White clay hair masks at home. hair clay

Details Updated on 01/07/2016 06:23

Women in all ages have sought to preserve their youth and beauty. They used for this various means and substances that are popular today. White clay for hair used to be used not only as a mask, but it served as a shampoo and medicine at the same time.

Benefits of white clay for hair

White clay is one of the most affordable and inexpensive products that can be found in any pharmacy or cosmetic store. This natural remedy differs from expensive drugs in that it is natural and safe for any person. White clay contains a lot of mineral trace elements, salts, calcium, magnesium, zinc and other substances.

Clay for hair has various effects:

  • drying;
  • cleansing;
  • restoring;
  • gives shine;
  • removes excess greasiness of hair.

Clay - not only restores beauty to the hair, but also heals them and the skin on the head. It prevents the formation of dandruff, does not cause irritation, soothes the skin and cleanses it.

Application of white clay for hair

This natural material, which is very popular with many women. From it you can easily and quickly prepare various shampoos, masks, rinses at home. A clay hair mask is used when there are health problems or to prevent hair loss, dandruff, as well as to improve and enhance growth.

Preparing hair masks is very easy, but you need to remember a few points:

  1. The mask must be prepared a few minutes before use, because it can harden and lose all its properties;
  2. Do not store the finished mask in the refrigerator;
  3. To prepare the mask, you need to use only a decoction of herbs, milk or mineral water;
  4. Clay should be diluted only with warm water and to the consistency of sour cream.

The clay that will be used to prepare the mask should only be purchased from a pharmacy, because the one that can be found in the country is unsuitable for use. The powder can be stored for many years without losing its healing properties . It is best to dilute the powder in a specialized ceramic container using wooden spatulas, because metal spatulas and plates are not suitable.

white clay hair mask recipe

A white clay mask can be used not only for normal and dry hair, but also for oily ones.. It will give your hair shine and a healthy look. If the hair is dry and weakened, then a regenerating mask can be prepared for them. To do this, you need to boil water, cool it a little and dilute the white clay until a slurry is obtained.

Before applying the mask to the hair, you need to moisturize them, apply the product, and then wrap your head with a film and a warm towel. You need to keep such a mask for about an hour, and then wash it off several times, dry your hair with a towel and apply burdock or jojoba oil on them. To restore hair, such a mask should be done every week for 2-3 months.

If it is necessary to accelerate hair growth, then in this case, you can prepare a mask from clay and other ingredients.

To prepare it, you need to prepare:

  • egg yolk;
  • melted butter - 1 tsp;
  • 1 tsp liquid honey;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • white clay - 1 tsp

All ingredients must be combined and mixed very thoroughly, but the mask should not be too liquid. If it turned out not like sour cream, then in this case you need to add a little clay.

The mask should be applied to wet hair with massage movements, paying special attention to the root zone. When everything is ready, you need to wrap your head with a film and a towel. White clay should be on the hair for about 30 minutes, and then it is washed off and any strengthening agent or oil is applied.

The use of white clay to strengthen and restore hair is used in many recipes.. If the hair is split, then in this case, you can combine two tablespoons of clay with the same amount of milk and sea buckthorn. The berries need to be crushed, mix everything, apply for 20 minutes on the hair, and then rinse.

Video recipe: White clay mask for normal to oily hair

To strengthen hair and prevent hair loss, you can prepare a strengthening mask of 50 grams of clay, juice squeezed from half a lemon and a small amount boiled water. All ingredients should be transferred to a ceramic cup and mixed well, and then applied to the hair for 30-40 minutes. You can use this mask 2 times a week, but not more often.

Hair treatment with white clay at home

The healing properties of white clay have been known for many centuries. It easily dries up various wounds and lesions on the skin, relieves itching. In addition, white clay masks can be used in other cases:

  1. When the hair does not grow and falls out.
  2. Dandruff and skin irritation appear.
  3. If the hair is very weak and constantly split.
  4. When the hair is oily.

Clay masks can be used by almost all people, but there are contraindications. If there are very large injuries on the head, or if there are fungal or infectious diseases, then clay masks cannot be used.

Due to the fact that white clay easily and quickly removes all dirt and cleanses the skin, it allows you to get rid of excess oily hair, as excess sebum is removed from the sweat glands and the skin begins to breathe, but the hair becomes beautiful and shiny.

If the hair is dry and split, then in this case it is best to choose the mask recipe, which includes not only clay, but also other components that will not only cleanse the skin and hair, but also saturate them with useful trace elements that are necessary for full growth .

White clay is an ideal remedy for every woman who wants to look beautiful, young, stylish and fit. Using ordinary clay, you can save on expensive cosmetic procedures and preserve the beauty and youth of the skin and hair. With the help of clay, various diseases can be cured and hair can be shiny, healthy and attractive. Take care of your hair!

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Girls dream of having beauty not only in their 20s and 30s. We all try to maintain excellent condition of hair and skin for decades. Some turn to beauty salons, where they are provided professional care, others are limited to home procedures. You can independently carry out various scalp massages, scrubs or masks. Today, clay hair masks are more popular. What it is, the rules for their implementation, which one to choose - you will learn further.

A person who is uninitiated in home care for curls cannot even imagine that a SPA procedure can be carried out from improvised means in an ordinary apartment. Clay hair mask is just that . It is a material that is 100% natural. In addition to its usefulness, the procedure is very pleasant for the scalp.

  • nutrition of the scalp and strands;
  • the appearance of shine;
  • creation of additional volume;
  • decrease in the activity of the sebaceous glands (indispensable for owners oily hair);
  • strengthening the roots;
  • the growth of curls is accelerated at times;
  • dandruff disappears;
  • scalp irritation stops.

Benefits of using white clay: you do not need to look for it in a remote store or order it online. This is a very affordable product that is sold in every pharmacy. The price varies from 15r to 50r. It is very budget-friendly compared to store-bought masks.

Division of clay by color

  • Green. For curls, this remedy is most effective. It is ideal for oily hair and those on which dandruff often occurs. It does the best job of cleansing the scalp and relieving itching from irritating factors. external environment. The composition of the substance includes silver, zinc and magnesium. In addition to the above benefits, it additionally strengthens the hair follicles and reduces sebum secretion.
  • blue. For some reason, this particular type is most popular among girls. For those who want to grow curls below the waist, it is undoubtedly worth resorting to blue. It prevents hair loss and activates dormant bulbs. Additionally, with frequent use of a hair dryer or ironing, the strands become brittle and lifeless - the mineral element will restore the former shine and prevent brittleness. The composition of the substance includes iron, aluminum, silicon and other elements.
  • Gray. Unlike green, which is suitable for oily hair, this one should be used on hair prone to dryness with increased brittleness. If you want to restore strands after the hot sun and salt water, make a mask with gray clay. The hair will delight you with brilliance and former strength. Additionally, the substance will moisturize the entire length of the hair and cure split ends.
  • Pink and red. If you want to add volume to your hair and make your thin strands more “strong”, choose this look. For those who have high skin sensitivity, red should be added to the masks. For example, after a burn after applying a mask with mustard or red pepper tincture, perm or from using poor quality hair dye. Pink restores pH balance and improves blood circulation.
  • yellow. Suitable for effective cleansing of the scalp and eliminates dandruff, preventing a new appearance.
  • White. Helps restore damaged hair structure, creates additional volume, adds shine, moisturizes, activates dormant follicles and prevents hair loss. This is not surprising, since it contains many "building" substances. Further in our article, masks using this particular type are given.

masks from white clay

The amount of useful substance directly depends on the length and volume of your hair. Therefore, the figures given should be increased if your length is below the shoulder blades, or reduced with a length of 10-20 cm.

Basically, all masks boil down to the fact that the required volume of dry clay is diluted with liquid. The consistency should be similar in thickness to sour cream. Separately, you should pay attention to the liquid that you add. It can be either ordinary tap water or boiled water. The latter option is more acceptable. Can be mixed with burdock oil. The effect of the mask will double. The oil also comes with a variety of additives, which are chosen depending on your problem. You can also prepare a decoction of herbs (nettle, mint, dandelion, etc.). Add a few drops of essential oils to the mask to strengthen and shine your hair. A bonus will be a pleasant aroma even after washing the curls.

The duration of the procedure should not exceed 60 minutes. Many sources write that more time allows you to improve the structure of the strands. This is wrong. Useful substances will not penetrate even deeper. You may only get skin irritation.

After applying, be sure to cover your hair with a bag. Wrap a towel over your head or put on a warm hat for warmth. This will allow useful elements to penetrate deeper into the curl and increase the result.

Advice: before applying the mask, heat it in a water bath.

So, the mask is applied and the time is up. Wash it off several times. To do this, it is better to buy an inexpensive shampoo. Lather the shampoo well for the first time, washing off the bulk of the clay. Wash away. Apply the shampoo a second time and massage your scalp. This activates the heated hair follicles. Your hair will thank you accelerated growth. To make sure that the strands are completely washed, it is better to apply shampoo a third time. After washing, use a balm for your hair type.

Advice: do not apply balm to the roots. If you do this, there is a high probability that oily sheen will appear by the evening of the next day. You don't need it.

Hold for 5-10 minutes and rinse off. Ideally, for shine and strengthening curls, rinse with a decoction of herbs.

Attention: daily application of the mask will lead to frequent washing hair. Accordingly, the hair will get used to it. And after a while, you will have to wash your hair daily.

Advice: let the strands dry on their own after the mask, without using a hair dryer or iron.

Masks by purpose of use

  1. For oily hair:
  • in a ratio of 2: 1 clay and vinegar + water (to a state of sour cream)
  • in the ratio 2:1 clay + lemon juice + 1-2 cloves minced garlic + water.

Attention: garlic will give your curls an indescribable aroma. To avoid it, apply colorless henna to your hair after washing off the mask. This will neutralize the odor.

  • in ratio 2:2:1 clay + honey + olive oil
  • 1st warm beer + 100g clay
  1. For dry hair:

in the ratio 1:1:1 clay + honey + olive oil + ripe avocado (mashed into porridge)

  1. For hair loss:

in ratio 2:1:1 clay + lemon juice + honey + 1 egg yolk

  1. To accelerate growth:

1 crushed pepper (vegetable) + 1:2 clay + kefir

  1. To get rid of dandruff:

2:1 ratio clay + apple cider vinegar + 1 egg yolk

  1. For resuscitation of damaged:
  • in a ratio of 1: 1 clay + castor / burdock oil + 1 tsp honey + 1 tsp. lemon juice
  • 1:1 ratio clay + coconut oil (pre-melted)
  1. To add shine:
  • in ratio 1:1:1 clay + honey + castor/olive oil
  • 1 cup warm milk + 2 tbsp honey + ½ sachet of clay (use as a mask or apply after shampooing as a balm)
  • 2 tablespoons black / green tea (pre-brewed in a glass and cooled to room temperature) + 100g clay

Attention: a mask with the addition of black tea is not suitable for blondes. This may darken the color. Brunettes - on the contrary, will enhance the coloring pigment.

Advice: coconut or burdock oil guarantees you silky curls, radiance, nutrition and restoration of the structure. If desired, you can mix the elements yourself without adding clay.

So, let's summarize the use of white clay hair mask:

  • the amount of dry clay directly depends on the length and volume of your hair;
  • stir with a decoction of herbs, burdock oil, water (preferably boiled) and with the addition of essential oils - the effect will be several times better;
  • the temperature of the mixture should reach body temperature or slightly higher (heat in a water bath);
  • after application, put on a hat or wrap your head with a towel;
  • the duration of the procedure should not exceed 60 minutes;
  • rinse 3 times, apply balm and rinse with herbal decoction;
  • the frequency of procedures is 2-3 per week, it is possible every 2 days (NOT MORE MORE).

White clay can be used not only in masks, but also when washing your hair and rinsing with the addition of clay to the water.

For rinsing with white clay:

Pour 2 tbsp into a container. water (preferably boiled) + 1 tbsp clay. Rinse your hair. Leave on 20-30 minutes. Rinse with shampoo.

Washing hair with the addition of white clay:

in the ratio 1:1:1 clay + water + apple cider vinegar. Try to rub the mask into the skin on your head. Massage duration up to 10 minutes(if possible). Wash off with warm/cool water. Rinse with a decoction of herbs, if desired, apply a balm to wet hair.

We examined what clay is. You have decided which look is right for you depending on the purpose of using the masks (repair, cleansing, shine). We learned that clay is suitable not only for adding to the mask, but for rinsing and washing hair.

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(kaolin) is a miraculous gift of nature, which has found wide application in cosmetology.

The key to the popularity of this natural product act unique mineral composition, a complex of healing properties and a penny cost.

Many have heard about the use of a substance for skin care on the face, however, white clay has shown itself well as a remedy. for hair care.

The secret of benefit white clay for hair lies in the balanced composition of this substance. The product includes mineral salts, nitrogen, zinc, magnesium, potassium, calcium and other healing trace elements.

Components of white clay carefully looked after behind the hair and allow you to eliminate the most common problems.

Clay of white varieties has a number of useful properties:

  • deeply cleanses the pores on the scalp thereby increasing the flow of oxygen and nutrients;
  • acts as a building material for hair, which helps to increase the density of the hair and strengthen it;
  • characterized by drying ability, due to which it normalizes the production of sebum;
  • has good antimicrobial properties, thanks to which it helps to fight diseases of the scalp - seborrhea and dandruff;
  • hypoallergenic, well tolerated.

Abilities of white clay make it possible to use it in the care of hair of all types. Dry, brittle, dull and split ends under its influence become strong and shiny, oily - get rid of excess greasiness and keep their cleanliness longer after shampooing.

Contraindications for use

White clay is good because the number of contraindications to its use is minimal. Her should not be used if:

  • individual intolerance to the product or its individual components, or with hypersensitivity;
  • extensive and serious damage in the area of ​​application;
  • diseases of the scalp of fungal or infectious etiology.

Before using the product for the first time recommended to test for allergies: dilute a little clay with water and apply on the inside of the elbow, hold for 20 minutes and rinse, follow the reaction of the skin in this area for a day. If there is redness, itching and other side effects, then it is better to refrain from using the product.

Rules for the use of white clay for hair

White clay is now included in many cosmetics. Its home use occurs more often in the form of various medical masks, which can consist either exclusively of white clay, or with the addition of other useful impurities to it.

Clay is purchased in cosmetic stores or pharmacies. Product found in the wild for this purpose not suitable- due to the possibility of containing in its composition harmful substances and pathogenic bacteria.

The basic clay mask is prepared as follows prescription-instructions:

  1. The mask is prepared in glass, ceramic or plastic dishes - metal does not fit. For mixing, use a wooden spatula or spatula.
  2. 2-3 teaspoons of the product are diluted with warm water to a creamy state.

Cannot be used for breeding hot water- white clay may lose its beneficial properties. Cold is also not allowed - the substance will not dissolve in it, the mask will not give the desired result. An alternative to water can be herbal decoctions, mineral water, warm milk.

  1. Another component is added to the clay, if the recipe requires it.
  2. The resulting mass is distributed evenly over the entire length of the hair, rubbed, if necessary, into the scalp.
  3. They put on a cap made of polyethylene, or wrap the head with cling film, then wrap it with a towel - to enhance the result.
  4. The recommended time for the mask to be on the head is from half an hour to 40 minutes.
  5. The mixture is washed off with warm water, using a small amount of shampoo.
  6. The recommended interval for using white clay masks per week is 1-2 times if the problems are significant; 2-3 times a month - for preventive purposes.

White clay does not lose its properties over time and is suitable for long-term storage. The only requirement is a place protected from moisture. You can store kaolin in its original packaging, but it is best to use clean and dry ceramic, enamel or wooden utensils for this purpose.

Recipes for masks for different hair types


clay masks applicable to hair of all types, it is enough just to adjust their composition by adding the necessary components. The result from their use noticeably manifests itself after several procedures.

For hair growth. A simple mask consisting of 50 g of white clay diluted in warm mineral water. Clay gruel is distributed over the hair, kept for about 30-40 minutes, and then washed off. The procedure can be repeated 1-4 times a week. Instead of mineral water, it is also possible to use decoctions of medicinal herbs: nettle, calendula, rosemary, calamus (root), tansy.

To strengthen. The mask is prepared from 1 sachet of kaolin (about 30-50 g), juice of half a lemon and water in an amount sufficient to obtain a creamy consistency. A slurry is made from lemon juice and clay, water is added. The method of applying the mixture is identical to using the basic clay hair mask (see instructions). The recommended frequency per week is no more than 2 times.

For oily hair. The procedure helps to cope with dandruff and excessive oiliness of the hair. Ingredients: clay - 2 tablespoons, garlic - 2 cloves, apple cider vinegar - 2 tablespoons, water - until the consistency of sour cream. Garlic is passed through a garlic press or fine grater. Kaolin is diluted with water, the remaining components are added. The mask is kept on the hair for no more than 20 minutes; followed by thorough rinsing. Frequency of use per week - 1-2 times.

For dry hair. For dry hair, it is useful to use a basic clay mask recipe with the addition of or. You can also advise the following recipe: 1 tablespoon of kaolin is mixed with 2 tablespoons of kefir and 1 piece of medium-sized bell pepper chopped in a blender. The residence time of the mask on the hair is 30 minutes. The frequency of use per week is 1-2 times.

Hair Wash Recipes

Clay mask can be successfully used not only in the form of masks, but also instead of shampoo for hair, especially if they are greasy and get dirty quickly. White clay absorbs sebum and dirt well.

For cooking masses for washing the head 3 tablespoons of white clay should be mixed with 4 tablespoons of warm water or herbal decoction, add apple cider vinegar to the resulting mixture in a similar amount of water.

Mass rub into the skin, apply along the entire length of the curls and do a light head massage for about 2-3 minutes. The hair is then washed with warm water, if necessary, a conditioner is used. Washing ends with repeated rinsing of the hair with the addition of lemon juice or herbal decoction.

The use of clay for styling

A fashionable trend in modern cosmetology is the use of hair styling clay. This method is popular with both women and men. Clay for styling is good because:

  • visually makes hair denser, emphasizes their structure;
  • securely fixes the hair and allows you to achieve any of its designs;
  • gives hair elasticity;
  • creates the required volume.

Little minus laying agent based on natural clay is that this mixture is almost impossible to prepare at home on your own. However, the cosmetic market comes to the rescue, providing a huge range of ready-made products.

White clay is an environmentally friendly natural remedy widely used in cosmetology.

It is mined in China, Bulgaria and Ukraine. Clay of this type can be both pure white and grayish in color: this does not affect it in any way. medicinal properties. For hair, white clay is used as part of shampoos, balms and masks. The latter are easy to perform and completely safe. The effect of the application is noticeable after the first procedure!

Chemical composition

Another name for white clay is kaolin. Its color is completely determined by the composition, which includes:

  • silicon oxide in two modifications;
  • alumina;
  • zinc.

Also present in small quantities:

  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium.

The main active ingredient of kaolin is silicon dioxide, or silica. It is able to replenish the deficiency of silicon in the skin and hair. Silicon monoxide creates a slightly alkaline environment in clay ( pH=7-8). This allows you to destroy pathogens that can live and multiply only in a slightly acidic environment.

Aluminum oxide has a high hygroscopicity, which, in combination with silicon oxides, makes kaolin a powerful absorbent.

Beneficial features

Experts in bioenergetics believe that the unique healing properties of kaolin are due to the wavelength of vibrations, which is equal to eight meters. This corresponds to the wavelength of vibrations of a healthy human cell. During procedures using kaolin, sick and tired cells begin to “pull up” to the standard. For this reason, the effect of using the product becomes noticeable immediately. Also, white clay has the following useful properties:

  • neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals;
  • absorbs toxins and toxins from the scalp, thereby healing the hair follicles.
  • promotes hair regeneration along the entire length, stimulates their growth.
  • creates a natural protective film on the hair, giving it smoothness and healthy shine.
  • exhibits antiseptic and bactericidal properties.

White clay can also be used as an extremely gentle scalp scrub to remove dandruff.

It is noticed that kaolin enhances the therapeutic effect of synthetic drugs. For this reason, after applying masks with this product, it is recommended to use a variety of balms and rinses of industrial production.

Application of white clay

For the treatment and improvement of hair at home, white clay is mainly used in the form of masks, although the cosmetic industry produces great amount a variety of shampoos, balms, scrubs and rinses with this miraculous remedy.

Masks from this clay suitable for any hair. Given the strong absorbent and drying effect of kaolin, owners of dry split ends should definitely add cosmetic or essential oil to the mask.

Do not use clay, mined independently. Pathogenic microbes and viruses can get into it from the soil. Also, when preparing masks from this clay, metal objects should not be used.


The procedure is carried out in three stages:

  1. take 15 g of dry powder of white clay (for long hair you need to take a larger amount);
  2. pour not big amount warm water (temperature - 40 degrees), rubbed. Additional components are added to the resulting mass, thoroughly mixed.
  3. Apply the mask first on the scalp, then distribute it along the entire length of the hair. The head is wrapped with cling film, and on top - with a warm towel.

The duration of the session is half an hour.

Indications for the use of kaolin

  • weakening and hair loss;
  • fragility and dull color;
  • dandruff;
  • slow growth.

Masks with white clay can also be used for seborrhea. Although they are not a complete remedy, they can remove or alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of this disease.

Hair masks

For oily and normal hair, you can do it once a week classic mask. To do this, it is enough to dilute the clay powder with melt water and apply the resulting mass to the hair. It is recommended to wash off the mask with warm water. After the session, a balm can be applied to wet hair.

Such a procedure must be done to activate hair growth, strengthen them and protect them from adverse environmental factors once every ten days for four months.

For dry and lifeless hair in the clay mass you need to add 10 ml of wheat germ oil and five drops essential oil patchouli. You can wash off the mask with any suitable shampoo. Balm and conditioner in this case should not be used. This mask will make your hair shiny, elastic and obedient, they will acquire splendor and a healthy look.

For oily seborrhea instead of water, it is recommended to take a decoction of oak bark, which has an antimicrobial effect. Then five drops of fennel essential oil are added to the mask. Already after the first procedure, painful itching will disappear, a feeling of cleanliness and freshness will appear. You need to wash off the mask with shampoo, then you can rinse your hair with a decoction of oak bark or St. John's wort. When applying the mask, dandruff will disappear after four sessions, the frequency is once every ten days.

To relieve symptoms of dry seborrhea for breeding white clay take a decoction of plantain. Then the mass is mixed with a tablespoon of burdock oil and three drops of clove essential oil are added. Wash off the mask with shampoo. There is no need to rinse your hair after washing. The recommended frequency of the procedure is once a week.

To strengthen weakened hair, especially after a long illness, after diluting the clay with water, you can add raw chicken yolk. Apply this mask only on the scalp. Wash off with cool water and shampoo. After washing, it is recommended to use a suitable rinse aid.

At oily skin head and dry ends of hair 5 ml of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar are added to the classic mask. Wash off with plenty of warm water and apply a balm. This mask can be used once a week instead of shampoo for a long period of time. It normalizes sebum secretion and creates protection for dry hair, giving it shine, manageability and extra volume.

Very greasy hair you can wash every five days with the following composition:

  • 10 g of kaolin;
  • 5 g dry mustard;
  • 20 ml of water.

After thorough mixing, the mixture must first be applied to the skin, gently massaging, and then distributed through the hair. Wash off 10 minutes after the start of the procedure with plenty of warm water.

This recipe not only normalizes the sebaceous glands and improves appearance hair, but also promotes the regeneration of hair follicles. Six months after the start of application, the hair will become noticeably thicker.

Contraindications: what side effects can occur?

White clay has no serious contraindications for use. When using, you should take into account its strong absorbent capacity, which can lead to excessive dryness of the scalp. In this case, the mask should be enriched with cosmetic and essential oils.

When using additional ingredients for a mask with kaolin, it is imperative to test for an allergic reaction before the procedure.

Beautiful and healthy hair are an indicator good relationship to yourself. Regular use of white clay hair masks will make them shiny, obedient and lush, activate growth, relieve dandruff and itching.

Have you thought about what our ancestors washed their hair with? After all, shampoo as a detergent is not even 150 years old. Nevertheless, ancient statues and paintings by Renaissance painters demonstrate that women of that time had luxurious hair. How did they take care of them? Lye - the basis of any soap - was already known then. But this chemical removes more than just dirt and grease. Because of its aggressive effect on the body, lye was rarely used. And the role of the ordinary detergent for the hair he performed ashes. It was mixed with other ingredients, mainly of plant origin, that cared for the curls. And despite the fact that in the old days the length female hair reached the knees and even the ankles, no one had split ends! Clay has no less restoring effect than ash on the strands. Not every, of course, but cosmetic. In this article, we will tell you what clay is for hair masks. What problems can be solved with these spa treatments?

Clays - what are they?

Basically, this healing component, bestowed on us by nature itself, is distinguished by color. But the shade of clay is influenced by its origin (sedimentary or volcanic), as well as its constituent substances. It is the minerals that give clay its color. White, yellow, pink, red, gray, blue, green, black - almost the full spectrum! Based on the mineral composition, different clay for hair masks has a certain effect on curls. And clay is good not only for hair. It is widely used in cosmetology as face masks, as well as in medicine as applications for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin diseases, arthritis and arthrosis. But back to hair care. Different kinds clays treat oily seborrhea, dandruff, fight hair loss, excessive dryness, split ends, irritation of the scalp. It is easy to buy this cosmetic product. It is sold as pure form, and as part of ready-made masks. Which one to choose?

How to use clay hair mask?

You can even have a pleasant spa treatment for curls at home. You just need to make sure that the clay for hair masks you choose is suitable for you personally and will not cause allergic reactions. To do this, the composition is first applied to the inner bend of the elbow or wrist. If there are no unpleasant sensations (itching, redness, burning), you can proceed to the procedure. You should first wash your hair and pat your curls with a towel. Clay must be diluted with warm water to a state of slurry of medium density. There are recipes where other ingredients are involved in the mask. Recipes for such compounds will be given below. The mask is first applied to the wet roots of the strands. Lightly rub into the scalp. Then a thin layer of the mask is applied along the entire length of the hair, not forgetting the tips. You must wear a plastic cap on your head. It will prevent the product from drying out quickly. It will be even better if you wear a terry towel over the shower cap. After all, if the hair is warmed up, the effect of the mask will increase. So you have to wait about twenty minutes. Do not keep a clay mask on your hair for more than half an hour. Then the product must be washed off - without shampoo and soap, just warm water. Then you should rinse your hair with an infusion of herbs or a solution of lemon juice / vinegar. Let the curls dry this time naturally without using a hair dryer.

How often can you use a clay mask?

This is a very pleasant procedure. Hair after it really changes. The volume of hair increases, dandruff and other problems disappear. But do not abuse this spa treatment. Clay for hair masks is good when it is used no more than once a week. And if you do not have pronounced problems, then for the prevention and basic care of curls it will be enough to apply it twice a month. You can alternate clays using different masks. So the body will not get used to the components of the cosmetic product.


Soapstone, keffekilite or simply kil, is the name of blue clay. Hair masks with it can be made both with plain water and with the addition of other components. The blue color of this clay is due to cadmium and cobalt. The composition also includes phosphates of potassium, calcium, aluminum, iron and magnesium. Blue clay is mainly used to prevent hair loss. It normalizes metabolism and improves blood circulation in the scalp. With its help, you can get rid of all forms of seborrhea. But it should be noted that blue clay is more suitable for oily hair. And if you have dry and brittle strands, you need to include additional components in the mask. Here is the recipe for this mixture. Dilute three tablespoons of blue clay with warm water to a thick slurry. Add honey. If it is thick, it needs to be steamed. Add a tablespoon of honey and a few drops of fresh lemon juice to the mask. And the owners of curls prone to fat content can dilute the keel mineral water and apple cider vinegar.

This substance also has an incredibly rich mineral composition. A beautiful emerald shade of clay is given by copper, gold, zinc, silver, magnesium, cobalt and calcium. A mask from such a main component normalizes metabolic processes in the scalp, strengthens the follicle. But the most important property of green clay is to eliminate pollution and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Along the way, it helps to overcome seborrhea, relieves itching. What needs to be done to get a mask for oily hair? Clay (one tablespoon) is mixed with the same amount of milk powder. Powders are ground to a homogeneous state. Instead of water, we dilute the dry ingredients in two tablespoons of mayonnaise. At the end, add some lemon juice. With a mask, you need to sit for 20-30 minutes, thoroughly warming your head. Naturally, to wash off the mayonnaise and cream, you will need shampoo.

gray clay

This is sedimentary material. Moreover, gray clay is mined in the sea, in the shelf. It has regenerating, moisturizing and toning properties. Therefore, gray clay masks are suitable for those whose hair is damaged by thermal styling, perms or long exposure to the sun. The spa treatment will not only moisturize the curls, make them shiny, filled with vitality, but also restore dehydrated and dry scalp. It would be nice to connect a nutritious one to the earth component. And what moisturizes curls better than fermented milk products? Clay + kefir (hair mask) is very easy to prepare. Half a glass of yogurt or other high-fat fermented milk product requires one and a half tablespoons of an earthy component. And add a little more liquid honey. Again, apply the mask to damp, unwashed hair, and wash it off with shampoo.


Rare white clay is used not only for the manufacture of fine Chinese porcelain. For hair, kaolin masks are very useful, because this substance is rich in silica, magnesium, zinc and potassium. The composition of white clay is such that after contact with it, the curls become strong, shiny, filled with vital energy. Kaolin is used when they want to give volume to thin, faded and sparse hair. But the mask with white clay regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, prevents excessive secretion. Therefore, it is desirable to apply it to owners of oily hair. White clay strengthens follicles, heals split ends. If you want to quickly grow curls, also use white clay. It is no exaggeration to say that it suits everyone. And the desired effect (drying or moisturizing) is achieved with the help of related components. Here is a recipe for a mask for overall hair health. Grind sweet pepper without seeds in a blender. We mix two parts of this puree with the same amount of kefir and one part of kaolin.

yellow clay

The sunny color is given to silica by potassium and iron. It also contains silicon dioxide and manganese. The main distinguishing feature of yellow clay is its cleansing, bacteriological properties. It removes toxins, saturates the scalp and follicles with nutrients. Yellow hair clay is also used to effectively combat dandruff. Masks (reviews are unanimous in this) help to cope with seborrhea in a few sessions. To prepare the gruel, you need to take two tablespoons of clay and dilute it with a decoction of chamomile (for blondes) or nettle (for brunettes) to the desired consistency. Then you should add the yolk to the mask and a little apple cider vinegar. Stir until smooth, apply gruel to the root zone. Warm the head and hold for half an hour or forty minutes. After you need to wash your hair with shampoo. Be sure to use a balm after clay masks - the strands become stiff. You need to rinse the curls with the rest of the decoction of herbs.

red clay

Copper and iron oxide combined with silica give the mineral such an interesting hue. And if manganese is also present in the clay, it acquires a purple color. If you are allergic and not quite sure if the clay hair masks listed here are right for you, feel free to choose the red kind of silica. It will definitely not cause any unwanted reactions. Not only that: red clay and masks from it are prescribed for psoriasis, eczema of the scalp and seborrheic dermatitis. Such spa treatments also help those who have problems after painting or perm. For allergy sufferers, in order not to tempt fate, it is recommended to simply mix the clay with mineral water. You can also dilute the powder with bread kvass.

pink clay

This view is doubly useful. After all, it mixed the positive properties of red and white clay. Therefore, it can be used by allergy sufferers. Since this species has a disinfectant property, it can be taken as an ally in the fight against dandruff. And if you need an express repair of damaged hair, pink clay for hair can come in handy. Masks with it are suitable for weakened, dull, brittle and dry strands. In this case, you can dilute clay with kefir or yogurt. And if you want to strengthen your hair roots and prevent hair loss, try the following recipe. Mix pink clay and colorless henna in a ratio of 2 to 1. Add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and water to get the consistency of gruel. The mask must be distributed over the entire length of the curls. Warm your head and hold it for half an hour. And then wash your hair with shampoo, not forgetting the conditioner.

Black clay for hair

Masks from this type are often used for cleansing. Black Moroccan clay is rich in iron and carbon compounds. It perfectly absorbs dirt and sebaceous secretions, so it is used for oily hair and in case of dandruff. It also relieves inflammation, but since it has abrasive properties, such masks should be used with caution. In cosmetology, Moroccan clay is valued as a peeling. It is also used to combat cellulite. If you want to use black clay as part of a hair mask (after all, the curls after it become clean and without greasy sheen), mix it with some smoothing ingredients - for example, oils.

Universal Recipes

Having tried at least once such a spa treatment, you will no longer be able to refuse it. After all, there are many recipes for masks with clay. And they can be alternated to achieve one effect or another. In any kind of clay there is silica (about 75%). This substance strengthens the roots, accelerates the growth of strands, and also absorbs dirt. To nourish the curls, there is a clay + honey hair mask. It also accelerates the growth of strands. These two components can be diluted with water or herbal decoction to a state of slurry. And if you have dry hair, mix egg yolk and a spoon into the mask. sea ​​buckthorn oil. Mayonnaise as a component will make your hair look like laminated. Dairy products will moisturize curls. Colorless henna will strengthen the roots and protect the hair from falling out.
