New opportunities for development in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution. New Development Opportunities in the Fourth Industrial Revolution How to Calculate Your Pension

The next recalculation will take place in August pension payments in the country. This time for retirees who continue to lead labor activity- they will receive an allowance in the amount of a little more than two hundred rubles. Thus, pensions in September 2017 years will be slightly higher than last year.

Recalculation of pensions: how much will working pensioners receive from September 1

In August, the next recalculation of pensions will take place - this time the increase will affect working pensioners. The Penfund of Russia noted that this increase for working pensioners will take into account the recalculation for the time of work in 2016. The planned indexation depends on the level of salary received by the pensioner last year. But we can say with confidence that from September 1, pensioners will receive increased payments. The maximum will be 235.5 rubles - this is the cash equivalent of three pension points, the cost of one is 78.5 rubles.

Important! According to pension fund There are about 43 million pensioners in Russia. About a third of them continue to work.

The increase in pensions will be made without application to recipients of insurance payments for disability and old age. That is, those categories of pensioners for whom employers paid insurance premiums last year. The department notes that the payment schedule will remain the same.

Average pension after April 2017 indexation

What awaits military pensioners

In the spring, the media reported, with reference to the macroeconomic forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development, that in the next two decades in Russia one should not expect a real increase in pensions. However, Federation Council Chairman Valentina Matviyenko denied this report, stating that “ no official documents with such apocalyptic forecasts<…>not reported". At the same time, the official stressed that the country's scenario is unacceptable, which involves freezing the annual recalculation of pensions.

Meanwhile, the security forces have developed a bill, according to which the term of service for future military pensioners will be increased by five years - from 20 to 25. Work on the draft law began in March on the direct instructions of the country's president. It is expected that this initiative, if adopted, will reduce the burden on the budget. The authors of the bill assume savings of several hundred billion rubles. Experts predict the adoption of a new law amending two articles of the law on pensions at once in 2018, shortly after the presidential elections in the country.

How they transmit last news the amendments will not affect those military personnel whose contract expires in twenty years. For everyone else, it will be extended by five years.

How to calculate your pension

According to the current legislation, men and women who have reached the age of 60 and 55, respectively, can count on a pension. This - insurance pensions by old age. Their size depends on the seniority and accumulated pension points. Points are awarded subject to payment of insurance premiums to the OPS system (mandatory pension insurance).

Currently, the payment of pensions is made in the presence of:

  • work experience - at least 8 years in 2017 (by 2024 this period will increase to 15 years);
  • pension points - at least 11.4 points in 2017 (from 2025 the minimum number will be 30 p.b.).

The pension points system was introduced in 2015. Each citizen can calculate the number of his points on the Penfund website of the Russian Federation.

The government of any country, in caring for its image, is obliged to guarantee a decent existence for people old age. Against the backdrop of the economic crisis, it is precisely pensioners who are tested for strength, so all working citizens are interested in the question of how their pension provision in the future, and in particular, will there be an increase in the pension at the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2016?

How is the pension of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs calculated?

People who are guarding law and order in the country deserve special treatment, but how things really are is tested in practice when they become pensioners.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are treated by status as military personnel in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The assignment of pensions takes place according to the norms for calculating military pension allowances. The same rules are taken as the basis for the formation of payments in 2016, on the basis of which accrual took place in previous years:

  • Job title.
  • Rank.
  • Years of service.

The higher these coefficients, the higher the salary, the larger the pension will be in the future.

In 2016, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs expect changes:

  1. Extending seniority to 25 years.
  2. Accounting for two salaries when calculating the size of the pension - by position and rank.

Currently, the increase in the period of service applies only to police officers. In the future, it is expected that the same changes will affect employees of all law enforcement agencies.

More about raising retirement age in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, read here.

The calculation of the amount of the pension is made by adding the amounts of salaries by rank and position, to this value are added the required surcharges for awards and 3% for each year worked more than the prescribed 25. This value is multiplied by a reduction factor and by 50%. In the northern regions, the district coefficient is taken into account when calculating the pension.

The final amount of the pension payment depends on three indicators. For 25 years of service, the standard payment should be 50% of the monthly salary. If a pensioner is eager to work after 25 years of service, then annually to 50% there will be an increase of 3%. In general, the percentage premium should not exceed 85%.

Pensioners working on a voluntary basis continue to receive their due wages, having issued a pension in parallel.

The 2016 budget does not include funds to increase pensions for this category of citizens. When they stop working in the bodies and completely retire, in this case they are entitled to any indexation.

This calculation is indicative and cannot 100% reflect the exact amount of the employee's pension, since the calculation in each case is individual and depends on the track record of the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Pension supplements are:

  • Pensioners - participants in the Second World War.
  • Citizens aged 80 years with a disability of group I.
  • A special pension is paid to the families of the dead employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • For the status of a disabled person, if the injury or injury was received during the service or due to the conditions of service.

Each individual case must be documented and considered on an individual basis.

How will pensions at the Ministry of Internal Affairs change in 2016?

The crisis situation has reduced the income of citizens in the current year approximately 10%. Accordingly, employers' contributions to the Pension Fund, which are the main source of maintenance for existing pensioners, have decreased.

As a result, the expected indexation of pension payments did not occur. As a result, the standard of living of pensioners has decreased. Rising prices also played a big role in this.

In 2015, the budget, planned until 2018, provided for a significantly high pension provision for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was to be achieved by significant indexation of wages and pensions.

In addition, special bonuses and compensations in the form of benefits for housing and communal services, subsidies and other types of measures aimed at alleviating the difficult financial situation of pensioners were provided as incentives for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to statistics, from 2013 to 2015. The salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs increased 6 times. Accordingly, a good basis was created for the formation future pension. As a result, by the end of 2015, the overall increase was 15%.

Also, a separate Decree of the President provided for an annual increase in pensions by 2% of the monetary allowance.

In 2016, an increase state aid for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in retirement should have occurred on average by 7.5%. This would increase the amount of payments by an average of 1000 rubles. The total amount on average would reach 21,000 rubles.

The exact timing of the indexation was not specified, but presumably it was supposed to happen in April and September. Such plans were announced by the Russian government in 2015.

In 2016, the situation changed due to the economic crisis. The issue of increasing the pension allowance has undergone changes, and at present the budget does not have the funds for the promised payments. Now the situation in the economy is stabilizing, so there is hope that changes towards improving the welfare of pensioners are not far off.

The gap in the budget requires a reduction in spending, so one of the ways to patch it up is to reduce the indexation of pensions for all citizens, including employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Thus, it becomes clear that the expected indexing is cancelled. The last significant increase in pensions for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs occurred in 2015. In April 2016, along with all citizens of retirement age, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received a 4% increase.

Today, the size of the pension allowance of the security forces in the reserve significantly exceeds the size of civil pension payments, so the government has temporarily frozen their indexation.

At the beginning of autumn, on September 1, 2016, the second indexation was planned, which the pensioners in the reserve are looking forward to. There was no categorical statement from the government that it was canceled. Therefore, there is hope that the increase in pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after all, will occur by a certain percentage. Changes to the budget were made taking into account the objective situation in the country's economy.

The Ministry of Labor of Russia proposes to index social pensions by 2.9% from April 1, 2018. The corresponding draft government decree Russian Federation posted on the portal of draft regulatory legal acts.

The Pension Fund of Russia explained to Gazeta.Ru that we are talking about the planned indexation. “Social pensions are indexed every year on April 1. Therefore, all funds in the budget of the Pension Fund are included. At the same time, we emphasize once again that we are talking about indexing. social pensions, and not insurance, ”commented the department.

When indexing such payments, the growth rate of the living wage for a pensioner in the Russian Federation over the past year is taken into account.

According to the Ministry of Labor, the subsistence minimum for such categories of citizens last year was 8,315 rubles, and in 2016 - 8,081 rubles. Thus, the growth for 2017 was 2.9%.

“In this regard, from April 1, 2018, the size of social pensions is proposed to be indexed by 2.9%,” the ministry explained.

Recall that social pensions are paid to pensioners, seniority who are below 5 years old, as well as other categories of citizens, including children with disabilities, citizens from among the disabled due to military injury and participants in the Great Patriotic War, receiving two pensions.

The size of the social pension will increase from April 1 by 255 rubles, which after the increase will result in 9,062 rubles.

“The average pension for children with disabilities and people with disabilities from childhood of group I will increase by 378 rubles and 382 rubles, respectively, and after the increase will be 13,410 and 13,556 rubles, respectively,” the Ministry of Labor of Russia said in a statement.

As stated in the explanatory note to the resolution, at the same time, based on the corresponding amounts of social pensions, pensions for the state pension provision of military personnel who served on conscription and their families, participants in the Great Patriotic War, as well as those awarded the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad" will be increased.

The resolution also includes pensions for victims of radiation or man-made disasters and members of their families, for citizens from among the workers of the flight test staff and a number of other categories.

“The average size of the disability pension of servicemen who passed military service on conscription, will increase by 355 rubles and amount to 12,688 rubles, the average pension for the loss of a breadwinner to the families of servicemen who served in military service on conscription will increase by 303 rubles and amount to 10,746 rubles, ”the figures are given in the materials for the draft resolution.

It also says that the average pensions of citizens from among the disabled due to military trauma and participants in the Great Patriotic War who receive two pensions will increase by 399 and 392 rubles. Most of all, the amount of additional material support for outstanding achievements and special services to the Russian Federation will be indexed. Here the growth will be 484 rubles - up to 17,185 rubles.

Expenses for indexation with will amount to 1.07 billion rubles per month, or 9.6 billion rubles by the end of this year.

“Financial support will be provided through interbudgetary transfers from the federal budget within the limits of the funds provided for by federal laws on the federal budget and the PFR budget for these purposes,” the explanatory note says.

Indexation will increase the level of pension provision for almost 3.9 million pensioners, including about 3.1 million recipients of social pensions.

An increase of 2.9% is below the current level of inflation and is imperceptible in the current economic conditions, emphasizes Lilia Ovcharova, head of the Human Capital direction of the Center for Strategic Research Foundation.

"This is enough low level indexation, but it is provided for by our legislation,” she added.

Recall that insurance pensions were indexed this year from January 1 by 3.7%. Today, the average old-age insurance pension is 14,075 rubles. At the same time, a year earlier, the old-age pension was 13,716 rubles, although this size was achieved by indexation by the year by 5.8%. According to the forecasts of the Pension Fund of Russia, by 2020 it will reach 15.5 thousand rubles, or 168.3% of the pensioner's subsistence minimum.

The government of any country, in taking care of its image, is obliged to guarantee a decent existence for the elderly. Against the backdrop of the economic crisis, it is precisely pensioners who are tested for strength, so all working citizens are interested in the question of how their pension provision will look like in the future, and in particular, will there be an increase in pensions at the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2016?

How is the pension of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs calculated?

People who are guarding law and order in the country deserve special treatment, but how things really are is tested in practice when they become pensioners.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are treated by status as military personnel in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The assignment of pensions takes place according to the norms for calculating military pension allowances. The same rules are taken as the basis for the formation of payments in 2016, on the basis of which accrual took place in previous years:

  • Job title.
  • Rank.
  • Years of service.

The higher these coefficients, the higher the salary, the larger the pension will be in the future.

In 2016, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs expect changes:

  1. Extending seniority to 25 years.
  2. Accounting for two salaries when calculating the size of the pension - by position and rank.

Currently, the increase in the period of service applies only to police officers. In the future, it is expected that the same changes will affect employees of all law enforcement agencies.

More about raising the retirement age in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, read here.

The calculation of the amount of the pension is made by adding the amounts of salaries by rank and position, to this value are added the required surcharges for awards and 3% for each year worked more than the prescribed 25. This value is multiplied by a reduction factor and by 50%. In the northern regions, the district coefficient is taken into account when calculating the pension.

The final amount of the pension payment depends on three indicators. For 25 years of service, the standard payment should be 50% of the monthly salary. If a pensioner is eager to work after 25 years of service, then annually to 50% there will be an increase of 3%. In general, the percentage premium should not exceed 85%.

Pensioners working on a voluntary basis continue to receive their due wages, having issued a pension in parallel.

The 2016 budget does not include funds to increase pensions for this category of citizens. When they stop working in the bodies and completely retire, in this case they are entitled to any indexation.

This calculation is indicative and cannot 100% reflect the exact amount of the employee's pension, since the calculation in each case is individual and depends on the track record of the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Pension supplements are:

  • Pensioners - participants in the Second World War.
  • Citizens aged 80 years with a disability of group I.
  • A special pension is paid to the families of the dead employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • For the status of a disabled person, if the injury or injury was received during the service or due to the conditions of service.

Each individual case must be documented and considered on an individual basis.

How will pensions at the Ministry of Internal Affairs change in 2016?

The crisis situation has reduced the income of citizens in the current year approximately 10%. Accordingly, employers' contributions to the Pension Fund, which are the main source of maintenance for existing pensioners, have decreased.

As a result, the expected indexation of pension payments did not occur. As a result, the standard of living of pensioners has decreased. Rising prices also played a big role in this.

In 2015, the budget, planned until 2018, provided for a significantly high pension provision for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was to be achieved by significant indexation of wages and pensions.

In addition, special bonuses and compensations in the form of benefits for housing and communal services, subsidies and other types of measures aimed at alleviating the difficult financial situation of pensioners were provided as incentives for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to statistics, from 2013 to 2015. The salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs increased 6 times. Accordingly, a good basis was created for the formation of a future pension. As a result, by the end of 2015, the overall increase was 15%.

Also, a separate Decree of the President provided for an annual increase in pensions by 2% of the monetary allowance.

In 2016, an increase in state assistance for retired employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should have occurred by an average of 7.5%. This would increase the amount of payments by an average of 1000 rubles. The total amount on average would reach 21,000 rubles.

The exact timing of the indexation was not specified, but presumably it was supposed to happen in April and September. Such plans were announced by the Russian government in 2015.

In 2016, the situation changed due to the economic crisis. The issue of increasing the pension allowance has undergone changes, and at present the budget does not have the funds for the promised payments. Now the situation in the economy is stabilizing, so there is hope that changes towards improving the welfare of pensioners are not far off.

The gap in the budget requires a reduction in spending, so one of the ways to patch it up is to reduce the indexation of pensions for all citizens, including employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Thus, it becomes clear that the expected indexing is cancelled. The last significant increase in pensions for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs occurred in 2015. In April 2016, along with all citizens of retirement age, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received a 4% increase.

Today, the size of the pension allowance of the security forces in the reserve significantly exceeds the size of civil pension payments, so the government has temporarily frozen their indexation.

At the beginning of autumn, on September 1, 2016, the second indexation was planned, which the pensioners in the reserve are looking forward to. There was no categorical statement from the government that it was canceled. Therefore, there is hope that the increase in pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after all, will occur by a certain percentage. Changes to the budget were made taking into account the objective situation in the country's economy.

The government of any country, in taking care of its image, is obliged to guarantee a decent existence for the elderly. Against the backdrop of the economic crisis, it is precisely pensioners who are tested for strength, so all working citizens are interested in the question of how their pension provision will look like in the future, and in particular, will there be an increase in pensions at the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2016?

How is the pension of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs calculated?

People who are guarding law and order in the country deserve special treatment, but how things really are is tested in practice when they become pensioners.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are treated by status as military personnel in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The assignment of pensions takes place according to the norms for calculating military pension allowances. The same rules are taken as the basis for the formation of payments in 2016, on the basis of which accrual took place in previous years:

  • Job title.
  • Rank.
  • Years of service.

The higher these coefficients, the higher the salary, the larger the pension will be in the future.

In 2016, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs expect changes:

  1. Extending seniority to 25 years.
  2. Accounting for two salaries when calculating the size of the pension - by position and rank.

Currently, the increase in the period of service applies only to police officers. In the future, it is expected that the same changes will affect employees of all law enforcement agencies.

More about raising the retirement age in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, read here.

The calculation of the amount of the pension is made by adding the amounts of salaries by rank and position, to this value are added the required surcharges for awards and 3% for each year worked more than the prescribed 25. This value is multiplied by a reduction factor and by 50%. In the northern regions, the district coefficient is taken into account when calculating the pension.

The final amount of the pension payment depends on three indicators. For 25 years of service, the standard payment should be 50% of the monthly salary. If a pensioner is eager to work after 25 years of service, then annually to 50% there will be an increase of 3%. In general, the percentage premium should not exceed 85%.

Pensioners working on a voluntary basis continue to receive their due wages, having issued a pension in parallel.

The 2016 budget does not include funds to increase pensions for this category of citizens. When they stop working in the bodies and completely retire, in this case they are entitled to any indexation.

This calculation is indicative and cannot 100% reflect the exact amount of the employee's pension, since the calculation in each case is individual and depends on the track record of the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Pension supplements are:

  • Pensioners - participants in the Second World War.
  • Citizens aged 80 years with a disability of group I.
  • A special pension is paid to the families of the dead employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • For the status of a disabled person, if the injury or injury was received during the service or due to the conditions of service.

Each individual case must be documented and considered on an individual basis.

How will pensions at the Ministry of Internal Affairs change in 2016?

The crisis situation has reduced the income of citizens in the current year approximately 10%. Accordingly, employers' contributions to the Pension Fund, which are the main source of maintenance for existing pensioners, have decreased.

As a result, the expected indexation of pension payments did not occur. As a result, the standard of living of pensioners has decreased. Rising prices also played a big role in this.

In 2015, the budget, planned until 2018, provided for a significantly high pension provision for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was to be achieved by significant indexation of wages and pensions.

In addition, special bonuses and compensations in the form of benefits for housing and communal services, subsidies and other types of measures aimed at alleviating the difficult financial situation of pensioners were provided as incentives for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to statistics, from 2013 to 2015. The salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs increased 6 times. Accordingly, a good basis was created for the formation of a future pension. As a result, by the end of 2015, the overall increase was 15%.

Also, a separate Decree of the President provided for an annual increase in pensions by 2% of the monetary allowance.

In 2016, an increase in state assistance for retired employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should have occurred by an average of 7.5%. This would increase the amount of payments by an average of 1000 rubles. The total amount on average would reach 21,000 rubles.

The exact timing of the indexation was not specified, but presumably it was supposed to happen in April and September. Such plans were announced by the Russian government in 2015.

In 2016, the situation changed due to the economic crisis. The issue of increasing the pension allowance has undergone changes, and at present the budget does not have the funds for the promised payments. Now the situation in the economy is stabilizing, so there is hope that changes towards improving the welfare of pensioners are not far off.

The gap in the budget requires a reduction in spending, so one of the ways to patch it up is to reduce the indexation of pensions for all citizens, including employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Thus, it becomes clear that the expected indexing is cancelled. The last significant increase in pensions for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs occurred in 2015. In April 2016, along with all citizens of retirement age, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received a 4% increase.

Today, the size of the pension allowance of the security forces in the reserve significantly exceeds the size of civil pension payments, so the government has temporarily frozen their indexation.

At the beginning of autumn, on September 1, 2016, the second indexation was planned, which the pensioners in the reserve are looking forward to. There was no categorical statement from the government that it was canceled. Therefore, there is hope that the increase in pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after all, will occur by a certain percentage. Changes to the budget were made taking into account the objective situation in the country's economy.
