How to clean a coat - simple and effective ways and methods to remove stains. Wool coat: dry cleaning methods How to clean a wool blend coat at home

For owners of such a coat, you should get a special roller with a sticky surface so that you can easily collect hair, small debris, or possibly pet hair without any problems.

Sticky roller for cleaning clothes

You can also use a solution of warm water and special means for wool, you can add a few drops of ammonia. With a cotton swab dipped in this solution, wipe the places that are dirty.

Attention! Remember that before using any drug, try it on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tissue so as not to suddenly damage anything.

You can clean a woolen coat with soapy water:

  • take any hair shampoo or detergent;
  • add water and shake until foam appears;
  • apply a thin layer of foam on the surface of the coat and wait 30 minutes;
  • then remove all moisture from the coat, first with a damp and then with a dry cloth;
  • then dry the coat at room temperature.

Before you start cleaning your wool coat, you need to. If it is indicated that you can use "Dry Cleaning", then calmly get to work.

To dry clean your wool coat yourself:

  • lay out the thing on a horizontal surface;
  • spread over the surface washing powder and leave for 30 minutes;
  • then brush off the powder with a soft, long bristle brush;
  • then iron it on a hanger or a mannequin with an iron with a steamer and dry it.

Everything, dry cleaning of a woolen coat is finished.

You decided to wash, but are afraid to harm? What to do? And there is nothing wrong with that. It is enough to remember that when washing woolen things you need a lot of water, and it should be no more than 35 degrees. Also remember, you can not use any preparations with chlorine. You just immediately get rid of the woolen thing.

  1. You need to wash without soaking, but the powder must be well dissolved in water before washing. Instead of the usual powder, you can take a liquid or the simplest shampoo.
  2. Remember, the main thing is that woolen things need to be rinsed very well.
  3. Do not rush to squeeze it. Leave for an hour in the bathroom or basin so that it is glass. You can also wrap it in a towel and press firmly, so the water will quickly leave.
  4. You also need to dry it, after decomposing it so that every detail is in its place.

How to iron a wool coat

How to iron a wool coat?

It happens that a woolen coat needs to be ironed, but you do not know how? Remember, this must be done when wet, set the iron to mode 2 for wool and iron through a clean cloth.

How to clean coat stains

Sometimes it happens that a stain may appear on your favorite coat: some drink has been spilled, someone accidentally touched it, etc. In this case, there is no need to completely wash the thing, but you just need to get rid of this stain. Let's look at how you can clean stains from a wool coat.

  1. To withdraw greasy spots from a woolen coat, you need to use starch or talc. Sprinkle them on the fabric and leave for a couple of hours. Clean the remains of the product with a soft brush.
  2. To remove old stains, a solution of ammonia and glycerin is used. Mix these products in a 1:1 ratio. Treat the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe coat with the prepared mixture. Then rinse with clean water or wipe with a damp cloth.
  3. To remove sweat stains from wool coats, first wash them with soapy water, and then apply ammonia to the stains, which will remove bad smell. After that, the coat should be rinsed with clean water and hung to dry.


If you understand that you cannot cope with the pollution yourself, take your coat to a dry cleaner, where they will remove any stain in a short time and without harm to the fabric.

Light color is a beautiful detail of women's wardrobe. However, as you know, it is the light color of outerwear that is considered the most impractical, since even with a short wear, various dirt and stains from cosmetics, dust appear on it, which make your favorite thing dirty - gray color. Almost always coats are sewn from materials that, in principle, cannot be washed in a washing machine. In addition, it should be remembered that each wash of the coat reduces its service life by one year. What to do? Of course, you can dry-clean your coat, but professional cleaning will not always benefit your favorite item either. Therefore, it is much easier to clean a light coat at home without spending significant financial resources, but at the same time get a high-quality result.

Before cleaning the remote control at home, you need to decide What material is your coat made of?. The most popular are drape, wool or cashmere. You also need to pay attention to the label, where the manufacturer must indicate how to care for the coat.

There are several ways to light a coat at home, but you should carefully choose the method of cleaning, otherwise you can ruin your favorite thing. If the light coat is slightly soiled (collar, sleeve), then only these areas can be cleaned. Consider the most effective methods cleaning the coat at home, which will return it to its original and beautiful appearance.

Before you start cleaning the coat, you need to hang it on a hanger and use a clothes brush to remove dry debris and dust. Then you can take on the removal of stains.

  • Dry washing can be done with a laundry detergent that is applied to the coat, left for 20 minutes. The powder is then collected with a damp sponge. This procedure will clean and renew the coat well.
  • Heavy soiling can be removed with a carpet cleaner. The only thing you should pay attention to is that the chosen remedy should be soft and delicate. In the process of cleaning, only foam should be applied to the coat, but in no case should the coat be wetted.
  • Get rid of dirt and dry debris can be with the help of bread. Take a small piece of rye bread, make a ball and roll it over the material. Motes from the coat should stick to the bread mass.
  • Grease stains are well removed with talcum powder, which should be sprinkled on contaminated areas and left for 30 minutes, then shake well. The talc absorbs all the fat. This procedure can be repeated several times until the spots completely disappear. If there is no talc, chalk, starch, soda or semolina can be used instead.
  • Minor contamination can be remove with soapy water. To do this, you need to prepare a weak soapy solution by diluting a tablespoon of soap chips in a glass of warm water. Soak a soft sponge in the resulting liquid and treat the contaminated areas with it. Then repeat the treatment, but use a damp sponge to remove the remaining foam. For a light coat, it is better to choose baby soap.
  • Coffee or juice stains can be removed with alcohol. But if the fabric is delicate, then it must be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Moisten a cotton swab with the prepared solution and apply to the stain, then gently wipe.

  • Grease stains are well removed with the help of paper napkins. You will need a few napkins that you need to put on the stains, then iron the coat with an iron. The fat should heat up, melt and soak into the paper.
  • If the fabric of the coat is stiff, a mixture of vinegar and alcohol can be used for cleaning.
  • Stains from beer or kvass can be removed with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Many people recommend removing dirt from a coat with gasoline, but if the fabric is light and very delicate, it is better not to use this method, otherwise you can ruin your expensive item.
  • An effective stain remover is detergent. To do this, you need a glass of warm water, a teaspoon of detergent and a tablespoon of ammonia. Mix everything well and apply to the stain, then remove with a damp sponge.

If the dirt is difficult, or you need to clean the entire coat, you can use a machine or hand wash.

Cashmere coat can be washed in the washing machine using a delicate wash and water temperature not higher than 30 degrees. When washing, you need to use liquid detergent and a special rinse aid for cashmere.

Light-colored coats are best washed by hand with a special powder and rinse aid. It is very important to rinse the item well after washing so that there is no residue left on it. yellow spots. After washing, the coat should be wrapped in a towel to absorb moisture, and then hung in the dryer. For drying, it is better to use a trempel.

Before cleaning a wool coat, you should first try your chosen product on the inside of the coat to determine if the fabric changes color after cleaning.

Dry a light coat after cleaning or washing on a horizontal surface. If you hang your coat on a coat hanger, the fabric may stretch. A dry and clean coat, if necessary, should be ironed through a damp cloth.

In the care of a light coat, a special steam cleaner is ideal. With it, you can clean the coat better than any other method. To do this, hang the coat on a coat hanger and steam it, then wipe it with a damp sponge or a special brush. It should be remembered that during the cleaning process, the steam should not be too hot, otherwise the fabric may be damaged.

The principle of operation of the steam cleaner is to use ordinary water, which quickly evaporates under pressure. Cleaners, detergents or other chemicals are not used in steam cleaners.

  • Coming home, a light coat should be hung on a coat hanger, or hidden in an opaque case.
  • To keep coat cuffs clean longer, you do not need to put your hands on the table or counter at the store once again.
  • To a light coat you need to choose

For one season, you have to clean the outerwear several times. The coat requires special care. It is important to know how to remove a stain on a coat so that it does not deform, does not change color, and still looks fresh and new.

Remedies for stains on coats made of different types of wool

There are a lot of tools that help in how to remove a stain on a coat. The main ones are:

  • Dry type stain removers (it can be "Sail", "Gloss" or "Vanish");
  • Detergent compositions (powders, gels);
  • Carpet cleaning gels;
  • Folk remedies that are always at hand;
  • Steamer.

Each of the liquid or gel-like compositions is applied to the material, you can use a piece of gauze or a cotton swab for this. After that, gently rub the contaminated area and remove the product with a napkin. Powdered mixtures are evenly distributed over the product, rubbed with a wetted brush. After drying, all particles of the cleanser are removed with the same brush, and the coat is ironed through a thin material or gauze.

Light coat care

Before you deal with the problem of how to remove a stain from a light-colored coat, you need to remove all dust and dry debris by hanging the thing on the “hangers”. If dry is selected as the cleaning agent, then the powder is applied to the product completely. After half an hour, all residues are collected with a damp sponge. This procedure allows not only to clean the thing, but also to refresh it.

If the stains are difficult to remove, you can try a carpet cleaner, but it should be delicate and soft. It is worth paying attention that only foam is applied to the product, water can only worsen the situation - pollution will become more noticeable. If the question arose of how to remove a greasy stain from a coat, you should use talcum powder. The algorithm of actions is similar to the process of applying dry powder. In cases where the stains are not removed the first time, you need to repeat the procedure until the pollution disappears completely. You can replace talc with semolina, baking soda or potato starch.

Dry debris is removed with a bread crumb. A ball rolls out of it, which needs to be drawn over the problem area. All small motes will remain on the bread. Soapy solution (a glass of warm water + 1 tablespoon of grated soap) will help remove light dirt. Baby soap helps to clean light fabrics.

Cleaning stains from cashmere and neoprene

A product made of soft and delicate material - cashmere, should be constantly looked after, paying attention to the process of cleaning things from dirt. You can clean your coat at home without washing if you follow the basic recommendations:

  1. If the origin of the stain is unknown, then a mixture of 2 products - ammonia and glycerin (1 to 1) will help get rid of it. The problem area should be wiped with this mixture 2 or 3 times. All residues are removed with a damp sponge or piece of cloth.
  2. To remove dust, it is enough to process the thing with a wet sponge.
  3. The sequence of actions - treatment with a soap solution + treatment with ammonia - is suitable if sweat stains are noticeable on the product.
  4. Refined gasoline will help with the question of how to remove a grease stain on a coat. Pollution is impregnated with a substance, and talc is sprinkled on top. If the first time did not help, you need to repeat the procedure again.
  5. Ironing a cashmere coat is not recommended, it is best to use a steamer. Drying outerwear is permissible only in a horizontal position.

A product made of neoprene looks stylish and modern, however, this artificial material also requires proper care. The advantage of this fabric is that dirt and dust practically do not fall on it. However, if there is still a stain, then the product is easily washed in an “automatic” machine at 30 degrees. A small nuance - cleaning is required both from the outside and from the inside. Drying should be carried out on both sides away from heaters and open sunlight.

Removing various types of stains

Stubborn stains from berry and fruit juices, as well as from coffee, can be easily removed with alcohol. If the coat is cashmere, then it is best to dilute alcohol in equal proportions with water. With a cotton pad soaked in this solution, the contaminated area is wiped and dried.

Experienced housewives recommend a universal way to remove a stain on a coat. This is the use of a spoonful of ammonia, a spoonful of dishwashing detergent and a glass of heated water. All this is applied to the problem area and almost immediately removed with a damp cloth. Gasoline for sensitive fabrics or very light fabrics is not recommended.

Great product for fighting fat outerwearpaper napkins. They cover a place with a stain. Which then needs to be carefully ironed. From exposure high temperatures the fat begins to melt and soak into the napkin. Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent assistant in the fight against pollution from kvass or beer. If the material is very hard, then an acetic-alcohol mixture will be the best option for removing contaminants.

To keep your favorite thing always in excellent condition, you need to remember a few rules:

  1. Any formulation chosen should be tested on an inconspicuous area prior to treatment.
  2. The product must be hung on the "shoulders" or use a special case.
  3. If the coat is light in color, then it is best to choose bags with short handles so that there are no traces of them on the product.
  4. To avoid streaks after cleaning, you need to clean the stain, starting from its edges to the central part.
  5. Before hanging a thing in a closet, for example, during the summer, you should check the product for dirt. If the coat is soiled, be sure to clean it. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to get rid of the stains.

With the right approach to caring for a thing and cleaning it, the coat will delight you with its excellent quality for a long time. appearance and bright colors.

For more than a decade, such outerwear as a coat has occupied one of the leading places in the wardrobe, despite the wide popularity of various and bologna jackets.

Various materials workmanship, the most diverse style and cut does not allow this thing to go out of fashion.

The more often and more intensively it is worn, the faster it is prone to contamination.

In order for this element of the wardrobe to have a well-groomed and neat appearance, it should be looked after in time and with high quality. How to clean a coat at home without washing and how to do it correctly, consider below.

There are certain cases when it is better to use the services of dry cleaning, rather than trying to remove some dirt yourself, which will entail more negative consequences than good. Such cases include:

  • the presence of information on the label of clothing, which says about the inadmissibility of manual cleaning;
  • if the coat has light colors, it is not recommended to resort to self-cleaning; this will worsen the quality of the color;
  • if the dirt is in the nature of stains from fuel oil, machine oil or similar;
  • leather coats should not be exposed to solvents or degreasers, so as not to damage the protective film, color and integrity of the product, it is better to take it to dry cleaning;
  • spots that did not come out after some manipulations;
  • if the coat is expensive, and the proposed funds are in doubt.

Cleaning methods

Considering that coats should ideally be groomed regularly before and after wear, there are three main methods for doing this:

  1. dry. It implies processing the coat with a special brush with a non-hard bristle with a variety of aerosols, foams and powders designed to absorb dirt without using water.
  2. The wet method is based on the use of detergents mixed in water on some localized areas of the item. Wipe it with wet wipes or a sponge. This method also includes steam treatment of the coat with an iron or a steam generator.
  3. Wash. This approach is permissible with the permission of the outerwear manufacturer and can be carried out in automatic or manual modes using gels.

Which method to choose will depend on the level of contamination, and the material of the product.

Routine daily cleaning includes cleaning the fabric with a clean dry brush to remove dust, capital - should be carried out at the end of the season before long-term storage.

Preparing the coat

At the beginning of any cleaning, the main thing is to prepare a thing for it, namely:

  • after studying the information on the label, choose a cleaning method;
  • inspect pockets for foreign objects;
  • shake out the coat;
  • hanging it on a coat hanger, carefully examine it to detect contaminated places and their degree. The collar, pockets and the inside of the sleeves are most susceptible to this;
  • before the main cleaning method, it would be appropriate to walk over the product with a brush to remove dry dirt and dust;
  • test the prepared solutions and products on an inconspicuous area.

How to clean a wool coat at home

It is most rational to clean a wool coat at home using the dry method.

If the woolen fabric is diluted with other materials and if the manufacturer allows it, in some cases it can be washed.

For daily care it will be enough to use a roller with adhesive tape, which will remove hair from clothes, thread and a soft brush to clean dust. It is allowed to slightly moisten the brush for greater effect.

If stains are removed with wipes or cotton pads you need to act from the edges of the pollution to its center - this will avoid streaks.

More heavily soiled areas can be treated with steam.

Not complex and not large dirty parts of the coat can be tried to be cleaned with soapy water, moistening a sponge in which to wet the desired area.

Scuffs and greasy will allow you to remove a mixture of salt and ammonia, diluted in a ratio of 4 to 1.

The solution is applied to the contamination and wiped off after 15 minutes. You can also use alcohol mixed with vinegar, it will remove greasy stains.

How to clean a drape coat at home without washing

When choosing a method for cleaning a coat from a drape, you need to take into account that this material is two-layer and rather thick.

Laundry can be a hassle due to the weight of a wet coat. Cleaning of such a product can be both dry and wet.

Insignificant pollution is displayed as follows:

  • the coat is hung on a coat hanger and cleaned completely with a brush;
  • the same procedure is repeated with a damp brush, and then dried in a well-ventilated area.

More serious cleaning is presented in the following ways:

  • a carpet cleaner is poured into the water, dissolved, foamed and the foam is applied to the material, avoiding wetting the fabric. When the foam dries, it must be removed with a brush;
  • having dissolved the linen conditioner, a napkin (cloth, sponge) is wetted in this liquid and the coat is wiped with it in the direction of the pile. Re-treatment occurs with a cloth soaked in clean running water.
  • You can try to remove greasy stains on the drape using baby powder.

Reference. If you need to iron the coat, the iron is set to a temperature not exceeding 200 degrees, and a cotton towel should be placed on top of the product.

How to clean a cashmere coat at home

Cashmere requires more careful care, due to the tenderness of the material. A cashmere item can be machine washed and hand washed without spinning.

Both hand and machine washing should take place in water with a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees. From washing products, it is better to choose a product for delicate fabrics or a similar conditioner.

Before immersing the coat in water, make sure that the agent is completely dissolved in it.

  • To remove traces of sweat, on such a thing you can mix ammonia or vinegar with glycerin in equal proportions. This mixture is applied to the desired area for 15 minutes.
  • Grease stains on a light cashmere coat can be tried to remove talcum powder by sprinkling it on the stain for several hours and then sweep away the remaining talcum powder with a brush.
  • Fresh stains left by food or drinks should be immediately covered with fine-grained salt and shaken off after a while.
  • Spots of unknown origin can be overcome with a mixture of ammonia and glycerin (1 to 1). Treat the desired part of the coat with a swab dipped in the solution, repeat the procedure after ten minutes. Residues are removed with a damp sponge.
  • Baking soda, which is sprinkled on a coat laid out on the surface, will help to cope with the smell. After 10-12 hours, after the smell has been absorbed, the residues are brushed off.

Reference. After the performed cleaning manipulations, the residual trace of cleaning products is removed with soapy water and a sponge. At the end of cleaning, the area is treated with clean water and wiped with a napkin.

Tweed coat

Elastic tweed practically does not get dirty, and you can wear such clothes for a long time. It is not advisable to wash such a thing.

  1. To clean the fine pile of tweed, you can vacuum it.
  2. When dirt is found on a tweed coat, it is sometimes enough to dry the contaminated area and clean off the dirt with a special brush.
  3. Stubborn dirt in the fabric can be removed by wetting the contaminated area with soapy water and combing with a slightly damp brush.
  4. If washing is unavoidable, then it should be hand washed and the contact of the tweed with water should be reduced, which does not exceed 30 degrees.

Other types of wool coats

If for some reason it is impossible to establish the exact composition of the material of the coat, but there is only confidence that it is made of wool, then general tips on how to care for wool products will come to the rescue.

Any method is first tested on a small, inconspicuous area.

  1. Small debris, fluff and dust are removed with a brush and adhesive tape.
  2. To add shine to dark products, you can wipe the coat with a swab dipped in black tea.
  3. Worn areas (sleeve rim, collar) can be removed with alcohol and salt (1 to 4) by rubbing and further brushing.
  4. In order not to leave stains of streaks, cleaning should occur from the edges to the center.
  5. It is better to remove fat stains from the inside, at the same time applying a clean cloth to the same place from the outside.
  6. Hand washing is preferred by special means for woolen things. Do not rub hard, and twisting it will lead to creases on the product.
  7. To dry a woolen coat, it should be laid out on a surface in a horizontal position. You can speed up the process by wrapping it in towels.

Cleaning leather coats

Reliable and elastic leather is versatile and wear-resistant. Leather Products always in fashion and comfortable to wear.

The leather coat must not be washed to avoid washing out the tannins. In such outerwear, elbows, cuffs, collars and sleeves are most often rubbed.

Genuine leather coat

Elimination of scuffs on genuine leather lemon, glycerin and ammonia will contribute. Three pieces of cotton are moistened with these substances and wipe the desired place in turn in the sequence:

  1. Alcohol
  2. Lemon
  3. Glycerin with water

Dust can be wiped off with a damp cloth.

Plaque and minor dirt are removed with a mixture of ammonia and soapy water (a tablespoon of alcohol and soap per 200 ml of water). After this treatment, the coat should be wiped with a clean cloth.

Table vinegar will help remove traces of salt.

Suede coat

Suede is tanned leather, which is best not to get wet, because it swells and becomes stiff when dry.

  • Milk (100 ml) in which one teaspoon of soda should be dissolved will help erase greasy, shiny spots. This mixture is applied to the coat and brushed through with a suede brush after a couple of minutes.
  • Another way to combat grease stains is starch. They are sprinkled with the desired areas for 2-3 hours, then brushed.
  • You can remove streaks using a bread crust or an eraser.
  • By acting on the coat with steam, creases are eliminated.

Short-term rinsing of suede is allowed, in soapy water not higher than 30 degrees, followed by rinsing in clean water.

You can prevent roughening by rubbing the product with a glycerin solution (half a teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

Important! On leather products, you can remove an unpleasant odor by sprinkling the product with ground coffee, in which the thing should lie down for a day.

Cleaning synthetic coats

polyester coat

Polyester is a non-wrinkling, easy-washable and quick-drying synthetic material. Polyester coats at home should be cleaned without using bleach and hot water.

It is acceptable to use stain removers after checking the reaction on inconspicuous areas of the thing.

Persistent, serious contamination is removed with a solution of borax (10%) applied to the product and wiped with lemon juice. Residues are cleaned with a damp cloth.

For washing, both by hand and in a machine, the water should not exceed 30 degrees. You need to use mild detergents and delicate mode.

Neoprene coat

Neoprene is a piece of foam rubber covered in fabric. The material is wear-resistant, does not wrinkle. It does not leave stains, dirt or water.

If you managed to get such a coat dirty, you can load it into washing machine with delicate mode, 30-degree water, mild detergent and no wringing.

However, it should be washed twice inside and outside

Drying is natural, in the process such a thing needs to be turned inside out and vice versa.

We clean the white and light coat

A light coat is a beautiful outfit, but also impractical. Even minor pollution will attract attention. Timely and proper cleaning is important here.

Different spots imply different methods of dealing with them:

  • serious dirt is removed with a carpet cleaner. It should be soft. Cleaning should only be done by applying foam, without contact with water;
  • greasy pollution you can remove the talc. They should sprinkle the right places and after waiting half an hour, shake off or brush off. Repeat the action until the oil stain disappears. Talc can be replaced with soda, chalk or starch;
  • alcohol will help get rid of tea and coffee and juice traces. It is better to dilute it in water 1 to 1 and moisten the sponge, attach it to the desired area and then wipe;
  • effectively fights stains and detergent in a small amount diluted in a glass of water. You can also add Art. a spoonful of ammonia, this mixture is applied to the dirty area and wiped with a damp cloth.

How to remove the smell of sweat from the coat under the armpits

This issue can be resolved by using an odor absorber in the form of a spray. It is simply sprayed on the underarm area. Such products contain silver ions in their composition, which destroy microorganisms that cause odor.

Also crushed activated charcoal will help to save from the smell, which should be placed on the armpit for a couple of days. Brushing with ammonia also helps against odor.

Dealing with stains

Grease stains

It is quite possible to remove greasy stains with the composition of ammonia, soap (liquid) and water. Fresh stains are removed under the influence of starch, salt or talc, they should be applied in a thick layer and left overnight. After the main contamination has been absorbed, the fabric is cleaned as usual.

mud spots

Dirt is removed with a mixture of ammonia and salt (1 to 4).

coffee stains

Glycerin-ammonia mixture will eliminate traces of coffee drink, tea and fruit drinks. To do this, 30 grams of glycerin should be mixed with 15 grams of alcohol.

This solution is applied to the contaminated area, rubbed in a circular motion and wipe off with a damp cloth.

  • Refresh and remove wrinkled coats by steaming and rubbing with a soft clothes brush.
  • A well-groomed look of a woolen product is obtained by treating it with soda and shaking it well, or using a vacuum cleaner.
  • You can remove the pellets with a special machine or nail scissors.
  • It is possible to clean the coat collar on light woolen fabrics with starch.
  • For storage or in everyday life, it is advisable not to hang the coat by the eyelet in order to avoid losing its shape and stretching.

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General cleaning rules

If you decide to start cleaning coat fabric

Removing various stains




wool coat


fresh spots

A coat is an indispensable item of clothing that can not only keep you warm in cold weather, but also give a woman or man an elegant, beautiful well-groomed look. You can buy the product in stores different color, style and fabric quality.

The fabrics from which these outerwear are made are not so easy to care for. Some of them cannot be washed like ordinary clothes and, moreover, can not be machine washed for cleaning. How can you clean such “capricious” clothes if they accidentally put a stain on them?

General cleaning rules

At the factory, labels are sewn to each product indicating how to properly care for one or another type of fabric. There are some types of products that need to be cleaned only with chemical means (for example, by the dry method). Others are easy to clean at home, using pharmacy and household products.

If you decide to start cleaning coat fabric at home, then these simple but very important tips will come in handy.

Before removing any type of contamination (if you are going to use chemicals), first test on a piece of cloth how it will react to this substance. It is best to apply the agent on the inside of the seam: if no distortions appear on the material, you can safely proceed to cleaning the whole product.

Cleaning movements should be done from the edge of the stain to the center, so you do not stretch the contamination onto a clean cloth.

If the coat needs to be washed, it must be thoroughly rinsed so that there are no streaks left on the material. Then it is wrapped in a terry towel so that the maximum amount of moisture is absorbed into it. It is better to dry the product on a hanger in a horizontal position at room temperature.

Removing various stains

Looking in the catalog beautiful models, many limit themselves to buying an exclusive product only because they do not know how to properly care for a fabric. Of course, because no one wants to buy a beautiful expensive thing, and then throw it away because of a small speck in the most visible place, which cannot be removed in any way.

Here are some secrets for cleaning stains at home:


Remove with a swab dipped in alcohol. Before cleaning, under the spot with a stain, you need to substitute a cotton cloth folded in a couple of layers. In this case, it is better to tear the lining so that the fabric is in contact with the coat. Wet the trace well with alcohol and sprinkle with talcum powder. We leave it for a day, and then shake the product and clean it from talc and dirt residues with a stiff brush.


Still not dried wine is sprinkled with fine salt, and then washed off with water. Coats that are brightly colored or made of woolen fabric are best cleaned with alcohol and a cotton swab, without using salt.


Beer stains are removed with a swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. To clean a woolen coat, a solution of vinegar and alcohol is used (ratio - 1: 1).


Traces of tea are very difficult to remove, so it is better to eliminate them immediately. To do this, you need 2 parts of alcohol and 1 part of water. Old stains can be cleaned with 4 parts glycerin and 1 part 10% ammonia.

fresh spots

Very effectively, fresh stains are removed with an iron and cotton napkins placed in several layers on both sides of the coat. With a heated iron, you need to iron on napkins until the pollution disappears.

What to do with greasy places?

Even if you manage to avoid any of the above marks while wearing it, over time, you will notice the appearance of ugly greasy stripes on the sleeves, collar and pockets. And you can also get rid of them at home.

You will need 4 parts ammonia and 1 part salt. This mixture should be wiped with greasy places.

Sometimes pure gasoline is also used, with which dirt is rubbed, and then covered with fine salt. With a rubber sponge, gently wipe greasy places and clean the coat from salt residues with a stiff brush.

If, after unsuccessful ironing, a glossy mark remains on the product, it can be removed with a jet of steam.

With the help of these simple but effective tips, you can get rid of most types of pollution. Now, if you see your “capricious” favorite model in a coat store, you can safely buy it and not be afraid of any stains.
