How to choose the size of compression stockings for pregnant women. Compression stockings during pregnancy - the key to health

What are compression stockings for pregnant women, when is it recommended to use them, possible contraindications, selection of size and product class, application rules and an overview of manufacturers.

What are compression stockings for pregnant women in the hospital

Compression stockings are made of a dense elastic material that fits the limbs. Thanks to this, optimal muscle tone, the muscles work properly, blood flow improves in them. Wearing such stockings helps to avoid congestion, thrombosis, swelling.

Medical knitwear is made from special fibers that are intertwined using a special technology. The composition of the material for compression stockings includes natural rubber and cotton threads, lycra, microfiber.

The fabric of a special composition has distinctive features:

  • Perfectly restores the original dimensions of the product;
  • Possesses excellent moisture and air exchange;
  • Has high elasticity.
In addition, an important point is that compression stockings for pregnant women are non-toxic, safe and hypoallergenic. They are not able to cause irritation, itching, and also do not stretch.

Often, compression stockings are also worn in the hospital during childbirth. This is due to the fact that they distribute the pressure on the vessels so that it weakens towards the top. It is maximum in the calf area, and it is minimized to the hips.

The worse the circulation in the legs, the more pressure you need to apply. Therapeutic compression underwear and stockings put pressure on the venous walls. Stockings serve as a kind of frame for the limbs, protecting the veins from stretching.

This ensures better blood flow, prevents blood stasis, stretching and rupture of the walls of blood vessels during childbirth. This is an excellent prevention of the appearance of a venous network, tubercles, varicose veins after childbirth. It also prevents leg cramps during childbirth.

Stockings for pregnant women, as a rule, have open fingers for ease of putting on and wearing by the expectant mother. Most products have an elastic soft band on silicone, which fits snugly to the thigh and does not cause discomfort.

Why you need good compression stockings for pregnant women

Compression or anti-embolic stockings are designed to alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman and prevent the development of various diseases associated with the vessels of the lower extremities.

The effect of wearing compression stockings is obvious:

  1. Graduated compression. Constant pressure is exerted on the surface of the vessels, which causes the blood to actively circulate in them.
  2. Increased elasticity of veins. They are reliably protected from expansion.
  3. Elimination of congestive manifestations in the legs. Vessels better absorb extracellular fluid, which prevents and prevents the appearance of edema.
  4. Normalization of the venous valves. The possibility of such a phenomenon as a reverse reflux of blood is excluded.
  5. Improving blood flow through the veins. This contributes to the optimal supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues.
It is worth paying attention to such a feature of stockings for pregnant women as graduated compression. It consists in a special distribution of pressure over the limb. In this case, the maximum impact is on the ankle, the minimum - on the thigh. This feature does not allow blood to stagnate and helps restore optimal blood flow.

These knitwear during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum period. When carrying a child, many changes occur in the body, which also affect the circulatory system. The blood becomes more viscous and thicker as the embryo grows. As a result, blood flow is disrupted. Also, the fetus squeezes the vessels of the small pelvis and legs, which provokes their varicose expansion.

Childbirth, as a rule, is accompanied by heavy bleeding, which provokes the activation of the blood coagulation system. Against this background, the risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism significantly increases, even in women who did not have a predisposition to this. Wearing compression stockings greatly reduces the likelihood of blood clots and allows a woman to have a baby with minimal complications.

Compression hosiery is necessarily prescribed for women in labor who already have manifestations of varicose veins. It is also recommended to wear special stockings for women who will undergo C-section. In addition, phlebologists advise pregnant women to purchase compression stockings who have such problems: chronic venous insufficiency, fatigue in the legs, swelling, pain and cramps in the limbs, venous dermatitis, eczema, spider veins.

Contraindications for wearing compression stockings

Compression stockings can be used by pregnant women with any form of venous insufficiency. As a rule, they do not have side effects. However, there are a number of factors in which such underwear should be used with caution and after consulting a doctor.

Absolute contraindications to wearing such knitwear are: chronic diseases of the arteries of the legs, which are caused by a decrease in the lumen of the vessels with a systolic pressure below 80 millimeters of mercury, aortoarteritis, atherosclerosis, endarteritis, thromboangiitis obliterans.

It is also not recommended to wear compression stockings if you have eczema, necrosis of various nature, open wounds, congestive dermatitis, acute thrombophlebitis, inflammatory and trophic skin pathologies with high infectious contamination, diabetes mellitus with vascular complications on the extremities, inflammation of the veins with development septic process.

In addition, such stockings should be used with caution in women who have particularly sensitive and receptive skin, who have a history of cardiopulmonary insufficiency with symptoms of circulatory disorders at rest.

Before recommending a pregnant woman to use compression stockings, the attending physician must exclude arterial insufficiency without fail. To do this, the ankle-brachial index (ABI) of systolic blood pressure is measured using Doppler ultrasound. However, this procedure is recommended only if the pulse is poorly felt on the feet of the pregnant woman, and also when stockings with strong compression are supposed to be prescribed.

If the ABI is less than 0.5, then wearing compression stockings is contraindicated. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing arterial diseases. With an ABI in the range of 0.5-0.8, you can wear such underwear without fear. In the case of an ABI greater than 1.3, compression should be avoided, since such a high value may be an indirect sign of calcified arteries. Such a patient needs to undergo a vascular examination.

It is also recommended to check the condition of the skin before deciding to permanently wear compression stockings. If it is too fragile, then it is easy to damage it when putting on such underwear. Venous ulcers should be treated before using stockings.

Selection of the size of compression stockings for pregnant women

When choosing compression stockings for pregnant women, remember that they hardly stretch, unlike classic products. Therefore, their size must exactly match your measurements.

To determine the size of the stockings, you should make simple measurements:

  • The circumference of the legs in the lower part above the ankle.
  • The circumference of the legs at the widest part under the knee.
  • Length from foot to knee joint.
  • Thigh circumference at a height of 25 centimeters from the knee. If your height is above average, then the measurement is performed at a distance of 30 centimeters from the knee joint.
  • The length of the leg from the foot to the highest point where the measurement is taken - the circumference of the thigh or groin area.
Before choosing the size of compression stockings for pregnant women, the data obtained should be compared with a special table that is on the packaging of medical knitwear from any manufacturer. It may differ for different companies, so it is recommended not to focus on the general european size and check measurements accurately.

Compression classes of medical stockings for pregnant women

Unlike ordinary knitted underwear, therapeutic and prophylactic cannot be found on the free market. As a rule, it is prescribed by a doctor with an indication of the compression class. There are four in total. You can buy high-quality medical knitwear only in specialized salons or pharmacies.

Compression stockings for pregnant women 1st class

The compression class is an indicator of the total pressure that is exerted on the surface of the limb when using stockings. The pressure in this case is measured in millimeters of mercury. On products with a therapeutic or prophylactic effect, as a rule, this unit is indicated.

Medical compression stockings are never marked in "classic" dens. Den is a unit of measurement for the density of the material texture (the ratio of the weight of the threads to the total length). This feature does not in any way reflect medicinal properties stocking, in particular an indicator of compression. The best way to determine the required compression ratio - contact a phlebologist.

The initial class of compression stockings for pregnant women is 1. The pressure in this case reaches 18-22 millimeters of mercury (2.7x103 Pa). It is recommended to wear such stockings for women who have the first signs of varicose veins - vascular "asterisks", an increase in saphenous veins, the appearance of unpleasant and pain in the extremities at the end of the working day (burning, swelling, coldness in the feet and ankles), slight swelling.

Compression stockings for pregnant women Grade 2

These medical products exert a distributed pressure on the limbs from 23 to 33 millimeters of mercury (4.25x103 Pa).

These stockings are intended for regular use in the presence of the following pathologies:

  1. After a static load (sitting, standing), pain develops in the feet or calves;
  2. There are areas of stretching of the veins over 5 centimeters, in addition, there are multiple areas of expansion;
  3. The presence of well-defined varicose veins;
  4. Cramps at night in the calves at rest, which are accompanied by severe pain;
  5. Swelling in the area of ​​the feet and ankles, which are symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency or as a consequence of injuries;
  6. An operation was performed on the vessels of the extremities (including sclerotherapy).
Also, such compression stockings are used to treat thrombophlebitis and moderate varicose veins.

Compression stockings for pregnant women Grade 3

Therapeutic knitwear with compression of the third class exerts pressure on the limbs in the range of 34-46 millimeters of mercury (6.1x103 Pa).

They can only be used as directed by a specialist. It is recommended to wear such stockings in the following cases: post-thrombotic disease, distinct manifestations of trophic processes, severe swelling, deep vein thrombosis, venous and lymphatic insufficiency. Also, such compression stockings are used for special therapy after complex operations on the vessels of the lower extremities.

Compression stockings for pregnant women grade 4

Compression stockings of the fourth class (anti-embolic knitwear) exert pressure on the legs of more than 50 millimeters of mercury (6.5x103 Pa).

These products can be prescribed to eliminate violations of the lymph flow, as well as edema associated with this pathology. Usually used during childbirth as a replacement for elastic bandages, operations, during a stay in intensive care, with a long immobile lifestyle caused by severe fractures, burns, heart attacks, strokes.

How to choose a manufacturer of compression stockings for pregnant women

Specialty stores and pharmacies offer a wide range of compression stockings from different manufacturers. They differ, as a rule, in design, price and duration of wear.

Consider the most popular brands of compression underwear:

  • Relaxsan. This is an Italian manufacturer, which has a relatively low cost of production. The maximum price of stockings is within 1200 rubles. Models have a different design and all compression classes. Among the shortcomings, fragility and rapid wear can be distinguished - after a month, compression may be lost.
  • Intex. A Russian manufacturer that specializes in the production of anti-varicose underwear of a budget class. Stockings create high-quality compression, are worn for a long time, have good seams. They provide comfort when worn and the necessary therapeutic effect. Price - within 800-1300 rubles.
  • ORTO. This is a Spanish company that produces medical stockings, tights, stockings in the middle price category. Products are distinguished by good compression, which lasts up to four months. Of the shortcomings - relatively rapid wear in the toes and feet. The simplest medical knitted pair will cost 400-700 rubles.
  • Venoteks. Compression underwear made in the USA. It is considered one of the most popular and in demand due to its wide range of models. All brand products are certified and comply with domestic state standards. Stockings have an average level of wear resistance. They are relatively inexpensive - from 650 rubles per pair for prevention and over 1600 rubles for models of 3-4 compression classes.
  • Medi. German brand, which is distinguished by the high quality of anti-varicose medicinal products. The price of stockings from this manufacturer is above average - from 1300 rubles. However, it fully corresponds to the quality. Products are comfortable to wear, easy to wash, and retain the level of compression for a long time. In addition, stockings and stockings from this company have a wonderful variety of designs. The model range of compression knitwear includes products for everyday use, as well as for travel and sports.
  • Sigvaris. Swiss-made compression products, which belong to the "elite" class. They are distinguished by minimal wear, excellent design, the highest quality workmanship. For these properties, the buyer will have to pay at least 2,500 rubles for a pair of stockings.

Instructions for use of compression stockings

Unlike ordinary stockings, putting on compression products is quite difficult, since they must fit as tightly as possible to the leg. At the same time, an additional difficulty lies in the fact that such knitwear cannot be pulled up strongly, since it is possible to easily destroy the fibers of the fabric and the therapeutic effect of the product will be nullified.
  1. Pay attention to your fingernails and toenails. Cut them and file them if necessary.
  2. Examine the skin of the feet. If there are calluses, corns, areas of increased roughness, smooth them out. These defects can lead to tears and stretch marks on the stockings. The smoother the skin of the feet, the longer the treatment stockings will last you.
  3. Remove the rings from your fingers so as not to accidentally tear the fabric.
  4. Use medical or household gloves at first, especially if you have long manicure. Putting on compression stockings will be easier with them. Over time, the need for them will disappear.
  5. We put on stockings only when dry and on dry skin. This minimizes friction when putting on.
  6. It is best to pull on the stocking in the morning after waking up, without getting out of bed until the legs are rested.
  7. To begin with, we place our legs in a horizontal position or slightly raise them.
  8. We start to put on from the foot: we turn the product up to the heel, insert the foot into the “footprint” and level the “accordion” so that the foot fits snugly along the entire length.
  9. With palms we pull the stocking over the leg, turning it to the right side.
  10. We level the compression product from the ankle to the knee and above, smooth out the wrinkles.
You may have to practice at first, as the procedure for putting on compression stockings is somewhat different from the usual. Be patient and do things slowly. Especially this recommendation applies to women who have to wear stockings of the second and higher compression class.

If you have some difficulty putting on high-compression stockings, it is recommended that you purchase a special device at the pharmacy that will greatly simplify the task. For example, Medi has a similar device. It helps to put on stockings for women with large dimensions, a large belly, with limited mobility.

How to choose compression stockings for pregnant women - look at the video:

At present, it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question - which compression stockings are best for pregnant women. There are many manufacturers that produce therapeutic and prophylactic products of various designs, quality, wear resistance and compression levels. Therefore, choosing the right medical jersey will not be difficult for any wallet.

A pregnant woman should take care not only of the child, but also of her own health. Varicose veins are one of the most common diseases among expectant mothers. Regular wearing of special underwear - compression stockings will help prevent the occurrence of such an ailment.

In addition, this list should include athletes, pregnant women and obese people.

Therapeutic effect and benefits

Useful properties of compression stockings:

  • reduce puffiness;
  • contribute to the restoration of blood flow;
  • prevent thrombosis and vasodilatation;
  • eliminate heaviness.

In addition to all of the above, regular wearing of such underwear relieves pain in the legs.


Depending on the level of compression, 4 classes of underwear are distinguished. The higher the class number, the more pressure the stockings exert on the veins. Only a phlebologist can make the right choice.

For the purpose of prevention, class 0 compression stockings are prescribed. They create a minimum pressure that ranges from 15 to 18 mm Hg. Art.

Indications for the use of such underwear:

Preventive underwear is used only when there is no change in the venous pattern, but there are risks of the onset of the disease.

For the treatment of mild signs of varicose veins, class 1 underwear is used. Such knitwear creates pressure up to 22 mm Hg. Art.

Indications for use:

  • slight visible changes in the pattern of veins;
  • hormonal changes;
  • heaviness and swelling of the legs;
  • regular cramps in the calves.

The use of class 1 compression underwear minimizes unpleasant symptoms and prevents the further development of varicose veins in the legs. Specialized underwear of the 2nd class is prescribed already in the presence of a chronic course of the disease.

Indications for the use of knitwear of this class:

  • varicose veins 2 and 3 stages;
  • severe swelling of the legs;
  • acute phase thrombophlebitis;
  • post-thrombophlebitic syndrome.

Compression underwear creates pressure on the veins of 23 - 32 mm Hg. Art., so the patient feels relief already at the first wearing.

Products with open toes and heels belong to the 3rd compression class. Their pressure on the veins ranges from 33 to 46 mm Hg. Art.

Indications for use:

Such underwear is used exclusively for treatment. You can only wear it with the permission of a doctor who must accurately calculate the level of compression.

In exceptional cases, class 4 underwear is used. It creates pressure on the veins over 47 mm Hg. Art. It is indicated for patients in whom the vessels alone cannot provide a normal rise of blood from the legs to the heart. Wearing knitwear of this level of compression is allowed only in a hospital setting.


Compression underwear is of the following types:

  • stockings;
  • tights;
  • knee socks;
  • elastic bandage.


Compression stockings for pregnant women and other groups of patients are selected using the following measurements:

It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the removal of these measurements. Otherwise, when wearing underwear, discomfort may be felt, and the pressure will be incorrectly distributed. The morning will help determine the size, because by the evening puffiness may appear on the legs.

With all the above measures, you should contact a pharmacy or a specialized store where the consultant will help you choose the right size underwear.

Compression stockings for pregnant women are best chosen by following these recommendations:

  • In the absence of visible symptoms of vein disease, you can independently purchase class 0 compression underwear. Otherwise, before purchasing stockings, you should contact a phlebologist. He will determine the degree of varicose veins and tell you what underwear should be used. In addition, the doctor may prescribe additional treatment.
  • It is necessary to purchase stockings that have a warranty period indicated. It must be at least six months.
  • It is important to pay attention to knitting technique. The best choice there will be seamless stockings.
  • During pregnancy it is important to wear natural fabrics. Compression underwear should be purchased with the highest content of knitwear and with a small percentage of lycra.
  • In the cold season, stockings with a higher density should be preferred.
  • The product must be durable and tested. Such a guarantee can be given by the RAL standard. Therefore, before purchasing, you must make sure that the packaging has an image of this quality mark.
  • The safety of the materials used in knitting stockings can be judged using the Oko-Tex Standard 100 standard. Therefore, such an inscription must also be present on the product packaging.
  • When choosing, you should not be limited solely by the size and recommendations of the doctor. You should pay attention to the appearance of the product.
  • Compression underwear is better to buy in pharmacies.

To properly wear stockings, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  • gently stick your hand inside the underwear and grab the heel with two fingers;
  • remove the hand from the stocking, thereby turning the product up to the heel;
  • insert your fingers into the sock and pull the linen over the heel, gently helping with both hands;
  • pull up the inverted part of the stocking to the ankle, straighten it a little;
  • rise gradually upward, turning the underwear from the wrong side and pulling it over the leg;
  • pull up the fabric on the toe, carefully straighten the stocking along the entire length.

When performing all of the above actions, you can not rush.

There is another way to put on stockings. It consists in using a special tool - a butler. It consists of a metal frame that is able to gently stretch the compression garment. Such a device is especially convenient for women in the last months of pregnancy and after caesarean section.

Compression stockings for pregnant women with a butler are put on as follows:

  • you need to sit down and put the butler under your feet so that it stands steadily on the floor;
  • put your hand in the stocking and pull it out, grabbing the heel from the inside with two fingers;
  • pull the stocking with the toe away from you over the arcuate part of the butler;
  • stick your fingers into the sock, fix the heel;
  • carefully lift the butler up, sticking the leg deeper into the product;
  • after the stocking is put on the shin, you should independently distribute it to the end of the length.

It is especially effective to use a butler if the compression of the laundry corresponds to the 2nd class and above.

Here are some tips to help make this process easier:

  • You should purchase a special spray at the pharmacy. Its cost is about 500 rubles, but one bottle is enough for a long time. Before putting on underwear, you need to moisturize the skin of the legs with this spray. It should be noted that its regular use will help get rid of puffiness.
  • You can wear stockings by wearing latex gloves on your hands. They will prevent damage and help achieve the necessary grip.
  • Before putting on stockings, you should lie down for about 10 minutes. In this case, it is better that the legs are raised.
  • Do not start the procedure if the feet are wet. It is better to dry them thoroughly with a towel and wait a couple of minutes for all excess moisture to evaporate.

The product should be worn every day for at least 2 hours. It is especially important not to forget to put on stockings before a long walk.

Medical underwear care

The main care of the product is proper washing and drying.

In order not to damage the stockings during these procedures, the following rules should be followed:

  • The product must be washed daily. Since after drying it restores its compression properties. If the laundry is not dirty, you can simply rinse it in soapy water.
  • Do not bleach, wring out or iron compression garments.
  • If there is a choice between automatic and hand washing, the latter option should be preferred. Otherwise, it is necessary to exclude joint washing with other things, set the minimum temperature and turn off the spin cycle. But enjoy washing machine follows extremely rarely.
  • Do not use normal washing powders. It is better to opt for baby products or ordinary soap.
  • Fabric softener must not be used. It softens the fabric and destroys the compression properties of the stockings.
  • After washing, the product should be rinsed gently, while twisting movements should not be made. Laundry should be dried only in a horizontal position. Otherwise, the main part of the moisture will accumulate at the bottom of the stocking and lead to its deformation.
  • After all procedures, it is necessary to wipe the silicone strip with a cotton pad moistened with a small amount of alcohol.

Contraindications for wearing

There are absolute and relative contraindications to wearing these products.

The absolute ones are:

Relative contraindications:

  • open wounds on the legs;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • infections and inflammation;
  • congestive dermatitis;
  • cardiopulmonary insufficiency;
  • sepsis in the legs;
  • diabetes mellitus with complications on the vessels of the lower extremities.

If the patient has relative contraindications, wearing compression underwear is not excluded, but after a thorough examination and permission from doctors.

TONUS ELAST compression stockings

Products are made in Latvia. A distinctive feature of this company is the use of original Tactel yarn when knitting products. The average cost of stockings is about 2,000 rubles.

According to the manufacturer, the main advantages of TONUS ELAST compression underwear are:

  • hygroscopicity;
  • durable material;
  • no pattern on the elastic.

Among the shortcomings can be noted a large run-up in the size table.


Stockings of this company are made in Italy. These products meet all the requirements of the Russian Ministry of Health. The price of compression underwear varies from 900 to 1400 rubles.

Product advantages include:

  • availability;
  • a large selection of colors;
  • closed toe;
  • correct distribution of compression along the entire length of the legs.

It should be noted that the stockings of this company shed during washing, but the color of the product does not fade.


The German company Rehard Technologies, which manufactures these products, pays special attention to the quality of its products. Therefore, the cost of stockings ranges from 2000 to 4000 rubles.

The main advantages of underwear:

  • no discomfort when wearing;
  • durable and safe material;
  • use of new technologies.

The only drawback of the product is the high price.


Stockings of domestic production produce models for both women and men. average price- from 1500 to 3500 rubles.

Product advantages:

  • good landing;
  • variety of assortment;
  • natural fabrics.

Among the shortcomings of the product, it should be noted high price goods.


The Italian company that manufactures these products treats all products with a special impregnation with antibacterial properties. The average cost is 2500 rubles.

The advantages of the product include:

  • a wide range of models;
  • comfort while wearing;
  • low cost.

Consumers note that underwear quickly loses its compression properties.


ORTO compression stockings are produced in Russia. The company specializes in the production of underwear for pregnant women. The average price is 1500 rubles

Main advantages:

  • low cost;
  • variety of models;
  • hygroscopicity.

The main disadvantage of the product is the fragility of the fabric of the product.


Products are made in Italy. The manufacturer focuses on the ratio of price and quality. The average cost is from 2000 to 3500 rubles.

The advantages include:

  • wear durability;
  • good quality fabric;
  • beautiful design patterns.

The only negative is the high price.


The products of the Swiss company among other manufacturers of compression underwear is the most common brand. The price varies from 2500 to 4500 rubles.

Main advantages:

  • strict quality control;
  • wear durability;
  • fabric breathability.

The disadvantages also include the high cost of goods.


The German manufacturer produces products with linen thread. The cost of production reaches 6000 rubles.

The advantages of the brand include:

  • the use of natural fabrics;
  • high quality;
  • product durability.

Among the minuses note the high cost of goods.


These stockings are also made in Germany. The company pays special attention to the convenience and beauty of models. The cost ranges from 3000 to 7000 rubles.

Main advantages:

However, despite all the advantages, consumers note that the quality of the stockings does not match the price, the product begins to wear out after 3 months.

How long to wear compression stockings after childbirth

The duration of wearing compression underwear depends on how the baby was born. If it was a natural birth, then the young mother can take off her stockings after 3 days.

In the case when a woman had a caesarean section, the duration of wearing specialized knitwear is at least 2 weeks. An exception is women in labor who suffer from varicose veins. Such patients should specify the period of wearing medical underwear from a phlebologist.

Where to buy compression stockings

You can buy this product in a pharmacy, specialized stores and via the Internet. In the latter case, you can save money, but at the same time you risk buying a fake. The cost of underwear depends on the choice of manufacturer, compression class and product model.

Compression stockings - the key to health and beauty of the legs future mother. Regular use of preventive underwear will help a pregnant woman not only prevent varicose veins, but also avoid swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video about compression stockings

Why you need to wear compression stockings:

Varicose veins can overtake a woman at the most important period of her life. In order to avoid this problem during the bearing of the baby, all necessary measures should be taken in advance. This article will discuss how to wear compression stockings during pregnancy.

Such stockings can reduce pressure on the legs of a pregnant woman and prevent the development of varicose veins. Vascular diseases of the legs can be avoided almost 100% if you use special therapeutic knitwear. To date a large number of women, faced with the concept of how compression stockings do not know how to choose and wear them correctly.

The effect exerted on the legs by knitwear is considered truly unique. Direct indications for wearing this underwear by women in position are:

  • Swelling of the legs towards the end of the day;
  • Pain, cramps and fatigue in the limbs;
  • Predisposition to the formation of blood clots;
  • Chronic insufficiency of veins;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Vascular asterisks;
  • And others.

If a pregnant woman has at least one disease from this list, compression underwear is simply mandatory to wear, as they can ensure the good condition of the woman and excellent delivery.

Constant pressure makes the blood "run" through the veins faster. Due to this manipulation, they are protected from expansion, prevented from thrombosis and convulsive sensations, and the tissues are supplied with oxygen in sufficient volume.

Such underwear refers to the indications of wearing it at the time of the birth itself, as this helps protect the veins from excessive pressure.

The right choice of medical underwear

In order to get the maximum effect from wearing compression underwear, you need to choose it correctly. There are several classes of compression stockings.

  1. Compression up to 23 mmHg Art.

Linen of the first class is prescribed for pregnant women with the appearance of spider veins or for women in position suffering from pain in the limbs.

  1. Compression up to 33 mmHg Art.

Women suffering from thrombophlebitis and varicose veins are prescribed second-class compression products.

  1. Compression up to 45 mmHg Art.

Women in position, with acute venous insufficiency, are advised by doctors to wear compression stockings and stockings of the third class.

  1. Compression up to 50 mm Hg. Art.

In case of violation of the lymph flow and severe swelling of the limbs, women preparing to become mothers must wear knitwear of the 4th class.

How to wear compression underwear of one class or another is decided by your doctor.

But there is not only underwear from the above classes, there are also products created for prevention, and they are allowed to absolutely everyone in position, for the prevention of various pathologies of veins and blood vessels. If you are at risk, then your gynecologist may advise you to resort to such underwear, and you should not ignore these recommendations from your doctor.

In terms of convenience, the most the best option there will be stockings, especially in the final months of pregnancy. They do not cause discomfort and inconvenience, the only thing that you may not like is that they slide off your feet. Compression stockings can put undue pressure on your stomach, but they won't go down all the time. Compression bandages are prescribed for local problem areas with veins.

Before you buy such underwear, you need to consult a phlebologist and he will determine what size of stockings and class of medical knitwear is right for you, and also prescribe the necessary degree of compression.

Really high-quality and effective medical knitwear is sold only in specialized departments of stores, since the options offered on the market can clearly lag behind in quality. After all, quality is the success of effective treatment.

When you are going to put on stockings for the first time, you should not rush, but you need to read the instructions and follow all the steps recommended by the manufacturer.

Answering the question, how much time per day you need to wear stockings, then the number hours the doctor will prescribe you, on average, most girls wear stockings throughout the day, taking them off only at night. And asking questions about whether it is possible to wear them to the pool or take a shower and bath, the answer is categorically no, it is impossible to wear stockings not during the procedures, not after them.

If you have problems with veins, do not neglect the doctor's recommendations and your health, because during such a period you need to take care not only of yourself, but also of the little life that develops inside you. By starting to wear underwear made of compression stockings, you ensure a calm and quiet pregnancy, not complicated by various difficulties associated with veins, since women in a position have enough worries without it.

Video on the topic of the article:

The constantly increasing weight and load on the lower body cause a lot of trouble for pregnant women - pain in the legs, swelling, the appearance of a vascular network and the visual manifestation of veins seriously worsen well-being. Compression stockings, specially designed to relieve the sensations, give lightness and a certain level of comfort to tired legs, can alleviate this condition.

Why stockings for pregnant women: the benefits of compression stockings

The bearing of a child entails great changes in the body of a woman. Reasons for using compression stockings during pregnancy:

  • Pressure of the uterus on the great vessels internal organs- this makes it difficult for blood to drain from the lower body. Wearing stockings in this state normalizes blood circulation and prevents blood stasis in the lower body.
  • Changes in the composition and structure of the blood - this leads to violations of its coagulability. High coagulability can provoke the formation of blood clots, and wearing stockings, normalizing blood circulation, prevents blood stagnation and their formation.
  • Violation of the venous outflow - the weight of the pregnant woman presses on the lower body, which leads to the expansion of the venous walls and varicose veins subsequently. Stockings, squeezing superficial veins, accelerate blood circulation and correctly distribute the load on the lower limbs, alleviate pain.
The action of compression stockings is aimed at the correct distribution of loads created by the muscles in the process of movement. In addition, compression produced by compression stockings leads to a decrease in the diameter of the veins, which contributes to the convergence of the venous valves and their proper operation.

Did you know? White color compression products indicates a "hospital" status and is not used for permanent wear.

Cannot be used by pregnant women medicines, facilitating and correcting the manifestations of circulatory disorders, creates all the conditions for the use of such compression underwear not only as a preventive measure, but also as the main means of treatment.

Harm and contraindications

Medical hosiery, in the form of compression stockings, if used incorrectly, can bring undesirable consequences. To avoid such consequences, it is worth considering the existing contraindications for use:

  • severe forms of heart failure;
  • atherosclerosis of the lower extremities and other diseases that provoke a decrease in the vascular lumen;
  • diabetes;
  • skin rashes, the presence of purulent wounds and trophic ulcers on the legs.

With the diagnosed diseases mentioned above, any compression and restriction in the circulatory system can lead to complications in the course of the disease.

Harm that can be caused by wearing compression underwear:

  • provoking edema due to the wrong choice of product size;
  • aggravation of stagnation in the lower extremities and an increase in pain caused by incorrect selection of the product class.

Buying elastic medical knitwear does not always require a medical appointment. So, preventive class products can be purchased independently, but medical and hospital class knitwear is recommended to be purchased only as directed by a specialist. For recommendations on the correct choice of the type of product, size and compression class, you should contact your vascular surgeon (phlebologist).

Important! Compression (compression) is high in the lower leg, and the smallest in the hips. Such indicators contribute to proper blood flow and its acceleration.

How to choose the right product

Right choice Compression hosiery depends on factors that can improve or worsen the condition of a pregnant woman, so before buying it is important to decide (together with a vascular surgeon) about the type of hosiery, its compression class, product size.


6 types of medical compression underwear are suitable for pregnant women for the lower extremities:

Thus, the main difference between these types is the height of the product, and the choice of type is influenced by the characteristics of problem areas. For this reason, the height of the product should be at least 5-10 centimeters higher than the beginning or end of such zones.

Important! Even in a loose and “not worn” state, compression stockings must have an anatomical shape and follow the contours of the body.


The existing compression classes allow you to choose the best product for pregnant women without the risk of aggravating their condition.

  • 1st class(prophylactic) - has a slight compression (pressure 18-22 mm Hg) and is preventive. It is prescribed for pregnant women who are at risk of developing varicose veins without obvious manifestations of the disease, only the appearance of vascular networks indicates it. It is recommended already from the initial stages of pregnancy.
  • 2nd grade(therapeutic) - has an average level of compression (pressure 23-32 mm Hg) and is prescribed for complications during pregnancy. Such complications include edema, painful manifestations, and the procedure of sclerotherapy.
  • 3rd grade(therapeutic) - a high level of compression (pressure of 34-44 mm Hg) has a therapeutic effect for pregnant women with diagnosed chronic diseases of the veins of the lower extremities in severe forms (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis).
  • 4th grade(hospital) - the highest level of compression (pressure over 50 mm Hg) is prescribed for pathological pregnancy, accompanied by a long-term limitation of motor activity, as well as for a while labor activity to relieve the increasing load on the vessels.

The condition of the veins of the lower extremities determines the compression class of the stockings, which, in turn, determines the period of time the underwear is worn.


All types of medical compression hosiery require a special selection of the size of the products according to the size chart indicated on the manufacturer's packaging. There is no universal size chart for products of this kind.

To indicate the size according to the manufacturer's table, you must first take measurements from the following body circumferences:

  • for golfs and leggings - from the circumference of the narrow part of the ankle joint, from the wide part of the lower leg and the narrow part of the popliteal joint;
  • for stockings - from the circumference of the narrow part of the ankle joint, the wide part of the lower leg, the narrow part of the popliteal joint; it is also necessary to measure the circumference of the thigh below the inguinal region by 5 centimeters and the height from the heel to the crotch;
  • for tights and leggings - from the circumference of the narrow part of the ankle joint, the wide part of the lower leg, the narrow part of the popliteal joint; it is also necessary to measure the circumference of the thigh below the inguinal region by 5 centimeters, the circumference of the hips in their widest part, the circumference of the waist and the height from the heel to the crotch.

Important! For compression underwear of high compression classes (3 and 4), additional individual measurements are required, since they will have to be specially ordered in an orthopedic store and individually manufactured.

All measurements are made only in the morning, immediately after waking up. At this time, the presence of puffiness is minimized, which allows you to make objective measurements.

Popular manufacturers

On the orthopedic underwear market, there is a wide selection of products from different manufacturers. The most popular and in demand:

The choice of manufacturers depends on the preferences of the pregnant woman and her financial capabilities. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that good compression stockings cannot have a low cost. The production of such products requires the use of certified high quality material.

Did you know? The creator of the first compression stockings is Morris Ganzoni (Switzerland). In 1894, he founded the sought-after trademark "Sigvaris", which today is a leader in sales.

How to properly wear compression stockings

Medical elastic stockings are made to create a certain degree of compression (squeezing), which significantly distinguishes them from other types of underwear. This feature makes them difficult to put on, as the products do not have high extensibility. The process of putting on is not complicated and, if done correctly, will not be difficult.

Basic Rules

For linen to bring maximum benefit, when putting it on, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • Linen should be dry, the body should also not be wet. Humidity greatly complicates the process.
  • In order not to damage the material of the product, there should be no jewelry (rings) on the hands.
  • After waking up, you need to hold your legs upright for 5-10 minutes to reduce blood circulation and venous pressure.
  • Stockings are worn only in the morning, immediately after waking up. At this time, the manifestations of puffiness are minimal.
  • It is not worth getting up after the completed donning process. For adaptation, normalization of blood circulation and venous pressure, it is recommended to maintain a horizontal position of the body for several minutes. Feeling "cold" and constricted during this time is normal.

Step-by-step instruction

Although the donning process is not difficult, following step by step instructions will help reduce the time spent on the daily "ritual":

  • Turn the stocking inside out to the level of the heel, capturing this area as well.
  • Put the product on the toe of the foot with the exact placement of the heel zone strictly on the heel.
  • Pull the inverted part, with small finger grips, completely over the foot.
  • Pull the remaining inverted part with small grips of the fingers on the remaining part of the leg to the desired height (for example: to the ankles, to the knee joint, to the hip).
  • Run your palms firmly over your stockinged leg to smooth out any creases.
If a stocking with a “cropped” toe is used, then a special sock that comes with the product is initially put on.

Important! Not straightened folds on compression stockings, as well as their long-term use, threaten the formation of bedsores on the skin.

How to wear compression stockings

The wearing time of elastic underwear is limited and depends on the class of products and their intended use.

  • Products related to the preventive type (classes 1 and 2) are worn only a few hours a day and as needed. It is acceptable to wear throughout the day - it is harmless, but it is still necessary to give a "rest" to the venous system. Therefore, in the evening or before going to bed, stockings are recommended to be removed.
  • Products of medical type (grades 3 and 4) are worn in strict accordance with the doctor's recommendations. The wearing time is the entire period of "wakefulness", but depending on the severity of the course of the disease, it can be around the clock.
In cases of mild leakage, it is recommended to remove the stockings before going to bed.

The period of use of such stockings is determined by the doctor's recommendations or your own feelings. The constant wearing of such underwear does not harm the body, and with a severe course of the disease is inevitable.

Did you know? The use of medical elastic underwear reduces the risk of injury during sports.

Proper stocking care

Proper care of compression stockings will help maintain their quality and wear resistance. Products of this kind require delicate care, washing together with other things is unacceptable for them.

Under the delicate course is meant hand washing in warm water, not exceeding 40ºС. Detergent it is better to use non-aggressive, marked "for delicate washing." In the absence of this kind of household chemicals, you can use liquid soap or shampoo. It is not recommended to wet silicone gum during washing, as it will lose its properties under the action of water. You can clean it with a cotton pad soaked in medical alcohol.

It is not necessary to complete the wash by carefully twisting, otherwise the product will not last long. It is also not recommended to dry stockings in a dryer, with hot air, or in direct sunlight.

Medical compression hosiery is an indispensable prophylactic during pregnancy, alleviating the symptoms of venous insufficiency with ever-increasing weight. Its main function is the distribution of loads on the lower limbs. However, it should be remembered that the use of compression stockings, despite all the advantages, has some contraindications, and also requires compliance with the rules when putting on and wearing.

Almost every woman in interesting position, you have to deal with unpleasant sensations in the legs: heaviness, swelling, varicose veins. All these conditions are due to the increasing load on the body, which increases as the baby grows in the stomach. Sometimes swelling of the legs and varicose veins can pose a threat to the health of the expectant mother, so women with this problem are recommended to wear special stockings.

Why do pregnant women need compression stockings?

Compression underwear has become a real find for patients prone to varicose veins and swelling. The product is made of a special elastic material, the main functions of which are:

  • even distribution of pressure on blood vessels;
  • normalization of the outflow of venous blood from the lower extremities;
  • elimination of fatigue in the limbs.

Compression stockings for swelling during pregnancy

Swelling of the extremities during the bearing of a baby is often caused by fluid retention in the body, which happens with an excess of salt in the diet. A diet will help to cope with edema of this type. However, sometimes swelling is the first sign of a violation of normal venous blood flow in the legs. With a constant feeling of fatigue in the legs, swelling and the manifestation of a pronounced vascular pattern, a woman is recommended to consult a doctor who diagnoses and treats problems with the veins. In combination with the prescribed treatment, the specialist will recommend wearing compression underwear.

Compression underwear for pregnant women: how to choose the right one

For expectant mothers, many varieties of compression underwear are produced that have different size, color, compression ratio. These include:

  • pantyhose - it is advisable to buy with existing problems not only with calves, but also with varicose veins of the external genitalia, however, pantyhose can put pressure on the stomach and make it difficult for a woman to go to the toilet, which happens quite often in an interesting position;
  • stockings are the best alternative for women in position suffering from varicose veins. Stockings are easy to use, the only drawback is the need to pull them up all the time and make sure that they do not slip;
  • knee-highs - relevant if there are problems with veins only in the calf muscles, however, this version of underwear does not look very aesthetically pleasing under a dress or skirt.

Most expectant mothers prefer to choose stockings rather than tights or stockings, as this model is the most convenient to use and its appearance no different from ordinary stockings.

All medical underwear has a different size, so before buying stockings, the patient should take the necessary measurements at home, and then just show them to the sales assistant, who will help you choose stockings with the right parameters. Incorrectly sized underwear will not only not fulfill its direct function, but will also do more harm than good. Arm yourself with a measuring tape and carefully measure:

  • distance from groin to feet;
  • circumference of the hips and waist (for tights);
  • circumference of the lower leg above the ankles;
  • tibia circumference above the knee joint.

Linen must be bought only in a specialized store or pharmacy!

Depending on the severity of varicose veins, stockings or tights have a different degree of compression:

  • light - underwear with light compression can be worn by pregnant women in order to prevent problems with venous circulation, as well as in order to reduce the load on the lower limbs before the upcoming long walk;
  • first class - underwear from this degree is intended for women who are genetically predisposed to varicose veins, but do not yet have pronounced problems (or the problems are mild), but only complain of increased leg fatigue and their slight swelling in the evenings;
  • second class - underwear from this class is prescribed to be worn by pregnant women who suffer from varicose veins, spider veins on the legs and their severe swelling;
  • the third class of compression - is indicated if the patient has chronic diseases of the veins of the lower extremities, for example, thrombophlebitis and others;
  • anti-embolic type of underwear - prescribed to women at the time of delivery in order to reduce the load on the vessels of the small pelvis and prevent the development of complications.

Depending on the density of stockings or tights, products may have a different number of den.

You cannot make a decision on your own to wear compression stockings, golf or tights, as this underwear has a number of serious contraindications, for example:

  • ischemia of some areas;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • open wound surfaces;
  • pustular rashes on the skin;
  • various endocrine disorders.

Instructions for using compression stockings: how to wear and how much to wear

In order for the effect of wearing compression underwear to be obvious, a woman needs to learn how to use it correctly, for this you should learn simple rules:

  • put on stockings or tights in the morning without getting out of bed - when putting on underwear, the patient may feel cold in the limbs and a feeling of squeezing, which is normal;
  • for the convenience of putting on (especially at long gestations), ask someone close to help;
  • if necessary, take stockings with you for childbirth, so you can prevent various complications associated with increased pressure on the vessels of the lower extremities and pelvis.

Compression stockings should be worn throughout the day, taking them off in bed before going to bed at night.

Care instructions: how to wash and dry compression stockings

In order for the product to serve you for a long time, you should properly care for it. Stockings can only be washed by hand, the use of a washing machine or dryer is prohibited. Use for washing baby stockings or laundry soap and warm water, always rinse thoroughly. Stockings should be dried only in a horizontal position, spreading them out on a flat hard surface, since hanging the product on clotheslines can lead to deformation of the fabric fibers and a violation of the compression function.

Irina Levchenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, specially forMirmam. pro

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