How to make a house with your own hands from felt. Gingerbread houses made of felt

Doll houses made of felt steel in Lately very popular. Many mothers are wondering how to make such a toy for their daughter. You can come up with a lot of options for houses, they will functionally differ from each other, depending on the purpose.

toy house

All girls play with dolls, and dolls need somewhere to live. A dollhouse, of course, can be bought at a toy store. But it is much more interesting and entertaining to do it yourself. For example, they can be an interesting alternative to a purchased product. Rooms can be located in a felt toy - a living room, a bedroom, a dining room, even a bathroom. A small real doll can live in such a house, or maybe a felt baby. Felt houses can be sewn using this pattern.

This pattern is universal in that it can be used to sew many options for doll houses. You can simply cut a house from a sufficiently large piece of felt or drape according to the pattern, not forgetting to carve out a separate floor, decorate it and, using various methods of fastening, assemble it into a single whole. You can divide the drawing into separate components - floor, 4 walls, 2 roof parts - and assemble a single whole. Another pattern for sewing felt houses is shown below.

Felt houses made according to the proposed patterns will be voluminous and look like this in general terms.

The principles of making a toy felt house

A voluminous house must definitely keep its shape. Therefore, it must be made multi-layered.

  • The outer side is made of felt. It is decorated with decorative elements - windows, shutters, a door, flowers, a fence - everything you want to make the craft look like a real house or castle of the princess.
  • The inner part can be made from a thin sheet of foam rubber and a dense polyethylene film (covers for sold bedspreads, blankets and pillows are made from it). The film will protect the house from moisture, the foam will be a material that helps keep its shape.
  • The interior decoration of the toy house can be very different! Most convenient for homemade toy have one room with access to the courtyard. Although, if desired, such a craft can be made two or three-tiered. Then there can be several rooms in the house.

It is impossible not to mention how to make the floor. The house must be reliable, even if it is a toy, and even felt. Therefore, when sewing the frame of the house in the floor cavity, above the film and foam rubber, a thick sheet of cardboard should be laid - from the packing box, for example.

How to furnish a house and how to close it?

Since felt house toys are a three-dimensional design, this allows the use of three-dimensional furnishings. They can also be made from fabric or improvised materials, or you can use purchased toy furniture of a suitable size.

There are several ways to assemble a dollhouse from felt:

  • sew two detachable zippers along the side seams on the front side;
  • use valves with Velcro (with Velcro tape);
  • connect the parts of the house with decorative large buttons and eyelets.

In any case, the house must be securely closed so as not to lose things during the transfer.

handbag house

Sew a house for a felt doll can be made not only in a voluminous three-dimensional version, but also in the form of a small handbag that it will be convenient for a child to take with him for a walk, on a trip or to visit. Approximately the pattern of the toy bag looks like the one shown in the photo below.

A drawing is made on a sheet of paper in the estimated size of the bag, additional "rooms" are attached to it. On the sketch, you can immediately draw the environment in order to make individual items in accordance with the size of the handbag.

In such a craft, it is important to provide reliable fasteners so that nothing is lost while carrying the handbag. To do this, it is more convenient to make a separate closing pocket, in which the child will be able to remove all removable parts and the doll.

Houses made of felt, made with their own hands and shaped like a child's handbag, involve the use of mostly flat elements. The whole setting is an imitation of real objects (table, bed, closet or bath). But they can also be filled with functionality. For example, make a crib in the form of a pocket, one corner of which leans back. The chrysalis "goes to sleep" and hides itself in this corner-blanket. The bathroom should also be made reclining - put the upper part of the bowl on a hat elastic, sewing the rest of the sides tightly to the house. Then the doll will be able to "take a bath". You can also make curtains fly off, this will add realism to the toy. Another interesting option- make opening doors in cabinets, on shelves (a small button-handle, and inside an application depicting household items). There are a lot of options for how to make the atmosphere of a handbag house, you just need to attach a bit of imagination and a desire to surprise and please your daughter.

book house

Very interesting dollhouse made of felt in the form of a book. If the folding versions of such a toy cannot have a huge number of "rooms", then the book house is, in fact, unlimited, the ability to create a doll world from felt. Each turn of a book toy - a room, some room, a park, a forest, a garden - anything can be embodied in such a toy! Felt house book created on the principle of a house-handbag: a two-dimensional world with flying components. Moreover, for such a toy it will be more convenient if the hostess-doll is also felt.

How to assemble a book house? This is the most main question in such art. You can, of course, go to a specialized workshop and punch through eyelets, where large rings are inserted, on which the pages of the book are then turned over. But it is more convenient to fasten houses made of felt in the form of a book with a braid, moreover, such a book can be easily supplemented the right pages- suddenly the doll will go on a trip?

Felt mistress of the felt house

Felt houses, if they are a flat toy - a handbag or a book, involve the use of a small baby doll or a felt doll in the game. A toy made of felt can become an original addition to the house, because you can also sew outfits on it, make accessories. And for her, you can make a whole felt family, including pets.

Here is the pattern of the pupa itself and basic elements her wardrobe.

To dress up the doll, it is enough to sew a piece of Velcro on the body, on which there are "claws". Then the clothes themselves will cling to the chrysalis and stay in place. It is best to make such a piece of Velcro in the form of a swimsuit - and the doll will look more interesting, and the clothes will stick better all over the body. The same technique can be used to change the doll's hairstyle.

It is not difficult to sew felt doll houses with your own hands, you just need to apply maximum imagination and desire to make an interesting thing. Felt is a unique material, it is well processed, does not crumble, it can be different in thickness, and there are so many colors - any fantasy can become a reality along with felt. Good luck!

Good day, friends. Suffering from insomnia, I decided to create a topic ... about, which I sewed myself for my daughter and which I am very proud of! Of course, this is a toy for growth ... because when I sewed it, my daughter was only a few months old, and now she is a year old and I no longer have so much time and opportunity to sew. My daughter runs and needs a lot of attention. Maybe some of you will like this idea. As a child, I just dreamed about this, and now, many years later, with the birth of my daughter, I realized my dream. For more than one day I collected ideas for creating it on the net ... I looked through the sea of ​​\u200b\u200binformation ... I selected fabric and felt ...
I will say that most of the ideas are not mine, but found on the Internet. But they are reworked and their own inventions are added. Design, color combination mine) THANK YOU TO ALL THE CREATIVE GIRLS WHO INSPIRED SO MUCH!!! And to all the masters who share their experience and master classes!
Do you remember how many of us used to play with paper dolls when we were kids… cut out clothes for them? Now there are many new decorative materials, beautiful felt, decorative buttons, etc. But then we were so happy with such simple dolls ... I decided to make such a doll not from paper, but from felt and got the idea to sew a dollhouse-purse and put a little girl-doll there ... and so that she had everything ... both a bedroom and a kitchenette and a huge dressing room and living room ... And it turned out to be a wonderful and very large house in the format of a book with 4 spreads, which is going into a convenient bag. I understand that the second such I will not do already. It took 2 months of painstaking self made… put a lot of love and soul into it.
It has: a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, a dressing room, but since it has a very interesting design, these spreads are double-sided and on the other side there is: a playground, a garden, a farm and a vegetable garden!!! I even lost count of how many removable parts are there ... Just a lot! For example, animals on a farm are Velcro and fastened to Velcro ... you can swap them. Vegetables in the garden are also on Velcro or buttons ... there is a watering can! In the kitchen, all the utensils are also removable. In the garden, you can plant flowers and move them around ... The doll has clothes that you can wear ... real ones and several pairs of shoes. I initially thought of making clothes with Velcro ... on the principle of those same paper dolls, but in the process it turned out that I was not looking for easy ways to make all the outfits with fasteners on the back! There is a bed and a lot of things. Even, sorry, your own toilet)))) In the living room window, you can change day to night ... There are two pets, a cat and a dog, they are naturally also removed and rearranged anywhere in the house and its environs))) This is not just a toy, but a development so that the child can play role-playing games, develop fine motor skills, learn to fasten, for example, buttons and Velcro. You will see for yourself. In the garden, you can plant vegetables in pockets or, on the contrary, put them in a basket ... on the farm, take care of the animals, and play on the playground ...
I especially liked the idea of ​​a tile roof, where each tile is sewn separately from patches. To make it, I asked permission from the craftswoman, from whom I borrowed it, and it took a week to complete the roof! So look ... and do not judge strictly! If you have any questions and are interested, then write in a personal, I will be happy to answer you and share my experience. Suddenly, you also want to do it for your kids !!! And here’s what I want to add, even if you don’t know how or are afraid to try, try anyway ... because this is creativity ... And you never know what will happen in the end ... and everything you see now may seem naive and unprofessional to you but I did it for the first time in my life!!! This is my very first textile educational book made of fabric and felt! Then there were others, but this was my first attempt ... And now I can do it, but before it seemed just a dream! Latest photos also options for dolls made of felt and mini-houses))), which were given away or made for sale.

Today I will share with you my creativity and works from felt. I really love this material. It is incredibly easy to sew, the edges do not fray, so it is a great option for making various kinds of toys. Since I have two girls, I could not get around the topic of dolls. Now on the Internet you can find photos of felt developing dollhouses that mothers sew with their own hands. Well, I thought, what the hell is not joking, you need to sew the same for your daughters. And this is what happened...

Not to say that it was difficult to make such a toy, most of the time it took me to come up with a design and cut out patterns. Everything else was sewn in one breath.

The advantage of a felt dollhouse is not only high-quality performance, practicality and beauty, but also convenience. It is convenient to take the book with you on a visit, on the road or to the country. It is quite compact and roomy. All parts and small things are stored inside, so nothing gets lost.

In addition, felt is easy to care for. It can even be washed, but by hand and at low temperatures. I had a case when a toddler poured juice over a book. Then I soaked it in warm water with laundry soap. I waited fifteen minutes and rinsed it with water. Then she wrapped it in a terry towel and pressed a little. Excess water was squeezed out, and the product became slightly damp. Then she laid it on the windowsill to dry.

At the same time, the material remained the same, did not wrinkle, did not deteriorate, there were no spools or scuffs. The dollhouse made of felt did not shed and remained just as bright. In general, what can I say, this is a super material for this kind of toys. And if you intend to sew a similar house for your child, then I will help you with tips on how to do it. the best way.

In order to sew such a dollhouse, you most likely need a set of felt. You can see an example of such a set Here. By the way, the price in this online store is not high compared to others, but the quality is super!

You have probably heard and know how fine motor skills affects the development of children. So, there are a lot of chips in the book that stimulate the child to work with pens. For example, various kinds of fasteners, locks, buttons, openers. The insides of the product will depend on your imagination, and the more you “stuff” it with various tricks, the more interesting it will be for the baby to play.

How to sew a dollhouse out of felt with your own hands

And so, you decided to please your daughter with a dollhouse. To do this, in your head and on a piece of paper, draw what you plan to sew. Give great attention details. The beauty of the book will depend on them.

Then think through to the smallest detail where there will be play areas, what can be changed, what will open, what additional details will need to be sewn, for example, dishes, clothes, accessories, and so on.

Personally, I came up with the design of this book based on children's toys. And you also, if fantasy and imagination fails, use plots and images from cartoons, coloring books and books.

Draw a full size felt book. When the most important part of making the toy is ready, you can cut out the patterns. I usually do this directly from a paper sample. But at the same time, each page must be drawn on a separate sheet, otherwise the back of the image and the future pattern will be hopelessly damaged.

If you have a set of felt available, then you can skip the next step, but if not, then count how many sheets of felt and what color you need. It can also be purchased in individual colors or in sets.

Stock up on beautiful sewing accessories. This is necessarily Velcro (double tape), buttons, lace, ribbons. It can be sequins, locks, hooks, buttons and so on.

It remains to prepare and cut out all the details directly from the felt and sew to each other. It is desirable to sew large parts with a machine, and small ones can be done manually. At the end, assemble the sheets from the pages, and the book from the sheets.

Educational dollhouse made of felt

This dollhouse made of felt is 20x20 cm in size. Sewn from Chinese and Korean felt. It has 3 spreads and, accordingly, 6 pages.

First spread. Doll room.

It has a bed, a separate pillow and blanket, a dressing table, a picture and a wardrobe with clothes.

There is a comb in the dressing table, if you wish, you can make other accessories, for example, a hairdryer, a small mirror, a cosmetic bag.

4 dresses are stored in the closet, they are attached with Velcro, which is sewn on the back of the outfits, in the closet, and directly on the doll.

The picture is removed and can change to another.

Second development. Kitchen and dining room.

Very interesting pages, where fantasy can roam. It has a kitchen set, a cabinet, a rack for dishes, a table, a window.

Spoons for cooking on hooks, a saucepan in the cabinet, dishes on the rack, a cake in the oven. The doll can be seated at the table, as there is a hole where, in fact, she climbs.

Third turn. Bathroom kitchen.

The pages are very colorful and bright. They have a bath, shower, shelf, trough for washing.

Hooked towel, doll can be placed in the bath, there are additional details such as washing powders, soap and shampoo.

As you can see, the felt dollhouse is made in a fairy-tale style, and the plot is taken from a fairy tale. I think it turned out great! And you?

Such a toy is sewn for a long time, since every detail requires attention. But I can say with confidence that it's worth it! Your child will be delighted with what you offer him!

If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. See you soon!

Felt is a unique material that is widely used in needlework. Its rather dense structure allows to produce a wide variety of products. Having tried at least once to make crafts from felt with your own hands, it is impossible to stop. This activity is very exciting, I want to create again and again.

So where do you start? What felt products are the easiest to make and what can be done with children? For beginners, we recommend choosing the simplest schemes creating hairpins, brooches, bags. Felt patterns can be easily made by yourself. Pay attention to the master class containing step-by-step pictures and templates, so it will be easier to understand the sequence of actions.

You can buy felt for making felt crafts in special craft stores. Choose beautiful and bright materials with your children; using felt, crafts will turn out to be original, very unusual.

What is required for work

Before you start needlework, we recommend that you purchase the necessary materials:
  1. Felt of different density. For bulky crafts made of felt and toys, choose a thinner material. It can be sewn without any difficulty and subsequently filled with holofiber or padding polyester.
  2. Threads. Choose colors that best match the tone of the felt or contrasting shades.
  3. Needles. Take several different needles, they will be needed to work with felt of different density.
  4. Pencil. It will be necessary for cutting the material.
  5. Awl. This auxiliary tool will help you make small and neat holes in the felt.
  6. Scissors. Use sharp and large.
  7. Glue gun. It is useful for beginner needlewomen.
  8. Elements for decoration. All kinds of pebbles, buttons, fasteners and beads will help to give felt crafts a special look.
So, let's get to work. Let's start with children's felt crafts.

Crafts for kids

A variety of toys that develop books, which are created with their own hands, turn out to be special and arouse great interest among kids.

Make unique easy felt crafts for kids, every day you will improve your acquired skills!


Soft letters made of felt can be used first for playing with the baby, and later for learning. Use simple patterns, carefully cutting out the outlines of each letter of the alphabet. After the work with the scissors is completed, you can proceed as the longest stage - sewing together the parts of the letters.

Well, then the most pleasant thing is filling the products with synthetic winterizer, this can be done together with the child. By the way, according to the same principle, you can make a mobile from felt.

Patterns of letters:

Fascinating activities with children can be carried out using fabric books. Making books from felt is not as laborious as it might seem at first glance.


A bright brooch draws attention to your outfit, so many women carefully select this accessory for a particular look. Make a felt brooch with the step-by-step instructions below, and you will see that it is quite possible to create them yourself using materials at hand.

Snail patterns (click on the picture, it will enlarge and then download it):

If you have an old zipper and felting wool on hand, they will come in handy for making a felt brooch. The stylish finish of the accessory is a unique detail of your image.

Ideas for inspiration:


An original felt bag will complement the elegant look of every girl. small and bright accessory easy to make by yourself. We have prepared for you a master class that demonstrates step by step how to create a felt bag. For work, you will need to take not only felt, but also cotton fabric, which will be used to create the appliqué and the pen.

It is worth noting that a bag made of felt can be detailed with buttons, embroidery (ornament). Focus on the accessory with the use of metal elements.


Even food made of felt looks realistic, almost any vegetable or fruit can be imitated thanks to a special material finishing technique. Undoubtedly, such work will be interesting for children, involve them in this process.

Our step-by-step instruction with a photo will help create a "delicious dish". Surprise your loved ones unusual craft, food made of felt, "cooked" by you, will be perceived as a real masterpiece.


Romantic felt hair clips will decorate any little girl's hairstyle. Graceful roses of a rich pink and red hue will look great in your hair.

You will spend a minimum of time on making hairpins with floral motifs and will delight your child with an excellent hand-made gift.

A few more ideas:

Mobile phone cases

Today, a felt phone case is a unique accessory. But there is no need to purchase it if you have some felt and step by step instructions on hand.

We present to you original design baby cover with the well-known Om Nom. Below are instructions for creating a case for glasses or pens with a cute dog and a bunny, a small owl can also be attached. The craft turns out lively, bright.

This case is designed for phone size: 12.5 cm by 6.5 cm. To download the instructions in big size- click on the picture and only then click save.

Let's create an unusual glasses case together and fashion case for a phone made of felt, you will definitely succeed!

More ideas:

Additionally, felt key chains can be made.

Owl pattern:

Pattern for keychains (first click on the picture, and then save):

More keychain options:

Needle beds

For a needlewoman, even a needle bed should be special! We suggest you make it from soft felt. As a result of a simple but exciting work, you will get an unusual felt pincushion that will store all of your needles.

Fantasize, detail crafts, you may want to give some to a friend, sister or mother.


Delicate, romantic and elegant earrings and necklaces can be made not only from metal. We invite you to learn how wonderful felt decorations are created. Such a craft will become great gift mothers on the birthday of the child.

Following detailed instructions, you will learn the process of making amazing jewelry that girls will love to wear. Rest assured, your efforts will be appreciated.

Below we attach diagrams that will help you in needlework. Engage in the manufacture of products with the children, it will be a lot of fun. For convenience, you can enlarge the diagram to the desired size, which will make your work easier.

Pattern, click on the picture and download.

House-book for dolls made of felt

Let's take a closer look. The size of the book is slightly smaller than the landscape sheet. Compact and easy to play at the same time. The book with handles, like a handbag, closes with a button so as not to lose details.

Two girls girlfriends are the heroines of the book. A cat lives in the house - wooden toy on a clothespin with a felt tail. More than once we will meet him in the photographs.

Large button and elastic band loop.

Cute details (butterflies, flowers) decorate the page. I used felt stickers, but buttons and beads, appliqués will look just as wonderful.

First spread. Window with curtain and dining area. Colored cotton curtain. In the photo, it is assembled on silicone rubber bands for hair, but they can be removed. Curtains are beautifully assembled on small clothespins. Curtains are fun to experiment with! The window through the cover and the first page of the book, you can look through it. Large table - pocket. Dolls are perfectly placed behind it, and treats are on it. Crockery made of felt with Velcro. The table itself is made of felt, to which Velcro sticks. If you don't have the right felt, sew on a few pieces of Velcro base to secure the food.

Sweets are ordinary children's stickers, but not paper ones. They can be peeled off and glued again, and then changed to new ones. There are a lot of beautiful stickers now, so it will be easy to make a variety!

On the wall is a frame-pocket for a picture. It can be changed according to your mood.

And even draw your own.

I couldn't get past the stickers with Japanese cuisine. The girls will have sushi for dinner.

And some more sweets.

In stationery stores you can find very cute things, such as clothespins - ice cream.

The second spread is the bedroom and wardrobe.

The closet closes with a button, inside there is a Velcro base to hold the dresses.

The bed is a pocket in which both dolls are placed. The pillows are also sewn in such a way that there is a pocket under them, which means that under the pillow you can hide a book or a gift from the mouse for the first tooth. From under the pillow we take out our favorite book and read before going to bed.

Creating a book, drawing a picture, compiling a menu, inventing clothes are excellent opportunities for developing a child’s imagination and creativity. It seems to me that it was this opportunity to create that attracted us to such toys in childhood.

The third spread is the bathroom. Taking a shower and putting yourself in order is also very interesting and fun!

An important place is occupied by a mirror. I was very happy when I found it in the store. It is safe, but reflects no worse than the present. You can replace the mirror with foil, shiny packaging from chocolate or cookies. Hairdryer, comb and powder brush in a pocket under the mirror. On the mirror there are stickers-bows for girls' hairstyles. These are normal stickers from a stationery store. It turned out that they stick well to the felt, but are removed when necessary, without leaving marks. Stickers can be very interesting to diversify the game in such a book.

Here the girl has already tried on a bow, beauty!

Bathroom - pocket, Velcro shampoo. You can hang a towel or linen to dry on the tape.

The water is hot and cold.

Beautiful wooden clothespin.

And this is a box with gifts that will make playing with a book more interesting. Stickers, felt, Velcro, patterns! Everything you need to be creative.

Thank you for visiting! Have you already decided what your house will look like? Looking forward to the housewarming :)

Two girls girlfriends love to dress up.

The felt holds Velcro well enough, so I did not sew a soft base on the body of the dolls. Velcro only on dresses.

Frankly, it was the creation of dolls and outfits that took most of the time. There are many templates on the Internet, especially paper ones. The most successful felt dolls seemed to me with clothes from Charla Anne and Smile and Wave. But in the end, I drew it myself, so that there were simple, but not too shapes, convenient figures for sewing and playing.

The hardest part was making the faces. At first, I got aunts, not girls. It's all about facial expressions and hairstyles. As a result of the tests, such girls turned out. The eyes, nose and mouth are embroidered, and the cheeks are rouged with colored pencils.

How many paper dolls were dressed up in childhood, it's scary to remember. Work on this part of the book was long, but very enjoyable.

The entire doll wardrobe is placed in the closet (while it fits :)). Velcro base in the closet so that the dresses do not get confused. The doors close with a button, a hat loop for easy fastening.

The dresses themselves are sewn from colored felt, felt with a pattern, decorated with felt stickers, ribbon, beads. Velcro is sewn on the reverse side.

Sewing dresses for these dolls is a pleasure. But I pulled myself together and stopped, leaving room for creativity for the little hostess of toys. Addition to ready-made dresses there will be pieces of felt, stickers, Velcro and patterns. With their help, you can come up with amazing outfits. It is enough to cut out the dress, stick decorations and Velcro. I hope that mom and daughter will get a lot of pleasure from joint creativity, and the dolls will have many new outfits.

doll book

Reading before bed is a wonderful tradition and a wonderful time. There is also a book under the pillow of the dolls.

The felt book is quite small, but this is what makes it especially attractive.

In this toy, I used felt stickers and crayons for drawing on fabric.

And the little mistress of this toy will be able to feel like a writer, creating a book for dolls with her own hands. This set of a book with blank pages and felt stickers will be a nice addition to the toys.
