How is the Thai New Year celebrated? Songkran - Thai New Year

New Year in Thailand, like any event in this country, is a holiday that is celebrated on a grand scale, doing it three times a year.

The fact is that this direction is incredibly popular with many tourists, thanks to the goodwill of the locals and the eternal summer. Now, in addition to their own New Year, residents also celebrate European and Chinese holidays.

What date are they celebrating?

But there are exceptions. For example, on Koh Samui, just in the period from January to January, the real tropical storm with long torrents, which can make it very difficult to meet main holiday year as planned. Therefore, it is worth choosing, for example, Phuket, Krabi, Pattaya and others.

How is Songkran celebrated?

Thai New Year is considered one of the most fun holidays in the world. Two days before this event, a holiday is declared for all residents of the country. This is done so that each of them can prepare well for the celebration. Songkran. Wherein new year events and rest can last about a week - until the 19-20th.

It is customary for the inhabitants of the country to visit temples 3-4 days before the appointed event, where monks perform pre-holiday rites and read special prayers - khurals.

On the eve of the holiday, a lama is invited to the house to conduct a rite of purification from all the negative that has accumulated over Last year. Sometimes Thais collect various rags, small coins or food leftovers in the house in order to throw it all out on a wasteland, and they try to put on only new clothes.

According to one of the traditions, Thais on New Year's Eve try to get rid of all unnecessary in the house, and also prepare a lot of food to treat the monks in the temple. Then traditional religious ceremonies are held everywhere, prayers are read to attract health and success, and statues of the Buddha are installed. Small figurines are washed with water to wash away the bad that has accumulated over the year.

Beautiful weather allows not only to take part in the national celebration of the New Year with the Thais, but also to see the locals and soak up the white beaches.

What do they douse passers-by in Thailand?

Another tradition of celebrating the National New Year in Thailand is connected with water. Walking around the city, you can see that barrels of water are installed everywhere - the main attribute of the most fun holiday. The fact is that the inhabitants of the country adopted throughout the event pour water on passers-by from what comes to hand - from bottles, buckets, a water pistol or basins.

At the same time, no one is offended by such actions, on the contrary, everyone tries to join him and pour on someone nearby. Icy streams of water can collapse at any moment, so better be ready to such events. It is advisable not to move around the city on mopeds or do it at a low speed. According to those who have already managed to catch such a fun event, everyone around is trying to pour water over, starting from the head.

Water procedures can continue until April 20. If you are traveling with electronic equipment, then it is advised to put it in waterproof cases. Usually no one looks at what is in their hands or in their pockets, and water is poured thoroughly from head to toe. Sometimes, according to an old custom, they smear each other with white clay and talcum powder, and also tie ritual bracelets on their hands.

The "water" tradition has its own legend. It is believed that the Thai New Year is the transition from the dry season to the wet season, so residents diligently "cause" rain which will contribute to a large harvest of rice and vegetables.

Chinese holiday

The Chinese holiday, which is held in Thailand, is no less beautiful than in its native country, but here it does not last two weeks, as is customary in China, but much less - only three days. During this period, it is customary for residents to decorate the streets red lanterns, and directly on the holiday itself - to visit each other, give gifts, have fun and enjoy life.

All New Year's solemn events in Thailand are accompanied by traditional Chinese attributes- dragons, lions and red paper lanterns.

On the eve of the celebration, you can witness one of the most colorful events in this country. Local residents dressed in bright National costumes, pass in a noisy carnival procession along the main streets.

In their hands above their heads, the Thais hold a large dragon, and this whole colorful parade is accompanied by music and explosions of firecrackers.

  • Chinese New Year celebration will be in 2017 on January 28-30, in 2018 - on February 16-18, in 2019 - from February 5 to 7.
  • European is the peak of the season, so it is worth considering the moment that there will be much higher.
  • In local restaurants on any of New Year's Eve for tourists recreational activities provided and various shows.
  • Most colorful and vibrant activities are held on the mainland of Thailand - in Bangkok and.
  • Pouring water for the Thai New Year is a wish for happiness and good luck, talcum coating- protection from dark forces.
  • Gathering outside during the Thai New Year celebration, not worth it put on make-up and wear nice clothes- all this will be spoiled, because on such days no one spares water.
  • water pistols are sold everywhere, and you can recharge the "weapon" in red barrels, standing on almost every corner.

Everyone who decides to go to Thailand for the New Year will receive the most vivid impressions from the festive unforgettable emotions.

See in this video how the National New Year is celebrated in Thailand:

Updated 02/03/2020 Views 188 Comments 74

Today I visited an enchanting event - all of Thailand, including Phuket, began to celebrate the Thai New Year, whose name Songkran(Songkran). In translation, this means “transition”, and thus marks the transition to the new year in ancient Indian astrological calendar and the change from the current hot season to the coming rainy season. That is why it is customary to pour water on everyone on this day, it is like a call for abundant rainfall later, so that there is a good harvest of rice. But how does it all happen!

What's going on here is beyond words! General insanity, but from a good point of view! It’s a pity, it’s very difficult to capture this madness, forgive me for the quality of the photo, I had to wrap the camera with cling film and save it from water in every possible way.

Thais and farangs, like small children, with squeals and laughter, pour water on each other, whoever can, and coat them with talc! Along the roads near Rawai Beach in Phuket, for example, huge barrels of water are placed, a cheerful company gathers around them, which, dancing and screaming, desperately pour water from buckets, buckets and water pistols to all those passing by, for which they are always generously thanked with a good portion of water in return.

Pickup trucks drive on the roads big tanks in the back, from where numerous wet and happy passengers draw water and water everyone in their path. Often paint is added to this water and, most unexpectedly, when you are watered - ice! When you are repeatedly doused with just warm water, suddenly getting a portion of an ice bucket is, to put it mildly, an unexpected positive shock! But due to the intense heat and increased mobility on this day, you do not have time to freeze or feel that water flows from you all day in streams.

pickup truck attack

It's funny that before this tradition was a little different, they just walked through the streets with a bowl and modestly splashed a little bit on every passerby. Everything progresses and develops, as practice shows.

It is believed that all these outpourings purify the soul and give the drenched good luck for a whole next year!

Many Thais have chosen a different strategy and cover the face of everyone they meet with fragrant talc, from which then a slight chill is felt on the cheeks. At the same time, these smearers themselves are almost half in this talcum powder, from head to waist. This custom also has an explanation - talc (and earlier it was White clay) is used as a means of hygiene, and ritual smearing and sprinkling with talc is a cleansing and repulsion of all kinds of dirt.

Here they are - those same talc smearers!

And the sweetest thing about all this fun is that when pouring water into your collar or smearing it with talcum powder, Thais smile so sincerely and often ask for forgiveness or wish Happy Songkran!

Slightly or not slightly tipsy farangs take an active part in the celebration, dancing killerly to the music. Their main difference is that they do not pour water as carefully as the Thais, but hit it right in the face, which is not always liked by bikers passing by them - it's so easy to lose control.

In general, this is a dangerous action. We saw one injured Thai, who, apparently, after the next portion of water lost control and crashed into a car. Thank God, he is alive, but he was seriously injured.

I made it easier, next to each of these dousing points, I stopped and, with mutual joy of mine and theirs, let me pour all the prepared water on myself and turned my cheeks for talcum powder, and then with a calm soul I went to the next reception point water procedures.

And now we know that water pistols are bullshit! Thin streams are not terrible! And the cool one who has a bucket! :)

In general, I noticed with surprise that not all Thais are happy about this, and there are individuals who travel with sour or even dissatisfied faces, which is surprising. But there are not so many of them.

Disgruntled Thais are rare
Sometimes, this discontent is understandable.

Thai New Year not 10 days are celebrated, like ours, but only three (from April 12), and the new year itself comes on April 15, and watering usually lasts from April 13 to 15, but in some places they can continue until 17 or even 19 April. This, by the way, must be borne in mind when you, without suspecting anything, leave the house with unsecured documents or a wallet.

I returned home only in the evening, wet, smeared with talcum powder and received a lethal dose of positive! That's what I understand - a holiday! Happy New Year everyone! Savat di Songkran! ??????????????!

Replenishment of stocks - they poured it over him

P.S. Article from Phuket Songkran 2011 :) Not much has changed since then.

Thailand is one of the most popular resorts in the world today.

This amazing and unusual country attracts many tourists not only with its beautiful nature, warm and mild climatic conditions and unusually gentle sea.

Every year, Thailand opens its doors to tourists, the number of which is growing inexorably. This is because the marvelous customs and traditions of this amazing country are of great interest to them.

The country attracts special attention of travelers during the most long-awaited and beloved holiday - the New Year.

It is during this period that many discerning tourists awaken a special desire to escape from the annoying cold and chilling frost, from such a “banal” Olivier salad and, finally, plunge into the exotic world of Thais:

  • soak up the rays of the gentle sun;
  • splash in the warm ocean waters and make long swims;
  • lie on the hot sand under spreading palm trees;
  • admire the wonderful views of extraordinary flora and fauna;
  • to taste original masterpieces of national cuisine.

Prices for tours and vouchers usually fall at this time, and tickets become cheap.

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How is New Year celebrated in Thailand?

The Thai people are a special people and they celebrate the New Year in a special way.

They meet him three times.

Although the Thais celebrate the traditional New Year in the same way as other European nations - in their families, for them this holiday is more likely not a family holiday, but a public one.

They are preparing for the traditional New Year celebration with all responsibility and thoroughness.

The main difference between their celebrations is as follows:

  • a few days before the new year all residents go to a Buddhist temple, where special New Year's prayers are read. Monks read them, and prayers even have a name - khurals;
  • along with prayers Birds and fish are released into the wild.

And the rest of them everything goes in exactly the same way as other peoples:

  • decoration of residential buildings with sparkling garlands and colorful balls;
  • giving gifts to relatives and friends;
  • preparation of a festive fragrant dinner;
  • organizing and holding New Year's shows and events.

Exactly at 12 o'clock at night, Thais, sitting at the round family table, congratulate each other on the New Year, and after the celebration, all the people go to the temple.

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A little about Thailand

Thais are loving people, very hospitable, so they try to treat every tourist as well and with great respect as possible.

Each tourist for them is a respected guest and meeting him with a rainbow and good-natured smile is their primary task.

Another distinctive feature of the Thai people is:

  • politeness;
  • smiling;
  • veneration of centuries-old customs.

For every resident of Thailand, every day is special. This is a people who will rejoice at every morning that comes, no matter how hard it is for them, and to observe all traditions, customs and rituals is, as they believe, their sacred duty.

Any holiday for them is:

  • time for fun;
  • the opportunity to give each other radiant smiles and good mood;
  • a chance to fill yourself with joy and a lot of positive emotions.

When is New Year celebrated in Thailand?

As mentioned above, Thais, unlike other countries, celebrate the New Year three times:

  1. Traditional New Year, which is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. The weather for a Russian tourist will be unusually hot for this time of year - an average of +30
  2. Chinese New Year- a holiday that can be celebrated by local residents every year at completely different times. This day can fall on any date in January or February.
  3. - the traditional national New Year for the people of Thailand. It is celebrated on April 13th.

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In Thailand, Chinese New Year is celebrated annually, but the date of the celebration is not fixed, and this, first of all, depends on the phase of the moon.

Before this holiday comes, it is customary for Thais to decorate all houses and streets with red lanterns, which are made of paper.

In the midst of the holiday, namely on New Year's Eve, you can see figures of snakes, dragons or lions along the streets of Bangkok in the Chinatown area.

A huge fairy-tale dragon stretches all over the street bright red. It is carried by people dressed in a wide variety of bright, eye-catching costumes.

The delight is added by the fact that all this is accompanied by loud music, fireworks and explosions of firecrackers.

And for the Thais, this is not just a procession with fairy-tale characters, from which it is simply impossible to take your eyes off.

With the help of such events, local residents drive away evil spirits, and according to Chinese mythology, the dragon is good luck, and the lion symbolizes courage and nobility.

However, the celebration of the Chinese New Year does not end there.

Three days after that, people continue to celebrate this holiday. They visit each other, give gifts, which it is a bad omen to refuse.

You can watch this action in Pattaya - a kind of entertainment capital of Thailand.

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Thai New Year

Before the celebration, Thais without fail:

  • carry out general cleaning in their house;
  • they throw out from the house everything that they do not use and that has accumulated unnecessary for the whole year;
  • prepare the most delicious holiday dishes.

It is customary for Thais to go to the temple on this day and make donations, and these are:

  • cooked meals;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • new robe.

It is on this day that people:

  • pray earnestly;
  • conduct multiple religious ceremonies;
  • They ask the Almighty to give them health, happiness and prosperity.

Among the common customs of the Thai people during the celebration of the Thai New Year are:

  • pouring water on each other in the streets;
  • talcum coating.

Thais, pouring water on each other, thereby wish happiness, good luck and great prosperity in the coming year. And they are coated with talc in order to protect themselves from dark negative forces.

Thai New Year- a very unique and unusual holiday. Everyone who sees his celebration at least once with his own eyes will never forget this beautiful sight.

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Exotic travel and unforgettable experiences

Tourists who come to this country with its extraordinary people can look forward to the following:

  • comfortable service;
  • impeccable attitude of the locals;
  • benevolence and respect for oneself;
  • unforgettable days in the spent paradise.

There are so many countries in Southeast Asia that are equally worthy of attention, but Thailand is the country that, according to statistics, ranks first in terms of attendance.

It is known that many tourists prefer to go for the summer or new year holidays specifically to Thailand due to the respectful attitude of locals towards visitors.

The luxurious beaches of Pattong, Phuket or Samui are not the only things this magical country can be proud of.

Incredible delight cause:

  • Buddhist monasteries and temples;
  • palaces and pagodas of majestic beauty;
  • unforgettable evening performances and entertainment shows;
  • notorious wellness Thai massage;
  • martial arts school.

Impressions for a lifetime leave:

  • elephant riding;
  • floating markets;
  • majestic beauty of the islands of the Andaman Sea.

As for the excursions that Thailand has to offer, here you can see and visit places that can leave only the most indelible impressions and a lot of positive emotions in your soul.

Crocodile farm

Such as:

  1. Crocodile or snake farm, where there is an excellent opportunity to watch a skilled trainer, cutely lulling their snakes;
  2. Monkey Island or Elephant Village. With a strong desire, you can even try yourself as an elephant rider.
  3. National parks and zoos, where you can get great pleasure from just looking at exotic plants, numerous magnificent gardens. Walking through these attractive places, you can inadvertently see parrots of various colors flying overhead, and butterflies fluttering nearby cause tenderness and a smile.
  4. Bays and coves. One of the most famous bays is Phang Nga Bay.

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New Year's Eve - in a restaurant or on the beach?

Thailand is a country that can offer even the most demanding tourist to experience something that, in any case, will leave only positive impressions and reviews.

One of the advantages of the Thai people is their national cuisine.

You can taste it by visiting bars, cafes or restaurants located in Thailand.

Having visited such entertainment establishments, you can:

  • to enjoy delicious dishes;
  • enjoy the excellent atmosphere present here;
  • listen or even dance to incendiary and invigorating music.

A visit to any institution guarantees good spirits and good mood.

New Year holidays can also be well spent on Thai beaches, where there are also entertainment facilities, including night discos with entertainment programs and fire shows.

April 13 is the most important day of the holiday - Maha Songkran. And on the 14th-15th, the onset of the Thai New Year is celebrated (by the way, not only in Thailand, but also in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar). In fact, the celebrations go on all week, starting on the 11th, so if you want a quiet holiday, it is best to avoid it during this period.

Traditions and origins of the Thai New Year

The tradition of the celebration comes from India and symbolizes the end of winter and the onset of spring, when nature comes to life. The word "Songkran" in translation means movement. It is no accident that watering is of great importance in the holiday. It is believed that one must enter the New Year cleansed, both externally and internally. And water is best remedy for this.

Songkran was celebrated in a slightly different way in the past than it is now. There was no crazy dousing each other. In the Sukhothai period, people went to the royal palace to bring gifts to the monarch and swear allegiance. In the Ayutthaya period, the bathing of Buddha statues and the construction of sand pagodas began to be added to this. Also, people went to temples to pray, bring gifts to the monks and ask for their blessings.

A very important part took place at home, in the family circle. The holiday is generally considered family, home, these days it is customary to visit all your relatives and friends. The younger members of the family brought gifts and dripped a few drops of pure water on the palms of the elders to express their gratitude and respect. In turn, the older generation gave blessings to the younger members of the family. Between peers, more direct actions were possible - pouring water from jugs on each other.

The main reason for the exchange of water in Songkran was to give and ask for blessings through the water. Thus, it must be clean, sometimes incense was added for fragrance. It is unacceptable to water each other with salt water from the sea, from dirty lakes and rivers. And this must be done very respectfully, avoiding splashes in the eyes, mouth, ears and generally on the head.

How is modern Songkran

How much this differs from modern battles with water machines (mainly among foreigners who have no idea about the deep sacred meaning of the Thai New Year), when the main thing is to “shoot” any moving object. And it doesn't matter whether you want to get this moving object a jet of water (sometimes salty) into your mouth or eyes. What blessings and wishes of happiness can be discussed in this case? Thais are much more respectful "shoot" - and never in the face or dirty water. Often they do not even use pistols, preferring to spray water from buckets (mainly watering their backs), as their ancestors did.

Another external manifestation of Songkran is the application of talc (white powder) to the body and face. This is common among Thais. Here, too, everything is respectful - they will calmly approach you and gently smear your face. If you do not want this, then you can simply say - no one will be forced to do this. Truth in Lately, Thai teenagers love to run up to the girls they like (to Thais, not foreigners) and plentifully cover them with powder.

It is worth recalling in Songkran is better to have waterproof bags with you - you can buy them everywhere on the eve of the holiday. There hide everything that is undesirable for water - phones, money, cameras, documents. It is better to collect water for pistols in toilets. But by no means in the sea and ponds. Also on this day, you can get clean water from huge tanks on the streets for free or for a nominal fee. Remember - dousing with water is not a "war" where you have to "shoot" as many people as possible, but a wish for happiness and joy in the New Year.

Thai New Year songkran - when is celebrated in 2018, what is happening on the streets of Thailand at this time? Is it worth going to Songkran and what is it all about? How not to get to the hospital and stay alive during mass marches? What tour operators will not tell you about when they send you to Thailand in April. Details in the article!

What does this holiday symbolize - the period (time) of holding

Songkran is the Thai New Year, which in 2018 (according to our calendar) is celebrated from April 13-17. The peak of fun falls on the last day of the procession. According to the ancient Indian calendar - Songkran symbolizes the onset of a new time - the hot season is replaced by heavy rains.

Songkran is one of the most important and significant holidays for Thais. Almost all local residents celebrate this event with contentment, completely "surrendering" to what is happening. Songkran is essentially the same New Year as ours. Only according to the Buddhist calendar used in these latitudes.

The main entertainment these days is mass dousing with water from mugs or water machines, rubbing with talc or clay. Complete strangers do this to each other. Yes, yes, you can go “and not touch anyone”, just as a basin of water with “emergency” powder (talc) can “fly” at you from the side.

At first glance, this seems like a pretty fun activity. But, in fact, the celebration of songgran is fraught with a lot of dangers. More on this later.

Water pistols are used for "shelling" with water. You can buy them at the nearest supermarket. Cost - from 150 baht. The "weapon" will become useless in the "battle with the enemy" if the latter has a huge barrel or a water hose in his hands.

What is the meaning of the holiday - why such traditions on Songkran (Thai New Year)

Songgran has been celebrated for over 500 years. In ancient times, during the Songkran period, the monks turned to the gods all week with requests for mercy and a reduction in the number of rainy days. They were afraid of flooding and great destruction during bad weather. Nowadays, the songkran of typical Thais starts at the temple. From early morning, they make alms to the monks (tham bun) and after a long stay in a sacred place, they go outside for a portion of "fresh street soul".

According to their beliefs, mass dousing with water symbolizes the complete cleansing of the soul from sins, and the body from various diseases. Rubbing with talcum powder and clay - acts as a protection from evil spirits for the next year.

Songkran among Thais is a family, warm holiday. The older generation, as a rule, does not participate in street processions - they prefer a modest dinner in the family circle.

During the Songkran period, Thais still hold the ceremony of washing the Buddha statue, which is in every home. According to religious beliefs, the water for the ceremony should be filled with rose petals and jasmine.

Songkran and tourists - an elephant in a china shop or "rejoice" for the Thais?

Noticing interesting rituals, foreign tourists began to take part in water processions with pleasure, and to develop this direction in every possible way. Sometimes, foreigners rejoice in the advent of a new time in Thailand - even more than the Thais themselves.

Unfortunately, over time, songkran in Thailand, especially in tourist areas, has acquired its own unique scenario. Sometimes, funny entertainments lead to tragedies - falls from bikes, damage to expensive equipment, documents. By the way, the Thais are not involved in these misfortunes - the Burmese and Europeans act as aggressors. As mentioned earlier, foreigners “liked” local traditions. Some tourists specially fly to Thailand at this time to have plenty of fun on the streets of the city and show all their "nonsense".

Drunk and inspired by the rest, foreigners "go too far" - they douse passers-by not just from a mug or a water pistol, but from a huge bucket or barrel of water. Some went further - they add ice to the container, and pour ice-cold water on passers-by.

Such “fun” no longer carries the meaning of purifying the soul. About 250 people died on songkran in Thailand last year alone. More than 2000 thousand have suffered. There were more cases of falls from the bike. The dead or injured riders could not keep their balance when the barrel was suddenly doused with water, and simply flew off the bike at speed.

Be careful when riding a motorbike along the main streets of the city in songkran. Too "enthusiastic" and joyful celebrating, they can foolishly douse you with a basin of water. Such an unexpected "wave" can lead to tragedy.

How to avoid inconvenience during the Thai New Year - Songkran

  • Go to Thailand at a different time

If your main task during your trip to Thailand was visiting excursions and sightseeing, we recommend that you choose another time. If you are lucky enough to get to Thailand for songkran, then keep in mind that many establishments will be closed. Many shows, entertainment, excursions stop working. In Pattaya at this time, terrible traffic jams and transport collapses.

  • Beware of Burmese and drunken Europeans

Regardless of the fact that they will see that you cannot be doused, for example, when you are talking on the phone, they will do it. Moreover, they will laugh like crazy, completely showing their "nonsense" to those passing by. We recommend avoiding them.

  • Stock up on waterproof bags

When walking around the city, be careful - at the most inopportune moment you can be poured with water. Hide your belongings in waterproof cases or bags. This applies to phones, cameras and, of course, money and documents.

  • Walk in a crowd

Do not walk down the street alone at this time. Especially true for girls. Mass crush and pandemonium - can lead to minor injuries. It is important to stay close to someone so that there is an opportunity to “get out” of the procession.

In general, songkran in Thailand is very fun party, which previously seemed to be something bright and sincere. Unfortunately, alcohol and some “foolishness” of people gradually turns it into a period of debauchery and mass troubles (especially in Pattaya). Thais, by virtue of their worldview, do not react to this in any way and take it “for granted”. If you are not ready for such adventures, we do not recommend visiting the Thai New Year Songkran. And look at the photos and videos of songgran on the Internet.
