How to make beautiful painting at home. How to dye your hair: schemes, step by step description, tips

It is difficult today to find a woman who did not dye her hair. Still, because changing the color of the hair, the whole image changes. In addition, you can easily choose the color with which your hair will be dyed again: fortunately, store shelves are littered with hair dyes from different manufacturers. There has been a lot of debate about whether hair can be dyed for a long time. Some stubbornly defend the position that it is harmful not only for the hair itself, but also for the whole organism. Others, on the contrary, do not see anything wrong with this, and some even tend to believe that the dye can strengthen the hair and give it extra shine. Be that as it may, there are no fewer people who want to recolor their hair.

Usually, in order to change the color of your hair, you need to go to a hairdresser and pay a considerable amount of money for all the work. If there is neither time nor money, then it is possible without much difficulty at home. Hair coloring at home is available to every woman, the main thing is to be able to do it correctly. How exactly, and will go on.

Choosing a paint

First you need to decide on the future color. If you are painting for the first time, then you should not immediately carry out such experiments as repainting in black. It is not known whether such drastic changes will suit you. Try to choose the color that really suits you. Pay attention to the durability of the paint: the longer it will not be washed off, the better.

Preparing everything you need

Hair coloring at home, start by preparing everything you need, namely: paint, a plastic comb, a few hairpins, a brush, gloves and a container (ceramic or porcelain) in which you will dilute the paint. Ideally, you should do an allergy test the day before coloring, especially when you color for the first time. How to conduct an allergy test is described in detail in the instructions that came with the paint. I will draw your attention to the fact that you will still need a piece of some fabric or an old towel so that with their help you can cover your shoulders and not get dirty during painting.


Put on gloves. Usually, uncomfortable, gigantic ones are sold along with the paint. You can buy medical gloves in the size you need in advance. Thoroughly mix the paint ingredients in a container following the instructions.

Go to the mirror so you can see everything you are doing.

Hair coloring at home can be done in two ways. The first one (I personally tried it) is faster, but not quite correct. It is only suitable for painting short or not very long hair. Take with your hand (do not remove gloves) do not a large number of paint and apply it to your hair (check the instructions if they need to be washed beforehand). So you should gradually distribute all the paint from the container evenly over the head. Then take a comb and gently comb everything. After that, with massaging movements, once again distribute the paint on the hair and make sure that there are no unpainted areas. Thin and dyeing in this way will not be difficult, but if the hair is thick, then it is better not to risk it and use the following method.

Secure your hair with bobby pins, leaving only the part you want to dye. It is best to start dyeing hair at home from the bottom, gradually removing a small part of the hair from under the hairpins. Take a small strand of hair and apply a small amount of paint to it with a brush. Distribute it along the entire length. Then take a new strand, dye it, etc. This method is more complicated, since painting yourself is very inconvenient, and the hand gets tired quickly. And yet you can get used to it. You can even try to do it at home, however, only if your hand is already well stuffed. I know several girls who never go to the hairdresser, and highlights are done in such a way that any specialist would simply envy.

By the way, pay attention to the fact that your girlfriend can dye your hair at home. Why not? The main thing is that she knows how to do it. And if she also dyes, then you can dye her hair. As a result, none of you will have to go to the hairdresser every month just to dye your hair.

How can you dye your hair at home, so as not to spoil them. How to do it right with paint, shading products and natural products. Detailed instructions for preparation and coloring from start to finish.

The content of the article:

Hair coloring is a fairly simple and quick way to change your look and bring new, bright colors. She is a real lifeline when nature has not awarded a person with a memorable color of curls. In order for everything to be done efficiently and without stress, it is best to turn to professionals, but if there is no such possibility or desire, you can easily do it correctly and at home with our detailed instructions.

What are the types of hair coloring products?

On the shelves of shops you can find a large selection of special paints, tint balms, shampoos, foams and natural dyes, such as basma and henna. The former are chosen if a lasting effect is needed, which will be noticeable up to a year. If there is no desire to linger for a long time in a new image, fit tint products, and for those who are not afraid to experiment - henna and basma.

Here are 3 types of products that you can use to color your hair at home:

  • Paints. They are of two types - persistent, which are slowly washed off, and semi-resistant, with a shorter "service life". Both of them can contain ammonia or be produced without it, but the latter cost an order of magnitude more, and they are considered harmless to health. The results obtained are pleasing for 2-10 months, depending on the chosen remedy. The offered color scale is rather extensive, from white to black. The disadvantage of this option is that under the sun, hair dyed with such means quickly fades. Also, after that, they can begin to actively fall out, become dry and brittle, look lifeless. Another drawback is that it does not look very nice when native lighter or darker roots grow, and the paint has not yet completely washed out. This method is especially inconvenient for brunettes, because in order for them to turn into a blonde, they need to lighten up several times, and this is very bad for hair. The most popular brands are Garnier, Palette, Syoss and Wella Wellaton. You can not use ammonia paint if the integrity of the scalp is broken, otherwise it will bake strongly.
  • Tonics. This type refers to unstable dyes that are washed out in 2-3 months. At the same time, it is a completely safe and easy way to change hair color. Unlike their competitors, such products do not penetrate deep into the skin, so the result appears faster, after 15-20 minutes. In the same category, you can add tint balms, foams, gels and shampoos that are used to wash your hair. It is much easier to work with them than with simple paints, they do not leave stains either on the hands or on the face. This hair coloring is not suitable for owners dark curls. Manufacturers offer mainly red, burgundy, chocolate, light brown shades. One tube, usually produced in a volume of 350 ml, is enough for 1-2 times, depending on the length and thickness of the hair. This tool is easy to paint without outside help. You should not use tonics within 1-3 months after lightening, dyeing with conventional compounds and perms - the color can turn out to be completely unexpected.
  • natural dyes. Here we are talking about basma and henna, which are desirable to use in combination with each other. These products are presented in the form of a greenish powder and are sold in paper and cardboard packaging 100 g each. They are extremely useful for hair, strengthen them and give them a natural shine. It is very important that in the end the color is so close to natural that it is not always possible to distinguish. Basma gives a black color, and henna - red, in the aggregate it turns out chestnut. Some manufacturers offer the so-called white henna to lighten curls by 1-2 tones. A colorless product is used to strengthen the hair. Products from Iran and India are in high demand. The disadvantage of these products is that they do not smell very pleasant and are poorly washed out of the curls.

Hair coloring methods at home

Before you get down to business, you need to decide what you will dye your hair with. Next, prepare gloves and rinse aid to fix the results. All this is not needed when it comes to classic paints. Then you need to find a brush for applying the composition to the head, glass or plastic dishes, where it will be diluted, a comb-comb. On the one who will be painted, be sure to put on an apron or an old dressing gown so as not to stain the clothes. The face in the hair area should be lubricated with a greasy cream so that it can be quickly washed off later. Before applying the product, they lubricate the wrist to detect an allergic reaction.

How to dye your hair at home with paint

It is not allowed to add extraneous products to the main composition - shampoos, balms, oils, etc. Otherwise, the results will not be as bright and expected. It is necessary to mix the components (oxidizing agent and the dye itself) immediately before you start dyeing your hair so that the composition does not darken too much. Do not store the mixture for more than 20 minutes, especially in the refrigerator. For hair below shoulder length, 2-3 packs may be needed. Before this, you should not wash your hair for 2-3 days.

Here's what the coloring process looks like:

  1. Pour the oxidizing agent into the dye and stir them with a brush.
  2. Comb your hair well with a comb.
  3. Lubricate the face along the temples with cream.
  4. Put on gloves and throw on unnecessary clothes.
  5. Make 4 partings, pin up excess curls with metal or plastic hairpins.
  6. Dampen the brush in the composition and walk it at the roots, starting on the right and going to the left.
  7. Put a plastic bag on your head and then a cap and sit like this for 10 minutes.
  8. After the specified time, remove everything and repeat the same along the entire length, moving from the right side to the left. Do not save on paint, apply it in a thick layer, carefully treating the roots.
  9. Comb the strands with paint.
  10. Lift the already greased curls to the forehead and fix with hairpins. At the end, put on the bag and hat again.
  11. After 20-50 minutes, depending on what color you want to get, wash off the composition first with warm water, and then rinse your hair with shampoo.
  12. Use the balm that comes with the kit.
  13. When the strands dry a little, comb them.

How to dye your hair at home with a tint balm

Here, just as in the case of paint, you will need gloves, a container, a brush, a diaper, which will need to be thrown over the one who will be painted. A prerequisite - the hair must be wet. For coloring long curls falling below the line of the shoulders, you will need about half a tube of funds. If everything needs to be done hastily, it is enough just to wash their hair, then rinse the strands with clean water.

Here is an instruction on how to properly dye your hair with a tonic:

  • Do an allergy test.
  • Detangle your hair and wet it.
  • Cover the floor under you with newspapers.
  • Pour the composition into a deep container.
  • Dip a brush in the product and begin to distribute the paint from the roots to the ends of the hair.
  • First lubricate the entire right side, moving from the back of the head, and then the left.
  • Leave the composition for 20 minutes under transparent package.
  • Rinse your hair without shampoo.

Note! If the results do not suit you, you can always apply Retonika, which allows you to adjust the shade; it is used in exactly the same way.

How to dye your hair at home with henna and basma

The procedure for dyeing hair with these compositions practically does not differ from that which is carried out with conventional paints. If you want to get a red tint, you will need 2 packs of basma and 3 henna, dark - the numbers are simply reversed. This number is indicated for owners of long curls. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops to the finished composition. lemon juice. So that it does not spread, put 1 tsp in it. glycerin.

Here's how to properly prepare and use the composition:

  1. Combine the two dry ingredients.
  2. Pour them with cooled boiling water, which will be needed so much that the slurry is thick enough.
  3. Stir the mass with a wooden or silicone spatula, so that not a single lump remains.
  4. Apply the product to the roots in the back of the head, then in the central, lateral and front.
  5. Comb the greased curls along the entire length and repeat the same thing, only now coloring them to the very end.
  6. To ensure a thermal effect, put a cap on your head and wrap it with a towel.
  7. After 30-50 minutes (the longer you hold, the richer the color turns out), rinse your head well and comb the product out of the curls.

Note! All procedures should take you from 1 to 1.5 hours. After that, it is not recommended to wash your hair for 2-3 days.

How to dye your hair at home with folk remedies

It all depends on what shade you want to get. This option is ideal for those who do not want to spoil their curls with ammonia. It implies the use natural ingredients accessible to absolutely everyone. The effect is not as bright as with paints, but without harm to health. Painting itself is done in the same way as in any other cases, the main thing is to properly prepare the composition.

Here's what you need to do to get a certain shade:

  • Dark chestnut. Natural high-quality coffee will help to give it to your hair. You will need to pour it (20 g) with boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. When the drink has cooled, add 3 pinches of henna to it and mix. Then apply it with a brush to the hair, distributing it along the entire length. The composition should be kept for 40-50 minutes under a bag and a cap. After that, the head is washed with clean water with the addition apple cider vinegar(10 drops per 1 liter). This option is not at all suitable for full gray hair.
  • Bright golden. You can achieve it by dyeing your hair with a composition with onion peel, which will take about 80 g. It is poured with cold water (1 l) and boiled for 20 minutes. The finished broth is cooled and washed with their head. From above it is wrapped with cling film, which is left for 30 minutes, after which the hair is washed with shampoo. To make the color more or less expressive, this procedure must be repeated 2-3 times with a break of 4 days.
  • blond. Here rhubarb will come to the rescue, 400 g of which you need to pour 1 liter of dry white wine. Next, the mixture is put on low heat and boiled until the volume decreases by 80%. Then the broth should be allowed to cool, strain it and wash your hair with it. After that, put a small bag on it and wait 20 minutes, and after the specified time, wash your hair with shampoo.
  • blond. This is the most difficult color to obtain at home. In this case, there is no way to avoid using the old proven hydrogen peroxide. You need 60 ml of a 3% solution, which is diluted with a decoction of chamomile (50 ml). The latter is prepared from 100 g of plant flowers and 0.5 liters of water. The finished composition is applied to pre-washed and dried hair, starting from the back of the head and ending at the forehead, incubated for 20 minutes and washed off. Leaving it for a longer time is simply dangerous for health, otherwise the solution can destroy hair follicles and lead to accelerated loss of hair. At the end, rinse the composition several times using shampoo and balm, and comb the curls. If the result is not yet what you want, then repeat the procedure in a week. After that, 15 days, the curls can not be painted with anything. So that they do not fall out much, they must be strengthened with special conditioners and masks. Also, for 20-40 days, you should stop using a hair dryer.

Important! After dyeing hair folk remedies it is highly undesirable to use gels, foam and varnishes, heating devices - a hair dryer, an iron and a curling iron for a month.

How to dye your hair with crayons

Before dyeing the hair, it should be washed with shampoo, moisturizing mask and appropriate conditioner. They should be well combed out, not tangled, so you should use a comb.

Next, you will need invisibility to fix individual strands, and, most importantly, crayons. Looks great combination 5 bright colors- light green, yellow, pink, blue and orange. Crayons should be designed specifically for this, in the form of shadows or dry pastels. You can paint curls with them both along the entire length, and only at the tips.

Here is how the procedure should be done:

  1. Divide your hair into 10-15 not very thick strands.
  2. To avoid getting dirty, put on plastic gloves.
  3. Dark hair before "painting" should be moistened.
  4. Paint over desired color one strand from top to bottom.
  5. Fix the color with varnish, spraying the curls with plenty of it.
  6. Use a flat iron to lengthen the life of a trendy hairstyle.
If we are talking about just one tone, then you can safely simply dissolve the crayons in water (about 50 g per 1 liter) and wash your hair with it. It is not recommended to dry with a hair dryer afterwards. If you want to look longer in the original image, then you can not comb and wash your hair.

How to dye your hair at home - look at the video:

Of course, a professional with hair coloring always does a better job, but with our detailed instructions you can do it yourself, at home. To do this, you just need to strictly observe all proportions, use ready-made formulations correctly and follow all listed rules. Only then will others appreciate your new look!

It's getting harder these days to find a girl or a woman with natural color hair. The conditions and style of life, mood, circumstances change, and with it the person himself changes. The female gender tends to change outwardly along with everything. This is quite natural, but sometimes it can be difficult to understand how to properly dye your hair so as not to harm them, what color to choose based on your natural shade - useful and practical tips in our article will help you find answers to all these questions.

How to dye your hair at home: general rules

First of all, before you start coloring, you need to answer one question for yourself: what color will the hair be? You need to choose the shade carefully, because the wrong choice can radically change the look, change the appearance and give the skin an ugly color. And here, of course, you should not choose a color just because you like how it looks on your girlfriend or favorite actress.

First, determine your type of appearance: warm or cold. In the first case, a person is characterized by a swarthy or peach skin color, brown or green eyes, and natural hair color from dark blond to chestnut. Golden shades, chestnut and red are ideal for this type. But too light, blond colors can age.

For the cold type of people ( bright skin; gray, blue or blue eyes) light brown, ashy colors and even black are suitable. But the red palette is better to bypass.

You should be careful when trying to dye your hair radically. new color if before that you regularly painted in one color. In the best case, the paint simply will not fall on the hair with the color indicated on the package, in the worst case, you will get completely unnatural color: for example, green, purple or blue.

In general, on the back of the package, where the original color and the one that will turn out after dyeing are indicated, the natural shade of the hair is meant as “original”. Therefore, if in this moment there is another dye on your hair - this information is useless for you. Based on this, advice suggests itself: if a change in tone is planned to be cardinal, it is better to contact a professional in a beauty salon. A specialist will be able to give you what you want by testing your hair on a chromatic circle.

In general, experts advise regularly washing off the paint, before applying a new one, in order to wash the old pigment out of the hair. This will increase the chances of getting the desired shade. But even when buying a wash, you need to be careful. If the paint that you used before contained ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, your own washer is intended for this, and vice versa.

Now some tips on how to dye your hair at home:

  • Never ignore a sensitivity test when buying a new brand of paint. For testing, you just need to follow all the recommendations of the manufacturer. If you do not test, and then get an allergy, you can be left completely hairless and with scalp burns.
  • Start applying dye to your hair from the back of your head. This is due to the least degree of its heating, which causes poor coloring.
  • First paint over the roots, then distribute the remaining paint along the entire length of the hair. The paint on the hair should be properly lathered, and then combed well. So the color will lie more evenly.
  • Do not keep the dye on your hair for longer than the time indicated in the instructions. This will not affect the intensity of the shade in any way, but it will not affect the health of the hair. in the best way making them dry and brittle.
  • Rinse the dye from the hair with a plentiful stream of water until the latter becomes completely transparent.

There are times when it is better to postpone hair coloring until better times.

  • If the scalp is damaged and there are scratches and cuts on it (for example, it was scratched heavily).
  • The period of pregnancy and menstruation is also not best time to change the image. Hormonal changes in the body can cause changes in hair pigment and give a different shade.
  • Colds and reception medicines not in the best way affect the effectiveness of coloring.
  • If you only did perm hair, then you should postpone the staining procedure for at least 2 weeks.

How to dye medium length hair

For medium length hair, one tube is usually enough. But it all depends on how thick your hair is, since the thicker it is, the more dye you need. Buy a paint brush in advance, this will greatly simplify the process and help to apply the paint evenly, saving it.

  1. In a separate bowl, mix all the ingredients contained in the package (oxidizer and developer). In no case should the paint container be metal; it is better to purchase a special plastic bowl.
  2. Thoroughly mix the components until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  3. Put on the gloves that come with the paint on your hands.
  4. If the paint is dark, then change into something unnecessary, for example old t-shirt, or put bags on your shoulders and chest so that if the paint accidentally drips, it doesn’t stain anything. The area on the forehead, temples and ears in this case, which are close to the hairline, generously lubricate with a fat baby cream. Then, if the paint gets on the skin, the first one will not stain it.
  5. Comb your hair thoroughly.
  6. Dip the brush in the paint, and begin to distribute it along the roots of the hair.
  7. As soon as all the roots are painted over - distribute the remaining paint along the entire length. You can pin up your hair and take out the strands from the bundle, dyeing and taking turns. That way you can be sure you don't miss anything.
  8. For even coloring - at the very end, when the paint is all on the hair, comb the hair with a comb with frequent teeth.
  9. Put a shower cap on your head, hiding all your hair under it, and wrap a towel over it. Measure the time indicated in the instructions.
  10. As soon as the time has come to an end, go to the shower and wash off the paint from your hair under high pressure of water. As soon as the water becomes clear, wring out the hair and apply the balm that came with the paint on them. Wait 2-3 minutes and rinse.

You can not wash your hair with shampoo after painting. It is necessary that the paint is fixed on the hair, and the shampoo can wash it out.

How to dye short hair

Short hair is easy to color. The whole process is similar to the previous one, only the time costs will be much less. If you want to dye short hair quickly, then you can not use a brush, but do everything yourself. Note that under short hair here is meant a haircut "under the boy."

Just lean over the bathtub, dip your hands in the dye and begin to rub it into the roots, and then into the hair itself. Do this until the entire surface of the head and hair is covered with paint. Then follow the instructions above.

If the hair is short, then a whole tube for hair coloring can be a lot. However, diluted paint must be used immediately and stored in this form is strictly prohibited. Therefore, first squeeze half of each component into a bowl, and leave the rest in tubes until the next moment of painting.

Features of painting long hair

It is rather problematic, but real, to dye long hair at home solely with your own efforts. There are no special features in their coloring. Everything is done as described above. Care must be taken not to miss a single curl, and this is not so easy.

Therefore, in order not to do anything with your hair, try to find someone to help you. A person who will agree to dye your hair. In extreme cases, it is better to contact a hairdresser. The cost of painting in the average salon is not so expensive, but you can be sure that each strand is in perfect condition.

How to dye dark hair

Coloring dark hair is one of the most difficult tasks. Any attempt at lightening, even a couple of tones, can be problematic. Here, it will be necessary to carry out washing procedures in order to free each hair from the existing pigment, for subsequent filling with a new one.

Usually, the most powerful chemicals are used to lighten dark hair, which are very harmful to the hair, disrupting its structure. They become dry and brittle, lose their luster. Therefore, in order to somehow smooth out and reduce the harm of the dye, it is important to choose a quality product, or seek help from professionals.

Someone resorts to the method of gradual coloring, applying dye to the hair a tone lighter than the previous one every three weeks. And so on until desired shade will not be reached. However, it is also very harmful and takes a lot of time (at least 3-4 months). The technique is suitable for those who want to radically change their hair color.

After such an aggressive effect on the hair, you will need to organize proper care for them. Moisturizing and therapeutic masks should be carried out almost every other day. Otherwise, you will get the simplest washcloth on your head, instead of luxurious hair.

But which method of dyeing and hair design to choose - the master must decide, after assessing the initial state of the hair.

How to dye blonde hair

There are a lot of options for dyeing blond hair. The transition from one color to another is the most common method. It is much easier to work with blond hair than with dark hair, so it will not be difficult for the master to provide you with what you want.

A very popular technique for staining shatush. It does not take much time, and the effect is wonderful. Light shading on the hair looks original and natural.

An equally popular staining technique is ombre. Hair colors also smoothly blend into each other, but unlike the previous look, here the color contrast is most noticeable. As a rule, the choice of clients falls on a dark top and a light bottom. But you can pick up another combination, with bolder shades, such as a light top and purple or pink bottom.

The balayazh coloring option is not much different from the previous one and, in principle, a non-professional is unlikely to distinguish them. But there is still a difference. Here the master works with the client's hair more carefully, selecting color scheme not only to the hair, but also to the type of the client herself (eye color, facial skin and its shape). Incorrectly selected edging can visually change the face for the worse.

Nowadays, there are a huge number of techniques that will allow your hair to look both natural and unusual. To transfer the effect from the picture to your hair - just print the photo and go with it to the master.

How to dye blond hair

Coloring light brown hair is no different from the previous options. Dark blond hair equate to dark hair, and light blond to light. Otherwise, all types of staining are absolutely identical. Here are some examples of how it looks on blond hair.

How to dye your hair multiple colors

Dyeing your hair in several colors is a rather bold decision that can quickly get boring, but getting rid of it will not be so easy. But the modern beauty industry can offer to change outwardly for just one or two days, returning to your usual naturalness. One of these options, hair coloring in several colors at once, is crayons. With them, you can act as a real stylist for yourself and at the same time not be afraid to do something wrong, because everything is washed off with plain water. And the effect of them is as if you dyed your hair with colored paint. However, it is often not recommended to use them, as many complain that crayons dry their hair.

The boldest colors are at your disposal. Crayons can be purchased individually or in sets. What exactly to give preference to is up to you. But, of course, it is better to purchase sets right away, they come out much cheaper, and there will be much more painting options.

How to dye your hair with crayons is described in detail in this video.

How to dye your hair ombre

Hair dyed using the ombre technique looks very beautiful and many people think that it is impossible to dye them in this way on their own and you need to contact the master. But this is a big misconception. All this can be done at home with your own efforts. Moreover, creating this beauty is much easier than dyeing your hair in the usual way.

  1. Prepare the dye you want to apply to your hair.
  2. Comb your hair thoroughly and take it into a ponytail.
  3. Apply the prepared dye to the hair that hangs from the elastic, along the last line.
  4. Keep the composition on the hair according to the instructions.
  5. Rinse off the dye and dry your hair.
  6. Enjoy the result.

You can independently regulate the amount of dyed hair by tightening the ponytail or loosening it. This is already personal preference. But in any case, as you have already seen, there is nothing complicated in the "home" ombre.

How to color bleached hair

Bleached hair must undergo a course of treatment and restoration, which depends on the degree of damage, but not less than 2-4 weeks. In addition to masks, you should refuse, at least for the specified period, from a hair dryer and ironing.

The feature of discoloration, when the composition completely removes the color pigment, does not allow the new paint to lie flat. Therefore, for the first time, you should refuse to paint in bright and saturated colors. This can turn into bald spots, when in some places, especially after several shampooing sessions, a light color will peek through a dark color. Light colors can be considered an ideal option: light brown, blond, ashen, etc.

With bleached hair, dark paint is washed off very quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to fix the color. For this, the staining procedure is carried out several times in a short period of time, but not less than 14 days.

The fastest way to dye your hair

The staining technology is always the same, compliance step by step instructions necessarily, so there is simply no fastest way to stain. Of course, if we compare by type, then the most primitive coloring in one tone will take much less time than, for example, ombre. And in general, it’s not worth rushing in such matters, because it’s not speed that matters here, but the end result, which, in a hurry, can be oh so disappointing that you don’t leave the house for weeks later.

The only way to speed up the hair coloring process is to seek help from a master. It will not be difficult for a professional who does this day after day to do it in just 40-60 minutes, but there is nowhere faster, because the dye on the hair needs to withstand a certain time, declared by the manufacturer.

How to wash dyed hair

To radically change the color of the hair - you need to carry out the washing procedure. Those. free the hair from stagnant pigment and prepare a place for a new one. This will help the fresh paint lie flat and convey the color as close as possible on the package. It is very easy to do this even at home.

In salons professional cosmetics ready-made kits for washing hair dye are sold. Depending on the intensity of the color and the length of the hair, 1-3 packs will be required. The cost of each, on average, is 350-700 rubles, depending on the brand. Each drug has its own instructions, which should be strictly followed. The product is applied to all hair, aged for a certain amount of time and washed off. Along with it, the pigment itself is gradually washed out. Each time the hair will become lighter and lighter. Stop when you reach desired result. After that, you can use the paint of your favorite shade.

Of course, you can wash off the color with folk remedies, but the effectiveness of them will have to wait quite a long time. It is much easier to give preference to industrial store-bought drugs.

You can decide on home hair coloring after studying the rules and nuances of the procedure. How to choose the right paint, what is the staining technique, what are the typical mistakes. This knowledge will save your hair from damage and unexpected color.

You need to be able to dye your hair correctly, because improper home hair dyeing is immediately noticeable. In the worst case, it is a lifeless hair of an indefinite color.

Before you start, you need to understand the main issues that beginners especially have a lot of. How to choose the right paint, how to prepare a solution, which strands to paint first?

Can you dye your hair at home?

Undoubtedly! The main advantage of this skill is that you save money on the services of a master, and you can even help your friends. But first you have to learn the nuances of the procedure and gain practical experience.

How to choose paint for home painting

Certainly, it is better to consult a professional consultant. He will select the composition based on your wishes and current hair color.

If there are no specialized stores in your city, and you have to rely only on your own strength, consider important recommendations:

Study your appearance color type

This knowledge will help you choose a shade that suits your skin type and eye color. The skin of warm shades is “friendly” with golden tints on the strands. Ladies with a “cold” skin type can face platinum blond, dark chestnut, burgundy and plum shades.

This rule also works for the eyes. Girls with brown, green eyes are suitable for chestnut, golden tones of strands. Those with gray or blue eyes choose cool pearlescent shades.

pay attention not on the color of the hair of the girl shown on the package, but on the table of tones, which is located on the back. The table is closer to the truth, but even in this case, the final shade may differ slightly.

Learn to read the labeling table

The packaging always contains some numbers that are incomprehensible to the average user. This is the International Tone Scale. The first number indicates the main color and its depth, the second and third - shades.

There are usually ten main colors in the palette: 1 - black; 2 - dark dark chestnut; 3 - dark chestnut; 4 - chestnut; 5 - light chestnut; 6 - dark blond; 7 - light brown; 8 - light blond; 9 - light light blond; 10 - blond.

Some manufacturers indicate 11 and 12 tones. They denote paints with a high degree of clarification. If one number is indicated on the package, this means that the color is free of impurities. But in most cases, there are second and third digits that indicate shades of color.

There are eight main shades: 0 - natural; 1 - ashy; 2 - matte; 3 - gold; 4 - red; 5 - mahogany; 6 - purple; 7 - harbor. From this list, only the first two are cold, the rest are warm.

If the third digit is indicated in the marking, it indicates an additional shade. Its composition is two times less than the main one. Some paint manufacturers indicate color with letters, and tone depth with numbers.

For example, Pallet paint designations are: C - ash color, PL - platinum, A - intensive lightening, N - natural, E - beige, M - matte, W - brown, R - red, G - golden, K - copper, I - intense, F, V - purple.

Then, the shade of Palette WN3 golden coffee will be deciphered as follows: W - brown, N - natural, the number 3 indicates the presence of a golden pigment. The result should be a natural, warm brown color.

Check if it contains ammonia

Ammonia(permanent) paint covers gray hair well: ammonia lifts the hair scales, the pigment penetrates deep into the hair shaft. Effective, but not entirely safe.

If you just want to maintain color and add highlights, choose a gentle ammonia-free (semi-permanent) composition. It will wash off after 30 shampoos. But you will have time to understand whether you are ready to continue the experiment, and the strands will remain healthy.

What else to pay attention to

  • How more gray hair, the lighter the final shade of the strands will turn out
    This also applies to regrown gray roots.
  • If in doubt about choosing a shade, take the one that is lighter.
    If you don't like the result, it will be much easier to fix it.
  • Pay attention to the expiration date of the paint
    If you open a tube and don't have time to use it within a month, throw it away. An expired composition may surprise you unpleasantly.
  • Don't save
    A quality proven product is 50% of success.

What you need to know before dyeing your hair?

Before you start painting, consider the following nuances:

  • Resting curls after other procedures
    If the strands have recently been exposed to any chemical salon procedure(curling, straightening, etc.), let them rest for at least two weeks.
  • Pre-lightening (partial washing out of natural pigment), bleaching (complete washing out of natural pigment)
    To repaint from dark tones to light blonde, you need to pre-lighten or bleach.
  • Aftercare
    In order for the strands to look well-groomed and retain their color for a long time, they need special care. Shampoos, balms, masks now need to be selected marked “for colored hair”.

Preparing to dye your hair at home

Should hair be clean or dirty?

For gentle ammonia-free dyeing, the hair must be clean.

If you use an ammonia composition, then do not wash your hair for 1-2 days before the procedure. So the skin and strands will receive natural fatty protection, they will be less damaged.

3-5 days before dyeing, refuse to use balms, conditioners, masks - they smooth out the hair scales, this prevents the pigment from penetrating.

During the same period, try not to use styling products, protect your scalp from damage and irritation.

Necessary tools for home coloring

Prepare the tools:

  • paint brush;
  • scapula;
  • latex gloves;
  • cape;
  • container for the preparation of the composition (non-metallic);
  • plastic crabs, clips;
  • skin protectant (greasy cream or special wax);
  • clock to determine the exposure time of the composition.

Studying the instructions for applying paint

The exposure time of the composition is different for different manufacturers, so even if you are a master of home staining, do not be too lazy to clarify it.

In this case, you need to properly plan the time. You can start working only after everything is prepared (the tools are in place, the strands are carefully combed, etc.).

Losing even a few minutes looking for a clamp or other small thing during the procedure can lead to patchy staining.

What paint to choose for dyeing hair at home?

Hair dye happens:

  • natural (basma, henna);
  • physical (there is a chemical pigment, but there is no ammonia and peroxide);
  • chemical (ammonia).

Advantages and disadvantages of natural dyes

Some women remember Soviet times and for home coloring they return to 100% natural basma and henna tested. They not only change the color of the strands, but also strengthen them.


  • they have a small range of colors;
  • curls after staining become dry and require careful care with an emphasis on moisturizing procedures;
  • strands dyed natural dyes, it is not recommended to repaint with permanent paint, you need to wait until they grow back.

Pros and cons of physical compositions

The fashion for everything organic has also touched hair dyes. Manufacturers, responding to user requests, vying to offer effective coloring products with a minimum of chemistry.

Harmlessness to the health of the hair and the body as a whole is its main advantage. Physical compositions also have disadvantages. This:

  • inability to qualitatively paint over gray hair;
  • narrow palette of colors;
  • low stability of the result;
  • high risk of getting the “wrong” shade;
  • the possibility of using only for strands that have not been chemically attacked;
  • increased porosity and fluffiness of curls.

Note. When buying ammonia-free paint, do not be too lazy to study its composition. Often ammonia, which everyone is so afraid of, is replaced by monoethanolamine. This component is odorless, and the strands do not look healthy for long.

After several coloring procedures, you can notice that the hair has become weaker, lost its luster, and the color is no longer so bright.

This is because monoethanolamine accumulates and affects the hair from the inside. Put the compositions with this component aside.

Resistant purchased paint

Chemical permanent dyes are not completely artificial. In their composition, there are necessarily natural components of a softening action.

The main advantages of permanent compositions:

  • exact hit in color;
  • the color palette is very wide;
  • 100% gray coverage.

Choose a dye for a home procedure based on the ratio of ammonia and natural ingredients. The more gray hair you have, the brighter and more unusual the final color is needed, the more ammonia should be in the composition.

Step by step instructions for dyeing hair at home

Preparing a permanent paint solution

In the package with the dye of the mass market series, the oxidizing agent is already present. You just need to pour the contents of both tubes / bags into a glass or plastic container and mix thoroughly.

Professional paints are sold without an oxidant, it will have to be selected separately. You can immediately, in the same store. The instructions for use of professional dyes indicate which oxidizing agent and in what quantity they need.

Both products must be from the same manufacturer - then you can be sure that the calculations are correct. The concentration of oxidizing agents is from 1.8 to 12%.

This is the amount of peroxide. The lower the percentage of the oxidizing agent, the safer it is, but the less the color of the curls changes.

To obtain a tone-on-tone shade, 3% oxidant is used, for a shade one tone lighter - 6% (in the same amount), two tones lighter - 9% and 3 tones - 12% oxidant.

The proportions of mixing paint and oxidizing agent to obtain a bright tone are 1: 1. To get light tones from a brunette, the oxidizing agent is added twice as much. For pastel tinting of natural color, an oxidant of less than 2% is used in a ratio of 2:1.

The use of basma

Basma "works" in a duet with henna - in a single performance, she can green her hair. The amount of powder depends on the length and thickness of the curls. Instructions for using the product:

  • Pour basma into porcelain dishes.
  • Combine basma and henna at the rate of: to obtain black color 3:1, hold for 3 hours; for chestnut - 2:1 and 1.5 hours; for light chestnut - 1: 1, hold up to 1 hour.
  • Pour in the powder mixture slowly hot water, stir. You should get the consistency of thick sour cream.
  • Distribute the composition throughout the hair (as indicated below).
  • For darker tones, keep the mixture on your head for about an hour, for lighter tones, about 20 minutes.
  • Wash off with warm water, no shampoo.
  • If the shade suits you, do not wash your hair for 72 hours so that the result is well fixed.

Henna use

Henna is diluted with very hot water (not boiling water) to the consistency of thick sour cream. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes. After that, quickly but evenly distribute the henna over the washed strands.

Put on an insulating hat and soak for a while depending on what your natural color is. Dark strands are usually dyed within two hours, for light strands 15 minutes is enough.

To be sure of the result, test in advance on one strand or constantly monitor the staining process.

Henna is washed off with water without shampoo. The last rinse is acidified lotion (a little vinegar or lemon juice).

Application of tonic

Tonic- Another safe method of home hair coloring. He allows you to change the color of the strands by 1-2 tones.

Please note that when the pigment reacts with artificial dye, the result may be a dirty lilac tint. Therefore, be sure to conduct a preliminary test.

You need to paint strands, just like regular paint. The exposure time is indicated in the instructions. After that, the composition is washed off with clean water, then they wash their hair with shampoo, apply a fixing balm (if it is in the package).

The result lasts about two weeks, the pigment is washed off gradually.

Where is the best place to start dyeing long hair

Divide the hair with two perpendicular partings (in the center and from ear to ear) into 4 zones. Kill each zone with crabs. If there are regrown roots, first brush along the partings, start further staining from the back of the head.

  • Separate the strand at the neck (the width of the strand is about 1.5 cm), step back 1 cm from the roots and paint over the hair with a brush.
  • Work the entire neck area in this way.
  • Then collect all the dyed strands with your hands and distribute the paint again, pin.
  • Do the same with the parietal zone.
  • Paint the temporal zone in last moment Apply paint quickly and accurately.
  • Comb the entire hair, collect it in one bun. Wear a warming cap only when using natural compounds.

How long should you keep the dye on your hair?

Maintain the composition for as long as indicated in the instructions. Overexposure of five to ten minutes will only worsen the condition of the hair, and the color will not become brighter from this.

Common mistakes when dyeing hair at home

Mistakes when painting gray hair

If you decide to paint over gray hair at home, do not forget to prepare your hair in advance. So the final color will be uniform and persistent.

The strands are coated with a special 7-permanent paint (for example, Schwarzkopf Pre-pigment, Pre-Color Farma Vita). Its microscopic molecules fill voids, making it easier to paint even strong gray hair. The product is kept on curls for about 20 minutes, then combed out.

If the final color is dark, then for preliminary pigmentation, paint is taken 1 tone lighter than the main dye. If light - at least 2 tones lighter.

If your strands are very stiff, then the pre-treatment dye, on the contrary, should be 2 tones darker than the final result.

If the hair is thin, then tone-on-tone pigmentation can give a darkening effect - this is because the hair absorbs the pigment faster.

Do not add third-party ingredients to the paint

Do not add oils, balms and other third-party components to chemical paints - this may adversely affect the result.

It is better to use these products intensively within a month before the procedure to strengthen and nourish the curls (just remember to stop using them for a few days before staining).

Safety measures when painting

Remember the safety measures before and during the hair color change procedure:

  • Allergy test
    It is carried out on a small area of ​​​​the skin of the elbow or behind the ear. Apply a small amount coloring composition and check the reaction of the body within 48 hours. There shouldn't be any changes.
  • Protective cream, wax, cape, gloves
    In order not to stain the skin on the forehead and ears during the procedure, lubricate these areas with a special wax or oily cream. Shoulders, protect your hands.
  • Carry out the procedure in a ventilated area
    Especially if you use ammonia composition.
  • Be careful with coloring during pregnancy and lactation
    First, we are talking about toxins in the case of permanent coloring. Secondly, due to hormonal changes, the result may be unusual (for example, the paint will not be taken, it will be stained, etc.)

Shampoos and conditioners for color-treated hair only

Use only this series. Unlike conventional care products, they contain fewer aggressive substances. They are also enriched with keratin, lecithin, glycerin, silk, polymers, vitamins, oils, UV protection.

That is, they not only maintain color, but also restore curls: moisturize, nourish, smooth scales.
Blondes are advised to use special “purple shampoos” to neutralize yellowness.

If one day you spend time and figure out how to dye your hair correctly at home, you can save on the services of a master for the rest of your life.

You will learn to better understand the needs of your hair, so you can refresh your look economically and without harm to health when necessary.

Video: How to dye your hair at home

You don't have to go to the hairdresser to dye your hair. It is enough to understand all the nuances and you can dye your hair yourself at home. Watch our videos, they demonstrate in detail all the stages of this procedure.

Every woman sooner or later decides to radically change her image in order to give even more beauty and attractiveness. And modern methods of hair coloring will be able to help with the upcoming update: a well-chosen shade and technique directly affect the result to exceed all expectations. What to rely on - the classic version or creativity - in creating a style, it's up to the lady herself. Combination various techniques And professional performance will allow you to achieve the maximum effect during reincarnation.

Now in hairdressing there are a lot of coloring methods that are in special demand. Experienced stylists and colorists offer very practical techniques, due to which the hairstyle acquires the most organic look or makes it possible to emphasize a peculiar appearance. Modern technologies for changing hair color allow you to beat the palette in such a way that curls of any length, structure and density look neat and stylish at the same time.

As one of the most famous procedures in the salon, this technique will never go out of fashion, but will only improve, acquire new types. Each season, this principle of staining is at the peak of popularity. Highlighting can be easily done on both dark and light hair. The result completely depends on the base color of the hair, the chosen tone for the strands and the technique itself. Its essence lies in the fact that strands of hair evenly lighten along the entire length. The width of the curls is allowed to change, but the thinner it is, the more natural the hairstyle looks. Usually highlighting is done in two stages, first the strands are prepared with a special dye, and then they are tinted, achieving the desired shade.

Under this concept lies the unusual coloring of not the entire mass of hair, but individual strands in bright colors. It may suggest not just any one tone, but different colors on locks - it all depends on the courage of the experiment. Hair coloring lasts for two types: full and partial. In the second case, some part of the curls is painted, where the main tones will be exclusively natural. The color set should be discussed in advance so that the final picture looks harmonious.

Another method of hair coloring, which occurs with ammonia-free cream-like paint with the addition of wax and other substances that are soft to the hair. With it, the risk of hair damage is very low, which is considered the central competitive advantage of the technique. But majimesh coloring is not suitable for dark hair. Due to its gentle composition, the paint simply cannot completely replace the shade of dark hair without damaging it. Therefore, this approach is used only for experiments on light blond and light curls.

Recreating a smooth, and sometimes even a sharp transition between catchy tones, is an ombre. This effect is perceived as burnt tips or slightly overgrown roots, gently turning into a different tone. However, on long straight hair, the option with a strictly marked line between the colors looks especially fashionable. Usually this technique is used to harmoniously supply dark roots with lightened strands and decorate blond hair with red tips. It is important to understand that this is not just highlighting, but a complete color change, therefore it requires intensity.

A new subspecies of the sombre method is distinguished by its naturalness and naturalness, as it includes the use of several shades and allows you to create a style of light sun glare. An attempt to add volume and does not provide for a detailed study of the strands of paint and the use of foil, but the composition itself, which has a brightening effect, should be applied very quickly and kept for a long time. Sombre is ideal for brunettes and fair-haired girls of any age, having the effect of sun-bleached curls.

The main feature of the new subspecies comes down to the desire to give the hair a natural look and soften the transition against the background of the effect of burnt strands. The resulting smooth and beautiful shades do not need to be periodically tinted afterwards. And an additional plus of the technique is that any flaws remain almost invisible, because frequent hair dyeing changes their structure for the worse. Blondes, brunettes and blonds are advised to use the shatush technique, although the result will be more noticeable on long hair.

The dyeing technique under consideration includes the lightening of selected strands in its process. With its help, you can recreate an unsurpassed image in life or dilute the boring color with occurrences of bright curls. At coloring balayage 2-3 tones highlight the ends of the hair and strands, starting from the middle. The general composition is applied in the form of the Latin letter V: the sides are first painted over, and then the edges. Transitions are made sharp or smooth, without clear boundaries.

In the world of beauty, there are several ways to dye hair with similar foreign names at once. The shatush principle affects individual strands at the ends as a smooth gradient. The transformation from dark to light is carried out by lightening some parts at the ends of the hair. When coloring the balayage, the ends of the hair are also adjusted to the bright side.

However, in contrast to the shatush technique, the composition is applied to the entire area, and thus the lower part stands out more clearly. We can assume that balayage is middle option between shatush and ombre. Performing coloring according to the balayage format, the paint covers the edges of the curls superficially. The approach seems quite easy, but requires maximum precision, so professionals do not recommend doing the painting yourself.

Modern types of hair coloring

To change the image of a lady, she often chooses hair coloring. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to radically change, sometimes it is only necessary to partially correct the old image, bring freshness into it. If a girl wants drastic changes, then you can completely repaint, and when you just want some kind of zest, then it is better to pay attention to modern painting methods using several colors. Existing Options a large number, so there should not be any special problems with the choice.

The standard hair dyeing technique means applying paint to curls, which are previously divided into zones. There are several types of substances for this procedure: for lightening and for toning hair, vegetable and chemical composition. Classic coloring includes a uniform layer of paint along the entire length of the hair, without resorting to special professional techniques (separate strands, stencils, etc.). Therefore, the result is quite predictable - the hair gets a single shade.

The most natural and natural version for hair coloring is a general tone, which sometimes creates the illusion that the hair has not changed color at all. Most often, women resort to this method to quietly eliminate gray hair. Therefore, this method is also popular among men and seems to be a simple procedure that does not even require special experience: buy paint, mix the contents of the box and apply the dye to the curls. But there are also difficulties: tone-on-tone hair coloring technology requires taking into account the natural shade of the strands, the color of the eyes and skin. Neglect of these criteria often leads to disappointment from the result.

A cold platinum color should definitely be selected taking into account the color type, otherwise the image will come out awkward and funny. Regarding the original color of the hair, the best models come out of the fair-haired ladies - the new look makes them brighter, more mysterious and sexy. The main problem is that this option is very difficult to repeat at home. Only an experienced master will be able to choose the right dye and not end up with a blond with a yellow tint.

Important! An important role is played by the age of the lady. Platinum shades will suit young girls who prefer cascading or torn haircuts. But older women are better off looking at the natural tones of the blonde, and leaving the platinum in the form of narrow strands.

Not less than trendy color hair - ashy, having many shades and undertones. Achieving an ashy color on dyed hair is quite problematic, especially if nature has endowed you with a rich red or golden base. It should be understood that it is not always possible to achieve exactly the same shade as on a tube of paint. For the procedure to be successful, you need to lighten your hair and buy paint in a professional store. For owners of a warm color type, cold ashy tones will suit perfectly.

At first glance, it seems that blonding and bronding are consonant terms that many women confuse. Creating the effect of burnt hair on the curls is called bronding. This technique refers to the common Lately multi-stage staining. It means applying paint to the hair several times (up to 5 or more different tones). Thanks to such a hairdressing trick, the color looks very natural even on dark-haired young ladies.

And unlike this method, blonding is a complete lightening of the strands and achieving various shades of blond (starting from dark and ending with a pure white or ashy version). This procedure is also very simple, since it involves the application of a coloring composition for a certain time. But here the emphasis is on another nuance: it is important to evenly distribute the mixture and control right time excerpts.


Such an unusual marble staining is a whole algorithm, during which the stylist adopts one Color tone and additionally brightens individual strands. Each curl is modified to varying degrees, which gives shine, a specific pattern and overflow to the final result. Usually, when choosing, they are repelled by the special features of the client's appearance: hair length, natural shade, eyes and skin.

Based on the versatility of the method, more beautiful similar staining looks on owners of medium or long hair. On short haircut Marble runs the risk of looking untidy if the wrong colors are chosen and not laid. Also, the tones should not differ much from each other: the main one can be darker, and the other one can be a little lighter.

Important! To get the perfect result of marble staining, it is recommended to visit a high-level professional.


Such staining with sectors can rightly be considered an innovation in the beauty industry. The pattern applied to the hair in this technique allows you to get the effect of transition of shades with the mobility of the texture. Now they even produce a separate series of paints designed specifically for multi-layered 3D drawings.

The main distinguishing feature of this technique is that after the completion of the procedure, the strands superimposed on each other should form a clear geometric image, similar to rainbow figurines from the Tetris game. Without fail, this implies bright acid colors and an obligatory gradient. The ideal hairstyle for pixelation is an asymmetric haircut and perfectly straight hair. This variation always turns out to be creative and bright.

"Footage" or screen coloring- a kind of technique in which specially prepared templates are used to create drawings, patterns and accents on the hair. Therefore, such a creative version of the image implies the use of block coloring and requires special approach. To achieve a complex shade, original picture or exact proportions, it is better to contact an experienced master.

A similar method of painting curls arose relatively recently: for the first time, models were prepared in this way at a fashion show, where bright coloring gave an effect that was visible from a long distance. In everyday life, bold colors will have a slightly different effect and this is worth considering.

The 3D method will help to achieve a holographic volumetric effect due to the alternation of different shades and professional dyes. The difference from coloring comes down to the fact that the tones used in the process are within the boundaries of the same color, and as a result, the transition is as smooth and natural as possible.

Additionally, this combination gives the effect of distinctive pomp, as well as color depth. The key feature of the technology lies in the adjacent shades and the principle of the coloring pigment scheme: this implies the presence of the main color on the roots and additional tones.

TOP 5 professional hair dyes

Combining durability and gentle care with frequent staining is not so simple. The composition of paints often contains a lot of oxidizing agents, which, with prolonged use, have a detrimental effect on the hair. Well-known manufacturers have managed to achieve a balance in this regard and have earned a positive opinion from many customers:

  1. Estel Only- the tool very carefully changes the color of the hair, without changing their structure, and a wide variety of shades do not fade under prolonged exposure to the sun.
  2. C:EHKO Color Explosion- whose composition contains jojoba and almond extract, which softens the effect of oxidizing agents, so the hair is always filled with vitality and shine.
  3. Palette Deluxe- guarantees easy combing after dyeing, has about 24 shades and pearl extracts in the composition, which will give additional smoothness to the hair.
  4. SYOSS Professional Performance is a German company that produces coloring products for home use, taking into account all the comments of experienced colorists.
  5. L'Oreal Recital Preference- offers unusual colors, does not fade and is slowly washed off (for 8 weeks), complemented by a restorative balm in the set to return lost moisture to curls.

Important! With periodic staining, you should always monitor the condition of the hair. Nourishing masks help restore hair to its previous state, or split ends.

How to apply paint correctly

It has long been known that it is realistic to achieve the most similar shade only when you follow all the rules of coloring. According to the advice of professional colorists, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. 1-3 days before the procedure, you should stop applying masks to your hair.– Residues of a special composition can affect the degree of penetration.
  2. It is not recommended to wash your hair before starting.- The secreted fat will serve as additional protection for the scalp from the action of an oxidizing agent.
  3. When applying paint, the hairline often gets dirty so that this does not happen, you need to apply a fat cream in advance, which at the end of the procedure is removed with a cotton swab.
  4. In order to achieve good distribution through the hair, you need to separate the hair into strands and then apply the composition as accurately and quickly as possible.
  5. After this step, carefully comb your hair with a comb with fine teeth, eliminating lumps of paint in certain areas.
  6. In case of staining of regrown roots, the paint is first applied to the roots and only after 20 they continue to work along the entire length.
  7. When washing off the paint, it is better to wet the hair gradually, foaming the remaining paint and washing it off without haste, and then wash the head well with shampoo and apply a balm.

For the rest, it is enough to follow the standard instructions that are available on any package, do not forget to use protective gloves and be sure to check the purchased paint with an allergy test before use.

Important! No need to wrap your hair and exceed the specified time - there is a high risk of burning the strands, making them more brittle and dry.

It is difficult to navigate the composition of the paint without perfect knowledge of chemistry. But this can be judged by the data indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. One of the indicators is the levels of resistance, which are expressed as a scale:

  • 0 - temporary(easily applied to blonde hair, but completely washed off in 1-3 showers);
  • 1 - tint(unstable dyes intended for bright strands, which last up to 6-8 water procedures);
  • 2 - semi-resistant(guarantee long-lasting color and can last from 3 weeks to 2 months with proper care);
  • 3 - persistent(persistent options, differ more high price, but also retain their shade for up to 3 months or more).

The abundance of main shades, tones and halftones, as well as the possibility of a fundamental change in hair color make these paints very popular. Therefore, it is so important to understand their classification and choose the most suitable copy for yourself.

How to choose hair dye for your eye and skin color

By nature, every girl is given a certain color of hair and eyes. Stylists believe that it is this feature that should be taken into account when it is planned to dye the hair. To understand which option is right for you will allow the definition of the exact color type:

  • spring (soft beige, tanned skin, blush, freckles, light blond or light brown hair with a hint of gold, green or blue eyes);
  • summer (light skin with a cool tint, dark hair, faded freckles, gray-green, blue or light brown eyes);
  • autumn (peach skin color, red or brown hair, freckles to match curls, brown or gray eyes);
  • winter (cold pale skin, dark eyebrows and eyelashes, black hair, brown or blue eyes).

Having decided which time of the year you belong to, you can proceed to the approval of the paint color. Usually the classic recommendations that rely on the above characteristics are 100% hit on target.

How to choose hair dye according to the shade scale

As for the choice of a particular shade, you do not need to focus solely on the cover photo or the name. It is better to focus on 2-3 small numbers that are printed next to a beautiful name. After all, it is these data that provide a complete picture of the shade:

  • 1st digit- depth of the main color (usually from 1 to 10);
  • 2nd digit- the main tone (follows after a dot or fraction);
  • 3rd digit- additional shade (30-50% of the main shade).

In the case of marking with only the 1st or 2 digits, it is assumed that the tone is clean. Also, the decoding of hair dye includes a shade - additional marking is separated from the first value by a dot or a slash. In total, there are 9 options, and in one designation, sometimes they include two shades at the same time.

How to choose paint depending on the shade and structure

If you have saved the natural color and have not previously used paint, then it remains only to decide in what tone you want to repaint. Here it is perfectly acceptable to take ammonia-free paints or tint versions that are quickly washed off. For cardinal experiments, clarification is necessarily carried out in advance with a professional composition with the addition of an oxidizing agent of the required concentration. But you should not try to lighten more than 4-5 tones at a time - the hair will be seriously damaged, so this stage should be done gradually.

With already dyed hair, it will not be enough just to determine the shade, it is important at the same time to take into account the color of the regrown roots and the fact when the curls were dyed. A good result can be obtained if you use professional paint. Experts suggest only to bypass the ashy shades, since you can get a frankly gray color. And if the hair has been dyed relatively recently, then you need to apply the product in the direction from the roots, leaving it for a minimum amount of time. Remember that too fast and abrupt change in shade can adversely affect the health of the hair.

Despite the deceptive simplicity of the "light" base, only 50% of cases gray hair maybe beautifully painted. Here you should use ammonia dyes above level 7, combined with an oxidizing agent or do highlighting. Monochromatic dye will help to avoid the effect of regrown roots. But it is also better to avoid too bright and dark tones - it is easier to pay attention to light shades, up to level 8.


Each method of hair coloring has its own advantages: the complexity of the technique and the principle of color change allows you to achieve original results. With such an assortment of ways, you can transform whenever you want. The main thing in this matter is to monitor the condition of your hair and choose only high-quality products. Then the final image will definitely not disappoint.
