Competition “And we have a tradition in our family…. All-Russian competition “And we have a tradition in our family Nra and we have a tradition in our family

People love to dream. From generation to generation they do not give up this dubious occupation, and even more: with slight variations, from century to century, they dream about the same thing. Three main human dreams: to fly, live forever and predict the future. So, dreaming, a person came up with an airplane and medicine, but the most difficult thing is with the last point. The future continues to frighten and intrigue, fascinate and dizzy. It is not given in any way, and fortune-telling on coffee grounds is of little comfort. However, to make the future predictable at least partly help ... traditions.

If you are in cheerful company for 15-20 people, ask the audience about their family traditions, you will surely be surprised by the diversity and the invention with which people sometimes try to do the most ordinary things.

It turns out that in one house the father of the family has been bringing morning coffee to his wife in bed for 10 years, and this coffee is always of the same brand. In another house - every weekend my grandmother bakes a branded banana cake, which no one but her knows how to cook. In the third - with special trepidation they relate to the rituals of parting - the children always wave out the window to the departing parents, and the mother always sings to them at night the same lullaby that never gets bored. New Year's rituals are a special article. Each family celebrates this favorite holiday a little differently. Somewhere they certainly go for a walk after twelve, somewhere they go to the dacha. Someone always stocks up sparklers for the holiday, someone always bakes duck with apples. I even know a house where it is not customary to decorate a Christmas tree ordinary toys: all without exception Christmas decorations there are made by the hands of several generations of children, and it's really amazing, and the unique collection is replenished every year. in the same family new Year gifts adults hide under the Christmas tree without fail in pillowcases, for each child - in his own.

What are family customs and traditions?

Family traditions and customs are essential attribute family happiness and prosperity. Once upon a time, traditions were an obligatory component of a close-knit family, reflecting the moral position of all its members. Many traditions are passed down from generation to generation, being fully accepted by the young family of modern society. Introducing children from early childhood to family traditions instills in them the importance of the family and family relationships.

Each of us strives to create comfort, an atmosphere of hospitality, originality in our family, so that, being away from home, each of the family members understands that they are waiting for him at home, they will definitely listen and understand, provide support and help in difficult times. Every family must have traditions that children will later transfer to adulthood and their families. A lullaby before bed... a bedtime story... the legendary "family dinners on the weekend" - all of which go a long way to becoming real family. In addition, this is especially important for the child, for whom it helps to feel like a significant part of the Surname, for developing a sense of security and confidence, as well as warmth, values, this is invariable. It is important that all this creates a cozy friendly atmosphere, stability and mutual support and mutual assistance in the family.

Often we are not immediately able to identify the customs that are accepted in our family, since we adopted many from childhood. For us, they are so natural that we do not even think about them. Traditions and customs in the family make up the spiritual aura of the house, including the way of life, the daily routine, the relationships of family members, and various daily rituals. The house, "getting used" to its residents, captures their energy, relationships and the rhythm of life, and, as it were, adapts to it. Not infrequently, the observance of traditions helps us to live. No matter how strange customs may be at times, it is important that they are not far-fetched. They should come into your life naturally.

In many families, it has become a habit to gather at a common table in the evenings and over tea to discuss the events of the past day, to make plans for the future. Parents talk about how they spent the day and share their impressions, show attention to each other's problems. The same is allowed for the child (children). beautiful and useful tradition is daily reading in the evenings, joint discussion of what they heard, expressing their opinions and listening to the opinions of other family members. Now the custom of joint trips to the sea or family vacations during the holidays is popular.

It is very difficult to develop a family tradition when the children have become adults and they have already formed an attitude towards the family. It is a completely different matter when parents show the child the world in all its beauty, surround him with love and form a stable life position throughout his life. Toddlers perceive the world the way their parents do. It depends on them what attitude the child will have towards himself, others and life in general. For him, life may seem like an endless holiday or an interesting and exciting journey, or it can be presented as a frightening outing into the wilderness or as a thankless hard work that awaits him immediately after graduation.

If in most cases family traditions and rituals bring only joy and pleasure, and not restrictions, this helps to strengthen in children a sense of integrity and family unity, a sense of the uniqueness of the house and their own confidence in the future. Inner warmth and optimism are formed in us from childhood, therefore, the more this charge, the better. The happier and more joyful the child's childhood, the happier he will be in his later adult life.

You can start with the simplest - read before bed. Even if the child is still very small and does not understand what you are saying to him, your voice alone will be of incredible benefit to the baby. At the same time, care should be taken in the choice of fairy tales. Books should teach the child, educate and develop certain qualities in him. You can try to compose instructive tales by yourself, focusing on the educational element that you consider necessary. Only they should not be too long, otherwise the child may overwork. A twenty-minute story will be enough. For example, a fairy tale about how one boy (girl) did not want (a) to wash, as a result of which all his friends left him (her). But then the fairy brought him (her) fragrant strawberry-flavored soap, and a miracle happened, he (a) became (a) clean (oh) and his friends returned again. There may be many versions. And if you write all these fairy tales of your own composition in a separate notebook and give them to your child on an anniversary date (for example, 18 years). This will be a real family gift that I think your child will keep and pass on to their children, adding something of their own.

Family traditions and rituals allow the child to form a sense of stability of one or another family life. For example, regardless of anything, what we have instituted will take place. In addition, daily rituals create unique childhood memories that your little one will share with their children someday. Family traditions enable the child to feel a sense of pride in his family and in himself.

Each of us can create our own traditions in families that will be passed on from children to grandchildren, etc.. Only in this case it is necessary to take into account that this or that event is bright and memorable for the child, and most importantly, positive, that the repeating event is observed without fail, regardless of anything, and most importantly, that there is something in this traditional event that would affect the feelings and perceptions of the child.

It should be noted that not all families have family traditions and holidays. And it's not about lack of time. It’s just that these people have lost touch with each other, they don’t know what to talk about with each other, it’s often a burden for them to see their own faces. All this speaks of a functional disruption of life at home. This house, like the family, has fragile and fragile connecting threads.

What are family customs?

friendly and a happy family can come up with a “special” greeting word for himself that will be understood only by family members. It is interesting if, when greeting each other, one person pronounces the first half of the word, and his interlocutor finishes it. The same applies to goodbye. You can come up with funny wishes for each other for the whole day.

The kitchen is fraught with a huge scope for imagination regarding the creation of a family tradition. Or, for example, the culinary skills of one of the family members. It's great when on weekends the whole family gathers in the house for a family lunch or dinner. It is important that this event does not come down to a dull eating of delicacies, but is remembered in the form celebratory event, accompanied by laughter and smiles of family members, fun, the sound of a glass and the aroma of delicious homemade dishes.

And yet, it will be fun and interesting if the baby also participates in the preparation of some traditional culinary delight, which will also take pride of place on festive table. Or, for example, you can cook something new with your child every Sunday from traditional dishes and cuisine different countries It's also kind of a tradition. The baby will not only be interested in learning how to cook something new, but he will also be able to visually see and try it. So the child can still learn a lot about different nations and their traditions, master their behavior at the table (eat with chopsticks, drink from a bowl, etc.).

An annual trip to nature on the first weekend of summer can also act as a family tradition.

As paradoxical as it sounds, the birthday celebration is considered the best family tradition. Many of us longingly remember that in childhood it was not customary for us to celebrate birthdays. Therefore, you can celebrate your baby's birthday in the best possible way. family celebration to which he invites his best friends. This will allow the child to feel like a significant member of the family, teach him to receive guests, and, importantly, form a tradition for him to celebrate his birthday without fail.

Adults on a child’s birthday can come up with many different, but special rituals only for him. For example, to mark the child's growth on a special ruler, trace the child's arm or leg, or create a photo gallery, in a word, everything that will help the child remember his childhood and the happy moments associated with it.

Also, the child can be involved in the preparation of a family family tree or collecting things. It is very important that it brings joy to all family members.

It doesn’t matter if you want to preserve the traditions of your husband’s family or your own, or create something of your own, the main thing to remember is that childhood shapes the child’s personality. It is very important that the child had this childhood. Observe the measure in everything, because too strict rules, which do not leave freedom to the child, contribute to the overstrain of his psyche. The lack of stability in the family structure and predictable rituals that would soothe the baby with their compulsion instill in the baby a feeling of insecurity and precariousness. It is important not to forget that any rules are appropriate if they do not make life harder.

Whether you are trying to keep old home traditions that are dear to you or your husband, or trying to invent and instill something new in the family, remember that childhood shapes a child for life. And the main thing in childhood is that the child has it. Try to know the measure: overly strict rules by which the family lives, which do not leave children any "freedom of maneuver", overstrain the child's psyche. The absence of a stable household structure and predictable household rituals that soothe the baby with their indispensable obligation convey to the child a sense of insecurity at home and the precariousness of the universe. Sometimes remember the Lamplighter, whose planet the Little Prince visited during his wanderings. Every evening the Lamplighter turned on his lantern on a planet where there was no one else but him, and turned it off every morning. Such an agreement, - he explained to the surprised Prince, - turn on the lantern.

May your home always be cozy and warm!

On November 30, 2017, the summing up of the results of two All-Russian student competitions "And we have a tradition in the family ..." (YSU named after I.A. Bunin) and "My family tree" (Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN") was held in Moscow. These competitions were held within the framework of the program for the development of student associations with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in partnership with the All-Russian public organization "National Parental Association for Social Support of the Family and Protection of Family Values". The event was attended by creative teams of Yelets State University. I.A. Bunin.

Dear participants of the All-Russian student competition "And we have a tradition in our family ..."!

More than 100 papers from 14 regions and 17 educational institutions. Of course, everything creative work, research, essays, videos deserve worthy attention.

According to the results of the evaluation of the Expert Commission, 15 best competitive works were determined to be awarded with diplomas of the winners of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees and valuable gifts.

Minutes of the meeting of the Working Group of the All-Russian Student Competition "And we have a tradition in our family ..." ()

We congratulate everyone and invite you to the Solemn Award Ceremony, which will be held on November 28, 2017 at YSU. I.A. Bunin at the address: Lipetsk region, Yelets city district, st. Kommunarov, 28. The event starts at 14.00.

Best wishes,
Competition Organizing Committee

Yelets State University named after I.A. Bunin, the summing up of the results of the All-Russian student competition "And we have a tradition in the family ..." took place.

This event was carried out within the framework of the Program for the Development of the Activities of Student Associations “Forward and Together” with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, together with the All-Russian Public Organization “National Parental Association for Social Support of the Family and Protection of Family Values”.

The project is aimed at popularizing positive examples of the family way of life, preserving and developing national family traditions, strengthening family relationships through joint activities.

Competition nominations:

1. Family tourism and healthy lifestyle;

2. Family craft (a story about a professional dynasty, family business);

3. Happy Rules family life in infographics and photography;

4. Family literary and artistic creativity, family amateur theaters;

5. Family arts and crafts.

According to the results of the competition, the names of the winners were determined.

Nomination "Family craft"

The winner of the 2nd degree is a student of the Institute of Philology Olesya Azarova (for a series of video works “Second Hollywood or a family film studio”).

Nomination "Rules for a happy family life in infographics and photography"

The winner of the 2nd degree is Grigory Golubkov, a student of the Yelets State University of the Institute of Philology.

Nomination "Family arts and crafts"

Winner of the 1st degree - YSU student. I.A. Bunina Vyacheslav Chervyakov.

Nomination "Family tourism and healthy lifestyle"

The 2nd degree diploma was received by the student family of Nikiforovs.

The winner of the 1st degree is a student of the Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Life Safety Nikita Agafonov.

Among those present at the award ceremony were students of the Northern Arctic Federal University in Severodvinsk - Anastasia Nosova, 3rd degree diploma in the nomination "Family Craft".

Diploma holder 3 degree in nomination "Family literary and artistic creativity, family amateur theaters" became Nadezhda Spesivtseva - a student of the Rostov State Economic University.

Master classes were held as part of the event.



Coordinating Council of the All-Russian Public Organization "National Parent Association for Social Support of Families and Protection of Family Values"


about the All-Russian competition-festival

“We have a tradition in our family…”

  1. Organizer of the All-Russian competition-festival "And we have a tradition in our family ..."(hereinafter referred to as the "Competition-Festival") - All-Russian public organization "National Parental Association for Social Support of the Family and Protection of Family Values".
  2. The purpose of the competition-festival.

The All-Russian competition-festival "And we have a tradition in the family" is aimed at popularizing positive examples of the family way of life, preserving and developing national family and genealogical traditions, as well as strengthening family relations as a result of joint activities and the transmission of family traditions from generation to generation.

3. Tasks of the Competition-Festival.

3.1. Increasing the motivation for a responsible attitude to the continuity of generations.

3.2. Formation of a responsible attitude to the preservation of family traditions and values.

3.3. Preservation and development of national family and genealogical traditions and values.

3.4. Strengthening family relations as a result of joint creative activity.

4. Participants of the competition-festival.

4.1. Families, including incomplete ones, wishing to take part in the competition, and submitting an application of the established form, without restrictions on age and composition of participants, it is at least 3 family members.

5. Theme of the Competition-Festival (nominations).

5.1. Family literary creativity;

5.2. Family artistic creativity;

5.3. Family arts and crafts;

5.4. Family musical creativity;

5.5. Family cinema;

5.6. Family craft;

5.7. Family farm;

5.8. Family Theatre;

5.9. Family scientific research;

5.10. Family and nature;

5.11. Family tourism;

5.12. Popularization healthy lifestyle life

6. Stages of the Competition-Festival:

The competition-festival is held in two stages - remote evaluation of the documents and materials of the participants by the jury members and the in-person part, which includes presentations of the participating families, summing up and awarding.

7. The order of participation in the competition-festival.

7.1. To participate in the correspondence stage of the Competition-Festival, an application with the full data of the participants of the Competition-Festival is sent to the Organizing Committee:

Surname, name, patronymic of all family members who took part in the preparation of the work, their age;

Surname, name, patronymic, age of the main applicant from the family;

Full home address with zip code;

Contact phones, e-mail;

7.2. The application for participation in the Competition-Festival must be certified by the signature of the executive secretary of the relevant regional branch of the All-Russian public organization "National Parental Association for Social Support of the Family and Protection of Family Values".

7.3. The application, regardless of the form of presentation of the family tradition, is attached detailed description family traditions in writing (text in Word format, font size 14, line spacing - 1.5, volume of at least 5000 characters).

The All-Russian public organization "National Parental Association for Social Support of the Family and Protection of Family Values" is holding the All-Russian competition-festival "And we have a tradition in our family." Applications are accepted until May 30th.

Each family has its own special traditions that are passed down from generation to generation, making a connection between us and our ancestors. Meetings with relatives and friends can become traditional, the habit of decorating an apartment in a special way for the holidays, it can be some kind of interesting ritual, or cooking a dish according to a unique family recipe. What matters is not the number of traditions, but how important they are for your family. The organizers of the contest “We Have a Tradition in Our Family” made an attempt to collect a collection of family customs from all over Russia, which will be able to tell not only about the rituals and habits of Russians, but also about family values ​​that are significant to them.

Any family living in the territory can become a participant in the competition. Russian Federation regardless of the number and age of family members. The competition presents works that reflect the importance of the family way of life and respect for family traditions.

The organizers of the competition do not limit the creativity of the participants. A story about family traditions can be presented in any form - an essay, a video, a presentation, a photo collage - the main thing is that the work reflects the history of the family, its peculiarity, what it puts into the concept of "family tradition".

In the final of the competition, which will be held from June 7 to 9 in the Tula region as part of the All-Russian festival "And we have a tradition in the family", the jury will determine the winners. The works of the contestants will be evaluated in several categories: "For originality and creativity in presenting their family tradition", "Original family find", "For artistic expression", "For the preservation and continuity of Russian family traditions", films and stage performances will be evaluated in nomination "For directing excellence", the longest tradition and the tradition covering the most a large number of participants. The winners of the competition will receive diplomas of laureates of the competition, as well as valuable prizes - travel vouchers and tickets for entertainment events.

To participate in the competition, you must fill out an application. stories about family customs, illustrated in any way interesting for the participants, can be sent by May 30 by e-mail: [email protected] marked "And we have a tradition in our family - COMPETITION-FESTIVAL" or send to the address: 105082, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Pochtovaya, 36 building 1
