Elements of the national costume in modern clothes. Russian costume and modern fashion

It is unlikely that anyone will undertake to challenge the validity of the Russian proverb: "They meet according to their clothes, but they see them off according to their mind." Popular wisdom says that important attribute, a reflection of the inner essence of a person is the clothes that he wears. So it was at all times. The relevance of this proverb does not weaken over the centuries.

We inherited from our ancestors richest history, including the history of Russian costume. Smooth lines, flying silhouettes, intricate patterns, bright colors - this is not a complete list of the features of clothes in the Russian style.

female beauty sung of old. In old Russian songs, fairy tales and legends, we find descriptions of the most beautiful Russian girls. An important part female image at all times, of course, there was clothing. For each occasion, whether it was everyday work or a holiday, a suit was supposed. By clothing and its individual elements, one could judge the social and family status.

Among the common people, the fundamental principle was the comfort of clothing. This is directly related to the hard peasant labor. Clothing should not restrict movement, natural fabrics fit the body, giving lightness and comfort. Despite the seeming simplicity, the desire for beauty has always lived in Russian people. This was expressed in the desire to decorate even casual clothes. Particular attention was paid to embroidery. Man-made works of art were unique and inimitable. Girls embroidered their clothes, creating flowers, birds, and other fancy patterns on it. Skillful ornaments gave harmony and completeness to the image. With the help of embroidery, even a simple dress gave its owner a feeling of joy and celebration.

A slightly different atmosphere reigned in the princely houses. Here, clothes in the Russian style were distinguished by the richness of materials and finishes. Embroidered precious stones dresses and suits complemented the majestic image of their owner, served as a distinctive feature, an indicator of his status and lifestyle. Expensive, dense fabrics reliably protected the body of a prince or boyar, creating an additional border between him and the outside world.

Protection from prying eyes, maintaining an integral image is the main purpose of clothing in the Russian style. IN folk tradition everything is extremely chaste, there are no short skirts and deep necklines. For a Russian person, according to Christian tradition, the beauty of the soul has always been more important than the beauty of the body. Clothing served only as an addition to the inner world, and not as an alternative to it.

Clothing in the Russian style has always been single and unique. One of the reasons for this was handmade. Regardless of the status, the girl independently prepared a dowry for herself, investing her soul and preparing for the beginning of a new life stage. Making clothes was considered a noble occupation. Even in rich families, everyone, from young to old, knew how to sew. Sewing was an integral part of life. Clothes were not just sewn on their own, but also woven, embroidered, trimmed by hand.

Clothing for special, festive occasions can be distinguished by the presence of lace trim. Lace is one of the features of Russian-style clothing. So, for example, lace served as an indispensable decoration wedding dress. Flying, thin, gentle - it symbolized the purity of thoughts and the beginning of a new life. What excitement, what trepidation accompanied the creation of a wedding dress and the preparation of a dowry for the girls. How many thoughts were born in my head, how many songs were sung during this sacred action! All emotions, experiences and feelings were transferred through the hands into the created clothes. She warmed and illuminated not only from the outside, but also from the inside. That is why we can say with confidence that Russian-style clothing is the embodied soul of the people.

Each item of clothing, created by the hands of craftswomen, was a real work of art. The best traditions of creating clothes in the Russian style today are followed by the “House of Russian Clothes of Valentina Averyanova”.

Traditional clothing in the modern world is not just a tribute to fashion and traditions. It is used not only in thematic events when recreating the unique national color. It is gratifying that at present, Russian-style clothing or its individual elements are becoming an integral part of Everyday life person. This means that we are returning to our roots. We are aware that Russian culture is rich and diverse. It does not lose its relevance, but only strengthens its position, reviving in us a deep and sincere love for our native land and original culture.

Despite the fact that Western standards of beauty and fashion have been firmly established in Russian society, they have not been able to defeat the desire in Russian people for pure and bright, for what our national culture and history has been imbued with since ancient times. This means that Russian-style clothing will live on. Currently, it is in demand both among older people and among the younger generation. What is the reason for the huge popularity of Russian national costume? Such clothes are imbued with love, they reflect the most beautiful traditions of our people, give joy and peace, create, preserve and increase harmony and happiness.

"The House of Russian Clothes of Valentina Averyanova" provides an opportunity to join the best traditions of our national culture, to become part of the world of light, goodness and joy. Clothes in the Russian style, made with love, by true masters of their craft, are the embodiment of the soul, a reflection of its best, brightest sides.

They say there's no such thing as Russian style of dress. That there is only an ethno-direction in which elements of the traditional Russian outfit are used. Perhaps this is so. But this does not detract from the dignity of the Russian national costume and the active use of its foundations on world catwalks. The most famous fashion designers love to work with specific and extraordinary bright solutions, proving to others that clothes in the Russian style are still a separate and special direction.

How was the Russian style of dress formed?

There are already legends about how clothes in the Russian folk style began to be used in world fashion. There are two main versions:

  1. Luxurious - decorated according to all the canons of creativity and craftsmanship - everyday and ball dresses brought to Europe by the nobles fleeing the policy of the Bolsheviks. They, continuing to cultivate love for the abandoned Motherland, began to open workshops and fashion houses in which needlewomen embroidered, sewed, spun and created real masterpieces in the Russian style. Fashion for russion quickly conquered all of Europe and for decades remained the main inspiration for leading designers and fashion designers.

  1. Russian fashion was created by Nadezhda Lamanova. She was able to bring traditional folk elements and decorative finishes in dresses and outfits of our time. Lamanov sheathed royal family, and later opened her own fashion house, which lasted until the middle of the last century. As for the principles of Lamanova and her ideas of interpretation, even today they continue to emphasize the Russian style in modern clothes.

What is Russian style? Kokoshniki, earflaps and felt boots? Or embroidery, naturalness and Slavic ornaments? Or maybe these are the classic "kosovorotkas", sheepskin coats and sheepskin coats? This question is of interest to many and is worthy of being carefully examined!

Russian style in clothes: trend elements of russion fashion

Women's clothing in Russian style always receives the best praise from critics and journalists. There are many reasons for this, but among the main ones are the brightness and originality of decorative designs and cuts and silhouettes of products unusual for Europe.

If you look at what solutions the Russian style of clothing is presented in the photo, then attention is drawn to themselves:

  1. Sundresses and sundresses. The primordially Russian models and the masterpieces created on their basis are characterized by a high waistline, maxi length and the presence of underskirts to add splendor. And if the last two points are no longer considered trendy, then the free cut and bright decor still represent a dress in Russian folk style.

  1. Blouses. They implement best ideas Russian style. This is a free cut, puffed sleeves, a boat neckline with an elastic band around the edge.
  2. Outerwear. Modern sheepskin coats are an excellent example of the active use of the Russian style in world fashion. He made them a trendy direction by working with the idea of ​​​​Russian sheepskin coats, caftans, coats.
  3. Hats. Fashion tried to update the kokoshniks, but the style did not take root. But traditional hats with earflaps and fluffy fur hats have become loved all over the world.

If we consider the Russian style, not as an adaptation of outfits, but from the standpoint of general ideas and trends, then attention should be paid to:

  1. embroidery. Russian girls have never been limited in their creativity only to threads and yarn - embroidery with ribbons, beads, gold, stones came from the traditional ideas of Russian decor.
  2. Lace. Thin, airy, but at the same time down to earth and charming - this is all lace in Russian outfits.
  3. Accessories. Russian style in clothes is unthinkable without wooden bracelets, pendants, canvas bags, birch bark jewelry.
  4. Pavlodar scarves. The unique pattern of these intricately decorated accessories is known throughout the world. Pavlodar scarves are good as independent elements - they can be worn in the form of stoles, scarves or simple scarves. And at the same time, exquisite solutions can serve as the basis for creating a dress, sundress, skirt.

Russian style in clothes is quite simple to create. Since the trend is particularly colorful, it is quite enough to use two or three elements of the Russian style in a capsule. This approach will allow, if desired, any lady to choose the Russian style of dress, if there is a mood and suitable fashion solutions.

Fashion is the display history of any nation. Today I would like to talk about the history of the Russian style, which has practically disappeared since the time of Peter the Great and its revival begins in small steps. For example, thanks to Ulyana Sergeenko, we remembered what Vologda and Yelets lace are, and thanks to the Valentino collection, what Russian hand embroidery is, natural linen, brocade and beaded ornaments - all this is undoubtedly the real Russian style.

Grazia Chiuri and Pier Paolo Piccioli, whose collection became the pearl of the Haute Couture week in Paris, claimed that it was Prince and Princess Yusupov, the most beautiful couple of Russian emigration, who served as their source of inspiration. And not only and not so much their aristocratic faces and precious costumes, but the fates - in general, the fates of people who have lost everything and managed to start life anew, which sounds more than modern.

Russians in exile did not lose heart. They took on any job that would give them the means to survive the time before returning to their homeland. New life women were associated with fashion - they became fashion models and embroiderers, seamstresses and knitters, adding aristocratic chic to simple crafts. Last but not least, thanks to them, fashion has risen to a worthy rank of high arts. The men found jobs as taxi drivers, shop assistants, and newspaper distributors.

For me, the Russian style is associated with the most beautiful and most touching - with bright images of the family of the last Tsar Nicholas II - quivering young ladies in lace and velvet, silk blouses with high collars. They hide their hands in muffs and wrap themselves in indispensable furs.

Ulyana Sergeenko, dress decorated with Vologda lace.

Valentino. The style of a traditional Russian sundress.

Until the 17th century, it is practically unknown what the Russians wore, since portraiture did not really exist in Russia and Russian costumes were mostly captured by foreign travelers. In the Middle Ages, Russian clothing was associated with Turkic influence and resembled the clothing of the Turkic peoples.

And at first glance, primordially Russian concepts like “kokoshnik” or “sarafan” actually have a Turkic origin. Sarfan - Loans. through Turkic. särara(i) from Persian. serārā "dress of honor". But Russian masters brought these types of clothing to great heights, often creating real works of art.

Lefebvre Robert. Portrait of Princess M.F. Baryatinsky with her daughter Olga, 1817.

The clothes of our ancestors and their attributes were also affected by our confrontation with the Lithuanians and Poles. The main enemy of Russia was then the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the struggle against the Lithuanians and Poles was reflected in in large numbers items that were of precisely this origin and despite the fact that they were of Eastern European origin, they reflected fashion trends associated primarily with Germany. This was expressed in the predilection of Russians for imported fabrics.

500 years ago, very few fabrics were made in Russia and there was practically no weaving production of its own. Fabrics came from Italy and the Ottoman Empire. The fabrics were interwoven with gold thread, as well as brocade and taffeta, also velvet. Imported fabrics were used in festive costume even wealthy peasants. Imported fabrics with gold threads are what Russian women and men always dreamed of in those days. These fabrics were quite expensive, but people in Russia have always lived richer than in other countries. And they never skimped on clothes and jewelry. For example, the robes of Russian princesses - look at what expensive outfits they are wearing.

Ball in the Winter Palace, dedicated to the Romanov dynasty. The photo shows a traditional dress in the Russian style of the 16th-17th century. 1903 St. Petersburg, Russia.

Costumes for the ball were created according to the sketches of the artist Sergei Solomko and with the involvement of folk costume consultants. They cost a fortune. They were sewn by the most famous masters of that time: Nadezhda Lamanova and the beloved fashion designer of the Empress August Brizak. Furs, fabrics, jewelry - the customers did not save on anything. These suits were the hallmark of their wealth.

Zinaida Nikolevna Yusupova dressed as a noblewoman. Also at the ball in the Winter Palace.

Also a certain princess at a ball in the Winter Palace. I don't know the name unfortunately

Have you noticed what expensive jewelry we see on the princesses? Chanel announced that it was she who introduced pearl beads into fashion, but she would not have held real pearl beads in her hands if not for the Russian prince Dmitry Pavlovich, who gave her the first pair of real pearl beads. In Russia, beads were worn long before Chanel announced that she had invented a pearl thread, even peasants had pearls. By the way, they lived quite prosperously, but more on that later. Russian aristocrats wore diamonds from 5 to 35 carats, it was considered decent, but it’s already a shame to have a smaller size. Smaller ramzer diamonds were used for cutting glass.

Prince Dmitry Pavlovich with Coco Chanel.

In Russia, they have always loved fur and glitter. And if these things were not there, then the person was considered not rich. It is not surprising that even today Russian women try to dress more effectively than women in other countries. This is due only to the demographic situation. According to official statistics, 45% of men account for 55% of women. That is, Russia lacks 17 million men. Therefore, women do everything to attract the attention of men through their clothes and makeup.

For example, in the 19th century short clothes makeup did not take root in Russia either. But the Europeans just wore short clothes. Foreigners amazed Russians with their sexuality. What was it expressed in? For example, wearing tights and men's cologts. In Russia, a man should not show anything, and a woman could bare her chest and shoulders a little, but no more. If you are at court, you must shine with natural beauty. The noblewomen adorned themselves with jewels, natural flowers and appreciated lace very much.

They loved French lace, also Vologda, Yelets and Mikhailov. Makeup was not used until the October Revolution. The exception is the era of Peter the Great, but more on that later. Only public women used make-up. By the way, St. Petersburg in 1914 was recognized as the most elegant capital in the world. It operated 200 fashion houses and another 100 in Moscow. After the October Revolution, for many years there were only two of them for each of the capitals.

Grand Duchess Tatiana Romanova of Russia in court dress.

Also Grand Duchess Tatiana Romanoff. Very delicate dress.

Grand Duchess Romanovs.

Of course, Europe had a huge influence on the Russian style. Or rather, even Peter the Great, who returned from Europe and issued, in my opinion, a terrible decree, which began to destroy the best examples of Russian culture.

Peter I forbade the nobles and townspeople to wear the old Russian costume on August 29, 1699, in January 1700 he ordered everyone to wear a dress in the manner of the Hungarian, in August - "all ranks to people", except for the clergy and arable peasants, to wear Hungarian and German dresses, and trousers (culottes). Subsequent decrees ordered the wearing of German dress on weekdays and French dress on holidays.

Portrait of Uncle Peter I - Lev Kirillovich Naryshkin in traditional Russian costume.

Peter I in a foreign outfit strikes home. Painting by N. Nevrev.

From January 1, 1701, women were also required to wear a European costume. Russian dress was forbidden to be produced and traded. Violators were threatened with fines, exile to hard labor with confiscation of property. Samples of European cut models were exhibited in the streets, poor people were given a reprieve to wear out old clothes, but since 1705, the entire urban population had to wear a new dress under the threat of a fine. The secrets of European tailors began to be mastered by Russian masters.

Accustomed to long and wide sundresses, to multi-layered outfits, now the girls had to put on a narrow European dress that opened their shoulders and chest. The corset could not be put on on its own - the lacing on the back of the girls was tightened by the maids, it was difficult to breathe and relax or bend the back in it. Out of habit, many ladies, being in a tight dress all day, fainted. In addition to the inconvenience, the corset was also unhealthy: in it, the body became vulnerable to stomach and lung diseases. However, overcoming torment, the noblewomen obeyed the trends of fashion - all the more, there was another way out with a strict decree.

Like a narrow corset, an integral part women's dress there was a very wide skirt, which, against the background of an elegant top, looked especially contrasting. In order for the skirts to keep their shape, frames were put on under them - fizhma. Such skirts, which came from Europe, were suitable for the warm French climate, but the Russian winter required more warm clothes, therefore, in the cold season, skirts were quilted with batting.

Like everything foreign, European outfits have taken root in Russia with some amendments, mainly dictated by the harsh climate. In addition to the aforementioned batting-quilted skirts, scarves, scarves and capes became an integral part of the wardrobe at that time. Women forced to wear dresses made of thin fabric with bare shoulders, arms and neckline, used these accessories more for warmth than for beauty. Around the same time, and for the same reason, stockings came into use - in everyday life, girls wore cotton or woolen ones, and wore silk ones during ceremonial exits.

After the death of Peter I, part of the urban population returned to pre-Petrine clothes - until the end of the 19th century. in the costume of the merchants and bourgeoisie, elements of traditional costume. Therefore, tailors specialized in either European or "Russian" dress.

And how did the peasants live and what can we say about their style?

As for the peasants, under Peter the changes in their clothes practically did not affect them: they still wore traditional clothes. A shirt, a sundress, a padded jacket, a fur coat - the wardrobe of women from the people remained the same as several centuries ago. European fashion came to the village only at the end of the 18th century.

Contrary to popular belief. The peasants lived quite prosperously, although at that time they were serfs. And passed down from generation to generation smart clothes. For example, a pearl kokoshnik. They loved a very red color: "Sew me a red sarfan, mother." They loved the combination of red and gold, and this combination is a traditional combination of empires, for example, as it was in the Roman and Chinese empires. Unlike nobles, peasant women loved makeup. Used crushed brick for lipsticks and beets for blush. The peasants looked very well-groomed and neat. Since it was a very cold winter, a terrible time, frosts down to -30. Therefore, the clothes had to be of high quality, not full of holes and warm. And not at all the one that can characterize some estate as “needless erratic”. Clothing helped the inhabitants of rural Russia not to freeze, to feel confident, and in the end, to survive and give birth to many children.

We can see this in photographs and in painting.

A young woman in a kokoshnik-collection and girls in headbands at a festival in the village of Nenoxa. Beginning of XX century. Photo by V.V. Suslova.

A young woman in a Kargopol kokoshnik. Second half of the 19th century. A collection of photographs of festive outfits of peasants in the northern provinces of Russia from the collection of V.P. Shabelskaya.

Bride's outfit in a korune headdress. Second half of the 19th century. A collection of photographs of festive attire of the peasants of the Northern provinces of Russia from the collection of V.P. Shabelskaya.

Old men. Ryazan province. 1910

Bogorodsk peasants of the Tula province. Photo by A. Karelin, 1870s.

Ivan Petrovich Argunov. Portrait of an unknown peasant woman in Russian costume. 1784.

Konstantin Makovsky Peasant lunch in the field.

Ivanov Sergey Vasilievich Family.

The October Socialist Revolution, which abolished the classes of the nobility and the bourgeoisie and approved the new social composition of society, inevitably influenced the formation of the fashion of the Soviet country, in which there was no longer room for luxurious toilets. Clothes became cheap and very simple. But this is a completely different topic and I don’t want to attribute it to the Russian style. This is a terrible time. The most difficult economic conditions, devastation, civil war that followed the revolution and the most brutal policy of war communism. People were simply dying of hunger, they were not able to get basic hygiene products and household items, what kind of fashion could we talk about. There were clothes that personified a harsh and ruthless time. It’s a pity that it all happened, everything collapsed, one of the reasons is the banal envy of Europeans in relation to wealth in Russia, the photos are excellent evidence, as it was, for example, in the village then and now.

Thank you for your attention!

World fashion trend recent years- Appeal to national traditions. Our designers do not lag behind and also actively use folk flavor in their models. Clothes in the Russian style today are not the lot of grandmothers from folklore ensembles, but part of the wardrobe of fashionistas. Today I will tell you in more detail how to create a trendy look and look elegant and feminine.

The Russian style of clothing makes reference to the national Russian costume. The characteristic features of the outfits are a simple free cut, natural fabrics, an abundance of decor in the form of embroidery, complex ornaments and bright colors. Clothing - loose undershirts, skirts and sundresses, men's blouses - comfortable and practical, ideal for a troublesome life. Outerwear for a harsh winter - a fur coat with fur inside, a caftan, a fur hat and a scarf.

History of appearance

At the beginning of the 20th century, with the Russian Seasons, Diaghilev opened a window to Russia for Europe, awakening the interest of Europeans in an unknown country. Then the wave of emigration after 1917 spilled the Russian intelligentsia (and not only) throughout Europe and even across the ocean. There, yearning for their homeland, the emigrants tried to compensate for the loss of Russian motives in clothing and everyday life.

Soon, Coco Chanel drew attention to clothes that were unusual for the European eye and, as they say, it started: Paul Poiret, Yves Saint Laurent, Kenzo and many others in their collections “cited” and continue to “quote” Russian flavor.

Models and styles

Fitting is not typical for the Russian style, clothing should not hinder movement and cause inconvenience, because female models characterized by a straight loose fit, high waist, long skirts and sundresses to the floor. Characteristic features are puffed sleeves, a turn-down or gathered collar with an elastic band. Clothing was decorated with hand embroidery, lace, ribbons and ribbons. All these details are used in modern patterns.


Various combinations with white are inherent in women's folk dress: white-blue, white-red, white-green, white-yellow or golden. Today, fashion designers in branded models are not limited to the usual combinations and create clothes from fabric that imitates Khokhloma, Gzhel, Zhostovo painting, and matryoshka painting.

However, some designers are of the opinion that restrained tones are more suitable for a Russian woman, because they keep their collections in the Russian style in soothing colors.

Who will suit

Properly selected feminine clothing in ethnic style will equally suit both young girls and accomplished ladies. In addition, characteristic floral prints perfectly hide the imperfections of the figure, which is ideal for full women.

How to dress

If you decide to dress in the national style, this does not mean at all that you need to put on a magnificent sundress and put a kokoshnik on your head. A few bright details are enough (shirt with embroidery on the collar, long skirt floral print, scarf, burlap bag) to diversify the familiar look.


Russian style is characterized by round fur hats in winter and scarves in the warmer season. A Pavloposad or Orenburg shawl will perfectly complement the look in any season, both as a headdress and as an accessory.


In addition to a scarf, as an addition, you can choose a belt for a dress or shirt, a canvas bag, a straw hat, a cape, stylized earrings and a necklace. For a harmonious look, you will need one or two accessories.

Where to wear

Wherever you wish! A spectacular dress with a print of a pavloposad shawl will be equally useful for every day and at a festive evening. Style sets almost no limits. Well, perhaps not all business negotiations can afford such beauty. Although a slight accent in the form of a scarf would be appropriate here, the main thing is to know when to stop.

What to combine

There are no trouser sets in the original women's suit, therefore, if you decide to strictly adhere to the Russian style in the image, choose a dress or a skirt as the main clothing.

If you decide to “play” a little with styles and choose trousers, stop at a narrow straight or cropped model, and put on a loose shirt with embroidery on top. And an accessory in the form of a bright scarf will go well with a strict office suit. Look at a selection of photos with the right combination of things:


To strictly maintain the style, choose shoes with low heels or wedges with a woven platform and a minimum of leather elements. Intricate woven sandals and slippers with floral embroidery will come in handy. Winter shoes- of course, boots, fortunately, now there are enough interesting and “shameless” models.

Manicure hair and makeup

In the old days, young ladies did not have such a variety of decorative cosmetics, therefore, in an ethnic image, naturalness and naturalness will come in handy: short manicure with neutral polish and nude shades in makeup. A recognizable feature of a Russian beauty is a tight braid, and if you are a happy owner lush hair, be sure to braid the braid with a ribbon.

If the braid is not destined to be, carefully collect the hair into a knot (loose beauty will not work for a beautiful girl) and decorate your head, for example, with a flower wreath.


Massive beads, heavy earrings in folk style, bracelets can be used as decoration. Hand-made accessories from natural materials: stone, straw, textiles, wood.

What not to wear

To maintain style, ditch the trousers, jeans and shorts, as well as high-heeled shoes - all this is knocked out of the original suit and knocks down accents. But if you decide to just dilute your usual look with an ethno-detail, this is not necessary.

When choosing clothes for the image, give preference to things made from natural fabrics: linen, silk, cotton, wool. Choose things not strictly according to the figure, but free cut. If you like a bright patchwork model - take it: patchwork is very Russian. If you have embroidery, give preference to one-color work.

Your main goal is to create a feminine and chaste image, so forget about skimpy outfits.

How to care for clothes

Since ethno-style implies practicality and natural fabrics, such clothes do not require special care, except for the standard one: periodic washing and ironing. Cotton and linen items are best ironed slightly damp, so you have to make less effort to smooth out wrinkles.

Fashionable ethnic style

Surely the brightest, most memorable, most colorful is. And not only because his range of outfit coverage is much greater than in any other, but also because ethno style is a style of good mood.

Briefly about historical facts

Ethnic style involves the use of various elements and items of clothing of national costumes. They pay attention to everything: not only individual items and their elements, but also materials, cut, accompanying shoes and accessories.

Indian classic women's outfit

Classical folk clothes from various countries (India, Russia, Egypt, Greece, etc.) are increasingly being used to create modern collections and fashionable bows.

fashion clothes in ethnic style

The main rules that designers adhere to when creating robes are giving maximum comfort and naturalness.

For the first time, ethnic style in clothing began to be promoted among hippies.

The hippie style in clothes is not just an image, it is a whole philosophy of life

It was quite normal to find Indian saris somewhere in the wilderness of Canada or painted fabrics and floral scarves in a modern city in the USA.

Similarly, various Greek, Russian and African motifs fell in love.

Greek ethno style

Ethnic style in clothes for the first time surprised from the podium in the 10s of the XX century. Exactly then famous designer P. Poiret showed the whole world an extraordinary collection of clothes in the East Asian style. As some say, his ethnic style was inspired by none other than the Scheherazade ballet.

Later, a collection with Slavic roots was also created, which was called "Kazan". A little later, at the age of 20-30, the unforgettable Coco Chanel also fell in love with the ethnic style and continued the work of Poiret: she created new Slavic collections.

Sketches of clothes in the Russian style from Chanel

The motives of hot Africa in the collections of fashion designers Philip Miller and Yves Saint Laurent amazed many.

Ethnic style by Yves Saint Laurent

The ethnic style of these masterpieces was reflected in the use of fringes, plant and animal designs, various turbans, headbands and prints in the form of mythological birds. Ethnic garments are increasingly appearing in fashion shows. The last of them were Balmain, Kenzo and Christian Dior.


The clothes of many designers here and there hide the echoes of the mysterious Ancient Egypt. First of all, this is expressed in a certain color scheme: white, blue, gold, turquoise and yellow.

Egyptian ethnic style involves the use of natural colors

As prints, they most often prefer to use various ancient hieroglyphs, geometric figures or images of the elements, pharaohs, symbols of Egypt (scarab beetles, lotus flowers, various deities and birds).

Ethnic style of Egypt - a variety of geometric shapes
American singer Rihanna in an ethnic Egyptian dress

Egyptian ethno style practically does not limit the choice of fabrics. Here you can safely choose linen, silk, fur and wool, leather and suede. And of the decorative elements, metal plates, embroidery and fringe are preferred.

A variety of women's tunics, floor-length dresses over one shoulder, richly decorated fabrics - this is how fashion dictated to women in those days.

The Egyptian style of clothing remained unchanged for more than one millennium.

Men also chose loose tunics and loose shirts, which were usually adorned under the bust or at the level of the hips.


Greek ethnic style is a bit similar to Egyptian. This fashion also includes loose-fitting items for both men (tunics, shirts, pants) and women (floor-length dresses or middle length). However, Greek fashion, in comparison with Egyptian, has become more elegant. Freedom and comfort remained, but at the same time some zest was added.

Greek classical fashion
Modern Greek style for men

If Egyptian fashion was focused on geometric shapes in cut, then in the Greek one can observe V-shaped necklines, as well as more feminine silhouettes of dresses. Of the main fabrics, light, translucent ones were preferred: chiffon, silk, some types of fine knitwear. Dresses made of such “flying” fabrics flowed beautifully over the figure and emphasized female silhouettes. From colors they tried to choose pastel colors, white, gold, blue, and from prints - drawings of plants and trees.


Russian traditional clothing holds a special place in the hearts of designers, especially for the abundant use of embroidered elements, buttons and colorful motifs.

There is a complete variety in the choice of fabrics: silk, linen, cotton, satin and velvet, cloth and even lace, which were additionally decorated with embroidery, beads, numerous stones, fur inserts and fringe.

Russian style of clothing embodies wealth and beauty

Russian fashion is full of colors: bright red, green, blue, brown, terracotta, black and gold - all these colors were actively used in clothes.

The golden color in clothes at all times enjoyed great recognition among women.

The golden color in clothes at all times enjoyed great recognition among women, it is not inferior in its popularity even now.Prints are dominated by geometric patterns, images of plants, flowers, birds and animals.

Real Slavic fashion - chaste beauty and folk traditions

It is this fashion that is known for its bell skirts, felt boots, colorful scarves, A-line sundresses, fur coats, men's shirts made of linen and cotton with ties on the chest, jackets and a variety of both short and elongated vests with luxurious fur elements and trim.

The harsh Russian winter makes fur the king of fashion collections

And all this was actively decorated with embroidered threads and gold elements, decorated with precious stones, beads and expensive fabrics (brocade, satin and velvet).

Russian jewelry can make any girl a real queen


Incredibly colorful and vibrant country. In it, not only the various clothes of women and men are bright, but also their most famous spices. in their own way bright colors compete with Russian.

Indian ethnic clothing is full of all the colors of the rainbow: pink, purple, red, gold, white, turquoise and orange.

Indian fashion has collected the richest colors

But, unlike many countries, each color in this country has its own meaning. The most popular pattern is paisley ("Indian cucumber"), as well as a variety of geometric ornaments, flowers and images of sacred animals. Since India is a fairly warm country, the most popular fabrics are linen, chiffon and silk.

Fashion in India is flying fabrics, rich jewelry and jewelry.

main feature- It's multi-layered. Like Egyptian fashion, Indian women's dresses are also present over one shoulder. At the same time, the piece of fabric that is worn on the shoulder is decorated the most. Often, all outfits for both women and men are elongated.

Indian classic outfit for a woman

Representatives of the stronger sex wear elongated button-down jackets and elongated shirts.

classical men's fashion in India

Indian fashion is a real rainbow of colors. At the same time, ethnic clothing does not make a clown out of a person, but gives grace and some mystery.


Roasts are known for their sand, coffee and milk, terracotta and white tones. To make some color accents, red, white and blue colors were sometimes added.

Africa is the scorching sun and bright outfits

African folk clothes are just a storehouse of numerous prints. It is almost impossible to find plain clothes in it: on each of them you will see a variety of drawings and patterns - the claws of animals, trees and stones, feathers and claws of birds.

African style is the most recognizable ethnic style in clothing and accessories.

Women's ethnic or folklore is quite diverse: sundresses, shorts and skirts of various lengths, tunics, short tops, blouses and swing cardigans.

African ethnic style of clothing and accessories attracts many women with its exoticism and originality, as well as a variety of variations.

Men's fashion in Africa involves wearing loose-fitting trousers and shorts, loose-sleeved shirts and jackets with various drapery and decor elements: fringe, stones, cord weaving, wooden and metal objects.

African fashion for men

African ethnic style has its own charm. Light fabrics, intricate patterns and accessories, which are made mainly from natural materials (amulets made of stones and fangs, various weaving of leather cords, wooden beads) have a certain magic and attractive primitiveness.

African style is the most exotic of all existing clothing styles.

Some things that bear the imprint of a particular culture, one way or another, are in the closet of every fashionista. There are a few simple recommendations that will allow you to combine modern trends with folk accents:

  • ethno style involves the use of those colors that are characteristic of a particular country or direction, for example: either these are geometric patterns of Egypt, or bright floral Slavic prints;
  • try not to combine some futuristic things with ethnic ones: pay attention to light fabrics and free, flowing lines;
  • sometimes just one item is enough to embody an ethnic trend: a light sari or sandy floor-length sundress with bright beads will create a unique image and charm;
  • accessories and shoes require special attention: woven leather and wooden sandals, open sandals and moccasins are popular, and among accessories there are various decorations that were inherent in a particular era.

The main feature of ethnic style clothing is the use of natural fabrics, bright colors and contrasting combinations.

Ethno does not lose its popularity. Famous world designers do not cease to delight with new collections. Their garments are inspired by Egyptian, Russian, Indian, Japanese, African and other cultures. Every year, at the next shows of world designers (John Galliano, Roberto Cavalli, etc.), new breathtaking ethnic clothes appear on the catwalks, which combine modern requirements and ancient traditions of a particular country.
