How to make curls at home with a curling iron. How to make beautiful and voluminous curls at home

If you have already enjoyed all the delights of straight curls, it's time to try 10 ways to make spectacular curls at home. Depending on the length, African, Hollywood, zigzag, shallow, spiral and curls can suit you. unruly hair.

If you have thick long strands, African curls are a great option. They visually increase the volume of the hair, are great in Everyday life and for holiday events. To do this, you will need a wide elastic band, ribbons and a shower cap.

African style

Method number 1:

  • the process begins before going to bed, first you need to wash your hair;
  • curls are collected in a ponytail at the crown, divided into several small strands;
  • then a bun is made from braids with weaving ribbons;
  • curls are fixed with invisibility, a shower cap is put on;
  • In the morning, everything is unraveled and fixed with varnish or gel.

Method number 2:

  • wet strands are lubricated with gel for fixation;
  • hair is tied onto the hairpins in zigzag movements, while small strands must be taken;
  • a hat is put on and you can go to bed;
  • in the morning everything unwinds, and small curls are obtained;
  • You can add foam to the hairstyle, creating the effect of wet hair.

Hollywood hairstyle

curls in Hollywood style suitable for long and medium hair. To create such a hairstyle, you will need large curlers.

Method number 3:

  • curlers are wound along the entire length in one direction;
  • after 20 minutes, the thermal curlers are removed and the curls are laid with gel;
  • if ordinary curlers were used, they remain overnight, removed in the morning and the hairstyle is styled with a gel.

Spiral curls on long strands are also made using a curling iron or ironing.

Method number 4:

  • a small strand is taken and processed with an iron;
  • every two centimeters it is necessary to change the direction to the left and to the right;
  • you can also take a strand and wind it around the iron, making an effort.

Thus, removing the strands from the iron, natural beautiful curls are obtained along the entire length.


Method number 5 or how to braid hair:

  • curly curls can be done by weaving small braids;
  • the frequency of curls will depend on the number of braids;
  • large braids will be a good basis for heavy curls;
  • small braids will make many small curls.

On unruly hair, voluminous beautiful curls can be done in several ways.

Method number 6:

  • messy curls are easier to style when they are long, so it will be useful to accelerate growth, which will allow you to make almost any stylish hairstyle;
  • during styling, you do not need to try to perfectly align or curl naughty curls, this drawback can be emphasized, make the hairstyle “daring”;
  • before going to bed, you can apply a drop of mousse to wet hair, straighten your hair without a comb in the morning, and this way messy curls are obtained without much effort.

With the help of an elastic band, you can get careless waves. To do this, twist wet hair into a tourniquet and fix with an elastic band. After drying, the gum is removed, the hair is combed, fixed with varnish.

Curls for short hair

For girls with short and medium hair, small bobbin curls are perfect.

Method number 7:

  • washed wet hair is combed, a spray or gel is applied;
  • then you need to curl the curls from the back of the head along the entire length;
  • the hair is dried with a hairdryer and beautiful curls are ready.

Zigzag stylish curls on short hair is a versatile hairstyle for all occasions that does not take much time. It requires preparing food foil, ironing, fixing varnish, comb and hairpins.

Method number 8:

  • small or medium strands (depending on desired result) wrapped in foil;
  • then curls are distributed on the heated straightener, pressed with the upper part and held for a minute;
  • the foil is removed, the strands are straightened and you can enjoy the result.

Assistants in creating curls

Do beautiful lungs curls at home will help curling iron, straightener, elastic band and spiral curlers.

With the help of a curling iron, you can very quickly make curls of various shapes.

Method number 9: it is necessary to wind strands on a heated curling iron, hold for 30 seconds. It is very convenient to use a curling iron, since in the process of laying you can correct mistakes, smooth out the wrong curl.

Method number 10: neat spiral turns can be obtained using unusually shaped curlers. The set has special hooks with which you need to pick up the curls and wind the curlers onto the spirals. After drying, they are removed and the hairstyle with beautiful curls is ready.

Many girls tend to grow long hair because they are considered a symbol of femininity, sensuality, romance. Short haircut- comfortable and stylish, strands middle length- universal, but nothing compares to a beautiful head of hair, descending below the middle of the back. From such a mop you can make incredible hairstyles for every day or for a special occasion, for a wedding or other holiday. Curls look especially advantageous on long hair curled in any way. It can be small African curls or large waves, elastic curls or careless styling. You will learn more about the rules and options for winding long strands from the article.

What types of curls are preferable for long hair

Depending on the method of winding, curls can turn out very different:

Elastic, corkscrew-like. They can not be combed, so as not to spoil the shape.

  1. Treat the washed head with a styling product and thermal protection.
  2. Divide your hair into strands.
  3. Take one section of hair and wind it around the curling iron, starting from the roots. The tip should be on the narrowest part of the tool. Hold it with your hand using a special glove (included).
  4. After holding for no longer than 15 seconds, dissolve the curl.
  5. Twist the entire head in this way, starting from the occipital zone.
  6. Model the finished hairstyle with your fingers, sprinkle with varnish.

Small and large curls with curlers

Not all types of products for winding are suitable for long hair. Velcro, convenient for creating soft waves, is not suitable: they can get tangled in the hair. Bobbins are optimal for creating small curls, but not for curls of impressive length.

In order not to damage the structure of the hair rods, it is best to take velvet curlers, "magic" spirals, foam rollers or boomerangs. Thermal rollers are also suitable, but not for frequent use.

The larger the diameter of the curling devices, the more voluminous the curls will be, and vice versa.

To wind large or small curls on foam rubber curlers or boomerangs at home, you need:

  1. Wash and dry your hair a little.
  2. Apply styling product.
  3. Comb and divide hair into several equal parts. Thin curls will give you tighter curls, and wide curls will give you larger curls.
  4. Taking one strand at the crown, wind it around the curlers in a spiral, from the tips to the roots. You need to make sure that there are no creases.
  5. Fix the product by bending the edges.
  6. Wind the rest of the strands in a similar way.
  7. Hold the curlers for several hours, unwind.
  8. Gently comb the curls or separate with your fingers. Spray with varnish if necessary.

Foam curlers also include locks that do not have a core inside. You need to fasten them with rubber bands.

With the help of thermal curlers, even long hair can be styled quickly enough. For winding you should:

  1. Wash and dry hair completely.
  2. Treat it with a styling agent, thermal protection.
  3. Heat the curlers according to the manufacturer's instructions. Electric rollers are placed in a special container and plugged into an outlet. Classic thermal products are heated in boiling water (about 5 minutes).
  4. Wind the strands, starting from the back of the head, then on the sides, at the end - at the crown.
  5. Fix the curlers as close to the roots as possible. The kit may include hairpins-crabs or clips.
  6. Wait until the rollers have cooled down.
  7. Remove them in the same sequence as they were screwed on.
  8. Model the hairstyle with your fingers or a comb with rare teeth. Spray with varnish.

Advice. To make curling on thermal curlers more convenient, wind the products, stepping back a few centimeters from the edge of the hair. First, fix the ends of the strand on the roller, and then completely twist it itself, to the roots.

In a similar way you can curl your hair on velvet curlers. The hair should be clean, slightly damp. The rollers are kept on the head until completely dry. Velvet products allow you to get large curls because they have a large diameter. Because of this, they are uncomfortable to sleep with.

Also, the reviews of some girls contain complaints that curlers slide off their hair. If you have heavy thick strands, you should refuse to use velvet devices.

To get beautiful spiral curls, you can use "magic curlers" Magic Leverage. Instruction:

  1. Slightly damp, freshly washed hair, treat with styling product.
  2. Fold the special hook from the kit.
  3. Slip it into one of the covers to straighten the fabric spiral.
  4. Take a small strand at the back of your head, place its base in the hole of the hook.
  5. Form a loop and slip it into the case. When you stick out the hook, the spiral will twist.
  6. In a similar way, wrap the rest of the hair, moving from the back of the head to the crown.
  7. After a few hours, remove the covers, straighten your hair with your hands. If necessary, spray with varnish.

Attention! The maximum length of Magic Leverage is 75 cm, which allows you to curl hair down even below the middle of the back.

With ironing

There are several options for how to wind your hair in this way. One of them, which allows you to get beautiful waves:

  1. Treat clean, dry hair with thermal protection.
  2. Separate the strand, twist it into a tight bundle, but do not fold it with a “snail”.
  3. Smoothly walk 2-3 times along the curl, starting from the roots.
  4. Loosen the tourniquet.
  5. Wait until it cools down.
  6. Curl the rest of your hair in the same way.
  7. Treat your hair with varnish.

Note! The thicker the strands, the larger the waves.

With a hair dryer and brushing

In this way, it will be possible to twist the tips or make light waves along the entire length:

  1. Treat clean damp strands with a heat styling agent.
  2. Divide your hair into two sections. Secure the top with bobby pins.
  3. Separate one strand from the bottom tier. Wrap it on brushing, dry it with a hairdryer.
  4. At the end, turn on the cold air mode to cool the curl.
  5. After removing the comb, spray the curl with varnish.
  6. Perform the same manipulations with strands from the bottom, and then from the top.

Advice. Twisted curls can be left loose, laid on one side, decorated with an accessory or braided into a ponytail.

Loose curls with a blow dryer and diffuser

To make light, natural waves with a careless effect with this method, it will take a minimum of time - about 15 minutes:

  1. Wash your hair, dry it slightly naturally.
  2. Apply styling product (first to the roots, then along the entire length) and thermal protection (especially to the tips).
  3. Comb your hair with a wide-toothed comb.
  4. Divide your hair into sections.
  5. Place each of them alternately in a diffuser and dry, pressing the nozzle to the root zone.
  6. After drying the entire hair in this way, separate the curls with your fingers.

Advice. The hairstyle will be voluminous if you keep your head down.

With the help of pigtails

One of the most gentle ways, which is suitable for frequent use. This styling can be done at night. There are two versions:

  1. Wash and lightly dry your hair.
  2. Comb your hair, apply a styling product.
  3. Divide your hair into 10-20 approximately equal parts, braid them into pigtails.
  4. Secure each with a thin elastic band, tucking in the ends.
  5. After drying, unwind, separate with your fingers or a comb.
  6. Treat with varnish if necessary.

By the way. You can wind curls without harming your hair using paper curlers, flagella, juice tubes, a headband for a Greek hairstyle, a bun, a T-shirt and even socks. You can find out more about how to wind your hair without curlers and curling irons on our website.

Another option that allows you to get large curls:

  1. Divide the cleanly washed, slightly dried hair into several parts. The most convenient way is with vertical partings, from the forehead to the back of the head.
  2. Prepare cotton ribbons for each of the zones. They should be longer than hair.
  3. Wrap the base of one of the strands with a fabric strip.
  4. Lay the “spikelet” pigtail, weaving the ribbon along the entire length.
  5. Tie the tip with an elastic band or pick it up using the edges of a rag (if any).
  6. Braid such "spikelets" from each part of the hair.
  7. After drying, dissolve, straighten with your hands, sprinkle with varnish.

Chemistry, carving, biowave

These procedures allow you to admire beautiful curls for several months, therefore they are called long-term styling. The essence of all three methods is that the hair is wound on curlers, and then treated with a special compound.

Perm is considered the most harmful for hair. For her, strong preparations are used that spoil the structure of the hair. The most sparing of them are neutral compounds (there are also acidic and alkaline).

Carving is a light "chemistry", recommended, including for weakened strands. The effect lasts for about a month. The most suitable option for long hair is biowave, which harms curls the least. Hairdressers offer several methods for such styling, which differ in compositions with different nutritional components.

Any experiments with hair require a reasonable attitude. The wrong approach to styling can cause harm even in one procedure.

Girls with long hair need to be especially careful. Dry, brittle strands, spoiled by illiterate styling, will have to be restored for a long time along the entire length, and possibly significantly shortened for the purpose of recovery.

In order for the hair to remain strong, shiny, and the curls look well-groomed, styling products, hot tools should not be abused, and long-term curling should be trusted by experienced craftsmen. Then long luxurious hair and admiring glances of those around you are provided.

Useful videos

Large curls on the iron.

How to make curls without a curling iron and curlers.

Thick, wavy hair is admired not only by the opposite sex. Many of us are ready to give, if not all, then a lot, to find such cute, neat and attractive curls. But hair often “does not obey”, and styled with such difficulty, it simply straightens out after a few hours. However, do not think that you can cope with the task of how to make beautiful curls only in the salon. There are several ways to create the perfect hairstyle at home. And familiar means will help you with this. Of course, everyone knows that ladies who have curly hair tend to straighten them, and those who have even and straight hair want to curl them faster and forever. How to curl a child's small hair correctly and easily so that it is beautiful. Is it possible to make curly curls on wet hair?

Tools for creating attractive curls

To understand how to make chic curly and fashion hair at home, most likely, you will need to try several tools and choose the right ones. They can be alternated, determining the best option for specific "life circumstances" and depending on the condition of the hair.

curling iron

Express way to create the desired image. Heats up the hair and makes it wavy. It can be thick or thinner, which is reflected in the size of the curls. Do not use a curling iron often, as it weakens the hair structure. You can not use it and ladies with brittle, unhealthy hair.


  1. On dry hair, apply a heat protectant spray followed by styling gel or mousse.
  2. Take a strand, insert its tip into the clip and wind it onto the base of the curling iron. The thinner the strand, the more noticeable and clearer the curls will turn out. Start winding from the back of the head.
  3. Heat the strand for no more than 10 seconds, then gently dissolve.
  4. Sprinkle finished curls with hairspray, do not comb.


It is also a straightener, recommended for use by girls with curls below the shoulders. Curling hair with an iron resembles working with a curling iron, but with the difference that the latter helps to create clear, small curls, and this tool will “give you” voluminous, beautiful curls. Before you start to wind the hair on the iron, they must be treated with a heat-protective spray or varnish. When asked which hair iron is better in terms of creating curls, experts offer a narrow, rounded shape.


  1. Treat dry hair with a thermal spray, then apply a foam or gel on them and immediately proceed to styling.
  2. Separate the strand of the desired thickness, hold it at the very root, wrap it around the iron.
  3. Start gently pulling it down. Do it slowly and without sudden movements to avoid kinks. You will quickly learn how to make curls with an iron, and you will be able to style without anyone's help.


How to make big curls. A simple and proven winding agent with a gentle effect. It has no contraindications, except for those that you need to wear curlers for a long time. It is advisable to wind your hair at night in order to get it in the morning. luxurious curls. Accessories are available in various thicknesses. Thin ones will help to make small curls, thick ones - voluminous curls, bobbins will delight you with curling spirals. For a comfortable night's sleep, it is better to choose curlers made of foam rubber or soft polyurethane.


  1. Wash your hair and let it dry naturally.
  2. When the hair becomes slightly damp, start winding the strands: separate one at a time, wrap it on a curler from the tip to the roots, secure with an elastic band (or other fixative).
  3. The longer you wear curlers, the longer your curly effect will last.

4 ways to make stylish curls

To create curls of different intensity, use these methods, how to make curls at home.

Natural "waves"

  1. Apply mousse to wet hair, lightly comb it with your hands.
  2. Fix the resulting “waves” and dry your hair with a hairdryer with a diffuser nozzle.

Vertical curls of medium intensity

  1. Divide wet hair into strands.
  2. Twist each strand into a flagellum, fasten, dry with a hairdryer.
  3. For fixing, take a curling iron and walk it along the flagellum from top to bottom.

Bouncy Hollywood curls

  1. Divide dry hair into small strands, treat with mousse or gel.
  2. Wind the strands on a conical curling iron (without a clip) from the thickened side to the end.
  3. Warm up the strand for 5-7 seconds and gently straighten it.
  4. Create extra volume at the roots by combing them lightly.

big waves

  1. Wash your hair and dry it with a hair dryer.
  2. Heat the hot rollers with a diameter of 4 cm, divide the hair into strands and wind it into curlers.
  3. Spray with varnish or spray, hold for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the curlers and shape your hair with your hands.

And how long is your hair?

Choose a method for creating curls should be based on the condition and length of the hair.

Curls for short hair

You can use a curling iron and curlers (medium-sized Velcro curlers are very convenient). Also suitable:

  • brushing (round comb) and hair dryer. Moisturize hair, apply styling product. Divide into strands and alternately wind on a comb, drying with a hairdryer;
  • do-it-yourself styling. Apply foam to your hair and lightly comb them with your hands.

Curls for medium hair

In addition to curling irons and curlers, you can use the "bundle" method:

  1. moisturize clean hair, comb, divide into 5-7 strands;
  2. twist each strand into a flagellum and roll it on your head like a snail, secure with a hairpin;
  3. sprinkle with varnish, leave overnight;
  4. In the morning, unwind and lightly go through the hair with a brush with rare teeth.

Curls for long hair

Owners of long hair can use the method of "braiding". It is very convenient and absolutely safe for hair:

  1. divide wet clean hair into 4-5 parts and braid braids;
  2. leave them overnight;
  3. unwind in the morning and get uniform heavy curls along the entire length.

For a slightly wavy effect, braid one braid.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to create curls at home. Choose from them the most convenient and enjoy spectacular curls every day!

Helpful Hints

There is hardly a girl in the world who would not want perfect wavy hair without spending a lot of time and having to go to a beauty salon.

If nature has not rewarded you curly hair, exists many ways to curl them. Of course, this is quite simple to do with a curling iron or curlers.

But, if you prefer not to heat your hair and thereby reduce the harmful effects high temperature you can use these in original ways curling hair.

1. How to wind short hair with a headband

· Put the headband on.

Wrap a small section of hair under the headband. Take next strand of hair and, grabbing the previous strand, wrap them under the bezel.

· Repeat until you have twisted all the strands around your head.

· You can leave your hair for a while while you get ready or do everything before going to bed and leave it on all night.

Remove the headband to release the curls.

2. How to wind your hair at home with a sock

· Start twisting a strand of hair over the sock, starting from the ends to the roots, and tie the sock into a knot at the end.

· Repeat with the rest of the strands.

· Leave for a while (preferably overnight).

Remove your socks and enjoy your curls.

3. How to wind your hair with sticks (video)

· Part your hair down the middle, tying one side into a ponytail and securing the other side with a bobby pin.

· Spin ponytail around the stick.

· Then turn the wand and slide it under the elastic band.

· Do the same on the other side.

· To keep the hair better, thread the sticks under the ponytail from the opposite side.

· Tie the sticks with rubber bands for extra strength.

· Leave overnight.

· When you remove the sticks and rubber bands, you can enjoy chic curls.

4. How to curl your hair with an iron

In this method, it is important to know how to guide the iron.

Pinch the strand of hair at the roots with an iron so that it points down.

· Then twist it away from your face as you slowly lower it down.

The messier the hairstyle looks, the better.

5. How to curl your hair beautifully, emphasizing the waviness

· Divide slightly damp hair into 2-4 strands, and twist each strand in or out.

Curl your hair while it dries naturally or with a blow dryer.

· When the hair is dry, fluff the hair.

This is an easy way to create soft natural waves on the hair.

If you have straight hair and you want to twist them a little, twist as shown and secure the ends in front with a hairpin or elastic, as if you made a necklace out of your hair.

6. Twisted hair with clips (photo)

You will need:

· Invisibles

· Comb

Water spray bottle

· Styling agent

  • Moisten dry hair slightly with water and apply styling product.
  • Wrap a section of hair around your fingers, away from your face.
  • Secure the curl with a bobby pin.
  • Repeat with the rest of the strands.

It is best to leave invisible at night, and in the morning take them off and unwind the strands.

7. How to wind your hair without a curling iron using a "donut"

Cut off the front of the sock and roll the rest into a "donut".

· Thread your hair into a bagel.

· Start wrapping the ponytail around the sock until you wrap your hair in a bun.

· Secure the tip of the hair with bobby pins and leave overnight or for several hours. If you're leaving overnight, tie the bun higher so it doesn't interfere with your sleep.

You can also simply roll the entire tail into a bun.

Let your hair down in the morning and you're done!

8. How to curl curls with paper towels

· Wash your hair and comb it.

· Cut paper towels into 5 cm strips and twist the strands as if you were winding them on curlers. The smaller the strand, the more curls you will have.

· Tie the ends of your towels to keep your curls in place overnight.

· Go to bed and in the morning you will have beautiful wavy hair.

Here's another way to curl your hair with paper towels.

9. How to curl your hair with a T-shirt

· Choose a styling product.

Take a T-shirt with short or long sleeves.

· After shampooing, apply styling product to damp (but not wet) hair.

Detangle hair with a large-toothed comb or hands.

Lay the T-shirt on a flat surface.

· Tilt your head, pulling your hair down to the center of the T-shirt.

Then wrap the bottom of the T-shirt around your head, securing it at the back of your head.

· Cover the top of the T-shirt and wrap around your head, tying the sleeves in front.

· Leave on for 30 minutes to several hours or overnight.

· When your hair dries, you will have beautiful wavy curls.

10. How to wind beautiful curls

Bonus: How to Curl Your Hair Fast in 5 Minutes

First, spray a heat protectant onto dry hair.

Make a "spring" by attaching two bobby pins to either side of the hair tie.

Gather your hair into a ponytail, fasten one invisible on one side, wrap the elastic around the ponytail several times and fasten the second invisible.

Twist the small strands of the tail with a curling iron.

Remove the bobby pins and free the elastic, and you can enjoy your curls.

Why Does Hair Curl From Humidity?

Women have a lot of tricks and secrets on how to attract the attention of men. One of the main ways to create an attractive look, time-tested - turning straight hair into luxurious curls. There are many methods for making elastic curls or careless waves. If time is running out, but you need to quickly wind the curls into home environment, express options will do. The main thing is that the result of such a perm will be no worse than with careful and long styling.

Winding curls in 5 minutes is not a fantasy, but a completely feasible mission, if you know the main features and secrets of the process. Of course, a lot depends on the length of the hair: the shorter, the faster. But also long curls will not take much time, subject to the basic rules:

  1. The most persistent curls are obtained on freshly washed hair. Don't be lazy and get the maximum effect.
  2. Blow dry your hair from top to bottom from the roots. It is better to choose the average temperature.
  3. To make your curls shine, rinse them after washing. cold water or treat with an ice cube.
  4. Small curls last longer than large, voluminous ones.
  5. Before styling with a hair dryer, curling iron, thermal rollers or ironing, do not forget about thermal protection.
  6. Do not take strands that are too thick: the curl will turn out weak.
  7. Girls with large features should curl their curls towards the face, inward, with small ones - outward.
  8. When using an iron, do not heat it too much. The optimum temperature is 180°.
  9. Curling with hot tools is done on dry hair, in other cases - on slightly damp.
  10. With the help of a cone curling iron, you can make beautiful spiral curls.
  11. For combing before styling, take a comb with rare teeth. Save the massage brush for other occasions.
  12. You can wind your hair on curlers vertically and horizontally. The first will give beautiful, flowing curls, the second will add extra volume.
  13. The larger the diameter of the rollers or curling iron, the larger the curls will turn out, and vice versa.
  14. To keep the styling for a long time, treat the hair with styling products. Varnish, spray, mousse or gel of medium fixation will help to preserve the naturalness of curls.
  15. Do not comb the finished curls. Model your hair by separating the strands with your fingers. The only exception may be light waves.

Advice. Experiment with the different ways quick styling to determine the most suitable for yourself. Then, in a force majeure situation, you do not have to think about how to quickly curl your hair.

How to quickly and easily wind your hair at home

To get a quick result, you will probably need to use a hair dryer. In some cases - only for drying, in others - for full styling. Therefore, for such urgent situations, you need to have a high-quality thermal protectant on hand. Spray or mousse should be marked as suitable for styling, and not straightening curls.

Combs are also useful:

  • brushing (if blow-drying is planned);
  • with small cloves (to create a fleece);
  • with large teeth (for combing wet strands and applying styling or thermal protection along the entire length).

With the help of a curling iron

Even long hair can be made curly in 10-15 minutes, not to mention short hair. Step-by-step instruction for curling your own hands:

  1. Divide the head with a horizontal parting approximately in the middle.
  2. Pick up the upper part with a crab or an elastic band.
  3. Divide the bottom narrow strands, 1-2 centimeters thick.
  4. Grab the tip of the first of them with a curling iron, placing the device perpendicular to the strand.
  5. Twist the curl towards the roots.
  6. After holding the curl for no longer than 15 seconds, release.
  7. Do the same with all the strands from the bottom, then from the top.
  8. Lay the finished hairstyle, sprinkle with varnish.

Advice. You need to wind the curls not with a classic, but with a conical curling iron from the middle of the strand. The tips should fall on the narrow part of the device, then you get a beautiful curl.

With the help of curlers

Not all products are suitable for fast winding. You can quickly curl curls on Velcro, boomerangs or thermoforming curls during cooling (15–20 minutes).

The universal technology for using any rollers is as follows:

  1. Divide the prepared hair into several parts. Usually it is the crown, sides, back of the head.
  2. The perm starts from the crown area. Take one thin strand, comb it and pull it perpendicular to the head.
  3. Roll it up starting from the ends.
  4. Fix as close to the root zone as possible.
  5. Do the same with all the strands from the crown area, then move to the sides and back of the head.
  6. If in a hurry, dry your hair with a hairdryer.
  7. Unroll the curls, moving from the back of the head up.
  8. Model and fix the hairstyle.

You can quickly wind up on the "magic" curlers Magic Leverage if you have some experience in using them. Some girls point out what to master unusual technique curling - pulling a strand with a special hook through a fabric cover - Not everyone succeeds the first time.

With ironing

Paradoxical but true: a device invented for hair straightening is used modern women for a quick curl. All you need:

  1. Divide your hair into medium-sized strands.
  2. Clamp one with an iron, stepping back about 5 centimeters from the tips. Hold the device perpendicular to the strand.
  3. Scroll the tool to point its bottom up.
  4. Wrap the strand around the hot device, run towards the ends.
  5. Roll the rest of your hair in the same way.

Curling methods with ironing are not limited to this. You can make small “snail” curls out of your hair, wrap them in pieces of foil, and then alternately hold them for a few seconds between the ironing plates.

Another option for express curling is to twist the bundles from the strands, and then walk several times along the entire length of each of them with a hot tool, in the direction from the roots to the tips.

With a hair dryer

Curly tips or light waves along the entire length - a tandem of a hair dryer and brushing will cope with this task. At home, you can do the styling like this:

  1. Divide the hair into two parts, collect the top in a ponytail or fix with a crab.
  2. After separating one strand from the lower tier, wind it around the brush. Dry first with hot, then cold air.
  3. Remove the curl from the comb, sprinkle with varnish.
  4. Perform similar manipulations with the rest of the hair at the bottom.
  5. Do the same for the top tier.

Based on ponytail

One of the fastest styling methods is to use a “blank” in the form of a tail. It is easy and simple to get wavy hair by winding a bun on your head:

  1. From the strands collected in the tail, make a tight tourniquet.
  2. Wrap it around the elastic to form a bun.
  3. Secure with hairpins, hairpins.
  4. After drying, dissolve, lay.

A bagel gum will help to make body waves:

  1. Pass the tail through it so that the plump roller is at the level of the tips.
  2. Gradually twist all the hair around the elastic, moving from the inside and forming a bun.
  3. Secure your hair with invisible hair.
  4. Remove all hairpins after the curls are completely dry.

About the same owners of long hair can quickly curl the ends. Gather your hair into a ponytail, divide it into strands and wind each one in any convenient way: with a curling iron, curlers or curlers. Dry the curls and cut the elastic.

With a headband or sports elastic band

This method allows make beautiful natural curls:

  1. Having previously prepared the hair, put on the headband.
  2. First, twist the strand around the forehead. Wrap it around the bandage.
  3. Connect each next part with the tip of the previous one until you reach the back of the head.
  4. Once you've completed one side, move on to the other.
  5. Lastly, fill in the strands that remain after winding the main part of the hair.
  6. After removing the bandage from dried hair, straighten the curls.

By the way. The headband, bagel and bun methods are good because these are full-fledged hairstyles. It is not a shame to go out with them, and having dismissed the next day, you can admire beautiful curls.

The easiest and easiest way to make curly hair is with a curling iron, iron or hair dryer. But hot curlers do a lot of damage to your hair. Professional stylists and hairdressers advise resorting to such methods as rarely as possible so as not to injure the structure of the hair shafts. Of course, there are situations when it is quite difficult to cope without a curling iron or hair dryer, especially when you need a quick result. But if you have at least 15-20 minutes of free time, it is better to spend them on styling by other methods.

Useful videos

How to curl your hair easily and quickly.

Curls in 10 minutes.
