When a child holds his head. At what age does a child begin to hold his head on his own?

The primary skill mastered by the baby is the ability to raise and hold his head in this position. Many young mothers are interested in knowing when the child begins to hold his head without assistance. Even experienced women who have a second or third child can forget when this should be normal.

Usually this phenomenon happens faster if the baby is carried vertically, which is useful to do from time to time, especially after eating, and put on the tummy from the very beginning. early age. The ability to hold the head with normal development is noted by the age of three months. Many pediatricians note that in Lately babies are already trying or successfully doing it even by two months. What can this fact say if this does not happen even on time and is it worth worrying about this? Consider the main stages of the formation of this skill.

How a skill is formed

When a baby is born, he does not know how to hold his head, because he still has an imperfect muscular and nervous system that regulates muscle function. Therefore, when caring for a newly born baby, while bathing and feeding, he definitely needs to support his head in order to prevent damage to the spine in the neck. If a child has such a phenomenon as the ability to hold his head for about a month, then this is not considered the norm. It should be shown to a doctor, as this symptom may indicate high cranial pressure.

After the umbilical wound has healed, which usually happens at the latest by the third week of life, the baby must begin to be laid out on the stomach. This position awakens in him the desire to turn, and he will try to raise his head. The more often you put the baby on the tummy, the better his neck muscles will develop, which plays a major role in supporting the head.

Even if the baby resists lying on the tummy, you should still turn it over, but at the same time stroke it, distract it with conversation or interesting toys. It is best to do this before eating to prevent food from spitting up. The bodily contact of the baby with the mother is also important, his confidence that she is next to him.

Stages of formation

  1. At about 1.5 months of age, the baby begins to slightly tense his head when he lies down and holds it in a slightly elevated position above a horizontal surface for about 60 seconds.
  1. By 7-8 weeks, the first attempts to keep the head at the same level with the rest of the body can be seen.
  1. Until the age of three months, the baby usually masters holding the head while lying on the stomach, or in an upright position if mom or dad picks him up. But not every toddler is capable of this for a long time, he needs to be watched so that at any moment you can make sure.
  1. At about four months, the child raises not only his head, but also his shoulder girdle when he lies on his tummy, and actively explores the world.
  1. By the age of five months, the baby usually not only confidently raises his head while lying on his stomach, but also turns it in different directions, examining all the objects and people around him.

Such stages of psychomotor development are approximately the same in all children, and may differ only slightly.

When problems arise

So, we found out at how many months the child holds his head on his own, but this does not always happen. The child does not hold his head at the age of three months for the following reasons:

  • the baby has neurological problems or the birth, as a result of which he appeared, was very difficult;
  • he has a reduced tone of myocytes, and a neurologist should be consulted on this issue, it is highly likely that usually massage and some exercises will not work, and in this case the child needs a special manual course, which can only be done by a specialist;
  • mother incorrectly or infrequently laid the child on her tummy, and this led to the fact that he did not have time to strengthen the muscles of the neck;
  • the child was born with low body weight, often this happens as a result of prematurity, or a disease;

When does a premature baby start holding his head? To resolve this issue, you need to contact a pediatrician and it may turn out that the problem is solved by introducing additional complementary foods or a mixture. If the reason is only a lack of weight, then after its normalization, the development of the child will be the same as that of his peers.

If suddenly the child raises his head, but only at an angle, you should go to a neurologist, in this case, most likely, he needs a special massage. Sometimes the doctor recommends using a special pad, it helps to solve alignment problems. In some cases, laying out the baby on different sides of the crib or playpen is used, this will allow him to change the viewing angle of objects, which will cause a different turn of the head and develop the neck muscles more evenly.

Any delay in the development of the child requires close attention from the mother and father. If any trouble is found, it is recommended to immediately go to the doctor and take all measures. If you start the pathological process, this can affect the entire future life of the baby. The question of how long a child should hold his head is decided on an individual basis in each case. But too much deviation from the norm requires close attention.

How to help

The main way to help a small person in strengthening the muscles of the neck is to lay out on the tummy. Pediatricians believe that this should be done immediately after the baby's umbilical wound is completely healed.

It is best to spread it while changing clothes, before eating or an hour and a half after it. The baby should be accustomed to this position gradually, starting from ten seconds. In order not to cause irritation or fear in him at this moment, you can put a toy next to him.

When children begin to hold their heads, it comes new stage in their development. Therefore, it is important to ensure that this happens on time.

Before you begin to self-assess the development of a child at 1 month, we recommend that you read the article. This article details the conditions under which it is necessary to assess the development of a child in order to obtain the most objective results. Also remember that this examination does not replace the advice of a doctor.

If all the necessary conditions are taken into account, go directly to the observations. What actually distinguishes baby development at 1 month?

Development of the child in 1 month. Pronation".

Development of the child in 1 month. The position "lying on the back".

Reactions that a baby should show at 1 month

    If a newborn, whom one of the helper relatives is holding in her arms, is slowly pulled up by the mother from a lying position to a sitting position, then her head leans back.

    In a sitting position, it sluggishly falls forward, but again, mainly through the side, rises for 1 second. In this case, the mother (observer) should hold the child by the allotted shoulders and avoid supporting the head with the shoulders.
    In the sitting position, the entire spine of the newborn is arched back.

    A healthy newborn should demonstrate a “primitive leg support response”. When we place the restrained infant vertically on the feet (while the head is supported thumbs or with the thumb and forefinger in the middle position, the back is turned to the mother), the legs are straightened (primarily in the knee joint and to a lesser extent in the hip joint).

    Often the straightening extends to the region of the trunk and the back of the head so that one can observe the lifting of the head for a short time. The upper part of the body is slightly tilted forward, the arms are bent, the palms are closed.

    In addition, in this position, as a result of a different load on the legs, arising spontaneously or caused by the movement of body weight, "automatic stepping" should be observed. With a lateral tilt of the body, the leg, which bears a large load, straightens. The other leg is bent at the hip and knee and placed forward on the surface as the torso moves. The transfer of body weight to this leg leads to its straightening, while the other leg is now bent.

    A slight internal turn of the legs can lead to the fact that the legs (feet) with variable stepping movements will cross and interfere with each other.

    Please note that stepping movements should be observed on both sides with the same force.. At the same time, the baby's hands remain in a bent position and do not take a significant part in the movements.

    A healthy awake newborn is characterized by the manifestation of a general flexion position of the limbs, the most obvious indicator of which is the closed palm. Thumb arms should be bent, and the rest - from the second to the fifth - bent. Observe: during feeding, all limbs bend more, which is best seen in the arms.
    You may also notice that the newborn, during reflex movements to search for the nipple of the breast with his mouth, often “finds” his own hand. He immediately begins to suck her, until he loses it again with subsequent movements.

    The newborn should demonstrate, i.e., reflex closing of the palm and subsequent holding. This clenching of the hand into a fist lasts at least 5 seconds.

    The grasp reflex can be elicited by lightly pressing on the interdigital joints at the base of the fingers while supporting the infant's head in the midline.

Child development. The interaction of the newborn with the outside world

    In any position, when the child feels cold, hungry, pain or other unpleasant sensation, the newborn screams loudly and loudly, this cry is characterized as "stifled" and nasal.

    By the end of 1 month the baby, lying on his back with his mouth slightly open, should make sounds that most of all resemble the vowel sounds between “a” and “e”. Periodically, these sounds are associated with g / x, so that expressions are obtained that sound like ge-e / hee-e or ege-e / ehe-e.

    If the mother places her finger in the newborn's mouth, the baby immediately begins to produce vigorous sucking movements, while she experiences the feeling of pulling the finger.

    A newborn baby should be soothed when picked up due to contact with warm skin. Under such conditions, crying subsides and, if its cause is not pain or severe hunger, completely stops. To observe this reaction, use the situation when the baby is crying. In extreme cases, crying can be provoked by a sudden change in the position of the child's body or by loud noises. As soon as the baby cries, take him in your arms and hold him close to you.

    By the end of 1 month at the sight of the mother's face or someone else talking to him, the newborn, as a rule, stops moving for a moment. The reaction to a human face can be expressed in the cessation of movement not only of the limbs, but also of the mouth and eyes.

Young mothers have been worried, are worried and will be worried about their babies. Is he healthy, is the development of the baby going according to plan, are there any deviations. In neurology, there are a number of stages by which one can judge how a child is developing. This is the first smile, and the focus on the subject, and the moment when the baby holds his head on his own.

Up to 1.5-2 months, the baby's neck muscles are very weak, they are not able to hold their head on their own. During this period, it is important not to forget to hold it when you take the little one in your arms. The muscles slowly acquire tone, but do not yet keep the head in line with the body.

From around the eighth week, you will notice that by pulling the baby's arms from a prone position, he will slightly hold the head when she tilts to the side. First for a split second, then for a longer time. A little more time and training will be needed in order to keep it on the same axis with the body.

Previously, children confidently held their heads at 3 months, but children of recent generations, due to their acceleration, cope with this task faster. Now 3 months is considered the deadline, and modern babies at this age turn their heads in all directions.

Do not rush things, if the baby does not yet hold his head, then his muscle development is not yet at the proper level. At 2-3 weeks, the baby, laid out on the tummy, will try to hold its head, at first it will dangle from side to side, but by one and a half months the baby will already hold it confidently for about a minute.

Does your baby hold his head already in a month? Do not rush to rejoice, the child may have increased intracranial pressure. It is better to address to the neuropathologist. You may need to take your child for a massage.

At three months, the baby should, lying on his stomach, be able to raise his head and shoulders. And if you pull him by the handles from a position lying on his back, he will keep his head in line with the body. While it will not be possible to keep the position of the head for a long time, but a start has already been made, then it’s up to training. The baby's head still requires a safety net, be careful.

At about four months, the child, lying on his stomach, raises not only his head, but also his shoulders, and at six months, he freely turns it in any direction. Now it is much more interesting to study the world around you, you can properly consider everything.

All the deadlines have passed, and your child has not yet learned to hold his head? More likely to the pediatrician and to the neuropathologist. It is better if you trust these doctors 100%. Answer the question: "Why?" you can only highly qualified specialist. The main thing is to apply on time, many problems in infants are resolved positively and quickly. Mothers who have had difficult births should be especially attentive, it is these babies who often need help.

The baby is healthy and is trying to hold his head, in order to consolidate the skill, lay the baby on his stomach more often. Let him train.

Take a closer look at the baby, does he hold his head evenly? From the fact that the child sleeps in bed on one side, a problem may arise - the head is tilted more to one side. There is nothing terrible, just the baby lay on one side and watched what was happening in one position. It is recommended to alternate different sides of the crib, the baby will watch you, turning his head either to the left or to the right.

With a strong torticollis, a massage and a special roller will be prescribed, which will hold the head in the desired position.

When does a baby start holding his head? The answer to this question excites every woman who has recently felt the joy of motherhood. The ability to hold the head confidently is one of the first skills that an infant learns. At what age does the baby begin to raise his head and what should he do if he cannot cope with this task?

It should be?

The baby who was born is very weak and is not yet able to fully control his body. The development of all motor skills is gradual in accordance with the program laid down by nature. The first thing a newborn learns to do is raise his head and hold it in that position for a while. At what age does this happen?

Keeping your head is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The development of this skill occurs in three stages.

  • 1st month of life

In the first month of life, a newborn still does not know how to hold his head on his own. At this age, his parents help him. While bathing or swaddling, the mother supports the baby's head with her hands, making sure that the baby is comfortable. During this period, there is a gradual development of the muscles of the neck, and the child begins to learn new motor skills.

At the end of the first month of life, the baby begins to turn over on his stomach. At this time, the child is already trying to raise his head, but the weak muscles of the neck do not allow him to hold his position for too long. A few seconds pass - and the baby lowers his neck, burying his nose in the diaper. This is not bad at all, because at this age the child still does not have to confidently hold his head for a long time. On the contrary, if the baby is trying to stretch his neck and is in this position for a long time, you need to be wary. A similar symptom may indicate a serious developmental pathology. nervous system child.

  • 2 months

In the second month of life, there is an increased development of the muscles and ligaments of the neck. At 6 weeks, the baby already confidently raises his head and holds it in this position for at least 30 seconds. It is bad if at this age the child does not even try to change the position of the neck and look around. In this case, parents should definitely show their baby to a qualified pediatric neurologist.

Support the baby by the neck until he learns to hold his head confidently.

  • 3 months

At what age should a baby hold his head on his own? It is believed that at the age of 8-12 weeks, the child can lift the neck and hold it in this position for at least a minute. Lying on his stomach, the baby can not only raise his head, but also look around in search of bright toys. The child still gets tired quickly and needs rest from time to time. Do not be alarmed if the baby puts his head on the diaper after a while. Turn the baby over and let him rest for at least 10 minutes. Let the neck muscles relax before the child begins to explore the world again, lying on his stomach.

From how many months does the baby not only hold his head, but also rise with his whole body above a horizontal surface? On average, babies try to lift their upper body at 3-4 months of age. The kid does this quite consciously, wanting to learn as much as possible about the world around him. If the baby is picked up vertically, his head, neck and torso will be in one line.

All of these parameters are quite individual. When assessing the development of an infant, it is necessary to take into account not only the existing skills, but also the general condition of the child. You should not strive at all costs to teach the baby to hold his head at exactly 3 months. Some children master this skill a little earlier, while others take more time to prepare the muscles of the neck. If parents are worried about something, they should first consult a neurologist and only then draw any far-reaching conclusions.

Possible problems

There are two problems associated with the physical development of the child in the first months of life.

  • The child began to hold his head too early.

If a baby at 1 month old confidently raises his neck and holds it in this position for more than 30 seconds, this is bad. At this age, the newborn is not yet able to independently maintain such a position for such a long time. A similar symptom may indicate a serious lesion of the central nervous system. Most often, this symptom occurs with increased intracranial pressure. Be sure to show the baby to the doctor and undergo a full examination by a specialist!

  • The child does not hold his head.

How many months does a baby have to be to be able to hold his neck upright on his own? From 2 to 3 months, depending on the overall pace of the child's physical development. It is bad if a baby at the age of 8 weeks does not even try to raise his neck, and by 12 weeks is not able to keep his head upright. In this situation, you must definitely consult a doctor.

Possible causes of this pathology:

  1. perinatal damage to the central nervous system;
  2. weak muscle tone;
  3. prematurity;
  4. low birth weight;
  5. congenital malformations;
  6. inadequate infant care.

Perinatal damage to the nervous system may be the result of a severe course of pregnancy and childbirth. In this case, the baby's brain does not receive oxygen in the right amount. Hypoxia develops - a condition in which everyone suffers internal organs. The muscular system is no exception. A prolonged lack of oxygen leads to a decrease in muscle tone and a child's lag in physical and mental development. The more severe the damage to the nervous system, the more difficult it will be for the child to master all the necessary skills in due time.

Prematurity and low birth weight are another factor that interferes with normal physical development. Such children not only hold their heads badly, but also lag behind their peers in other indicators. In the future, the child may have other health problems, including those from the central nervous system.

How long does it take for a child to catch up with other children? physical development? It is quite difficult to predict in advance. Some babies already in the first six months are no different from full-term and full-fledged children, while others need much more time to master all the necessary skills. Full information about the state of health of the child and the prognosis for the future can be obtained from the attending physician.

How to help a child?

A baby who does not hold his head well is a problem for parents. How to teach a child to hold his head and avoid worsening his condition?

  1. Starting from 3-4 weeks lay the baby on the tummy for a few minutes. Support the baby's neck to keep him comfortable. If the baby cries, stop training and repeat the experiment after a while.
  2. Carry your baby upright with your stomach facing you. Make sure that the baby has the opportunity to turn his head if necessary.
  3. Lay the child on a flat surface with a small pillow under the neck. Lift the baby by the shoulders, holding him in this position for several seconds.

Be sure to show the baby to an experienced neurologist. The doctor can not only find the cause of the lag in physical development, but also prescribe certain medical procedures. Massage of the collar zone helps a lot. The first course of massage should be carried out by a specialist. In the future, you can master the simplest massage skills on your own and work with your child at home for as long as you need.

If the baby does not hold his head, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapy. Drug therapy is used only for identified neurological disorders. The choice of drug and its dosage will depend on the form of pathology. Duration drug treatment ranges from 14 days to 3 months. All medications It is allowed to take only on prescription and in strict accordance with the prescription.

Each mother with trepidation takes her baby in her arms for the first time, and the first thing a nurse shows an inexperienced mother in the ward is how to properly support the baby's head. A helpless and fragile-looking newborn does not yet control his body, and weak neck muscles do not allow him to hold his head on his own. Parents, taking the baby in their arms, must necessarily create a support for the head - put the baby's head on the elbow bend or put the baby's chin on their shoulder when they wear it in a "column".

During the first weeks, dad and other close relatives are gradually convinced that they will not harm the tiny man. Get used to constantly supporting the head of the baby. This need no longer causes inconvenience, but even the most inexperienced parents know that there are mandatory general stages in the development of a child, and the first step for a crumb to independence is the ability to keep his head.

This skill must correspond to a certain age, so even "experienced" moms and dads expect this moment impatiently and constantly specify how many months the baby will be able to hold his head on his own. They get worried and ask the doctor why this is not happening?

When should a newborn learn to hold their head up?

  1. Already by the 2nd week of the 1st month of life, babies show interest in the environment, keeping their eyes on the faces of loved ones, and at the end of the first month they turn their heads to the side, reacting to sound. Most parents, immediately after the umbilical wound has healed, begin to lay the baby on the tummy for a short time - this is an excellent prevention of colic that torments all babies up to 3 months old, as well as a workout that helps strengthen neck muscles.
  2. By the 3rd week of life, the baby lying on his stomach is already trying to raise his head and hold it for as long as he can. He succeeds in this in about 1-1.5 months. It should be remembered that the development of each child follows his individual schedule, and age norms simply indicate the time limits for the appearance of a particular skill or skill.
  3. At 2 months, the baby tries to keep his head in line with the body, when adults, during gymnastics, lift the child into a sitting position by the arms. In an upright position, the child looks around, examines stationary objects with interest, but it is still too early for him to keep his head on his own in this position.
  4. Full-term active babies with normal muscle tone already at 2 months they can hold their head lying on their stomach, but on average, babies hold their heads quite confidently by the middle to the end of the 3rd month. For premature babies, all developmental norms shift - you need to add as many weeks to the age norm as the baby had to spend in his mother's stomach (if the birth was 1.5 months earlier, we add 1.5 months). A premature baby begins to do everything later than children born on time, and this is the norm.
  5. At the age of three months, the baby is able to keep his head straight in the “column” position, but it is still necessary to secure the baby.
  6. At what age the child will begin to hold his head on his own depends largely on the parents: play with the baby, talk to him, give love and affection, then development will be as correct as possible.

  7. By the fourth month, the baby, lying on his stomach, should raise not only his head, but also, leaning on his hands, his upper body. In this position, the baby is able to stay for quite a long time. The little man is no longer interested in lying in his bed, he tries to examine the world around him, raising his head even while lying on his back, and thus tries to sit down.
  8. At 5 months, children hold their heads well, so it is no longer necessary to insure the baby in an upright position at this age.

The child at 3 months does not hold his head. What to do?

Many parents, evaluating the development of their child, are guided by the development of the children of their acquaintances, and strive to teach their child the same. At the same time, parents often do not know that the timing of the development of certain skills, in addition to the factor of prematurity, can be influenced by body weight. It is also worth being wary of neurological problems.

During the first trip to the pediatrician (at the age of one month), the neurologist checks the baby's reflexes during the examination. If the doctor suspects any problems, he will definitely tell you what parents should carefully monitor and how to deal with the baby. After how many months they need to bring the baby for a re-examination.
Quite common problems (due to which the baby does not hold his head well later) in newborns are:

  1. Torticollis
  2. Hypertonicity. Almost all newborns have muscle tone in postpartum period elevated (which is why the crumbs' fists are compressed, and the legs are always bent). But when the head of the baby in the prone position and when crying leans back, and at the same time the baby is able to hold it almost from birth, the baby has a pronounced hypertonicity.
  3. Hypotension. The arms and legs of the babies are relaxed, the child eats sluggishly, sleeps a lot and does not attempt to raise his head or roll over. The legs of children with hypotension are usually divorced and they sleep in the "frog" position.
  4. Dystonia. This condition is caused by a combination of hypertonicity and hypotonicity. With uneven body tone, the child begins to take pathological postures (one arm is relaxed, the other is tucked in, etc.).

The presence of these phenomena affects the delay in the development of skills in the baby - it is for these reasons that the baby usually begins to hold his head later than the deadline, etc., even if they are trying to teach him these skills.


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With torticollis, due to the injured sternocleidomastoid muscle, the baby tries to turn his head only in one direction. The elastic muscle tissue as a result of such an injury is replaced by fibrous inelastic tissue, and the muscle on the injured side grows more slowly. As a result, the baby's head leans towards the damaged muscle, and the baby's face turns slightly upward.

Usually, inexperienced parents do not notice torticollis at the initial stages of a child’s development, since the baby lies almost all the time. But even when the baby begins to roll over on its own, it is clear that he prefers to do this in one specific direction.

It is also necessary to pay close attention to the baby if the child stubbornly turns his head in one specific direction, regardless of how his parents put him. Torticollis in the early stages is well treated by conservative methods - a course of massage, physiotherapy, etc. Rollers are also used, which do not allow the child to constantly turn in one direction. In severe cases, the baby is sent to the surgeon.


With hypertension, the child:

  1. sleeps little and restlessly
  2. sensitive to stimuli
  3. often spit up

In addition, the legs and arms of the child are drawn in, and it is possible to spread the legs to the sides, overcoming strong resistance. Since physiological hypertonicity persists for up to 3 months, a neurologist should check for the presence of pronounced hypertonicity by reflex tests.

The treatment includes a special massage, physiotherapy exercises, swimming, electrophoresis, and in extreme cases, muscle-relaxing medications are used.


Hypotension is also diagnosed using reflex tests, but parents can also notice this deviation from the norm on their own - children do not show any resistance when they spread their legs or try to plant them by pulling on the handles. Hypotension is also treated with a course of massage and physiotherapy exercises.


Dystonia requires additional research, which is prescribed by a doctor.
If the baby is already 3 months old, and he still does not hold his head in a raised position or holds it poorly, you should not panic and suspect terrible disorders in the child, if the neurologist did not reveal an obvious pathology during the examination. Remember - you should not repeat the doctor's manipulations without recommendations, trying to quickly teach the child any skill (put on legs, sit down, etc.) until the baby is ready for this. Your child will begin to confidently hold his head when his neck muscles get stronger, and you must help him with this.

How to help your baby learn to hold his head

Lying on her stomach, even a two-week-old baby will instinctively try to turn her head to the side in order to be able to breathe freely. The simplest and effective way to teach the baby to hold his head is to regularly lay him on his tummy. The surface should be flat and fairly firm. It is necessary to accustom the baby to lying on his stomach gradually, starting from 1 minute.

Cannot be laid on the stomach:

  1. a recently eaten or hungry child
  2. tired or sick baby

If the little one expresses dissatisfaction and does not want to lie on the changing table, put a bright toy in front of him or put him on his stomach. To teach your baby to lie on his tummy with pleasure, turn the process into an interesting activity:

  1. change the fabrics on which the baby lies (contributes to the development of tactile sensations)
  2. lay out a variety of objects in front of him (make sure that a child who does not hold his head well does not bury his face in them!)
  3. chat with him

For the development of the muscles of the neck, it is also useful to carry the baby in an upright position, showing him the sights of the world around him. Benefits and light stroking massage.

If parents have the opportunity, you can visit the pool with the baby - early swimming helps all the muscles of the body to develop properly.

Contribute to the development of muscles and exercises on a gymnastic ball (fitball). It begins to be used when the baby is 2 weeks old. The first exercises are swaying, relaxing muscles, developing vestibular apparatus and helping to teach the baby to lean on the foot, etc.
