When should the cream be applied to the skin? Night cream - benefits and uses How to apply a night cream

Most face creams are divided into day and night. The difference is related to the tasks facing the contents of the jars. Day creams should save from wind, cold, sunlight and smog on the street, from the heat of batteries and stuffiness - indoors, evening - help recovery after a collision with numerous aggressive factors.

Why do we need different face creams?

During daylight hours, metabolic processes in the skin are slow. The dermis is “not configured” for active work and is as defenseless as possible. We, on the contrary, are full of energy and get down to business, boldly exposing our faces to dangers. If you use the right cream, the risk is minimal. The morning remedy should protect the skin from drying out and serve as a base for makeup.

Both roles become feasible due to a certain composition and qualities of the product. A good day face cream contains up to 80% water, UV filters, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, has a light texture, absorbs quickly and does not clog pores.

On the Sunset

In the evening, the body adjusts to rest and renewal. And the skin goes into active mode, takes an active part in the restoration of tissues and organs, including itself. During the night, she will have to make up for the daily loss of vitamins, nutrients, patch up microcracks, smooth out wrinkles formed due to active work mimic muscles, shed a layer of already outdated cells and prepare fresh ones for a meeting with harsh reality. To complete all these tasks without an assistant - a night face cream - is unlikely to succeed. That's why evening products are "richer" in composition: they contain many valuable ingredients, including beneficial amino acids, mineral salts and oils, softening and exfoliating components.

  • Cleansing the skin before applying day care is a must! The peak of sebum secretion occurs at 3-5 am, which can lead to blockage of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of inflammatory elements. ] The choice of cleanser depends on skin type and preference. Someone cannot imagine cleansing without water and therefore uses foams and gels, someone (especially people with dry and sensitive skin) prefers milk or micellar lotion.
  • Night cream is best applied at 8-9 pm, when the skin is most ready for the perception of active ingredients. But in the rhythm of the metropolis, it is more convenient to navigate by the time of going to bed. The night cream should be used at least 1.5 hours before you go to bed.
  • Many people think that it is better not to apply the cream at night, because the skin needs to breathe. Modern cosmetics do not interfere with skin breathing in any way, night products are part of mandatory care, so you need to use them every day.

I am sitting in a tent specially erected near the walls of the century-old Chateau-Frou, which is half an hour's drive from French Brest. In the tent, Doctor of Biology Matthias Rusing, Director of the Swiss company Lonza, which synthesizes biocomponents for the world's leading brands of care products, reports on the fundamentally new Blue Therapy night oil serum from Biotherm: “The main ingredient is oil obtained from marine microorganisms of the genus Ulkenia.

In it, the concentration of docosahexaenoic acid, a valuable omega-3 fatty acid with powerful regenerating properties, reaches 40%. In the fat of tuna or salmon, this acid is only 12%. Blue Therapy also has an unusual texture: 30% oil, 70% serum. The oil restores, the serum delivers the ingredients to the deep layers of the skin.

I test the product on my hand without leaving the tent. It is instantly absorbed and does not leave a film, although the consistency resembles oil. In the evening, already in the hotel room, I apply the serum on my face and understand that today I can do without the cream: I almost immediately feel how the skin is saturated with moisture. For those who have hyperdry skin and are not even subject to innovative products, the Blue Therapy line produces a night cream - serum reinforcement.

Stamps in Lately generally gave new meaning to the saying that sleep is a medicine. In 2013, more than five million night items were sold. Is darkness really a friend of the skin? How do remedies work while we sleep? What you need to know about the cosmetics with which we spend the night? Cosmetologists will answer these questions.

If the main task of the day cream is to moisturize, then the night cream is to restore. “During sleep, all the recovery systems of the body are activated and protein synthesis is accelerated. It is no coincidence that physiologists even call night the healing time,” says Tiina Orasmäe-Meder, cosmetologist, cosmetic safety expert at the Commission of the European Parliament, creator of the Meder brand. “Studies show that the skin absorbs active ingredients better at night,” adds Alain Mavon, MD, head of the Oriflame Skin Research Center.

But why, then, is it so popular to believe that a night cream is just a cream with a denser texture? “Firstly, not only, - corrects Andrey Alenichev, dermatocosmetologist, director of the Clinical Institute of Aesthetic Medicine. - A rich texture is usually due to big amount ingredients that restore the structure of the skin. The day cream is lighter because it is based on moisturizing ingredients. And for them, the fluid texture is more than enough.”

What are the features of night care for young and mature skin?

“Cosmetologists prescribe care, looking at the skin, and not at the passport,” Andrey Alenichev immediately clarifies. “Sometimes at twenty-five you need to use strong remedies, and sometimes thirty-five-year-old women have skin in excellent condition.” However, there are a few rules to follow.

If you have healthy skin without severe problems and your goal is just to keep it in this condition, look for venotonics (soothing ingredients, such as Centella Asiatica extract) and ceramides, which improve the lipid barrier.

“But for the age, all stimulating components will be useful: peptides, caviar, hyaluronic acid,” Tiina Orasmäe-Meder recommends. “Especially if you are taking a course cosmetic procedures- Andrey Alenichev continues the thought. “For example, a night cream with peptides will prolong the effect of botulinum toxin injections quite well.” For young skin, such heavy artillery will not only be harmful - it will simply be useless.

Do I need to apply serum before bed?

If you have normal, healthy skin, then the cream will be enough. If you are struggling, for example, with wrinkles or rosacea, then concentrates and serums are your allies. They have a higher penetrating power compared to creams and act directly on the root of evil.

But for sensitive skin, serums are not always useful: they can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Is it good or bad if you still feel the night cream on your face in the morning?

In the morning, you should not feel the presence of a night cream on your face. Of course, there are products for which the mask effect is just right. For example, winter protective creams. Another question: who needs them during sleep? Healthy skin is easily overloaded with dense textures. This can lead to enlargement of the pores and disruption of the natural lipid barrier.

Is it true that night care is more important than day care?

No. This issue cannot be prioritized. “For example, I prescribe night remedies to my patients under thirty-five only in case of major skin problems,” says Tiina Orasmäe-Meder. “In my opinion, a night cream becomes a really important element of care quite late: after forty years.” “In addition, there is no SPF in the night cream, which, in my opinion, is the most important component of the day cream,” adds Alain Mavon.

When to apply night cream?

“The ideal time for an evening ritual is around 20:00. At this time, the skin has the highest permeability, and the active ingredients reach their goal, ”says Svetlana Kovaleva, dermatologist.”

If you are not lucky enough to be at home at eight in the evening, apply serum and cream at least an hour before bedtime. “When you sleep, metabolism and respiration slow down in the skin, which means permeability. If before going to bed you feel that the funds have not been completely absorbed, blot your face with a napkin. Otherwise, in the morning you risk getting swelling, ”explains Andrey Alenichev.

How and in what quantity to apply a night cream?

There is a widespread opinion that only day cream should be dosed: allegedly, makeup will not lie flat if the product is not absorbed. However, the optimal amount of night cream is equally important: excess can lead to swelling. Take a little product - the portion should be comparable in volume to an almond - and apply it with massage movements. Try not to rub or stretch the skin, your movements should be more patting.

How to wean yourself from sleeping with your face in the pillow?

According to Alenichev, the devil is not as terrible as he is painted. “Your head weighs more than a ton. And the pillow is not made of stone, he laughs. So it does no real harm.

Sleeping on your side is even worse. Sometimes I manage to determine which side a girl is sleeping on - wrinkles give her away. But these are the rarest cases. The main thing is healthy deep sleep. And trying to control your position during sleep, you are unlikely to get enough sleep.

This question made the director of the Le Colon Beauty Institute on Lomonosovsky Prospekt Natalia Yuvchenko smile: “I have never met such heroes who have learned not to sleep face down in a pillow over the years of practice. This habit has been developed for decades. Therefore, even in a year you are unlikely to retrain yourself. But is everyone who likes to bury their nose in a featherbed doomed to dents on their skin in the morning? “The traces of such a dream are difficult to avoid, but they can be minimized,” Natalya reassures. - Morning "bruising" is typical for people with slow lymph flow, thin and dry skin. Do not drink a lot of fluids at night, especially alcohol, give up salty, spicy and sweet.

And in the morning, to speed up the lymph flow, do a light exercise. And refrigerate any face mask. In the morning, apply it for ten minutes to make the skin smooth and refreshed.

How to hide traces of tears in the morning if you cried all night?

Nine out of ten girls begin to convulsively wash their faces with ice water. “This is not entirely correct,” comments Tiina Orasmäe-Meder. - Irritated skin needs to be soothed, not invigorated. Better wash up mineral water room temperature or generously pour over face with thermal spray. Then make compresses with cold venotonic gel (for example, with troxevasin): moisten gauze pads with mineral water, squeeze half a teaspoon of gel chilled in the refrigerator on one side and put the pads on your eyes so that the gel is on top. At the same time, it does not interfere with making a soothing mask: it can be a collagen sheet, any moisturizing tissue-based mask, cream or gel masks for sensitive skin.

How to use creams for the skin around the eyes so that there is no swelling in the morning?

“Never apply cream on a moving eyelid,” Svetlana Kovaleva instructs. - The exception is special pharmaceutical preparations for blepharitis. Take the minimum amount. Apply with the pads of your ring fingers (they have the most soft skin) along the lower eyelid from the temple to the nose and along the superciliary arch - from the nose to the temple.

“Pull your eyebrows gently after applying the cream and blink a few times – these simple tricks help the cream to be absorbed,” continues Tiina Orasmäe-Meder. If you still wake up with swelling, change the cream to a lighter gel or fluid.

Can you sleep with a face mask on?

“You can, if there is no one else with you,” Svetlana Kovaleva jokes. “If the package does not say that the mask should be left on the face all night, then you should wash it off after a maximum of forty minutes or remove the remnants with a napkin.”

Andrey Alenichev confirms Svetlana's words: “Any masks create a film effect. It's like you're being wrapped. This makes it difficult for the skin to breathe, and it begins to absorb nutrients at a breakneck pace. Active ingredients in half an hour will certainly fall into the deeper layers. But the film will remain. And all night your skin will not be able to breathe properly. Because of this, she will begin to lose moisture faster, and some women may even develop rashes that look like allergies.

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Daily use of a night cream is necessarily included in the recommendations of cosmetologists to combat the signs of aging. At night, the skin of the face rests from make-up, there is an enhanced nutrition of the structures of the epidermis, tissue regeneration at the cellular level.

How to choose a night cream?

A beneficial effect on the skin will have only a properly selected product that suits each specific case. In order to choose an anti-wrinkle cream, you need to pay attention to the following factors:
  • The product should be selected based on the type of skin (creams with a dense texture and a large amount of nutrients are suitable for dry skin, creams with a lighter structure are used for oily skin types).
  • For a certain age, manufacturing companies select the most suitable components, taking into account skin changes.
  • The choice of brand is individual. In the case of long-term use of a certain brand of day care products, the purchase of a night cream from the same manufacturer will have a complex effect on the skin.
  • The composition of the cream is important, preference is given to products with more natural ingredients, a large number of nutrients and vitamins.
  • The cream should have a pleasant, unobtrusive smell.
  • Pay attention to what the selected cream is produced in. The product in a tube or tube is insured against the penetration of bacteria inside. The packaging with a dispenser has the same properties. If the product is produced in a jar, it is preferable that it be made of glass, in this neutral material the cream lasts longer. Manufacturers of high-quality, reputable cosmetics attach a special spatula to the cream for application.

Substances that help in the fight against wrinkles

Creams that provide skin rejuvenation are rich in various useful components: plant extracts, amino acids, collagen, vitamins. The components harmonize with each other and complement each other.

Vitamins that have a beneficial effect on mature skin:

  • Vitamin A derivatives (Retinol) are always contained in creams, affecting the changes that occur in the skin elements. Retinol heals damaged tissues, improves the functioning of the glands, the pore diameter narrows. Vitamin A increases blood flow in cells, which triggers the process of enhanced collagen production. After application, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth.
  • Vitamin E (Tocopherol)- a component in the composition of anti-wrinkle creams, which has various useful qualities that rejuvenate, refresh the skin, and renew the cells of the epidermis. Regular use of tocopherol prevents the formation of the first wrinkles, tightens aging skin. By acting on the cells of the epidermis, vitamin E creates protection against UV radiation. (ultraviolet rays). By increasing the nutrition of all structures, it saturates the skin with oxygen.
  • Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) known for its regenerating and antioxidant properties. In addition, ascorbic acid is a catalyst to start the production of collagen within the skin, which is important in adulthood. Vitamin C significantly reduces pigmentation and evens out complexion.
Acids contribute to increased absorption of vitamins and renew the upper layers of the epidermis:
  • Alpha-lipoic (thioctic) acid refers to substances similar in chemical composition to B vitamins. It has pronounced antioxidant properties, binds free radicals. It also enhances the action of vitamins E and C.
  • Hyaluronic acid (hyaluronate) found in many body tissues. It has the ability to moisturize the skin, improves the condition of the epidermis, stimulating the production of elastin and collagen. This, in turn, increases the elasticity of mature skin, due to which wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Glycolic (hydroxyacetic) acid as part of creams, it has a peeling effect, replacing dead cells of the epidermis with new ones. It also accelerates the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin.
  • Salicylic acid- due to the drying effect, salicylic acid is a constituent element of night creams suitable for oily skin types. It also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Lactic acid- a component of creams designed for skin with high fat content. Lactic acid tightens pores, prevents the formation of comedones.
  • succinic acid- a component of anti-aging creams used to prevent the first signs of aging. Corrects the tone and improves the overall tone of the skin due to increased blood circulation. Reduces puffiness, refreshes tissues.
Oils are natural ingredients essential for mature skin:
  • Shea Butter (Shea Butter) a valuable component used in creams. It has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, moisturizing, softening and protecting it from adverse factors. Has a rich chemical composition. Hypoallergenic and suitable for all skin types. Thanks to its influence on the production of collagen and elastin, the oil eliminates the visible signs of skin aging.
  • avocado oil It has a fairly diverse composition, combining minerals, fatty acids, vitamins. Effectively moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
  • restores skin elasticity, reduces the number of fine wrinkles, due to a protein that resembles collagen in properties. The high content of tocopherol enhances cell regeneration, which rejuvenates the skin. Jojoba oil creates a protective film on the skin for enhanced hydration of the skin.
  • apricot oil consists of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which ensure the proper functioning of epidermal cells. Vitamins in the composition of the oil saturate the skin with moisture, slow down the manifestations of age-related changes. The oil revitalizes and tones, improves complexion and smoothes fine wrinkles. Ideal for delicate skin.
  • Sweet almond oil is a pantry of useful elements: vitamins of groups B, E, F, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and fatty acids. The oil is well absorbed by the skin. Vitamins nourish the cells of the epidermis. Under their action, the regulation of the sebaceous glands occurs, skin respiration improves. The oil is suitable for all skin types.

Essential oils are famous for their high penetrating properties, delivering beneficial substances deep into the skin:
  • lemon oil used for all skin types. The effects of the oil are rejuvenation and whitening.
  • rose oil restores cells, it is part of creams for the care of aging skin. The oil smoothes fine wrinkles, tightens the oval of the face, increasing the elasticity of the skin.
  • Ylang Ylang Oil softens the skin, intensely nourishing it with beneficial trace elements.
Other important components used in anti-wrinkle creams:
  • Coenzyme Q10- has antioxidant properties energy exchange cells, prevents dry skin. When applied topically, it reduces the size of wrinkles.
  • Green tea extract also has anti-aging properties, reduces inflammation.
  • Collagen- a cellular protein that is part of the structure of the skin, providing its elasticity. For the cream, a liquid form of collagen is used, which penetrates deep into the epidermis, fills the necessary layers and reduces wrinkles.
  • Peptides- a building element for the formation of collagen, saturate the deep layers of the epidermis.
  • silk proteins- proteins that improve the metabolic processes of the skin, moisturize it and increase blood circulation.
Substances that relax muscles: Ceramides, Boswellia and Centella- created to combat mimic wrinkles, are part of luxury cosmetics.

Age gradation

It is impossible to create cosmetics suitable for any age. Each age group needs certain substances in different consistencies to properly nourish the skin. So, creams designed for young skin will not be useful for rejuvenating mature skin.

Of course, the skin of women of the same age may look different, based on lifestyle and the presence of bad habits genetic factors also play an important role. The skin has its own requirements, given the ongoing age-related changes, which cream manufacturers cannot ignore.

Skin up 25 years of age does not require enhanced nutrition and saturation.

After 30-35 years old the first wrinkles begin to appear, elasticity gradually begins to fall, the skin is often overdried. For such skin, moisturizing creams are important, which intensively nourish it, eliminating dryness and flaking.

After hormonal changes after 45-50) creams with a stronger composition are used, which restores a healthy color to the skin, struggling with deep wrinkles.

Based on this, age gradation in produced creams is necessary. Age limits on cosmetic products narrow the search for a suitable product, and save time.

The use of creams for mature skin at a young age is harmful. Under stimulation with components that are unnecessary in this case, young skin stops working on its own, which can subsequently aggravate its condition.

How to apply the cream correctly

Before applying a night cream, you need to know some rules:

Which cream is better to buy: expensive or cheap?

Most night care creams contain almost the same ingredients, and their price varies widely. The cost of any cosmetic product depends on several factors:
  • Expensive cream has a more natural composition, which contains rare and unique components.
  • Well-known brands invest heavily in the study of components, their effect on the skin is carried out under the supervision of various specialists. This approach creates a reputation for the manufacturer and raises the price.
  • The type of packaging also increases the cost of the product.

It is recommended to purchase high-quality cosmetics in specialized stores or pharmacies, where you can be sure of the correct storage and transportation of products from the manufacturer to the outlet. Consultants will help you choose a cream suitable for each age category, taking into account the type of skin. It is preferable to choose brands that have been proven over the years and have positive reviews and recommendations.

Review of the 10 best night creams for wrinkles (reviews)

  • Nivea Night Moisturizing Anti-Wrinkle Cream intensely moisturizes the skin after application, starting the natural process of restoring cellular elements. Thanks to this, the skin is smoothed, wrinkles are reduced, the skin acquires a healthy look.

    Larisa, 43 years old. Tried this brand on recommendation. The smell of the cream is pleasant, not strong, the consistency is thick. The cream is a little greasy, but the fact that it is night cream does not create difficulties. In the morning the skin is not swollen, moisturized and soft. Satisfied with the result.

  • L’Oreal Paris Moisturizing Expert Night Cream contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, which renew, moisturize the skin, making it velvety and smooth.

    Alina is 35 years old. I used the cream for about 2 months, the result is noticeable after a few days of use. The cream is thick, light pink in color. Has a delicate aroma. Absorbs well, leaves no stickiness behind. In the morning the skin is smooth, very pleasant.

  • Lancome's Genifique Night Cream contains various natural ingredients suitable for all skin types. With regular use, the skin becomes more elastic, pigmentation and fine wrinkles gradually decrease.

    Elmira, 30 years old. At the first detected wrinkles, I decided to try this Lancome night cream on the advice of a consultant. The result is noticeable after a week of use, the cream is absorbed perfectly, in the morning the skin is smooth, rested, I am very pleased with the result.

  • Clarins Multi-Regenerante Nuit Night Cream is applied at the first signs of aging. The peptides included in the composition reduce wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.

    Elena, 32 years old. I have been using this brand for about 4 years now. Mimic wrinkles have smoothed out, I don’t even want to use another cream after Clarins, it’s too pleasant. The effect is noticeable, I'm not going to change the brand.

  • Vichy's Liftactiv Nuit night cream contains a unique component that starts renewal processes in the deep layers of the epidermis, restoring the structure of the fibers.

    Lyudmila, 37 years old. I have been using the cream for 3 months. The texture of the cream is quite light and velvety. The cream is perfectly absorbed without leaving a film behind. Contains natural ingredients. After a month of use, the skin began to look less tired, the tone of the face evened out. After two months of use, mimic wrinkles have noticeably decreased. A month later, the result appeared on deeper wrinkles, they became much smaller.

  • La Nuit De Chanel Night Cream nourishes and hydrates the skin. Frankincense extract soothes irritated skin. In the morning, the skin looks rested, even and smooth.

    Marina, 48 years old. The use of the cream met all expectations. Changes in the skin were noticeable already in the morning after the first use. The skin looked rested and even. The cream has a thick consistency, very perfumed, the smell remains on the skin for a long time. Absorbs well.

  • Garnier's Magic Night Sleep Cream contains natural ingredients that stop age-related changes in the skin of the face.

    Christina, 30 years old. I decided to try this cream, feeling that the skin had lost its elasticity, and the oval of the face had changed a little. Used for about a month, the complexion has noticeably improved. The skin becomes pleasant to the touch, smooth and elastic.

  • Shiseido's Benefiance Night Cream has a unique natural composition compatible with synthetic ingredients that fight the causes of skin aging.

    Ekaterina, 45 years old. I have been using this brand for a long time. Until recently, only day care was enough. But time takes its toll, and I also purchased a night cream. The texture is very light and pleasant, well absorbed. Very satisfied with the combination.

  • Clinique's Turnaround Overnight Night Cream eliminates the harmful effects of UV rays, strengthens the protective barrier and saturates the skin with moisture evenly.

    Diana, 33 years old. The cream is very pleasant in texture, the smell is calm, not strong. After application, it is absorbed instantly, the changes were noticed after 2 weeks of use.

  • Darphin Ideal Resource Night Cream renews skin cells, evens out complexion and intensively nourishes the skin with beneficial substances.

    Victoria, 34 years old. The skin is problematic, but at the same time the cream came up perfectly. The texture is pleasant, the smell is very pleasant. The cream does not clog pores, it is completely absorbed, and a visible result began to be observed a month after use.

    Features of anti-wrinkle night cream for men

    Men's skin differs from women's in many nuances. She's rougher and fatter, more exposed negative impacts(daily shaving, sunlight), in men, the work of the sebaceous glands is enhanced.

    Creams suitable for men have a light structure (the cream is absorbed without leaving a greasy sheen). The smell is also important, not strong and which quickly disappears from the skin. Due to the fact that men do not apply the cream before the appearance of obvious signs of aging, the products have an enhanced composition to restore skin functions.

    Well-known brands do not deprive the stronger sex of attention and produce a wide range of care products for different skin types:
    • Nivea for Men "Energy Boost"- Saturates the skin with moisture and creates protection against UV radiation. It has a pleasant aroma and tones the skin of the face.
    • Vichy Homme Hydra Mag C- vitamin complex with minerals protects the skin and intensively moisturizes it. Hypoallergenic cream fights the first signs of aging.
    • Avon Quadra FX- cream with anti-aging components, intensely moisturizes the skin of the face. After application, it gives the skin a fresh look.

    DIY night cream

    Making a night cream at home is not difficult, given that all the ingredients are easy to find. Although the shelf life of such a cream is not long, its usefulness cannot be doubted. Homemade cream does not contain chemicals and is completely natural.

    Recipe 1. When the first signs of aging appear, you can use the following ingredients that will eliminate wrinkles at night:

    • lemon - 2 pcs.;
    • boiled water - 1 glass;
    • honey - 1 tbsp;
    • fresh yolk - 3 pcs.;
    • any oil (vegetable, olive) - 25 ml;
    • cream - 200 ml;
    • camphor alcohol - 150 ml.
    First of all, we get juice from lemons.

    The yolks are mixed with butter and cream until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

    Then the components are mixed with honey-lemon liquid and camphor alcohol, poured into glassware and kept cool.

    The prepared night cream is suitable for all skin types and daily use. Apply at least 30 minutes before bedtime.

    Recipe 2. Moisturizing night cream for dry skin based on peach oil:

    • lanolin or natural wax - 25 g;
    • peach oil - 40 ml;
    • distilled water - 20 ml.
    Melt wax or lanolin in a water bath, add to it Peach oil and water, stir. Apply daily, half an hour before bedtime.

    More details about anti-aging cream for dry skin, made from healthy ingredients, Maria Fedorova will tell in the video:

    Regardless of skin type, gender and age group anyone who wants to improve their appearance and prolong youth, easily pick up for yourself suitable remedy care. Night creams, applied regularly, will help the skin look flawless at any age.

    Also read.

    Night cream allows you to enhance day care, correct aesthetic imperfections of the skin and improve its condition. To achieve this effect, you can subject to certain rules: cosmetics must exactly match the type of skin and its needs. Let's try to figure out why you need a night cream, whether young girls need it and how to choose the right product to get the best effect.

    Do I need to use night face cream?

    Our skin at night is transformed - literally. Firstly, regeneration is enhanced during sleep hours. According to various studies, the peak of the update processes falls on the period from 23:00 to 4 am. At this time, the cells need special night care, especially if the priority is the fight against wrinkles and their prevention.

    In addition, anti-aging care can be most effective at night, as the "susceptibility" of skin cells to certain substances increases. For example, ingredients such as glycolic acid and retinoids. Usage cosmetics containing vitamin C, E or H, it is also best to schedule at least 2 hours before bedtime.

    Keep in mind that at night your skin may lack moisture. This is due to the activity of the sebaceous glands: at about noon it is maximum, and in the evening it decreases. During sleep, fat production decreases and protective lipid layer, retaining moisture, becomes thinner. Therefore, it is necessary to include a good moisturizing fluid or cream in your beauty arsenal. It should maintain the water balance of the skin and at the same time protect against edema.

    Whitening cream will be more effective at night. The effect of brighteners in the daytime is reduced due to the fact that more melanin is produced in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

    How to choose the best cream?

    You can find more than one rating suggesting choosing a night cream, but the main thing is individual needs. It is necessary to take into account the type of facial skin, its current condition, as well as the features of day care. In the Lancôme collections you can find a night face cream for different types skin.

    For dry skin

    Dry skin is more susceptible to stress and negative external factors. Its lipid layer is thinner, which is why the water balance is disturbed very easily. As a result - dullness, peeling, loss of tone and other problems. For this type of skin, you need a cream that effectively moisturizes - for example, Hydra Zen Nuit Neurocalm. It not only saturates with moisture and revives radiance, but also gives incredible comfort.

    For oily skin

    For oily skin products with oil in the composition are not suitable. It is better to give preference to cosmetics with plant extracts that have a beneficial effect on the sebaceous glands, give an antibacterial effect, moisturize and do not weigh down the skin. A light night remedy can be found in the product line Energie De Vie with ginseng, French lemon balm and cranberry seed oil.

    For problem skin

    For problematic skin with frequent irritations and inflammations, basic care can be supplemented mask Hydra Zen Masque Nuit which can be applied as a night cream. It soothes, nourishes with moisture and softens, in the morning the skin becomes velvety and radiant.

    For sensitive skin

    Any remedy for such skin should be as delicate and light as possible. To cope with discomfort and start the regenerative processes in the skin will help Absolue Nuit Premium ßx night cream. Thanks to the ProXylane molecule and the N-Stimuline complex, it stimulates cellular activity during the night, increasing the skin's resistance and making it firm and radiant.

    with enlarged pores

    Ideal for improving skin texture with enlarged pores Visionnaire Nuit multiactive oil-gel. It has a very soft texture and unique composition which includes natural golden kelp extract, ceramides, a cocktail of oils and jasmonate.

    For signs of aging

    Get a pronounced and prolonged lifting effect will help regenerating Rénergie Nuit Multi-Lift. At its core - innovative technology UP-Cohesiontm, which promotes fibroblast cell regeneration, energy production for deep lifting and wrinkle smoothing, while apricot and shea butter nourish and enhance skin repair during the night.

    Top 5 questions about night cream

    The best night creams are those that match your skin type and needs. Finding your perfect makeup is half the battle, you also need to know how to use it correctly, and navigate the difference between day and night cream. This is the only way to achieve the maximum effect from home skin care.

    1. Can the night cream be used as a day cream?

    Is it possible to use a night cream during the day - one of the most common questions for those who want to create their own personal care program. Strictly speaking, if you apply a night cream in the morning, nothing terrible will happen. However, each tool has its own characteristics and "tasks", so they must be used correctly.

    The main difference between a day cream and a night cream is the ability to protect the skin: block ultraviolet radiation, remove free radicals, etc. Night cream - a tool that promotes nutrition, restoration and "rest" of the skin. At the same time, it will not protect the face properly from photoaging and negative external factors, besides, it can leave some oily sheen on the face. It is for these reasons that it should not be used instead of a daily one on an ongoing basis.

    2. How to apply the cream at night?

    Before using a night cream, like any other, the skin must be cleansed. Better used special means, since ordinary soap dries the skin and has an aggressive effect on the protective hydrolipidic layer of the skin. The cream must be distributed along the massage lines: from the center of the forehead to the periphery, from the nose to the temples and cheekbones, from the chin - in the direction of the ears. Right before going to bed, you can gently blot your face with a paper towel.

    3. When is the best time to apply a night remedy?

    When to apply the cream at night is a very important question. One-Stop Solution- an hour before bedtime, if the product contains retinoids and vitamins - a couple of hours. This time is enough to ensure that each component that manufacturers include in the composition has time to penetrate the skin, and not remain on the pillow.

    4. Is night cream good for occasional use?

    Some night creams can not only be applied before bedtime, but also used as a mask. In this case, the product is distributed over the face in a dense layer, and its excess after absorption is given with a napkin. Such a ritual allows you to quickly restore the condition of the skin, for example, when overdrying or in other "extreme" conditions.

    Night cream often contains a whole cocktail of caring ingredients. It can be:

    Collagen is a protein that provides elasticity and smoothness;

    Hyaluronic acid - maintains a normal level of moisture and stimulates regeneration;

    Oils - nourish, soften, help fight imperfections;

    Plant extracts - have an antiseptic effect, remove inflammation, tone up, fill with energy.

    For night care, the Absolue Pricious Cells creamy mask with shea butter and essential oil damask rose, providing a restorative effect.

    5. Do I need to use a night cream before the age of 30?

    The first changes in the skin, depending on its type and general health, may appear as early as at the age of 20-25 years. If problems such as dull complexion, loss of elasticity and fine wrinkles are observed, high-quality care during sleep cannot be neglected. When choosing a night cream, you should start from the type. For example, dense products are suitable for dry skin, and owners of combination or oily skin it will be more convenient to use cosmetics with a lighter - gel texture. After 30 years, a nourishing night cream is needed on an ongoing basis, and after 40 years, you should regularly use products that support a rejuvenating effect.

    Should I include a night cream in my skincare routine? The answer is obvious - correct application with the use of such a tool, the effect of daytime cosmetics is enhanced. As a result, the skin becomes more toned, elastic and velvety, and age-related changes are reduced and slowed down.

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    When buying a face cream, any woman wants to get the most out of it. Of course, first of all, it all depends on the quality of the cream itself. If it is not of high quality in itself, then no methods correct application won't help here.

    In this article, we will look at the basic rules that you should follow when applying cream on your face.

    Preparing the skin

    Of course, before applying the cream, the skin should be prepared. You can clean your face every time with a foam, gel or lotion, but this is not necessary. Simply remove makeup from your face and wash with warm water. You can use regular tonic. After washing, the skin does not need to be wiped dry. You can just blot your face with tissue paper. Everything, now you can start applying the cream.

    cream application process

    We apply it as usual and now the question arises: “How long do you need to walk with it?”. If it is a day cream, then it usually does not need to be removed. If you need to put on makeup and the cream interferes, you can remove it after about 15 minutes. This time is enough to achieve a good absorption effect. Night cream should be applied about an hour and a half before bedtime. It is denser in consistency, so 15 minutes is not enough for him. After that hour and a half, you can wash it off and go to bed.

    You don't need much cream.

    It is better to apply a few dots on the face the size of a pea and rub them all over the face. If this is not enough, more can be added. It's better to miss right away than to overshoot.

    By the way, the process of extracting the cream from the tube is very important. It is recommended to “extract” it with some spoon and then apply it on your finger. The less your fingers are in the tube, the less germs there will be. Accordingly, the cream will last you longer. It is recommended to apply it only with fingers, but always clean. The skin of the fingers has an additional warming effect. This has a positive effect on the overall effect of the application of the cream.

    Quite often, cracks appear on the heels. We would like to tell you about the reasons and.

    Creams can be applied along with masks. First we use a mask, and then a cream, and only like that! It is advisable to use the lightest face cream with the mask to achieve better absorption.

    We would like to note that applying the cream to places where there is little hair can provoke their faster growth. Therefore, it is desirable to avoid such areas.

    The right cream is a warm cream. This means that before applying it is necessary to warm it up to about our body temperature. This can be done quite simply: squeeze it onto your fingers and rub it for several minutes, after which we apply it on the face. It should be initially borne in mind that part of the cream will go into the fingers.

    Cream application technology

    Hasty and inaccurate movements can only harm your skin, stretch it, make it flabby. You need to treat your skin with care, and only then it will look young for a long time. The cream should be applied gently, preferably with light massage movements. On the face it can be smeared as follows.

    We apply the cream on the face and begin to rub it with smooth movements from the bottom up, starting from the chin, aiming for the corners of the mouth. From the mouth it is worth rubbing upwards, towards the ears. The nose should also be rubbed upwards, without side branches. The skin near the temples should be rubbed over the forehead. Having reached it, the left and right sides of the frontal lobe must be rubbed to the sides - respectively, to the left and right. The middle of the forehead should just be rubbed upwards.

    Such simple movements cause the skin to stretch a little and make it more elastic. If everything is done exactly the opposite, then the effect will be the opposite: wrinkles, sagging skin. And this is what we are fighting.

    Approximately the same cream is applied around the eyes.: it is rubbed from the inner corner of the eye to the outer and rubbed with light movements. With such movements, we simply stretch wrinkles, and also prevent their appearance.
