What contests can be held at Christmas. How to celebrate Christmas at home with young children - games, contests, traditions

Hello, friends!

Our winter holidays are wonderful! Time for joy and fun! Old and young these days find something to their liking. I want to spend these wonderful days in a special way, so that they are remembered and given a charge of positive emotions for the whole year. And you can't do without games these days! What games to play? Maybe we'll remember folk games for Christmas ?

Many folk games are "alive" in our time. Surely you will remember some of the presented games. So, let's begin!

The players sit down, forming a circle, and the leader (leader) is in the center of the circle. Each of the participants invents and calls aloud a noun in winter theme, for example: Frost, Blizzard, Snow, Snowstorm, Christmas tree, Hoarfrost and so on.

The host (leader) starts the game, says: “Oh, it hurts!” Other players ask: "What hurts?" The host replies: "Heart!" Players clarify: “For whom?” The host again answers: “On the Christmas tree!” The participant (participant) who chose this name for herself immediately picks up: “Oh, it hurts!” Other participants ask: "For whom?" And so the game continues until one of the participants makes a mistake in the name, or hesitates with the question. In this case, the blundered participant pays the host some trinket - a phantom. When there are a lot of forfeits, the next stage of the game begins - the draw.

Phantoms are placed in a hat (cap), mixed and covered with a scarf. Take out one fan. The host asks: “What should the one whose phantom is?” The players come up with a task for the owner of the phantom taken out, and the latter must complete this task. Then the next fan is taken out. And so on.

Catch your luck

A large basin is filled with water. Then halves of fruit (apples, for example) are lowered into the basin. Fruits must stay afloat. The players approach the pelvis in turn and, without using their hands (hands clasped behind their backs), try to grab some object floating in the water. Whoever manages to do this will catch luck for the whole year.

What changed?

The players choose and agree on one or more branches of the Christmas tree, on which there are Christmas decorations. Consider toys on these branches and remember. Then all participants, except the leader, leave the room. At this time, the host outweighs, or removes and adds toys. Upon re-entering the room, the participants must name all the changes on these branches. Whoever correctly names the most changes wins.


A small basket is placed on the table, and the participants of the game are seated around the table. The host says to the first player: “Here's a box for you, put what you have in it. You will say something - you will give a pledge. Participants in the game take turns saying words ending in -ok. For example: "I'll put a fungus in the container." The next player, for example, says: "And I am a scoop." And so on.

That participant in the game, who could not name a new word, or repeated what had already been said, puts a pledge in the basket - candy, decoration, something else. When the vocabulary is exhausted, pledges begin to play. The basket with pledges is covered with a handkerchief, and the leader takes out the pledges one by one and assigns a ransom for them: to sing, dance, recite a poem, and the like. The one who completes the task receives a pledge as a gift.

And finally, the last of the games, which we will describe: To whom on whom?

The game is played outside.

They roll out a big ball of snow. Place it in the center of the playing field. The players become a circle around the coma and take each other's hands. At the signal of the facilitator, each participant begins to pull his neighbor to the snowball, at the same time he himself rests and tries to stay in his place. Anyone who falls on someone or touches him with his foot is out of the game.

These were folk games for Christmas . Do you want to play them? Our ancestors attached great importance to folk omens At Christmas . This will be interesting to read!

Have a nice and interesting holiday! To receive new articles, enter your name and email. address in the subscription form!

Diversify the holiday and various games that can be offered to children.

They can be played even in a small room.

Buzz, bee, buzz

For this game, you need to cut out flowers from colored paper and attach them to the floor with duct tape. (Children will love doing this.)

The players dance while the music plays. When it ends unexpectedly, they run to their flowers, buzzing. In this case, the colors should be one less than the players. Those who do not have time to run up to the flower are out of the game. (Take care of consolation prizes.) After that, one flower is removed. The winner receives the title of king of the bees and the main prize, such as an edible marzipan flower or a jar of honey.

Keeping the principle, the game can be changed. For example, instead of flowers, cut out islands that pirates jump on, and then the winner can be presented with something suitable.

pig oink-oink

Tie the corners of the pillowcase with rubber bands, and draw eyes and a patch with pink felt-tip pens or paints. Once the pillowcase is dry, place the pillow inside. Tie the “neck” of the pig with a wide bright ribbon, attaching it in several places with a thread so that it does not slip. To the music, the players pass the pig Oink-Oink in a circle. The music suddenly stops. The one who was the last to pass the pig to a neighbor shouts “Oink-oink” and then receives a prize from a basin standing in the center.

Wind, wind, you are mighty

The players are given straws for cocktails. By blowing through a straw, players must drive a ping pong ball into an upside down box. In this case, touching the ball is not allowed.

Traveling with water

Participants are divided into two equal teams. They line up opposite each other. The first of each row receives two glasses: one empty and one filled with water. On command, the players pour water from a full glass into an empty one and quickly pass both glasses to the next in line. The team whose glasses reach the last participant faster, and at the same time less water is spilled, is declared the winner. The game can be played to the soundtrack of a song on a "water" theme. For example, “Temper, if you want to be healthy, pour yourself ...”, or “Water, water, water all around ...”

Fly, my balloon!

The players are divided into two or more teams. Each team receives balloon. The task of the players is to keep the ball in the air without touching the ball with their hands. You can do this by blowing on the ball, supporting it with your head or shoulder. In order not to confuse the balls, they must be different color. Make sure that there are no fragile, easily breaking objects in the room.

Very sharp eye

A light ball, for example, from ping-pong, is placed on the edge of the table. The driver is blindfolded and placed with his back to the table. On command, he must take five steps forward, turn three times in place and, returning to the table, blow the ball to the floor. Naturally, the correct direction is lost, and, to the general laughter, the driver blows the ball away from where it was not even mentioned.

Ding, bell

Two or more players participate. The driver is selected, he leaves the room, and the rest hide a surprise souvenir somewhere in the room. The driver returns and begins to wander around the room. All other players say "Ding, bell" quieter or louder, depending on whether the player is far or close to the hidden gift. Naturally, whoever finds a gift receives it as a prize.


Any number of players participate. One player asks questions to each in a circle. Whatever the question, the answerer must say one word to everything: “Herringbone”. If someone laughed during the answer, he is considered the loser and out of the game. Then, during the game, he will try to make those who are still holding on laugh. Thus, the most persistent wins. (The prize can be an elegant Christmas tree toy.)

Lyudmila Mikhailovna Bebenina
Scenario of entertainment "Christmas games"

Target: socialization of preschoolers through familiarization with the national culture.

In the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education social and personal development is considered as a complex process during which the child learns the values, traditions, culture of the society or community in which he will live.


To acquaint children with Russian folk traditions - holding Christmas time in Rus';

To develop interest in the values ​​of the culture of the Russian people;

To promote the development of unity, rallying children in the process of games;

Cultivating positive emotions

Preliminary work: learning outdoor games and round dances in physical education classes, guessing riddles, learning tongue twisters, observational work on preparing adults for the Christmas holiday, observing starry sky in the morning and evening hours, viewing Bible illustrations, the priest’s conversation with the children (with the permission of the parents, making angel toys with the children in the classroom visual activity, viewing winter patterns on the window, building an ice mountain.

Material: decoration of the hall with the Christmas tradition - "nativity scene" (imitation of a cave, a manger, Christmas trees, animal sculptures, a home-made star of Bethlehem, an icon of the Most Pure Mother of God of Kazan, a home-made Bethlehem star on a stick, masks of a goat and other animals for dressing up; candlestick. Treat, 2 bags, prizes - notebooks.

Equipment for outdoor games: rope, 2 caps, 2 bags, gymnastic sticks for each.

Entertainment progress.

Lights are dimmed in the hall and candles are lit in candlesticks. Under bell ringing The children enter the room calmly. Consider the motionless "nativity scene".

Educator:(children agree)

In the midst of winter, a great celebration: great holiday- Jesus ... (Christmas)

Everyone is waiting for him - from kids to dads and moms, and all the smart ones rush to serve in ... (temple)

And, having fluffed green needles, Christmas trees flaunt everywhere ... (Christmas trees)

So that this evening passes with prayer, all people light their houses (candles)

And in the church, the sermons are joyfully listened to, and after the Merry Christmas of Jesus (congratulations)

The most wonderful miracle of all came true on this day - Jesus Christ came to Earth to us

Children, after the Nativity of Christ in the old days in Rus', people spent Christmas time. They congratulated each other: "Christ is born - praise!" And they celebrated brightly and solemnly, caroling!

Mummers walked around the yards with the star of Bethlehem, sang carols.

Let's play like this! (Children put on masks, the teacher of one group takes a star)

The game "The carol came"(Alternately, the children of each group walk towards each other)

Carol came on the eve of Christmas

Who will give the pie -

That is why the barn is full of cattle,

And who does not give a pie -

To that chicken leg,

Pest and shovel

Humpback cow! (children treat each other - put bagels, sweets in a bag)

And here is the goat! The goat is a symbol of goodness, prosperity in the house. She needs to be appeased. Let's give her some hay. Play with us goat.

The game "The goat is walking on the bridge"(children get up in a round dance) (2 times)

A goat is walking along the bridge

And wagged her tail.

Caught on the railing

I landed right in the river - and bang!

And now we will knead the dough, we will cook pies for the holiday.

Bubble Game(for the development of strength qualities - children pull back and hold their hands tightly) (2 times)

Well, don't get caught in a hot frying pan!

Game "Frying pan"(children hold hands and try to pull each other into a circle-pan) (2 times)

He tells everyone to dance, he makes them sing songs,

He amuses everyone in a row, he does not know tired.

All the centuries we live, friendly, noisy ... (round dance)

Round dance "Oh, guys, ta-ra-ra ..."(2 times)

Oh guys, ta-ra-ra!

There is a mountain on the mountain

And on that mountain there is an oak tree,

And on the oak - a funnel!

Raven in red boots

In gilded earrings

He plays the trumpet, the silver one.

Turned trumpet, gilded

The pipe is fine, the song is collapsible! (the raven “flies” around the circle, touches the hand of one of the players - he becomes a raven)

Who will repeat the tongue twister after me?

“The cap is sewn, but not in a Kolpakov style” Prizes are awarded for activity.

Let's sit, rest and guess riddles for each other. (children take turns guessing riddles, give a prize to the one who guessed)

The game "Kalechina-Malechin"(with gymnastic sticks, hold in the palm of your hand after the song)


How many hours left

Until the evening, until the winter! (children count how much they will keep)

How many hours do you have? And you? Etc.

Competition game

“Knock off the cap” (knock down a cap of parsley with stuffed snow)

Relay game

"Who is faster in the bag"

The game "Teterka walked"

Teterka walked, flywheel walked,

She herself passed, she spent all the children,

And the best - left!

(Children holding hands in a chain pass through the clasped hands at the top of two children - “collars”. After the words, the collars lower and take the caught. He must say that he chooses: “Moon” or “Sun” and stands behind the leader. After they form 2 teams - children pull each other)

The same two teams stand against each other - wall to wall.

The game "And we sowed millet"

First row:

1. And we hired the land, hired (they walk, holding hands towards them - to stamp)

Oh, Did Lado hired, hired. (retreat back - stomp)

Second row:

2. And we soared the earth, soared

Oh, did lado soared, soared.

First row:

3. And we sowed millet, sowed

Oh, did lado sowed, sowed

Second row:

4. And we will trample millet, trample

Oh, did we trample the fret, we trample.

It's time to end our games. Thanks to the great holiday of the Nativity of Christ, we gloriously caroled and played!

And now we will arrange a tea party and invite all our employees.

Related publications:

"Games with the Lesovik" Physical entertainment in the first junior group. Purpose: To form and educate in children the need for outdoor games.

"Christmas carols". Entertainment scenario for children of the middle group"Christmas carols" entertainment script for children middle group within the framework of the Russian Hut project. Purpose: to preserve Russian folk.

Scenario of entertainment "Christmas time" Objectives: "To expand knowledge about folk traditions, to form interest in folk games, songs, to develop cognitive and creative activity.

Scenario of entertainment "Games of our childhood" Joint entertainment with parents during the week of games and toys. "Games of our childhood" Dear parents, we welcome you to our.

Scenario of entertainment "Christmas carols" In the hall to the music Good evening people "include children -" mummers ". A boy walks ahead of everyone and carries the "Christmas Star". Children: A carol has come.

Participants take turns approaching the leader and take out a note from the bag. it indicates one of the signs of winter or winter holidays. For example, snow, skis, sleds, Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, snowman and so on. Without words, only with gestures, the participant must explain to the others what is written in his note. The winner is the one whose riddle is guessed faster.

make a wish

All players are invited to write their name on one piece of paper, and their desire on the other. Names are put in one hat, comic desires - in another. Then the facilitator takes turns taking a piece of paper from the first and from the second hat and reads the prediction aloud to the participant. Whoever gets it wins own wish.

Merry Solokhi

Let's remember the good old Christmas tale and arrange a Solokh contest. Two contestants participate at the same time. You will need a computer chair with wheels and a broom. On the “start” command, our Solokhs only with the help of a broom should get to the goal faster than the rest. For beauty and fun, Solokhams can be tied with scarves on their heads. The fastest and most agile witch is awarded a prize, but not the devil in the bag.

Looking for Christmas treats

Christmas is a wonderful holiday when all loved ones get together and each of them deserves special attention, a gift. For this contest, the person in charge of the celebration must prepare a tasty treat for each guest, for example, Christmas gingerbread or cookies with the name of each guest from the icing. Sweets are hiding around the room, in its different corners. At the beginning of the competition, it is announced that you need to find a Christmas yummy with your name, and whoever completes the task first will win. There is also a rule: if you find a yummy that is not your own, you don’t need to tell anyone about it, just let it lie in the same place. Whoever finds their gingerbread or cookie first will also receive a prize.

There was an angel

For this contest, you need to stock up on feathers (from a pillow or buy at any store decorative ornaments for needlework). Feathers are laid out in different parts of the room. At the start command, all participants begin to collect angel feathers. Which of the participants can collect more than the rest of the feathers in one minute will win and receive a prize, for example, a keychain with an angel for good luck.

There should be snow at Christmas

Christmas is a holiday of miracle and kindness, and it is so joyful when it snows outside the window on this day, it is so beautiful when sparkling snowflakes swirl in the air. But in order for there to be more snow, each participant must draw an even and beautiful snowflake, but it will not be easy to do, because before starting to draw, the participants will spin in their dance. So, the participants become in a circle and, at the command of the leader, begin to rotate around themselves until the leader stops them. As soon as the host says: everything! - participants run to their leaves, take pencils and draw snowflakes (on the whole sheet). The participant who draws a snowflake faster and more evenly (4 crossed sticks) will win and get a prize.

Christmas locomotive

Guests are divided into two equal teams. Team members line up. Each of the participants receives a spoon, and the first participants are given a bowl of kutya (in the same amount). On the “start” command, the first participants pick up a spoonful of kutya and eat, after which they pass the bowl to the second participants, the second also pick up full spoons and eat, and then pass it on to the third and so on until the last participants. The last participants will have to eat everything to the end and quickly run around their team, standing in front of the first participants and showing the host an empty bowl. The team that finishes first will win and be recognized as the fastest and most agile Christmas engine.

Collect snowflakes in a snowdrift

Each participant is given plastic bottle and the same number of pre-cut snowflakes. At the command of the host, the participants begin to put one snowflake into the bottle. Which of the guests will collect all the snowflakes into a snowdrift faster than the rest, that is, put them in a plastic bottle, he won.

Who else was born on this day?

The facilitator takes turns reading options for celebrities from various fields and fields of activity, among which there is a person who was lucky enough to be born on this bright and joyful day - January 7, for example: Who was born on this day?
A) Christian Dior
B) Gianni Versace
C) Christian Louboutin (the correct answer is c) or
A) John Travolta
b) Jim Carrey
C) Nicolas Cage (the correct answer is c).
The guest who first raises his hand and answers correctly receives a point, and for the most a large number of points are awarded a prize.

The holiday of the Nativity of Christ is getting closer and closer.

You've probably already chosen a play for your school or family Christmas play; children are already learning songs, carols and poems for the Christmas tree. The organizers of the holiday also need to think over that part of it, in which everyone can actively participate, and prepare the game for the matinee.

Today we offer you a selection of games (they can easily be played indoors). Games will help children's holiday cheerful, laid-back and fill childish leisure with meaningful activities.


Let's start with the plot-driven sedentary game "Snowstorm". This is a kind of play-scene for children. preschool age. Before the holiday, you can still learn it with the guys.

According to the counting rhyme, Metelitsa, Frost and Cloud are selected. And the rest of the guys - who are Snowflakes, who are Bushes. Everyone, except Metelitsa, becomes in a circle, and Metelitsa enters it and stops thoughtfully.

Frost approaches her and asks:

- Blizzard, beauty,

Are you unhappy?

The blizzard answers:

- I don't like the weather -

Frosty and bright.

- And you wave your hands,
And you fly for the clouds
Bring at least one.
Everyone misses you without snow
The fields are somehow exhausted -
They're cold, come on.

Blizzard, cheered up, replies:

- Well, I'll throw up my hands,
I'll stomp, I'll stomp my feet,
I will dance with the winds! -

At this time, Cloud comes out of the circle.

- And there the Cloud is creeping! ..

And the Cloud gently, as if from a distance, says to her:

- I'm coming to you, Metelitsa,
I'm going, I'm going, I'm going!
My snowflakes are asking
For a long time they have been asking for the earth -
Try to hold on!
I can't deal with them...
Blizzard, beauty,
Take them, spin them!

Here the Snowflakes run out, and the Bushes line up in a chain and stand still.

Frost, Cloud, Snowflakes join hands and quickly circle around Metelitsa, which at this time is dancing to a Russian folk tune.

Everyone sings:

How did you go, how did you go
Blizzard of revenge!
Covers all roads
All paths.
It snows
On the frozen fields
getting warm
Frozen earth.
You dance, dance
Blizzard, dance!
Harvests today
Will be good!

Then the Snowflakes stretch into a line, join hands and go to the Bushes, saying:

- Look, bushes!

They come back (retreat) back, saying:

- In fact, the bushes,

Again they go by the wall:

- They weren't here before.
Did not have!

Backing again:

- The word is right, it was not,
Did not have!

The snowflakes stop. Now the Bushes go to them, saying:

- We are dense bushes,
The right word, bushes,
We weren't here before.
Did not have!
The word is right, it wasn't.
Did not have!

Now the Snowflakes start moving again:

- Why are you imprisoned,
Why are you cherished

Then Frost, Snowstorm, Cloud and Kustiki join hands and surround the Snowflakes in a ring, saying:

- To keep Snowflakes,
So that they don't run away
And a fluffy blanket
Until spring-red to lie!

Whoever slips out of the circle first is the Blizzard in the new game!

What does not happen on the tree?

To conduct this game, the host must learn the simple rhymes below in advance and turn to the players with them. The task is this: when you hear the name Christmas toys, you need to raise your hand up and say: “Yes!” When they call something that does not happen on the Christmas tree, you must restrain yourself and remain silent. And this is not always easy: someone is bound to make a mistake, causing general laughter. The facilitator reads, without giving the players much to think:

Here comes the holiday
Everyone decorates the tree.
Who can confirm guys?
On its branches hangs:
Soft toy,
loud cracker,
old tub,
white snowflakes,
bright pictures,
torn shoes,
chocolate bars,
Horses and horses
Cotton bunnies,
winter tents,
red lanterns,
bread crumbs,
bright flags,
Hats and scarves
apples and cones,
Kolya panties,
Tasty candy,
Fresh newspapers?

Have time to transfer

The players stand in a circle. To the music, they pass from hand to hand a small toy (for example, a plastic Snow Maiden). As soon as the music stops, the transfer of the toy is stopped. The one who has the Snow Maiden in his hands is out of the game. After that, the game continues. Music should be cut off often and suddenly, but at different intervals. The one who remains last wins.

You can make this change to the game.

Every time the music stops, the one who has the toy in his hands, as well as the one who handed it to him, take a step forward, put the toy in front of him on the floor, stand next to it with their backs to each other and, at the sign of the leader, each run in your side. They run around the circle and try to catch the toy in time. The one who has time, stands in his place, the one who did not have time is out of the game. This option is used when few children participate in the game.

What changed?

This is a game that develops visual memory. The drivers are offered the following task in turn: for a minute, examine the toys hanging on one or two branches of the Christmas tree and remember them. After that, those who will guess: “What has changed?” must leave the room. At this time, several toys (three or four) will outweigh: some can be removed, some can be added. Entering the room, you need to examine your branches and say what has changed. Depending on the age of the children, tasks can either be complicated or simplified.

How is the number known?

Numbers are pre-written on paper cards. The cards lie with the driver in a small bag or are laid out on the table (number down), like exam tickets. Players take turns drawing cards and quickly trying to figure out what number is known: in what stable phrase, biblical saying, proverb, riddle it is mentioned.

For example, pulling out a card with the number “3”, one can remember the three wise men who brought their gifts to the newborn Savior, remember the cock crowing three times and the denial of the Apostle Peter, and then the Savior asking him three times: “Simone Jonin, do you love me?” - and the thrice affirmative answer of the apostle.

Taking out a piece of paper with the number “4”, you can remember the four evangelists, the four multi-day fasts during the year.

And looking at the card with the number "7", say about the Seven Days of Creation, the seven sacraments of the Church, the seven days of the week, the seven colors of the rainbow.

It is worth, however, to think in advance which numbers are better to exclude from tasks, since quickly coming up with an answer to them can be too difficult.

Guess the proverb

In the absence of the driver, they think of some proverb. The words of this proverb are distributed one by one to all the players. (If there is not enough for everyone, two guys can represent one word.) The players are seated in word order.

The driver comes back and starts asking questions. The answers that the players will give must contain the word from the hidden proverb - in the same form in which it stands there (in the same case, number, etc.); prepositions, conjunctions and particles are not named separately, only with meaningful words.

It happens that the driver guesses the proverb quickly, after the first or second answer. But it happens differently: all the answers are received, and the proverb remains unguessed. Then the driver is again sent out of the room and conceived a new proverb: he will have to guess again. Well, if the proverb is guessed, the next one will be the one after whose answer this happened (it is clear that he disguised his word poorly).

Note. The answer may consist of several phrases (but no more than, say, three), since it often happens that in one phrase it is simply impossible to hide a word.

(From folk games recorded by V.I. Dalem)

The children sit down to play. One of them puts a basket on the table and says to his neighbor:

- Here's a box for you, put what you have in it, ok, you will say something - you will return the deposit.

Children take turns saying words in rhyme for ok: “I will put a ball in the box; and I am a scarf; I am a castle, a knot, a box, a boot, a slipper, a stocking, an iron, a pie, a bun ... ”He who cannot name a word or makes a mistake puts a deposit in the basket - a small object (handkerchief, candy, ring or something more).

At the end, pledges are played out: taking them out of a basket covered with a scarf, the children assign a ransom to each pledge - to guess a riddle, read a poem, sing a song.


Children choose the postman by lot, put him in the middle of the room, and they themselves sit around, calling themselves the names of different cities. The postman approaches one of the players and asks:

- Are there any letters?
“Yes,” the player answers.
- Which?
- But to Rome, so that fish, mountain ash, crayfish, rice will be sent from there.

In a word, you should pronounce the names of several goods that begin with the same letter as the name of the city to which the letter is sent. The postman must, without confusing, repeat the letter, approaching Rome, that is, to the player who called himself the name of this city.

“Very well,” replies Rome, “now please send a letter to Berlin, I send an order for rolls, eggplants, bows and beads there.

All this is said quickly, otherwise the phantom is paid; the postman is fined when he mixes up the message. Stopping and thinking is not allowed.

funny artists

The game involves two teams of 9 people each. A picture of a smart Christmas tree is pinned to a board or a large tablet located in front of the children. The picture is divided into 9 cells, the cells are numbered. On the board under the picture, before starting the game, you need to draw two squares (or fix two Whatman sheets on the tablets) and divide each with lines into 9 cells (as in the picture above), and number the cells in the same order.

On a signal, the first numbers run to the board and in the cells of their squares at number 1 copy that part of the picture that is placed in the cell with the same number on the sample. Then the second numbers run and in the cells with number 2 they copy what is placed on the sample in the same cell; and so on one by one until all the cells are filled and the drawing is completed.

The spectators collectively determine the winner, taking into account which team finished earlier and whose drawing will turn out to be more accurate, similar.

For older children, you can make such a change: they do not draw in a row in one cell after another, but in different places square, in those cells that the host calls (first, say, in the fifth, then in the first, ninth, etc.).
