How I Spent My winter holidays. Composition “How did I spend my winter holidays? Future plans

Winter is the most wonderful time of the year, which kids love very much.

Why do we love him? For a lot of fun and active entertainment, for the most anticipated holiday of the year - New Year and, of course, for our the winter vacation. It is thanks to two weeks of rest from the school process that we can enjoy all the delights of winter to the fullest.

This year my the winter vacation were particularly exciting. A few days before the New Year, nature pleased us with abundant snowfall, high snowdrifts, long and shiny icicles. Every day my friends and I gathered in our yard, took out our sleds and rode them down the high snowy slopes. We made snowballs and threw them at each other. We had fun from the heart and came home wet, with bright pink cheeks and with a sea of ​​positive emotions.

Of course, the preparation and celebration of the New Year took a special place in the winter holidays. Tons of delicious treats on the table! With the whole family, we tried to cook delicious dishes, which were then transferred to our New Year's table.

Together with my mom, dad and little sister, I made snowmen from tangerines, decorated cones and turned them into snow-covered spruces.

Buying a green beauty - a Christmas tree, has become a real holiday. We brought a cold tree from the street into our house, installed it in a bucket of sand and waited a bit until all the branches were straightened. In a few hours, our house was filled with the aroma of a forest beauty, so magical and unusual.

Mom and I took out all the boxes with Christmas decorations and began to decorate our green guest with colorful balls, glass toys, soft Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens. Be sure to hang sweet treats on our Christmas tree - chocolates, candies, sugar cockerels and other sweets.

We celebrated the new year in our circle native family, and the very next day they all went to visit their grandparents.

Days after meeting the new year, I spent playing with friends. Sometimes we would gather at my house and watch our favorite cartoons. Mom treated us to her homemade pies and hot tea. Their the winter vacation I had a great time. Rested and energized, I again began to study and study school subjects.

Short essay grade 2

In my opinion, winter is the most wonderful time of the year. It is filled with some kind of romance and comes to life in our souls. Small child who is waiting for the long-awaited holiday of the New Year. Winter holidays are much more interesting than summer ones. You can go outside and make something out of the snow. It brings great pleasure, despite the fact that the temperature outside is below zero. Ask any child what he associates with winter, he will definitely answer that with the smell of tangerines. Indeed, only in winter we eat tangerines with great pleasure. Each of us associates this taste with the holiday.

Another one of the nice features of the winter holidays is the roller coaster ride. Usually outside the city, someone floods a large hill and everyone can ride it. This unforgettable feeling of flight cannot be expressed in words. Winter is made for family holidays, if in summer you spend most of your time with friends, then in winter with your parents and relatives, you have more time to communicate with them.

In a word, winter brings families together. That's why I love her so much and I don't want the winter break to end.

Composition How I spent the winter holidays Grade 3 for a boy

Winter holidays for me are one of the most favorite, because it is during this period that the most magical holidays. Usually you don't even notice how they pass. As usual, according to tradition, before the holidays, at our school, there is a competition for a New Year's video for the senior classes, then a disco, and for the younger ones, a Christmas tree, with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. These activities usually take place on the last day of school and then the holidays begin.

This year I had the opportunity to be the presenter on children's matinee I'm used to participating in school activities but still a little worried. Everything went well, the children were satisfied, and I went home full of positive emotions, where preparations for the holiday awaited me. We are with younger sister dressed up a Christmas tree, decorated the apartment with tinsel and garlands, immediately the atmosphere began to acquire festive motives. On the morning of December 31, having gathered as a family, we went to visit our grandparents, it was decided that we would celebrate the New Year all together. Therefore, we spent this day in a fuss, preparing salads, decorating this time grandmother's apartment and waiting for the night.

We met the holiday cheerfully, launched fireworks, firecrackers and lit sparklers, we also exchanged gifts, everyone got what they wanted. After the meeting of the New Year, time flew by very quickly, I rested, walked with my sister, played computer games and went to rehearsals, because on Christmas I was waiting for another performance. After the holiday, I had a few more days that I devoted to rest outside the city. My friends and I went to the outskirts of the city to go sledding, snowboarding and skiing, where we had a small house, but very warm and cozy. Having rolled enough and rested, we returned home, and my winter holidays ended.

Composition on the topic How I spent the winter holidays for a 5th grade girl

My winter holidays started a few days before and lasted two weeks, it seems like a lot, but in fact, as always, the weekend passes in one breath. I went to buy a Christmas tree with my dad, at the same time we also bought various decorations. The main event was that during these days it was snowing and it was very beautiful, even fabulous.

Like any child, I was madly happy with the snow. We have a place in the city called "mound", when the snow falls, all the children of the city go there to sled. My friends and I loved this place, since the frosts were not strong, we went for a walk almost every day. We made snowmen, played snowballs, sledded until we got cold, if the frost started to beat us, then we went to the nearest store in order to eat buns and drink coffee.

These were unforgettable walks, but that's not all I did during the holidays. A few days after the New Year, my mother's sister, her husband and daughter came to visit us. We gave them a tour of the winter city, and also went to the circus, which came with a new program, and also went to the cinema to see an interesting cartoon. Soon the guests left, which meant that the holidays were drawing to a close. Therefore, I began to repeat the material covered, learn poetry and read works in advance, so that later it would be easier.

Despite the fact that I spent the holidays at home, it was a lot of fun, the weather was good. I managed to spend time with relatives, friends, visit interesting places in the city, as well as to improve their studies. Like every student, now I will wait for the new holidays and try to finish the new semester with honors.

Composition No. 4 How I spent my winter holidays. 6th grade

I don't really like winter because it's very cold. But nevertheless I am waiting for the New Year and my birthday. Of course, in winter you can make a snowman or just play snowballs, but this terrible cold cannot be endured for a long time. So my parents are taking me on a week-long holiday abroad. Usually we fly to the United Arab Emirates, as there is summer even in winter. My parents take me abroad because I study well and also treat me. I have thyroid problems and the sea helps with that. But it doesn't matter to me. The feeling of summer is the most pleasant.

It's funny to watch when you leave the airport in a fur coat and find yourself in a thirty-degree heat, and all the passers-by are looking at you. And I have a lot of fun watching their emotions because they have never been with us and do not know what cold is. In this long-awaited week, I have fun as I can. We always go to the water park with the whole family. Water parks in the United Arab Emirates are much better than ours. It turns out there is the best water park in all of Asia. I really like to ride the hills. There are slides for children and for adults, so no one will be bored there. I especially like to ride with my mother on a big slide that runs throughout the water park, you will be lifted up by the pressure of the water, and you will fly from side to side, fly into tunnels, jump into mini waterfalls, ride artificial waves. While riding and having fun, you can absolutely not notice that you are a little burnt, so you constantly need to smear yourself with sunscreen.

Also a winter trip abroad is very helpful in developing my skills. For example, in the Emirates everyone speaks English and in order to understand and communicate with people, you must also know English. I think that this is the best experience for a person, since it is much easier to develop your skill with native speakers of the desired language than with a teacher at school.

And after have a nice rest, it's even nice to come home and feel it, but after a couple of days this feeling disappears.

I have many friends from school, and it so happened that we live in the same yard. Therefore, in winter we walk all together. I began to notice that when you are constantly moving and passionate about the game, time passes unnoticed, only then you begin to feel how cold your feet are and how much you want to eat. In general, the winter holidays are not the worst in my life, because after them I don’t want to go back to school and continue my studies. But I'm waiting for them, because I can relax and have fun.

But still, the most memorable moment in the winter holidays is the decoration of the Christmas tree. We gather with the whole family and begin to put up a Christmas tree, in our house it reaches almost to the ceiling and I, as the youngest, need to put on a star. My sisters envy me when my dad lifts me up and sits me on his shoulders so that I reach the very top of my head. Every year the Christmas tree is dressed up differently and still comes out very beautifully. Family dinner and you can stay up until the morning, and then get a long-awaited gift from Grandfather Frost.

The work is a short story, which is part of several stories published by the writer in the form of a collection called Belkin's Tales.

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    My winter holidays were very interesting and fun, I just had no time to be bored! When the winter holidays just started, it seemed to me that they would last a very long time. Before the New Year, a lot of snow fell, thanks to which the city plunged into fairy tale. Everything around by this time was decorated with multi-colored garlands: the facades of shops, city streets, garlands also hung on the windows of houses. It happens that you stand at the window and look at the lights burning in neighboring houses.

    For the New Year, all families decorate the Christmas tree. Of course, we are no exception. Grandma took it out of the box vintage toys, which are more than a century old, but they are very well preserved. Every year we buy something new for old toys. So on our Christmas tree you can find a variety of decorations, both old toys that store the memory and history of a whole century, and new multi-colored balls. We hang the garland not only on the Christmas tree, but also on the wall, as well as on the window, to evoke the mood of the holiday among passers-by. We also hang sweets on the Christmas tree, I tie ropes to them and beautifully distribute them around the Christmas tree.

    During the winter holidays I spent a lot of time outdoors. My friends and I sculpted various bizarre figures from the snow or ordinary snowmen with a carrot nose. We also went downhill and played snowballs. When it was too cold outside, we would gather at my house and play computer games, but that was not often.

    I like the New Year itself because I don't have to go to bed early. You can play and have fun half the night and no one will scold you for it. My parents and I go to the ice town on New Year's Eve, they always install big Christmas tree, and in general it’s cool there - a lot of different ice figures with which you can take pictures, and large ice slides! home in new year's eve we usually return at around 3 am, but this night is always the most memorable of the year.

    Winter holidays flew by very quickly, but they were very interesting and memorable. I talked a lot with relatives, walked with friends and just rejoiced New Year holidays, thanks to which a special magical atmosphere reigned in the city.

    Together with the article “Composition“ How did I spend my winter holidays? read:

    Theme description: Winter holidays are a magical time of the New Year, frosty January days, when you can play winter games on the street, and in the evenings do your favorite things in a cozy home environment. And, of course, winter holidays, like any other, are full of impressions and interesting stories.

    How I spent my winter holidays.

    I spent these winter holidays in the city. The holidays began a few days before the New Year, and it seemed to me that they would go on for a very long time. A lot of snow fell just before the New Year, which gave the winter, especially, a fabulous look. We celebrated the New Year at home with the whole family. And although I no longer believe in fairy tales, I wanted some kind of miracle or magic. And so it happened!

    Rather, it was a strange accident. On that day, when, on the eve of the holiday, my mother was busy in the kitchen for a long time, and my father and I were decorating the Christmas tree, the doorbell suddenly rang. We were waiting for my grandparents, and so I ran to open the door. She looked through the peephole and couldn't believe her eyes. Behind the door stood a real Santa Claus in a red coat and with a huge beard, and next to it was the Snow Maiden with a blond braid. Why did I immediately think the real one, because the last time it was an unsuccessfully disguised dad. Everything turned out to be easier than it could have been. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden turned out to be actors who got the wrong apartment, but I still got the magic candy.

    The first days of the winter holidays in January turned out to be sunny and very frosty. These days it was great to walk outside and play various winter fun games. True, it was not possible to make a snowman, because in such frosts the snow turned out to be free-flowing and not at all sticky. After such fun walks, it was especially nice to be at home, where my mother's hot dinner was waiting for me. And in the evenings, my dad and I read books and played board games, which turned out to be much more interesting than a computer.

    On one of the days of the winter holidays, the whole family visited the circus. To be honest, I didn’t really like it, because I felt sorry for the animals. On another day, together with my mother, we went to the theater for a performance for schoolchildren, it turned out to be very interesting and not boring at all. This is how I spent my winter holidays, which, although not as long as summer ones, are rich and interesting. So now it remains to be patient and wait for spring and summer.

    Winter is very good time of the year. On the street, everything is white-white, nature seemed to freeze in anticipation of a miracle. A miracle is New Year's Eve! Guests came to our house to celebrate the New Year. It was fun! After the clock struck 12, I went outside with my friend. We played snowballs, went downhill and lit sparklers. Coming home, my friend and I were like snowmen. We didn't sleep until morning and had fun all the time. The next day the guests left, but the festive mood remained.
    I really liked the winter holidays, I had a good time: I walked a lot on the street, skated, went to visit my grandmother. But I didn't just play and have fun. During the holidays I did karate and passed the exam for 6 kyu, now I have a green belt, I also went to the Republican competitions, which were held in the village of Raevka. And I also went to study at the Linguistic Academy English language.

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    How I Spent My winter holidays
