How to make a mannequin on a pattern alone. Fashion History: Mannequin

Each person is individual and the parameters of the figure do not always meet the standards of beauty. A woman always wants to look beautiful, stylish, regardless of age and with any figure. For a person who creates clothes, having a room mannequin is important, as it is one of the most important tools in the work.

Clothing that fits perfectly decorates a person, emphasizes the dignity of the figure and gives confidence. But numerous fittings are tiring and therefore it is convenient to have your own individual layout. There is no need to constantly distract a person for trying on, fitting clothes. This will be our master class on how to make a mannequin with your own hands at home. Some nuances should be taken into account: - work on the project starts in the morning.

Important. The child mannequin is made in the same way as the adult mannequin. Only as a model - a child.

The first way is with tape.

To create the desired silhouette you will need:

  • assistant;
  • cling film (dress or jersey T-shirt);
  • adhesive tape, any adhesive tape;
  • 2-3 cylinders of construction foam;
  • rubber gloves;
  • newspaper.

Work progress:

First stage

First you need to wrap the person whose parameters are needed well with cling film (put on a tight-fitting T-shirt). We start winding it in the direction from the bottom up. It should be borne in mind that you need to make several layers, given the fit should not be strong. The film has the function of contraction.

Cling film can reduce your proportions enough that you simply won't fit into tailored clothes. The edges of the film can be fixed with tape.

Second phase

Then glued with tape. Strips of adhesive tape should be small, about 10-15 cm, long pieces are inconvenient to glue, they cling, stick out. They start from the chest around the circumference, the tape is glued from the bottom up with overlaps. This will ensure the correct shape of the breasts. sticky tape applied in 2-3 layers different directions. It is important not to forget to mark the waist and bottom line.

  • a layer of adhesive tape should lie down freely, from the waist, first down, then up;
  • the chest area is affected last to avoid prolonged labored breathing;
  • be sure to collect the hair so that it does not touch the cocoon.

When the body is glued to the required length, proceed to the next steps.

Third stage

After full gluing with adhesive tape, you should align the bottom line, measuring from the floor. Further, the middle of the back is marked, with the outlined transverse segments. According to these marks, the cocoon is cut and the bottom is trimmed.

The model must be released from this suit, carefully cut along the back with scissors. After, glue the incision with tape.

Fourth stage

For hands and necks, circles are cut out of thick cardboard (reels of adhesive tape). Install cardboard and wrap with tape.

Fifth stage

For convenience, so that the mannequin can be hung, a hanger is inserted into the neck, and cardboard is placed on top.

Sixth stage

The desired mannequin is almost ready, it remains only to fill the inner space. It is possible with a padding polyester, but this will make the mannequin short-lived, as it will bend under the weight of heavy fabric. Therefore, in order for the figure to serve for a long time, we fill it with building materials: alabaster or foam. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

But before you fill the inside, you need to prepare the bottom, than to close the bottom of the mannequin. To do this, the mannequin is placed on a newspaper and the desired shape is cut out. According to this sample, the bottom is cut out on cardboard.

1/5th or 1/6th part of the mannequin is filled with foam, then newspaper, let the foam harden, again foam and newspaper. Do this until the space is filled. Foam is an expensive building material, so newspaper is added.

seventh stage

The final step for an aesthetic look would be better to sew a cover from pull knitwear, but first it should be a thin synthetic winterizer so that it is easy to stick needles and pins into it.

Here we have a ready-made version of an individual mannequin. The manufacturing method is quite simple and within the power of every craftswoman.

The disadvantage of this method is the cost of building foam and the smell that is released during operation. Therefore, foam is best used outdoors, in a well-ventilated area.

Tips for beginners on making mannequins from adhesive tape

Before wrapping, you should put on underwear in which the clothes sewn according to the mannequin will be worn. Cannot get a size smaller than the model.

To create a mannequin, you need to understand what indicators need to be taken into account, that is, what we will wrap with a film. This is the waist, shoulder width, back width, arm circumference, bust, hips. Measure these indicators so that you can compare them with the resulting mannequin.

It will be more convenient to work with a mannequin if you make a soft base of batting under the fabric. It is made in the same way as outdoor clothing. Seam allowance and darts are trimmed.

The tape should not be too tight. In the process of wrapping, a person should periodically bend over slightly and raise his arms. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the model to breathe, and the manufacture of the mannequin shell from adhesive tape may not endure until the end.

Ideally, the height of the mannequin should correspond to the height of the person for whom it is made. In this case, the height of the heels must also be taken into account.

For greater strength, the top layer is made of reinforced construction tape. It will ensure the rigidity of the form.

Finally, take a tape measure and take your measurements. If they match those that were originally made, then you can be congratulated, you did everything perfectly.

The second way - with the help of gypsum

A pretty good option is to make from gypsum. The method is more time-consuming and long, but if done correctly, the result will please you. There are, of course, a number of features that need to be taken into account:

  • gypsum fully sets for a relatively long time. Therefore, the model will have to stand absolutely still for about an hour. Since any movement can lead to deformation of the form;
  • the product itself is quite fragile, so it must be treated with the utmost care;
  • and it is also necessary to take into account the factor of fragility during transportation;
  • the manufacturing procedure is carried out on a naked body, so it must be lubricated with cream or petroleum jelly so that skin irritation does not occur;
  • it should be noted that if a mannequin is made for personal use, i.e., according to your body parameters, then it is impossible to cope with this task yourself. In this case, you will again need an assistant. The application of plaster material on the body requires accuracy, it is very important that this is a person whom you will not be shy, since during the manufacturing process you will have to be naked.

What you need to make:

  • assistant;
  • comfortable underwear (a bra that will be worn under sewn clothes);
  • adhesive tape, any adhesive tape;
  • synthetic winterizer roll (old blanket, unnecessary things);
  • 2 kg of alabaster (3-4 cylinders of building foam, plaster bandages);
  • rubber gloves;
  • 5 rolls of medical bandage;
  • A container in which bandage dressings will be wetted;
  • Directly plaster bandage;
  • Matter or oilcloth, which will be spread under your feet;
  • Scissors or a knife, in order to cut the plaster after hardening;
  • Drying surface.
  • several pairs of scissors (some may stick due to constant work with adhesive tape);
  • rags (for wiping scissors);
  • stick of medium length (for possible scratching);
  • a stool (you can kneel when your legs are tired, but you must be very careful not to damage the base);
  • water in large quantities (you will want to drink all the time), preferably with a straw (straw, for ease of use);
  • validol (possible loss of consciousness) validol helps a lot.

Manufacturing process:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to provide a minimum set of clothes, it can be shorts and a T-shirt, or a bra instead of a T-shirt in the case of making a female mannequin. In some cases, you can wrap the body with plastic wrap, but it should be noted that such a decision will slightly affect your figure, i.e. the shape will not fully reflect it in the future.
  2. Next, strips of plaster bandage are cut down to a length of 5-10 centimeters, soaked and applied to the body. Preferably start with chest and shoulders. Next, slowly move down. It is necessary to carefully monitor the formation of the armhole, to check the absence of air bubbles in it. The whole process should be carried out as quickly as possible, since the dressings will begin to dry immediately after contact with the skin. Thus, 3-4 layers are applied. Remember, the entire coating must be perfectly even, therefore, until the time of hardening, it is necessary to refrain from the temptation to turn around, bend down, or even move at least somehow. If you still have a desire to consider something, you can ask your assistant to bring a mirror. Particular attention should be paid to the lower part of the mannequin. Here, already at the initial stage, it should be clearly defined: the form is performed with legs, or only the outline of the hips is needed.
  3. After full coverage of the body with plaster, it is necessary to stand still for at least 30–40 minutes from the moment the last strip is applied.
  4. After the plaster has dried, the form is carefully cut along the shoulders and armhole lines. It is necessary to work as carefully and concentratedly as possible so as not to injure the model. The wrapping process is carried out from top to bottom, there must be spacers inside the cocoon so that the cocoon does not lose its shape. The figure dries for about two days under normal room conditions. First, you should leave a place for the stand, for example, fix a stick in the figure so that there is a hole for installing the model.
  5. The next step is to sew the two parts together with the help of threads, or you can also use plaster bandages, but reinforced tape is easier to work with. There should be spacers inside the cocoon so that the cocoon does not lose its shape.
  6. When the form is completely dry, make a control measurement for compliance with the contours of the body of the model.
  7. To give stability and rigidity, it is necessary to fill the form. This can be done with any material at hand (foam rubber, pieces of fabric, paper, polyurethane foam).

The mannequin is almost ready

Important. When doing the work for the first time, the model may turn out to be slightly smaller than its size, then you can correct this error with papier-mâché. It should be noted that the drying time of a thin layer of paper is two days, and a thicker one is approximately four.

The manufacture of the mannequin is completed by the installation of cardboard and a rod with a stand. The cardboard is placed perpendicular to the axis - the line of the spine. The edges are secured with tape. A pipe or stand is inserted through the prepared hole, the main thing is that it is on wheels and can be rolled on the floor.

The mannequin is covered with non-slip fabric. It could be:

  • velvet;
  • cashmere;
  • thin drape;
  • old wool blanket.

Everything is pre-cut out according to the usual pattern of the desired size, with allowances. It looks more beautiful if you make longitudinal tucks from the armhole. Armholes are not cut. The neck is made high and closed with a piece of fabric. Then the sour cream cover is put on the mannequin with the seams outward and the fit is made. Now you can stitch the seams and dress up your mannequin.

The pillow for needles looks comfortable on the neck and it is convenient to work. The waist is marked with a ribbon.

Besides the fact that the mannequin serves as a ready-made model for tailoring, it can also be used as an interior decor item. And also to iron things with steam when you can’t do it on an ironing board.

You can make a mannequin at home, you just need to spend your time and a little Money. A handmade mannequin will please the eye and serve for a long time.

Important. Such a mannequin is suitable as a tailor for sewing clothes and as an individual in its figure.

It is up to you to decide which method suits you best, faster from tape or a plaster mannequin-mummy. We hope you liked the master class and it helped to solve the most important task for craftswomen. New victories and achievements!

But you will also find this video helpful:

Slim models walking the catwalk and dummysartorial connected by a strong thread, because the names of both are derived from the Flemish "maeneken", which means "little man". As soon as our ancestors shed their skins and learned how to sew, they thought about a form that would help them both try on and show off the outfit. Thus, according to ancient manuscripts, clay figurines 8-25 cm in size appeared in Ancient Rome, on which samples of clothing were demonstrated. The mannequin, close to the modern and familiar to our eyes, appeared in 1573. It was made by the Italian monk San Marco. To create this tailoring unit, he used wood and clay. Later, attempts were made to make mannequins out of wax, but they ended in failure - the wax figures could not stand it. high temperature and melted.

In the 18th century, tailor's mannequins appeared, made of papier-mâché in full human growth. And at the same time, mass production of mannequins began in France and the Netherlands. They were mainly used for sewing. They were made in full human growth and were made of wood and papier-mâché.

And only in the middle of the XIX century, the famous French couturier Charles Frederick Worth (Charles Frederick Worth) began to use mannequins to show his collections. Soon the first fashion model, Worth's wife, appeared on the catwalk, demonstrating outfits sewn by her husband. Appreciating the practicality and usefulness of the innovation, the mannequin began to be actively used by seamstresses and fashion designers in all corners of the Earth.

In the modern world, plastic models have said goodbye to facelessness and now act as a visual embodiment of the conceptual directions of fashion brands. Refined, with perfect proportions and beautiful faces, they reflect the everyday consumer's quest for excellence. That is why many trading houses take the choice of mannequins very seriously, turning them into a kind of calling card. Their main task is to attract a buyer, present clothes in a favorable light, and, as a result, induce them to buy. An analysis of the level of sales in retail outlets showed that where mannequins are installed, the number of purchases increases by 4 times.

The process of creating a demonstration mannequin is quite expensive and technically complex. First, the designer draws an image, then a project is made, a special matrix is ​​formed, and on its basis, a mass casting of models begins.

1. Types of mannequins

Choosing a mannequin is not difficult, but you need to clearly understand for what purposes you need it. Three types of mannequins can be found on the market today:

  • anthropoid;
  • tailor;
  • demo.

anthropoid models are of three types:

  • naturalistic (they have a wig, makeup, manicure);
  • sculptural (stylization of a human figure);
  • profiled (children, adolescents, simulating pregnancy).

Tailoring in the classic version, they consist of a wooden or metal leg (tripod) and a polystyrene mold covered with fabric.

Demo are made of plastic and imitate parts of the human body with anatomical accuracy.

From the view sewing mannequin also depends on its cost. The cheapest option will cost you $50-100, while the price of sculptural and naturalistic models can go up to several thousand dollars. These amounts are not only appearance products, but also their technical capabilities. In expensive models, the arms and legs are hinged, allowing them to be bent at different angles.

2. What should I pay attention to when choosing a mannequin?

When choosing a mannequin, you need to rely on your own needs. Depending on whether you are going to sew according to individual measurements or if you plan to mass-produce clothes according to GOST sizes, determine the type of model. Suitable for tailoring extendable mannequin and immovable. But what are their differences, and what modifications are there? Read about it below.

  1. Sliding tailor mannequins with infinitely adjustable Designed for custom tailoring. Their design includes the possibility of changing the waist circumference, the distance from the shoulder to the waist, and the chest circumference. The "body" of the mannequin is placed on a plastic or metal stand with a stand and covered with a special material that perfectly holds the fabric, preventing it from slipping. The range of models includes large and small sizes, men's and teens, as well as trouser with a side-mount rack that allows you to wear trousers and jeans on them. This the best option for those who sew for themselves or for individual orders.
  2. Sliding mannequins with adjustable size change the proportions not individually, but only from size to size, according to given standards. A great option for design studios, fashion designers and those who prefer to work with standard figures.
  3. Fixed mannequins with fixed size - this is a model of a certain size, corresponding to GOST, which cannot be changed. They are "soft" and "hard".
  • For "solid" use a frame made of hard cardboard or fiberglass, which is covered knitted fabric increased strength. The fabric is not glued over the entire surface of the base, which allows you to stick pins into it.
  • The tailor's soft mannequin is divided into two types: completely soft, without a solid base, and having a hard base, glued with foam rubber 1 cm thick. The former are easily pressed through and return to their original size, the latter facilitate working with the fabric.
  • Both options are often used in workshops and clothing factories, where exactly the size range of mannequins is in demand.

Having found out the design features of all types, we will dwell on each of them in more detail.

Fixed Size Mannequins

The entire model range is made according to the dimensions established by GOST. They do not have adjustment devices, so the best option for their use is the mass production of clothes in factories and large sewing workshops. They are very heavy because they do not have an internal cavity. They are covered, as a rule, with soft materials, but you can also find samples with hard upholstery, into which it is difficult, almost impossible to stick a pin.

Pros: Inexpensive and durable

Cons: Only one standard size and the impossibility of trimming the dress according to the height of the client.

Adjustable size mannequins

Equipped with sliding regulators that allow you to fix the circumference of the waist, chest or hips in the desired range. For example, you can set the hip size to 42 or 44 cm, but 42.5 will not work. That is, on such a male or female mannequin, you can set the size according to GOST without taking into account the individual characteristics of the figure. They use a plastic frame as a basis, equipped with metal guides for changing the size. The frame is covered with a thin material that prevents the fabric from slipping. Such a mannequin weighs no more than 5 kg.

Pros: Compact and lightweight: Moves comfortably and easily. Ergonomic, because it does not require the purchase of several mannequins of different sizes.

Cons: No settings for a non-standard figure.

Variable size mannequins

These are convenient and comfortable models when working with individual clients. Size adjustment is important if you plan to use dressmaker's mannequin female, because female figure more parameters required special approach. The basis of the model, made of plastic, is located on a metal or plastic stand with a stand. To cover the frame, a thin, slip-retarding fabric is used. The outfit put on her is easily fixed with pins.

Pros: Lightweight, easy to move, adjusts to any size, which creates ideal conditions for work at home.

Cons: Since the regulators are made of plastic, it needs to be handled with care. There is a risk of breaking the threaded section when adjusting the size sharply.

Now that you have an idea about the various modifications of mannequins, it will be easier for you to make a choice.

In our review, it will not be superfluous to recall the opinion of professionals using sewing mannequins various brands for work or business for more than a year. Considering both types, traditional classic and innovative sliding, they note the advantages and disadvantages of both types.

  1. classic mannequin reliable and durable. On it you can design and try on, fit and dowalize (in a soft base). You can increase the life of the mannequin by wrapping the base with a stretch film or bag. The absence of gaps in the base of the dummy increases its strength and helps in work. The main disadvantage of classic models is a fixed size. In addition, they are usually produced by foreign companies and do not meet our standards. Add to this the features of the client’s figure, and then you will have to prick additional volume in problem areas. All this leads to the purchase of several mannequins, which is difficult both in terms of finances and their placement.
  2. Sliding mannequins easily solve the problem of both places and fitting the product according to the figure. They are more expensive, but they also provide more opportunities for creativity. The sliding mechanism allows you to accurately try on products for non-standard figures and make any necessary adjustments immediately. It can be adjusted to a specific size and waist, and neck, and chest, hips, and back length. However, we must not forget about the difference in the standards of some countries. There is a significant difference from the accepted dimensions in Germany and China with domestic ones. The dummy is easy to assemble and disassemble, weighs little, it is easy to store and transport.

4. The range of online store TekstilTorg

Helpful information for those who are going female mannequin to buy on the website of our online store.

Dummy Donna equipped with a scale located on the neck, where all changes in volumes are displayed. Referring to its indications, you can set the size you need with a high degree of accuracy. This is convenient if the client does not have the opportunity to visit you frequently for fittings. The advantages of the model include the absence of holes in the base, as it is covered with a dense elastic fabric. The model also has a special lever that raises or lowers the level of the chest and changes its volume. The disadvantage of the design is that with an increase in height, an automatic increase in the volume of the hips occurs.

This group includes:

  • Diana Mannequin tailor's sliding (B 50-58)
  • Diana Mannequin tailor's sliding (A 42-50)
  • MyDouble Tailor's mannequin female extendable M size 50-56
  • MyDouble Tailor's mannequin female extendable S sizes 42-52
  • Mydouble Mannequin F 58-66

English "MyDouble" equipped with a trouser bottom limiter, it is convenient when trying on the shoulder and waist groups of products. Unfortunately, it is also not without a drawback: by pushing the back and chest, you will automatically get an increase in the shoulders.

In our store you will find the following models:

  • Tailor's mannequin My Double Legform, size M (50-56)
  • My Double Mannequin Male Form (male) 46-56
  • My Double Mannequin Junior (male) 30-38
  • Dressform Extendable mannequin M (size 50 – 56)

The latest model should be mentioned separately. It has full-length shoulders, which makes it easier to sew in sleeves and allows for adjustment of 12 sizes. The mannequin weighs only 4 kg, it is stable and delicate in use.

The presented samples are not designed for adding and steaming products. There are problems with performance: after a year and a half or two, they become loose, begin to creak, and it is difficult to find spare parts for them.

5. Advantages of buying in the TekstilTorg online store

As you can see, we tried to objectively and professionally approach the demonstration of the mannequins' capabilities, openly talked about their advantages and disadvantages. Which one to choose is up to you. Whether you carry heavy mannequins, use fixed-size models, or opt for mobile and flexible expandable models, it's up to you. Nevertheless, the task of filling the assortment range of TekstilTorg was performed perfectly by us. And you do not hesitate and do not be afraid to look here - we have the largest selection and only the latest offers - everything is in stock right now, and not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or in a week or a month!

And we guarantee timely delivery, high quality products, low prices and advice on buying online. We will advise how to choose a mannequin for sewing. We hope you will not be disappointed and, taking into account our recommendations, make a useful purchase for your business.

Despite great amount commercially available dresses, jackets, coats, individual tailoring never loses its relevance. Professional designers buy tailor's mannequins to facilitate and improve the work of modeling and designing clothes. Home needlewomen also need convenient sewing equipment, but many do not agree with the cost of a mannequin . They still struggle with repeated fittings or trying to build do-it-yourself mannequin which is also physically difficult, troublesome and unsafe.

How to make a mannequin its exact copy

The TEKCity company produces excellent soft sewing mannequins clothes. They are used by fashion salons, ateliers, individual tailors, housewives. Our products have gained popularity among a wide range of users because they:

lightweight and comfortable

elastic and pliable

Do not deform or break

Allows you to wear tight clothing and stick pins

Qualitative sewing mannequin saves a lot of time and effort. In professional hands mannequin cost pays off in less than a year.

We cast our products from polyurethane foam. A similar composition of raw materials goes to the manufacture of car seats, and when a hardener is added to it, we get quality soles for shoes.

Our mannequins are made according to the average size of the human figure. But very often the individual parameters of a single person do not coincide with the standard ones. Do not give up the convenience that our products provide! We'll tell like a mannequin do an exact copy of your non-standard figure.

To get started, you should buy a soft tailor's mannequin, based on your maximum parameter. For example, if the mannequin's OB matches yours, then the OT or OD will be slightly larger. Adjust dimensions do-it-yourself mannequin you can without having special knowledge and equipment.

We offer three customization options:

1. If the mannequin is used for one person. Remove the knitted cover, with a sharp clerical (wallpaper) knife, carefully and evenly cut off the excess layer of polyurethane foam. Sew in and put on a knitted cover.

2. When using a dummy for two or more people. Sew a thin corset "stocking" according to the desired parameters, put it on a pre-compressed mannequin. When you have to sew clothes of a standard size, the corset can be removed.

3. When using the dummy for multiple people. Sew corsets according to the specified parameters, providing them with detachable zippers, hooks or laces. Change corsets when necessary.

As you can see, you can adjust the mannequin for yourself without much effort and expense, without wrapping yourself with adhesive tape and without plastering yourself with plaster.

Due to the fact that soft tailor torsos are made of elasticpolyurethane foam, then their size ry can be changed: due to compression (using elastic bandages, personally sewn corsets), as well as by attaching additional elements (foam rubber cutting, shoulder pads, corset cups, etc.).

Fastening new elements on the product both outside and if desired And with the knitted cover removed, it is easy produces with pins. The photographs show several examples of changing the parameters of the torsos.

The parameters of the figure of each person are unique. Even the slope of the shoulders and the deflection of the lower back are different for everyone, not to mention the volume of the chest and hips. Modern mannequins repeat the anatomical structure of the body with all natural curves and depressions, but are made according to average parameters without taking into account individual characteristics, of which there are a great many. The task of a professional fashion designer is to create a thing that fits the figure like a second skin. This is where top notch craftsmanship lies. We tell you what to do if the figure differs from the mannequin

Expandable mannequin

This option is suitable for those who do not pretend to have a perfect fit of things on the figure. The fact is that sliding mannequins are most often made of molded plastic, they have a rigid base covered with a layer of soft synthetic fabric. The work of the tattoo method is complicated - it will not work to insert the pins to the desired depth. It is problematic to carefully put on or take off a thing from a hard torso - plastic is not compressible, and the product can be deformed. And the most important: It is almost impossible to adjust the mannequin to the exact dimensions of the client. When the required volumes are reached in one place, the accuracy of other parameters is distorted (error of vertical and horizontal shifts). We wrote about the pros and cons of sliding mannequins.

Home fit mannequin

Beginning craftswomen proceed as follows: they buy a mannequin that is as close as possible to the parameters of their figure, and then bring the model “to mind” with improvised means. In the course are synthetic winterizer and foam rubber "cuts" of different thicknesses and configurations, as well as layers of synthetic winterizer. Additional volumes are pricked in the right places with pins. If you need to add volume to the bust, especially generous dressmakers are ready to give the mannequin their push-up bodice.

Finally, the torso is tightly covered with elastic fabric. Since it is almost impossible to find a “stocking” of a suitable size, self-tailoring is used. And if you need to do everything quickly, then you can use a T-shirt or bodysuit. In order not to mess with pins, self-made overlays can even be put on pva-glue. But if someone asks you to sew something to order… Imagine the process of adjusting volumes with a full constriction of the “cover”, and you will immediately stop wanting to respond to the request.

Professional fit

Serious fashion designers buy polyurethane foam for their studios, and a full size range. Despite this, the parameters still have to be adjusted taking into account the figure of the client. For comfortable work, we have created a large mannequin Royal Dress forms. The set includes:

  • Universal cover made of elastic mesh, fixed with a strong cord. Available in three sizes: 40-44, 46-50 and 52-54
  • 4 pairs of large oval pads - used to increase volume in the abdomen, hips, back, buttocks.
  • 6 pairs of overlays of medium and small size. Shares have smooth transition to the edges, thanks to which they create an anatomical shape of bends without sharp changes in height.

Large overlays can be attached to the mannequin vertically, horizontally, and also diagonally. Vertically - to increase the width of the back or volume of the abdomen (dresses for pregnant women), diagonally - to locally increase the protrusions of the buttocks.

Medium and small pads most often used to correct breast volume. The advantage of such shares is the possibility of front and back use. When the lining is turned inside out, the most convex part changes its direction. That is, the peak point of the chest can be adjusted in height. The edges of the overlays are easily wrapped inside - this is important for repeated use, when cutting is undesirable.

The shares are pinned with pins on the desired areas of the mannequin. Slight waviness of the edges will be smoothed out after covering the torso with a cover. We recommend using pins with flat nail heads for pricking (pins with a looped eye tear foam rubber).

See full review of mannequin pads
