How to take care of your face in your 20s. Complement your personal beauty calendar

In a wonderful period of blooming youth, facial skin care until the age of 25 usually does not make much effort. Indeed, in most young women, the skin looks great - teenage skin imperfections are behind, and age-related changes are still very far away. However, the skin during this period also requires some care. In order for a young and beautiful dermis to remain so for a long time, ladies from 18 to 25 years old need to carefully consider the line of care procedures.

Proper skin care up to 25 years

Facial care under 25 must be organized properly. Unfortunately, many girls with their characteristic youthful maximalism do not pay attention to the care of the dermis at all. Apparently believing that youth itself compensates for the lack of care. Another category of young women, on the contrary, takes care of their skin with excessive zeal, trying to apply as many cosmetics as possible. Both approaches are fundamentally wrong.

Proper Care for young skin is based on several basic principles:

  1. You need to determine your skin type. In this age period, it may undergo changes, become drier or, on the contrary, oily. A cosmetologist will help you find out if you belong to a certain skin type.
  2. You should not use cosmetics that are not suitable for age. Each age group of women has its own characteristics of the skin. Accordingly, their care should be different. Young girls are not recommended to use creams intended for women after 25 years of age. In other words - down with the care products of mothers, older sisters and girlfriends.
  3. You need to choose cosmetics strictly in accordance with the type of dermis of each woman.

At the time of carefree youth, girls rarely think about possible consequences lifestyle on the further condition of the skin. As a result, by the age of 30, the dermis may not look as wonderful as we would like. Therefore, starting from the age of 18, it is worth considering a few practical tips:

  • It is strictly forbidden to squeeze pimples. This can lead to the formation of wounds and subsequently scars.
  • Proper nutrition is key beautiful skin. Everyone knows about the positive effect of vitamins and minerals in healthy foods. And semi-finished products and fast food can spoil the stomach and, as a result, worsen the condition of the dermis.
  • Focus on quality sleep. Midnight walks and lack of sleep on the young dermis do not have such a substitutive effect as on the more mature one. Nevertheless, it is necessary to provide the body and skin with a good rest. In addition, it is worth carefully monitoring the posture during sleep. You should not often sleep on your stomach with your face buried in a pillow. This can lead to the appearance of early wrinkles.
  • The young dermis, like any other, needs to be protected from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. To do this, you need to purchase a sunscreen with an optimal level of SPF filter in the composition.

Facial skin care from 18 to 25 years old, as well as others age groups, consists of three main stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing.

But the cosmetics of a woman of twenty years and older will differ significantly in composition and functionality.

Facial skin care before and a little after 20 years of age involves the use of cleansers, tonics and moisturizers.

For washing, it is important to use foam, mousse or facial gels. As a tonic, ready-made cosmetic products, herbal decoctions, and even mineral water. Day protective cream is better to choose in the form of an emulsion or gel. By the way, these same remedies are perfect if the girl feels dryness of the dermis in the evening. apply special night cream not needed at this age.

When caring for skin at the age of 24 and at a much older age, it is worth learning one axiom - absolutely ALL skin care products should be selected taking into account the type of skin.

Various scrubs, peels and masks are considered additional means in the care of young facial skin. Such cosmetic products will more thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face and make it healthier and more radiant.

The best scrubs for skin

The palette of care products for girls from 18 years old should include the use of scrubs. Delicately cleansing the dermis, they remove dead skin particles from its surface.

Fans of home care should pay attention to scrubs based on coffee, sugar, oatmeal, sea salt. Young facial skin allows the use of such substances for the cleansing process, in contrast to the more mature dermis, which will need milder products.

The following scrub samples are considered suitable for young facial skin: Clean & Clear "Daily Blackhead Scrub", Vichy Normaderm Unclogging Exfoliating Gel, Lumene Matt Touch.

Peels and rolls

Facial peeling is considered an alternative option for scrubbing. Its purpose is not only to cleanse the dermis, but also to eliminate the remnants of dead cells. It is important to remember that at seventeen and after 25 this procedure will be radically different. In principle, peeling is not recommended for 17-year-old girls - the skin reserves themselves will cope with the problem of cleansing. After 20 years, peelings can be used, but only sparing, superficial ones. by the most the best option will be a periodic peeling procedure with fruit acids in the salon.

Peeling rolls are considered modern and convenient cleansers suitable for a young dermis. They have a light gel or paste consistency. The product is applied to the face and after a few minutes it is removed with massaging movements of the hands. Together with the product, dead skin areas are removed. Particularly popular modern women Japanese and Korean peeling rolls are used.

Popular representatives of this type of peeling are Elizavecca "Milky Piggy Hell-Pore Vitamin Bright Turn Peeling Gel", Holika Holika "Lazy & Easy Smooth Egg Peeling Gel", Deoproce "Premium Green Tea Peeling Vegetal".

Fabric and application masks

Modern care cosmetics never ceases to amaze with the abundance of products. So, the usual face masks are being replaced by fabric and application masks. In essence, such masks are pieces of fabric treated with a special serum. They are considered much more effective than usual, because they fit snugly to the surface of the skin, protecting it from exposure to air. This means that they prevent the evaporation of useful substances in the composition.

popular sheet masks Skin Rescue, Holika Holika, EKEL - Ultra Hydrating Essence Mask, Fibroin Ultra Firming Mask are considered.

Many undeservedly believe that going to a beautician is the lot of aging ladies who are struggling with wrinkles with all their might. However, it is not. Facial skin care at 20 years old can also include various salon procedures depending on the type of dermis and the presence or absence of problems with it. So, the most suitable caring procedures will be:

Face cleaning. If necessary, it is shown to all skin types, including teenage and young. The procedure is considered safe and usually does not have any contraindications. It is possible to clean the dermis both mechanically (with the help of hands) and using ultrasonic devices.

Mesotherapy. It is considered another popular caring procedure for young skin. It is the introduction of vitamins necessary for the dermis through subcutaneous injections. Mesotherapy improves blood circulation and promotes cell regeneration.

Biorevitalization. This procedure is usually used in skin care after 25 years. But sometimes it can be prescribed for teenage skin problems that have remained unresolved at the age of 18 years. With the help of injections, skin cells are saturated with hyaluronic acid. At a young age, biorevitalization procedures will help narrow pores and improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Improper care of young facial skin can provoke early aging processes. However, the lack of care is also not the most in the best way affect the appearance of a young woman. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to properly care for the skin up to 25 years old, while avoiding fatal care mistakes. Qualitatively selected cosmetics in tandem with the regularity of care will allow the skin to remain young and beautiful for a long time.

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Facial care after 20 years should be comprehensive. Some girls mistakenly believe that at this age you can do without caring cosmetics. However, this opinion is unfair. Indeed, after 20 years, women begin to use decorative products for the face. And this means that the skin needs proper cleansing and nutrition.

Skin cleansing after 20-25 years

Often foundation creams, powder, blush, or can "clog" pores. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the skin in a timely manner. To do this, you can use special scrubs and. Such products must be purchased depending on the type of skin.

After 20 years, black dots on the nose and cheeks are very often formed. You can clean them by steaming the face of the application. special masks. In addition, you can use at home a film mask of gelatin and activated charcoal. Experts recommend that in case of severe skin lesions, the presence of acne and acne, seek help from a beautician. He will be able to choose the right care products. Also, you can try mechanical cleaning faces.

Basic Facials

  • Hydration and nutrition.

Skin after 20-25 years needs regular moisturizing. For this, you can use special creams. Also, useful. It can be professional tools or products prepared at home. At this age, you should not overload the skin with various consistencies.

  • Toning.
  • Compresses and lotions.

Herbal compresses will help strengthen the inner layers of the epidermis. They take good care of the skin. If there are signs of inflammation on the face, then such lotions will quickly heal them.

  • Face massage.

This method will help strengthen the muscles of the face. After 25 years, some girls have the first wrinkles. recommended as a preventive measure.

Facial care after 20 should be aimed at maintaining the normal condition of the skin and preventing the first signs of aging. In any case, at this age, you should not apply excessively. a large number of decorative means. It is necessary to regularly give the face a "rest" from cosmetics.

Each age suggests its own approach: how to care for the skin of the face, what products to use, what to pay attention to, what methods of applying makeup are best suited. Those means and shades that were used at the age of 20 are already unacceptable to be repeated at the age of 30, and even more so at the age of 40. Cosmetical tools initially sold with a mark for a certain age: 20-25+, 30-35+, 40+ ..

How to care for skin after 20 years

If you are 20 or older, choose cleansers according to your skin type, pores, and concerns. If the pores are narrow and combination skin, give preference to mousses for washing, milk is best for dry skin, and oily skin feel comfortable after applying the gel.

The skin around the eyes at this age can be left without daily nutrition, providing moisture once a week. In addition, cosmetologists recommend applying care products to the earlobes so that they do not stretch and become flabby by the age of 30 and 40.

It is also important to remember that even at the age of 20, the skin gets dirty, especially if you live in a big city. Moreover, there are still echoes of adolescence and there may be hormonal changes, the sebaceous glands can accelerate the production of secretions. Therefore, be sure to provide light penetration cleansing routines every day and once a week do a deep cleaning: ultrasonic or chemical.

Some experts warn to be careful when using acne creams. If there is such a drawback, it is better to apply the acne remover only to problem areas and not touch the entire layer of the skin. This cream is too dry for the skin. After prolonged use, the skin quickly loses moisture, tone, begins to peel off and become covered with red spots, the condition of the capillaries worsens.

To get rid of acne, use essential oils aimed at drying and removing inflammation. Great help essential oil tea tree.

Remember!At the age of 20+, apply the anti-acne remedy pointwise, only on the affected area. Do not use soap to wash the skin on the face, it dries out and removes the protective barrier.

As for the cream, it is best to use a lightweight care formula. The cream should be easy to apply and absorb without problems. It is not recommended to use the dense texture of the product for the skin at the age of 20. Thicker creams are used in the next age category 30+. Do not use universal remedy for all skin types, choose the cream that suits your skin type.

How to take care of your skin after 30

For this age, a cosmetologist will be able to answer the question of how to care for facial skin. Although, first of all, the owner herself knows all the features of the skin, perception, problems and contraindications, one has only to observe oneself.

The key to beautiful and well-groomed skin at 30 is the beginning of facial care in early age(from the age of 20), proper washing and nutrition. Cleanse skin from day makeup stands every evening before water procedures. The cleanser should match the type of skin, it is very important to preserve the natural balance.

Choose the right water temperature for treatments. At the age of 30, the skin becomes sensitive and quickly loses its appearance. If you constantly wash your face with hot water: pores, capillaries expand, rosacea appears, flabbiness and forms are lost. Cold water stresses the skin and dries it out.

The ideal option for washing is cool water (room temperature) or alternating warm and cold water. In addition, it is useful to wash with decoctions of chamomile, sage, calendula, lemon balm, linden.

After 30 years, to maintain the skin and saturate it with vitamins, minerals and moisture, you should use natural products for the preparation of masks and compresses. It can be any vegetables, fruits, berries, milk and other products.

Choose a face cream according to your skin type and the number of wrinkles. If wrinkles do not bother you yet, you can not use lifting products. If the first signs of wrinkles have already appeared on the face, use special creams with a tightening effect.

It is indicated for women after 30 years of age to actively use facial rejuvenation procedures. This chemical peels For deep cleaning, mesotherapy procedures with hyaluronic acid to prevent tissue loss.

After twenty, there comes an age period in which various physiological changes occur with the body. In particular, the hormonal background completes the formation. The result is additions and changes in care that are undesirable to ignore.

What is the best way to take care of your skin? Water! For washing, it should be optimally + 34 ° C. Of the three well-known components of health - "sun, air and water" - only the last are suitable for us. The sun, especially artificial, should be avoided at all costs. Solarium generally contributes to the appearance of wrinkles strongly premature. True, they will appear not immediately, but in five years. But think before you get a "chocolate" tan.

So, on the face in the summer, a protective cream with a UV filter is desirable. Even to the store without makeup. It also protects against excessive pollution.

Dirt is what our "peach" fears the most. Twenty-year-old skin is very vulnerable to all sorts of pollution. Therefore, we have in our cosmetic bag products for cleaning, moisturizing, toning and peeling.

Not quite in the past. A remedy for their prevention should be selected and used regularly. The young body is unpredictable ...

Now about cosmetics. Of course, you will use it a lot. To health. But only she must - a prerequisite - be selected according to age. You should especially beware of anti-aging agents. They will significantly worsen the condition of the skin. Everything has its time - your time will come to rejuvenate. And now only care products for young skin. Moreover, we apply them regularly, along the massage lines, gently, lightly, patting. Recall the location of the massage lines:

  • chin - from the dimple to the ears along the lower jaw;
  • the middle of the upper lip - to the middle of the ears;
  • cheeks - from the corners of the lips all to the same ears;
  • from the wings of the nose - there;
  • forehead - from the center to the temples;
  • eyes - it is better not to touch the space around the eyes at all.

More about cosmetics - pick up the entire "arsenal" from one series. And keep it simple. you don't need super-mediums with super-effect at all. Natural ingredients are the basis of care. Folk remedies By the way, no one canceled either. We deal with the type of skin (we determine it ourselves or with the help of a beautician) and periodically arrange vitamin and nourishing masks, mix natural lotions and tonics, freeze medicinal herbs and use the resulting ice for rubbing.

We also need gymnastics. And control over facial expressions, which you need to accustom yourself to from a young age, so as not to lay the "base" for future wrinkles.

Summarizing, we can name the stages of caring for a twenty-year-old face.

1. Purification

We use foams, gels, dry products and special soaps for washing, and water + 34°C. This is for normal and oily. For dry - use cream and milk, for additional hydration.

2. Toning

This is necessary to preserve the natural even color. Tone after cleansing with lotion or tonic. Alcohol lotions, by the way, dry out the skin and make it prone to irritation. Better to do without them. Well, with oily skin, an option is possible to narrow the pores a bit. When dry - absolutely not. It is better to use the same brand of cleansers and tonics.

3. Hydration

Cream or gel. For oily - based on water. For dry - it is possible for fat. And better - nutritious cream, which forms a kind of protective film on the face that retains moisture.

4. Nutrition

It is best to nourish young skin at night. For this we use a night cream. Do not confuse with daytime, do not replace each other, but use both.

5. Peeling

Once every two weeks - dry skin, weekly - oily. We choose scrubs, again, according to the age category, and not rough. And after the procedure - moisturize and tone.


Good weekly or twice a week. You can use any natural ingredients that suit you, but the best thing is healing clay specially purchased from a pharmacy.

What is the problem: oiliness, rash, acne, dry tight skin

  • It is necessary to take care of the skin of the face from the age of 14. At this age, the mother should accustom her daughter to regular care (morning and evening), which primarily consists of competent cleansing. At the age of 20, it is already worth thinking about the first signs of aging, which may appear in a couple of years. It is at this time that the skin begins to lose moisture, dryness and a dull complexion may appear.
  • It is important to use a sunscreen with a high level of UV protection every day. After all, 80% of aging is the result of exposure to UV rays.
  • Nourish and moisturize the skin systematically. To do this, you should choose a serum, face cream and cream for the skin around the eyes. Ideally, supplement this with a special cream for the skin around the lips (in these places, it is also very delicate, like around the eyes)
  • The skin needs high-quality cleansing, for this you need a washing gel and a make-up remover (micellar water). Cleanse the skin in the morning and evening with massage movements.
  • At the age of 20, the skin is prone to acne and pimples. If such problems are still bothering, look for salicylic acid, zinc and clay in the composition of the products.

Skin care after 30 years

What is the problem: dark spots, the first signs of aging and wrinkles

  • Now you need a beautician. The choice of a specialist should be treated with all responsibility. It is this person who will help you get rid of wrinkles or increase their number (this is not a joke: an illiterate specialist can easily harm or aggravate the situation).
  • Anti-aging, nourishing, antioxidant, depigmenting serums should appear in your cosmetic bag, which should contain components such as vitamins A and C.
  • Pay attention to the skin around the eyes. The first wrinkles are always mimic.
  • Pay attention to the skin biorevitalization procedure. Now you should resort to this twice a year. This method will help enrich the skin with hyaluronic acid and refresh its appearance.
  • Continue to actively moisturize the skin.
  • Massage your face regularly.
  • Moisturizing masks should always be in your arsenal. These should be done at least once a week.

Skin care after 40 years

What is the problem: deep wrinkles, loss of elasticity, dryness

  • Now your skin is practically dehydrated, which means that regular use of serums and creams is a must.
  • It's time to think about beauty injections. Now you can't do without Botox injections.
  • Do not forget about the skin of the neck and décolleté, 2 times a year you should undergo a course of biorevitalization, bioreinforcement of the skin, plasmolifting.
  • The true age of a woman is given out by the skin of her hands, décolleté, neck and area above upper lip. These areas are especially important to take care of.
  • Now the main component in the composition of beauty products should be retinol (vitamin A), it protects cells from aging, and is also a powerful antioxidant.
  • Do not get carried away with massage, at this age, mechanical movements can only harm the skin, worsen the tightness.
