly long curls always look beautiful and fashionable. Pigtails and plaits, bright hairpins, ribbons will help to diversify the image. It remains to decide which hairstyle is best done to school with curls, the features of such styling.

Five simple hairstyles for school.

We offer a selection TOP 5 of the easiest, coolest and most elegant hairstyles with curls for school, which you can make yourself without much effort and professional skills:

Elegant hair bow. To complete the hairstyle, separate 2 strands of medium width near the temples. Connect them at the back of the head into a ponytail with an elastic band. On the last turn of the elastic, leave a loop of hair. Divide the resulting loop into 2 parts with the tips of the tail. Thus, a bow should turn out, secure it with invisibility. You can use a ready-made hair clip-bow.

Headband of two braids. To create a hairstyle, you only need invisible ones. Highlight a small strand behind the ear, closer to the neck. Braid a pigtail out of it. On the other hand, do the same. Lay both pigtails in the form of a rim around the head, fix with invisibility. Wind the remaining hair on a curling iron, curlers.

Elegant bouffant. This installation option suitable for girls with long and medium curls. Separate the hair with a horizontal parting, as for "malvina". Divide the upper hair into 3 wide strands (occipital and side). The back of the head is slightly combed. Gather the strands into a ponytail so that one side strand goes over the other 2. Fix it with invisibility.

Asymmetric styling, an alternative to a shaved temple. Part your hair with a deep parting. From one (smaller) side, braid the spikelet in the direction from the temple - behind the ear. Secure the braid with invisibility. Roll up the rest of your hair. Try to keep the look natural by creating airy, light waves, rather than varnished, “wooden” curls.

Curls decorated with a scythe, perfect for high school girls without bangs. You need to separate your hair with a deep side parting. Braid a small pigtail, picking up strands from the parting line. Having reached the back of the head, stop the pickups, continue to weave a regular pigtail, fix the end of the weaving with an elastic band.

Bow options

Bows are an actual school accessory. Hairstyles with bows look interesting, catchy. Bows to match the outfit will serve as the perfect completion of the image.. It is allowed to use hair bows, they are especially popular in recent years.

Plenty of styling with bows. Tails, buns, braids or complex weaving- any of the proposed options goes well with this accessory. Plus, no restrictions on the length of the hair.

Decent, refined and bright ideas We suggest looking at decorations with bows in the following photos:

Hairstyles with ribbons

Ribbons, like bows, perfectly refresh the image, make it complete. They can be woven into a braid, used to decorate a beam, like a headband. For hairstyles to school, all options are relevant.

It is worth noting that hairstyles with ribbons are simple, look restrained and sophisticated. Suitable for first graders and high school students. How ribbons look on long, medium and short hair is shown in the following photos.

Braids and hairstyles with them

Braids are recognized as favorites among the variety of school hairstyles. They look beautiful, elegant, easy to perform, the hair does not get tangled and “does not climb” into the student’s eyes. Braids are universal hairstyles, suitable for first graders and older girls (grades 8, 9, 11).

Weaving options are many: the braid can be placed on the side, around the head, like a wreath, or behind. There are more complex weaves, but they are not used for everyday hairstyles.

For you, we have prepared fresh, fashionable, sophisticated and elegant weaves.

Advice. For girls with short hair, you can try the wreath braid, but it will take a little skill to complete such a hairstyle.

Tails and ponytails

The tail is one of the simple, discreet types of styling. Openwork weaving, bright bows and ribbons will help to diversify the image.

The location of the tails can also be changed. High or low tail, on the side or on the back of the head, with or without weaving - great ideas hairstyles for school IN Lately it is fashionable to hide the elastic band with a lock of your own hair. This technique makes the hairstyle whole, more interesting.

Decent, beautiful and easy hairstyles with tails to school, see the following photos.

Note! You can decorate the tail with a bright or snow-white bow, hairpin. This option is ideal for the youngest students, emphasize the playfulness and mischief of character.

Bundle options

Fast, convenient, versatile and beautiful - the main epithets in favor of bundles. Modern women of fashion can safely experiment with the location and number of beams, make them smooth or airy, wavy, with or without weaving. In each case, the image will be restrained, elegant.

To emphasize a bright, playful character, make 2 symmetrical beams.

The bun at the crown looks no less bold when the lower hair is loose.

To decorate the hairstyle, use braids, ribbons, openwork hairpins. To make the beam voluminous, use a special roller, “donut”.

High hairstyles with pulled back hair

Looks interesting and unusual braided tails. This combination of hairstyles is a great option for school.

Suitable for high school girls hairstyle "shell", "snail". The styling looks elegant, business-like and demonstrates zeal, dedication to new knowledge.

Large bow on top of your own hair- another bestseller in the world of hairdressing.

Can be used as daily and holiday styling braid rose. The hairstyle is very simple: braid the braid, fluff one side, wrap it forming a flower. This method can be used to create a bun or in combination with loose curls.

Useful videos

Hairstyles for the lazy.

Very simple and quick hairstyles for school from a popular video blogger - Athena.

Every girl and girl wants to look unique and beautiful. Now, in most educational institutions, a strict form has been introduced, so it will be possible to stand out from the society of classmates due to the originally collected hair. Light and beautiful hairstyles for girls in 5 minutes to school will help to significantly save time on preparations, give a neat, well-groomed look to the hair, and show individuality.

Today in our article:

  • hairstyles for short, medium, long hair;
  • hair styling with bangs and braids;
  • photo of various styling options.

The easiest and most beautiful hairstyle in 5 minutes!

When creating an everyday hairstyle for school in 5 minutes, consider the length and structure of the hair. Thin, weakened hair will suit voluminous bouffants and high styling. Curly hair lends itself less to styling and creating hairstyles, so more styling products will be required. Thick hair are a universal option, they are suitable for almost any type of hairstyle. Beautiful hairstyles for school must meet the requirements of the dress code of educational institutions. Too much jewelry and bright elements not welcome. Make sure that the child's curls are not too tight, this leads to discomfort, brittleness and possible loss. Laying in 5 minutes should be comfortable. Ask if the child likes the hairstyle, otherwise by the evening there will be no trace of the hairstyle.

For short hair

Hairstyles for short hair look no worse than for long hair. "French Falls" - the easiest and pretty haircut in 5 minutes! It is performed as follows.

  • three strands of the same length are separated at the temple and weaving of an ordinary pigtail begins;
  • each strand has its serial number from left to right;
  • take curl number one, put it on the second, do the same with the third;
  • the left strand, which was the second, is applied to the middle one;
  • put the right strand, which was the first, on the middle one;
  • we leave the hanging strand hanging in a free state, we replace it with another, taken from the rest of the shock of hair;
  • add more hair taken from the total mass to the upper strand, shift it to the middle;
  • then all the above steps are repeated;
  • we leave one curl to subside, weave another in its place, shift it to the middle;
  • weaving continues to the opposite ear or, if desired, it is left to hang down.

The braid is secured with an elastic band or weaving a flower. Weaving is a design option french waterfall on both sides of the head, connecting the braids into a regular or French braid. Variations may vary.

Each mom thinks about what beautiful, original hairstyle to build for her daughter at school, in addition to banal ordinary ponytails or simple braids. At the same time, I don’t want to spend a lot of time on my hair, which in the morning is always not enough. By learning how to make beautiful hairstyles for your daughter in 5 minutes to school, you will save time and send a neat girl with original styled hair to class.

A hairstyle for a schoolgirl must meet certain requirements:

  • should be neat and not distract the girl from the educational process;
  • easy to do, because in the morning the girl needs to have time to quickly put herself in order so as not to be late for school;
  • hold on, without breaking up, throughout the day;
  • do not demand a large number hairpins, bright elastic bands and the use of styling products;
  • have an aesthetic appearance and be in harmony with the girl's clothes.

Any girl wants to stand out from the crowd of her peers, and a beautifully done hairstyle, even the simplest, quick hairstyle to school in 5 minutes will undoubtedly help her with this. Having mastered the tactics of performing various hairstyles, you can change the image of a schoolgirl every day, while the girl will always look neat and stylish.

The easiest hairstyles for school: loose hair

Even with your hair down, you can look neat. After all, skillfully stabbing some strands, you can get rid of the feeling that the hair is constantly climbing into your eyes and preventing you from concentrating on your studies. Loose hair is very beautiful, especially if it is long and thick. Here are some examples of beautiful and simple hairstyles with loose hair for school:

  • twist the outermost strands located at the temples into neat flagella
  • bring them to the back of the head
  • stab them with a beautiful stealth or pick them up with a crab

The bulk of the hair will remain loose and scattered over the shoulders, however, they will not interfere with the schoolgirl, due to the fact that the temporal strands are beautifully decorated at the back of the head.

Hairstyles for loose hair, decorated with flowing curls, look no less beautiful. Even slightly twisting the ends of the hair with a curler or curling iron, you can achieve the effect of a waterfall from the hair, while the strands become softer and more obedient.

Loose hair looks beautiful, processed with corrugated tongs or simply twisted on small pigtails for the night.

If a girl gets a long bang in her eyes, comb it back or to the side and try to braid a neat spikelet out of it. At the same time, the rest of the hair can also be collected in a braid or left loose - at the request of the child.

How to beautifully braid a girl to school in 5 minutes: interesting ways

The most common hairstyles for girls in school are various types of tails and braids. Consider the simplest and most aesthetic of them.

You can diversify the banal two pigtails by winding them one after the other at the back of the head and securing them with hairpins, bows or ribbons. A beautiful and easy hairstyle for school is ready in 5 minutes.

Get to know the technique of weaving french braid or spikelet, looking at step by step master class doing this hairstyle. The spikelet looks great both in a single version and in the form of two braids. It can be braided starting from the top of the head or diagonally starting from the back of the head or from the temple to the back of the head.

  • before weaving, it is recommended to slightly moisten the hair with water so that it does not get confused and does not fall apart;
  • at the left temple, separate a strand of hair, which you distribute into three more parts, as for weaving a regular braid;
  • weave an ordinary spikelet, but grab only the lower strands for this
  • going from the temple to the back of the head, style your hair beautiful rubber band or a bow. Such weaving will easily come off both for an everyday hairstyle and a festive one.

The fishtail hairstyle is very popular with girls because of its convenience and strikingly beautiful, stylish look. She gives the image of a girl an element of slight negligence, which does not spoil her at all, but only adds a twist to her appearance. Such hairstyle fit both for younger schoolgirls (if the length and density of hair allows), and for high school students:

  • decide whether it will be a high tail (based on a horse) or a low bun
  • divide the hair into 2 identical parts, taking each of them in different hands
  • alternately shift small strands from one part to another
  • the thickness of the shifted strands should be uniform so that the braid looks neat
  • if you want the hairstyle to last as long as possible, weave the fishtail tighter

Such a hairstyle looks more elegant, the thinner strands you capture when weaving it.

The simplest hairstyles for every day for schoolgirls with a ponytail

Among the simplest hairstyles for school, a ponytail occupies a special place. However, if its classic performance is a little boring, diversify the hairstyle by making clips with elastic bands along the entire length of the tail. For younger girls, you can use multi-colored elastic bands or small bows, for high school students, you can choose plain elastic bands to match the color of your hair.

Another simple hairstyle for school is a ponytail braid. It is done in one minute, but it keeps its appearance all day. We braid a high ponytail, fixed with an elastic band or a bow, into a braid, which we also fasten with an elastic band or a hairpin at the bottom.

You can make the ponytail more original by dividing the hair from it into three equal parts and twisting each of them into a tight bundle. After that, you need to twist the resulting flagella together and tie at the bottom with an elastic band or ribbon.

The easiest hairstyles for school with ponytails

To make your girl look neat and original at school, make her one of the options for hairstyles with ponytails in an unusual design:

  1. Having divided the hair into two equal parts with a straight parting, tie the girl's two tails
  2. Twist each of them into a tight tourniquet
  3. Wrap them around the base of the tails.
  4. Stab the resulting "buns" with stealth
  5. Hide the ends in the middle of the bundle

Here is another version of this versatile hairstyle:

Make an original hairstyle for schoolgirls younger age with two tails:

  1. Divide your hair with a straight parting into two equal parts, tie two ponytails
  2. Separate one strand from each bundle
  3. Braid two thin braids
  4. With the resulting pigtails, grab the ponytails in the place where the elastic bands are located

If the girl is still small, then you can make her a funny hairstyle from several ponytails in the form of a wreath:

  1. We take strands one by one
  2. Tie them with rubber bands
  3. Weave one into the other, as shown in the photo
  4. We remove the rest of the hair in a ponytail or braid it in the form of a braid

The hairstyle with bindings will also be unusual:

  1. Tie two ponytails on the top of the girl
  2. Cross them
  3. Tie two more ponytails
  4. You can do two or three crossings, as long as the length of the baby's hair will allow

Hairstyle for medium hair to school

How to make beautiful hairstyles medium hair to school? There is a mass simple options watch and learn. If the length of the schoolgirl's hair is shoulder-length or slightly lower, she is ideal greek hairstyle, both with a special elastic band, and without it. If everything is clear with the first option, then here is an instruction on how to do the second:

  • tie your hair with a loose elastic band in a fairly low ponytail
  • twist the hair from the tail between the head and the elastic itself
  • tuck the ends of your hair into the resulting pocket
  • if necessary, fix with a hairpin or invisible

Despite the simplicity, it will seem to others that this hairstyle was made by a master and it took a lot of time, although in fact this is one of the easiest hairstyles for school.

Hairstyles for school

What is not very suitable for girls from elementary grades will look great on high school girls. Master this simple hairstyle to school to yourself, like a bundle, and you will save a lot of time and will always look well-groomed and elegant.

  • Gather your hair into a high ponytail and secure it with an elastic band.
  • twist the hair into a bundle along the entire length and wrap it at the base of the tail
  • secure the bun with hairpins or spray with hairspray

However, if the hair is not long enough or thick enough, then such a bundle will not work. A hairstyle comes to the rescue, which is performed with a snag, or a foam rubber donut. For such a hairstyle to school for every day you need:

  • tie a ponytail at the back of your head
  • put on a rubber band soft ring
  • evenly tuck strands of hair under a soft bagel to create volume
  • wrap the base of the resulting bundle with a tourniquet or a scythe of hair
  • fix with a hairpin

An interesting option for everyday hairstyles is tying hair knots. To create it you need:

  • divide hair into two parts
  • tie a classic knot out of them
  • then do the second and third

Tie as many knots as the length of your hair will allow, and fix the end with an unusual elastic band or bright ribbon.

Check out the photo hairstyles for girls school that will inspire you to create original and easy hairstyles for your schoolgirls.

And if you want to look more elegant and solemn, for example, on school holiday- a ruler or a matinee, then, having mastered the skills of creating the simplest hairstyles for every day, build masterpieces for your schoolgirls, drawing inspiration from the following photos.

Video: 10 hairstyles for every day

Every mom wants to arm herself with such a useful arsenal of knowledge as hairstyles for girls to school in 5 minutes. Lightweight, beautiful and preferably comfortable options, to make the baby comfortable throughout the day.

The mothers of young Goldilocks and little Rapunzel are probably familiar with the technique of weaving braids and spikelets. To renew this knowledge, we suggest that you read one of our previous articles -. However, not all babies have a long and thick hair with which you can do all sorts of hairdressing miracles.

A every girl wants to be beautiful- it is a fact. That is why mom has to do children's hairstyles for girls and on short hair when there is not so much "material" for weaving. It is enough to turn on the fantasy or take the help of specialists. But still you will not run to the hairdresser every day. You can still invite a master to a graduation or a birthday, but to make a baby’s hair in kindergarten is the daily duty of every loving mother.

Like her perform quickly, efficiently and with pleasure- read further in the article. We suggest you arm yourself with patience, hairpins, hairpins, combs and rubber bands. We will reveal to you various options hairstyles: for short, medium and long hair, we will show how to do them, we will demonstrate detailed video and photo.

Younger schoolchildren are big fidgets, especially in the morning, when mom needs to have time to comb, wash and dress up the baby. Therefore, we recommend that you study step by step easy hairstyles for every day, they will be very useful to you, especially if you are the mother of a girl of 3-9 years old.

Hairstyles for long hair for girls can be simple and look very festive if add some imagination.

So normal tail turns into beautiful composition which is easy to do by hand.

Harnesses are a good alternative to pigtails.

You can combine harnesses and braids.

A the pigtail is easy to combine with the tail. It will turn out quickly and non-trivially.

The bun is the perfect hairstyle for ballroom dancing . A master class on its creation will reveal all the nuances to you and help you overcome possible difficulties when working with a special device - a bagel.

Children's hairstyles for girls to school or kindergarten

We we continue to study easy hairstyles for girls to school and do it for free.

Could you imagine that with elastic bands, bows and hairpins, you can do miracles?

Your matured baby 10 years old no longer wants to wear pigtails? Give her such beautiful hair. She will be delighted.

A with such pigtails, the handles of a loving mother can easily handle.

Children's stylish haircuts also need a good fit.

For little fashionistas you can prepare stylish accessories.

The most beautiful hairstyles for girls are obtained on children's hair, untouched by traces of paints and curls.

Hairstyles for girls for long hair: beautiful and simple options

Long hair is a big concern, but also a big advantage. The main thing is to learn how to care for them. The girl is already 13 years old easy to make a very effective hairstyle.

  1. Separate the hair from above and tie a ponytail out of them. We divide it into 2 parts.
  2. We make flagella from curls and weave them together.

Wrap the resulting pigtail around the ponytail and fix with invisibility.

From a simple pigtail-plait, you can make as many as 3 hairstyles.

If your daughter goes to the 4th grade, then she probably already considers herself an adult. Make her original hairstyles.
Hairstyle for the holidays can also be built at home. It just takes a little effort.

The original hairstyle of three braids, decorated with fresh flowers, will certainly please your fashionista.

  1. Highlight 2 side strands at the crown and make 2 pigtails out of them with pickup.
  2. After 3-4 bindings with pickup, we then weave an ordinary braid.
  3. Pigtail in the middle(it will be the most voluminous) weave also with side pickups, starting from the middle of the head.
  4. When all 3 pigtails are ready, we we pass the side braids into the links of the middle braids.
  5. At the end decorate hair with flowers.

Hairstyles for little fashionistas: going to kindergarten

Hairstyles for girls in kindergarten can be funny and funny.

For example, hair bow, which can be done quickly and easily, and it will look very original.

If your hair is not yet enough for a bow, it doesn't matter - artificial will help out.

Evening hairstyles with neat braids gathered in a bun suitable for dancing if your little star often changes looks and performs on stage.
