Curls for medium hair without bangs. Hairstyles with curls on medium hair - beautiful hairstyles with curls

Beautiful curls are an excellent basis for festive hairstyles for graduation, wedding, matinee at school or kindergarten. Even if nature hasn't blessed you with curly hair, you can always wind the curls yourself and then do a sophisticated styling. Popular hairstyles with curls, step by step process you will find their creation on strands of different lengths and photos of ready-made options in this article.

What you need to create a hairstyle

By themselves curly hair already look elegant, and if they are also intricately laid, then the admiring glances of those around you are guaranteed. There are many different ways creating elegant hairstyles for special occasions. To perform them at home, you need to prepare:

  • styling agent - mousse, foam or gel, for final fixation - varnish;
  • suitable comb. To separate the strands, you need a comb with a tail, for a pile - a comb with frequent teeth;
  • styler, iron with rounded plates or curling iron, if your hair is straight and preliminary winding is required;
  • an alternative to electrical appliances - boomerang curlers, hairpins, bobbins. With their help, you can create curls of different sizes, vertical or horizontal;
  • when using hot tools and thermal curlers, you will need a special thermal protective agent;
  • clips, hairpins, hairpins, invisible, elastic bands will help in the process of curling or fix the finished result (depending on the chosen hairstyle);
  • decorative items: a headband, a headband, hairpins with beads, artificial flowers and other accessories that will decorate the festive styling.

Attention! Owners of curly hair need to choose a special styling tool for curly hair to clearly separate and model curls. It doesn't matter if the curls are the result of a perm or twist by nature.

Hairstyle options

Before you start creating a festive styling, wash your hair thoroughly. On clean hair curls last longer. If you curl your curls at night, dry them slightly, apply a styling product, and then curl with the selected curlers or improvised products.

Boomerangs, foam rollers, soft papillots will not interfere with a sweet dream. You can wind strands on socks or braid pigtails. How to wind your hair without curlers, curling irons and ironing at home, you will find on our website.

Choose the option that will allow you to get curls of the desired size. The larger the diameter of the products, the more voluminous the curl. Big curls are used in many hairstyles.

If you do curls with a curling iron, styler or iron immediately before styling, treat clean, damp hair with thermal protection and dry your head well. Make curls with hot tools only on dry hair. If possible, it is better to do without a hair dryer.

Of course, most hairstyles with curls are designed for long and medium hair. When curled, their length will become a little shorter, but this will not be an obstacle to the formation of exquisite styling.

Owners of short hair should not be upset. They also have a lot interesting options. Braiding curls into a ponytail or a bun will not work, but you can bouffant, lay the strands to one side, decorate with accessories. The main thing is that the length allows you to curl curls.

hairstyle curls to the side

This is a great example of evening or wedding styling. To create a classic hairstyle, you need:

  1. Make a side parting from the temple.
  2. Separate a small part of the hair at the back of the head. Pin the rest with a clamp.
  3. Wind the curls with a curling iron, iron or styler, separating one strand at a time. The diameter can be arbitrary.
  4. At the tip of each curl, make a small pile with a thin comb. Spray with varnish.
  5. Gently shift the curls to one side, fix with hairpins or stealth. You can twist the strands that you throw to the side into a light tourniquet, and then secure with hairpins.

Advice. Hairpins can be closed with a decorative comb or an artificial flower.

Owners of medium and long hair can make chic Hollywood curls on one side:

  1. Wind all the strands one by one so that they are directed in one direction.
  2. Separate part of the hair at the temple, from which the wave will go.
  3. Comb it, fasten it at the back between the ear and the back of the head. To do this, use 2 stealths, which must be placed crosswise for strength.
  4. Spray with varnish.
  5. Fix the strand with a third invisibility. Do this closer to the back of your head. The rest of the hair should completely hide the clips.
  6. Comb your curls carefully.
  7. If you need extra volume, bouffant. To do this, fluff the curls at the roots with a small comb, starting from the side parting. Pull the strands perpendicular to the head.
  8. Spray the bouffant with varnish.
  9. Lay the curls in a wave in such a way as to hide the bouffant. Touch only the top layer of styling.
  10. Using clips, form Hollywood curls near the face, treat them with varnish.
  11. After fixing, remove the hairpins, adjust at your discretion.

Curls for such hairstyles need to be twisted from the ends, but not necessarily to the roots.

Hairstyle french waterfall with curls

hair middle length it will give a little volume, and add elegance to long strands. There are several options for braiding, which is the highlight of the hairstyle. In this version, the classic scheme is used.

How to make stylish French curls:

  1. Prepare your hair, wind it in any convenient way. Curls can be small, spiral, or large.
  2. Lightly separate the strands with your fingers. If you curled them with electrical appliances or hot rollers, wait for them to cool.
  3. Comb the root zone a little to simulate nice shape hairstyles.
  4. Make a straight cut. Better with fingers than a comb.
  5. Take a small section of hair from the left side.
  6. Braid a regular braid up to the ear line.
  7. Then cross the right and center strands with each other.
  8. Replace the third with a small part of the hair selected from above and cover with a free curl.
  9. Release the right strand with a loose curl so that it goes down. This will be the beginning of the waterfall.
  10. For the remaining two sections of hair, take the third of the bulk of the curls.
  11. Continue weaving in the same way, moving diagonally to the back of the head.
  12. Temporarily secure the braid with a clip or elastic band.
  13. Braid the second braid in the same way, starting from the right side.
  14. Connect the French waterfall at the back of the head, secure with an elastic band or invisible.
  15. Tweak your curls, spray your hair with varnish.

Advice. To make the braids appear lacy, pull the hair out of them slightly.

Bundle of curls

A beautiful, elegant hairstyle will be appropriate in any solemn situation. To make a bundle:

  1. Separate the wide bangs with a comb, lay on a side parting.
  2. Comb the rest of your hair back.
  3. Curl the curls with a curling iron or styler. Direction - from the face. In order for the curls to be better fixed, removing them from the hot plates, wind the curl around your finger and stab it with an invisibility.
  4. Remove the clips when the curls are cool.
  5. Make a small pile in the root zone.
  6. Tie the curls that were pulled back with an elastic band, forming a loop. Move it a little to the side.
  7. Lay the curls around the bun, secure them with bobby pins.
  8. Hide the smaller part of the bangs behind the ear, leave the larger part loose or stab it invisibly.

Another option is a basket-shaped bundle:

  1. Curl your hair in any convenient way. It is only desirable that the curls are not too voluminous.
  2. Separate the curls with your hands.
  3. Make a parting in the center or side.
  4. On each side, separate one thick strand, twist them towards each other.
  5. Fix on the back of the head.
  6. Lay the rest of the curls using hairpins. Give your hair a semi-circular shape.
  7. Please fix the style with hair spray.

Curls with bangs

This hairstyle is universal and suitable for owners of any hair, from short to very long. It is enough to lay the twisted strands as you wish or leave them loose, and then do the bangs. It can be curled or left straight, combed back or to the side. The last option is the most popular. But it all depends on the shape of the face and on what hairstyle you have chosen.

If the bangs are long, you can make Hollywood curls with it on one or both sides. For girls with short hair, the length of which goes down just below the earlobes, the “cold way” of creating an American wave is suitable:

  1. Treat wet strands with styling product.
  2. Divide with a side parting.
  3. Take a wide strand in front, lay it back, forming the letter "C".
  4. Secure this curl with a clip.
  5. Slightly move it towards the face, stepping back from the hairpin-retainer 2-3 centimeters.
  6. Secure the resulting wave with another clamp.
  7. Do the same to the ends, if the length of the hair allows.
  8. Repeat the procedure, laying the rest of the strands in this way.
  9. Dry your hair with a hair dryer or naturally.
  10. Remove the clips, fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Curls with a scythe

Apart from french waterfall, another of the common ways to create such a hairstyle is this is nothing more than a kind of laying curls to one side. Divide the hair with a side parting, and on the side where there is less hair, braid the “spikelet”. Wind all the strands on the other side, disguise the tip of the pigtail under them. The method is also suitable for owners of short curls. The only caveat: since the “spikelet” will turn out to be short, it must be carefully fixed on its side with a hairpin or decorated with an accessory.

You can braid the pigtail at the top of the head, from ear to ear, and wind the rest of the hair. This option is often used by mothers of girls who collect their princesses for graduation in kindergarten. Only the strands in this case are pre-braided into pigtails, on pieces of paper, papillottes, so as not to harm the hair of a young beauty with a curling iron or ironing. For more information on how to wind your child's hair at home, read on our website.

It turns out unusual hairstyle braid-rim, which is located not on top of the curls, but under them. For this:

  1. Make a zigzag parting from the top of one ear to the base of the other.
  2. Pick up the top section of your hair with a bobby pin.
  3. From the bottom, form a pigtail along the entire back of the head. It is better if it is a scythe-shifter. It is made like an ordinary “spikelet”, but only the strands, when weaving, are laid not up, but under the bottom.
  4. To add volume, slightly fluff the pigtail, slightly pulling the hair out of it.
  5. Treat the upper part of the hair with a styling agent, wind it up.
  6. Secure the curls randomly with hairpins. They should be located above the pigtail laid at the bottom of the head.
  7. Fix the result with varnish.

By the way. More complex hairstyles involve weaving braids of 4, 6 or 8 strands. It looks unusual and looks like an elegant macrame. But the technique takes skill. If you want to learn this art, watch a thematic video on how to style curls in tiered braids.

High ponytail hairstyle with curls

One of the most simple ways diversify your everyday hairstyle. The peculiarity of any such styling is that curling of curls should be done last. To make a high ponytail:

  1. Comb your hair.
  2. Gather their upper part at the crown, as if for a Malvinka hairstyle.
  3. Pick up strands on both sides and behind.
  4. Holding the tail with your left hand, attach an invisibility inside the collected hair.
  5. Then secure everything with a rubber band.
  6. Fasten the second invisibility inside the tail - the same as the first, but from the opposite side. This will keep your hair from fraying.
  7. Comb the ends.
  8. If desired, select a small strand from the tail, wrap it around the elastic band and fix it with invisibility.
  9. Treat the tail with a styling agent and wind it in any convenient way: on thermal or regular curlers, with a curling iron, iron or styler.

Some girls find it convenient to form a ponytail with their heads down.

Side ponytail hairstyle with curls

Laying is suitable for owners of strands below the shoulders. Process of creation:

  1. Comb your hair, make a horizontal parting.
  2. Remove the top with pins.
  3. Throw the lower strands to either side, form a tail.
  4. Twist all the strands.
  5. Move the top curls towards the tail.
  6. Using hairpins, lay them and sprinkle with varnish.

Advice. An easier option is to make a low ponytail on the side and wind your hair with a curling iron or iron.

Bouffant with curls

Bouffant can be done on any length of hair, but only on dry. It is a source of additional volume or serves as the basis of a hairstyle. The execution technique is quite simple:

  1. Dry your washed hair against hair growth.
  2. Divide by parting.
  3. Take a wide strand.
  4. Stretch it perpendicular to your head.
  5. With a fine-toothed comb, run through the hair several times, towards the base. You need to start by retreating 5-6 centimeters from the roots.
  6. Do the same for the entire length of the strand.

This method is universal, but for short haircuts there are a few additional recommendations:

  • for volume, only the edges of the strands are combed;
  • too much short hair processed along the entire length;
  • if it is supposed to use an overlay or a chignon, only the root zone is combed.

In addition to bouffant, hairdressers often use the blunt method. In this case, the strand is not pulled, but immediately laid as needed. In this case, only the upper part is combed.

To maintain the resulting splendor, hairstyles with it are usually done after curling. You can leave the curls loose or assemble into a “Malvinka”, decorate with a decorative accessory. In these cases, additional volume at the crown will be very appropriate.

One of the simple but spectacular options curled hair styles - side hairstyle with bouffant. It is suitable for solemn event and for every day. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Part your hair horizontally from ear to ear.
  2. Roll up light, careless curls. A hair dryer with a diffuser attachment will help in this matter.
  3. Leave the curls around the face straight.
  4. Divide the hair at the back of the head into three identical parts, braid them into pigtails.
  5. Collect each braid with an accordion.
  6. Make a bouffant of the upper strands at the back of the head.
  7. Wind the hair in the crown area, lay on the pile.
  8. Fix with varnish.​

Prom hairstyles with curls

Many girls prefer not to let their hair down, but to put it in updo because it is comfortable and stylish. One of simple options - bundle with roller:

  1. Comb all strands back.
  2. Take some hair at the crown.
  3. Put a rubber band on them.
  4. Divide the strand into 2 parts, secure each with invisibility.
  5. Highlight a wide curl over the elastic band, make a pile.
  6. Lay it down, smooth the surface.
  7. Make a tail, completely covering the elastic band with it. You can leave a couple of strands near the face.
  8. Twist the ends, put in a bun.
  9. Secure with pins.
  10. Form beautiful curls from the strands remaining near the face, lay.
  11. Decorate your hair with a ribbon or hairpin.
  12. Fix with varnish.​

Attention! The choice of styling for such a solemn event as a graduation at a school or institute depends on the dress. If it is long, strict cut and resembles an evening one, then a bunch of curls or laying on one side will be a good addition. For a short elegant dress made of light, airy fabric, small, playful vertical curls, pinned up on one or both sides, are suitable.

Wedding hairstyles curls

Spectacular curls emphasize the tenderness, elegance of a happy bride, so these hairstyles are very much in demand for a wedding celebration. Execution options are very different:

  1. Loose curls. It can be light waves or elastic curls, complemented by a rim, a beautiful hairpin.
  2. Asymmetrical curls on one side.
  3. Laying "French waterfall".
  4. Elegant bun and other options.

Looks great at any age greek hair style

  1. Make a horizontal parting at the crown.
  2. From the bottom, form a low ponytail.
  3. Wrap it up in elegant bun, secure with pins.
  4. Curl the top of your hair into tight curls.
  5. Take one strand at the temples. Twist them, choosing the direction to the back of the head, pin them with hairpins.
  6. Lay the rest of the curls around the bundle, hide the ends inside it.
  7. Decorate your hair with beaded hairpins.

Another solemn laying option with a bun:

  1. Make a basal bouffant all over the head.
  2. Divide your hair with a horizontal parting.
  3. In the center, form a not very wide ponytail so that the main part of the loose hair remains above it, and a few strands are at the bottom, at the back of the head.
  4. Place a roller under the tail.
  5. Fasten it well.
  6. Lower the tail onto the roller.
  7. Form a bundle. The strands from the tail should completely cover the roller.
  8. Hide the ends inside, secure with invisibility.
  9. Loose strands remaining on the back of the head, wind.
  10. Lay them around the bottom of the bun.
  11. Curl the top of your hair.
  12. Position the curls over the bun for volume.
  13. Divide the curls near the face into two parts, fix on the sides.
  14. Decorate your hair with a headband or diadem, sprinkle with varnish.

Curly styling is a win-win option for any solemn occasion and everyday look. The hairstyle can be intricate or, on the contrary, not very complicated, but the fact that it will attract the attention of others is beyond doubt.

You will need quite a bit of imagination and skill to create a small masterpiece from curls, thanks to which you will become real queen evenings.

Useful videos

The most fashionable hairstyles for graduation.

Evening hairstyle for medium length hair.

For lovers of beautiful curled hairstyles, it is enough to know a few simple tricks that can be made at home. Master classes with video and photo lessons on this topic will be very useful in this matter, since it is not easy for beginners to cope with such seemingly simple tools. But today, a hair dryer and a large comb for styling should be best friends girls with long hair.

For owners of straight hair of medium length, there is nothing easier to build a stylish hairstyle on your head using the usual curlers or tongs, without resorting to the method perm. Having all this at hand, you can refuse expensive perm procedures at the hairdresser, which, in addition, have a very negative effect on the hair structure. With the help of photo and video tutorials, it is possible to achieve results with a little time and desire to look spectacular.

There are a lot of options for hairstyles for medium hair with curls today, starting with Hollywood ones, ending with carelessly neat strands along the entire length. Zigzag, spiral curls, waves, corkscrew curls - all these styling are easy, simple and suitable for any occasion. The peculiarity of the medium length is that the hairstyle is long-term, unlike long curls.

Popular articles:

A celebrity like Julia Roberts, looking at the photo of which you never cease to be amazed natural beauty, went down in history not only as an Oscar winner, but also brought into fashion a hairstyle a la Julia Roberts. Everyone remembers her famous beautiful styling, which is easy to do with your own hands at home.

How to make curls on medium hair with an iron at home

If you have ever used a curling iron, then you should be aware of how harmful this device can be for your hair. In contrast, the modern ceramic-coated flat iron is a gentle way to create big curls without visiting the master in the salon. As always, such a miracle on the head must be done on a clean head, pre-treated with a heat-protective spray along the entire length, and dried well with a hair dryer. With the help of photos and videos with a step-by-step explanation of how to curl your curls with an iron, for the third time you will ideally do your hair at home on your own and in a short time.

Ironing principle:

How to make large curls on medium hair with a curling iron

First of all - do not spare the money to purchase a quality device so that the result will please you, and not disappoint you. Remember, the larger the area, the larger the strand will turn out, the smaller, the thinner. The golden rule for this hairstyle is to always dry your head well to avoid dry ends and breakage.

Temperatures up to 170 degrees are normal for all types, and up to 200 degrees are already thick and curly. Prepare a hairspray for permanent styling if your curls do not hold their shape. Wind the strand on the device without reaching the root and tip by about 10 cm. To do this, take a small strand and wind it onto a curling iron of medium diameter. Repeat all this on each tier, after separating the zones with hairpins or a clip. It is better to start from the back of the head and move towards the forehead.

Medium curls for medium hair photo ideas for inspiration

The easiest way to create a voluminous hairstyle is to study photo and video tutorials on how to wind curls for an evening festive exit, or for High school prom. Inspiration for you will be photos of artists who never allow themselves to look casual in public. The last few years have not large curls on medium hair won the minds of many beauties, when, as until recently, it was fashionable to wear absolutely straight smooth hair.

With the advent of new tools and technological progress, it becomes possible to realize and do what was previously only seen in photos in fashion magazines or on videos. An ordinary hair dryer with a diffuser attachment will allow you to create both large and medium curls in a short time. For a medium-length hairstyle with bangs, you can wind both the hair along the entire length and the bang itself. Creating large shapes on the head with a sparse head of hair is more difficult, therefore, try a short haircut and a combination of several color shades on the head to visually add volume to the head. (For a hairstyle with bangs, the length does not matter, the main thing is ways and illustrative examples with photos and videos for oblique, even long bangs.)

Photo ideas for inspiration:

Video how to make beautiful curls for medium hair at home

A clean head is the key to successful and beautiful styling. Wash and lightly dry your hair, then use mousse or foam for thermal protection. Starting from the ends, dry the hair all over the head in a circular motion, while putting all the hair in a diffuser.

It is also possible to make a beautiful styling with a curling iron. Large or medium strands - this is at your discretion. Treat dry and clean strands with varnish or styling spray and divide into zones throughout the head. At the back of the head, wind more thin strands, a little less on the sides, and the largest in front. With an iron, you can repeat the same thing, the only difference is that they must be thin and must be wound up to the very roots, without overdoing, so as not to damage the surface of the curl.

After reviewing this article, we can conclude that a beautiful and original hairstyle is a real doable task at home for any girl.

Video tutorial for beginners:

without exception . They can be used both for any holidays and in everyday form. Every girl tried to curl her hair, and few were disappointed with the result. can be easily repeated at home itself, for this you need to purchase only styling mousse, strong hold hairspray and of course a curling iron (it will depend on your hair type). With the help of a curling iron, you can create any curls: air, waves, corrugation. And each will be able to emphasize your style and individuality. Also, girls with different hair lengths can use curls.

Hairstyles curls for medium hair video tutorial

Hairstyles curls for medium hair photo

Pigtail effect

The easiest way making braids at home, which will give you an unforgettable volume . Our grandmothers used this creation procedure, it is absolutely not harmful to hair. In order to make it, you need to wash your hair as usual, you can use a balm. Then dry a little with a hair dryer, then we separate the hair, and a few partings to create braids (the more braids, the more parting will be). We braid each separated part into a pigtail. The result can be left for several hours, and then dried a little with a hair dryer or overnight. And in the morning get fluffy, wavy hair.


Like the previous version, our grandmothers also used it, only with time new types of curlers and clips appear. Using one is not very convenient, but possible. With the help of curlers, you can create different hairstyles, since the curlers can be initially distributed correctly. Curls can be obtained from small to very large (depending on the size of the curlers themselves). The main use of curlers is volume. This hair method is also harmless and is done on slightly damp hair. We divide the whole head into several equal parts, and twist the curlers. Usually curlers are left overnight (sleep is not comfortable, but the result is worth it), but if urgently, it can be for several hours. After the hair is dry, you need to remove the curlers and fix with strong hold hairspray so that the curls last as long as possible. In no case do not comb your hair, otherwise your beautiful waves will turn into something incomprehensible. If necessary , you can carefully separate them with your fingers . For a quick option, there are thermal curlers, which must first be heated in water (15-20 minutes), then wound over the same interval. If you have bangs, it's okay, it can easily wind up, but if you leave it, it will also be a good option for styling.

diffuser waves

There are several nozzles on the hair dryer, one of them is a diffuser. Basically, it is sold complete with a hair dryer, but if there is none, you can buy it in a separate store. For such styling, you need to wash your hair and soak it well with a towel. You need to use: mousse, foam, gel or wax (necessarily strong fixation, otherwise the hairstyle will not last long). After the selected product has been applied. Then we tilt our head, separate the strand and dry it with a hair dryer with a nozzle (at an angle of 90 degrees), making circular movements with a hair dryer. Do the same work with the rest of the parts. Fix with varnish.
Also, with the help of such a nozzle, you can get the effect of "wet chemistry", which looks no worse than other curls.

Curls with ironing

You can create beautiful wavy hair using a regular hair straightener (iron). This should be done on dry, washed hair. We divide the hair into uniform strands and begin to twist each one in turn. The holding angle should be 90 degrees, this is an important point in the procedure, since at a different angle you may not succeed. In order to get a curl, the straightener must be held for 15-20 seconds. After that, hold the curl with your hand and lower it. Fix with varnish.

Hollywood waves hairstyle

Hairstyle Hollywood waves is vintage hairstyle, suitable for any girl, with any length of hair. Medium hair is the optimal length for styling. In this case, in addition to the curling iron, we need clamps. Dividing the hair into a horizontal parting, curl it, pinning the top. It is necessary to wind the hair in the same way and in one direction, holding the tongs for a short time, as the hairline is damaged. Having corrected the same hair, with the help of a comb, we sprinkle them with varnish.

How to make Hollywood waves?

Hair Chemistry

For girls who spin often, experts suggest using carving services, or chemistry.
They hold up well for a long time. For a more gentle option, most girls use carving. You can do such procedures at home, having studied the instructions in detail, but the best option would be a salon, as you can hold on a little longer and thereby ruin the hair structure.

Option using a curling iron

A curling iron is a modern use case, almost every girl uses it, it is done quickly and you can easily do it yourself. IN specialized stores a wide range of curling irons , suitable for every girl . The secret of a beautiful result - curls need to be curled from the face.

Basically, the nozzle is corrugated, it comes with an iron. If not , you can purchase separate corrugated tongs . - used mainly to create a voluminous mane. It doesn't take long to get results. - is a good option for girls with liquid hair, but often it can not be used, as it can burn hair badly. It is necessary to separate the hair and corrugate them one by one, comb and fix with varnish.

Hairstyles curls for medium hair, all the pros:

  • Doesn't take much time.
  • Suitable for all occasions.
  • Long term hair styling.
  • Suitable for even the most unruly hair.
  • Types of variety of curls.

Women's hairstyle is an extremely important thing, because it can make a stunning impression on others. ABOUT beautiful curls or gently flowing waves of hair every girl dreams of. Curls soften the oval of the face, giving the image more romanticism. To get a beautiful hairstyle with curls, the hair must be healthy and shiny.

Styling products

Whether you prefer casual undulations or crisp, swirling curls, every specific case it is necessary to use high-quality styling products and hairdressing tools (tongs, irons, hot rollers).

To avoid damaging your hair with hot styling, be sure to apply a heat protectant to your hair first.

After creating the curls, apply some hairspray and shine serum to the strands for an irresistible look.

Stylish Ideas

Are you looking for a new style which will add more elegance to you? The solution is voluminous curls and straight bangs. The bangs will emphasize the beautiful features of the face and create an exceptionally sophisticated aura. 50 photos of curly hairstyles from this article will help you choose a new idea.

Hairstyle with soft and semi-loose curls is also a great idea. It is suitable for those who want to emphasize feminine features and style.


How to perm so that curls last long and look natural?

You will find several informative lessons with photos on creating curls in this.

After washing your hair with shampoo, do not rub it with a towel, because as a result of such care, they will stick out in different directions. Gently blot strand by strand. Then comb them with a wooden comb and blot the ends again with a terry towel. If necessary, blow-dry your hair, and only when it is about 80 percent dry can you apply a styling product. Finish drying.

If the hair is not very obedient, curly, then they should be shaped before they are completely dry. Apply foam, squeeze the curls with your fingers. If the hair structure is straight, then such manipulation will not be effective. Dry the strands with a hairdryer with a diffuser (a special nozzle “with fingers”), which can give curly curls the desired shape. If the hair is straight, then after drying it will become visually more voluminous. Hairstyle with curls after such drying can last quite a long time. Set the hair dryer to warm air. Keep in mind that cold air will not give the desired shape to the curls, and hot air can adversely affect the health of the hair.

If the hair is straight or only slightly curly, then, after drying it by 80%, twist individual strands on your finger, remove, fasten with clips or invisible. After spraying the strands with a strong hold spray, dry your hair and hold it in clips for 20 minutes. By removing the clips, you will get flowing natural curls.

Curly hair should not be combed or brushed, otherwise it may lose its shape. It would be more correct to comb them with your fingers, slightly lifting them at the base of the roots. If the hair is curly, they do not need additional fixation, as they themselves perfectly hold curls. And straight hair is preferably sprayed with varnish to pretty haircut could please you for a long time.

The advantage of romantic curls is that they are loose and carefree, but at the same time, they add volume and style to your hair. This article will show you how to make romantic curls suitable for any occasion.

Curling hair in layers

It is best to divide the hair into three layers: the lower one at the neck, the middle layer from one ear to the other, and the upper one at the top of the head. Pin the top and bottom layers and start with the middle section. Once the curls are done in the middle layer, move on to the bottom layer and finish with the top layer. This will give curls better shape and make curling easier.

Pay attention to the diameter of the curling iron

While I think it's best to create romantic curls with a flat iron, you can create curls with a curling iron. The circumference of the tongs should be about 4 cm. It should be remembered that romantic curls should fall freely on the shoulders, so the larger the diameter of the styler, the more natural the curls will look.

Curls from curlers with a small diameter are more defined and last much longer (especially for long hair).

Apply hair foam

The hairstyle will last longer if you lather your hair after washing and before blow-drying.

Use a heat protection spray

A heat protectant is one of the key products for creating beautiful, soft curls and healthy hair. It is extremely important to use a hairspray to protect your hair from the harmful effects of heat, especially at the ends.

Use your fingers

Do not comb your curls with a comb or brush. Be sure to use your fingers to style the curls the way you like.

Photo of hairstyles with curls

Hairstyles with curls - the current option for all time. Beautifully collected curled curls, even with a short length, give the image of femininity and chain men's views. For naturally curly hair, this is also a way to “pacify” a naughty mop, and girls with straight strands, twisting and styling them, will get a beautiful one.

Hairstyles with curls for short hair

It is wrong to assume that short haircuts do not provide for a variety of styling. This is far from true. In fact, any owner of short playful curls that give a perky look can easily create a hairstyle in a strict business or sophisticated romantic style at home, as well as unusually style the strands for a gala evening.

Even just by changing the direction of the parting, the look of the hairstyle for short curly hair is significantly refreshed. So, you can experiment with zigzag, side, oblique partings. A great option for different occasions is a wave hairstyle, and with a hair length of more than 15 cm, there is already an opportunity to try the trendy hun hairstyle, in which the upper part of the hair is collected in a small bun.

Hairstyles for short wavy hair are created using various styling products: gel, mousse, modeling spray, varnish, etc. If a hair dryer is used for drying, it is better to attach a diffuser nozzle that will help make volume styling. To give clarity to individual curls, in addition to styling products, you can use. Do not forget about accessories for hairstyles with curls, because even short hair allows you to use most stylish and elegant jewelry: headbands, headbands, clips, hairpins with flowers, etc.

Hairstyles with curls for medium hair

Haircuts for curly medium hair do not require much time and effort when styling and leave the widest field for experimentation. Even without professional skills, you can surprise others with new images every day, and catch enthusiastic glances at the same events. The key to an attractive hairstyle for curly hair of medium length will be a freshly washed head and properly selected styling products.

If the hair is naturally curly or permed by chemical or biowave, be sure to take care of proper drying before styling. This is necessary so that the curls do not lose their shape and elasticity. Best Option for drying is a hair dryer with a diffuser, with which you can also do styling. But do not use it every time, you should alternate blow drying with natural drying under a soft towel.

Hairstyles for medium curly hair depend on the original haircut, but with such a length there are many universal variations: tails, buns, braids, Greek-style styling, wet hair styling, etc. All these hairstyles allow you to focus on the elegance of curls and in different interpretations can be performed both in everyday life and in combination with evening dresses. Among other things, before creating the styling, you can adjust the diameter of your curls with the help of curlers.

Hairstyles with curls for long hair

Well-groomed long curly hair is a real luxury, and if it is also given by nature, then the main thing is to emphasize the beauty of the hair in every possible way. In most cases, the most successful for such strands is a layered or graduated haircut, in which loose hair looks as impressive as possible. In addition, the right haircut will “pacify” stubborn curls and facilitate the styling process.

Hairstyles for long wavy hair cause a lot of trouble, and walking with loose hair is constantly boring and not always convenient, but do not despair. When creating any hairstyle with curls, unless we are talking about a formal event with a strict dress code, elements of negligence in the form of strands that have escaped from the general mop are allowed. This only adds charm and naturalness to the image. For those who do not accept the collected hair, will come to the rescue Fancy Hairstyle hun, with which it is easy to lead an active lifestyle.

Hairstyles for curly hair for every day

Daily hairstyles should be easy to perform, not take a lot of time and be sustainable for a long time. We list popular simple hairstyles with curls that can be built in a few minutes:

  • lateral tail;
  • "Malvinka";
  • beam;
  • free braid;
  • braid to one side;
  • boho hairstyle;
  • shell.

Evening hairstyles with curls

Styling for special occasions, going out "in the light" - more refined, bright and bold. They should be in harmony with other elements of the image and correspond to the theme. celebratory event. Consider what beautiful hairstyles with curls you can do with your own hands:

  • waterfall;
  • a basket of curls;
  • laying in Greek;
  • Hollywood waves;
  • pigtail-rim;
  • styling curls to one side;
  • low bundle of bundles;
  • high retro styling;
  • braided tail.

How to make a hairstyle for curly hair?

To create a spectacular hairstyle for curly hair, it is not necessary to visit the salon, curls can be styled at home, following the advice of the masters. In this case, you need to adhere to some points:

  • hairstyles should be created only on clean dry hair;
  • for combing it is better to use a comb with rare teeth made of natural material;
  • the styling products used should refer to special rulers for curly curls.

Side curl hairstyle

When choosing light hairstyles with curls, you should pay attention to styling with curls thrown to one side, which can be done with different lengths hair. This is a great option for formal occasions. Follow the instructions below to make this hairstyle:

  1. If the hair is not curly, you should first twist it.
  2. Make a side parting.
  3. Having separated a strand about one and a half centimeters wide at the temple, take it back and fix it on the back of the head from below with two invisible ones crosswise.
  4. Spray the strand with varnish and hide the invisibility under the main mop of hair.
  5. In the parietal zone, make a light pile.

waterfall hairstyle with curls

A chic hairstyle for wavy hair is a waterfall, in which the laid wavy curls really resemble falling jets of water. The technique of creating such a hairstyle with long curls does not require much effort. Here are the main stages of its creation:

  1. Part your hair into an even center parting.
  2. At the temple, on one side, separate a wide strand and begin to weave an ordinary braid from it to ear level.
  3. Then continue weaving with the release of the strand, with each binding letting the lower strand hang freely, and instead taking a new strand from the bottom of the hair and weaving it into the braid.
  4. Weave according to this pattern around the entire circumference of the head or to the middle.
  5. At the end, leave one curl free, and fix the end of the braid.

Bun for curly hair

If it becomes necessary to collect a naughty mop, then this hairstyle for medium wavy hair, like a bun, will turn out to be good decision. This simple hairstyle suits almost everyone. We propose to consider how one of the variations of the beam is made using a special accessory - a donut:

  1. After lightly combing the hair with a comb or fingers, collect it in a high ponytail (tighten it loosely) with an elastic band.
  2. Put on a bagel over the gum.
  3. Hide the ends of the strands under the donut, distributing them around the entire circumference.
  4. Fix the result with hairpins or stealth.

Hairstyle with braid and curls

On curly hair, any weaving looks especially elegant and attractive. A braid of curls will harmoniously complement almost any evening outfit and will be appropriate in the daytime. One of the simple techniques french braid. We offer the following version of it, which allows you to remove hair from your face and at the same time demonstrate beautiful curled curls:

  1. Comb your hair back.
  2. Select a small strand near the forehead in the center, divide it in two, tie it with an elastic band, drag the end of the strand into the hole at the base of its fastening.
  3. Picking up the same bundle of hair to each side strand and, fixing it with an elastic band, pull its end, like in the previous strand.
  4. Finish weaving in the lower occipital region.
  5. Secure with an elastic band and a beautiful hair clip.
  6. Structure the curls in the remaining tail with a styling product.

Hairstyle big curls

Suitable for all hairstyles for wavy hair of medium length - large loose curls. This elegant styling never loses relevance, does not require a lot of work and time. To create large curls, you can use different devices and devices, one of which is an iron. He must have rounded edges, be thin and heat up from the outside. Instructions for creating curls with an iron:

  1. Spray the strands with a heat protection spray and comb through.
  2. Grab the first strand with an iron, keeping it parallel to the floor at the level from which you plan to start curling.
  3. Wrap the strand around the iron, turn the appliance upside down and pull down.
  4. After a few seconds, release the curl.
  5. Repeat the same with the rest of the strands.
  6. Comb the curls with your hands, treat with varnish.
