Precious pomegranate. Garnet - a fire stone and its varieties

The garnet stone leaves no one indifferent. It attracts people not only with its bewitching sparkle and pure color, but also with magical and healing properties. Small crystals outwardly resemble dark red grains of the fruit of the same name. However, the mineral is characterized not only by red shades. In nature, there are stones of white, yellow, green, blue, purple and even black. colors. All types of garnet have the same physical properties and are used mainly in the jewelry industry.

History and characteristics of the mineral

Pomegranate has been known to mankind for tens of centuries. The first to create jewelry from it were the ancient Greeks, Romans and Persians. In the Northern Black Sea region, garnet crystals were very popular with the Scythians. The population of Ancient Hellas gave the sparkling gem the name "anthrax", which means "coal". Romans gem was called a carbuncle, and y - a venice, a bechet and a worm.

Gold earrings with cognac diamonds, garnet (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

The name “garnet” was given to the stone in the second half of the 13th century by the German alchemist Albert Magnus. However, in Russia for a long time the mineral bore the name "lal", which combined all the bright red gems (garnet, spinel, tourmaline and ruby). In Europe, the beauty of the stone went unnoticed for a long time. Only in the 17th century, craftsmen began to use it as a jewelry and ornamental material. Since 1803, garnets began to mean not individual minerals, but a whole group of precious and semi-precious stones with similar properties.

Garnets are minerals of the silicate class, which are characterized by the following features:

  • glass shine;
  • cubic syngony;
  • uneven fracture;
  • White color traits;
  • imperfect cleavage;
  • the average level of hardness on the Mohs scale (6.5-7.5).

Despite the fact that the physical properties of all stones belonging to the garnet group are identical, the chemical composition of their crystals is different. Depending on the impurities present in the mineral, its color range can vary from completely transparent and white to purple and black.

Known and Rare Gem Varieties

To date, the group of garnets includes 14 types of natural minerals. The most famous of them are:

  1. Pyrope is a transparent and translucent silicate of predominantly blood red color. Occasionally there are examples of pink, purple and orange-red hues. Transparent pyropes are gemstones used in the jewelry industry. Translucent specimens are of no particular value and are used as an abrasive material. Pyropes are mined in magnesium-containing ultramafic rocks. Their largest deposits are located in Yakutia and South Africa.
  2. Almandine is a common variety of garnet with a characteristic red or red-violet color. Individual samples can be dyed cherry, purple and brown-red. Occasionally there are black minerals. Precious are only transparent almandines used in the manufacture of fine jewelry. They are mined in Ceylon. Less valuable rocks were formed in shale and gneiss rocks of Finland, India, Mongolia and Madagascar. IN Russian Federation large deposits almandines were found on the Kola Peninsula.
  3. Spessartine is a stone of intense red, pink, reddish orange, yellowish orange, or brown. It differs from other varieties by a specific oily sheen. Used in jewelry, sought after by collectors. Stones matching this description have been found in Ceylon, Madagascar, Italy, Norway, Brazil, Mexico and the USA. In Russia, mineral deposits are located in Karelia, Siberia and the Urals.
  4. Grossular (otherwise - gomed, hessonide) - a representative of a group of garnets with a high content of aluminum and calcium. It happens golden yellow, green, brown, reddish-pink. A variety of this type of gem is a transparent or white garnet (leucite), which is extremely rare in nature and is highly valued by collectors. Grossular is a semi-precious stone, the quality of which is determined by its brilliance, transparency and purity of color. Mined in limited quantities in Kenya and Tanzania.

Golden ring with garnet and diamonds (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

Although garnet is cheaper than other gems, some of its specimens can compete in price with the most expensive gems on the planet. One of these samples is star-shaped garnet - a transparent crystal, inside which, when illuminated, a star-shaped figure appears with rays diverging in different directions. A similar optical effect (asterism) can be obtained by special processing of the mineral with the formation of a curved convex surface.

The star-shaped crystal looks so bewitching that it has long won the fame of a mystical stone.

The rarest type of crystal is blue (blue) garnet, which was first discovered at the end of the 20th century in Madagascar. Stones of this color are now mined in limited quantities in Kenya, Tanzania, Norway, the USA and Ceylon. Unusual color is not their only feature. In natural light, green, blue and purple highlights appear on the surface of blue crystals. If you place the minerals in a room with artificial lighting, they will sparkle with red and purple tints.

The use of stone in medicine

The healing properties of the mineral have been known since time immemorial. In our ancestors, the stone had exclusively positive characteristics and was used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Before campaigns, medieval crusader knights always put a ring on their finger, into which a red pomegranate was inserted. They believed that the decoration would protect them from serious illnesses and injuries, and after the completion of the campaign, it would help them return home unharmed. The Slavs considered the pomegranate the patron saint of women in childbirth. The stone was left at the head of the woman's bed so that she would quickly and safely be relieved from the burden. In India, the mineral has been used for thousands of years as a general tonic. According to the inhabitants of this country, he has the power to restore human immunity and protect him from all sorts of ailments.

Beneficial features and contraindications, or rather, their absence, have made today pomegranate one of the most popular healing minerals. For diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy), representatives of alternative medicine recommend wearing on the neck silver jewelry with garnet crystals. Get rid of migraine and cure sore throat will help Golden ring with a red mineral worn on the middle finger right hand. A blue (blue) pomegranate in a silver frame will help to lower the body temperature during a cold or a viral disease. For this purpose, it is best to use a ring or bracelet.

Gold bracelet with garnet (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

In addition to the cases of the listed ailments, pomegranate jewelry is recommended to be worn for gastrointestinal, endocrine and dermatological diseases. The stone will help with allergic reactions, stress and depression. It has the ability to quickly heal wounds and restore the body after illnesses.

The magical abilities of the mineral

The magical properties of garnet stone deserve special attention, as they have a direct impact on the energy of their owner. Esotericists and magicians describe this mineral as a means of helping a person gain power over the people around him. In some countries, red stone rings are very popular among unmarried girls. It is believed that a young lady, whose finger is decorated with such a piece of jewelry, will be able to easily meet her soul mate and know happiness in love. Black pomegranate allegedly allows you to influence the minds of other people at a distance and communicate with representatives of the afterlife.

The garnet gemstone has a powerful energy and is ideal as an amulet for an active, passionate, sociable person who works with full dedication. He will give his owner happiness, luck and success, save him from troubles and help him find the right way out of difficult situations. But for people who are lazy, indecisive and lack of initiative, magic does not advise wearing products with pomegranate. A mineral endowed with strong energy will exhaust them and lead to physical and nervous exhaustion.

When using a stone for magical purposes, a person needs to pay attention to its color: garnet of red tones will help its owner find peace of mind, become calm, attentive and reasonable. The green mineral has a positive effect on those whose strong point is not punctuality. He will teach them how to properly manage time and thereby increase their authority in society.

Regardless of the color, the pomegranate stone will have a beneficial effect on the lives of creative people. It will energize writers, composers, artists and sculptors and inspire them to create new masterpieces.

Garnet jewelry should not be worn daily, as constant bodily contact with the stone can lead to a breakdown. If a person has problems with sleep, or he just wants to relax, he needs to give up pomegranate jewelry for several days, hiding them in a dark place.

Choice by zodiac sign

Who suits pomegranate according to the horoscope? According to astrologers, this stone is ideal for energetic and tireless Capricorns. The mineral also favors Leo and Sagittarius. Representatives of these zodiac signs can wear stones of any shade. But Aquarius and Libra, when choosing a pomegranate, you need to give preference to green stones. Pisces and Cancers should completely abandon the use of the mineral as an amulet. He will deprive people born under these signs of rest and lead to physical overwork.

SL gold jewelry with cognac diamonds, garnet (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

To pomegranate magical properties fully manifested, it is necessary to choose a stone as an amulet that had no previous owner. Such a mineral has the most powerful energy and will become a reliable amulet for its owner. If the jewelry with a gem was inherited by a person, it must be cleaned by holding it for several minutes under a flowing cold water. After the end of the procedure, the product can be worn without fear. From now on, his energy will work in favor of his new owner.

The name of the pomegranate is consonant with the juicy fruit pomegranate, and is believed to have come from the Latin words "granatus" or "granum", which mean "pomegranate seed" and simply "seed", respectively.

Already in the 16th century, in Russia they learned to recognize garnet and even identified several varieties of the mineral, which were called "venisa" and "bechet". It is worth noting that not very valuable and pure representatives of pomegranates were called this way, because. they were contrasted with the expensive and bright and precious ruby.

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As early as the beginning of the 17th century, the scientist Boethia de Boot wrote in an essay on stones that the bloody Bohemian garnet, known in Rus' at that time, was a hardened drop of water stained with blood vapor.

Varieties of pomegranate

More often, garnet is associated with a dark red stone, a deep, almost burgundy hue. In fact, garnets are a whole family of stones, each of which has its own name, color and distinctive features.

The well-known garnet is blood red, sometimes darker to burgundy brown. It got its name from the Greek word "pyropos", meaning "fiery".

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It is a rare, but at the same time surprisingly beautiful variety of pomegranate: dark pink up to purple, uniquely shimmers in the light with shades of lilac and crimson.

Andradite is a fairly common type of garnet, which is not only maroon, but also yellow, orange and even green. In fact, andradite is a whole separate subgroup of garnets, which includes green demantoids, black melanites, as well as topazolites, colophonites and zhelletites.

Spessartine is a rare unusual type of garnets of brownish-yellow, orange, pink and brown color. These stones almost always have turbidity or foreign inclusions, and those that exceed the weight of 4-5 carats are especially valuable.

Almandine is one of the two (along with pyrope) most popular varieties of pomegranate. It has a juicy cherry-red color, sometimes with a purple tint. One of the first became known in Rus'. For a deep noble color, almandine is often compared with.

Grossular is a pale green or yellow-green garnet. The stone got its name from the Latin word "grossularia", meaning "gooseberry". In turn, it has several other varieties, including tsavorite And hessonite.

Got its name in honor of the scientist S.S. Uvarov. The color of the stone is green, unusually saturated, for which uvarovite is also called Ural. This mineral is extremely rare and valuable.

Chameleon pomegranate

"Blue" chameleon garnet

The most rare, expensive and valuable are the chameleon grenades. Like alexandrite, they can significantly change their hue from greenish-blue under the rays of the sun to violet-red under artificial lighting.

Chameleon stones with are the only representatives of the mineral that can demonstrate Blue colour, which was previously considered impossible for a garnet.

Physical and chemical properties of pomegranate

Garnets are a group of minerals that have different colors, mainly different shades of red and orange. The stone can be completely transparent, or vice versa, it can not shine through at all, like black melanite. The brilliance of the pomegranate is pure glass up to diamond.

Depending on the variety, the mineral has different hardness (from 6.5 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale) and density (for example, the density of pyrope is 3.57 g / cm 3, and almandine - 4.3 g / cm 3).

Garnets are essentially a combination of two different minerals: in some cases, the name of the stone is taken from one of them. However, most of the varieties of garnet still got their names: for example, hessonite is a combination of andradite and grossular, and - the result of mixing almandine and pyrope.

Grenade stones are pyroelectrics: when the stone is heated by friction (for example, on a cloth), it begins to attract small and light objects to itself, such as pieces of paper and fluff - this effect can be observed when a static charge is formed on synthetic fabrics or hair.

Pomegranate deposits

The most common and inexpensive gem-quality almandines are mined mainly in Karelia, the Kola Peninsula, Brazil, Madagascar and Alaska (Fort Wrangel).

Beautiful and topazolites are found in Chukotka, and uvarovite is found in the Urals, in Finland and Canada.

The most expensive and rare "blue" garnets are mined in Madagascar and Tanzania, changing their color under different lighting conditions.

Healing and magical properties of pomegranate

During the Middle Ages, pomegranate was ground to a powder and mixed with water to treat the stomach and restore vigor.

Pomegranate, known primarily as a stone of bright saturated red color, is considered a stone of passions, emotions, desires. It activates the vital energy of a person, gives inspiration and strength to implement the most complex ideas and plans. Green garnets, in turn, attract money, increase the wealth of the owner, and bring good luck.

In Persia, the pomegranate was considered a stone that bestowed power and the ability to control people. The crusaders believed that a garnet ring could protect them from injury in battle, and in the East, the mineral symbolized perseverance, devotion and good health.

Who is pomegranate for?

According to astrologers, different types grenade fit different signs Zodiac. Red stones will support the stubborn and passionate Sagittarius, Leo and Aries. Green garnets will be especially useful for Libra and Aquarius.

Capricorn can follow their own preferences. But Cancer and Pisces are not recommended to wear jewelry with pomegranate at all.

Mineral got its name in 1675. It was invented by the medieval jeweler Albert Magnus in honor of the grain of the ripened fruit. Pomegranate - a stone of passion until that time was called a grain, a grain or a worm.

Ancient jewelers made a lot of jewelry from the "magic" stone. To this day, antique garnet items are sold at major auctions to wealthy collectors. As before, the craftsmen highly value the stone and make expensive accessories out of it.

Garnet is one of the most sought after precious minerals actively used in jewelry, science and industry.

The color of pomegranate is not only red tints, in its many variations there are:

  • green;
  • dark lilac;
  • red-burgundy;
  • yellow;
  • orange and even transparent

The precious mineral was first discovered in Europe, and then began to be mined all over the world. Its numerous varieties are recognized by experts by color.

Even in the old days, people believed that a maroon stone gives its owners the magical ability to communicate with the world of the dead.

For an amazing color in different nations, it is reflected precisely as the frozen blood of dragons, great warriors. The names of the gem cannot be counted. In modern science, the pomegranate has many varieties, which, in turn, also have a name.

The most recognizable color of the stone, known for many millennia, is a red-burgundy shade that can shine with its undertones. The color and shape are similar to the grains of pomegranate fruits, which have absorbed the juices of the earth.

The vast "family" of the popular color category, depending on the halftones, is divided into subgroups:

  • pyropes;
  • almandines

The pink color of the garnet is given the name rhodolite.

The rarest and most valuable type of stone is the demantoid. It is characterized by a sparkling green color, and is found only in the Urals and in the Czech Republic.

This variety is also called Ural garnet, where there are deposits of other stones with a unique color:

  • uvarovite - emerald green;
  • grossular - yellowish green

The list of unusual varieties continues with yellow and orange gems:

  • topazolites;
  • spessartines;
  • andradites

The luxurious palette of stones can be listed endlessly.

For generalization on a color basis, they are divided into two large groups:

  • red tides - grenades;
  • green shades - olivines

How much is a pomegranate

In the 60s of the XX century, a production facility was opened to develop synthetic varieties of pomegranate. Initially, crystals with the required hardness were created, and they planned to use them only for industrial needs.

Later they came to the conclusion that artificial minerals - garnetites - are good for making jewelry. Items made from yttrium, for example, have a great brilliance and are much cheaper for the consumer than accessories made from natural gems.

It is known that a natural stone easily magnetized, and it is not difficult to recognize its origin. Artificial analogues can be large sizes, but natural ones do not, just as there is no certain price for a mineral from the natural environment.

Red grenades differ in cost from their green counterparts. Admirers of jewelry are ready to pay a lot of money for a demantoid.

Legends and tales

He decorated rings for beauties.
Warriors were often on armor.
On Monomakh's hat, except for fur
The big pomegranate shone solemnly!
Demeeva Svetlana

A stone has always accompanied a person, and at all times people have been admiring the mineral. The cultures of Greece, Ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire left the heirs of the mention of this delightful gem. Even then it was considered a stone of commanders and princes.

Granting power and courage, the pomegranate was an invariable attribute for warriors. They decorated their armor with talismans to protect themselves from diseases and wounds.

The knights of the Middle Ages were convinced that the pomegranate stone neutralizes water and neutralizes poisons. The beloved, who was waiting with trepidation for the chosen one in the castle, hoped for his victorious return, because with the pomegranate knight the sword and arrows of the enemy are not afraid, and love in separation is tempered like a frozen fire of a fiery heart.

According to one wonderful legend, the king for his only daughter conceived a difficult test for future suitors. The young men had to pick three ripe pomegranate fruits in a distant magical garden, which was guarded by treacherous and evil demons. No one managed to overcome the satanic lair, and only one brave young man was able to defeat the evil forces and pluck the treasured fruits.

Upon returning home, he froze in terrible amazement when he saw that hunger and disease had fallen on his native lands, and the ruler was dying. The brave fellow, without hesitation, broke one pomegranate and restored the health of the king. Another fruit gave the inhabitants prosperity and well-being. The third - scattered in tiny grains around the world, and whoever found it, found love.

Until now, many girls wear pomegranate jewelry and believe that the stone will kindle voluptuousness, and the heart will be filled with a strong and deep feeling.

Pomegranate in art and literature

On the original canvas of the immortal "Madonna Conestabile » Raphael depicted a pomegranate in the hands of a mother and a baby - a symbol of passion for Christ. After restoration - a prayer book that has a similar meaning - a premonition of terrible torment and Golgotha.

Kuprin's garnet bracelet in the theme of love is held as the penetrating power of a stone that can absorb not only passionate feelings, but also life.

The gem is mentioned in the works of poets and prose writers different peoples:

  • the eastern poet Hafiz compares a pomegranate illuminated by a ray of light with a burning love that has settled in his heart;
  • the English writer Conan Doyle, a doctor by education, also has a mention of a pomegranate in one of his many novels;
  • the dramaturgy of Oscar Wilde in his fantastic work "The Picture of Dorian Gray" was not without mention of the magical properties of the stone

Pomegranate in the life of different nations is associated with a sign of frenzied passion. For ardent and temperamental people, the stone brings success, luck and love, and in difficult times it helps to find composure and adequately cope with troubles.

Perhaps for this reason, soothsayers do not advise passive and indifferent people to wear a garnet ring. They will not be able to match the ardent "character" of the gem, which can lead to nervous exhaustion.

What zodiac sign is suitable for pomegranate in astrological interpretations

The mineral is not harmonious with all signs of the zodiac. According to the horoscope, Cancer and Pisces are bright representatives of the aquatic environment. People born under these signs have a high moral and spiritual essence, but the energy level is low, so pomegranate is not suitable for them.

For others, the stone gives vivacity, optimism. It fills with positive energy in the event that it is not worn constantly - the limit of a person's spiritual and physical potential is limited.

  1. For Scorpions and Capricorns, the stone is ideal. He helps them succeed and become leaders;
  2. Aquarius and Sagittarius are assisted in romantic relationships;
  3. It helps Leo and Gemini to keep control over themselves, to find spiritual harmony;
  4. Libra and Aries pomegranate relieves changeable mood, drives away bad thoughts;
  5. In Virgo, it reveals mental abilities, and also protects them from diseases;
  6. For Taurus, astrologers advise wearing gentle jewelry with almandine garnet - bracelet, pendant, necklace.

The army of magicians was divided into two camps. Some believe that pomegranate is a coveted stone that will surely bring good luck, health, love. Others argue that rich red does not bring happiness, and passionate and sensual desires often turn against the owner of luxurious jewelry.

Magical and healing properties of pomegranate

It is believed that olivine ( green stone) brings peace, prosperity and prosperity to the house. The mineral helps to manage your feelings, tunes in to an impeccable organization, both in everyday life and in thoughts.

It is incredible that pomegranate gives a person not only an enhanced perception of beauty, but also contributes to productive activity. Red pomegranate affects people in different ways. The stone makes men resolute and courageous. Gives women sanity.

Pomegranate - symbol:

  • love;
  • devotion;
  • friendship;
  • respect

By itself, the stone is filled with passion, drives away sadness, gives self-confidence. People who wear garnet jewelry can have power over others. If the owner of the gem is a mercenary and mean person, then the stone will fade, become plain and will not bring magical luck.

  • owners with pure soul he will serve, fill with energy and well-being, and will also delight with his bewitching radiance;
  • to warriors with such an amulet, the stone brings phenomenal strength and unprecedented courage;
  • gives lovers a magical attraction and a desire to never part

Pomegranate is also known for its medicinal properties:

  1. Medieval knights could not do without a saving stone. He protected from injuries, helped to get rid of pain, stop bleeding;
  2. Magicians advise people with vascular diseases to carry a precious stone: it restores the work of the heart and stabilizes blood pressure;
  3. Pomegranate is able to cure lung diseases, colds, relieve headaches and charge with remarkable energy;
  4. Healers claim that the mineral also has a positive effect on the digestive system: it stabilizes the acid-base balance. In the Middle Ages, pomegranates were ground into powder, mixed with water, and drunk to relieve stomach pains.

Centuries-old beliefs about the healing properties of the pomegranate stone are not supported by science, and such fantasies are far from traditional medicine, but the magical power of the gem is of great importance to humans, and its dominance is limitless. Supporters folk ways improve their health, despite the denial of scientists, believe in the power of nature!

Benefits and harms to women's health

Once upon a time, people held the belief that a pregnant woman with a pomegranate decoration bears a child without complications, and during childbirth, she and the baby are not in danger.

In the old days, the inhabitants of many states were convinced that the stone is capable, like the fruits of the trees of the same name, to improve the composition of the blood and its circulation, as well as to increase the amount of hemoglobin.

Pomegranate jewelry for women has its own special meaning:

  1. Almandines. Pink, purple and red tones are appropriate for young girls. Such gems contribute to the rapid assimilation educational material;
  2. Pyropes. Dark red shades help mature women when doing business. The strongest energy of the mineral helps to overcome difficult tasks. Healers do not recommend wearing a stone during rest hours;
  3. Grossulars. Yellowish shades protect helpless and weak-willed women. Such stones help them become more decisive, overcome self-doubt.

Regardless of color and belonging to any subgroup, all pomegranate minerals protect family peace, well-being and health of the household!

It is not for nothing that the gemstone garnet received such a name, because its dark red crystals in the rock are so reminiscent of the grains of the fruit of the same name. Translated from the Latin "granum" - means "grain" or "grain".

In the old days, the mineral garnet was called "carbuncle", compared with burning coals (from the Latin "karban" - "coal").
The modern name was given, presumably, by the alchemist Albert Magnus in 1270.
In Rus', the garnet gem was called a worm, venis or becheta. In Europe, all red stones, including garnets, were called anfraks.

Gran - a measure of weight in the old days, for which small grains of fruits were used. This is about one fifth of a gram.

Garnet stones: physical properties

Combination of metals with quartz. Iron impurities give the mineral its characteristic dark red color.
General chemical formula R2+3 R3+2 3. In the formula, the first place (R2) is iron, manganese or calcium, the second (R3) is aluminum, iron or chromium.
The difference in the chemical composition of the gem determines their colors and types.

Garnet stone: types

After the classification of minerals was made by scientists in 1803, the following types of garnet began to be distinguished:

  • almandine - Fe3Al23 - one of the hardest varieties, has a dark red, cherry color. It is believed that he received the name from the city of Alabanda, where there was also an almandine deposit, and the gem was traded. Therefore, another name is “Alaban ruby.” The most expensive type of pomegranate.
  • andraites (or andradites) Ca3Fe23 - a kind of gem, named after the mineral scientist from Brazil de Andrada, who discovered the mineral in the 19th century.
  • grossular - Ca3Al23 calcium variety, has olive, greenish, yellow-brown and reddish hues. The stone was discovered at the end of the 19th century, it was named after the Latin word meaning green berry.
  • demantoid Ca3Fe2 3 - a variety of garnet, from the andradite group, has a rare green color. Produced only in Russia. Very highly valued in jewelry. The name translates as "diamond-like".
  • pyrope - Mg3Al23 dark red or bright red a gem, in nature it is very rarely found in the form of a polyhedron, usually as phenocrysts. Diamond companion. It looks like a light, so it got its name from the Greek word meaning "like fire."
  • spessartine - Mn3Al23 - tangerine (orange) color. Spessartine deposits were discovered in the 19th century. in the foothills of the Alps, spessartine is also currently mined in the Urals, in South Africa, Australia, and Norway.
  • uvarovite - Ca3Cr23 - has a deep green color. Miniature, very beautiful stone. Named in honor of Count Uvarov, another name is "Ural emerald".

Andradite Grossular
Demantoid pyrope Spessartine

As can be seen from the list, garnet can be of almost any color, with the exception of the blue spectrum. White, almost transparent is called leucogarnet, almost black - melanite or shorlomite, yellow color- hessonite.

leucogarnet Uvarovite Melanite Hessonite

Natural garnet: deposits

The mineral is quite common. Its varieties are mined in Austria, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Norway, the USA and South Africa. In Russia, as noted above, in the Urals there is a deposit of green garnets - spessartines. Pyropes are mined in Yakutia and Chukotka.
The most valuable jewelry gems are mined in Karelia in the USA (the Wrangel deposit).

Garnet stone - products

Transparent minerals have jewelry value. But the stone is used not only for jewelry, but also for industrial purposes. It is an abrasive material and also a semiconductor.
IN jewelry due to the variety of colors, the stone has been highly valued since ancient times.
Jewelers often make pendants, rings and brooches from the dark red mineral.

The magical properties of garnet stone

Ancient Eastern magicians considered stones to kindle passion. "In the hands of a man possessed by love and passion, the stone was filled with fire, as if with blood."
In addition, in ancient Persia, for example, the mineral was royal, as it gave its owner power and power.
In ancient Rome, there was a belief that this gem helps a woman give birth safely.
Knights in the Crusades wore garnet rings to protect themselves from wounds and poisons. In general, it should be noted that historically the properties of the mineral were first valued and used predominantly by men, whether for protection from wounds or to attract power.
Now let's see what magical properties of pomegranate can be used at the present time.

  • In love. Fills with energy and passion, attracts love. If your chosen one does not reciprocate, it is worth giving her a pendant (to wear closer to her heart) or a ring on her ring finger, and she will definitely pay attention to you!
  • For success. There is no doubt that the stone gives joy, confidence, and therefore makes its owner more successful in all matters. This is a talisman for travelers, it will protect them from all troubles on the road. The fact that a mineral tends to give power and strength has already been mentioned, this has been tested for centuries.
  • In war, a pebble is an indispensable amulet from wounds and injuries.
  • This is a wonderful talisman for creative people: artists, poets, directors, actors, everyone who needs to be passionate in their profession.

Natural pomegranate - healing properties

In oriental medicine, the stone has long been used to lower the temperature, as well as for sore throats and lung diseases. It is also useful to wear a pomegranate for headaches, as it relieves them. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to use gold rings with a gem, which are worn on the middle finger of the right hand.

Who suits the garnet stone according to the signs of the zodiac

It has the ability to evoke and maintain passion in its owner, and therefore is not recommended by astrologers for lazy and emotionally inactive people, it will only exhaust them.
For Capricorns, garnet is a very suitable gem because it helps them in dedication at work.
For Sagittarius and Leo, this is also suitable stone, because they already have a rather hot-tempered character, and wearing a talisman with a pomegranate will support their passion and activity. Aries, on the other hand, are not recommended a gem, because the intensity of the passions of the representatives of this sign is very changeable, and he needs constancy of energy.
If Aries and Taurus are active people, then they can wear red garnet, other types of mineral will not suit them.
For Cancers, Pisces, Libra and Aquarius, green garnets are best suited.

How to distinguish a pomegranate from a fake

The crystal is quite inexpensive and therefore, as a rule, it is not customary to fake it. Often the mineral is passed off as a more expensive ruby, so it is more relevant to know how to distinguish a ruby ​​and a garnet. And yet, on the market you can meet scammers who pass off simple glass as precious gems.
The simple rules for choosing jewelry with natural rather than artificial garnet are as follows:

  • Natural stone is denser, so it can scratch glass;
  • Natural cannot be perfectly even in color and transparency, and its brilliance will not be dazzling;
  • A natural mineral has a size no larger than a grain;
  • Red - has a rich color, very similar to the fruit of the same name.

Garnet stone has been known to mankind since ancient times. Initially, all red crystals were called so. The pomegranate mineral was revered by many peoples, it was endowed with magical and healing properties, used as a precious decoration and a protective amulet.

Garnet stone has been known to mankind since ancient times.

Garnet crystals are igneous rocks. In nature, they occur in the form of solid solutions. Often, impurities of iron, vanadium and other metals can be found in the mineral. There are the following physical properties of the mineral:

  • various types of coloring;
  • density - up to 4.2 g / cm³;
  • hardness - 7 points on the Mohs scale;
  • transparency or translucency;
  • glassy or resinous luster.

The mineral garnet was revered by many peoples

If the physical properties of all types of mineral are the same, then their chemical composition is different. Although the garnet color is strongly associated with a bright red hue, inclusions of various elements change the color of the mineral. depending on tone and chemical composition distinguish the following types:

  1. Almandine is the most common type of pomegranate. The gem is named after the area where it is mined. It is a purple-red mineral with a lilac hue. Only this variety has a phenomenal patterned effect. Star almandine garnet reflects light in such a way that a characteristic 4- or 6-ray pattern appears on the surface of the stone.
  2. Pyrope is a classic bright red mineral. In Rus', these stones were called "wormy yakhont". Pyrope literally means "like fire" in Greek.
  3. Carbuncle is another bright red pomegranate. May also be orange and purple.
  4. Andradite is a yellow-brown or greenish-brown mineral.
  5. Grossular - in color and texture resembles gooseberries and has a light green tint.
  6. Demantoid is a beautiful green gem whose amazing brilliance is like a diamond. The name of the stone is translated as “diamond-like”. Demantoid is the most expensive type of pomegranate.
  7. Majorite was discovered only 50 years ago. It is a rare purple mineral.
  8. Spessartine can be yellow, pink, or red.
  9. Hessonite has a beautiful honey-orange hue.
  10. Rhodolite, which has a pink color, is a very valuable garnet and belongs to one of the most expensive jewelry stones.
  11. Uvarovite is an amazing green gem with an emerald sheen, but it is rarely found in nature.
  12. Beliki blue garnet - was discovered in Madagascar in the 90s of the last century. Before that, it was believed that blue or blue garnet is a gem that does not exist in nature.
  13. Leucogarnet is a colorless stone revered by jewelers. Translated from Greek, its name means "white", although this stone has no color.
  14. Shorlomite is a black garnet with a high content of titanium impurities. This is the rarest type of stone.

In total, 14 types of minerals are distinguished, but not all of them belong to precious stones. The varieties of pomegranate that have a bright saturated or rare color are most valued. Semiprecious stone has a pale tint.

Pomegranate - a gem (video)

History and application

Each nation called it differently and endowed it with special properties. The Mongols believed that the gem was the frozen blood of a dragon. Warriors drank wine from a pomegranate goblet before the battle, believing that the stone would make them braver and stronger. The Persians believed that the red gem is a frozen flame of fire. They called it the “royal stone”, as the portraits of rulers were often engraved on the gem.

Even among the Aztecs and Mayans, the stone was sacred. They were decorated with the robe of the high priest. In India, the magic of the pomegranate lay in its deadly power. The Indians associated the color of the mineral with blood and believed that weapons containing a red gem would become more dangerous to the enemy than just a sword or arrows made of metal.

Garnets received their name and mineralogical classification only in the 16th century, although the stone has been known since ancient times.

The healing and magical properties of garnet stone are still strong. However, in our time, the breed is more used in jewelry. Most minerals are mined in African countries. In addition, deposits have been discovered in Europe and Russia. In jewelry, precious stones of saturated colors are most valued. Private collections contain red and pink pomegranate jewelry, which were made back in the days of the ancient Romans and Greeks. Some specimens are truly unique. For example, a blue or black garnet will cost several thousand dollars per carat. And the stones purple hues they do not enter the mass sale at all, going straight to the auction or to a private collection.

The garnet gem is used in many areas of industry. It plays the role of a ferromagnet in electronics and serves as a semiconductor material in engineering. It is used as a crystal for a laser, used in the manufacture of grinding skins, grinding wheels, various pastes and powders. The gem often serves as an additive in cement and ceramic masses.

Gallery: garnet stone (25 photos)

Garnets received their name and mineralogical classification only in the 16th century, although the stone has been known since ancient times.

Magical and healing properties

Any garnets are mystical minerals. Ancient people were attracted and at the same time frightened by the blood-red color of the stone. Many legends, myths and traditions associated with this gem have survived to this day. The description of the amazing crystal has been preserved in many writings. It used to be believed that the red mineral would protect warriors from injury. An image of a dangerous animal was specially applied to the stone. It was believed that in this way the magic of the gem increased and protected the owner from harm.

Any garnets are mystical minerals

The red gem is a symbol of passion. By changing color, it reacts to the thoughts of its owner. If a person is obsessed with an obsessive desire, then the stone becomes brighter. On the neck or in the hands of a deceitful person, the pomegranate fades.

This gem loves strong and strong-willed people, whose talisman he is. The mineral endows its owner with charisma, enhances its influence on the people around it. Those who are confident in their life path should use a pomegranate as a talisman, the magical properties of which will add energy and mental strength. Indecisive and cowardly people, the gem will not bring happiness. And he can harm deceitful natures.

Main healing property of this mineral - the ability to stop the blood. The ancient warriors knew this secret. The gem has a beneficial effect on the blood: it regulates circulation and clotting, increases hemoglobin. In addition, jewelry with any kind of gem is worn for the following ailments:

  • temperature increase;
  • lung diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • skin defects;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • stress and depression.

Useful properties are possessed by both semi-precious and precious stone garnet. Often a cheap rough stone is more effective than a noble gem. After all, the main thing is the energy of the mineral. But an ornamental pomegranate, although it looks like a real one, will not bring any benefit to its owner.

Medicinal properties gems are enhanced if worn correctly. With diseases associated with blood, rings, bracelets and pendants with a red mineral help. A necklace will strengthen the immune system and give strength, a gold pendant with a stone will cure lung diseases, and a mineral in a silver frame will relieve inflammation and protect against colds.

Stone of passion and joy (video)

Stone Talismans

The astrological characteristic of the gem is such that it suits honest and strong-willed individuals. Of all the signs of the zodiac, these are Leo and Sagittarius. Representatives of these signs have an innate sense of justice and adhere to an active life position. They are stubbornly moving towards their goal, so the red gem will be a great help to them.

Of the signs suitable for the horoscope, one can also name Scorpions, Capricorns, Aries, Gemini and Aquarius. Pyrope is a good talisman for Scorpions. He develops leadership skills representatives of this sign, and also gives confidence and determination. Aries should wear only red gems. Representatives of this fire sign have an explosive character. The red mineral will make them kinder and calmer, help to avoid quarrels and conflicts. The mineral will add energy to hardworking and purposeful Capricorns. Changeable Gemini will help achieve spiritual harmony. Aquarians are suitable for green varieties of the gem. Pomegranate will help them in love affairs.

In addition, the gem is also suitable for people with certain names. The mineral will add fearlessness to Anton, reward Vasily with passion, courage and love of life. The gem will soften the hard character of Alla, make her condescending. Grenades are useful talismans for such windy natures, such as Galina and Lyudmila. They will help them make the right decisions. Maria and Tamara are those who are suitable for a gem to find family happiness.

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