How to make regular shampoo useful. Homemade hair shampoos

How to make shampoo at home, our grandmothers knew very well. 36 simple and easy recipes for making homemade hair shampoo
Cosmetic companies supply the market with a great variety of shampoos for various purposes and prices. Nevertheless, the question: how to make a good shampoo yourself continues to be popular. Why is this happening?

Companies enjoy high technology, healthy competition forces them to improve the quality of their products all the time. And, nevertheless, we continue to look for recipes according to which our grandmothers and great-grandmothers made shampoos or their substitutes.

All this is understandable - we have begun to turn to nature and natural products.

Good homemade shampoos can be made by yourself. There are many different recipes for natural shampoos, so it’s quite possible to choose what is most suitable for you to have beautiful hair.

In addition, sometimes hair needs not just a good shampoo, but a natural healing shampoo that will help solve problems that have arisen. And in this case, homemade shampoo is indispensable, since it will not contain chemical components, preservatives and substances harmful to you.

If you want to have beautiful hair, you need to regularly and properly care for them.

How to make natural shampoo at home

Before deciding which one to do, you need to determine your type of scalp (colloquially accepted - hair type): normal, dry or oily skin.

In order to finally choose a homemade hair shampoo, you need to test it on yourself, your beloved for at least a month.

If after a month of use the result does not satisfy you, move on to the next natural shampoo recipe.

Sometimes you will immediately see that some shampoo does not suit you: there will be allergic reaction either the hair will not be washed, or it will be bad to comb later.

In this case, you do not need to wait a month - immediately abandon this method of washing your hair.

How to make shampoo at home with aroma oil

In order to make a purchased shampoo better, it is often added to it. natural oil, herbs and essential oil.

The type of oil also depends on the type of hair:

Dry hair - oil grape seeds and jojoba, nettle, calendula, chamomile, coltsfoot, lavender. Essential Oil: Jasmine, Orange, Ylang Ylang, Myrrh, Neroli, Lavender, Rose, Geranium and Rosemary.

Normal to oily hair - grape seed and almond oil, chamomile, calendula, nettle, mint, sage, thyme and burdock. Essential oil: ylang-ylang, basil, cedar, bergamot, tea tree, grapefruit, orange, lemon, neroli, cypress, rose, geranium, cedar and coniferous.

Anti-dandruff shampoos add jojoba oil, castor or grape seed oil, chamomile, nettle, calendula and burdock. Essential oil: eucalyptus, cedar, lavender, rosemary cypress and tea tree.

In addition, it gives good results.

When using homemade shampoos, there are several nuances:

- these shampoos will hardly foam, since special chemical compounds give foam in factory shampoos, and they are not present in natural, self-made shampoos.

- homemade natural shampoos are applied only to well-moisturized hair, especially those that contain oils.

This rule, of course, does not apply to so-called dry shampoos.

After washing your hair with a natural shampoo, it is desirable rinse your head with decoctions of herbs recommended for your scalp type.

How to make homemade shampoo for dry hair

1. Egg oil shampoo

Mix the yolk and a teaspoon of castor or olive oil with a few drops lemon juice. Apply the resulting mass to wet hair and massage your head for two to three minutes. Wash off with warm (not hot!) water.

2. How to make homemade egg shampoo

Mix two yolks with big amount room temperature water and apply to damp hair. Massage your head for three to four minutes. Wash off with warm (not hot!) water.

3. Hair wash serum

Take as much serum as you need to completely wet your hair and heat it up to 35-37 degrees Celsius. Apply warm serum to damp hair, wrap it up for a few minutes. Wash off with warm (not hot!) water.

4. natural shampoo kefir

Mix a quarter cup of fatty kefir with the yolk, add a little salt. Apply to damp hair. Massage your head for three to four minutes. Wash off with warm (not hot!) water.

5. Shampoo for hair kefir-rye moisturizing

Pour fat kefir over thin slices of rye bread so that kefir covers the bread, keep for 3 hours in a warm place. Knead and apply shampoo from bread and kefir to wet hair. Massage your head for three to four minutes. Rinse with warm water, add lemon juice to the rinse water.

6. Shampoo for hair gelatin-vinegar

Pour a tablespoon of gelatin with water at room temperature, leave for 40 minutes. Heat in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved, strain through a sieve or gauze and cool to room temperature. Add a teaspoon apple cider vinegar and 2 drops each of rosemary or jasmine and sage oil, mix well. Apply to wet hair for 10 minutes, massage your head. Wash off with warm water.

7. Make your own oily shampoo

Mix a tablespoon each of olive and castor oil, add 3 drops of lavender oil and a teaspoon of shampoo for dry hair. Apply to wet hair, massage and wrap your head for 2 hours. Wash off with warm water.

8. good shampoo egg-camphor

Mix the yolk with two tablespoons of water and add 10 drops of camphor oil. Apply to wet hair, massage for a few minutes and rinse with warm (not hot!) Water.

9. Natural aloe moisturizing shampoo

Mix 100 ml of aloe juice, olive oil and liquid castile soap (you can buy it in online stores for soap makers; castile soap is made from coconut and olive oil). Add half a teaspoon of glycerin. Shake well in a shampoo bottle.

Apply the required amount to damp hair, massage and rinse with warm water.

10. A good egg shampoo with avocado oil

Thoroughly mix 2 yolks with one tablespoon of avocado oil. Apply to wet hair, massage and leave for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Natural shampoos for hair at home with oily hair Oh

1. Mustard Thickening Shampoo

Dilute a tablespoon of mustard in two liters of warm water, apply to wet hair and massage your head for three to four minutes. Wash off with warm (not hot!) water.

2. Make your own kefir shampoo

Mix a quarter cup of fat-free kefir with the yolk, add a little salt. Apply to damp hair. Massage your head for three to four minutes. Wash off with warm (not hot!) water.

3. Kefir-rye moisturizing shampoo

Pour thin slices of rye bread with fat-free kefir so that the kefir is 1 cm higher than the bread, keep for 3 hours in a warm place. Knead and apply to damp hair. Massage your head for three to four minutes. Rinse with warm water, add lemon juice to the rinse water.

4. Recipe for a good rye shampoo for oily skin heads

Rye bread knead and stir with hot water so that you get a liquid porridge, leave for 15 minutes and rub it through a strainer. Apply to damp hair for 10 minutes. Massage your head well and rinse with warm water and rinse well so that no crumbs remain.

5. Cognac-egg shampoo

Dilute 50 g of cognac with two tablespoons of water and mix with the yolk. Apply to damp hair. Massage your head for three to four minutes. Wash off with warm (not hot!) water.

6. Good mustard clay shampoo

Dilute with two tablespoons of warm water two or three tablespoons of mustard until the density of sour cream and add blue or green cosmetic clay. Apply this homemade hair growth shampoo to damp hair for 5 minutes (do not leave it longer to avoid burning the scalp), massage your head and immediately rinse with plenty of warm water.

7. Gelatin shampoo

Pour a tablespoon of gelatin with water at room temperature, leave for 40 minutes. Heat in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved, strain through a sieve or gauze and cool to room temperature. Stir in the yolk and beat the resulting mixture. Apply to damp hair for 5-10 minutes. Wash off with warm (not hot!) water.

8. Good tansy shampoo

Pour a tablespoon of dry tansy with two glasses of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Wash your hair with this infusion for a month every other day. The infusion also helps with dandruff.

9. Natural oak bark shampoo

Pour three tablespoons of oak bark with a liter of cold water, boil for 15 minutes. For two months, wash your head with this decoction, and then only rinse with a decoction of oak bark after each wash.

10. Cognac-mustard shampoo for hair density

Dilute 150 g of cognac with half a glass of warm water. Add 2 tablespoons of mustard to this mixture and mix well. Transfer to a tightly closed jar. Apply to wet hair for 3 minutes, massage your head. Wash off with warm water.

Shake the bottle well before each use.

11. Good clay-chickpea shampoo

Dilute four tablespoons of clay (blue or green) with warm water until the density of sour cream, add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and chickpea flour (mouse peas) and a few drops of rosemary. Such a mixture can be made for the future and put in a tightly closed jar.

12. Mix two teaspoons of shampoo for oily hair with a pinch of green clay, add two drops of lemon and lavender oil, mix well. Apply to wet hair, massage your head for a few minutes. Wash off with warm water, rinse well.

13. Good pomegranate peel shampoo.

Pour three tablespoons of pomegranate peels with a liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Wash your head with this decoction every three days for two months. Then once a week, rinse your hair with this decoction after washing.

Natural shampoo for normal hair

1. Mix 50ml soap base odorless and boiled water, add half a teaspoon of olive oil. Shake well in a shampoo bottle. Shake before use.

Apply to wet hair, massage your head for a few minutes. Wash off with warm water.

2. Natural rye shampoo

Knead rye bread and stir with hot water so that you get a liquid porridge, leave for 15 minutes and rub it through a strainer. Apply to damp hair for 10 minutes. Massage your head well and rinse with warm water. Rinse well so that no crumbs remain.

3. Mustard Shampoo

Dilute a teaspoon of mustard in a glass of warm water, apply to wet hair and massage your head for three to four minutes. Wash off with warm (not hot!) water.

4. Mustard shampoo with honey

Dilute a tablespoon of mustard with kefir until sour cream is thick, add the yolk and a teaspoon of honey and olive oil, mix well. Apply to wet hair, massage your head for several minutes and wrap for 10-20 minutes, as long as you can stand it. Rinse with warm water, rinse with water with the addition of vinegar.

Strengthening Natural Shampoo

1. Shampoo with white clay

Dilute one or two tablespoons of white clay with warm water until creamy and apply to damp hair. Massage your head well and rinse well with warm water. Rinse with water with lemon juice. The same recipe is used for dandruff.

2. How to make shampoo at home beer

Apply half a glass of beer to wet hair for 15 minutes, massage your head. Wash off with warm water and reapply beer. Do not rinse! There will be no smell of beer, as beer is well absorbed.

3. Nettle shampoo

Pour 100 g of nettle with a liter of water, add half a liter of vinegar and boil over low heat for half an hour, strain. Add 2-3 cups of decoction to a bowl of warm water and dip your hair into it.

4. How to make natural hair shampoo with nettle and yolk

Mix 50 ml of neutral shampoo with two tablespoons of nettle decoction and egg yolk. Add half a teaspoon of eucalyptus oil, a teaspoon of honey, vodka and olive oil, a tablespoon of aloe juice and glycerin. Mix well, put in a tightly closed jar and store in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Apply the required amount of the mixture to wet hair, massage your head well and rinse with warm water.

5. Herbal shampoo

Mix equal amounts of dry marigold flowers, birch leaves, hop cones and chopped burdock root.

Pour 50 g of this mixture with a glass of light beer and infuse for an hour. Strain and wash your head with this composition.

Natural anti-dandruff shampoo

1. Mix in a mixer 50 ml of soap base and boiled water, half a teaspoon of olive oil, a pinch of ground cloves, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and three tablespoons of apple juice. Beat for at least 30 seconds.

Can be stored in the refrigerator for three days.

Apply to wet hair for one to two minutes, massage well on the head and rinse with warm water.

2. Tansy anti-dandruff shampoo

Pour a tablespoon of dry tansy with two glasses of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Wash your hair with this infusion for a month every other day. The infusion also helps with dandruff.

3. Homemade shampoo with white clay.

Dilute one or two tablespoons of white clay with warm water until creamy and apply to damp hair. Massage your head well and rinse well with warm water. Rinse with water with lemon juice.

4. Mix 100 ml of castile soap, thyme and rosemary infusion with a teaspoon of olive oil and three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar.

Keep refrigerated.

Apply the required amount of shampoo to damp hair. Massage your head well and rinse well with warm water. Rinse with water with lemon juice.

You can read about recipes for dry shampoos in the following article.

In this article, you learned how to make homemade shampoo - 36 recipes.

You can also read how to make homemade shampoo and how to do it.

Natural and safe shampoos that can be easily prepared at home. Most effective recipes, advice on the selection of ingredients and the use of ready-made products.

Useful properties of homemade shampoos

All self-prepared care products, by definition, do not contain hazardous chemical additives. Due to their natural origin, they nourish the hair follicles with all the necessary substances, strengthen and renew them. There is a lot of folic acid and vitamins B6, A and E in natural plant products. Under their influence, the hair becomes shiny, manageable and silky.

Using a natural shampoo at home, impurities are completely removed, and the skin is not damaged. Additionally, he:

  • Solves the problem of split ends. In the process of washing, they soften and smooth. This is facilitated by oils - olive and almond in the first place.
  • Moisturizes the dermis. Dairy products are especially helpful.
  • Stops the process of hair loss. Vitamins, penetrating into the roots, restore them from the inside and strengthen the hair follicles.
  • Softens curls. They become pleasant to the touch, easy to comb, look healthy.
  • Eliminates dandruff. For this purpose, salt, apple cider vinegar, tar soap. Normalization of the situation occurs by improving the functioning of the sebaceous glands and removing the fungal infection.

Contraindications to the use of home shampoos

With very dry skin, the use of ingredients with a pungent odor and active substances is unacceptable. These include mustard, honey, vinegar, essential oils of citrus fruits, nettle. They can also aggravate the situation in case of irritation of the dermis.

You should be careful when preparing shampoo at home from nettle - this plant, if you do not adhere to the right proportions, can burn the skin.

All other herbal ingredients are suitable even for pregnant and lactating mothers. To verify this, you need to apply the finished product to the bend of the elbow and look at the consequences. If nothing happens, you can wash your hair. If red spots or a rash appear, you should use other components.

Natural shampoo recipes at home

Here it is necessary to proceed from the problem that needs to be solved. Some recipes are suitable for oily skin, and completely different recipes for dry skin. If you want to deal with several problems at the same time, use ingredients with different properties. Such funds can be not only liquid, but also dry. The first are prepared from 2-8 components and are used, like a regular shampoo, 2-3 times a week. All products must be fresh, otherwise the product will not work.

How to make shampoo at home with dairy products

To achieve the desired effect, shampoo at home is made from natural, rustic products. The fatter they are, the better. Homemade yogurt, sour cream, kefir help well. They quickly create a film that protects the scalp from adverse environmental factors. To avoid loss useful properties you can't heat them up.

Best Recipes based on dairy products:

  1. With kefir. The easiest way is to simply wash your hair with it and then rinse it with clean water. As a result, a not very pleasant smell may remain, which can be removed with any aromatic oil sprayed on the head. Another option is to add 2 tbsp to 0.5 cups of kefir. l. lemon and 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar. Mix the composition well and use it for its intended purpose.
  2. With curdled milk. Pour into it (100 ml) a shot of vodka and add 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder. Beat the composition with a blender until smooth and apply evenly to the hair. For a brighter effect, put a transparent plastic bag on top for 10 minutes. Then rinse the curls with clean water and enjoy their softness.
  3. With sour cream. It will take half a glass to make shampoo at home of high quality. Next, peel and grate one potato, squeeze the juice from the gruel and mix with sour cream. Beat the raw egg yolk into the prepared mass and stir it. It is applied to a wet head for 2-3 minutes and then washed off with shampoo and water. Sour cream can also be mixed with olive oil and avocado juice. The proportions needed here are 1:4:4, the main thing is that the composition is liquid. It is applied to dry hair, carefully rubbing into the skin. You can rinse off immediately.

Important! If possible, it is worth walking with shampoo for at least 2-3 minutes so that it is absorbed into the roots.

How to make shampoo with oils at home

There are many types of oils, but essential oils are best for washing your hair. Choosing any of them, you need to consider your skin type. For irritation and redness, soothing oils of sage, burdock, mint, thyme are recommended. Nettle, extract from grape seeds and tea tree fight well with dandruff.

If there are no problems, you can use absolutely any option. It is very important that all components are fresh.

Ways to create a do-it-yourself shampoo based on oils:

  • With olive and castor. Combine them in equal proportions (50 ml per 50 ml) and then pour into freshly squeezed lemon juice, no more than 2 tbsp. l. Rub the resulting shampoo at home with gentle movements into the skin and then smoothly spread over the entire surface of the hair. Massage your head for 2-3 minutes and rinse off. The recipe is relevant for dry, lifeless curls.
  • with avocado. Take exactly 20 ml of this ingredient, which you want to add to 2 yolks and beat. The finished shampoo is applied to the hair moistened with water and washed off after 2 minutes. This composition is excellent for dandruff.
  • With pure olive. It will take about 0.5 cups. Drive in 1 yolk there, pour in 20 g of lemon juice and carrots. To get foam, use store-bought shampoo, but not more than 200 ml. All this is mixed and applied to wet hair, it may take 2-3 rinses to wash off the product.
  • With burdock, argan and almond. This combination is useful for brittle hair, their subtlety, when they are severely split. To solve all these problems, it is recommended to mix the ingredients in equal proportions. To speed up the growth of curls, you can add a little ground red pepper to the finished product. A shampoo made from these components at home nourishes the hair follicles and gives life to the curls.

Do not use refined products, there is no benefit from them, rather one harm. And remember, all ingredients are extremely undesirable to heat.

Dry shampoo at home with cornstarch

This option is very convenient and especially relevant on the road, when there is no way to fully wash your hair. Having chosen it, you will not need to use a hair dryer to dry wet hair, it is enough to comb dry shampoo out of them well.

Flour, cinnamon, coffee, cocoa are suitable as ingredients, but corn starch showed itself most clearly. It is better to choose flour and starch of the highest grade, otherwise they may not work. Such components perfectly absorb dirt and grease, quickly removing them from the surface.

The most effective recipes for different colors hair:

  1. Light. Rub the main ingredient with a spoon in a chintz to weed out all the debris. Cornstarch will need 1/3 cup, to which you will need to add 1 tsp. cinnamon and the same amount of ground coffee beans. Mix all the ingredients well and rub into the skin in a circular motion, and then slowly move to the ends of the hair.
  2. Dark. This shampoo at home is made from almost the same as in the first recipe, only instead of coffee you will need 2 tsp. cocoa powder.
  3. Painted. In this case, you can combine baking soda and flour in equal proportions. The latter does not have to be wheat, buckwheat or oatmeal is also suitable.
You should not resort to using such a shampoo for allergies and skin irritation, it can worsen the situation.

Nettle shampoo recipes for home cooking

This tool is relevant at any time of the year, since the plant can be used both fresh and dried. It strengthens curls and stimulates their growth, effectively fights dandruff, relieves inflammation. Nettle is suitable for any type of hair - dry, oily, combination, normal. After it, there is practically no smell left.

Prepare a decoction of the herb in advance. Pour 200 g of leaves with boiling water and let it stand for a day.

Tips on what and how to make shampoo based on nettle:

  • With honey and yolk. Dilute olive oil (200 ml) in half with nettle decoction (read above how to make it) and add 3 tbsp. l. vodka and eucalyptus oil. Stir the composition, drive one yolk into it and put 2 tsp. honey.
  • With vinegar. To prepare such a shampoo at home, pour 50 g of fresh nettle with a liter of vinegar and add 0.5 liters of boiled cooled water there. Then strain the infusion through cheesecloth and wash your hair with it as usual.
  • with gelatin. Pour twice as much water into its powder (50 g) and beat the mass. Then leave it for half an hour and add 1/2 cup of nettle decoction to it.
It is allowed to use the plant without additional ingredients in the form of infusion.

How to make beer hair shampoo at home

This is very effective remedy, but after using it remains bad smell for a few days. To prevent it, you need to combine beer with other components.

Shampoo based on it restores hair growth and strengthens them from the inside, cleanses the skin of impurities and nourishes with beneficial substances. To enhance the effect, you can heat this drink to 30-50°C.

Here are some tried and tested recipes:

  1. With castile soap. It will need to be grated, the finished chips should be about 20 g. It is mixed with 50 ml of good expensive beer and 15 drops rosemary oil. Use the shampoo and store the rest in a tightly closed jar.
  2. With glycerin. It must be fresh. Combine it (20 ml) with dry hops (2 tablespoons). Pour the mass with a glass of warm beer and beat with a blender.
  3. With jojoba oil. It needs exactly 50 ml, which should be poured into a cup full of warm beer. To form a foam, add 50 ml of mild shampoo to the composition.
  4. with egg. Pour into a container 1 yolk, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, a mug of warm beer and squeeze the juice of one lemon. Stir the composition thoroughly so that it is homogeneous.

Important! Instead of beer, when preparing shampoo at home, you can use brewer's yeast, 50 g of which requires 0.5 liters of water. They are also suitable for use as a dry shampoo.

Hair shampoo recipes at home with medicinal herbs

Herbs can be either dried or fresh, but the latter are naturally slightly more effective. You can buy ingredients already packaged for the preparation of the product at the pharmacy. Of these, an infusion or decoction should be made, with which they wash their hair.

The most interesting combinations:

  • Marigold flowers + birch buds + burdock root. All this is required to grind as much as possible with a knife in proportions of 20 g / 50 g / 80 g and pour boiling water (0.3-0.5 l). Let the composition cool and rinse your hair with it. Such a tool stimulates their growth, eliminates dryness and solves the problem of split ends.
  • Chamomile + sage + calamus root. These ingredients need to be crushed and combined, taking 20 g of each. Pour the mixture with warm water (0.8 l) and leave for a day. Use the finished product 2-3 times a week, and then with its help you can refresh your hair and give it shine.
  • Datura + rosemary + mint. This combination is perfect for owners perm. To restore energy to hair, take 10-20 g of flowers of each ingredient, put them in a liter jar and fill it to the top with water. After 2-3 days, the shampoo will be ready for use.

Shampoo for hair growth at home with vitamins

Vitamins are added to ready-made shampoo at home or combined with healthy natural products. You will need those that are sold in bottles, they are also known as oil. The main rule is not to mix more than 3 different positions in one composition and take into account the purpose of their use. Some of them do not match with each other.

Recipes for homemade shampoos with vitamins:

  1. To strengthen hair. Add 10 ml of D-panthenol and B6 to a 250 ml shampoo, shake the jar.
  2. From split ends. Combine retinol with tocopherols 10 ml each and add them to the shampoo (250 ml). Shake the jar before using it.
  3. Anti-dandruff. Pour 15 ml of cyanocobalamin and ascorbic acid in liquid form into propolis tincture (200 ml). Mix the composition well and rub it evenly into the hair roots, distributing it along their entire length.
  4. For shine curls. Connect 1 yolk, 1 tsp. honey and the same amount of cognac, add 2 ampoules of vitamin B12 here.

Important! Do not use vitamins in tablets, they can burn the skin.

Do-it-yourself shampoo at home with honey

It is important that honey is not candied, as there are much fewer nutrients in this. It is great for oily and damaged hair, making it softer and stronger. It can be mixed with other ingredients. The finished mixture is not recommended to be heated. Components need fresh, not stale.

Here are 3 recipes for making an effective shampoo at home with natural ingredients:

  • With vinegar. Add it (30 g) to the chicken yolk, pour in olive oil (20 ml) and half a stack of liquid honey.
  • With chamomile. Approximately 20 g of flowers of this plant, pour 100 ml of boiling water. Keep the composition in a warm place for 2-3 hours. Before use, add 3-4 tsp to it. honey.
  • With mummy. It will need 10 g per 50 ml of water. Combine the two ingredients and add 3 tbsp. l. honey. Stir the mass thoroughly and pour into a regular shampoo (200 ml).
  • with jasmine. Prepare a decoction from it, the proportions needed here are 20 g of flowers per 0.3 l of water. Then strain it and fill it with 2 tbsp. l. honey.
Ready products are applied to the head along the entire length of the hair, carefully smoothing the strands. In the end, they must be washed several times. To get rid of stickiness, you can use a store-bought conditioner.

Deep cleansing shampoo at home with salt

This ingredient perfectly eliminates impurities, dandruff, fat, penetrating deep into the pores. For this, it is best to use sea salt, food is not so effective. It is allowed, without mixing it with anything, just rub it into the skin, and then comb it out with a comb.

In case of increased dryness of the dermis, this idea should be abandoned or the main component should be diluted with others. To avoid burns, it is not recommended to leave homemade shampoo on the scalp for more than 15 minutes.

Let's highlight the most effective recipes:

  1. With kefir. It will be enough 50 ml, in which you need to add 3 pinches of salt. Mix the composition well so that the solid ingredient is completely dissolved. Apply it on your hair and hold for 2 minutes and then wash your hair.
  2. With henna. It should be colorless, it will take 15 g. It is mixed with salt (2-3 pinches) and 15-25 drops of olive oil are added. The finished solution is applied to the roots of the curls, and then evenly distributed to their very tips. The composition is applied for 10 minutes maximum. Please note that after this remedy, the hair cannot be dyed for 2-4 months.
  3. With white clay. Mix this ingredient and salt in equal proportions. If the strands are very dry, add any unrefined oil. In the absence of such problems, it is enough to pour so much water so that the mass turns out like a gruel. Apply the finished composition to the hair and rinse immediately, as it quickly hardens.
  4. With semolina. Boil the cereal in milk and add it (5 tablespoons) to sea salt, which will take half as much. Do not forget to pour 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and stir it.

Important! Salt does not wash out well with water, so when the hair is dry, it will need to be carefully combed with a comb.

Rules for the use of home shampoos

Here it is necessary to take into account the type of shampoo - dry or liquid, as well as the condition of the hair. In the first case, the head can not be moistened with water. It is enough to rub the mixture into the skin, massage with your fingers, spread over the entire length of the curls and comb out thoroughly. It is recommended to do this 2-3 times a week. Homemade liquid shampoo is always applied to damp hair and requires rinsing with water.

How to use shampoo at home for oily hair

The tasks of such a remedy are to remove excess fat from the skin and reduce the secretion of the glands responsible for its production. It is advisable to prepare it immediately before use. If after washing something remains, it is allowed to store the shampoo in the refrigerator under a tightly closed lid. Begin the procedure always from the roots of the hair.

The composition of the product should include ingredients that inhibit the work of the sebaceous glands of the head - salt, starch, chamomile, etc.

Here's what else to consider:

  • Before using the shampoo, you can slightly acidify it by adding 10 drops of lemon juice or vinegar.
  • Rinse the composition from the hair with barely warm water, the main thing is not to get sick; hot activates the sebaceous glands.
  • The composition of the shampoo is not recommended to be changed more than once every two months, otherwise the effect may be lost.
  • Do not use hats and cover your head with plastic bags, heat will only aggravate the situation.
In the end, you can use a store-bought conditioner, but it’s better to refuse fatty balms and masks.

Using shampoo at home for dry hair

The main secret is a thorough, neat combing of curls before using shampoo at home. There should not be any tangled strands, take a comb with fine teeth. Then be sure to spray any essential oil on your hair.

Remember that the composition of the product must include components, moisturizing curls - kefir, sour cream, vegetable juices, decoctions, etc.

Here's what the next steps look like:

  1. Apply the prepared shampoo to the palm of your hand.
  2. Rub the product with your fingers into the scalp and massage it for 1-2 minutes.
  3. Gently go down to the ends of the hair, turning them over with your hands and enveloping the foam.
  4. Hold the composition for 1-2 minutes, depending on the recipe.
  5. Rinse off any remaining product with water.
You can complete the procedure by spraying wet curls with a spray-balm that moisturizes them well. In no case do not use a hair dryer to dry, which only aggravates the situation. Don't forget to comb your hair while it's still damp.

How to make shampoo at home - look at the video:

Knowing how to properly prepare shampoo at home, you will always have effective, safe and natural hair washing products at hand. Cooking them is not at all difficult, the main thing is not to violate the proposed proportions and clearly follow all the rules.

We all know that the shorter the shelf life of yogurt, the more nutrients it contains. The same applies to cosmetics. And what if not homemade shampoo can be more beneficial for us. After all, it is made from natural ingredients, has a long shelf life and is maximally enriched with useful substances.

To make the curls look beautiful, have a large volume and grow quickly, it is better to make homemade hair shampoo. There are a considerable number of cooking instructions, so each person will be able to choose the one that is most suitable. Everyone knows about the benefits of natural products on the body as a whole. It didn't work with the hair either. Using shampoo when washing your hair, there are a number of positive effects.

Benefits of homemade shampoo:

  • Environmentally friendly;
  • Contains only natural ingredients;
  • Availability of all ingredients;
  • Easy to prepare;
  • A large selection of recipes, which makes it possible to find the right option for your hair type;

There are no contraindications when using homemade shampoo. It does not have any negative effect on human health. However, sometimes there is an individual allergic reaction to the components.

To get the benefits of a handmade shampoo, you need to follow some guidelines and know how to make homemade shampoo. In order for it to have a therapeutic effect, you should remember:

  • To obtain a homogeneous consistency, the components of the shampoo are mixed in blender. At the same time, it will become liquid, easily washed off from the hair;
  • When using a shampoo that contains egg yolk, use water 40 degrees Celsius. To prevent egg flakes;
  • To determine possible reactions to components, a drop of solution smear the inside of the wrist;
  • For a good effect, the treatment mask is kept on curls. Ten minutes;
  • Shampoo must be removed settled water from decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • To keep the hair not overdried and elastic, it is recommended forget the hair dryer;
  • To prevent brittle hair, the combing procedure is carried out after complete drying;
  • Homemade shampoo is recommended to be used constantly when washing hair;
  • It is necessary to use a freshly prepared composition. Since the prepared mixture quickly loses its beneficial properties.

You can significantly improve the health of your hair with the right shampoo. Therefore, it is important to learn how to properly combine ingredients with each other.

Homemade Hair Shampoo Recipes

A large selection of recipes for making shampoos at home, with different medicinal properties, gives you a chance to choose the most suitable composition for your hair type. Folk substances nourish and saturate the hair, give it shine, make the bulbs strong and restore growth. The most important thing in the process of preparing shampoo is the base, which can be from any infusion and decoction of herbs, various plant oils, aloe juice, glycerin, honey and soap grass (root).

From this video you will learn the basics of making shampoo with your own hands.

Homemade shampoo for dry hair

  1. Prepared immediately before use: 2 yolks are mixed with 50 milliliters of water, 100 milliliters of vodka and 5 milliliters of ammonia. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency. Apply to curls and roots, hold for 5 minutes.
  2. Mix the egg with 40 milliliters of castor oil, you can add essential oil. For more convenient application, the mass can be whipped. Shampoo is applied to the braids from roots to ends.
  3. Dissolve gelatin powder in two yolks, mix vigorously to avoid lumps. The mixture is applied to wet hair by rubbing into the scalp and the hair itself until foam is formed. After seven minutes, remove the shampoo.
  4. Pour five grams of rosemary inflorescences with 400 milliliters of boiled water. Strain through cheesecloth after two hours. Wash your hair on the second day with this composition. The course of treatment will be one month.
  5. Mix raw yolk, 20 grams of purchased shampoo, 20 grams of carrot juice, 20 grams of lemon juice and 20 grams of olive or sunflower oil. Wash your head with this mass.
  6. The beaten yolk is mixed with 5 grams of castor oil and 5 grams of olive oil. The mixture is ready for use.
  7. Pour 1 kg of nettle with a liter of warm water and 500 milligrams of vinegar, boil for 30 minutes. Pass the decoction through a cheesecloth or sieve. Before washing your hair, dilute 2 cups of infusion with water.
  8. Mix two tablespoons of kefir and mustard with 1 teaspoon of olive oil, a teaspoon of honey. Stir vigorously. Leave on hair and scalp for twenty minutes. Then wash off.
  9. Dilute cosmetic clay (blue, green) with water until smooth, add a little vegetable oil. Apply to hair. Hold for 3 minutes. Remove shampoo residue, then use rinse aid - teaspoon apple cider vinegar and water.

Advice: empty shampoo bottles can be purchased at stores such as FixPraice or Okhapka.

Homemade shampoo for oily hair

  1. Bread-based shampoo is also a mask. Mix the pulp of black rye bread with warm water. Pass the consistency through cheesecloth and apply to curls. Leave for seven minutes and rinse with water.
  2. Mix egg yolk with 2 tbsp. spoons of water and 50 grams of cognac. Gently apply to scalp and curls. Wash off after 5 minutes.
  3. Mix the yolk with 10 milliliters of almond oil, 40 milliliters of lemon juice and 15 milliliters of vodka. Apply to wet hair, then rinse.
  4. Mix one tablespoon of mustard powder with two liters of water, pour half a teaspoon of sugar. Apply on the head. This solution will get rid of oily sheen and add volume to the hair.
  5. To remove oily sheen without wetting your hair, you need to sprinkle dry potato starch on your hair and then do the washing movements. To remove the rest of the substance from the hair, wipe the hair with a towel after 5 minutes.
  6. Beat 1 egg thoroughly with good cognac and apply on hair for 3 minutes, then rinse.
  7. Pour three tablespoons of crushed pomegranate peel with water. Boil on fire for 15 minutes. Wash your hair after three days, the duration of the course is 2 months.
  8. Boil 3 tablespoons of oak bark in a liter of water. Rinse your hair with this decoction for two months. It is recommended to use the solution as a rinse aid in the future.
  9. Infused decoction of birch leaves and infusion of kidneys mix one to ten, rinse your head 2 times a week. The duration of the course is up to 15 times.

Shampoo for damaged hair

Homemade shampoo for normal hair

  1. Pour 15 soap nuts with a liter of water. After boiling, simmer for 20 minutes. Allow the broth to cool and pour into a glass jar, close the lid. Before use, heat a little decoction in the microwave and apply with massaging movements to wet hair. Rinse hair with clean water.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of gelatin with a glass of water, heat in a water bath, strain. Add yolk, stir. Apply to hair and rinse.
  3. Mix grape seed oil with oils: orange, pine, nerole, geranium and sage grass. Apply to hair, then rinse.
  4. Boil 30 milligrams of chamomile. Mix the decoction with 50 milliliters of glycerin soap, a teaspoon of castor oil, 2 drops of cedar and sage oil. in a circular motion rub into the scalp and hair. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water.
  5. Pour ten grams of gelatin with 100 milliliters of water at 24 degrees, mix thoroughly and let stand for 40 minutes. Add the yolk, beat in a blender. Apply to wet hair, then rinse.

Natural shampoo for all hair types

  1. Mix 100 grams of soap with 500 milliliters of water, 50 milliliters of cosmetic soap. Heat the composition in a water bath, add essential oils at your discretion. Wash your hair and rinse with water.
  2. Mix 40 grams of flour with 80 milliliters of warm water. Leave the mass for 2 - 3 hours. Wash like normal shampoo.
  3. Pour the nuts in a bag with water, leave until soaked. Crush into a homogeneous mass until foam appears. Wash your head.

Homemade Hair Growth Shampoo

  1. Mix 15 grams of mustard powder with 40 grams of strong black tea, add the egg yolk. Apply to skin and hair in circular motions, then rinse with water.
  2. Pour a few pieces of bread with water and knead well, pour in essential oils and a little sour cream. Rub into skin and hair, hold for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with plenty of water so that no bread lumps remain.
  3. Mix 15 grams of gelatin with 2 yolks. Apply to hair, but not dry. Hold for 5 minutes and rinse.
  4. Combine 50 grams of kaolin powder, white clay and 100 milliliters of water. Apply everything to curls, then rinse.

The same recipes are perfect for hair loss, because they activate and strengthen the hair follicles.

Dandruff shampoo at home

  1. Beat two egg yolks. Pour a drop of rose oil, 4 drops of sage into 20 milliliters of alcohol. Beat everything with yolk. Rinse with plenty of water after application.
  2. Stir fresh kefir in hot water. Wash your hair with this mixture.
  3. Pour 15 grams of chopped tansy with 200 milliliters of boiling water. Leave to insist. Before use, add 15 milliliters of honey. Wash your head.
  4. Soak the pulp of bread from rye flour with water. Wait for it to swell. After, pour 40 grams of vegetable oil into the shampoo. Mix everything vigorously. Apply to the head by rubbing vigorously. Then remove the mass.

Dry shampoo options for hair

Dry shampoo is indispensable in emergency moments when there is no way to wash your hair. It can be easily prepared at home using available funds which are always at hand.

Basic Dry Shampoo Recipes

  1. Mix half a cup of flour with a teaspoon of salt.
  2. Mix baby powder with talc and baking soda.
  3. Grind 60 grams of oatmeal with 15 grams of soda. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Mix 10 grams of violet root with 50 grams of corn starch and chopped coarse grains.

The use of these homemade recipes involves the same steps: apply to hair, massage gently, remove the remnants of the mixture with a comb.

All of the above homemade shampoos can be prepared from improvised ingredients. They are made up of 100% natural ingredients. Regular use of homemade shampoos will not only make your hair healthy and beautiful, but also save money.

You will learn even more recipes for natural and vitamin-filled shampoos in the following videos.

Oily hair brings a lot of trouble and grief to its owners. Such curls already on the second day after washing lose their freshness, stick together at the roots and become untidy. In addition, they practically do not hold volume and are difficult to style. Due to its characteristics, oily hair needs specific care, which includes several aspects, and perhaps the most important of them is the right shampoo.

The current range of cosmetics is huge and allows you to choose a product for every taste and budget, especially since almost every company that produces shampoos has products in its line that are designed to combat oily hair. However, the presence of an appropriate label on the bottle does not mean that the selected shampoo will be effective. Firstly, modern detergents are focused on mass production, which means they cannot suit everyone without exception. Secondly, the vast majority of manufacturers include components (preservatives, detergents, perfume fragrances) in their products that help extend their shelf life, provide foam and a pleasant smell, but do not in the best way affect the health of curls. Of course, it is not necessary to refuse hygiene procedures because of the likelihood of harming the hair. Fortunately, unpleasant consequences can be completely avoided if you use home-made shampoo for oily hair instead of factory detergents.

Benefits of homemade shampoo

Homemade shampoo can be a great alternative to commercial products. Of course homemade detergent does not have all the properties of the factory one (for example, it does not foam well and does not always perfectly wash the hair), and its creation requires a certain amount of time. But it is affordable and does not contain "chemistry", which makes it completely safe for curls. Another advantage of a home-made shampoo over purchased products is that, in addition to its main function - hair cleansing, it also:

  • nourishes and moisturizes the scalp and hair shafts;
  • regulates the production of sebum;
  • helps fight wet dandruff;
  • eliminates irritation and itching;
  • softens curls, gives them a healthy shine;
  • accelerates hair growth and stops the process of thinning hair;
  • strengthens the structure of curls, prevents delamination of the tips.

There are no special contraindications to the use of homemade shampoo, the only limitation is individual intolerance to the components. In order to avoid unwanted reactions from the skin, be sure to test all prepared mixtures before the first use on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

Tips for making and using shampoo for oily hair at home

To benefit from a homemade hair cleanser, you need to familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:

  • All components that you use to create a shampoo must be of high quality and fresh. Eggs and dairy products are best taken at home, not store-bought.
  • To achieve a homogeneous detergent consistency, it is recommended to mix the ingredients in a blender. If the shampoo contains essential oils, then they should be added last.
  • The basis for most shampoos is water or herbal decoction. It is advisable to use filtered or settled water. The temperature of the liquid should not exceed 40 degrees, otherwise some components, such as kefir or eggs, may curl up and lose their properties.
  • Homemade detergent should be prepared immediately before use, since it is not subject to long-term storage. Carefully follow the recommended dosage of the components so as not to harm the scalp and curls.
  • It is necessary to use a self-prepared product in the same way as a purchased shampoo, only it should not be washed off immediately, but after 7–10 minutes. Try not to rub the scalp when “soaping” your hair, so as not to provoke an active secretion of sebum.
  • It is better to wash off homemade shampoo with cool boiled or filtered water with the addition of lemon juice or fruit vinegar. Instead of water, you can use herbal decoction (for example, from tansy or sage). Balm-rinse should not be applied to curls, as it can negate the beneficial effect of shampoo. The same applies to conditioner and other hair care products.
  • After water procedures It is not recommended to use a hair dryer, it is better to let the hair dry naturally. You can comb the curls only after complete drying.

Homemade shampoo for oily hair should be used as needed (daily or every other day). If you choose the right detergent, your curls will eventually stop getting dirty quickly and acquire a healthy shine. If after 10-15 procedures (this amount is enough to get a noticeable effect) the condition of your hair does not improve, change the composition.

Homemade Shampoo Recipes for Oily Hair

Recipe #1

Action: eliminates greasy shine, refreshes hair and strengthens its structure.

  • 50 ml brandy;
  • 30 ml of warm water;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 3 drops essential oil fir.

How to do:

  • Thoroughly beat the yolk with cognac and water.
  • Add essential oil, mix and wash your hair.

Recipe number 2

Action: reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, restores damaged hair and gives them a healthy shine.

  • 1 yolk;
  • 20 ml of almond oil;
  • 30 ml of natural lemon juice;
  • 15 ml of vodka.

How to do:

  • Whisk egg yolk, butter and juice until smooth.
  • Add vodka and apply to wet curls.
  • Massage them for 5 minutes, and then rinse with water.

Recipe number 3

Action: accelerates hair growth, relieves curls of greasy shine and gives them volume.

  • 20 g mustard powder;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 10 g sugar.

How to do:

  • We prepare a solution of water and mustard.
  • Add sugar to it, shake well and apply on wet curls for 5 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with water and lemon juice.

Recipe number 4

Action: helps to stop the process of hair loss, eliminates oily sheen and relieves irritation.

  • 30 g of white clay;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • 2-3 drops of orange essential oil.

How to do:

  • We dilute the clay with water to the consistency of thick kefir.
  • Add essential oil and apply to wet strands.
  • Keep it for 10 minutes and then wash off with water.

Recipe number 5

Action: cleanses hair, removes unhealthy shine and soothes the scalp.

  • 1/4 loaf of rye bread (without crust);
  • 150 ml warm water.

How to do:

  • Pour the bread crumb with water and knead it into a mush.
  • We grind the resulting mass through a sieve and apply to wet curls.
  • We stand for 7-10 minutes, and then rinse the hair with water.

Recipe number 6

Action: perfectly removes dirt and grease from the hair, gives them a healthy shine and silkiness.

  • 100 g of pea grits;
  • 200 ml warm water.

How to do:

  • Grind dried peas into flour using a coffee grinder.
  • We mix flour with water and place a container with pea gruel in a dark place for 12 hours.
  • We apply the infused mass on wet hair, massage the head and wait 10-15 minutes.
  • Thoroughly rinse the curls with water.

Recipe number 7

Action: restores curls, relieves them of oily sheen and eliminates dandruff.

  • 50 g dried nettle;
  • 1.5 liters of filtered water;
  • 150 ml apple or grape vinegar.

How to do:

  • Fill the nettle with 1 liter of water, add vinegar and put the container with the mixture on the stove.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for about 20 minutes over low heat.
  • We cool the broth, filter it, dilute it with the remaining water (500 ml) and wash my head.

Recipe number 8

Action: relieves itching and irritation, eliminates dandruff and reduces the activity of the external secretion glands.

  • 30 g of crushed oak bark;
  • 1 liter of settled water;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 10 ml of aloe juice.

How to do:

  • Fill the oak bark with water and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  • We filter the finished broth, select 100–150 ml, add whipped yolk and aloe juice.
  • Mix and apply on curls for 5-7 minutes.
  • Rinse the hair with the remaining broth.

If you need to quickly refresh your hair and eliminate oily sheen, but there is no way to wash your hair, use the so-called dry shampoo. Mix 30 g of cornmeal with 10 g of baking soda and 20 g of talc or baby powder. Treat the hair with the prepared powder and comb it thoroughly with a comb.

Remember: beautiful and healthy hair- this is a luxury that any representative of the fair sex can afford. The main thing is to take a responsible approach to the choice of shampoo, not be lazy to take care of your hair and not be afraid to experiment with cosmetics.

Do-it-yourself shampoos can be a good alternative to chemical liquids from beautiful bottles. Of course, you need to spend some amount of time on this, but what an effect from them!

I must say right away that I found the shampoo recipe on the Internet, I have not tested it myself yet. Actually, I'm not allergic to shampoos, but my mother has it - so I'll try to do it ....

Below, in fact, the recipe itself and its description from the author Vika Karpova

Allergy to shampoos
I have tried many different shampoos. The use of each bottle, whether it was an inexpensive shampoo from the nearest supermarket or an expensive shampoo with a super-natural composition brought from abroad, was accompanied by itching of the skin and redness around the scalp.

The situation was slightly improved by using baby bath foam instead of shampoo, but after using it, the hair became very naughty, and my body's reaction to balms and hair masks was the same as to shampoos.

I decided to try the shampoo. Found the right recipe online. There are a lot of them, but I chose the recipe with good reviews. I didn’t really want to risk my already exhausted hair :)

First experience
I chose a recipe for a flock of herbs. 2 tbsp chamomile poured a glass of boiling water, insisted for 20 minutes. While the broth was infused, I rubbed a bar of baby soap on a fine grater. I filled the soap shavings with ready-made broth, added 3 tbsp. dry mustard and mix very well to dissolve the soap.

To be honest, I was very afraid that after such a shampoo my hair would be badly combed. But no! They combed perfectly and, surprisingly, became very shiny and voluminous. The head did not itch, as after regular shampoos.

At first, I thought that the power of suggestion had worked, but I have been using this shampoo for a month now, and the usual itching has not yet been. After a while, I noticed that I began to wash my hair less often. Hair became lighter, they were much less polluted than before. If I had to wash my hair with regular shampoo every day or every other day at most, then with homemade shampoo I smoothly, without noticing it, began to wash my hair 1-2 times a week.

There are manyhomemade shampoo recipes. Some give strength, others shine, others nourish and saturate the hair with color and, most importantly, do not contain absolutely any harmful substances. When cooking, only natural ingredients are used: herbs, oils and some products that can be found in any housewife and in every home.

Let's look at some of them...

Natural shampoo recipe from natural soap

Homemade shampoo for all hair types. Its basis is natural soap.

We take 50 grams of such soap, rub it on a grater and dissolve them in 200 ml of warm water in a water bath.

Natural soaps usually contain essential oils, glycerin and Castor oil. Make sure that these substances are present in the piece you have chosen. If you don’t have natural welded at home - buy baby soap the composition of which is much healthier than conventional cosmetic. Of course, this is not the same, but much better than cheap shampoo from the store.

In the finished mixture, drip 20 drops of your favorite essential oil and pour in a spoonful of cosmetic oil. It is best if you add tea tree oil or chamomile oil. Instead of warm water, you can use a decoction of medicinal herbs.

This universal shampoo can only be used for one week. We store it in the refrigerator. And you can wash your head with them as much as you want.

This is the only natural shampoo that washes away oil mask simply and easily.

Natural shampoo recipe from gelatin
If you use this shampoo at least a couple of times, you will notice the effect immediately. Hair will become more lush and thick. Take a tablespoon of gelatin and dissolve it in 1/3 of a glass of warm water. Leave to stand for 30 minutes. During this time, the gelatin should swell.
The resulting solution is heated in a water bath for five minutes. Leave for 10 minutes to cool down.

Then you need to add one egg yolk to the mixture. Beat it up beforehand.

With gelatin shampoo, first rinse the hair, and then leave it a large number of mixture on the hair for 15 minutes. It turns out such a kind of mask. Wash off with plenty of water.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I make gelatin shampoo a little differently...
I pour the chamomile pharmacy with boiling water (I take an ordinary cup and fill it with 3/4 boiling water and pour 1 tablespoon of chamomile there). We leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes, if there is time, then you can wait half an hour. After that, I filter the infusion on gauze and pour 0.5 tablespoons of gelatin there.
I mix it thoroughly so that there are no lumps, if it just doesn’t work out, I put this solution in a water bath to quickly dissolve the lumps.

Then add 1 tablespoon of shampoo to this substance, apply it on the hair, on the roots and let it stand for 5 minutes.

You can make it even easier: dilute 1/2 tsp of gelatin in 2 tbsp. spoons of water until completely dissolved, and then add a single portion of your usual shampoo (approximately 1 tsp) to the resulting mass. After repeated stirring, the shampoo is ready.

Natural homemade egg shampoo
Simply a great option for hair that is prone to dryness and brittleness. Eggs contain a fairly large amount of protein. It is this substance that strengthens the hair well.

This shampoo is very easy to prepare. Take two yolks and adding 1 tablespoon of water, beat them well in a blender. The foam should be quite thick. It is with her that we wash her hair for 5 minutes. Next, rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water. After applying the egg shampoo, rinse your hair with acidified lemon water. Such a trick will give them smoothness.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: perfectly washes hair. There is a significant difference in the use of store-bought and homemade eggs. Homemade ones work much better on hair :).

And this is how we separate the yolks from the protein and from the films, which tend to get tangled in the hair during the procedure :)..

Natural shampoo at home from mustard and clay
Washing your hair with mustard can save you from such an annoying problem for many as increased fat content.
This natural remedy will help not only strengthen your hair, but also accelerate their growth. We take a tablespoon of dry mustard and a tablespoon of blue clay.
Mix everything, add some water. You should get a mixture that will be similar to sour cream in consistency.

This mixture is applied to the hair for 20 minutes. Wash off. This shampoo should not be used on dry hair. But for fat and normal, it will fit just fine.
