How to remove wax stains from clothes. Removal of wax and paraffin stains - Irzeis

Got your favorite clothes stained with wax? It is not at all necessary to throw it away or calculate how much dry cleaning costs. Our ancestors knew how to remove wax from clothes using improvised means, and shared their secrets.

Have you had a romantic dinner with your loved one by candlelight? And before that, of course, it was not without wax depilation… Despite unforgettable moments, backfires are inevitable.

As well as after the New Year, Easter or Christmas, the obligatory attribute of which are candles. And these "consequences" often become stains on your beloved elegant dress which cannot be removed.

How to remove wax from clothes without going to the dry cleaner? There are several effective methods, which are used depending on the type of material on which the wax has fallen. But almost all of them are united by a common feature - the use of high or low temperatures.

Experienced hostesses know that it is impossible to remove traces of wax - due to the specific structure, the product does not dissolve in either water or detergents.

Linen, cotton, calico - natural materials which are the easiest to clean. To do this, it is enough to take a thin cotton weave, paper napkins and heated to 50-70 ° C.

Under the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing where the wax stain is located, several napkins should be placed, and cotton fabric should be placed on top of them. Then you just need to iron this "design" with an iron. Thus, the wax will melt and be absorbed into the napkins and fabric. The procedure can be repeated several times, changing napkins and cloth to clean ones.

To remove small spots, it is enough to use a spoon heated in boiling water.

You can remove wax from unpretentious materials in another way. Boil water in a large container and put a cloth in it for a few seconds. When greasy spots appear on the surface of the water, remove the item and inspect it.

If it is not completely cleared, then you need to repeat all the steps again. Then wash the product in soapy warm water and rinse first in warm, then in cold.

These methods cannot be used if there is a stain from dyed wax on the clothes. The dye under the influence of temperature will be absorbed even more and then it will be impossible to remove it. In this situation, it is better to use a stain remover.

2. Jeans

Wax stains on denim removed in a similar way - with an iron. But first, the soiled thing should be frozen, leaving for a while in.

Frozen wax crumbles easily if the product is rubbed, as when washing. Then it remains only to use the iron and napkins to remove the remnants.

3. Synthetics: silk, satin, organza, chiffon, wool

These fabrics are more difficult to clean, since they practically cannot withstand high temperatures. It is important to first pay attention to the label from the manufacturer and set only the permissible temperature on the iron.

To clean suede, you need to cover the stained area. paper napkin and gently lean against the iron for a few seconds. It is not allowed to keep a hot iron on a suede surface for a long time. Otherwise, dents or gloss may appear. If this does not help, you need to prepare a mixture of the following components:

  • 35 ml of ammonia;
  • 10 ml of wine alcohol;
  • 50 ml of gasoline.

A simpler composition: dilute 0.5 teaspoon of ammonia in 1 liter of water.

It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in the prepared solution and apply it to the spots for a minute. Then wipe the suede with a clean, damp cloth. The structure of suede after the procedure is easy to restore by holding it over the steam.

How to remove wax from suede shoes?

You just need to hold it over the steam. After the shoes have cooled down, you should clean the stains with a stiff brush. If necessary, repeat the procedure until completely cleansed. Particularly difficult traces of wax can be cleaned with ammonia or gasoline.

Materials with unstable paint

The situation is almost the same as with colored wax. Freeze the wax, then crumble it with your hands, rubbing it thoroughly. Then sprinkle the soiled area with talc or chalk and cover with a paper towel. Put something heavy on top and leave for 2-3 hours. After that, clean the stains with a brush and wash the clothes in soapy water to wash off the remnants of the absorbent (talc, chalk) with wax.

Cleaning up leftovers

To remove greasy stains left after wax, the following products are suitable:

  • ammonia;
  • kerosene;
  • unleaded gasoline;
  • acetone;
  • turpentine;
  • solvent;
  • synthetic detergents;
  • dishwashing liquid.

After processing, the material should dry well and only then it can be washed. However, it should be borne in mind that if the wax is not removed immediately, it will be almost impossible to remove it after a few days.

Attention! If it is difficult to determine which cleaning method is right for your item, then it is better not to risk it, but to use the services of dry cleaning (especially if wax stains are seen on expensive clothes). Firstly, it is much easier for professionals to cope with such a task. Secondly, in case of failure, they will reimburse the damage for the damaged item.

Nowadays, people rarely use candles in Everyday life. The need arises only for a romantic dinner or a power outage. After using candles, a person may find wax on their clothes.

In this situation, the question immediately arises of how to remove wax from a candle, ordinary washing in this situation is more likely to not help, but there are other ways to remove wax from clothes.

Methods for removing wax stains

Before removing the wax from the surface of the fabric, you must wait until it hardens.

When it has acquired hardness, you can use any blunt object and scrape it off the surface. The main thing is not to touch the drops while they are of a liquidish consistency, if you start rubbing fresh paraffin, you can smear it over the surface of the fabric and the speck will become larger.

Before removing, you need to consider the type of fabric and its color.

There are several ways to remove wax from the surface of the fabric:

  1. To remove a stain from white wax, you need to dip the stain in boiling water several times, the speck will melt and you just need to wash it. After that, the thing is thoroughly rinsed in water.
  2. You can clean the hardened wax, cover the stain with chalk or talc, put a napkin and some kind of weight on top. After about an hour, the clothes are carefully rubbed with a brush, followed by a sponge soaked in water.
  3. If the material can be washed in hot water, then it is necessary to pour water (60 0 C) into a basin, add the powder and place the soiled clothes there for half an hour. After the clothes are washed and rinsed thoroughly. If the washing machine provides for washing at this temperature, then you can use it.
  4. The most convenient way is to put the thing in a bag and put it in the freezer for half an hour, if the stain is large, then you can leave it there for several hours.
  5. Another common method of getting rid of a wax stain is heating with an iron. A rag folded in half is placed on the ironing board, a soiled thing is placed on it. Put a napkin and a rag on top of the stain. With the help of an iron, the stain is carefully ironed until the speck passes to the rag. If the stain is not big size, you can use a heated spoon instead of an iron.

After any of the methods, the clothes must be washed thoroughly to remove traces of wax.

Wax intended for depilation cannot be removed so easily, it hardens quickly enough, but does not scrape off, and it will not work to wash it off. When heated, it is very likely that paraffin will get on other surfaces.

Many ladies, faced with this unpleasant situation, are wondering how to remove depilatory wax from clothes. , without damaging the material.

To remove it, you need to remove it from the surface of the fabric as soon as possible, without waiting until it hardens, and drop a little oil on top and rub it. After that, apply dishwashing liquid to the stain and wash it.

In salons, there are special products for sale that are designed to remove wax. You can purchase such a solvent for these purposes, but you need to use it with extreme caution so as not to spoil the clothing material.

It is almost impossible to get rid of a stain that came from a colored candle. In no case should you try to remove paraffin with an iron, this will only aggravate the situation. In this case, you must proceed as follows:

  • put a bag of ice on the stain;
  • after the wax hardens, carefully wrinkle the thing and shake off the paraffin so that it does not remain;
  • to get rid of a greasy stain, it is necessary to rinse it thoroughly under water, soak it in any stain remover and wash it in a typewriter after a few hours;
  • if the paint from the paraffin was washed off, and the stain itself remained, then you can use the method of heating with an iron. If in the process the iron itself left a dirty mark, then you need to know

It may happen that the wax disappears, and the paint remains from it, in which case you can sew on a patch or a decorative patch.

The choice of method for wax removal directly depends on the material of the clothing.

The best option is to take and take the soiled item to dry cleaning, but in this case you will have to spend money.

For any fabric there is a method for removing paraffin. If you follow the tips, then this procedure can be done without much effort.

natural fabrics

Natural materials are very much appreciated and in special cases, a person will definitely wear a thing made of such fabric. If wax from a candle gets on such clothes, the owner will be very upset.

Paraffin stains should be removed from the fabric only after they have completely dried and hardened. After that, you can use any blunt object to remove the top layer of paraffin.

This must be done with any fabric first. Next, you need to choose the most convenient way to remove the stain and strictly follow all the tips so as not to spoil the thing completely.

Wax can be removed from woolen clothes, cotton fabrics and any dense material that has increased resistance to high temperatures using hot processing.

There are several methods of heat treatment:

  1. To remove stains using an iron, you will need several cotton cloths. The first rag is placed on the ironing board, a thing with a paraffin stain is placed on it and a rag is placed on top again. The iron must be set to the minimum temperature setting for the type of fabric. The stained area must be ironed several times. If the stain has not completely disappeared, you need to change the cloth and repeat the procedure.
  2. If the fabric is too thin and the iron cannot be used, a hair dryer will come to the rescue.. Clothes need to be laid out, place a napkin over the stain and heat it using a hair dryer. From the stream of air (hot), the paraffin will melt and stick to the napkin. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  3. You can remove paraffin with steam; an iron is perfect for this purpose. To do this, you need two napkins, clothes are placed between them and steam is applied to the soiled area. In this case, the iron does not need to be applied to the fabric, they are driven from above at a short distance so that the steam reaches the surface of the material.

In this way, only colorless paraffin stains can be removed. If there is a dye in the wax, then under the influence of high temperature, it will be deeply absorbed into the material and it will be almost impossible to remove it.

After hot treatment, a stain from the removed wax may remain; to eliminate the stain, it is necessary to soak a cotton swab in alcohol and rub the speck.

For delicate fabrics, you need to use a gentle method, on the stain formed, you need to drop dishwashing liquid, evenly distribute it over the entire stain and leave for 10-12 hours.

After the time has passed, the thing must be washed. The liquid should not be washed off before washing. Suede clothing should not be exposed to the hot temperature of the iron, otherwise it will be completely damaged.

To remove wax from such a material, you need to hold the item over the steam from the kettle for some time. When the paraffin melts, it is carefully removed with a napkin or sponge.

A suede thing can be treated with turpentine or gasoline (refined).

Cotton wool or a screw is moistened with any of these agents and applied to a wax spot for a quarter of an hour. After that, the item must be washed by hand in warm water and rinsed.

You can prepare a special solution that is suitable for suede and velvet material.

For it, you will need to mix gasoline (50 g), ammonia (35 g) and wine (10 g) alcohol. In the resulting consistency, cotton wool or bandage is moistened and applied to the wax for about 2 minutes. After that, the item is subjected to hand washing and rinsed thoroughly.

In cases with synthetic materials, heating or ironing can be applied only using the appropriate temperature setting.

Synthetic fabric exposed high temperatures can melt, it is for this reason that the use of an iron can be resorted to in extreme cases.

The temperature must be set to the lowest possible and select the “delicate ironing” mode.

The main method used to remove paraffin from synthetic items is hand washing.

You need to pour water into the basin no more than 70 0 С, for the greatest accuracy, you can see the temperature indicated on the tag.

The product must be put in water for a short period of time and with a napkin or sponge remove the paraffin. This must be done very carefully so as not to rub the wax over the surface.

Stories from our readers!
"This cleaner was given by my sister when she found out that I was going to clean the brazier and the wrought-iron gazebo in the country. I was delighted! I did not expect such an effect. I ordered the same for myself.

At home I cleaned the oven, microwave, refrigerator, ceramic tiles. The tool allows you to get rid of even wine stains on carpets and upholstered furniture. I advise."

Generic Methods

There is one universal way to remove wax from a candle that is suitable for almost any fabric.

In the winter season, you can hang clothes on the balcony so that the wax hardens and simply scrape it off with a fingernail or any blunt object, you can use the blunt side of a kitchen knife.

If it's summer outside, then you can wrap the thing in a bag and put it in the freezer for a while. If it is not possible to put clothes in the freezer, then you can put ice or something frozen on the stain for about half an hour.

Precautionary measures

As soon as a wax stain appears on the fabric, it is better not to touch it. If necessary, you can gently blot the spot with a napkin. In no case should you rub the stain, otherwise the wax will be rubbed over a larger surface, and it will be much more difficult to remove it.

When using a special solvent, you must wear gloves to protect your hands and be sure to wear a mask so as not to harm the respiratory tract.

Before using the solvent, it must be checked on a small piece of material, if the fabric has not changed color and remains the same without streaks, then you can safely use this wax remover.

After working with the solvent, the room must be thoroughly ventilated.

Wax stains are rare, which is why most people don't know how to remove them. There is nothing complicated in this, the main thing is to follow all the recommendations and precautions.

Did you get paraffin on the fabric? Don't be in a hurry to get upset, there are many ways to remove wax from clothing so that it does not leave stains. Depending on the composition of the contaminated tissue, you will need different set improvised means: iron, paper napkins, rags, turpentine, refined gasoline, wine or ammonia.

Ways to remove candle wax from fabric

The first stage, common to all things, is the mechanical removal of hardened wax. Wait until the paraffin becomes solid, and comb off the drops with a non-sharp object. Work slowly and carefully so as not to damage the fabric. When you remove the wax, you will notice that there are greasy or colored stains on the clothes. Eat simple ways bring them out.


Clothing made from fabrics of artificial origin is capricious to high temperatures, so boiling and ironing methods are not suitable for it. To remove wax from synthetics, use one of the following methods:

  1. Lay a clean, slightly damp towel on the ironing board, place the soiled clothes on top and cover with a thick cloth. Heat the iron to the lowest temperature, iron the dirty area. When the wax is completely absorbed into the towel, wash the item as usual.
  2. Paraffin can be removed from artificial or natural fur on a coat by freezing. Place the thing in the freezer or hang it on the balcony for 2 hours (if the temperature is below zero outside the window). After that, the wax will be well removed from the villi. You can use an ice pack to freeze the paraffin.
  3. Soak contaminated clothing for 2 minutes in water heated to 50-70°C. Next, use a clean rag to remove the remaining wax. Do not try to scrub the stain, as this will make the situation worse. If the problem is not solved the first time, repeat the procedure.
  4. If the clothes cannot be washed, treat the contaminated area with a cotton swab soaked in medical or denatured alcohol at a temperature of 45 ° C. The stain should be wiped every 10 minutes until it disappears completely.
  5. The wax mark on velvet, plush is removed with warm alcohol or turpentine.

    In one of these liquids, you need to moisten a cotton swab and blot the dirt. Then wash the item in warm soapy water and rinse well.


The material is resistant to shrinkage and deformation, so stains can be removed from it both cold and hot. Options for action:

  1. For 30 minutes, soak the product in hot water (50-60 ° C) with powder. Wash the item intensively by hand or in washing machine.
  2. Preheat the iron and iron the clothes through a paper towel or cotton cloth.
  3. Freeze the garment and clean the paraffin mechanically. Wash the item in warm soapy water.

natural fabrics

Clothing made of cotton and wool can withstand high temperatures, so the wax can be easily removed using a hot iron and paper towels.

Put blotting papers under and on the dirt. Iron the wax stains until the grease is no longer absorbed by the towels. You can clean wax from linen clothes in the same way, but put cotton fabric and wet gauze, and on top of a paper towel or napkin in two layers. If the stain is dyed, the hot method cannot be used.

To remove paraffin wax and grease stains from clothing made from other natural fabrics/materials, use one of the following methods:

  1. To clean silk, apply cologne to the problem area. Leave clothes on for 15 minutes, then wash in warm water.
  2. Wax on a leather jacket is cleaned like this: take the clothes out in the cold for 30-40 minutes. Then fold the stained area in half. Paraffin will crack and be easily peeled off with fingernails or other non-sharp objects. Remaining greasy spot treat with a solution of laundry soap and water, then wipe dry.
  3. Plain natural fabric can be soaked in hot water (60°C) for 20 minutes. Paraffin will begin to melt and come off without a trace.
  4. To remove colored wax stains from cotton and linen, use a homemade solvent. Mix refined gasoline for lighters, wine alcohol and ammonia in a ratio of 1:1:6. Dampen a cotton pad with the solution and blot the stained area. Leave for 10 minutes, remove the residue with a wet warm cloth. The method is not suitable for clothes made of wool, silk, satin.
  5. Grease stain on fine wool or colored natural fabric can be washed with detergent. Apply it to the pollution with rubbing movements, leave for 2 hours. Wash normally.
  6. Method for cleaning bright materials: dissolve 1 tsp in 1 liter of water. ammonia. Soak the item in this liquid, leave for 30 minutes, rinse well with scented conditioner. For things with lace inserts, beads, sequins, use the same method, but dissolve ammonia in 2 liters of water.

Decorative candles create a romantic atmosphere, emphasize the solemnity of the situation and the peculiarity of the current moment. The only pity is that the beeswax from which this element is made holiday decoration, when burned, it melts and leaves unaesthetic stains on the tablecloth, and sometimes on clothes. It is quite difficult to get rid of such contaminants, since hot wax instantly impregnates the surface of the material and solidifies between the fibers. The situation becomes more complicated if droplets of the substance fall on, which cannot be ironed and washed at high temperatures. And yet, there are several home remedies that will help to completely cope with stains from a melted candle.

Cold and heat against paraffin stains

Particles of the substance that have penetrated deep into the material can be removed using an iron.

It is easiest to remove wax or paraffin stains from natural fabrics that can withstand ironing and washing at high temperatures. It can be considered very lucky if a cotton blouse or wool skirt is dripped with a candle.

Seeing a spreading paraffin stain, you should not fall into despair and panic. In this situation, you need to act quickly and decisively. Since the molten paraffin becomes soft and plastic, you should not try to wipe off the drop with your hand - this way you can only increase the area of ​​​​contamination by smearing the stain over the surface of the material. It is better to blot a drop of hot paraffin with a paper towel, carefully applying it to the fabric, and remove the main part of the substance, preventing it from soaking into the fibers.

thermal effect

Particles of the substance that have penetrated deep into the material can be removed using an iron. To do this, you need to lay out the soiled clothes on the ironing board inside out, and place a clean paper napkin or white under the place of contamination.

Heating the iron to the highest possible temperature, the dirty place is gently ironed through an additional layer of matter. The wax will begin to melt and soak into the napkins, which will need to be replaced with new ones from time to time. This procedure should be carried out until greasy traces no longer appear on paper napkins.

After all the wax has been removed, all that remains is to remove the greasy stains left over from pollution. This can be done with a stain remover or regular laundry detergent.

There are things that cannot be ironed at all. For example, a cap or a cotton hat is stained with paraffin. In such cases, wardrobe items should be soaked in hot water for several minutes, and then cleaned with a clothes brush and laundry soap.


You can get rid of paraffin stains not only by heating, but also by freezing. Each hostess chooses the method that she prefers. The essence of cleaning by exposure to low temperatures is as follows. The clothes are packed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer for 2 hours. When the wax is well frozen, it can be scraped off with the tip of a knife or other sharp object.

How to remove dirt from synthetic material

Many do not withstand washing with water heated to a temperature of more than 30 ° C, and even more so ironing with a hot iron. To remove wax stains from such clothes, you will have to call on aggressive chemicals to help: ammonia and ethyl alcohol or turpentine.


A cotton pad or a piece of gauze bandage is moistened in a solution of ethyl alcohol and the surface of the fabric is wiped at the site of contamination. So that the stain does not increase in size, during processing they move from the edge of the stain to the center, and not vice versa. After the main part of the wax has dissolved, the product can be washed in the machine at the highest possible temperature.


To get rid of paraffin stains left by melted candles, you can use ammonia. To do this, make a weak solution by combining 1 tbsp. l. alcohol and 1 liter cold water, and abundantly water the spot with them. This method is great for any fabrics that require delicate handling.


This tool will be able to remove wax from clothes in just a matter of minutes. In order to get rid of fresh spot, it will be enough to moisten a cotton pad in turpentine and lightly rub the place of contamination. If traces of the candle are not found immediately, you need to apply a swab with turpentine to the soiled area and hold for about half an hour - this is the only way to achieve a positive result.


Normal detergent Helps remove wax stains.

If there was no alcohol or turpentine at hand, then you can use any dishwashing detergent to remove wax stains. A little Fairy is applied to the place of contamination and the product is set aside for 10-12 hours, after which it is washed in the usual way.

All of the above methods allow you to completely get rid of paraffin stains. The main thing is to carefully and accurately perform the cleaning work. If the clothes are not completely cleaned the first time, the procedure must be repeated.

Removing candle stains depending on the type of fabric

Starting to remove the wax stain, you need to focus on the type of fabric from which the affected clothing is made. If standard products and general rules, then fabrics such as suede, velvet, satin or natural fur, require a special attitude, and one cannot do without knowing the various nuances.


To remove melted wax stains from a natural jacket, you can use an iron.

  1. First, the frozen drop is scraped off with a sharp object: a knife, a thick needle, a toothpick.
  2. You should act very carefully, trying not to damage the structure of the material.
  3. Then slightly warm up the iron, put it upright and cover with a clean towel.
  4. In order to melt the wax, the product is applied to the sole of the iron protected by a towel. If you act in the usual way, that is, iron the suede, shiny stripes will appear on the surface of the fabric, which will spoil appearance clothes.

Items that cannot be ironed, such as hats or boots, can be cleaned with special means. To prepare it, you need to mix:

  • 45 ml of refined gasoline;
  • 10 ml of ethyl alcohol;
  • 35 ml of ammonia.

A cotton pad soaked in the resulting solution is applied to the contaminated area for several minutes, after which the wax residues are removed with a clean cloth.


clean up leather jacket from traces of paraffin, you can use steam. In a small saucepan, heat water to boiling point and hold the thing over the steam until the wax melts. The remaining greasy trace is washed off with hot water.


Both natural and artificial fur washing in hot water is not recommended. If a few drops of paraffin get on the fur product, you can get rid of the contamination by freezing.

  • Small items of clothing, such as a collar, hat or detachable cuffs, are frozen in the freezer.
  • For bulky items, such as a fur coat or coat, you can use pieces of ice.

Frozen wax becomes brittle and crumbles into small particles under any mechanical action, which can be easily shaken off the fur with a hand or a clothes brush.

Silk, organza, chiffon, satin

Dishwashing detergent can help remove melted candle stains from delicate fabrics. After the main part of the paraffin is removed, a detergent (preferably colorless) is applied to the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe material and the item is left for several hours. Finish the process of removing the stain by washing in the usual way.


When cleaning or can not do without organic solvents - turpentine or alcohol. A swab dipped in one of these substances is applied to the site of contamination for 15 minutes, after which the wax residues are removed with a damp cloth.

How to remove depilatory wax from clothes

Wax for depilation also leaves stains.

Many women use wax for depilation. This cosmetic product in addition to paraffin, it contains synthetic and wood resins, as well as various oils. It is difficult to remove stains that have appeared on clothes with careless handling of wax for depilation. But there is a proven way to completely clean clothes and remove this difficult contamination.

A few drops are applied to the stain and the product is left for 10-15 minutes, allowing the wax to soak in. After that, they wash the dirty place with the help of Fairy and place the item in the drum of the machine for further processing.

How to wash colored paraffin

The task becomes much more difficult if the clothes are stained with wax from a colored candle, especially when it comes to light things.

Important! Colored wax that has fallen on clothing should not be heated. From exposure to high temperatures, colorful stains will only be fixed on the fabric.

Thus, methods involving heating with an iron or washing in hot water disappear, and you will have to act as follows:

  • freeze the wax by covering the stain with pieces of ice;
  • destroy the structure of paraffin and shake off its remnants;
  • treat the contaminated area with a stain remover.

The result depends on the stability of the coloring agent added to the paraffin during the manufacture of the candle. It can be considered that the thing is saved if, after processing, the paint has completely disappeared and only a greasy stain remains, which any grease-dissolving agent can easily cope with.

It is much worse if the dye is so absorbed into the fibers that even a stain remover cannot cope with it. In this case, there is only one way out - to mask the pollution with embroidery or appliqué.

Removing wax stains from clothes so that there is no trace of them is not an easy task, but it is quite doable if you follow the instructions above.

It is hard to imagine a house without candles. They are lit not only on the occasion of holidays and to create a cozy atmosphere. The realities of our life are such that candles have to be used in more prosaic situations, when electricity simply goes out in the apartment. Wandering in pitch darkness around the house with candles in their hands, few people think to follow elementary rules security. As a result, wax and paraffin often remain not only on the fingers, but also get on clothes, furniture, expensive carpets, and even household appliances. And after each “end of the world”, many have to show miracles of ingenuity in order to clean damaged things from candle soot and frosted drops. It will be much easier to do this if you adopt a few simple effective rules.

Folk recipes

Wax and paraffin are the easiest to remove from metal and plastic surfaces. To do this, just take an ordinary knife and scrape off the drops with a blunt end, and then gently sweep away the formed candle shavings. A thin film of soot in this case will still remain, however it is easy to remove with ammonia, 1 teaspoon of which must be mixed with 50 ml of water.

How to clean candle stains from clothes

With clothes, things are somewhat more complicated, since it is far from always possible to completely remove droplets of wax or paraffin from the fabric. To begin with, it should be understood that while the soot is still warm, it should not be touched in any case. If this is done, then you can only aggravate the situation by smearing wax or paraffin with a thin layer over the product, after which it will be much more difficult to remove it. It is best to immediately take off your damaged clothes and arm yourself with an ice cube, which must first be placed in a plastic bag. Ice must be applied to the wax and paraffin drop so that it freezes as soon as possible.. Then it can be easily removed from the thing using the same knife. At the end of the procedure, a greasy, shiny stain will still remain on the fabric, which can be eliminated in several ways. the simplest and most effective of them is to heat the iron, arm yourself with a paper towel and iron the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing through it. Already after the first procedure, the remnants of wax and fat will remain on the napkin. If you repeat the manipulation several times, while changing the paper, then it will not be difficult to clean clothes from candle soot. Now all that remains is to wash your favorite blouse or trousers in order to return them to their impeccable appearance.

Indeed, it should be taken into account that this cleaning option is only suitable for natural fabrics that do not have lint. Velvet, for example, or a tapestry cannot be completely cleaned in this way. The same applies to silk, from which wax stains are very difficult to remove. If you dripped paraffin on clothes or upholstery from these fabrics, you should first “freeze” the stains and remove the main part of the soot with a knife. The remains can be tried to remove with a piece of gauze dipped in alcohol. For thin silk, however, this option is not suitable, so after removing carbon deposits, the fabric should be treated with ordinary cologne, which will allow you to get rid of the wax film on the product.
