How to make a Snow Maiden costume for a girl with your own hands: simple, but bright and stylish solutions for a New Year's look. Master class for making a costume for the Snow Maiden Homemade costume for the Snow Maiden

Good day to all, dear Beibiki!
New Years is soon! The most anticipated holiday of the year. Let's prepare our little ones for the New Year's ball.

Snow Maiden dress for a girl (for about 6 months)
I am not a master of tailoring and sewing (I like to knit more), but I can make something ... So I decided to sew for my daughter New Year's holiday costume, I thought for a long time which one and settled on the costume of the Snow Maiden. I will say right away that I don’t really know how to sew (I didn’t study anywhere - everything is done using the TYKA method). But still, I think that my experience will come in handy for someone and help ... And if at least one person likes it, then it’s not in vain that I started it all. According to my description, it will be possible to make a pattern for a dress even for a person who decides to do this for the first time! I MADE A DRESS FROM FABRIC FOR CURTAINS (a piece of about 1 m x 1.5 m remained and it was enough), I decorated it with what was at home in stock. So let's get started...
Bodice to dress

Size 22 (we will be almost 6 months to NG, weight - about 8kg (I think plus 500 gr to NG, height - 64cm (plus 1-2 cm to NG)

Building a pattern drawing

To build a pattern drawing, the following measurements are required:
Height……………………………………………………… 64cm

Bra length to waist (Diz)…………. 20cm (15cm) later I will write why 15 cm)
Semicircumference of the neck (Posh)……………….12cm

Chest circumference (POg)……………..22cm (+2=24)

For a free fit, 2-4 cm is added to the measurement of the semicircle of the chest, and all further calculations are based on this value:

22 + 2 = 24 cm.

We draw a right angle with the apex at point P (I immediately apologize for the quality of the photos, because I shot while my daughter was sleeping and there was dimmed light in the room, and there was no time at other times!)

Bra length. From the point P down we postpone measure taken(20 cm) or the length of the bodice obtained by calculation (1/5 of the height plus 8 cm), and put the T point.

Armhole depth. From the point P down we set aside 1/3 POg plus 4.5 cm and set the point G: RG \u003d 24: 3 + 4.5 \u003d 12.5 cm.

From points G and T to the left we draw horizontal lines of the chest and waist.

Bodice width. From the point G to the left, we lay aside POg with an increase of 2 cm for a free fit and set the point GG1 \u003d 22 + 2 \u003d 24 cm.

Through the point G1 we draw a vertical straight line of arbitrary length at its intersection with the waist line, we set the point T1.

Back, armhole and front width. Divide the GG1 line into three equal parts and put the points G2 and G

From the point Г2 we restore the perpendicular and the point of its intersection with horizontal line drawn from the point P to the left, we denote P.

Lateral line. The distance Г2Г3 is divided in half and the middle is denoted by the point Г4.

From the point G4 we lower the perpendicular to the point of intersection with the horizontal line T T1 denote T2.

Root width. From the point P to the left, set aside 1/3 POsh plus 2 cm and set the point P1:

PP1 = 12:3 + 2 = 6 cm.

Root depth. We set aside 5 cm from the point P down and set the point P2.

We connect points P1 and P2 with a concave curve.

Shoulder width. We connect the points P1 and P1 with a straight line and, continuing it by 2 cm, put the point P2.

Set aside 2 cm from the point G2 along the bisector of the angle and set the point O. To design the armhole of the back, we connect the points P2, O and G4 with a concave line.

Front height. From the point G1 upwards, set aside a value equal to the depth of the armhole plus 2 cm, and set the point P3: G1 P3 \u003d 12.5 + 2 \u003d 14.5 cm.

From the point P3 to the right we draw a horizontal line and the point of its intersection with the perpendicular restored from the point G3, we denote P3.

Neck width. From the point P3 to the right, set aside 1/3 POsh plus 2 cm and set the point P4:

P3P4 \u003d 12: 3 + 2 \u003d 6 cm.

Neck depth. From the point P3 down, set aside 1/3 POsh plus 5 cm and set the point P5:

Р3Р5 \u003d 12: 3 + 5 \u003d 9 cm.

We connect points P4 and P5 with a straight line. We divide the line P4P5 in half and mark the middle with the point O1. Set aside 1.5 cm from the point O1 at a right angle and set the point O2.

We connect points P4, O2 and P5 with a concave curve.

Clasp. From the points P2 and T to the right at a right angle, set aside 6 cm and put the points O4 and O5, which we connect with a straight line. Set aside 1 cm from the point O4 upwards and set the point O6. We connect points O6 and P2.

Shoulder slope. From the point P3 we set aside 1 cm down and put the point P4.

Front shoulder width. We connect the points P4 and P4 with a straight line and, continuing by 2 cm, put the point P5. Set aside 2 cm from the point G3 along the bisector of the angle and set the point O3. To design the armhole in front, we connect the points P5, O3 and G4 with a concave curve.

Or here is a pattern from the book (you can trace all the points according to this drawing and everything will be clear and understandable)

According to this drawing, you can make a bra pattern for children school age- a quote from the book!

Construction of a drawing of a sleeve pattern.

The width of the upper part of the sleeve. From the point G to the left, set aside one and a half width of the armhole of the dress (armhole width = 1/4POg) plus 4 cm (for all sizes) and set the point G1: GG1 = 5.5 + 2.25 + 4 = 12.25 (I take 12.5 cm).

The width of the lower part of the sleeve. From the point G1 to the left, set aside the width of the armhole of the dress plus 1 cm and set the point G2: G2 \u003d 5.5 + 1 \u003d 6 cm.

The width of the front roll. From the point G to the right, set aside 5 cm (for all sizes) and set the point G3.

From the points G2 and G3 we lower the perpendiculars and the points of their intersection with the bottom line we denote H1 and H2, and the point of intersection with the line of the elbow - L1.

Notch. From point L1 to the left, set aside 1 cm (for all sizes) and set point L2. We connect points G3, L2 and H2 with straight lines.

Distance to midpoint. From the point G to the left, we set aside the width of the armhole of the dress (5.5 cm) and set the point G4. From the point Г4 we restore the perpendicular and the point of its intersection with the horizontal line drawn from the point A, denoted by P.

Auxiliary point. From the G4 point upwards, set aside 2.5 cm (3.5 for all large sizes) and set the point O1. We connect the points O and O1 with a straight line and continue it until it intersects with the perpendicular restored from the point G1. We denote the intersection point as O2.

Set aside 1.5 cm from point P to the right (for all sizes) and set point P1.

Points P and O2, as well as P1 and O are connected by straight lines. We divide the straight lines PO2 and P1O in half and set aside 0.5 cm perpendicularly from the middle and set the points O6 and O5.

For large sizes, we act differently: from the point P1 down along the line P1O, set aside 4.5 cm (for all sizes) and set the point O4. From points O3 and O4 at right angles, set aside 1.25 cm for the bulge of the eye and set points O5 and O6.

To design the eye, we connect the points G2, O8, O2, O6, P, P1, O5, O, O7 and G3 with a smooth curve. I did not set points O8 and O 7, because so everything went fine. But for large sizes I will describe how to set them.

Set aside 2 cm from point G along the bisector of the angle and set point O7, and set aside 3 cm from point G1 and set point O8.

Continuing the construction of the sleeve ...

From the point G1 to the right, set aside 2.5 cm (for all sizes) and set the point G5, from which we lower the perpendicular to the intersection with the line H1H2 and designate the intersection point as H3. Set aside 2 cm from point H3 down (2.5 cm for large sizes) and set point H4 to ensure free movement of the arm when bending. To decorate the bottom of the sleeve, we connect the points H1, H4, H and H2 of the curve.

I also wanted to collect the sleeve at the bottom when sewing, but when I started sewing, I decided to leave the flared sleeve.

For the bottom of the dress I used a skirt "sun" according to the pattern in the photo.

Skirt length - 25 cm

The semi-circumference of the waist took the total length of the bottom of the bodice to the dress (Sweat) -29 cm.

We draw a horizontal line of arbitrary length, divide it in half and mark the middle with point A (see figure)

Waist length. From the point to the right, to the left and down, set aside 1/3 Pot minus 1 cm and put the points T, T1 and T2. Next, we connect them with a semicircle.

Skirt length. From the points T, T1 AND T2 we set aside 25 cm each and put the points H, H1 AND H2, WHICH ALSO CONNECT THE SEMICIRCLE.

Here are all the resulting patterns (here in the photo there are more patterns of slippers and hats):

And for the lining (thinner fabric)

I also sewed a hat and slippers for the costume. I didn’t make a master class of slippers, because. There are understandable ones on the Internet. And the hat was sewn from 4 wedges (there are cut out patterns in the photo) a three-layer hat: main fabric, synthetic winterizer and lining.

I won’t show how I sewed all the details, either. I do it not according to the rules of sewing, but as it is convenient for me, and my machine got stuck, so some of the work had to be done manually.pardon

I sewed, processed and decorated everything and this is what happened in the end:

1. Whole set: dress, cap and dance3 shoes

The hat is decorated with a frill, silver ribbon, tinsel and beads.

Elena Kozlova

Dear Colleagues, I would like to bring to your attention master class on making a costume of the Snow Maiden. There are many beautiful New Year's dresses in stores, but unfortunately they do not always fit the figure well. Before starting work, we looked with colleagues at what the local industry offers. We liked costume"Gzhel" firms "Batik". I took measurements from the educators who will play this role and got to work.

Costume consists of a shower warmer with peplum and long skirt. For top costume I took as a basis a pattern of a jacket of size 48 from a magazine "Burda".

For costume will be needed: three meters of brocade blue, turquoise or white color, one meter faux fur with a short pile, ten meters of decorative silver braid, a lock - a lightning sixty centimeters long, an elastic band, threads in the color of the fabric.

We translate patterns from the magazine and proceed to cutting out the details brocade suit. We pin the patterns, circle them, cut them out, taking into account the allowances for the seams.

Then we cut out the piping of the peplum, the cuffs of the sleeves and the front bar from the fur.

We pin the fur strap to the middle part of the shower jacket, sew it on and process the open edges of the fur with decorative braid.

We sweep away all the details of the shower jacket, make a fitting, eliminate the flaws in the pattern, sew and process the seams.

Let's move on to bass. We put the parts face to face with each other.

We sweep, stitch, turn out and iron the details. We close the open edge of the fur with braid. We lay a line at a distance of one centimeter from the edge and tighten the peplum.

We sew the finished parts to the bodice and make a fixing stitch.

We sew the details of the rack and sew to the bodice.

Now you can sew a lock - a zipper.

Let's move on to the sleeves. We put the parts face to face with each other.

We sew, process the seams and lay a line at a distance of one centimeter from the edge and tighten to form the sleeves.

We sew them to the product. The shower warmer is ready!

Let's move on to the skirt. From the remaining material we cut out the details of the skirt. Size of each details: height - 1 meter and width - 1.5 meters. We trim the bottom of the skirt with fur 20 centimeters wide and braid.

We bend the top by 3 centimeters, sew and insert an elastic tape. The skirt is ready.

Can be tried on costume!

Thank you for your attention.

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New Year's Eve is the time for matinees and masquerades. Children and adults are happy to change casual clothes on . No event is complete without main character- Snow Maidens. Girls and girls who are not afraid of the increased attention riveted to the young sorceress dress up as the granddaughter of Santa Claus. The outfit of the Snow Maiden can be purchased at the store or rented. But there are two big "buts".

First, it is the most requested holiday costume after the fur coat of Santa Claus. Popularity is reflected in prices. Secondly, if you buy your daughter an outfit in the nearest supermarket, her classmate may come in the same one, and the holiday will be ruined. To prevent coincidences, we suggest making a Snow Maiden costume. Put in a little effort and get a unique outfit for you or your daughter!

Snow Maiden costume: traditional or modern

We are used to seeing the granddaughter of Frost in a long fur coat or a warm A-line dress with patterns and fur trim. The Snow Maiden wears white boots with heels or felt boots, a luxurious kokoshnik or a hat. Her wardrobe is dominated by blue, white and silver. Blonde hair the sorceress hides under a headdress or collects in a braid to the waist.

Classic outfits of the Snow Maiden blue color with white trim
No blue clothes? Don't worry - the outfit can be made completely white!

IN last years Snow Maiden's costume has changed. A dress or fur coat has become tight-fitting and shortened down to the length of a “mini”, the kokoshnik is increasingly being replaced with a hat, and the pigtail with loose curls. Russian girls are looking at the image of Santa's helper, who wears a red dress or pantsuit with a black belt. In general, the choice is great.

Ready-made Snow Maiden costume

It is not necessary to create an outfit from scratch. Look for an unwanted dress or set of skirts and capes, shirts or blouses. It is desirable that the clothes be blue, blue or white. Although the Snow Maiden is a winter sorceress, do not take tight clothes that will be hot. But if you are going in a fancy dress, then, of course, you need to warm up.

Perhaps you have a dress or robe that is easy to change.

Trim the hem, the ends of the sleeves and the edges of the collar with white fur or silver tinsel. You can “ennoble” the dress with a sequin pattern, openwork snowflakes, shiny pebbles. The rest of the materials will be used to decorate felt boots and mittens. For a matinee indoors, it is better to choose white shoes or ballet flats.

We make the outfit of the American Snow Maiden from a short red dress or flared trousers and a long-sleeve sweater. It is enough to sheathe the edges of the clothes with white fur, put on a wide black belt, white or black shoes. It's great if the dress has a hood. Otherwise, wear a red Santa Claus hat. Before the New Year, they are sold at every turn.

Complete the red mini-dress with a white trim and a hat - and the outfit is ready!

How to sew a Snow Maiden dress?

If you have not found clothes that would suit Frost's granddaughter, sew them yourself. From materials, choose fleece or patterned brocade in blue or white. To determine the desired length of the fabric, add the length of the sleeve to the desired length of the dress. For the trim, take a white fur with a pile. Do not forget about threads, buttons, zippers or Velcro, as well as decor - the materials should be combined with each other. Work in the usual way.

Find a suitable pattern, and if you wish, draw it yourself. Transfer the pattern to the back of the fabric, cut out and baste the details. Try them on the model. If all the elements of the suit fit well, stitch the side and shoulder seams. Mark and sew the sleeves, sew fur to the hem and sleeves, add a zipper or Velcro. Decorate the outfit with rhinestones, pebbles, fabric snowflakes. Sew a belt from the rest of the fabric.

How to sew a cape for a Snow Maiden costume?

Despite all your efforts, the suit doesn't look smart? Complete it with a velvet and brocade cape. As a rule, it reaches the waist, but the length of the product depends on your choice. A short cape will fit into the outfit of a little Snow Maiden, and a long cape will replace a fur coat. Fabric consumption is two lengths of the cape plus seam allowances.

The pattern is very simple. You can apply it directly to the fabric, folded in half and fastened with pins. To make a large arc come out even, draw with strokes. For the throat, cut a semicircle with a diameter of 15 cm. If you make it narrower, the product will not fit well on your shoulders. You can collect the fabric at the neck into a drawstring and pull it off beautiful ribbon. Cut out the blank, tuck and stitch the sections of the cape. Decorate the hem and neck with white fur.

How to sew a Snow Maiden hat?

For sewing a headdress, use a pattern of any hat

It is advisable to make a headdress from the same fabric as the outfit. As a last resort, the patterns on the clothes and the hat should not differ much. An accessory with an ornament will suit a plain dress, and vice versa. The Snow Maiden's hat consists of six wedges. To calculate the size of each of them, determine the circumference of your head, add three to this number and divide the sum by six.

The height of the headgear is measured from the ear to the top of the head. Transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut out, taking into account the seam allowance. Grind wedges on sewing machine, trim the bottom with fur or silver tinsel, sew a pompom to the crown. Decorate the hat to your liking.

How to make a kokoshnik of the Snow Maiden?

Decoration of the kokoshnik with beads, rhinestones and sequins

IN folk tales Frost's granddaughter wears a traditional headdress with a "snow" ornament. To create it you need:

  • elastic wire;
  • beautiful fabric in silver or blue;
  • collar glued fabric or cardboard;
  • Super glue;
  • paper clips;
  • at least 5-6 hours of free time.


Measure the diameter of the head and sketch out the kokoshnik, indicating the length of the rim and top. From two pieces of wire, fold the frame of the rim, from one - the crown. Build the middle of the rim from cardboard or collar fabric. The larger its width, the better the kokoshnik holds. Attach the part to the frame over the edge, securely tightening the ends of the wire. Lubricate the structure with glue. Cut out the top of the kokoshnik from cardboard and sew it to the wire.

Creating a base for a kokoshnik: wire frame

Glue the fabric over the back of the product, cutting out the part with allowances and wrapping them on the front side. Use paper clips for fastening. Trim the bottom of the headband with fabric cut along the bias thread. Wrap the allowances on the front side outward. On the back side, fold or cut the allowances to the edge (depending on the texture of the fabric), and then glue. Glue the top of the headband and the crown with a fabric cut off to the edge.

Instructions for gluing a kokoshnik with cloth and beads

Do not be afraid to leave seams on the product: they are easy to hide under jewelry. If you did everything right, the kokoshnik is ready to wear and is firmly attached to the head. It's decor time! A plain kokoshnik can be decorated using the quilling technique, painting on fabric or ornaments from decorative pebbles and sequins. If the fabric is colorful, do not overdo it with the design. Decorate the edges of the crown and rim with Christmas beads, pebbles or satin ribbon.

Adding a kokoshnik with a tulle cap and a bow

Glue a tulle "hat" under the base, which will secure the kokoshnik on the head. On the front side, the “hat” goes on the forehead, on the back - it is going to the elastic. Sew on the back of the tie for a bow that will fit into the design of the folk headdress. The work is long and laborious, but the result is worth the effort! Instead of a kokoshnik, you can use a white headband with snowflakes glued to it, or a children's diadem sprinkled with sparkles.

On the eve of the New Year, many women are concerned about the choice, purchase or manufacture of fancy dress for children, and quite possibly for themselves. carnival costume Snow Maiden is perhaps the most sought after among ladies of all ages. Each age has its own design features for the New Year's costume of the Snow Maiden. When choosing a style, in order to sew a Snow Maiden costume with your own hands, you can take as a basis a pattern of a robe, a skirt with a line, a dress or even a sundress, which is complemented by a transparent cape or an elegant boa.

The proposed pattern of the Snow Maiden costume is suitable for a teenage girl, and for a young girl, and for a young slender woman.

You will need:

  • pastel-colored fabric (blue, pink, lilac, coffee, cream, white, light gray) with a shiny surface or silver;
  • short-haired artificial light fur (you can use a material with a pile, such as velvet or velor);
  • paper for building patterns;
  • graphite pencil;
  • ruler;
  • sewing accessories;
  • sewing machine.

How to sew a Snow Maiden costume?

1. We take measurements. We line up patterns of a shelf and a back, a two-seam set-in sleeve.

2. We transfer the pattern to the wrong side of the fabric folded in half. We cut out the details, adding 1.5 - 2 cm for seam allowances.

3. Tailoring of the Snow Maiden costume is carried out in the following order:

  • we grind tucks on both shelves and back;
  • we grind the shoulder and side seams, we overlock;
  • we grind the seams of the sleeves, we overlock;
  • we grind the sleeves with the base of the “fur coat”, we overlock the seams.

For a young lady, you can make the “fur coat” shorter.

4. We cut out narrow strips from a fleecy fabric with a blade. We cut the fabric from the wrong side to avoid breaking off the villi. We sew a fur trim along the sides and bottom of the "fur coat".

5. From the fabric we cut out a round hat, consisting of four equal wedges, sew the parts together and sew the fleecy edge to the finished product.

If desired, you can decorate the “fur coat” with overhead applications, embroider with rhinestones, beads, beads, lace or sequins. If you are afraid to ruin your hair, instead of a hat, you can use a light kokoshnik or sew a double ribbon from the same fabric as the suit, decorating it with decorative elements present on the “fur coat”.

Don't forget to pick up nude or white tights! The Snow Maiden costume can be supplemented with light boots, a soft muff or mittens to match the “fur coat”.

And for a little girl, you may need, which is also easy to sew with your own hands!

Santa Claus comes to us with his granddaughter - the Snow Maiden. Even if they do not enter the house, then they will certainly appear on the TV screens. And then someone in the family or from friends decides to dress up for the carnival in the costume of the Snow Maiden. He is liked by many of the fair sex. After all, a girl or even a mature lady who puts on the Snow Maiden costume looks like a queen - it is so elegant and luxurious. Indeed, a well-executed outfit can make its mistress delightfully charming, downright charming.

Options for outfits for the granddaughter of Santa Claus

There are several varieties of Snow Maiden's attire. These are the options:

  • the costume of the Snow Maiden from a long fur coat "to the floor" with a hat and a fur trim;
  • a short sexy fur coat with a hat or kokoshnik trimmed with fur;
  • floor-length dress with lace inserts, transparent sleeves and kokoshnik.

Features of the masquerade attire of the Snow Maiden

The main elements in this outfit are sequins, rhinestones, fur, lace. Often the Snow Maiden costume includes:

  • high collars trimmed with beads, beads, pearls, rhinestones and lace;
  • capes with fur trim;
  • mittens with embroidery and fur;
  • couplings;
  • transparent raincoats or long capes (for dresses).

Cape for outfit

By the way, the ability to sew this little thing is useful not only for making the Snow Maiden's New Year's costume. It looks great winter and demi-season coat with a cape. Yes, and some styles of dresses suggest this detail, both made separately and sewn into the outfit.

There are several options for sewing a cape. It can be done:

  • circular "sun", with a slit in front and a neck;
  • "semi-sun", from a circle with a cut out segment;
  • with oblique shoulder seams;
  • completely repeating the shape of the shoulders with arms down.

Capes are made from various materials. Used for sewing lace, transparent materials, knitwear, fur, the main fabric of the outfit. When making a Snow Maiden costume for a girl, it is best to use a cape pattern with oblique shoulder seams. It is recommended to sew it from the fabric of a fur coat and trim it with fur.

Cape pattern

If you wish, you can make a simply luxurious snow maiden costume with your own hands. The photo shows how great a very little girl looks in this elegant outfit. Probably, a cape plays a huge role in attire - a retro accessory that came to us from the past.

Making a pattern with beveled shoulder seams is quite simple if you carefully consider the drawing. You need to make two patterns: for the front and back.

The back half is cut out by folding the fabric in half and attaching the pattern with the vertical side to the fold of the material. The front consists of two parts. It is slightly wider than the back, as a few centimeters are given for the design of the fastener or hem. It should also be remembered that the front is always a little wider than the back of the garment.

Sewing mittens for the outfit of the Snow Maiden

Everyone remembers that, although it is warm in the festive room, it is winter outside. And the granddaughter of Santa Claus herself came to us from the northern city. That's why new Year costume Snow Maiden is unthinkable without such an attribute as mittens.

Making a pattern for mittens is easy. You just need to put your palm with folded fingers on the paper and circle it along the contour. When cutting, you should remember about the seams and that the palm was outlined without taking into account the volume of the hand. Therefore, you need to make about two centimeters of allowances along the entire contour.

Cut out four pieces. Two details are cut "obvious", and a pair - inside out. Sew the mittens by folding the patterns with the right sides inward. Then the blanks are turned inside out and trimmed with fur.

Making a hat for the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus

The headdresses of both characters are sewn identically. The basis of the hat is made of four “irons” - this is how tailors jokingly call the type of this pattern. And it really resembles the sole of an ironing tool.

The “iron” pattern is prepared according to the drawing, where the lower base of the part is equal to a quarter of the volume of the head. The height of the figure is equal to half the size of the head, taken between the middle of the ears through the top of the head.

In addition to the base of the cap, you need to prepare a lapel - a strip for trimming of arbitrary width and length equal to the volume of the head. You can measure the volume of the head by measuring the circumference of the head through the middle of the ears with a centimeter.

Wide sleeves in the outfit of the Snow Maiden

Airiness, some ephemeralness are given to this character by flying flowing fabrics and a magnificent cut of the robe. For example, the Snow Maiden costume, the photo of which is presented here, has luxurious wide sleeves with a wavy edge trimmed with fur. This creates the effect of fabulousness - as if a huge outlandish bird flew to the holiday from a childhood fairy tale.

It is not so difficult to cut out such sleeves. It is enough to take a pattern of an ordinary sleeve and spread the seam lines to the sides as much as the width of the fabric allows. Any edge line can also be cut. Only the hem of an uneven sleeve will now be more difficult to perform than it is done with a regular cut. You will need to use either undercut or bias trim.

Fitted coat, floor length

This is the most common costume of the Snow Maiden. The photo shows how elegant this character looks in an outfit that emphasizes the charm of a female figure.

Such a coat is usually sewn from satin fabric. Lining silk is also suitable. The color of the material is best to choose either white or blue. Although other shades of blue would be quite appropriate here.

The pattern of the Snow Maiden costume is based on the principle of a fitted long dressing gown. You can also use the clothes from the wardrobe that have been lying around unclaimed for a long time. You will need to remove the parts template from it. Most often, dressmakers simply rip open the old outfit at the seams, smooth the details with an iron - that's it. ready-made patterns for an outfit.

Short coat, straight silhouette (cut)

You can make a Snow Maiden costume for a girl without tearing open old dresses. In order to cut a short straight coat, you should build simple pattern. This option is suitable for those who need to make a Snow Maiden costume with their own hands in an extremely short time.

Of course, it is better for novice craftsmen to try to draw patterns on paper, then cut a thing from old sheets, which they decided to put on rags, sweep and try on - check the correctness of the pattern. But an experienced tailor can immediately cut on the fabric.

A rectangle is drawn with dry soap or chalk. Its length should be equal to twice the length of the product, since the shoulder seams will not grind. The cross fold line of the pattern will play their role.

The width of the rectangle should be equal to the width of the coat. The front will need to be cut in half lengthwise just to the center point (where the diagonals intersect). Here the neck is formed. It is deeper in the front than in the back.

The sleeves are also rectangular in shape. The fold of the fabric runs along.

Short coat, straight silhouette (tailoring)

It is recommended that you first sew cut, but not stitched, sleeves to the main rectangle. The blank will resemble a cross or a helicopter (without a tail). After that, you can stitch the side seams of the fur coat along with the seams in the sleeves. Finishing is done either with fur or white fleecy fabric. Sometimes it is also made from satin. You can use pompoms, tinsel, large buttons trimmed with fabric, a sash or a wide belt.

Fur coat "sun-flared" with a round yoke

You can quickly sew such a costume of the Snow Maiden with your own hands. The photo also demonstrates how elegant, elegant and even luxurious it can turn out.

For a coquette, cut a circle with a radius equal to the height of the chest. The yoke has a slit in front. In the center of it you need to make a neck of an arbitrary size.

The lower part is also cut in the shape of a circle. Its radius is equal to the length of the product minus the radius of the coquette. In the middle of the pattern, a concentric circle is placed, the circumference of which is equal to the girth of the body in the place where the yoke will be connected to the lower part of the outfit. You can calculate the radius of the inner circle using the formula: half the length of the girth of the body, divided by 3.14.

The yoke is trimmed with fur, embroidered. The skirt (lower part) is sewn from below to the yoke in such a way that the upper part overlaps.

Not an even hem looks very beautiful, but a figured one. The fluffy pompoms made of fur sewn to the bottom of the robe look just great.

The sleeves of this outfit can be of any style, at the request of the master.

Kokoshnik for the Snow Maiden

You can replace the hat with a beautiful kokoshnik. It is made by the most different materials. The simplest is made of cardboard and decorated with sequins, tinsel, cotton wool, foil figures, beads.

You can make a kokoshnik frame out of wire, pull white or blue lace over it and embroider it with silver threads, beads, tinsel. Nylon, chiffon or other transparent fabric would be appropriate here.
