What to give for the New Year? When to buy gifts for the New Year? The main thing is attention.

New Year- a rather expensive holiday: every year Russians spend "tidy" sums on festive table, gifts and travel during winter holidays. AiF.ru tells how not to spend all the money on New Year's presents.

1. …further down the list

Making a list is the main rule of any shopping trip, and New Year's gifts are no exception. Estimate what presents and whom you plan to give to your loved ones, and calculate their approximate cost. Most likely, when you see the amount that you have to spend, you will prefer to make more budget gifts and, perhaps, not to everyone who was first included in the list. It would be useful to consider an alternative to gifts, in case the item you need is not in the store. For example, instead of lipstick, you can give your grandmother powder or mascara, and dad - a screwdriver instead of a drill. Make any adjustments to the list, and don't forget to take it with you when you go shopping for the holidays.

2. Catch up before the New Year's hype

The sooner you start buying gifts, the more chances you have to get something inexpensive and not stand in lines. The New Year's excitement, which has already become a tradition, will begin a week before December 31, and it is better to find time to look for presents on weekdays than to spend time looking for the right thing later.

3. Time is money

Saving money is half the battle, in the New Year's bustle it is important to save precious time. Try to make all planned purchases within one day. And even better - buy gifts in one place. By the way, in order to attract customers on New Year's Eve, some shopping centers sell discount cards valid for one day, with which you can buy goods at a discount in any of the shopping center stores.

4. Staying on the couch

Another way to save time and money is "online shopping" - today the range of goods in online stores is not inferior to retail. It is also important that most often buying a gift online is cheaper than in a regular store.

If you are planning to buy gifts online, keep in mind that on the eve of holidays, online stores receive great amount orders, which complicates delivery, therefore, in order to receive the product you need on time, it is recommended to order it as early as possible or pick it up yourself from the store's warehouse.

5. Fairs

Don't ignore the special New Year's fairs selling festive goods for every taste and budget - from baked goods to gifts self made. As a rule, prices in such bazaars are lower than in ordinary stores.

6. Case in packing

Optional to buy expensive gifts, the total cost of which can be comparable to the price of a tourist voucher. You can give friends, colleagues, neighbors small gifts, for example, Christmas decorations or souvenirs with New Year's symbols, and go for a trick - pack your surprise in colorful paper or just put it in an unusual gift bag. as show sociological research, people are most often “led” precisely on beautiful packaging.

7. The main thing is attention!

If you want to give a gift to all friends and relatives, but the budget does not allow, you can remember school lessons labor and make a present with your own hands. For example, bake unusually shaped gingerbread cookies or make soap, draw postcards. Thus, you will make a pleasant surprise for your loved ones and save money at the same time.

8. After the holidays

If you have neither the time nor the desire to go shopping in search of gifts for all your loved ones, we recommend that you postpone your visit to the store until the first days of January. Surely, until this time, you will not meet with all your friends and relatives, and this way you will have the opportunity to calmly go shopping and maybe even save money - there are often cases when, on the eve of the New Year, sellers raise prices for popular goods, and then lower them again.

There is no person in our world who would not love gifts. Everyone is pleased to receive a beautifully packaged bundle in their hands and, hiding impatience from others, unhurriedly unfold it. The gift attracts first of all with its obscurity. This is its special charm, because the secret and mysterious always attracts people.

A special place at all times was given to New Year's gifts. IN new year's eve everyone expects at least a small, but a miracle. A well-chosen gift is one. It satisfies innermost desires, and once again confirms the love and respect of loved ones.

Choosing the right New Year's gift is not an easy task, as it may seem at first glance. Of course, you can show formalism and give loved ones exactly the same items that differ only in color. Such an approach will be absolutely wrong and will disappoint everyone, although outwardly it is unlikely to somehow manifest itself. In order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to “invest” a piece of your soul into each gift. Only in this case, the gift will really become a small miracle and bring undoubted joy to friends and relatives.

The majority of people buy New Year's gifts on the eve of the holiday. There is a reason for this, since the store shelves are simply “bursting” with all kinds of goods. The choice is huge, so you can buy almost everything that your heart desires. But if someone wants to really surprise their loved ones in the New Year, then they will not last moment run around the supermarket.

Such a person will take care of gifts in advance. Needed Items and things he can calmly and leisurely choose back in October or November. But there are very few such prudent people. Therefore, we will talk about average citizens who purchase gifts in the last days of December.

Buying holiday gifts should be given at least a few hours. But before you go shopping, you should sit down at the table, take a blank sheet of paper and write down on it the names of all relatives and friends who should receive gifts. In this case, it will be simply impossible to forget someone. But it is better to play it safe and make the purchase of two or three additional gifts in the budget.

Speaking of budget. It is advisable to immediately calculate the required amount of money and, focusing on it, plan the purchase of certain things and items. Such a measure concretizes desires and greatly facilitates the choice. The cost of greeting cards must also be included in the expenditure side. You can not invest them in gifts, but you should definitely congratulate relatives living in another city on the New Year.

Having estimated the financial possibilities, you should decide on the main question: what gives for the New Year. To do this, it would be quite nice to remember the conversations of relatives and friends. Some of them must have mentioned their desires. This is what you need to proceed from, based on a specific amount of money. If dreams loved one“they cost too much”, then you should focus on a more modest thing, which, in its properties, has nothing to do with what you want.

For example, a wife dreams of a gold ring with a diamond. In this case, in no case should you buy cheap jewelry that imitates expensive thing, as it will be regarded as a mockery. It is better to buy a set of high-quality cosmetics or something else that has nothing to do with jewelry. Also, if the husband is “delirious” with a sports car, then buying him a toy car is categorically contraindicated. It would be much more reasonable to give your betrothed a good tie or shirt.

A man who chooses a New Year's gift for his beloved woman must remember that the main thing for her is attention. The beloved also needs to be at least a little guided in the tastes and preferences of his weaker half. Ideally, it is best to give perfume. And not the most expensive, but those that she regularly uses or perfumed several times, and she liked them. The second option is more preferable.

Dresses, sweaters, blouses, skirts should not be given, but elegant leather gloves will be just right. You can give woolen mittens or a beautiful woolen hat, if such a headdress is acceptable for a woman. A long scarf would also not be superfluous, but of the exact color that will be in harmony with outerwear. good cosmetics also considered a good gift. Cell phones, Appliances on New Year's Eve it is not recommended to give. Everything related to technology is best presented on other holidays. For example, on your birthday.

Gifts for older women should be given in accordance with their age. It can be a warm sleeveless jacket, a beautiful woolen blanket, soft slippers, a box of chocolates or a can of coffee. Given the cultural level of an elderly person, you can give a ticket to the conservatory or theater. The gift should be beautifully designed to once again emphasize the atmosphere of the holiday.

A woman, preparing for the New Year, should remember that a man is big child. Therefore, he loves gifts very much, but appreciates care and attention even more. Therefore, the thing donated should not cost mind-boggling money, but should be practical and useful.

If the representative of the stronger sex loves football, then the best gift for him there will be a sports jersey with the emblem of the club for which he is a fan. An inveterate car enthusiast will be happy with some cosmetic product to care for the interior of his iron friend. A purse, an original fountain pen, gloves, a belt for trousers or jeans, a shaving cassette - any of these things will undoubtedly please a man.

If a friend or husband loves to ski, then goggles will be a pleasant surprise for him. And the follower of jogging in the morning will be impressed by the new sneakers. In a word, an extraordinary female fantasy should manifest itself in all its glory.

What to give for the New Year to children is not an idle question at all. A child is a little man with his own dreams and aspirations. For him, the New Year holiday is a real miracle, and Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are living embodiments of fairy-tale heroes. When preparing a festive evening for the baby, it is better to make a few small gifts. Each of them should be in a separate beautiful package. Let there be sweets in one, a toy in the other, a bright book with fairy tales in the third.

It is advisable to give gifts during the game in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. In this case, the child will have the warmest memories of the holiday, and he will fall asleep happy, tightly clutching a new toy.

In addition to friends and family, there are also work colleagues. In any team, giving gifts before the New Year is considered a good form. There is no need to come up with something unusual. Can be limited greeting cards or give men pens and women flowers. It's easier for the boss. It is in his power to issue an award to everyone. This will be the best gift ever.

Thus, having figured out what to give for the New Year, you can begin to prepare for this amazing holiday with peace of mind. Few people remember, but our ancestors considered silverware to be the best gift on New Year's Eve. This metal purifies water and food from harmful bacteria and therefore contributes to the health of the body. So if financial opportunities allow, then give it to someone close to you silver spoon, glass or plate. Such a gift will never be forgotten.

You also need to remember that on New Year's Eve you can give not only new things, but also old ones. Here, however, the condition should be observed - these things should be dear to the person who gives them. Only in this case the gift will be real and from the heart.

And yet gifts are not the main component of the New Year holiday. Much more important is the love, consent and respect of native people. Everything else is just an outward manifestation. inner feelings. But to neglect gifts and thereby violate new year traditions- it is forbidden. They have existed for hundreds of years, giving a good winter holiday a unique charm and the expectation of something unusual and joyful. It should always be like this, because it is not for nothing that they say: how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it.

MOSCOW, December 18 - RIA Novosti, Nadezhda Tsydenova, Anton Meshcheryakov. The difficult economic situation in Russia has made adjustments to the pre-New Year shopping of Russians: about a third of citizens are ready to spend less before the holidays than last year, and Russians began to give preference to more useful gifts, and from the segment of the "average" price.

This situation differs significantly from last year's holiday bustle, when people, frightened by the depreciation of the ruble against the dollar and the euro, were in a hurry to spend their accumulated savings on expensive equipment and luxury goods.

At the same time, according to research, many citizens are going to pamper "themselves" in the past year much more than, for example, work colleagues, traditionally not forgetting about gifts to friends and relatives.

RIA Novosti conducted a survey among Russian retail chains and found out what gifts citizens will receive for the New Year and which stores will be able to earn on this in the first place.

Get what you want for less

Tkachev hopes that food prices will rise slightly before the New YearThere is already a slight jump in prices, by 1-2%, the head of the Ministry of Agriculture said. According to him, this is a market, and there are no such tools that could block prices before the New Year.

According to a survey by the research center of the Superjob.ru portal, about a third of Russians are ready to spend less on all New Year's gifts than last year. Only 14% of respondents plan to increase their spending on gifts.

The majority of respondents (41%) are going to spend from 1.5 to 5 thousand rubles on gifts, and 16% of respondents want to meet 5-10 thousand rubles. Gifts worth more than 10 thousand rubles are ready to buy only 9% of Russians.

Despite the desire to save money, Russians love to give a lot of gifts. According to a joint study by PayPal and the GFK agency, this year, in addition to relatives, soulmates and friends, work colleagues will not stand aside (25.5% of respondents are ready to give them gifts), and even pets (13.7%). The Russians will not forget about gifts for themselves either - 40.4% of the respondents declared such a desire.

According to the study, the most desirable gifts for men this year are electronics (38.7% of respondents chose this option) and sporting goods (6.6%). Women, on the other hand, dream of finding cosmetics and beauty products (17.6%), as well as electronics (16.4%) under the Christmas tree. The most "unwanted" gifts were food, including chocolate and alcohol (20.8%), as well as toys (22.3%).

Crisis is short, technology is eternal

The classic New Year gifts for Russians are appliances and electronics - this trend has not changed this year either. The company "M.Video" indicates that, regardless of the season, TVs, as well as large household and digital appliances, remain the leading categories in the network's sales.

Moscow authorities told about entertainment for the New Year holidaysOn the main venues of the capital, celebrations will begin at the end of December, New Year's Eve will be met by many parks in Moscow, and New Year's fairs will open in the city on December 18.

"At the beginning of December of this year, not only TVs, but also iPhone 6/6S appeared in the top five among retail sales, which became welcome gifts this year. Also before the New Year holidays, smart gadgets, accessories for gamers, headphones, goods from the category of small household appliances", says a company spokesperson.

Irina Tseplinskaya, director of public relations at Eldorado, agrees with her colleague. According to her, there is also a demand for games and accessories for game consoles, such as a steering wheel and pedals, as well as large diagonal TVs (from 46 inches).

Let's stop in the middle

Nevertheless, sellers of equipment and electronics still note a change in the consumer behavior of Russians before the Year of the Red fire monkey. "This year's trend was the desire to save money - people began to buy less," says PR-director of Euroset Ulyana Smolskaya.

According to her, one should not expect such demand as at the end of 2014 for expensive phone models costing from 35-40 thousand rubles - however, it is difficult to make an accurate forecast now.

"We don't expect the rush of buying activity that the market faced at the end of 2014," agrees Oleg Pchelnikov, commercial director of Yulmart.

"We should not ignore the possibility of repeating the situation of last year, when, due to the growth of the exchange rate, people tried to invest free rubles in gifts," says, on the contrary, a representative of Euroset.

Savings and import substitution: where Russians will fly for the New YearMost Russian tourists choose Simferopol and the Krasnodar Territory for their New Year holidays. In the near abroad, flights to Tbilisi are in the lead, in the far abroad - Munich, and in the far abroad - Thailand.

A change in the structure of purchases is also noted in the Svyaznoy retailer - network customers tend to save money and more carefully analyze the price / device functionality ratio. "Therefore, the most expressive dynamics this year are primarily shown by brands with best offer in medium price segments - for example, Lenovo, LG, ZTE," the company added.

The retailer says that although Russians traditionally buy more flagship devices in December than in other months, in 2015 it is more difficult to do this - because of rising prices, a flagship smartphone will now cost 30-70 thousand rubles.

A more thoughtful approach to shopping is observed even in such a crisis-resistant category of goods as gifts for children. “There are tendencies to reduce impulse purchases. Buyers compare prices among competitors, look for analogues online and increasingly prefer to place orders in an online store, even at the same price,” says Ekaterina Rezanova, PR director of the Children's chain of children's stores.

Crisis is a crisis, and gifts are on schedule

However, a person is not a single technique - popular gifts for the New Year 2016 are jewelry, household goods.

"Against the background of the shift in customer preferences in favor of consumer goods, which we have been seeing since the beginning of the year, children's goods, jewelry, household goods, as well as seasonal offers are more popular today. On the eve of the holidays, we also predict an increase in demand for products in the Cosmetics and Perfume category," says Pchelnikov from Yulmart.

High demand in " Children's world Goods with images of the heroes of popular films are also used - this New Year's season it's "Star Wars", the premiere of a new episode of the saga took place this week. Lego, Hasbro and Mattel brands are also classics.

In turn, the GC "Children" reported that on the eve of the New Year holidays in the chain's stores, the demand for goods for winter holiday.

"Most a big increase sales in our company on New Year's Eve is demonstrated by the category of goods for winter recreation - various sleds, "cheesecakes", skis, skates, clubs, equipment, outdoor games," says Rezanova, PR director of the network.

Do not forget that the best gift has always been a book. Biblio-Globus fully agrees with this statement, where they note the December growth in sales of books and stationery.

"After analyzing the first ten days of the month, we saw that sales increased in relation to previous years. Probably, the crisis also played its role, for many more expensive gifts became inaccessible," a representative of the trading house said.

"Traditionally, almost every visitor buys colorful wall calendars, diaries, planings. From books - well-published novelties that they take more than one copy - as a gift to friends and relatives for the New Year," the agency's interlocutor adds.

Gold and furs love silence

A kind of "safe haven" of New Year's gifts in December was Jewelry and fur products - sellers indicate that Russians' preferences for such gifts are stable and have not changed for several years.

“Jewelry of all assortment groups is in demand. In general, as in the past and the year before last, our buyer focuses on the “golden classics” - jewelry “for all times”, which keep the memory of personal events that are inherited, which are always in fashion,” says Dmitry Baranov, COO of Adamas.

According to him, the New Year's demand of Russians for jewelry increases by the end of December and has a pronounced peak after the 25th. “Now the demand is in line with the predicted values ​​and gives us reason to expect a good turnover in December,” he adds.

Fundamental changes in demand are not observed in " snow queen". "Mink coat as it was, and remains a dream gift for the New Year for many women. No circumstances affect the status of this wardrobe item," the company noted.

As a more economical new year gift small items made of fox fur are also considered - vests, scarves and collars. In general, the Snow Queen points out, the decrease in purchasing power could not but affect the preferences of customers.

"Nevertheless, many are rediscovering the charm of democratic types of fur, products from which are many times cheaper, while they are very fashionable, attractive and interesting in terms of using the most relevant fashion trends", - added a representative of the network.

Konstantin Chalabov/RIA Novosti

At first glance, the idea to give for the New Year Christmas decorations seems quite logical - the thing conveys the atmosphere of the upcoming holiday and, most likely, will be used for its intended purpose. However, this can only be done if you know exactly the traditions that people observe for the New Year.

For many this family celebration, so they try to decorate the festive tree with toys that were inherited from great-grandmothers. Others, on the contrary, are convinced that decorating a Christmas tree every year costs differently. For example, in a certain style of toys or color scheme. So before you run to the souvenir shop, think about whether your gold and red balls will be useful to a person who this year decided to decorate a Christmas tree, say, in ultraviolet, which is popular in 2018?

Figurines-symbols of the coming year

One of the most common gifts is a symbol of the coming year in accordance with the Eastern calendar. Marketers go to great lengths to make a horse, monkey, or dog figurine look attractive. It's on the move beautiful packaging and advertising slogans that convince how the thing will contribute to happiness in the family and financial well-being. True, what to do with the collection of animals gathering dust on the shelves is still unclear. It does not look like unique things that I would like to inherit, and they are unlikely to be useful to children.

Clothing with a New Year theme

Sweaters and pajamas with deer and tree prints have long gone out of fashion. Now such products look silly and tasteless. Yes, and it’s quite difficult to guess with the size of a colleague and preferences in style - some like it more free, others are tight. Add to that the fabric and color requirements. In addition, there is always a set limit for gifts in Secret Santa, which is unlikely to be met if you want to give a quality item.


Sergei Pyatakov/RIA Novosti

It is difficult to come up with a more meaningless gift than a calendar. Firstly, it's the 21st century and all gadgets have built-in organizers for a long time. Secondly, most offices provide their employees with all the equipment necessary for work, and calendars for the coming year are issued without fail. Similar gift can be regarded as complete indifference to the addressee.

Body care gift sets

Why You Shouldn't Donate Gift Baskets everyone seems to know about personal care products. But, nevertheless, there is always a person in the office who disregards the rule. Once again: people always choose personal hygiene products for themselves, and such sets are simply re-gifted. If you do not have time to buy a gift at all, it is better to limit yourself to a gift certificate.

Chocolate candies

Another gift from the category “bought at the last moment what came to hand” is a set of chocolates. They are given throughout life and for any occasion. Have pity on colleagues new year holidays everyone is gaining a couple of extra kilos, and then there are sweets.


Not everyone can appreciate a handmade gift. For most, such a thing brings joy only if it is the fruit of the efforts of a beloved child. So in order to avoid misunderstanding on the faces of colleagues, we recommend discarding this idea. Convinced that hand-made is your forte? You can take a chance. Just don’t be surprised later why in a year a colleague never came in the mittens and hat that you knitted for him.

Everyone has their own favorite holiday. But there is one that almost everyone likes. Main winter holiday, bright, fabulous New Year causes a flurry of emotions. It is customary to prepare for this celebration in advance. The preparation process includes drawing up a holiday script, pleasant chores for acquiring paraphernalia (Christmas tree, Christmas balls, tinsel, garlands, etc.), gifts. Everyone approaches his organization in his own way.

How not to forget anything and do everything

Many today prefer to start preparing for the holiday in advance. But often they forget about something important and are forced to run around the shops on New Year's Eve. To avoid this, it is necessary to clearly plan the process of purchasing gifts. You can start with the mailing list. Everyone can include in it those people whom he would like to do something nice for the New Year. It can be relatives, acquaintances, friends, colleagues. The list is ready, it's time to start planning gifts.

To whom to give - the most complex issue. Much here depends on the relationship between the donor and the addressee, the tastes of the latter and the capabilities of the former. The choice of gifts is an individual matter. Everyone solves it as far as possible. You can select future gifts specifically (indicating a thing in the list) or according to indicative characteristics (a group of things). After that, be sure to note the budget for the purchase. This will help you plan your expenses. With regard to the time for such preparation, there are no clear recommendations on this matter. How much time do you personally have enough for budget planning, a month is enough? Then the list of gifts should be ready by December.

Shopping time

You can start buying New Year's gifts from the end of December. It is at this time that the sales season starts in retail chains. Discounts, promotional prices are offered for New Year's paraphernalia and much more. Sales - great way buy worthy gifts at an affordable price. This will help you stay within your budget.

According to statistics, most people buy gifts in mid-December. Few prefer to leave this mission for the 31st. There are good reasons for this position. New Year's Eve is full of things to do and it's quite problematic to catch gifts. Do not put off pre-holiday shopping for the last hours of the outgoing year. Competent preparation for the celebration will save your nerves, save time and allow you to optimize the cost of congratulating friends, relatives, colleagues.
