How to clean a briefcase from chewing gum. How to get chewing gum out of clothes

Chewing gum is very popular these days for freshening breath and whitening teeth, but some rude people leave it under bus seats, cafes, park benches, and other places. That is why the question of how to remove chewing gum from clothes becomes very acute. It is a shame for any person to throw away an expensive suit or favorite jeans due to the antics of hooligans, but, fortunately, there are several effective ways to solve the problem.

To successfully remove chewing gum from clothes, you need to heed the following tips.

  • Do not clean off the adhered mass with nails or sharp objects - it does not lend itself well to mechanical stress, and the fabric, especially soft and delicate, may be damaged.
  • It is better to solve the problem as soon as possible, therefore, having spoiled a thing, you should not postpone the removal of chewing gum “for later”. It is recommended to do this on the same day.
  • Consider the material from which the clothes are made. So, for synthetics, solvents cannot be used.

After removing the elastic, the clothes should be washed - manually or in a machine, in order to finally get rid of the trouble and return the suit to a fresh look.

Removal with cold

A very simple way will help to save a damaged thing and peel off a nasty mass.

  • Lightly wet the area where the chewing gum came into contact with cold water. You can just spray liberally on this place from a spray bottle.
  • Put the garment in a bag and tie it.
  • Place the bag in the freezer for 6-7 hours.
  • Remove the bag, remove the thing from it and tear off the frozen mass with pliers or carefully cut it off with a knife.

If there are small marks left, you can clean them with an old toothbrush.

This method is very simple and effective - the chewing gum will come off, the fabric will not suffer, there will be no stain. However, if the gum is smeared, then freezing, alas, will not help.

Cleaning big things

You can also spoil outerwear, such as a down jacket, a coat. They will not fit in the freezer, so another way is to remove the sticky mass with ice.

If there is no ice, you can use any frozen product - it will not suffer and can later be used for its intended purpose.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. the damaged thing is placed on a horizontal surface;
  2. put ice or frost on the “affected” place;
  3. leave for 30-40 minutes;
  4. now you can scrape off the frozen gum with a knife.

If it was not possible to wash off the first time, you can repeat the procedure, but leave the ice product for a longer time - 1-1.5 hours.

Express Methods

If you urgently need to remove chewing gum from clothes, you can use another simple but effective method:

  1. put the damaged item under the stream cold water;
  2. use a toothbrush to clean off the adhering mass.

After 10 minutes, the chewing gum will be completely removed, all that remains is to dry the thing.

At home, you can save a damaged wardrobe item with a jet of hot water, the method is similar to the cold express cleaning method described earlier, but the hot tap should be opened.

hot steam

You can clean chewing gum from clothes using steam exposure. Having chosen this method, you need to act according to the following algorithm.

  1. Put a pot of water on the gas and bring the liquid to a boil.
  2. Place the damaged item over the dishes in such a way that steam gets into the damaged area.
  3. As soon as the mass becomes viscous, quickly clean it with a knife.

Instead of a saucepan, you can use a boiling kettle, then the steam can be directed to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tissue. You need to work quickly, otherwise the steamed chewing gum can spread over the material and complicate the task.

An iron will come to the rescue

All of the above methods are suitable for removing gum that is not smeared on clothes. If this still happened, the iron will help.

  1. It is necessary to take two small pieces of white paper (sheets of a notebook or stationery are suitable), place them on the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric on both sides.
  2. Next, the iron is connected to the network.
  3. You have to wait until it warms up.
  4. Iron the fabric with an iron over the paper on the front side.
  5. Change the paper on both sides and repeat the procedure until the stain is completely removed.

Even napkins can be used as a paper layer, but newsprint will not work - printing ink will leave a dark mark on things. Most often, this method is used to clean jeans from stubborn gum.

Working with fine fabrics: hairspray

You can also plant chewing gum on delicate material, which is unacceptable to work with in the above ways - a rough impact can ruin a suit or dress. Regular hairspray will help.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. put the chewing-damaged clothing on a horizontal surface;
  2. how to spray the damaged area with varnish;
  3. wait 5 minutes;
  4. clean the mass with a knife.

If you have to act outside the home and there is no knife at hand, a nail file will replace it.

Alcohol and other solvents

You can also wipe the chewing gum with the help of alcohol-containing substances:

  • vodka;
  • cologne;
  • spirits;
  • alcohol tinctures;
  • medical alcohol itself.

You should act like this:

  1. pour some liquid on a cotton pad;
  2. saturate the damaged area with it;
  3. leave for 5-7 minutes for exposure;
  4. when the sticky mass begins to peel off, tear it off with a knife;
  5. clean the surface with a toothbrush.

It remains only to dry the thing. If a characteristic stain remains from the alcohol-containing liquid, it is easy to wash the clothes in the usual way.

To remove the chewing gum, if it is very stuck, you will have to use a powerful tool, for example, one of the solvents:

  • acetone;
  • gasoline;
  • "White Spirit".

Before starting work, it is necessary to conduct a test: apply a small amount of the selected substance to an inconspicuous area and observe: if no changes have occurred on the material, then work can be safely continued.

How to act?

  1. Apply solvent to a cotton pad.
  2. Press the disc to the damaged area and hold for 5 minutes.
  3. Rub off the gum with a knife.

On the first attempt, not all of the sticky mass may be removed, so the procedure may have to be repeated.

We clean wool

Consider how to remove chewing gum from woolen things. The following methods are suitable for them:

  • freezing in the freezer or exposure to ice;
  • spray the damaged fragment with antistatic or hairspray and clean off the gum with a non-sharp knife.

Solvents and alcohol-containing substances for wool should not be used. If there is no other possibility, you should secure the fabric as much as possible - paste it around the chewing gum with adhesive tape or adhesive tape.

improvised means

How to remove chewing gum from clothes using improvised means?

  • Vinegar, pre-heated slightly in the microwave, will remove the adhering mass well, but you should not use it on delicate fabrics.
  • Adhesive tape. It is glued to the affected area, after which it comes off with a sharp movement. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. The tape is not suitable for removing old chewing gum, but it will successfully help you quickly get rid of just stuck.
  • Liquid laundry detergent. Easy to use and effective: a small amount is poured onto the fabric, then rubbed with a brush. Chewing gum residue can be removed with a nail file.

Another very original way, which allows you to tear chewing gum from clothes - using peanut butter. The procedure is simple.

  1. The oil is carefully applied to the gum itself (it is very important to ensure that the material is not damaged).
  2. Then you need to wait 5 minutes.
  3. Carefully remove the mass with a non-sharp knife.
  4. You can remove the remnants of a fatty product with alcohol or lemon juice.
  5. The processing is completed by washing the thing.

Another rather unusual method that helps to reduce the gum is with the help of another chewing gum. For this, an ordinary gum is taken, chewed and “glued” over the old one. Then both of them are carefully torn off. It may not be possible to completely peel off the mass the first time, but after several attempts the result will be noticeable.

Sticking chewing gum is not a pleasant situation, so everyone wants to get rid of it as soon as possible. There will be no trace on clothes if you react quickly and apply one of the proven methods.

There are several effective ways to remove chewing gum from clothes and shoes. You don't have to use any method. After all, it all depends on the material, color and quality of things. If one remedy does not help, feel free to move on to another, while observing the rules of caution. For example, shedding colored items should not be treated with acetone or alcohol, and boiling water can also damage them. General methods how to clean chewing gum from clothes are divided into cold, hot and others.

Cold ways to remove chewing gum from clothes


The most effective and proven way to remove chewing gum from clothes is to freeze them. It is enough just to put the thing, packed in a plastic bag, in the freezer for about an hour. The gum should freeze and fall off on its own. If this does not happen, you can try to scrape it off. But if this does not help, use another method.


If a thing big size and does not fit in the freezer, you need to attach a piece of ice to the contaminated area. After the chewing gum hardens, it is necessary to remove it with a stiff brush. This method is ideal for removing chewing gum from a carpet, rug, fur coat, coat or other large items.

Hot ways to get chewing gum out of clothes

Boiling water

In order to use this method, you will need an assistant. One of you should pour boiling water from the kettle on the damaged thing, the other should clean the place from the chewing gum with an old toothbrush.

For greater effect, you need to lower the clothes with a contaminated place in boiling water and wait until it gets wet. Without removing it from the water, pick off the chewing gum with a sharp object, then rub the cloth. After the procedure, the thing must be dried, and if necessary, repeat the steps.


You can use an iron to remove chewing gum from clothes. Through a napkin, gauze or blotting paper, iron the place of contamination with an iron. True, after this method, a stain from chewing gum may remain on the clothes. But you should not panic - use the Amway stain remover spray: apply to the stain, wait a few minutes, and then send the item to the wash. Even in this case, Fairy can come in handy - apply it on the stain and wash it.

You can also put the thing with the chewing gum down on a sheet of cardboard and iron it on medium power until the chewing gum remains on the cardboard.

hair dryer

A hair dryer will help get rid of chewing gum on clothes. With it, you need to warm up the gum, and then clean the contaminated area with an unnecessary toothbrush.

Other ways to remove chewing gum from clothes


This method is ideal for removing chewing gum from jeans. It is necessary to slightly heat a little vinegar, dip a toothbrush into it, and then quickly, until the vinegar has cooled, rub the chewing gum with it.

wedge wedge

A funny, however, very effective way is to remove chewing gum with its own help. To do this, you need to thoroughly chew the new chewing gum, get it out of your mouth, and then stick it - unstick it to the contaminated place until complete victory.


In hardware stores, you can buy a special spray for removing chewing gums called "Chewing Gum Removers". Its action is similar to the action of freezing and applying ice: it cools the surface contaminated with chewing gum. After applying it, you need to wait a few seconds, and then scrape off the chewing gum with improvised means.

Sprays can also be used to remove chewing gum stains. It can be ordinary stain remover sprays.


Many people believe the best way removal of chewing gum, the use of technical fluid toluene. It must be applied to the place of adhering chewing gum, then wash the thing with powder.

Another chemical method suitable for non-shedding clothes is acetone. Acetone-free nail polish remover will remove chewing gum from outerwear, such as a fur coat or coat, as well as on the carpet, without leaving a trace or ruining the color.

Dry cleaning helps to remove gum from clothes. In order not to waste your energy and precious time yourself, you can take the contaminated item there, and specialists can easily cope with the task.


This method is perfect for you if the chewing gum is very ingrained into the fabric. How to remove chewing gum from clothes? Just soak the damaged item in water and apply a cleaning agent to the sticking area. You can use it as a dishwashing detergent, as well as a powder, and a stain remover. The main thing - do not spare the cleaning agent, apply from the heart! Next, you need to remove the softened chewing gum and wash the clothes in the machine or by hand, as usual.

Peanut butter

When using this method, be careful and careful not to get peanut butter on a clean area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing. You only need to smear the gum with oil, and then gently scrape it off with a blunt object. Then the thing must be washed in a typewriter or by hand.

If oil does get on a clean area of ​​clothing, apply liquid stain remover to it before you start washing.

How to get chewing gum out of shoes?

In order to remove chewing gum from shoes, the above methods may be inconvenient. But there is a way out of this situation: take a swab, soak it with alcohol, acetone or regular nail polish remover. Wipe the area with a tissue for a few minutes, then rub the chewing gum off with a kitchen knife or an unused toothbrush.

Remember that the main thing for you is not to give up, and victory will be in your hands! And also learn to be attentive and teach your children to do this - then the problem of chewing gum stuck to clothes or shoes will become irrelevant for you.

No one is immune from an unpleasant situation; both children and adults face it. A trip in public transport, visiting a cafe, a walk in the park can turn into a search practical advice how to get chewing gum out of clothes. Do not prematurely despair or panic, because there are effective ways how to peel this toffee from clothes. In many cases, even the simplest of them will help remove the unwanted item from the item without you having to throw it away.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes

If you find chewing gum on your thing, you don’t need to try to immediately rub it off, peel it off, or tear it off. Haste often turns into the fact that the thing can no longer be saved, since chewing gum is deeply eaten into the fibers of the fabric. Such attempts lead to the widespread belief that it will not work to remove the stuck gum. But some people who are faced with an unpleasant situation know that it is easy to remove an unwanted "accessory" if you use, for example, a hair dryer, iron, cold or gasoline. Try to do it too!

Remove from pants

For almost all types of clothing, a single rule applies: if you can’t remove chewing gum in one way, go to another. If you are puzzled by the question of how to remove it from trousers, then there are two simple, proven options: cold (freezer) or warm (boiling water). The first method assumes that the pants should be put in the freezer. After a couple of hours, take it out, gently scrape off the frozen chewing gum with a knife. If this does not help, then pour boiling water on the damaged area, and then rub the place with a toothbrush.

Wipe smeared chewing gum off jeans

You can try to save your favorite jeans from an unwanted “accessory” at home by applying simple methods. The sticky structure is easily affected by temperature, so even hot tap water can help. Hold the stained area under running water for a while, and then clean the fabric with a toothbrush. The same principle of influence high temperature provided for the method when boiling water is used. Immerse the stained area in boiling water, leave until the water has cooled. Then carefully remove the gum with a knife.

Clear off cloth

All simple methods, how to quickly remove chewing gum from clothes, come down to exposure to high or low temperatures. But what about in a situation where the fabric cannot be subjected to such a test? If you can walk on jeans, a T-shirt with an iron, placing a napkin on the soiled place, then this method is not suitable for delicate fabrics (silk, satin, velveteen). These types of fabrics do not accept the use of vinegar, gasoline, but a cooling spray, dry ice, or a special spray to remove unwanted "accessories" are ideal.

How to remove chewing gum stain

If there are no difficulties when searching for an answer to the question of how to remove chewing gum from clothes, then in order to understand how to remove a chewing gum stain, you need to pay a little more attention to the topic. Eating into the structure of the fabric, bubble gum is able to irrevocably spoil the thing. The following remedies for removing stains from this unwanted "accessory" have proven their effectiveness in practice:

  • Vinegar. This tool is best used on dense fabrics. Vinegar essence helps to reduce the gum stain: you need to heat a small amount of liquid, moisten the toothbrush, which then rub the stain. If necessary, repeat the whole process until the stained area is clean again.
  • Ammonia is a versatile drug, perfectly coping with different types spots. Its effectiveness has also been proven in relation to the marks left on clothes by chewing gum. Put a cotton pad moistened with ammonia on top, leave it a little longer, and then rub the area with a toothbrush. It remains only to wash the thing in order to finally remove the remnants of the bubble gum.
  • Freezing is the easiest way, but suitable for fresh spots. Put the damaged item in a bag, and then put it in the cold (a refrigerator freezer is suitable). As an option for freezing, when removing stains from toffee, dry ice, the Freezer coolant, proved its effectiveness.

Housewives often have to deal with complex clothing contamination. Planted spots are often difficult to remove, but what if gum accidentally sticks to a skirt or jeans? It seems that the thing is hopelessly damaged, and it can no longer be saved. Is it really?

How to remove chewing gum from clothes? There are some home remedies to help deal with this problem. In fact, chewing gum can be removed from any fabric, and without damage to the material. Let's see what can be done in such a situation.

Options for chewing gum

How to remove chewing gum from clothes? You can remove it from trousers or skirts by different ways impact. Depending on the density and nature of the material of clothing, the variation is selected individually.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes:

  • cooling;
  • heating;
  • chemical impact.

It should be noted that thin and delicate materials do not tolerate high thermal effects. This means that heating should be immediately excluded. But a low temperature for cleaning is just right.

How to get chewing gum out of clothes if it has hardened?

Of course, it is better to immediately remove the sticky mass. If it stays on a thing for a long time, then it will become much more difficult to clean the gum from the jeans, or wash it from the fabric on the pants.

In addition, the elastic can also be smeared on the fabric. But it is still possible to do so.

As for the removal of complex pollution through household chemicals, this method is not suitable for bright colored products. This is due to the fact that after such an aggressive impact, a brightened one may remain.

From all of the above, of course, we can conclude that cleansing through cold is the most versatile and effective way to deal with chewing gum stuck to clothes. But other methods, too, ahead of time should not be discounted.

Well, now more about all the existing methods of peeling chewing gum.

Cold cleaning methods

How to remove chewing gum from trousers or jeans? Cold methods of cleansing will come to the rescue. They are also suitable for delicate, thin, bright and shedding fabrics. There are two effective options that will not require costs a large number time and effort.

So, how do you get gum off your pants? A freezer or ice cube will help.


Using a freezer is the most commonly used option when dealing with chewing gum.

How to remove gum from jeans and other things? To clean clothes, you will need to fold them with the dirt out, and then place them in a regular bag. We send it to the freezer for about 1 hour.

During this period of time, the sticky mass will harden, and the chewing gum will no longer stick so firmly, which means that it will become much easier to unstick it from the matter.

Most often, the gum is just enough to pry off and it disappears by itself. But if this did not happen, then you can help yourself with some pointed object. It can be a nail file or a regular knife.

ice cube

How to remove chewing gum from jeans or any other clothing in a faster way? If there is no time at all, and the adhering pollution needs to be urgently removed, then you can use ordinary ice cubes.

Ice wrapped in a plastic bag is simply applied to the attached elastic band. The cubes should be changed as needed until the adhesive mass hardens.

Then it should be scrubbed with a stiff brush or knife. Sometimes sticky pollution can be simply completely torn off.

Instead of ice, it would also be nice to use special freezing agents that are sold in household stores. There are enough brands of freezing sprays - there are plenty to choose from.

Hot cleaning methods

How can you remove chewing gum from clothes? In some cases, if the fabric is dense and does not shed, it is worth trying hot cleaning techniques. On the contrary, unlike cooling, they heat and melt the gum, which helps to clean off the mass without any extra effort.


How to get rid of chewing gum on clothes with an iron? Very simple, first unstick the part of the gum that is well behind, and then put a napkin on top of the stain and at medium heat, in the area of ​​​​contamination.

The remaining trace is disposed of with the help of detergent for dishes, or removed with a stain remover. The main condition is not to use this method in relation to pure synthetics.

Hair dryer application

How to remove chewing gum from clothes with a hair dryer? As in the previous method, for starters, it is better to try to partially tear off the Velcro. Next, heat the stained area with a hair dryer until the chewing gum is very soft. Now we clean off the dirt with a toothbrush or any other old brush. In conclusion, simply wash the thing in hot water with powder.

Hot water or steam

You will need to boil water. In the case of hot water, you should pull a piece of clothing stained with chewing gum onto the bucket. So it will be more convenient to water the directly soiled area with water. When the pollution begins to move away, it is cleaned with a brush.

How to remove chewing gum with steam? You just need to pour half a bucket of boiling water, also stretch the thing so that the steam passes through the soiled area. The elastic will gradually begin to melt, and it will become easier to remove it from the material.

After removing sticky contamination with heating methods, a trace may remain.But you shouldn't worry. , and the chewing gum itself will help homemade chemicals.

Home dry cleaning

How to get chewing gum out of pants chemical exposure? What means in general can dissolve a sticky viscous substance, while not harming the tissue? There are safe home methods, and they will be described now.

And if you're worried about how to get chewing gum stains out of hot-cleaned clothes, these products will also help.


How to get rid of chewing gum on fabric with acetone? You can even use not pure acetone, but nail polish remover.

It is enough to put a few drops of the substance on the sticky area and rub it with your fingers. After 2 minutes, you need to wash the item or dish detergent.

Medical alcohol

How to remove chewing gum from trousers or skirts? Alcohol will help separate the sticky substance from matter. It is better to use it only on plain and dim products, as the thing can shed.

All that is needed is to moisten a cotton swab or sponge in alcohol and saturate the place where the gum sticks with it. Now we wait a couple of minutes, and clean the remnants of the fabric with a knife.

ammonium chloride

Ammonia is able to wash complex stains of various kinds, including traces of chewing gum. How to clean clothes from chewing gum with ammonia? You will need to moisten a cotton swab in the product and apply it to the stain for 1 hour. The adhesive backing comes off easily. It remains just to rub the contaminated area well to get rid of the stain. In conclusion, we wash the pants in the usual way.

table vinegar

How to clean chewing gum from clothes with vinegar? The method is considered one of the most effective. You can use it without fear for colored things.

To achieve a positive result, it is enough to heat the substance a little, and immediately begin to clean the stuck chewing gum. You can use an old toothbrush. They dip it in vinegar, and carefully in a circular motion clean up the pollution. For cleaning jeans, this method is just a godsend.

It turns out that chewing gum sticking to clothes is not so scary. The thing can now always be cleaned, because you already know the methods. Such folk recipes have already helped out a single hostess in difficult situations. And all the magic lies just in the knowledge of little tricks.

If chewing gum sticks to clothes, it can be removed with the help of improvised means that are in almost every home. Do not try to tear off the gum at the first sight of it. In some cases, it is recommended to wait until it dries, so that you can easily get rid of it without harm to clothing. If the chewing gum is firmly ingrained into the fabric and it is impossible to rub it off with your hands, then you can not do without proven home methods for cleaning things.

Removal of chewing gum by freezing

Rubber is destroyed in conditions of frost and cold, as it contains resin and paraffin. Under the influence of low temperature, these components harden and begin to crack. If you put a piece of tissue with chewing gum in a plastic bag and then in the freezer overnight, in the morning it can be easily torn off with your hands or removed with any flat object. In a few hours, the gum will lose its elasticity, harden and crumble into pieces.

Freezing gum removal benefits:

  1. 1. Lack of complex manipulations and monetary costs.
  2. 2. Removal without harm to clothes.
  3. 3. No stains or greasy marks.
  4. 4. Impact on chewing gum without deformation of clothing fabric.

For larger items, you can use ice cubes. They need to be attached to the chewing gum and left for a while until it completely hardens. The disadvantage of this method is that the ice does not have a strong freezing effect, and it also melts quickly. If the chewing gum is firmly stuck to the clothes, this method will not succeed.

The easiest way to "cold therapy" is to hold the stained area of ​​tissue under a stream of cold water. This technique is suitable for denim clothing. Under the pressure of cold water, the chewing gum will gradually begin to break down and with the help of a flat object it can be separated from the fabric.

How to remove a smudge?

Smeared gum is easier to remove when it becomes hard. In this case, hairspray will do. On both sides, the contaminated area must be sprinkled with varnish. After a few minutes, the gum will become hard and pliable. After that, it can be removed with a sharp object.

Ammonia - universal remedy to remove any contaminants at home. It is enough to put a cotton pad moistened with ammonia on the chewing gum for 30-60 minutes. Alcohol will not only remove the chewing gum, but also help to remove traces of it. The ammonia has a characteristic smell, so after the procedure, the clothes will have to be washed.

Chewing gum dissolves well under the action of acetone, gasoline and kerosene. Liquids are highly flammable and should be handled with extreme caution.

Nail polish remover with acetone will effectively remove chewing gum from non-shedding things. For other clothing, you can use an acetone-free liquid. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the fabric.

You can remove chewing gum from trousers or jackets with adhesive tape. It removes residues from the bulk. The chewing gum itself must first be peeled off with your hands, and the rest removed with tape. This method is suitable for dense fabrics.

Denim clothing

Chewing gum can be removed with other chewing gum. To do this, you need to take a few of her pads, chew well and stick to the one on the fabric with sharp wetting movements.

For denim, the method with an iron is suitable. The thing needs to be turned inside out. Attach thick paper to the chewing gum, and on the other hand, with light superficial movements, walk with a hot iron. It is important not to iron, but only to touch the clothes with the iron. If everything is done correctly, under the influence of high temperature, the chewing gum will stick to the paper.

Sometimes chewing gum leaves greasy marks. You can remove them with alcohol or concentrated washing powder. Small spots are removed with talc or potato starch. You need to leave the powder for several hours, and then remove it with a brush.

The hot method is not the most efficient, but it is sometimes used. Use a hair dryer to heat up the gum and remove it with a toothbrush. Hot chewing gum comes off easier on jeans than on thinner fabrics. Hot air makes the elastic elastic and sticky, which will not allow you to remove it, for example, from woolen items.

Very effective remedy wash the chewing gum - peanut butter. The difficulty lies in the fact that it needs to be applied only to the chewing gum itself. Getting on the fabric, it leaves a greasy mark, which will not be easy to remove. Under the influence of peanut butter, chewing gum loses its sticky properties, it can be easily removed with a sharp knife. You can also remove the stain with saddle soap.

Delicate fabrics

Removing chewing gum from delicate fabrics is not an easy task. Such things require special care, so not all home methods will help get rid of pollution without ruining clothes. These include the method of removing chewing gum using boiling water. Delicate and colored items may lose their shape or color when in contact with very hot water.

Vinegar will help clean the sticky mass from thin things. It does not discolor or corrode fabric fibers. It is important to moisten the gum with vinegar for only 1-2 minutes, and then brush it with a toothbrush. The remaining smell is easily removed with a normal wash.


For woollens, the most suitable way to remove the sticky mass is to freeze. If your suit or coat is soiled and won't fit in the freezer, ice cubes will come to the rescue. It is important to know that the costume cannot be folded or machine washed. From this, he loses his presentable appearance, as the inner lining that maintains his shape breaks.

You can try to peel off fresh chewing gum with your hands if it has not had time to eat into the fibers of the fabric. In case of heavy contamination, measures must be taken to harden the chewing gum. This can be done in any way that does not require contact with copious amounts of water.

Traces of chewing gum can be dissolved with gasoline. Moisten the dirt with liquid, leave for 2 minutes and dry with an iron through blotting paper. Then wash the clothes by hand with baby shampoo. Wool is easily deformed in water, and even with all the rules of washing in washing machine there is a risk of damaging the item.


An ordinary eraser is good at removing chewing gum from a suede cover. When using an eraser, the movements should be soft and one-sided. Sharp and rough ones can tear a thin fabric or press the chewing gum even deeper.

Chewing gum residue can be removed with soapy water. In warm water, you need to dilute the powder for washing woolen products, add 3-4 drops of ammonia. Soak a soft sponge in the solution and locally remove dirt. Delicate fabric is afraid of water, so it is highly undesirable to wet it. The freezing method and the use of hot water are undesirable in this case.
