How to make an octopus from beads. Abstract of the lesson on beading "octopus from beads"

Beaded animals: do-it-yourself weaving lessons and patterns (video)

Beaded animals: do-it-yourself weaving lessons and patterns (video)

Small, beautiful beaded animals - original crafts, which are perfect both as a small gift and can be good decor for room, mobile phone or keys. Such products do not require a lot of financial expenses, time and skill. For beginner needlewomen, this is a great way to have fun. If you have never done like this beadwork, it is better to immediately watch a video with such work.

We select materials for beading

What is needed for weaving animals?
Almost all beaded animals are made from the same materials.
To make them you need:

  • small beads;
  • large beads;
  • special thread, wire or fishing line;
  • scissors;
  • accessories;
  • scheme.

As for the last point, if you have never dealt with such work, then for the first time it is better to choose something simpler. For beginners, the most suitable simple crafts that do not require a large variety of material. To learn how to use the diagrams, it is enough just to follow the drawing and detailed description work process.
How to choose beads for weaving animals? In the markets, such materials are sold mainly of two types - Chinese and Czech beads. The first few are cheaper. But if you want the beaded animals to turn out beautiful, it is better to stop at the second option. Unlike Chinese, Czech has the same size and color of beads. And this guarantees a good density of beading and good combination shades.
How to choose a thread for weaving animals? Right choice such material contributes to the creation beautiful crafts. In this case, it is better to choose a fishing line. Its advantage is that such a thread is very strong and practically invisible in the product. Animals made of beads on a fishing line are especially beautiful.
But for beginners, it may seem like a rather difficult tool. In order to learn how to weave a fishing line, you need some skills. Therefore, for the first time, it is better to choose a special thread or wire. It is easy to work with her. For beaded animals, the main thing is that it be very strong.

Octopus from beads

To create an animal you will need:

  • beads of a suitable color;
  • yellow beads;
  • wire;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing process:

  • For crafts, cut the wire about 50 centimeters long. We collect 7 beads of the main color and shift them to the center;
  • After that, we separate three elements and put one end of the metal thread through four beads. Get a loop. We do everything according to the scheme;
  • At the next stage of weaving, we string 5 elements. Thread the other end of the metal thread through them. Again you get a loop. Fix it in such a way that the beads fit as tightly as possible to each other;
  • In a similar way, you need to make nine rows. After that, all beaded tiers should be straightened so that the workpiece acquires volume;
  • The tenth row must be woven according to this principle: first, put on three beads of the main color, followed by one yellow one, then a loop is made through the yellow element, the end of the wire is threaded into the last bead and three more beads of the main colors are put on. Behind them is another yellow one and again we make a loop with it, inserting the end of the thread into the bead of the main color. Tighten the bend well and put on three beads of the chosen color again. It turned out half the head of an octopus with eyes. The weaving pattern of this element is presented below;

  • Next, we continue to weave in a parallel way. We attach this method to the neck and body. We make nine more rows of these;
  • Then we start making tentacles. For this weaving, divide the entire row of beads into three elements. In every three beads, it is necessary to thread pieces of wire about half a meter long;
  • These are future tentacles. They need to be weaved in the same way as the body. That is, the parallel method;
  • After creating all the paws of the animal, they must be fixed in the correct position with a fishing line.
  • Octopus is ready!

    Beaded Parrot

    Such beaded birds look bright and unusual. The work is not very difficult, the main thing is to understand the most complex processes.

    To make this wonderful bird you will need:

    • wire;
    • blue beads;
    • red beads;
    • green beads;
    • yellow beads;
    • black beads;
    • purple beads;
    • scissors.

    Manufacturing process:

  • We start weaving a beaded bird from the head. We take a wire with a diameter of 3 mm. Its length should be about 3 meters. We put on 3 black beads in the middle. After two, we connect them into a ring in such a way that each end passes through the last bead on the other side;

  • The head of a parrot is woven quite easily. The main thing is that the first two rows are flat. After each tier, black lines should be made;
  • Next will be more volumetric weaving. In this version, black lines must be woven through two rows;
  • The next step in weaving a beaded bird will be attaching the wings. For these parts, additional pieces of wire will be needed. For each should be from 30 to 35 centimeters. This is the main nuance, because then the element may simply not work;
  • Insert the end of the metal thread into the last three beads of the selected row, as the diagram shows;
  • Wings can only be attached to that row of crafts that is not tightly tightened. In other words, to the place where the weaving can be made even;
  • Wings need to be made with a mirror weave. Once the elements are ready, their ends are attached to the broaches;

  • Thus, it is necessary to weave until the yellow row appears.
  • As soon as it will be necessary to proceed to a different color, we attach an additional piece of wire. It must be at least 30 centimeters. It is attached by pulling the end through the six central beads of the row. Thus, weaving will be strong;
  • With this weaving, you need to do three more rows. As soon as they are over, insert an additional piece of wire. The length of which should be 30 cm;
  • Form paws from this metal thread. Those parts that are more forward will be the toes, and those that are behind will be the heels;
  • Each finger of a beaded bird must be twisted. Cut off the excess wire. The second foot is woven in the same way;
  • Once the parrot is ready, you need to fix all the ends of the wire.
  • Lion from beads

    Your attention is invited interesting master class for the manufacture of a lion from beads. Such animals made of beads are small in size, but voluminous and beautiful.

    For manufacturing you will need:

    • wire or fishing line;
    • yellow shiny beads;
    • orange shiny beads;
    • a few black beads;
    • one pink bead;
    • fabric or paper as filler.

    Manufacturing process:
    To weave a lion, use the most common parallel weaving. It gives the product a special volume. The mane will be made using the needle method. Such beaded animals require quite a lot of skills. Especially in bulk weaving. Therefore, for beginner needlewomen, such crafts are not entirely suitable.

  • We start weaving the product from the top of the head, then gradually move on to the spout;
  • The bottom two tiers are made in a row. All the following rows of beading are done using the top-bottom method. From the bottom row we begin to make a mane;

  • We put on the wire 1 orange, and five gold ones. Be very careful with colors. If you confuse, then the product will not work a little;
  • Next, take an orange bead, put it on the wire and pass it through the next four. Ideally, it should turn out like this: the first, the main one, remained at the beginning. Pull the wire in such a way that you get a needle. This process can be seen in the diagram image;
  • Then we take the same five beads, but we already pass in the other direction through the four put on;
  • Tighten the wire well. So you need to make the last needle of the mane;
  • We proceed to the second free wire. We have to stretch it through the orange element. We tighten the ends of the wires and lower the crafts at the bottom. This is how the mane will turn out;
  • Ears crafts are made using the reverse beading method. Only in this case the wire is pulled after every four beads. The metal thread, which is opposite, is tightened. Fits right on top. Thus, we got the muzzle of a lion;
  • Paws must be woven voluminous on an additional wire. Feet are made with the usual flat method;
  • The tail of the lion is also woven voluminous and on a separate thread. The end of the tail is made with a needle method;
  • Fill each volumetric workpiece with filler;
  • After finishing the weaving of each part, twist the ends of the wire tightly, and cut off the remnants. Connect all parts together. The lion is ready!

  • Deer from beads

    For work you will need:

    • black beads;
    • brown shiny beads;
    • yellow shiny beads;
    • gray shiny beads;
    • black beads;
    • scissors;
    • wire.

    Manufacturing process:

  • We start making crafts with weaving horns. We string beads in the middle of the metal thread, as the diagram shows. We continue to work according to the figure;
  • Then we start creating the head. To do this, cut a piece of wire about half a meter long. We start making an animal by making a nose. We do the work with voluminous parallel weaving;
  • After the head of the craft is ready, the horns should be attached to it. To do this, in a certain place it is necessary to thread a metal thread with six beads and attach the horns to it, threading the end into two elements of the workpiece;
  • After that, you need to put four beads on the wire and stretch the second end of the metal thread through all the beads of the row in the opposite direction;
  • Let's start making the ears. To do this, cut a piece of wire and weave according to the scheme;
  • To attach them to the head of the craft, you need to stretch the end of the thread from the head through the bottom row of ear beads;

  • At the next stage of beading, we proceed to the manufacture of the body. To weave this blank, it is necessary to cut off a piece of wire about two meters long and thread it through the lower tier of beads on the head;
  • The body is woven voluminous. We start from the bottom row. Weave in an up and down way;
  • To make legs for a deer, you need to attach additional wires in appropriate places;
  • Beading of limbs occurs by the method inside - outside;
  • For the tail, it is also necessary to cut off a piece of metal thread and weave it according to the scheme;
  • The tail is attached by pulling the wire through the entire row of beads in the appropriate place. Deer is ready!
  • This article presents animals made of beads of small sizes. If you want to make the same animals, but bigger size you can use larger beads, or even replace them with beads. But you need to know that appearance crafts from this will also change. When you want to make only some part of the animal longer, for example, the tail of a bird, you can simply add another row of beads in the calculations of the scheme. Volumetric animals made of beads - very interesting crafts. They may not only be beautiful hobby, but also great gift close person.

    Small, beautiful beaded animals are original crafts that are perfect both as a small gift and can be a good decor for a room, mobile phone or keys. Such products do not require a lot of financial expenses, time and skill. For beginner needlewomen, this is a great way to have fun. If you have never done this type of beading, it is better to immediately watch a video with such work.

    What is needed for weaving animals?

    Almost all beaded animals are made from the same materials.

    To make them you need:

    • small beads;
    • large beads;
    • special thread, wire or fishing line;
    • scissors;
    • accessories;
    • scheme.

    As for the last point, if you have never dealt with such work, then for the first time it is better to choose something simpler. For novice craftsmen, the simplest crafts that do not require a wide variety of material are suitable. To learn how to use the diagrams, just follow the drawing and the detailed description of the work process.

    How to choose beads for weaving animals?

    In the markets, such materials are sold mainly of two types - Chinese and Czech beads. The first few are cheaper. But if you want the beaded animals to turn out beautiful, it is better to stop at the second option. Unlike Chinese, Czech has the same size and color of beads. And this guarantees a good beading density and a successful combination of shades.

    How to choose a thread for weaving animals?

    The right choice of such material contributes to the creation of beautiful crafts. In this case, it is better to choose a fishing line. Its advantage is that such a thread is very strong and practically invisible in the product. Animals made of beads on a fishing line are especially beautiful.

    But for beginners, it may seem like a rather difficult tool. In order to learn how to weave a fishing line, you need some skills. Therefore, for the first time, it is better to choose a special thread or wire. It is easy to work with her. For beaded animals, the main thing is that it be very strong.

    Octopus from beads

    To create an animal you will need:

    • beads of a suitable color;
    • yellow beads;
    • wire;
    • scissors.

    Manufacturing process:

    Octopus is ready!

    Such beaded birds look bright and unusual. The work is not very difficult, the main thing is to understand the most complex processes.

    To make this wonderful bird you will need:

    • wire;
    • blue beads;
    • red beads;
    • green beads;
    • yellow beads;
    • black beads;
    • purple beads;
    • scissors.

    Manufacturing process:

    Lion from beads

    Your attention is invited to an interesting master class on making a lion from beads. Such animals made of beads are small in size, but voluminous and beautiful.

    For manufacturing you will need:

    • wire or fishing line;
    • yellow shiny beads;
    • orange shiny beads;
    • a few black beads;
    • one pink bead;
    • fabric or paper as filler.

    Manufacturing process:

    To weave a lion, use the most common parallel weave. It gives the product a special volume. The mane will be made using the needle method. Such beaded animals require quite a lot of skills. Especially in bulk weaving. Therefore, for beginner needlewomen, such crafts are not entirely suitable.

    Deer from beads

    For work you will need:

    • black beads;
    • brown shiny beads;
    • yellow shiny beads;
    • gray shiny beads;
    • black beads;
    • scissors;
    • wire.

    Manufacturing process:

    This article presents animals made of beads of small sizes. If you want to make the same animals, but larger, you can use larger beads, or even replace them with beads. But you need to know that the appearance of the craft will also change from this. When you want to make only some part of the animal longer, for example, the tail of a bird, you can simply add another row of beads in the calculations of the scheme. Volumetric animals made of beads are very interesting crafts. They can be not only a beautiful hobby, but also a great gift for a loved one.

    Video: Lessons for weaving animals and birds from beads

    Plan-summary of the lesson

    Octopus Theme

    Volumetric weaving technique

    Target: to make an octopus figurine from beads using the volumetric weaving technique.


    Educational: to consolidate the knowledge and skills of making a three-dimensional figure from beads.

    Developing: develop creative thinking, imagination, attention.

    Educational: cultivate aesthetic taste, accuracy, patience, attentiveness.

    Teaching methods:

    Verbal method - explanation, conversation;

    Visual method - showing the finished product, analyzing the model diagram; A practical method is to show the elements of the figure's execution.

    Didactic and methodological materials: product sample, color illustrations, product execution scheme.

    Materials and tools: beads, wire, scissors, plate for beads.

    Lesson progress

      Organizing time .

    Psychological mood of students. Checking readiness for the lesson.

      Actualization of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

    Teacher: Guys, today we continue to work with the technique of volumetric weaving from beads. In this lesson, I propose to weave an octopus.

    Do you know what an octopus is interesting for?

    Interesting Facts about octopuses.

    1. Octopuses do not live long: on average, 1-2 years. An individual who has lived to 4 years can already be considered a long-liver.

    2. Octopuses can be the most different sizes. The smallest of them have a body length of only 1 cm, and the largest octopuses grow up to 4 m.

    The largest octopus ever caught by man was caught off the coast in 1945. The length of his body exceeded 8 meters, and his weight was 180 kg.

    3. Octopuses have blue blood, not red like humans. This is due to the fact that the content of copper is increased in their blood, while how human blood (as well as the blood of many other living beings) contains iron.

    4. Octopuses have three hearts.

    5. Tentacles not only help octopuses hold prey, but also serve to recognize different tastes. Each tentacle of these cephalopods has more than 10,000 taste buds.

    6. All octopuses are able to disguise themselves as the environment by changing the color of their body. An octopus has a body in a calm state Brown, frightened - white, angry - red.

    6. The pupil of the eye of an octopus has a rectangular shape.

    7. The brain of an octopus is almost equal in size to the rest of the body.

    8. All octopuses are clean. They sweep debris out of their burrows by releasing a jet of water from a funnel in their body under pressure. In addition, they have special "garbage bins" near the dwelling, where they dump scraps.

    9. Octopuses, to hide from enemies, throw out an ink cloud. It not only disguises the mollusk and allows it to escape, but also knocks predators off the trail, since interrupts ink the octopus itself.

    10. Octopuses do not have bones, so they are able to squeeze into holes with a diameter of 6 cm.

    11. In case of danger, octopuses are able to throw off their tentacles, like a lizard throws off its tail. So the lost limb grows back, but the mollusk itself does not experience any particular inconvenience from its loss.

    12. Octopuses have a fairly developed intellect. These invertebrates are easy to train, able to distinguish the shapes and sizes of objects, remember the location of objects in space well. Octopuses become attached to the people who feed them, and can become quite tame.

      Practical part.

    Technological sequence of manufacturing an octopus figurine.

    Teacher: for weaving an octopus, use the pattern.

    We start weaving from the head. To do this, we string 7 beads on a meter wire and shift them to the center.

    In the same way, the third row is typed. At one end of the wire we collect 5 beads.Through these beads we pass the other end of the wire, we get a loop, we tighten it.

    Thus, 9 rows are formed. We set the rows in the correct position to give the figure volume.

    On the tenth row, it's time to add the eyes. Insert 2 yellow beads. First, insert 3 blue ones, then one yellow one.

    Make a loop through the yellow one. This is done so that the eyes protrude outward above the rest of the structure.

    We string a few more (3 pieces) beads according to the scheme and add a second eye.

    Pass the wire through the second yellow bead, make a loop and tighten. We collect three more blue beads.

    We continue to do everything according to the scheme. It turns out the head.Next, with parallel weaving, add the lower part of the head: the neck and torso.

    Phys. minute .

    Eye exercises

      Close eyes. Rest 10-15 s. Open eyes. Repeat 2-3 times.

      Close eyes. Fulfill circular motions eyeballs with closed eyes to the right and left. Repeat 2-3 times on each side.

      Blink your eyes. Repeat 5-6 times.

    Having reached the last, according to the scheme, a row consisting of 12 beads, we add tentacles. To do this, we thread pieces of wire 50 cm each into every 3 beads. We got a body with freely hanging wire ends. In this case, the first 3 beads of each tentacle are the first row according to the scheme. Further weaving is necessary from the second row from the top (according to the tentacle pattern).

    Workplace cleaning.

    Our lesson is over. We clean up our workspace. Thank you for your work. Goodbye!

    Beaded animals: do-it-yourself weaving lessons and patterns (video)

    Beaded animals: do-it-yourself weaving lessons and patterns (video)

    Small, beautiful beaded animals are original crafts that are perfect both as a small gift and can be a good decor for a room, mobile phone or keys. Such products do not require a lot of financial expenses, time and skill. For beginner needlewomen, this is a great way to have fun. If you have never done this type of beading, it is better to immediately watch a video with such work.

    We select materials for beading

    What is needed for weaving animals?
    Almost all beaded animals are made from the same materials.
    To make them you need:

    • small beads;
    • large beads;
    • special thread, wire or fishing line;
    • scissors;
    • accessories;
    • scheme.

    As for the last point, if you have never dealt with such work, then for the first time it is better to choose something simpler. For novice craftsmen, the simplest crafts that do not require a wide variety of material are suitable. To learn how to use the diagrams, just follow the drawing and the detailed description of the work process.
    How to choose beads for weaving animals? In the markets, such materials are sold mainly of two types - Chinese and Czech beads. The first few are cheaper. But if you want the beaded animals to turn out beautiful, it is better to stop at the second option. Unlike Chinese, Czech has the same size and color of beads. And this guarantees a good beading density and a successful combination of shades.
    How to choose a thread for weaving animals? The right choice of such material contributes to the creation of beautiful crafts. In this case, it is better to choose a fishing line. Its advantage is that such a thread is very strong and practically invisible in the product. Animals made of beads on a fishing line are especially beautiful.
    But for beginners, it may seem like a rather difficult tool. In order to learn how to weave a fishing line, you need some skills. Therefore, for the first time, it is better to choose a special thread or wire. It is easy to work with her. For beaded animals, the main thing is that it be very strong.

    Octopus from beads

    To create an animal you will need:

    • beads of a suitable color;
    • yellow beads;
    • wire;
    • scissors.

    Manufacturing process:

  • For crafts, cut the wire about 50 centimeters long. We collect 7 beads of the main color and shift them to the center;
  • After that, we separate three elements and put one end of the metal thread through four beads. Get a loop. We do everything according to the scheme;
  • At the next stage of weaving, we string 5 elements. Thread the other end of the metal thread through them. Again you get a loop. Fix it in such a way that the beads fit as tightly as possible to each other;
  • In a similar way, you need to make nine rows. After that, all beaded tiers should be straightened so that the workpiece acquires volume;
  • The tenth row must be woven according to this principle: first, put on three beads of the main color, followed by one yellow one, then a loop is made through the yellow element, the end of the wire is threaded into the last bead and three more beads of the main colors are put on. Behind them is another yellow one and again we make a loop with it, inserting the end of the thread into the bead of the main color. Tighten the bend well and put on three beads of the chosen color again. It turned out half the head of an octopus with eyes. The weaving pattern of this element is presented below;

  • Next, we continue to weave in a parallel way. We attach this method to the neck and body. We make nine more rows of these;
  • Then we start making tentacles. For this weaving, divide the entire row of beads into three elements. In every three beads, it is necessary to thread pieces of wire about half a meter long;
  • These are future tentacles. They need to be weaved in the same way as the body. That is, the parallel method;
  • After creating all the paws of the animal, they must be fixed in the correct position with a fishing line.
  • Octopus is ready!

    Beaded Parrot

    Such beaded birds look bright and unusual. The work is not very difficult, the main thing is to understand the most complex processes.

    To make this wonderful bird you will need:

    • wire;
    • blue beads;
    • red beads;
    • green beads;
    • yellow beads;
    • black beads;
    • purple beads;
    • scissors.

    Manufacturing process:

  • We start weaving a beaded bird from the head. We take a wire with a diameter of 3 mm. Its length should be about 3 meters. We put on 3 black beads in the middle. After two, we connect them into a ring in such a way that each end passes through the last bead on the other side;

  • The head of a parrot is woven quite easily. The main thing is that the first two rows are flat. After each tier, black lines should be made;
  • Next will be a more voluminous weaving. In this version, black lines must be woven through two rows;
  • The next step in weaving a beaded bird will be attaching the wings. For these parts, additional pieces of wire will be needed. For each should be from 30 to 35 centimeters. This is the main nuance, because then the element may simply not work;
  • Insert the end of the metal thread into the last three beads of the selected row, as the diagram shows;
  • Wings can only be attached to that row of crafts that is not tightly tightened. In other words, to the place where the weaving can be made even;
  • Wings need to be made with a mirror weave. Once the elements are ready, their ends are attached to the broaches;

  • Thus, it is necessary to weave until the yellow row appears.
  • As soon as it will be necessary to proceed to a different color, we attach an additional piece of wire. It must be at least 30 centimeters. It is attached by pulling the end through the six central beads of the row. Thus, weaving will be strong;
  • With this weaving, you need to do three more rows. As soon as they are over, insert an additional piece of wire. The length of which should be 30 cm;
  • Form paws from this metal thread. Those parts that are more forward will be the toes, and those that are behind will be the heels;
  • Each finger of a beaded bird must be twisted. Cut off the excess wire. The second foot is woven in the same way;
  • Once the parrot is ready, you need to fix all the ends of the wire.
  • Lion from beads

    Your attention is invited to an interesting master class on making a lion from beads. Such animals made of beads are small in size, but voluminous and beautiful.

    For manufacturing you will need:

    • wire or fishing line;
    • yellow shiny beads;
    • orange shiny beads;
    • a few black beads;
    • one pink bead;
    • fabric or paper as filler.

    Manufacturing process:
    To weave a lion, use the most common parallel weave. It gives the product a special volume. The mane will be made using the needle method. Such beaded animals require quite a lot of skills. Especially in bulk weaving. Therefore, for beginner needlewomen, such crafts are not entirely suitable.

  • We start weaving the product from the top of the head, then gradually move on to the spout;
  • The bottom two tiers are made in a row. All the following rows of beading are done using the top-bottom method. From the bottom row we begin to make a mane;

  • We put on the wire 1 orange, and five gold ones. Be very careful with colors. If you confuse, then the product will not work a little;
  • Next, take an orange bead, put it on the wire and pass it through the next four. Ideally, it should turn out like this: the first, the main one, remained at the beginning. Pull the wire in such a way that you get a needle. This process can be seen in the diagram image;
  • Then we take the same five beads, but we already pass in the other direction through the four put on;
  • Tighten the wire well. So you need to make the last needle of the mane;
  • We proceed to the second free wire. We have to stretch it through the orange element. We tighten the ends of the wires and lower the crafts at the bottom. This is how the mane will turn out;
  • Ears crafts are made using the reverse beading method. Only in this case the wire is pulled after every four beads. The metal thread, which is opposite, is tightened. Fits right on top. Thus, we got the muzzle of a lion;
  • Paws must be woven voluminous on an additional wire. Feet are made with the usual flat method;
  • The tail of the lion is also woven voluminous and on a separate thread. The end of the tail is made with a needle method;
  • Fill each volumetric workpiece with filler;
  • After finishing the weaving of each part, twist the ends of the wire tightly, and cut off the remnants. Connect all parts together. The lion is ready!

  • Deer from beads

    For work you will need:

    • black beads;
    • brown shiny beads;
    • yellow shiny beads;
    • gray shiny beads;
    • black beads;
    • scissors;
    • wire.

    Manufacturing process:

  • We start making crafts with weaving horns. We string beads in the middle of the metal thread, as the diagram shows. We continue to work according to the figure;
  • Then we start creating the head. To do this, cut a piece of wire about half a meter long. We start making an animal by making a nose. We do the work with voluminous parallel weaving;
  • After the head of the craft is ready, the horns should be attached to it. To do this, in a certain place it is necessary to thread a metal thread with six beads and attach the horns to it, threading the end into two elements of the workpiece;
  • After that, you need to put four beads on the wire and stretch the second end of the metal thread through all the beads of the row in the opposite direction;
  • Let's start making the ears. To do this, cut a piece of wire and weave according to the scheme;
  • To attach them to the head of the craft, you need to stretch the end of the thread from the head through the bottom row of ear beads;

  • At the next stage of beading, we proceed to the manufacture of the body. To weave this blank, it is necessary to cut off a piece of wire about two meters long and thread it through the lower tier of beads on the head;
  • The body is woven voluminous. We start from the bottom row. Weave in an up and down way;
  • To make legs for a deer, you need to attach additional wires in appropriate places;
  • Beading of limbs occurs by the method inside - outside;
  • For the tail, it is also necessary to cut off a piece of metal thread and weave it according to the scheme;
  • The tail is attached by pulling the wire through the entire row of beads in the appropriate place. Deer is ready!
  • This article presents animals made of beads of small sizes. If you want to make the same animals, but larger, you can use larger beads, or even replace them with beads. But you need to know that the appearance of the craft will also change from this. When you want to make only some part of the animal longer, for example, the tail of a bird, you can simply add another row of beads in the calculations of the scheme. Volumetric animals made of beads are very interesting crafts. They can be not only a beautiful hobby, but also a great gift for a loved one.

    We make children's crafts from beads of animal schemes: an octopus, a wasp, a beetle, a spider, a peacock, a bead keychain - all this can be done with children as development lessons fine motor skills, creativity, perseverance.

    Beading insects and animals is quite an interesting activity for mom, and kids can then, when mom weaves an amazing toy, play with beaded toys.

    The diagrams clearly show the sequence of steps in weaving and the combination of beads with each other. These simple and understandable patterns will help beginner needlewomen to weave not just beaded crafts, but beautiful and funny toy figures.

    Octopus from silver beads

    You will need:

    1. gray mother-of-pearl Czech or Japanese beads 2.3 in diameter;
    2. 2 opaque beads for the eyes of the octopus;
    3. nylon thread.


    First, the body is woven. To do this, take a nylon thread about 1.5 m long and, according to the scheme, do volumetric weaving. Do not tighten the 43rd and 44th rows.

    Then you will need to weave 8 identical tentacles. For weaving one tentacle, take 60 cm of thread and weave according to the pattern. Attach 4 tentacles in the 43rd row, and the rest in the 44th row.

    Since it is woven onto a nylon thread, the octopus will turn out to be “soft”. If you want to make his tentacles more rigid, to do this, insert a metal wire into each of the tentacles. But be careful with this if a child will later play with this toy.

    Octopus from beads scheme

    This is how the body and tentacles of an octopus are connected

    Other patterns of weaving insects and animals

    You can get a beautiful wasp in a couple of hours. Get a lot of pleasure from the process! You need a little material to create, and the insect will turn out pretty.

    Below there are a few simple patterns by which novice craftswomen can learn to weave using animal and insect beads.

    alternate different color beads and experiment. Beading is sure to please! And the children will rejoice at the beautiful cute freaks that you get)).

    Wasp from beads

    Weaving can be started from the tail of the wasp, pulling the fishing line well so that the body turns out to be voluminous. Alternate yellow and brown beads.

    The wings are woven simultaneously with the whole body, but transparent small beads are used.

    Keychain from beads on the scheme phone

    Now almost everyone has Cell phones and you can weave a miniature keychain on your phone. Sometimes it's so nice to hold a cute beaded animal in your hands. Weaving is simple and everyone can pick up the animal that he likes best quickly enough, literally in a maximum of a couple of hours.

    Keychains can be attached not only to the phone, but also to the keychain.

    Here simple circuits for weaving a beetle, a butterfly, a duck, a turtle, a dragonfly, a bear cub, a dinosaur, a snowman, a cancer, a snake (already) and a fish. With such cute miniature seemingly childish crafts, you can even decorate birthday gifts for friends.

    Beetle bead scheme

    Perhaps someone likes such insects as beetles. This weaving pattern resembles a wasp, but it is different. The bug will be voluminous. It is better to weave it using a fishing line so that the beetle turns out to be flexible.

    Scheme of weaving from peacock beads

    You can make an original peacock of incredible beauty. You can choose any color of beads and glass beads, the main thing is to keep the rhythm of the pattern. Use a thin wire instead of a fishing line and the peacock will stand on its paws, and the whole toy will retain its shape and decorate your desktop or sideboard. Such little things always delight the eye of creative people.

    Such crafts love the game with color, the ability to combine the color of the details of the toy with each other.

    Scorpion from beads weaving pattern

    For those who love different insects in the form of desert dwellers, there is a pattern for weaving a scorpion. Here it is also desirable to use a wire. For the eyes, you will need pearl-colored beads, and for the body, paws and tail, brown, red, black and yellow.

    Beautiful and big beaded spider

    I came across a wonderful master class on the network in which you can see how to make a spider in a “feminine style”. This is not beads, rather it is the creation of costume jewelry.

    We select two chic beads, one of which should be larger than the second.

    We connected two beads together and twisted them between the beads with a wire, and thus we get eight legs of a spider.

    We string beads, glass beads, beads and twist the ends of the wire with round-nose pliers to secure the beads.

    We make all eight paws beautiful. We fix them.

    Upper belly of a spider. We bend the legs like a real spider.

    Here is such a wonderful spider appeared in the hands of a creative craftswoman! Very beautiful, unusual and one might say feminine! Such a spider will perfectly decorate a handbag or even a fashionista's clothes.

    Crafts from beads animal schemes in the form of an octopus, a spider, a scorpion, bugs, key chains, a peacock and a wasp, I hope you will come in handy for creativity, jewelry and joy! Share your finished works through the feedback form and we will publish them!

    When weaving beautiful gizmos, it is best to use Czech or Japanese beads, because. Japanese has an even better cut, size and color brightness.

    If you like to braid eggs, then look at interesting options, maybe you will like something and you will weave for Easter beautiful souvenir for yourself or for gifts.
