How to make shampoo useful. DIY natural shampoos

The shelves of modern stores are full of a wide range of detergents and cosmetics. And shampoos are no exception. Why make your own shampoo when you can buy it in the store, you ask? The fact is that industrial shampoos contain a lot of artificial preservatives, fragrances and dyes. Some women experience terrible allergies to them, so they are forced to use natural shampoos and masks.

But sometimes homemade shampoo is much more useful than its factory counterpart. After all, everyone knows that natural mask for hair from fresh products is much more useful than a bag of incomprehensible powder bought in a store. The same goes for shampoo. Homemade shampoo is useful because it is made from fresh and natural ingredients. In addition, you know exactly what is contained in its composition. So, let's look at several recipes for making homemade shampoo, depending on the type and condition of the hair.

Homemade shampoo for normal hair type

To prepare this shampoo, you will need a banana, egg yolk and lemon juice. Grind the banana in a blender so that there are no pieces left, otherwise it will be difficult to wash out of the hair. Mix banana mass with freshly squeezed juice of one lemon and chicken yolk. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mass on the hair. Start application from the roots of the hair, and then distribute the shampoo along the entire length. It is better to leave the beneficial composition on the hair for about 15 minutes. After that, rinse your hair thoroughly and pat it dry with a towel. Do not blow dry your hair. After such a mask, the hair becomes incredibly soft, friable and obedient.

Homemade shampoo recipe for oily hair

Dealing with oily hair is not easy. If your hair is shiny the very next day after washing your hair, you need to take action and prepare a healthy homemade shampoo for oily hair types. In half a glass of kefir, add a teaspoon of soda and egg white. You can add some vinegar or lemon juice. Thoroughly apply the prepared mixture to the hair roots and leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse off in the usual way. This is an excellent tool that gives good results with regular use. Already after the first wash with this shampoo, you will notice that the hair has ceased to gather in icicles, they remain fresh and clean longer.

Shampoo for dry and brittle hair

Dilute half a glass of vodka with water in a ratio of 2: 1. Add two egg yolks, a few drops of lavender oil and a teaspoon of ammonia. Mix the ingredients and apply the mass on the hair. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse off big amount water. If the smell of ammonia remains on the hair, the hair can be rinsed with water and lemon juice at the end. After such washing of the head, the hair will become alive and flowing. And regular use of homemade shampoo for dry hair will save you from brittleness and split ends.

This recipe perfectly restores hair after extensions or unsuccessful dyeing. With the help of such a tool, you can turn dried tow into flowing curls in just a month of regular use. Grind one kiwi to a state of homogeneous puree, add a tablespoon of sour cream and two tablespoons of natural honey heated in a water bath to the mass. All ingredients are aimed at enhanced nutrition and hair restoration. Add a tablespoon of baking soda to the composition - it will gently cleanse the strands of grease and dirt. Apply the prepared mixture on the scalp and carefully massage every centimeter of the hair roots. Then leave the nourishing shampoo on your hair for about 15 minutes, after which you can safely rinse off with warm water. After washing and drying your hair, you will notice that the hair has become smooth and silky.

Homemade Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

Homemade recipes successfully fight dandruff no worse than branded brands of expensive shampoos. But why overpay if the problem can be dealt with just as effectively, spending mere pennies? To prepare homemade anti-dandruff shampoo, we need nettle, aloe, apple cider vinegar and calendula. Nettle has a pronounced antifungal effect, but the fungus is main reason dandruff. Calendula is an antiseptic that inhibits the formation of white flakes. Aloe suppresses the focus inflammatory processes and relieves the scalp from itching. And vinegar gently cleanses the curls from dirt and sebum.

From nettle and calendula, we need to prepare a rich decoction. Take two tablespoons of each plant and pour two cups of boiling water over them. When the broth is infused, it must be filtered. 5-6 leaves of aloe need to be crushed and squeezed out of them juice. You should get at least two tablespoons of valuable juice. Mix decoction, aloe juice and a tablespoon apple cider vinegar. Pour the liquid into your hair and pat through each strand. For a greater effect, do not wash off the composition immediately - it is better to leave it for half an hour, covering it with cling film. Rinse thoroughly afterwards. Washing your hair regularly using this recipe will help you get rid of dandruff forever.

Recipe for natural shampoo for enhanced hair growth

Hair often falls out during pregnancy and breastfeeding, after unsuccessful dyeing and due to poor ecology. To restore the previous density of hair, you need to use a recipe for homemade shampoo based on mustard and kefir. Mix kefir with mustard in equal proportions and apply the mass on the head. Mustard not only absorbs sebum and impurities, but also irritates the scalp. This has a stimulating effect. Increased blood circulation makes the hair follicles wake up and become more active.

Kefir in the mask reduces the aggressiveness of the mustard so that there is no excessive burning during the application of the mask. In addition, kefir has excellent moisturizing and restorative properties. It is better to wash off the shampoo no earlier than half an hour after application - this is how you get from it maximum benefit. After washing off the mixture from the head, you can rinse your hair with a decoction of herbs or lemon water. After several procedures, you will find the result - a fluff will begin to grow along the edge of the scalp - new, young hairs.

All industrial shampoos designed to increase hair volume are made on the basis of gelatin. So why can't we take advantage of such a useful ingredient?

Pour a tablespoon of gelatin with a glass of warm, skimmed milk. Leave the bowl at room temperature to allow the gelatin to swell. After an hour, add a teaspoon of ylang-ylang oil and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to the gelatin milk. Mix all the ingredients and apply the mass on the hair, mainly on the scalp. Then rinse off the mass under running warm water. Drying hair with a hair dryer is not recommended. This mask will give your strands extra volume that will last all day long.

Recipe for homemade shampoo for shine and radiance of hair

When the curls become dull and faded, they need an emergency repair in the form of a homemade shampoo with chamomile and vinegar. Prepare a strong decoction of chamomile. Four tablespoons of fresh or dried plants, pour a glass of boiling water and simmer for half an hour. Then pour the broth into a container with a tight-fitting lid and leave the product to infuse for several hours. When the broth has cooled, it can be filtered and mixed with two tablespoons of vinegar. The prepared liquid must be rinsed with hair. You don’t need to rinse off the chamomile and vinegar - immediately blot your hair with a towel and leave to dry. Vinegar not only gently cleanses the hair, but also gives it an incredible shine and smoothness. And chamomile nourishes the scalp with vitamins and has a light brightening effect.

Homemade shampoos are not only about cleansing hair from dirt and sebum. This is restoration, nutrition and getting rid of hair from various cosmetic problems. Love your hair and choose the most natural for them!

Video: do-it-yourself shampoo

The range of shampoos in stores is huge. But they are all made industrial environment, contain sodium lauryl sulfate for foaming and parabens as preservatives. Therefore, their complete safety for health is rather doubtful. Let's take a closer look at how to make a shampoo with your own hands, when you can be completely sure of the naturalness and harmlessness of its constituent ingredients. Such an organic shampoo can be made by yourself in 2 versions: dry or liquid.

Types of homemade shampoos

Dry (solid) shampoo

Advantages: does not require water to cleanse the hair, so it is indispensable in emergency situations when, in the absence of water, a clean head is urgently needed, as well as on trips, business trips, and travels. Has a long shelf life.

Flaws: not suitable for frequent use. It does not provide proper hygiene, as with constant use it contributes to the accumulation of fat at the hair roots, and can cause dandruff.

Mode of application: any dry shampoo, which is a powder, gently apply to dry hair, trying to distribute it evenly, and after massaging them for a couple of minutes, carefully and thoroughly comb the powder with a comb with rare teeth.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 96% of shampoos of popular brands contain components that poison our body. The main substances, due to which all the troubles, are indicated on the labels as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These chemical components destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing this chemistry. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. Sole Producer fully natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

liquid shampoo

Advantages: effectively cleanses, does not irritate the scalp, nourishes, restores, reduces hair loss and prevents dandruff. Does not require additional use of conditioner and balm. Suitable for frequent use.

Flaws: short shelf life due to the absence of preservatives.

Mode of application: The mixture is applied evenly to damp hair. It is necessary to massage for 2-3 minutes, then wash in warm water.

The composition of dry or liquid homemade shampoo can be very different, the selection of ingredients for preparation depends on the type of hair.

In addition, some organic products were widely used by our ancestors for washing their hair, which we can also use as natural shampoos:

Rye bread

  1. Advantages: accelerates hair growth, makes them soft and shiny.
  2. Flaws: small bread crumbs can remain on the hair even after a thorough rinse.

Mode of application: sliced ​​fresh rye bread with cut crusts pour warm boiled water and leave to infuse. After about two hours, you need to knead the bread with your hands into gruel. Evenly lubricate the hair with it and, after fifteen minutes, rinse your head thoroughly with warm water.

Dairy products:

Sour milk, curdled milk, kefir.

  1. Advantages: contain a lot of useful natural substances, create a thin film on the hair, which protects well from negative impact from the outside.
  2. Flaws: not applicable for oily hair.

Mode of application: Spread the hair liberally with yogurt (it will take up to 0.5 liters), sour milk or kefir diluted with water. Wrap your hair in cellophane. After half an hour, rinse them thoroughly by adding a little lemon juice to the water.

Dark beer

  1. Advantages: excellent remedy for hair loss.
  2. Flaws: not a very pleasant smell.

Mode of application: Apply about half a glass of dark beer to the roots of hair moistened with warm water, leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse. Moisten the hair again along the entire length with fresh beer in the amount of half a glass. Then comb them and dry them without using a hair dryer. Do not rinse beer.

Dry shampoo recipes

From orris root:

Purchased at a pharmacy or prepared and dried violet root, grind to a powder. It perfectly absorbs sebum, so it is best to use the powder for application to oily hair.

Clay starch:

Mix lightly oven-dried potato starch and white fuller's clay in equal amounts.

Almond oatmeal:

Grind in a blender an equal amount of oatmeal and dried almonds to a powder. You can buy ready-made oatmeal and almond powder and mix 1:1.

From cornmeal:

Mix two tablespoons each of: cornmeal, cornstarch, baking soda and wholemeal oatmeal.

Shampoo base

Cosmetic stores and pharmacies sell special bases for making organic shampoos. It does not contain preservatives and sodium lauryl phosphate, but it does contain surface cleansers. Homemade shampoos made with this base will lather well and wash your hair. If you add certain essential oils and herbal decoctions to the base at home, you can get hair shampoos of various types.

  • Suitable for dry hair essential oils of orange, ylang-ylang, geranium, jasmine, rose, rosemary; decoctions of lavender herbs, coltsfoot;
  • For normal hair suitable essential oils of needles, jojoba, tea tree, orange, rose, bergamot, geranium, lemon; herbal decoction of sage;
  • Used for oily hair essential oils of rosemary, mint, cedar, lemon, cypress, grapefruit, tea tree, bergamot; almond oil or grape seeds; herbal decoctions of burdock, thyme, mint;
  • Against hair loss essential oils of eucalyptus, lavender, ylang-ylang, rosemary, lemon, thyme help; herbal decoctions of sage, nettle, basil, burdock;
  • Essential oils of cypress, tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender, cedar help against dandruff; Castor oil; herbal decoctions of chamomile, nettle, calendula, burdock.

How to prepare shampoo from the base:

  1. Using a water bath, heat the base to 30 degrees;
  2. Essential oil (2-3 drops), which is optimal for the existing hair type, add to the base;
  3. Pour in 2-3 teaspoons of herbal decoction that matches your hair type;
  4. Mix well, let cool.
  5. Pour the resulting shampoo into a small container. The composition can be stored in the refrigerator for up to ten days.


Such a shampoo will be stored in powder form for a long time. To wash their hair, you will need to dilute 3 tablespoons with water to a mushy state and lubricate the hair with this composition.

Compound: licorice root, hops, nettle, birch buds, ground ginger, mustard powder, rye flour.

Cooking method: grind dried nettle leaves, birch buds, hop cones and licorice root separately in a coffee grinder and sift through a strainer. Each of these ingredients should be 1 tablespoon. Mix them together, add 10 tablespoons of rye flour, half a tablespoon of ground ginger and 1 tablespoon mustard powder. Once again, mix all the ingredients well to get a homogeneous mixture. Such a phytoshampoo perfectly cleanses the hair, is easily washed off, has healing and regenerating properties.

egg shampoos

Homemade shampoos, which include egg yolk, should be used immediately after preparation. Such mixtures cannot be stored. They saturate the hair with nutrients, making them beautiful and soft, have a good effect on the scalp. Egg white is not used in the compositions, it must be separated, since it coagulates when heated.

For normal hair

Ingredients: 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon gelatin.

Cooking method: gelatin should be poured with water and left for 30-40 minutes to swell. After that, it is heated in a water bath until it disperses completely and strain through a strainer. Combine cooled gelatin with egg yolk. The resulting shampoo is applied to the hair. Wash off with warm water after 10-15 minutes.

For dry hair

Ingredients: 1 yolk, 2 spoons castor oil.

Mode of application: mix the yolk with castor oil and wash your hair with it, massaging thoroughly at the roots.

For oily hair

Ingredients: 1 yolk, 50 grams of cognac, 2 spoons boiled water.

Mode of application: after mixing the components well, apply the mixture on the hair and leave for 3-5 minutes, rinse with warm water.

From dandruff

Components: 2 yolks, medical alcohol - a teaspoon, sage oil - 5 drops, rose oil - 1 drop.

Cooking method: dissolve essential oils in alcohol, add beaten yolks to them and mix. The composition should be applied for 5-10 minutes, after wetting the hair.

For all hair types

1. Components: 1 yolk, 50 ml of low-fat kefir, half a teaspoon of salt.
Mode of application: add beaten yolk and salt to kefir, mix. Apply the mixture to damp hair. Rinse well after 3-5 minutes.

2. Ingredients: egg yolk, juice of half a lemon, half a banana.
Preparation and use: Peel half of the banana from the skin, remove the top layer of pulp, wipe the remaining middle through a fine sieve. Add lemon juice to the banana, then the yolk. This shampoo can be used constantly, it perfectly rinses the hair, making it healthy and soft.

We all know that the shorter the shelf life of yogurt, the more nutrients it contains. The same applies to cosmetics. And what if not homemade shampoo can be more beneficial for us. After all, it is made from natural ingredients, has a long shelf life and is maximally enriched with useful substances.

To make the curls look beautiful, have a large volume and grow quickly, it is better to make homemade hair shampoo. There are a considerable number of cooking instructions, so each person will be able to choose the one that is most suitable. Everyone knows the benefits natural products on the organism as a whole. It didn't work with the hair either. Using shampoo when washing your hair, there are a number of positive effects.

Benefits of homemade shampoo:

  • Environmentally friendly;
  • Contains only natural ingredients;
  • Availability of all ingredients;
  • Easy to prepare;
  • A large selection of recipes, which makes it possible to find the right option for your hair type;

There are no contraindications when using homemade shampoo. It does not have any negative effect on human health. However, sometimes there is an individual allergic reaction to the components.

To get the benefits of a handmade shampoo, you need to follow some guidelines and know how to make homemade shampoo. In order for it to have a therapeutic effect, you should remember:

  • To obtain a homogeneous consistency, the components of the shampoo are mixed in blender. At the same time, it will become liquid, easily washed off from the hair;
  • When using a shampoo that contains egg yolk, use water 40 degrees Celsius. To prevent egg flakes;
  • To determine possible reactions to components, a drop of solution smear the inside of the wrist;
  • For a good effect, the treatment mask is kept on curls. Ten minutes;
  • Shampoo must be removed settled water from decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • To keep the hair not overdried and elastic, it is recommended forget the hair dryer;
  • To prevent brittle hair, the combing procedure is carried out after complete drying;
  • Homemade shampoo is recommended to be used constantly when washing hair;
  • It is necessary to use a freshly prepared composition. Since the prepared mixture quickly loses its beneficial properties.

You can significantly improve the health of your hair with the right shampoo. Therefore, it is important to learn how to properly combine ingredients with each other.

Homemade Hair Shampoo Recipes

A large selection of recipes for making shampoos at home, with different medicinal properties, gives you a chance to choose the most suitable composition for your hair type. Folk substances nourish and saturate the hair, give it shine, make the bulbs strong and restore growth. The most important thing in the process of preparing shampoo is the base, which can be from any infusion and decoction of herbs, various plant oils, aloe juice, glycerin, honey and soap grass (root).

From this video you will learn the basics of making shampoo with your own hands.

Homemade shampoo for dry hair

  1. Prepared immediately before use: 2 yolks are mixed with 50 milliliters of water, 100 milliliters of vodka and 5 milliliters of ammonia. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency. Apply to curls and roots, hold for 5 minutes.
  2. Mix the egg with 40 milliliters of castor oil, you can add essential oil. For more convenient application, the mass can be whipped. Shampoo is applied to the braids from roots to ends.
  3. Dissolve gelatin powder in two yolks, mix vigorously to avoid lumps. The mixture is applied to wet hair by rubbing into the scalp and the hair itself until foam is formed. After seven minutes, remove the shampoo.
  4. Pour five grams of rosemary inflorescences with 400 milliliters of boiled water. Strain through cheesecloth after two hours. Wash your hair on the second day with this composition. The course of treatment will be one month.
  5. Mix raw yolk, 20 grams of purchased shampoo, 20 grams of carrot juice, 20 grams of lemon juice and 20 grams of olive or sunflower oil. Wash your head with this mass.
  6. The beaten yolk is mixed with 5 grams of castor oil and 5 grams of olive oil. The mixture is ready for use.
  7. Pour 1 kg of nettle with a liter of warm water and 500 milligrams of vinegar, boil for 30 minutes. Pass the decoction through a cheesecloth or sieve. Before washing your hair, dilute 2 cups of infusion with water.
  8. Mix two tablespoons of kefir and mustard with 1 teaspoon of olive oil, a teaspoon of honey. Stir vigorously. Leave on hair and scalp for twenty minutes. Then wash off.
  9. Dilute cosmetic clay (blue, green) with water until smooth, add a little vegetable oil. Apply to hair. Hold for 3 minutes. Remove shampoo residue, then use rinse aid - teaspoon apple cider vinegar and water.

Advice: empty shampoo bottles can be purchased at stores such as FixPraice or Okhapka.

Homemade shampoo for oily hair

  1. Bread-based shampoo is also a mask. Mix the pulp of black rye bread with warm water. Pass the consistency through cheesecloth and apply to curls. Leave for seven minutes and rinse with water.
  2. Mix egg yolk with 2 tbsp. spoons of water and 50 grams of cognac. Gently apply to scalp and curls. Wash off after 5 minutes.
  3. Mix the yolk with 10 milliliters of almond oil, 40 milliliters of lemon juice and 15 milliliters of vodka. Apply to wet hair, then rinse.
  4. Mix one tablespoon of mustard powder with two liters of water, pour half a teaspoon of sugar. Apply on the head. This solution will get rid of oily sheen and add volume to the hair.
  5. To remove oily sheen without wetting your hair, you need to sprinkle dry potato starch on your hair and then do the washing movements. To remove the rest of the substance from the hair, wipe the hair with a towel after 5 minutes.
  6. Beat 1 egg thoroughly with good cognac and apply on hair for 3 minutes, then rinse.
  7. Pour three tablespoons of crushed pomegranate peel with water. Boil on fire for 15 minutes. Wash your hair after three days, the duration of the course is 2 months.
  8. Boil 3 tablespoons of oak bark in a liter of water. Rinse your hair with this decoction for two months. It is recommended to use the solution as a rinse aid in the future.
  9. Infused decoction of birch leaves and infusion of kidneys mix one to ten, rinse your head 2 times a week. The duration of the course is up to 15 times.

Shampoo for damaged hair

Homemade shampoo for normal hair

  1. Pour 15 soap nuts with a liter of water. After boiling, simmer for 20 minutes. Allow the broth to cool and pour into a glass jar, close the lid. Before use, heat a little decoction in the microwave and apply with massaging movements to wet hair. Rinse hair with clean water.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of gelatin with a glass of water, heat in a water bath, strain. Add yolk, stir. Apply to hair and rinse.
  3. Mix grape seed oil with oils: orange, pine, nerole, geranium and sage grass. Apply to hair, then rinse.
  4. Boil 30 milligrams of chamomile. Mix the decoction with 50 milliliters of glycerin soap, a teaspoon of castor oil, 2 drops of cedar and sage oil. in a circular motion rub into the scalp and hair. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse off cold water.
  5. Pour ten grams of gelatin with 100 milliliters of water at 24 degrees, mix thoroughly and let stand for 40 minutes. Add the yolk, beat in a blender. Apply to wet hair, then rinse.

Natural shampoo for all hair types

  1. Mix 100 grams of soap with 500 milliliters of water, 50 milliliters of cosmetic soap. Heat the composition in a water bath, add essential oils at your discretion. Wash your hair and rinse with water.
  2. Mix 40 grams of flour with 80 milliliters of warm water. Leave the mass for 2 - 3 hours. Wash like normal shampoo.
  3. Pour the nuts in a bag with water, leave until soaked. Crush into a homogeneous mass until foam appears. Wash your head.

Homemade Hair Growth Shampoo

  1. Mix 15 grams of mustard powder with 40 grams of strong black tea, add the egg yolk. Apply to skin and hair in circular motions, then rinse with water.
  2. Pour a few pieces of bread with water and knead well, pour in essential oils and a little sour cream. Rub into skin and hair, hold for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with plenty of water so that no bread lumps remain.
  3. Mix 15 grams of gelatin with 2 yolks. Apply to hair, but not dry. Hold for 5 minutes and rinse.
  4. Combine 50 grams of kaolin powder, white clay and 100 milliliters of water. Apply everything to curls, then rinse.

The same recipes are perfect for hair loss, because they activate and strengthen the hair follicles.

Dandruff shampoo at home

  1. Beat two egg yolks. Pour a drop of rose oil, 4 drops of sage into 20 milliliters of alcohol. Beat everything with yolk. Rinse after application in large numbers water.
  2. Stir fresh kefir in hot water. Wash your hair with this mixture.
  3. Pour 15 grams of chopped tansy with 200 milliliters of boiling water. Leave to insist. Before use, add 15 milliliters of honey. Wash your head.
  4. Soak the pulp of bread from rye flour with water. Wait for it to swell. After, pour 40 grams of vegetable oil into the shampoo. Mix everything vigorously. Apply to the head by rubbing vigorously. Then remove the mass.

Dry shampoo options for hair

Dry shampoo is indispensable in emergency moments when there is no way to wash your hair. It can be easily prepared at home using available funds which are always at hand.

Basic Dry Shampoo Recipes

  1. Mix half a cup of flour with a teaspoon of salt.
  2. Mix baby powder with talc and baking soda.
  3. Grind 60 grams of oatmeal with 15 grams of soda. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Mix 10 grams of violet root with 50 grams of corn starch and chopped coarse grains.

The use of these homemade recipes involves the same steps: apply to hair, massage gently, remove the remnants of the mixture with a comb.

All of the above homemade shampoos can be prepared from improvised ingredients. They are made up of 100% natural ingredients. Regular use of homemade shampoos will not only make your hair healthy and beautiful, but also save money.

You will learn even more recipes for natural and vitamin-filled shampoos in the following videos.

If you're concerned about the quality of the ingredients in the commercial shampoos your family uses on a daily basis, you're not alone.

More and more people are thinking about how to make shampoo beneficial for the health of your hair.

And in solving this problem, shampoo made at home will help you.

Make shampoo at home: is it possible?

Very often, cosmetic shampoos contain aggressive detergents and other harmful agents - sulfates, parabens. Look at the label very carefully before use.. Be sure to check the safety of your shampoo when you buy it the same way you test any other product.

The first ingredient should be water, the other natural ingredients are olive oil, coconut oil, sucrose and menthol.

If any component does not suit you, then you can think about how to make your own shampoo at home.

Even though it will contain fewer ingredients and won't have the same foaming effect when used, it will cleanse the hair and scalp just as effectively.

Ingredients that are added for smell are ultimately not so good for your overall health. In addition, the home option is more cost-effective.

How to make shampoo at home: recipes for dry hair

Dry hair care tips:

- it is necessary to wash less often: in summer - 2 times a week, in winter - 1 time per week;

- water should be soft and warm;

- Shampoos should be used without alcohol, but with additional nourishing and moisturizing ingredients;

- it is useful to rub oil (olive, castor, etc.) into the hair, heated in a water bath.

Consider the most popular shampoo recipe: take a bar of soap weighing 200-50 grams and rub it on a regular grater until completely crushed. Add 1 liter of water and stir. To give a smell, add 5 drops of any fragrance essential oil. Shampoo is ready!

You will be surprised, but the most convenient and in a safe way shampooing is considered washing with ordinary baking soda. Having an alkaline environment, soda, when dissolved in a liquid, perfectly washes the hair and body, neutralizing all harmful acids that are released through the skin. For hair middle length and density, you need to take 1 tbsp. soda, dissolve it in hot water and add warm water to normal temperature. The total volume should be 1 cup. Then apply this solution to the entire length of wet hair, massage a little and rinse. At the end, do not forget to rinse your hair with lemon water. The hair will be perfectly washed.

Consider another basic shampoo recipe which is recommended for dry hair.

Compound: 0.5 st. water, 0.5 tbsp. soft liquid soap, 0.5 tsp. vegetable oil.

Cooking method: mix all the ingredients together, being careful not to foam. Pour shampoo into clean Plastic container. Use it as you normally would, remembering to shake each time before use. A further rinse with a 1:1 solution of water and apple cider vinegar will help protect hair from hair loss and add shine.

The vegetable oil included in the composition is very useful for dry or damaged hair. Do not use oils for oily hair. Given that such hair is susceptible to damage, the shampoo you use should also strengthen your hair.

Very good olive oil recipe. It consists of 0.5 tbsp. water, 1 tbsp. liquid soap and ¼ cup olive oil. Coconut milk can be used instead of butter.

Advice: try adding your favorite essential oils to any of the recipes and use the aromatherapy effect to cleanse your hair.

Individual fragrances or combinations of them are best suited for this:

1) for dry hair - chamomile, tangerine, orange, lavender, tea tree, ylang-ylang, rose;

2) for oily hair - lemon, mint, pine, juniper, geranium, eucalyptus, cloves, sage;

3) for dandruff - tea tree, lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, grapefruit;

4) from hair loss - mint, coriander, rosemary, ylang-ylang.

When making a shampoo for dry hair, you will need ingredients that will saturate your hair with extra moisture. These are, for example, chamomile tea, olive oil, essential oils of tea tree, peppermint, rosemary.

Make tea. Brew 1 tbsp. chamomile flowers in boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain the tea with a strainer and set aside to cool. Use it instead of water when preparing any kind of shampoo.

Black bread and water- these are the components of a simple, but useful and good shampoo. 2-3 slices of bread without a crust, preferably dried, chop and pour boiling water. For a more positive effect, you can use herbal infusions (chamomile, nettle, string). Wait a bit for the crumbs to swell. Next, use a blender to turn the mixture into a homogeneous mass. This will save you from the problems of washing out the bread particles. To enhance the effect, you can add aloe vera juice, which is very useful for weakened and brittle hair, you can add vitamins A and E (for oily hair fit lemon juice). The method of application is also very simple: apply the resulting mixture with a brush or hands on the head, rub it with massage movements, and then rinse thoroughly. Instead of bread, you can use rye flour.

Egg hair shampoo. As an alternative, you can simply beat a few eggs and apply this mixture on your head. Then wash your hair with the usual movements and rinse with slightly acidified water. Eggs nourish curls well, make them soft, give volume to hair. It is only important not to use too hot water, otherwise the protein may curdle.

Very helpful kefir shampoo. To which, if desired, you can add olive oil and egg yolk.

How to make shampoo at home: recipes for oily hair

General Tips:

- wash your hair no more than once every 5 days;

- water should be soft;

- rinse your hair thoroughly;

- hair begins to quickly grow oily if you wear a ponytail tied with an elastic band for a long time, or constantly hide it under a scarf or hat.

- mix 2 yolks with 2 tsp. lemon juice or vinegar. Rub the indicated mixture into your hair and leave for a few minutes. Rinse while showering with warm water.

Add 6-8 drops of citrus essential oil to your shampoo.

Recommended for oily hair egg yolk and cognac. In order to make such a shampoo, you need to take 1 - 2 yolks and add 1 tbsp. l. cognac. Beat the yolks with a mixer (or a fork) until foamy and pour in the cognac. It is advisable to hold this mixture for some time on the head to enhance the effect, and then rinse with non-hot running water.

Shampoo with mustard. 4 tbsp mustard powder must be diluted with the same amount of ordinary mineral water or just water. The composition is distributed through the hair, and then washed off. Mustard has a warming property, because it perfectly stimulates blood circulation. It is also believed that after using such a shampoo, by the way, as after shampooing with soda, the hair will need to be washed less often, without prejudice to it. appearance. But there is also a fly in the ointment. Some girls observed irritation of the scalp and uncomfortable tingling.

Gelatin Shampoo. It very well envelops the hair follicles, gives the effect of home lamination. It is enough to mix 2 tbsp. gelatin and 250 ml of water. Instead of water, you can use an herbal tincture that suits your hair type and texture. After the mixture has swollen, add an egg yolk or 50 ml of your regular shampoo. It is better to hold the product on the hair for 30-40 minutes. Since gelatin is mainly composed of protein, it is excellent at fighting the problem of hair loss. Since its main purpose is to restore damaged curls. Frequent use of this shampoo is not recommended.

Shampoo for hair with white clay. It will also help in the fight against hair loss. To prepare it, you need to take 5 tbsp. clay (can be bought at a pharmacy) and diluted with water to make a mixture similar to sour cream in consistency. Apply it on your hair and leave for 25 minutes. Then just rinse with water.

Making shampoo at home: reasons for failure

When considering how to make shampoo at home, you are convinced of the simplicity of this process. And the reasons for failures may not lie in the cooking process, but in whether you are satisfied with the result.

It could be:

1. Individual intolerance to some components.

2. Lack of the usual foam and the desired flavor.

3. Inconvenience in the consistency of the mixture or in the fact that additional efforts must be made, for example, to pull bread crumbs out of the hair.

4. Hair stiffness. The result still depends on the structure and type of hair.

5. The result may be influenced by the fact that your hair is dyed or not.


1. Be sure to shake the prepared shampoo before use so that all components are completely dissolved in water.

2. To enhance the effect, massage the scalp for at least 2 minutes.

3. Don't wait for results right away, give your hair a few weeks to adjust to the changes (may take 2-3 weeks or more).

This homemade shampoo is completely safe for all hair types and nourishes your hair with natural oils unlike most commercial shampoos. And as you can see, making it is quite simple.

Try it and enjoy the result!

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Cosmetics intended for hair hygiene are advertised daily by well-known cosmetic companies. The promise of miraculous deliverance from dandruff and brittle hair remain only promises. Shampoo commercials use the properties of Photoshop, the graphic “transformation” of hair after purchased shampoos.

After prolonged use of industrial shampoos, the hair loses its shine, the scalp becomes dry, dandruff appears.

Attention: all manufacturers of industrial cosmetics add preservatives and sulfates to the composition of shampoos, which ensure long-term storage of products on store shelves.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, ladies used herbal infusions to wash their curls. Detergents did not have foamy properties, the hygienic procedure caused a lot of trouble due to the laboriousness of the process.

Nowadays, soap base is used to make shampoo at home. You can buy it in pharmacies, specialized markets. In exceptional cases, as the basis of homemade hair cosmetics, you can take baby shampoo without additives.

Useful qualities of natural homemade shampoos

  1. Natural sulfate-free shampoos do not contain preservatives, chemical additives.
  2. Use of fresh food products, oils, extracts.
  3. After applying homemade hair cosmetics, the curls become healthy and silky.
  4. Constant protection from negative environmental factors.
  5. Natural plant ingredients act as antioxidants on the hair.
  6. Improving the structure of hair, the bulbous apparatus, accelerating hair growth.
  7. To create shampoos with your own hands, minimal financial waste is required.

Does Hair Need Vitamin Supplements?

Vitamin supplements can be added to homemade shampoos. What are they needed for?

  • Retinol acetate

Vitamin A in liquid form can be bought at any pharmacy kiosk. It is added to the shampoo to improve the trophic functions of the hair root system, improve blood circulation, nutrition, and hair growth.

  • Ascorbic acid

Favorably affects the structure of the hair. Strengthens follicles, prevents hair loss.

  • Vitamins of group "B"

Thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine are the most important components in the natural shampoo. With their help, the cells of the scalp are regularly updated, the building cells of the bulb are regenerated. Under the influence of B vitamins, the hair has a healthy shine.

  • Tocopherol

Restores hormonal balance. Vitamin E regulates renewal processes at the cellular level, which helps slow down aging.

In pharmacy form, the vitamin complex can be added independently to any natural home-made shampoo.

Purchased shampoos: what's the catch?

The annotation of purchased cosmetics for hair hygiene indicates the quantitative ratio of the ingredients that make up the composition. After conducting a chemical analysis of several types of industrial shampoos, it was proved that the indicated composition is not true. Herbal ingredients, vitamin supplements are in the very last row of the shampoo composition.

The main function of purchased detergents is to remove contaminants. Contains harmful chemicals. Surface-active substances (surfactants) remove the remnants of fat produced by the glands, provide the shampoo with abundant foaming.

Negative qualities of purchased products:

  • Frequent allergic reactions to the chemical components present.
  • Industrial shampoos affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which, with prolonged use, causes dry skin, dandruff, and hair thinning.
  • covers the hair with a greasy film. Due to this, the natural functions of nutrition are violated, the curls have a greasy sheen, the strands look untidy.

Shampoo classification

Before preparing a shampoo, it is necessary to determine the type of hair for which the product will be made. Mismatch detergent with the type of scalp will not give the maximum effect, on the contrary, it will worsen the health of the hair.

good shampoo homemade contains herbal extracts, vitamin supplements in the form of natural juices, natural ingredients that do not contain chemical compounds.

Shampoos are:

  • Liquid
  • Dry
  • Solid

Making homemade natural shampoo is easy. To do this, the soap component is taken as the basis, added third party ingredients: food products, vitamin complexes, flavored oil.

Soap base for shampoo should be stored in a separate container from the finished product. If necessary, a certain amount of the base is poured into a separate bowl, accompanying ingredients are added. It is not recommended to store ready-made shampoo for a long time.

DIY solid hair shampoos

In the 21st century, cosmetologists have made a breakthrough in the creation of universal hygiene products for washing hair. As part of solid shampoos there is no liquid, preservatives, chemical additives.

To prepare a solid shampoo you will need:

  • Glycerin oil
  • Soap base
  • herbal extracts
  • Flavored oils

Cooking technology

First, prepare a herbal decoction:

1 option:

  1. Grass (pharmacy version) - 30 g
  2. Water - 100 ml

Place herbal collection in an enamel bowl, pour hot liquid. Create a thermal cushion. The decoction is ready in 60 minutes.

Option 2:

  1. Grass - 60 g
  2. Water - 200 ml

Place the herbal collection in a container, pour boiling water over it. Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire. When the water boils, put a container of grass on top of the pot. The finished broth is removed from the water "bath" after twenty minutes. The shampoo base is melted using the method described above. Mix the finished herbal decoction with a warm soap base. Add glycerin oil in the right amount. In conclusion: give the shampoo an aromatic fragrance -. Pour the resulting mass into a separate container. After 30 minutes, put the shampoo in a cold place until completely hardened.

Positive characteristics of solid shampoos

  1. Contains only natural ingredients.
  2. Moisturizes the scalp.
  3. Enhances metabolic processes at the cellular level.
  4. Economical.
  5. High concentration of nutrients.
  6. Portable hair hygiene product (handy for long trips).
  7. Has an antistatic effect.
  8. Easy to use: moisten your head with plenty of water, apply shampoo.

How to make soap base at home

- 3 drops

- 3 drops

Place the gelatin powder in a glass container, pour cold water over it. Mix thoroughly with a whisk until smooth. Leave for thirty minutes. Add the remaining ingredients to the resulting composition. Mix. Lather curls with shampoo. To achieve the maximum effect, observe the exposure time - 15 minutes.

April 14, 2014, 18:52
