Upon reaching the age of 80, the pension increases. Payments for the care of disabled citizens

As you know, in Russia, people who have crossed the age threshold of 80 years old can receive an old-age labor pension with some differences from their younger fellow pensioners, and have certain additional benefits. Read about all the benefits for pensioners in the article at the link.

In order to receive changes in the labor pension, namely an increase in the fixed amount of the insurance part of the pension by 100%, as established by law, there is no need for a person to go to the FIU and submit any applications. This process is carried out by the body independently in an automatic manner within one month from the date of fulfillment of this age by a citizen of the Russian Federation. This recalculation procedure applies to everyone, with the exception of disabled pensioners of the first group. This is due to the fact that this category of citizens already has a 100% increase in the fixed amount of the insurance part of the pension.

It should be noted that the cash supplement for persons who have reached the age of 80 and older is charged differently, since there are those categories of people who have a fixed insurance part pensions are either more or less than others. Those who receive the largest allowance are residents of the Far North and areas equivalent to it, whose work experience exceeds 15 years. Such a group of people can live in any region, locality Russian Federation, the main condition is the presence of the above indicators.

Benefit for caring for a person who has reached the age of 80

Also, a person who has reached the age of 80 has the right to receive from the state the so-called care allowance, which is paid monthly. Such payment is due to the person caring for the pensioner.

In order to receive this subsidy from the state, it is necessary to apply in a corresponding application to the FIU at the location of the pension case, which will be amended accordingly. If a situation arises when the pensioner himself is not able to come and submit an application, then there is the possibility of using the institute of principals, where the application is submitted by an authorized person. In this case, this application is subject to mandatory notarization in accordance with the law.

In addition to the fact that in the FIU, where the pensioner’s personal file is located, an application is submitted directly from him, it is also mandatory to provide: passports of both the pensioner himself and the person caring for him, an application from this person, as well as work book of the carer, provided that it is available. If a person at the time of care is a student of an educational institution, then it is necessary to provide an appropriate certificate from the place of his education.

Who can care for a pensioner over 80

It should be noted here that the appointment of such a monthly care allowance is possible only if the condition is met that the person is:

  • idle;
  • an able-bodied citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • does not perform other paid work (including non-individual entrepreneur);
  • is not registered with the employment service and does not receive unemployment benefits.

Age restrictions

The legislation provides for age restrictions for persons caring for pensioners. Due to the fact that the period of care is counted in seniority for the appointment of a pension, an employment contract is concluded with persons caring for pensioners, they are subject to Labor Code RF.

In accordance with the requirements of Art. 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the conclusion of an employment contract is allowed with persons who have reached the age of 16.

It should be noted that labor legislation provides for the possibility of labor activity from an earlier age.

For example, people who received general education or who are receiving a general education and have reached the age of fifteen, may enter into an employment contract for the performance of light work that is not harmful to their health.

Labor legislation also provides for the opportunity to work for persons over the age of fourteen. But it must be remembered that this requires the consent of one of the parents (guardian) and the guardianship and guardianship authority.

In addition, one of the conditions for concluding an employment contract with a 14-year-old employee is that he must receive general education, and labor activity to carry out in their free time from study and without prejudice to the development of the educational program.

Few people know that this compensation can be issued not only to pensioners over 80 years old, but also to the elderly who need constant outside care (according to the conclusion of a medical institution).

Care allowance amount

The amount of this state subsidy is different for each individual region, and is directly dependent on the regional coefficient.

For 2018-2019, as well as for 2020, base size monthly compensation payment (additional payment to pensions for pensioners over 80 years old) is set at 1,200 rubles per month (excluding regional coefficients).

If a situation arises when a person caring for an elderly person who has applied for this payment wants to find a job, then the PFR authority must be informed of this without fail so that these payments are terminated at the time of employment. If this is not done, then at some point a person who worked, cared for an elderly person, while continuing to receive a payment, will have to reimburse the amount of funds they received during their working life on this payment to pensioners over 80 years old.

A new complete list of documents required for the appointment of compensation payments

In 2014, the Rules for making monthly compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for a person who has reached the age of 80, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06/04/2007 No. 343, were amended, in accordance with which the list of required documents has changed.

Now, in order to assign compensation, it is necessary to submit the following documents to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

  1. a statement from the caregiver indicating the date the care began and where they live;
  2. a statement of a disabled citizen about consent to care for him by a specific person. If necessary, the authenticity of the signature of a disabled citizen on the said application may be confirmed by an inspection report of the body that pays the pension. If care is provided for a person recognized in the established manner as incapable (limited in capacity), such an application is submitted on behalf of his legal representative with the submission of a document confirming the authority of the legal representative.
  3. a certificate from the authority that assigns and pays pensions at the place of residence or place of stay of the caregiver that a pension has not been assigned to this person;
  4. certificate (information) of the employment service authority at the place of residence of the caregiver about his non-receipt of unemployment benefits;
  5. an extract from the certificate of examination of a disabled citizen recognized as disabled, sent by the federal state institution of medical and social expertise to the body that pays the pension;
  6. an identity document and a work book of a caregiver, as well as a work book of a disabled citizen;
  7. certificate (information) on the non-assignment of a compensation payment for caring for a disabled citizen who is a recipient of a pension in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On pension provision persons who have passed military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for the control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, and their families" and an old-age labor pension issued by the body that pays the corresponding pension;
  8. For persons over 15 years old additionally, a certificate of the organization carrying out educational activities confirming the fact of full-time education;
  9. For persons over 14 years old- permission (consent) of one of the parents (adoptive parent, trustee) and the guardianship and guardianship authority to care for a disabled citizen, in their free time from study. (Birth certificate is presented as a document confirming that the specified person is a parent.)

permission (consent) of one of the parents (adoptive parent, guardian) and the guardianship and guardianship authority to care for a disabled citizen, a student who has reached the age of 14, in his free time from study. A birth certificate is accepted as a document confirming that the specified person is a parent. An adoption certificate or a court decision to establish this fact is accepted as a document confirming the adoption. As a document confirming the establishment of guardianship, certificates, decisions and other documents issued by guardianship and guardianship authorities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on guardianship and guardianship are accepted;

j) certificate of the organization carrying out educational activities, confirming the fact of full-time education of the person providing care;

In 2016, amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation came into force, according to which the constituent entity of the Russian Federation is empowered to decide on the release of owners of premises in apartment buildings who are pensioners living alone who have reached the age of 80 from paying contributions for capital repairs in to maintain their standard of living. If, in its development, local authorities in the regions of Russia on the ground adopt appropriate laws to support pensioners, then pensioners over 80 years old will not pay contributions for major repairs. Read about the procedure for paying contributions for capital and repairs and the available benefits for their payment in the article at the link.

Despite this fairly broad liver, clear indications of benefits to individuals retirement age older than 80 years in the legislation of the Russian Federation is not. There are only some clarifications in local and regional legislation in each region separately.

Prepared by "Personal rights.ru"

How is the additional payment to the pension after 80 years in 2019 assigned, how much is paid extra to elderly pensioners and those caring for them. order and documents.

What payments are due to citizens who have reached the age of 80

Since 2019, the country's oldest pensioners have received support from the Russian Government. Based on the current legislation, pensioners who are 80 years of age, monthly accrued:

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  • 100% fixed assistance from the insurance pension;
  • compensation allowance for the care of the elderly.

Depending on the region of residence, pensioners may be provided with additional benefits and social support.

Additional payment to pension after 80 years in 2019

In recalculation, the non-declarative principle applies. The documents in the FIU are the basis for the automatic one, which is made on the pensioner's birthday. Additional documents are not required.

But if a pensioner needs to clarify these issues, if he wants to personally know about the terms and, then he must contact the FIU. You need to have some documents with you:

  • identity document;
  • applications (if compensation is issued to a relative).

Additional payment for a disabled person of the 1st group

Can an 80-year-old pensioner who is a group 1 disabled person receive a double pension increase? On the basis of the Law, disabled people of the 1st group, as well as elderly pensioners over 80 years old, receive monthly fixed payments in an increased amount.

But additional payments to payments are made only on one basis: either by age, or. That's why a disabled person of the 1st group will not be able to count on such assistance.

Allowance for employees of the Far North

Workers in the Far North have the right to receive an additional increase in pensions for special working conditions. The allowance directly depends on the area of ​​​​residence and on the number of years worked in poor conditions. Each district has its own coefficient by which payments increase.

Retiree care allowance

Who can claim compensation

It can be issued per person:

  • idle;
  • able-bodied;
  • not younger than 14 years old;
  • not registered with the employment center;
  • not receiving any benefits and pensions;
  • without IP status.

After registration of compensation, it will be charged to the pensioner. He has the right to manage this money himself: he can thank the person who cares for the service.

Attention! One individual can care for several pensioners and disabled people at the same time.

Where to apply and what documents are needed

  1. To receive compensation payments, the interested person should contact the pension center. The person who draws up compensation for himself collects a package of documents and submits it to the FIU.
  2. The presence of an elderly pensioner or a disabled person is not required when submitting documents. But sometimes fund employees insist on the obligatory presence of a pensioner.

What to do, if an elderly person is unable to move? There are two options for solving the problem:

  1. Power of attorney. The notary draws up a power of attorney to act with the FIU.
  2. Home decoration. PFR employees can be invited and accept all necessary documents.

List of documents for registration of compensation:

  • a statement from a pensioner or a disabled person: it can be written by another person, but with the condition that the pensioner himself will sign;
  • two passports (a pensioner and a person who will be caring);
  • two work books;
  • two insurance certificates;
  • certificate from the employment center for the caregiver (two copies, if more than one elderly or disabled person will be cared for): the certificate is issued free of charge on the basis of the submitted application;
  • certificate from the place of study: it must indicate the date of admission, the number of the order for enrollment in the course;
  • for minors - a statement from the parents about their consent to the registration of compensation for the minor.


After submitting the documents to the FIU, you will be issued a receipt for their receipt. But how long do you have to wait for payments? During three months pensioners should be compensated.

Attention! The person who issued the compensation is obliged to make deductions to the FIU.

Nursing care for the elderly

Is caring for the elderly a job? If the caregiver is a close relative of an elderly person, then this period will be the insurance pension. He will be awarded points, which will amount to 1,8 .

The amount of the compensation payment

The amount of compensation to a person who cares for elderly pensioners or disabled people is 1200 rubles. The amount is fixed and paid every month.

The amount of compensation for dependents depends on their number in the family. Dependents of an elderly pensioner are entitled to receive material assistance in the amount of 33% of the total compensation for each dependent. But only three or less dependents can count on it.


Termination of payments

The pension is not paid in the following cases:

  1. Death pensioner. Official recognition of him as missing. Official announcement of his death.
  2. Expiration suspension of payments. 6 months after the decision on temporary suspension pension payments, it stops.
  3. Loss of rights for pension payments. This happens in the case
    • if the pensioner has lost his pension documents;
    • if it turned out the fact of illegal receipt of a pension;
    • if the term of pension payments expires;
    • if the person to whom the pension was paid becomes able to work;
    • if a person receiving disability payments has become able-bodied, went to work and makes contributions to Pension Fund.

The pension is not accrued from the 1st day of the next month after the death of the pensioner. If an elderly person was declared missing or dead, then payments stop after a court decision.

Additional benefits for 80 year olds

80-year-old pensioners are the most vulnerable group of citizens. That's why The legislation provides a number of benefits:

  1. Medical:
    • reimbursement of the cost of travel to places of treatment;
    • 50% discount on medications purchased on the basis of a prescription;
    • twice a year free voucher for health improvement;
    • out-of-turn appointments with clinic doctors;
    • free doctor's house call;
    • partial discount on dentures.
  2. Benefit for utilities. 80-year-old pensioners have a 50% discount on utility bills.
  3. tax:
    • pensioners are exempt from income and property taxes;
    • they can purchase real estate with a tax deduction;
    • have the right to reduce the value of the land;
  4. Transport. Pensioners have the right to free travel to their place of residence.
  5. Other:
    • can use social services free of charge: material, legal assistance, receive food and clothing;
    • may apply to the social service with a request to provide a person for care;
    • have the right to receive a place in a boarding house;
    • they may be provided with housing, eating their own will be deemed uninhabitable.

These benefits will help older retirees to more easily endure their hardships in old age.

Care for disabled elderly up to 80 years of age

An elderly person who cannot engage in self-service has the right either independently or through an authorized person to contact the center social protection asking for help. Reasons for referral may include:

  1. Absence of relatives.
  2. Severe state of health.

After consideration of the application, a decision will be made on the provision of assistance and its form (free of charge, paid or with partial payment).

In the Russian Federation, a special attitude is given to people who have lived a long and difficult life. Many trials have fallen to their lot, because the government is trying to ease their “autumn” a little, to help them forget about material difficulties. Pension payments increase after age 80. In addition, citizens old age are entitled to other preferences from the state. Let's take a look at what seniors can look forward to in 2019.

Pension increase

The main income of an elderly person is income from the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR). There is a provision according to which this payment is increased. But unfortunately, not all and not always. However, there are other benefits after the age of 80 that apply to all citizens of this category. As for pension payments, this should be sorted out.

They consist of the main (fixed part) and additional allowances. After the 80th anniversary, only the first part increases. It is doubled. So, in 2018, the fixed part was 4805.11 rubles. Consequently, pension accruals for the elderly doubled and amounted to 9610.22 rubles.

This allowance for citizens who have crossed the 80th anniversary is established only for labor pension.

The rule does not work if a person receives pension maintenance of a different nature. Namely:

  • social;
  • on the loss of a breadwinner;
  • disability group 1.

If you receive one of the above pension amounts, you must contact the FIU specialists in order to switch to labor payments (if possible).

How does indexing work?

Government agencies independently track the age of older people. Upon the onset of the 80th anniversary, as well as the existing grounds, the indexation of payments occurs automatically. From the day of birth, already increased amounts are accrued to a person.

An elderly pensioner does not need to write an application for an increase in pension payments. Everything will be done by the specialists of the FIU.

In addition, there are additional payments due to citizens of this category. They are provided for those who are dependent on other persons who are not able to earn. The allowance is issued in the following amounts:

  • for one person - a third of the fixed part of the pension, which amounted to 1601.7 rubles in 2018;
  • for two dependents - 3203.4 rubles;
  • for three - 4805.1 rubles;
  • no more payouts.
Dependents may include disabled citizens who do not receive pension payments.

Aged Care Supplement

It is difficult for people over 80 to manage their own household. They are usually looked after by relatives. For this, some citizens may receive certain benefits. That is, the state pays for the work of caring for old people who have stepped over eight decades.

Money for caring for an 80-year-old person is added to his pension, that is, paid to his personal account. You don't need to start a separate one.

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Who pays for care

The labor legislation of the Russian Federation assumes that the time of caring for the elderly is included in the length of service of a citizen. And this imposes a number of restrictions on the latter. So, the care allowance is provided to a person:

  • able-bodied;
  • officially not working, including under a contract;
  • not registered as an individual entrepreneur;
  • not receiving:
    • pensions;
    • unemployment benefits.
If fraud is detected, that is, payments to people who are not subject to restrictions, all the money will have to be returned to the PFR account.

Age restrictions

There is no sin in the fact that people try to increase pension payments in any legal way. Including, they make out the care of an elderly relative for his grandson, who has not reached the age of majority. Normative acts do not contain prohibitions on such a procedure. But they have certain limitations.

Article 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation limits the age of citizens with whom an employment contract can be concluded to 16 years. And in our case, we are talking about official employment. In fact, the caregiver receives a salary from the FIU.

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In the regulatory framework there is permission to employ young people from the age of 15 and even 14 in special cases. But for them, a light labor regime is established. In addition, for 14-year-olds, permission to conclude a contract is required:

  • parent;
  • guardianship authorities.

In practice, it is quite possible to issue a care allowance for a student who celebrated his 14th birthday. But for this you will have to collect additional papers.

Care for a disabled person who has lost legal capacity will not be trusted to a minor. This work is considered hard. He will not allow the young man to get an education.

Where to go

All payments relating to the elderly are handled by the Pension Fund. You need to start by collecting a package of documents. Then, take everything to the local branch of the PF. The specialist at the reception will help you write an application, look at the documents. If there are comments, it will tell you how to redo it.

For caring for the elderly, a person receives points to future pension at a rate of 1.8 per year.

The most elderly pensioner and the person for whom the allowance is issued will have to go to the department. In this case, the presence of a minor is mandatory if a payment is made to him. Parents or guardians young man not entitled to be replaced.

If an 80-year-old citizen is not able to go to an appointment with the FIU, then he can entrust it to another person (in addition to the one for whom care is being issued). The paper must be notarized.

List of documents

When accepting papers, the PFR specialist is guided by the Rules for making monthly compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for a person who has reached the age of 80 years. They were approved in 2007 by government decree No. 343. However, significant changes were made to this regulatory legal act in 2015. They touched, in particular, on the list of papers that the applicant for benefits must provide to the FIU.

In 2019, you will have to collect the following papers:

  1. Main package:
    • the date from which care actually began;
    • applicant's address;
    • application of the applicant for payment of supplement for the care of an eighty-year-old citizen, which indicates, in particular:
    • a statement by an 80-year-old pensioner expressing consent to be looked after by this particular applicant (if a citizen is deprived of legal capacity, then this paper is drawn up by his legal representative);
    • certificate stating that the applicant does not receive pension payments;
    • information from the employment center that this person is not looking for a job, does not receive benefits;
    • certificate of assignment of a disability group (if any);
    • documents proving the identity of the pensioner and the applicant for care assistance;
    • work books of both (if any);
    • information that the applicant does not receive other payments for care and pensions.
If necessary, a survey of the living conditions of an elderly person by specialists of the FIU can be carried out.
  1. For young people aged 15 to 18, a certificate from educational institution about the course of study.
  2. For teenagers from 14 to 15 years old:
    • the above certificate from the school;
    • written work permit:
    • one of the parents or guardian;
    • body of guardianship and guardianship;
    • a copy of the birth certificate (proves the fact of parenthood for the above document).
In some cases, other documents may be required. They are determined individually based on the specific situation.

Making a decision on the purpose of payment

The Pension Fund specialist must check and accept all the above papers. Applicants will receive a receipt for this. The state body is given ten working days to make a decision on the case.

  1. If the claims of persons are satisfied, payments are accrued from the month in which the appeal occurred. However, the allowance is not paid for the period when the person was not entitled to it (he worked or the elderly person was not yet 80 years old).
  2. In case of refusal, the FIU specialist is obliged to notify the applicants, disclosing in detail the reason for the decision.
  3. The amount of payment in 2018 was 1380 rubles. In 2019 - 1440-1560 rubles. depending on the subject of the Russian Federation. In the regions of the Far North and equated regions, a regional coefficient is applied.

In practice, it is often necessary to convey some other documents. Therefore, it is advisable for applicants to be interested in the progress of the case, so as not to be refused and not to start all over again.

Other preferences for 80-year-old citizens

In addition to the above cash payments, senior citizens are provided with other types of support. However, they are set by regional governments, so they differ somewhat across the country. Among the most common are the following:

  1. Provision of free medical and social services. It includes:
    • the allocation of a place in an institution for the elderly out of turn;
    • home service for single citizens.
  2. Citizens who have crossed their eightieth anniversary have the right to special attention from local authorities in terms of solving housing problems. In particular, if their apartment is recognized as unsuitable for use, then they are provided with another one under a social tenancy agreement. This housing is allocated from the fund of the local municipality.
  3. The elderly who are in trouble are temporarily provided with the following support:
    • food kits or hot meals are issued;
    • a place of non-permanent residence is provided;
    • legal assistance to solve problems is completely free;
    • if necessary, medical and psychological services are provided.
  4. Elderly people in a critical situation are provided with essentials, clothing, footwear, and hygiene products for budget money.

All these services should be requested from social service workers. Don't expect a crisis. If problems arise, an elderly citizen should immediately go to a government agency.

Discounts on capital repairs

In 2016, amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation regarding contributions for major repairs began to take effect. According to the wording introduced, the regional authorities will give citizens benefits on this payment. Thus, they have been given the right to completely exempt from them those who have crossed the 80-year threshold.

This rule has been introduced in almost all regions. Elderly people are not sent invoices for overhaul. However, this should be reported to the social service authority. The rules prohibit granting legal benefits to persons who do not require them.

The pensioner needs to take a passport, the last paid bill and go to the local administration. There, they will help him fill out an application, they will tell him which copies to provide.

Benefits are not provided to debtors on utility bills. The social service authorities will have to provide certificates stating that there are no debts. Important: since September 2017, the development of a pilot project for long-term care for the elderly and disabled began. its initial stage of implementation is planned in the near future.

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Last changes

In 2018, the government of the Russian Federation issued a statement on the inclusion in the national project "Demography" of the indicator of passing professional medical examinations of up to 90% of elderly citizens by 2024. Back in 2017, the rules for annual medical examinations and professional examinations were changed. Analyzes were replaced by effective testing, and professional examinations became regular.

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News about the additional payment to the pension for people who have reached the age of 80 has been circulating for quite some time, and is based on information that has been leaked to the press from informed sources. The fuzziness of information, and its not always correct presentation, led to the fact that some citizens began to believe that in 2018, those who receive any kind of government payments after the age of 80, its monthly amount will be automatically increased by 100%. This information does not correspond to the true state of affairs. We are talking about an additional payment to a pension, an annual appropriation that the state pays to pensioners.

But in 2018, those who receive insurance pension at any age after the age of 80, this additional payment will be doubled. This does not require visits to official authorities and the execution of additional documents. The pension fund will automatically accrue double the size of the fixed payment, according to the documentation already available, to all insurance pensioners who are 80 years old.

Background and status quo

Since the beginning of the year, working citizens have been increasing minimum size wages. It is increased by a rather impressive amount, if recalculated in the volume of the entire country - by 21.7%. From 2018, the minimum wage in Russia will be 9,489 rubles. Not a single employer, officially hiring an employee, has the right, without violating the labor legislation of the country, to pay him less than the amount indicated in official documents as the minimum salary.

The adoption of such a decision means that people who work in state enterprises cannot receive less, therefore, in state structures, those who have a lower salary will also rise to a new mark.

Non-working pensioners in the regions, as in the past year, will receive an additional payment to their pensions from the regional authorities to ensure the official subsistence level of the pensioner. The fixed payment in 2018 will be made earlier than usual, because the increase in inflation amounted to a smaller percentage than was budgeted to cover it. This made it possible for the government to issue a command to charge a fixed payment already in January. In the past, in 2017, the amount of a fixed payment to insurance pensioners was 4805.11 rubles. In the new, 2018, the annual supplement to the pension will be 4982.90 rubles. This is 183 rubles more than in 2017.

Pension increase for pensioners over 80 years old

For those who receive a non-minimum pension rate, the pension will be indexed to inflation and an increase of 400 rubles will be announced. This is still only an approximate figure, because the percentage of inflation has not been officially announced, and the figures are called different - from 3.7% to 4.5%.

Announcing preliminary results, Rosstat called the figure 3.7%, instead of 4% included in the budget, which made it possible to start recalculating pensions earlier than in 2017. Annual indexation will be paid in 2018 in January, and to those who receive an insurance pension after 80 years. The average increase in k will be 400 rubles, which on a national scale means a huge amount intended for payment in January and February.

Pensioners who have reached the age of 80 and receive the minimum wage will receive a fixed payment in double the amount, and this will be 4982.90x2 = 9965.8 rubles.

Talk about increasing the insurance pension by 100% is just misunderstood or misinformed information. By the way, a fixed payment is also not paid to everyone who is over 80, but only to those who have an officially issued insurance pension.

Additional Information

The amount of the fixed surcharge increases by a large amount for some categories of pensioners, and you also need to know about this:

  • people who have reached the age of 80, and who have at least 15 years in the conditions of the North, and who have insurance experience for men - at least 25, and for women - 20 years, another 50% is added to the fixed payment;
  • those who have worked in conditions equivalent to those of the north for at least 20 years are entitled to a 30% increase in PV (in both cases - regardless of current residence);
  • those working in the space industry will be paid a 200% PV if they are over 80 years of age.

Indexation of the fixed payment is carried out by the state annually, and since 2013, when it was 4558.93, the amount has grown to 4982.90 in 2018. For one pensioner, this seems to be a slight increase, but if you recalculate in time and the number of pensioners, then this is a colossal the amount with which the Pension Fund ceased to cope, and the state was forced to finance it. Separately, it should be noted that pensioners who have reached the age of 80 and receive a disability pension will not be doubled the PV, because it has already been doubled initially.

Additional payments to pensioners over 80 years old

Additional payments

The state to a certain extent compensates for the care of a pensioner who has reached the age of 80 and, due to age, is unable to serve himself independently. Such an additional payment is made to the pensioner himself, who pays off with the person who buys food, medicine and industrial goods for him, cleans and erases. There are certain conditions here. The surcharge is charged if:

  • written statement of consent of both parties;
  • identity of contracting care providers confirmed;
  • their work books and SNILS were provided;
  • there are certificates issued by the employment authorities that the one who cares for a pensioner does not receive pensions, payments, unemployment benefits and does not conduct an ITP.

Care is allowed for full-time students (a certificate from a university or other educational institution is required), adolescents who have reached the age of 14 (a certificate from parents or a trustee), citizens who do not work anywhere and do not receive anything from the state. The latter can look after several elderly citizens. The care allowance is 1200 rubles, and this amount is not indexed, but can be adjusted by the regional government. The response to the submitted request for the screening of the elderly will most likely be positive, and it will be given within 10 days.

A refusal can be received within five if it turns out that the person who takes on the responsibility of inspecting a pensioner is working somewhere, is self-employed, or receives any payments from the state (pension or permanent compensation).

Care allowance will be provided only if the person is not working anywhere

Conditions for receiving compensation payment in double amount

No documents are required to increase the compensation fixed payment by 200% for any citizen of the Russian Federation receiving an insurance pension. As soon as a pensioner turns 80, the pension fund of the Russian Federation is obliged to automatically multiply by 2 the amount determined by law, taking into account the past indexation, and pay it to a citizen of the country receiving an insurance pension. If, for any reason, this did not happen, you should contact the higher authorities and clarify the situation. Keeping track of this is part of the functional responsibilities of the PF.

Part-time pensioners are not uncommon. The size of the pension does not always allow you to live properly, given the increasing costs of basic necessities and medicines. A positive aspect is the increase in the pension for the elderly at the age of 80. What changes will affect it in 2018, to be considered in detail.

The increase in the pension, which is accrued after 80 years, is provided for by Art. 17 of the Federal Law "On insurance pensions" No. 400-FZ. The normative act fixed the provision according to which, upon reaching a certain age, one of the parts of the pension is doubled. This component is a fixed payment determined by a separate legislative act, it is minimum pension in RF.

So, to all citizens in Russia who receive old-age pensions, upon reaching the age of 80, as well as disabled people (group I), the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation accrues additional funds in the amount of the minimum pension content.

To whom is assigned

An increase in the pension already received is provided for persons who have reached the age of 80 years. This means that the next day after the 80th anniversary, the pensioner is supposed to receive a fixed payment of double the amount. In addition, in each individual region of the country, local legislation establishes its own benefits and allowances.

If a pensioner before reaching the age of 80 was a disabled person of group I, then the increase will not affect him for the reason that he is already the recipient of an additional allowance from the moment of submission of supporting documents to the Pension Fund.

How to receive

There are currently two ways to receive pension maintenance for senior citizens:

  1. The money is brought by a postal employee and handed over personally against signature;
  2. In the form of a bank transfer.

Pension after 80 years is paid to recipients in the same way. Only the size of the received Money in the direction of increase. The increase is due to doubling the fixed payment - that part of the pension content, which is guaranteed by the state upon retirement. The cash supplement is added to the monthly payment already received. It is permanent and will be paid every month for life.

In addition to the allowance under consideration, a pensioner may receive other cash supplements as a result of the appointment of appropriate benefits by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the Department of Social Policy, if, for example, he is disabled or has dependents on his pension.

Where and how to apply

The Pension Fund has the opportunity to issue a pension supplement without the participation of its recipient. The accrual of additional funds is carried out automatically, according to the information entered in the database. To receive the supplement, a pensioner who is 80 years old does not need to do anything.

Failures in the program are excluded, however, if a pensioner is to receive an addition to his pension in 2018, he can contact the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for clarification on the amounts that make up the monthly payment.

The amount of the pension supplement

Pension additional payments, as well as the already accrued pension, are subject to indexation. The legislation establishes that such indexation occurs annually. It becomes known in advance how much the size of the state allowance for the elderly is increasing.

In 2018, the amount of the payment will increase to 4982.9 rubles per month. As a result, the size of the pension of an 80-year-old pensioner, excluding the insurance part, from 01/01/2018 is 9965.8 rubles.

Of particular importance when recalculating monthly payments is the former place of work of a pensioner. If he worked in the Far North or in a nearby area, his pension is increased by the amount of the district coefficient.

The final amount of the fixed part of the pension will be as follows:

Group I disabled person and 80-year-old pensioner without dependents9965.8
Same categories + dependentsIf there is one dependent - 11,626.77
Two - 13,287.74
Three - 14,948.71
80-year-old pensioners and disabled people (I group), who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North and having insurance experience for men of at least 25, and for women - at least 20 years.14948.7
Same categories + dependentsIf there is one dependent - 17,440.16
Two - 19,931.61
Three - 22,423.07
80-year-old pensioners and disabled people (Gr. I) who have worked in areas equivalent to the regions of the Far North for more than 20 years, with an insurance record of more than 25 years for men or at least 20 years for women12955.54
Same categories + dependentsIf there is one dependent - 15,114.80
Two - 17,274.06
Three - 19,433.32

Caring for 80 year olds

For 80-year-old pensioners, not only material benefits are important, but also the necessary care, which they are no longer able to carry out on their own over the years. Relatives or other persons can count on a compensation payment for what they owe. Care is understood as actions to ensure living conditions for a normal life of a person, the supply of food and medicines.

A citizen who has expressed a desire to take care of a person of advanced years, the state will pay an amount of 1,200 rubles. The payment is extremely small, but it is periodically increased.

The compensation is included in the amount of pension payments of an 80-year-old pensioner, and he himself transfers the money to the person who cares for him. If such a person takes care of more than one pensioner, then he can receive payments for each elderly ward.

The requirements for a person caring for an infirm pensioner are as follows:

  • the absence of another source of funds (pensions, wages and other income, including benefits for the unemployed);
  • age over 16 years, if the specified age is not reached, then the parents or guardians give their consent, the student must study full-time;
  • availability of working capacity;
  • lack of registration as an individual entrepreneur.

Since such a person is not entitled to engage in any other activity, the period of supervision and care of an elderly person is included in the seniority of the caregiver, and one year is equal to the value of 1.8 years. The main thing is to comply with the condition: to be officially employed and have work experience before the period of caring for an elderly ward or after with the necessary deductions.

The following list of documents must be submitted to the pension fund for registration:

  1. Application of a person for the appointment of benefits;
  2. Statement of consent to the retirement of a pensioner;
  3. Copies of passports of both persons;
  4. Certificate from the place of study (for schoolchildren and full-time students);
  5. Documents confirming the absence of any income;
  6. Employment book with no record of work;
  7. For students under 16 years of age, parental permission is required.

Compensation is assigned after consideration of documents within 10 days. It will be possible to receive payment already for the month in which the appeal occurred.

Other perks

In addition to the due payments provided for by pension legislation, other benefits are also provided for the category of pensioners in question.

So, for example, they are assisted in priority placement in boarding schools or are provided with assistance social worker if necessary. Assistance is provided for difficult situations in the form of food, basic necessities, legal advice at the expense of the state.

In all regions of the Russian Federation, acts have been adopted regulating the complete exemption of 80-year-old elderly people who pay utility bills in a timely manner from contributions for capital repairs of houses.

In addition to social payments for the maintenance of dependents, 80-year-old pensioners are provided with such benefits as:

  • Spa treatment ( 1 time in 2 years);
  • travel to the place of rest at the expense of the state ( within the region);
  • payment of half the cost of medicines;
  • payment for the use of urban transport.

In some cases, these benefits may be replaced by additional payments in accordance with local legislation.
