How to care for the skin of the body after the bath. The tradition of taking a bath

Natural scrubs
Probably, many have tried to rub their body in the steam room with healing clay, salt, coffee, honey. These products are often used in saunas and baths. The reason for the popularity is the simplicity of both obtaining and applying, no preparations are needed, took a jar and smeared the body. The basic rule is that the scrub should be applied the second time you enter the steam room, not the first time. Do not apply scrub to tender places.

Honey in combination with salt is a good diaphoretic. When using honey, the skin is fortified, receives additional moisture, toxins are removed from the body faster. Put honey in a ceramic dish and mix with salt. After warming up in the bath, rub the body with the mixture. It is necessary not only to spread the body and sit, but rub the skin well with the mixture, then the coarsened particles of the epidermis are removed, then rinse with warm water. Honey with salt is a good perspiration stimulant. After the mixture has been applied, it is better to refrain from drinking for another 30 minutes, as the drunk liquid will come out with sweat. The skin becomes velvety and soft. The action of honey can be enhanced by adding different essential oils. For the bath, oils of citrus, fir, juniper, eucalyptus, sage are used.

Coffee- an excellent scrub, it helps to clean the surface of the skin, as it contains substances that melt subcutaneous fat. Take coffee beans and grind them in a coffee grinder so that slightly large particles remain. We take coarse coffee into the bath and mix it with sour cream. We will rub ourselves in the steam room with the resulting mixture and warm ourselves until it becomes very hot, wash off the applied mixture from the body with water. You can not constantly rub the skin, as if massaging it, as larger particles of coffee can injure the skin. The coffee aroma will help you relax. The effect will be noticeable after leaving the bath, the skin will become tender, like a baby's. It is not recommended to use this coffee blend for people with "jumping" pressure.

Clay. As a scrub, you need to take prepared clay, which is sold in a pharmacy, now the choice is wide, and you can always find the right composition of substances. The most popular is blue clay, it contains a full range of trace elements and substances necessary for the body - molybdenum, copper. Aluminum, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, magnesium, silver, nitrogen, iron. In addition to cleansing, this clay disinfects the skin and thus has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Green clay is an excellent adsorbent. White clay- due to its antiseptic action, it has long been used in cosmetology, suitable for lethargic, thin skin. Red clay is used if there is not enough iron in the body. Yellow clay enriches the skin with oxygen and removes toxins. Gray clay has a tonic and moisturizing effect and is a good mask for dry skin. These types of clays can be found in any pharmacy. How to prepare the mixture can be found in the instructions on the package. Most clay powders are diluted 1:1 with warm water and mixed well. In the steam room, rub the body with the mixture until it gets hot, sit with this mixture and rinse with warm water.

Most often, masks are made from white and blue clay, as they contain a rich mineral composition of these clays. The skin after such a mask does not require the use of a cream, it is well hydrated. It is better to apply these products in a private bath, it is unlikely that you will be allowed to use cosmetic clay in a public bath.

Herbal infusions
They are not as popular as scrubs, but they are widely used in bath procedures. It is quite simple to prepare an infusion, for this, 5 or 10 minutes before entering the steam room, pour 2 or 3 teaspoons of dry grass with a glass of boiling water and let the infusion brew. We apply infusions when we go into the steam room for the second time. When the herb is brewed, apply with massage movements to the neck, knees, elbows, delicate skin of the chest, face. And with herbal "infusion" we will wipe the rough areas of the skin - the back, lower leg, thighs.

In summer, you can dry medicinal plants, or you can buy ready-made briquettes at a pharmacy. If in the summer there is a clearing near the bath, then you can collect chamomile, calendula, cuff, centaury, nettle, clover and make an infusion from them. You can recommend licorice from pharmaceutical products, but not syrup, but grass, as well as kelp - sea kale. An infusion of licorice perfectly softens and moisturizes the skin, and after it you do not need to use a cream, the skin becomes soft and velvety. Laminaria is useful due to its high iodine content.

It is always nice to use massagers in the bath. They help to relax, remove obsolete cells, improve blood circulation.

1. The best massager in the bath is a broom. But you can completely relax if a professional bath attendant hovers you.
2. Broom from sticks. You can do it yourself. To do this, cut 10 or 12 sprigs of blackcurrant about 40 centimeters long, tie them with a rope at one end and dry. With chopsticks we tap a partner or ourselves on the legs, on the back. Such sticks have a rough appearance, and the broom of these sticks "beats" gently.
3. Mitten. You can buy it at a pharmacy or sew it from natural coarse fabric. With a mitten, you can rub each other or yourself, massage your feet, back.
4. Different brushes that are sold in the stores "All for the bath".

Facial care in the bath
Clear skin naturally maybe in the bath. Hot air and steam stimulate the movement of lymph and blood, activate cellular metabolism, and have a positive effect on the skin of the face. Cosmetologists advise applying nourishing and moisturizing masks to the skin when visiting a steam room.

Body and face masks from the piggy bank of folk wisdom
Potato mask
Before going to the bathhouse, boil a medium-sized potato in their skins. Peel, mash with a fork, mix with a teaspoon olive oil or sour cream. After the second entry into the steam room, while relaxing in the locker room, we will apply the prepared mask for 15 minutes on the area around the mouth, near the outer corners of the eyes, on the lower eyelids.

On the upper eyelids, put 2 cotton swabs for 15 minutes, previously soaked in a cool infusion of chamomile or soaked in strong brewed tea. Relax: put your hands along the body, close your eyes. Remove the tampons, wash off the potato mask with cool water, and then apply a nourishing cream.

Potato-apple mask
This mask will have a refreshing and cleansing effect on the skin. For this mask, you need 2 tablespoons of potato flour and one medium-sized sour green apple.

Wash the apple in cool water, peel, grate the pulp on a fine grater, add potato flour, mix well. Apply the mask for 10 or 12 minutes on the skin of the face, after which the mask is washed off with warm water.

Face and body masks
The best place for masks for body and face care is a bathhouse and a sauna. A warm and steamed body that has been cleansed is ready for beauty treatments and responds well to nutrients. And in the bath you need to use not ready-made cosmetics, but prepared using natural products.

Masks for normal skin
Mix ½ cup of strong cold tea leaves, 1 teaspoon of grated grapefruit zest, 1 cup of full-fat unsweetened yogurt, 2 tablespoons of honey. Let's apply for 15 or 18 minutes on the face, then wash off the mask with warm water.

Nourishing mask
Take 1 teaspoon of starch, 1 grated apple, 1 teaspoon of sour cream or olive oil. Leave it on your face for half an hour. Then wash off the mask with warm water.

Algae mask
This mask helps to smooth the skin of the face and neck. Suitable if wrinkles and folds appear on the face and décolleté. The algae-based mask increases the resistance to seasonal stressful situations, helps to optimize skin tone. Apply a seaweed mask for 10 or 15 minutes, then rinse with water. To get the effect of this mask, wet the fabric hot water, wring out a terry towel well, and then put it on top of the mask.

Masks for dry skin
Nourishing mask
We take 2 teaspoons of fat cream, 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Then we rub the chicken yolk with butter and cream until the mixture is light yellow in color. Then we apply the mask on the neck, décolleté, face, except for the area around the eyes.

Fruit and curd mask
Take 1 teaspoon of camphor oil, 2 yolks, ½ fruit juice, 2 teaspoons of fatty cottage cheese. We mix everything well. After 15 minutes, remove, wash your face with infusion of tea or chamomile, then lubricate the skin with a liquid moisturizer.

Creamy curd mask
We take 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, rub it with 1 teaspoon of carrot juice and 1 teaspoon of cream. Apply this mixture on the face for 5 minutes, rinse boiled water room temperature.

mustard mask
Dilute 1 teaspoon of mustard powder with 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of water. Apply this mixture on the face for 5 minutes. Then rinse with warm boiled water.

cabbage mask
Grind cabbage leaves, boil them a little in milk, then make a gruel and apply on the skin of the face. After 20 minutes, rinse your face with warm water.

Mask that smoothes wrinkles
Combine 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of honey. We heat this mixture until we get a homogeneous mass. Apply for 20 or 30 minutes on the skin of the face and neck. Rinse off the mask with clean water.

Apple honey mask
This mask is suitable for pale skin. In order to prepare this mask, mix 1 tablespoon of ground oats, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 grated apple. Keep 15 to 20 minutes on the face. Then rinse with warm clean water.

Vitamin mask
Wipe the face and neck with fresh grapefruit juice. Mix the remaining pulp with sour cream, raw yolk. Apply the resulting mass on the face and neck. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.

Corrective Creamy Mask
Take 1 teaspoon of cream, mix with 1 teaspoon of cottage cheese and 1 teaspoon of carrot juice. Apply this mixture for 15 minutes on the face. Then wash off the mask with warm water. If the skin is prone to peeling, redness, and is very sensitive, then after applying the mask, you can leave it for 30 minutes.

To moisturize dry and normal skin
We cut the zucchini in the form of circles, ½ centimeter thick, then put it on the face and neck for 20 minutes, and rinse the face with cool water, which we dilute in half with boiled milk.

Masks for oily skin
Apple-carrot mask
Mix grated carrots and apples. We place it on the face and hold for 15 or 20 minutes, then remove the mask with cotton swabs from the face, previously moistened with a decoction of chamomile and yarrow herbs. After the procedure, apply a warm terry towel to the skin of the face and neck for 3 or 5 minutes.

Tomato mask
Put a tomato paste on your face for 20 minutes. Then wash off the mask with herbal decoction or warm water.

Grapefruit mask
Mix grated oatmeal with grapefruit juice until thick. First, wipe your face with grapefruit juice, then apply the resulting slurry. Keep on the skin until completely dry, and then wash off the mask with warm water.

Apple-cucumber mask
Pass the apple and cucumber through the grater. Mix and keep the mask on the skin for 15 to 20 minutes, then wash off the mask with cool water.

A mask that contains fresh sorrel leaves
Take 6 or 8 sorrel leaves and cut them open and then mash them with 2 teaspoons of fresh protein. Before applying the mask to the skin, lubricate the face with the mixture. Rinse with tea solution.

In the bath, in addition to body and face care, you can carry out complex skin care. Indeed, in the bath, the effectiveness of the use of cosmetic natural remedies significantly higher than if applied at room temperature. And we say to you from the bottom of our hearts: “Enjoy your bath!”.

Each trip to the bath or sauna can be turned not just into a pleasant pastime with loved ones, but also into a real paradise for the skin, hair and general condition of the body. Bath scrub, creams, masks, balms and massagers are the tools with which you can rejuvenate the skin, cleanse the body, recharge with energy and vigor for the whole week ahead.

To spend those few hours with maximum benefit for body and soul, use our little tricks and tips:

  1. Invite close people with you, in whose company you feel free and at ease.
  2. We remind you of an approximate list of necessary attributes and useful things: soap, shampoo, broom, bath slippers, change of linen, sheet, towel, cap, basin, ladle, drink. Massage brushes, special mittens (if you plan to use a scrub), pumice stone will not be superfluous. It is possible that some items are available in the selected sauna - ask in advance. And do not forget cosmetics or ingredients for their preparation.
  3. At the first entry, it is better not to use anything, but during and after the second one, you can and should use a mask, scrub. After the first call, do not forget to douse yourself with cold water.
  4. You can increase the effectiveness of any cosmetic product used in the bath if you preheat it - just take the scrub with you to the steam room.
  5. Steamed skin becomes even more delicate, so use the scrub very carefully so as not to damage it, otherwise spots and hematomas form on the skin.
  6. If the scrub recipe involves going to the steam room for a few minutes, at this time continue to rub the body, massage it. You can use additional equipment: brush, washcloth, mitten, massager.
  7. Remember that masks and scrubs cannot be used in areas where there are allergic rashes, peeling foci, scratches and wounds.
  8. As a drink in the bath, it is better to take linden tea, cranberry infusion, herbal tea, chamomile and rosehip tea.
  9. The effectiveness of the products used in conditions of elevated ambient temperature increases by 2 times, so body care in the bath is a mandatory process, do not deny yourself this pleasure.

Scrubs for bath procedures

If you decide to use a scrub, then it should be applied immediately after leaving the steam room, while dead skin cells are steamed out. We suggest you adopt one or more of the many simple recipes for such scrubs:

  1. For dry skin: Mix together a tablespoon of olive oil, a spoonful of coffee grounds and a pinch of cinnamon.
  2. Mix a glass of cream and a glass of any salt. Rub this composition all over the body and go to the steam room for another 5-8 minutes. If during this period sweating is even more intense - do not be alarmed, it should be so.
  3. Mix 10 drops of fresh lemon juice, 4 teaspoons of cream of any fat content and 3 tablespoons of olive oil.
  4. Scrub for oily skin: Mix a large spoonful of low-fat yogurt with the same amount of coffee grounds.
  5. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of wheat bran and a few tablespoons of lemon juice.
  6. Mix 3 tablespoons of honey with the same amount of salt. Go to the steam room for 5 minutes. After exiting, do not drink for 10 minutes so that excess water leaves the body.
  7. Mix 2 pinches of mustard powder, 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of honey. Add 2 drops of orange tree oil or other scented oil of your choice.
  8. Anti-cellulite scrub: dissolve 15 drops in a tablespoon of warmed honey essential oils citrus, rosemary, cypress, bergamot or others. Add 100 grams of coffee grounds and a teaspoon of any shampoo to the mixture.
  9. To 200 grams of sugar, add a few teaspoons of olive oil and a few drops of citrus oil.
  10. Mix honey with a few drops of lavender, olive, orange, bergamot, rose or coconut oil. This recipe is very effective for

It is not necessary to adhere to the recipe and proportions: it's okay if you don't have any component. Salt can be replaced with sugar, oils perfectly replace each other, sour cream can become an alternative to honey. Try, experiment.

Scrub should not be applied to very delicate places. Purchased products are also suitable for a bath, but preparing them yourself is much more interesting and more fun.

Bath body masks

We have selected for you some of the most popular recipes. effective masks for body:

  1. If on the skin dark spots: mix in equal proportions grated cucumber pulp with cream, add a little lemon juice.
  2. mask for problematic skin: In 2 tablespoons of melted honey, add the juice of half a lemon, a teaspoon of wheat bran.
  3. Anti-cellulite mask: mix honey and cream in equal proportions, add a few drops of citrus essential oil. Leave the mask on the body for 15 minutes after visiting the steam room. You can use a massager to enhance the effect.
  4. For oily skin: Mix 4 tablespoons of oatmeal with 3 tablespoons of sour cream and half a chopped cucumber. Grind the flakes first.
  5. Nutritional: mix a spoonful of vegetable oil and brewer's yeast, add egg yolk.
  6. Perfectly refreshes, whitens and nourishes clay body mask: mix cosmetic clay in equal proportions with water, apply on a moisturized body for 20 minutes.

Face masks:

  1. Mix a spoonful of oatmeal soaked in water or milk with a spoonful of sour cream - suitable for problem skin.
  2. Mix a tablespoon of yeast with one yolk and a teaspoon of olive oil - a mask for mature skin.
  3. Mix a spoonful of cottage cheese with a spoonful of crushed algae - if there are age spots on the skin.
  4. Mix honey with propolis in equal proportions - it does an excellent job with acne.

All body masks in the bath can be kept on the body or face for 10-15 minutes.

When choosing clay, keep in mind that white is ideal for oily skin, gray and yellow for dry skin, green and yellow for aging, blue and red for problem skin prone to inflammation.

Masks are applied to already cleansed skin. You need to apply them before the second or third entry into the steam room or after leaving.

Bath hair masks

The mask should be applied to the hair before the last trip to the steam room, putting a hat on the head. Rinse your hair before applying the composition so that the beneficial substances are absorbed as deeply as possible.

  1. For dry hair: mix 3 tablespoons of olive oil or burdock oil with 2 tablespoons of honey, wash off after 20 minutes using plenty of shampoo.
  2. Mix aloe juice and honey, add the yolk of one egg.
  3. For oily hair: mix in equal proportions glycerin, Apple vinegar(one teaspoon) and 3 teaspoons castor oil.
  4. For split ends: apply yogurt to your hair, to which a few drops of olive or coconut oil have been added.
  5. To add volume: mix gelatin dissolved in water in a water bath (15 grams per 4 large tablespoons of water), add a few hundred tablespoons of shampoo.

To oil masks washed out faster, rinse your hair with water lemon juice- acid dissolves fat.

Bath side effects

  • Spots. Very often, after or during a visit to the sauna, uneven reddish spots appear on the body. This is a sign of deep overheating and dysfunction of the capillaries in this area of ​​the body. Spots after the bath do not pose a threat to health and do not signal serious violations of the body. This is a defensive reaction. These spots usually disappear within a few days. Otherwise, it is better to consult a dermatologist.
  • Rash. Most often, it indicates an allergic reaction to herbal teas, the use of massage elements. Perhaps your scrub or mask contains elements that cause allergies. You should definitely contact a dermatologist to find out the nature of their appearance.
  • Acne. Most often they appear after visiting the bath. Sometimes during a stay in the steam room, spots appear, and then purulent inflammation. This is the result of using stale washcloths, mittens, brooms. Remember about hygiene and disinfection - microbes and bacteria penetrate very quickly into open pores.
  • bruises. Appear as a result of too intensive use of a broom or hard massaging. Make sure that leaves do not crumble on your broom, use the scrub very carefully.

Cosmetic procedures in the bath can bring a lot of pleasure. The main thing - do not forget about simple precautions. Forget about everyday problems and worries for this time, because you deserve 100% rest.

It has long been known as a beneficial effect of bath procedures on the human body.

In the bath, the body is freed from toxins, the skin also gets rid of accumulated toxins, making it possible to feel harmony, to feel the unity of the body and soul.

Steaming in the bath is useful for people of any age, gender and origin.

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The bath procedure affects the body in a complex way: heat, water, steam, sudden changes in temperature, massage. The skin is filled with blood, sweat through the pores, removes harmful substances freed from fat. Under the influence of hot air, whipping with a broom, the pores expand, and from the cold they narrow, there is an effective gymnastics of the skin and blood vessels, training of the heart and the entire circulatory system. The blood flow and lymph flow, water-salt metabolism, and the work of the respiratory organs are improved.

Russian bath is an excellent prevention of colds. The bath can cure radiculitis and diseases of the joints, warming up the muscles, tendons, ligaments. A systematic visit to the steam room, along with gymnastics and adherence to a diet, allows you to reduce weight.


You and I will not need so many bath attributes. Essential items for the bath procedure will be a broom, soap, shampoo, washcloth, towel, cap, bath slippers and change of linen. It is also advisable to take a bathrobe or sheet, mittens, a scraper for scraping sweat, bedding or small terry towels, a basin, a ladle, essential oils and decoctions of medicinal herbs, a thermos with tea and a cup into the bath. You can add massage brushes, nail scissors, pumice stone for feet, cosmetic creams, masks and scrubs to the bath outfit.

Scrubs for a bath or sauna

Natural scrubs from one component. Surely, many have heard and have already tried to use honey, coffee, salt, clay, rubbing them from head to toe.

Today, all these products are widely used in saunas and baths. Why are they so popular? Yes, because you can get them and apply them without making any special efforts, they do not need any complicated preparations, that is, they are used by the most in a simple way- that is, he took it, smeared it and wait for the result.

Only here one rule should be remembered: it is recommended to apply scrubs at the second, and better than third enter the steam room. Application at the first entry is categorically excluded. In addition, after entering the steam room, you need to douse yourself with cold water. Also, do not apply the scrub to tender places.

Honey (can be used along with salt) - this will have an excellent diaphoretic effect. It turns out that using honey, we force our body to get rid of toxins as soon as possible, while our skin is additionally moisturized and saturated with vitamins.

Method of application: take ceramic dishes (enamelled is very hot in the steam room), mix honey and coarse salt in it. Rub the body with this mixture while on the shelf in the bath. Moreover, it makes sense not just to apply and wait for the result, but to rub this mixture over the entire surface of the skin all the time. Thus, we also exfoliate the coarsened particles of the epidermis. After that, rinse with warm water. After applying this scrub, the skin becomes soft and velvety. As mentioned above, a mixture of honey and salt stimulates sweating very much, so you should refrain from drinking plenty of fluids before these procedures, as it will simply come out in the form of sweat and desired result from the use of a mixture of honey and salt will not be achieved.

To enhance the effect of honey, you can experiment with adding a variety of essential oils to it. For a bath, oils of eucalyptus, sage, juniper, spruce and others are usually used, but there is no friend for the taste and color - you can add your favorite oils in any combination.

Coffee is also a very good and effective natural scrub. It also promotes deep cleansing of the skin surface. Coffee has earned the status of an excellent skin scrub thanks to substances that melt subcutaneous fat, coffee is an excellent anti-cellulite remedy.

Method of application: grind coffee beans in a coffee grinder, but in such a way that they do not turn into dust, but remain more or less large particles so that they perform their role as a scrub well.

To use such a scrub in the bath, it is best to use coarse coffee in combination with fresh sour cream.

In the steam room, you should rub yourself with this mixture and warm yourself until you feel that it is becoming unbearably hot. Then you should rinse with warm water. This substance cannot be used like honey and salt, that is, it is not necessary to rub it all the time, as coffee particles can injure delicate skin. Coffee, enveloping you with its delicate aroma, helps to create a relaxed and cozy atmosphere, and after applying the mixture of coffee with sour cream, you will immediately feel the result. The skin will become velvety, very soft and tender to the touch. The only negative is that it is not recommended for people who have problems with pressure.

Let's talk about clay

Naturally about the clay cleaned, disinfected and collected in a suitable place for this. Clay from a quarry located near your home is not suitable for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. On the contrary, you can pick up various problems from it that will have a bad effect on your skin.

Now in pharmacies and cosmetic stores there are no problems with providing the widest choice of clays to the buyer. They all differ in color, and according to the composition and their effect on the skin. The color of clay predetermines the presence of certain components in it.

Blue clay

This clay has acquired the status of the most popular. It is the bearer of the most complete complex of substances and trace elements necessary for our body. It consists of silica, nitrogen, silver, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, aluminum, zinc, copper, iron, molybdenum, magnesium.

Blue clay, in addition to cleansing abilities, also has disinfecting properties. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

green clay

This clay has excellent absorbent properties.

White clay (kaolin)

It has a good antiseptic property, has been introduced into cosmetology for a very long time and is widely used mainly for sluggish thin skin, although it is also used to treat acne and get rid of excess sebum.

red clay

It is used if there is not enough iron in the body.

yellow clay

Yellow clay is a good antioxidant, removes toxins well and enriches the skin with oxygen.

gray clay

Gray clay is used for moisturizing and toning action. Noticeable effect when used on dry skin.

All these types of clays today will not be difficult to find in almost any pharmacy.

Method of application: instructions for preparing a mixture of purchased clay are always on the package. Most of these powdered clays should be diluted 1:1 in warm water and mixed thoroughly until smooth. Easy to use. In the bath, you should simply rub yourself with the resulting mixture and steam until it becomes hot, then wash off the mask with warm water.

Nowadays, girls prefer to make masks from white or blue clay due to the fact that these clays are more saturated with a wide variety of minerals and are the richest in composition. Masks made from these clays moisturize the skin well, and there is no need to apply cream after them.

When using all these products in the pursuit of health and beauty, you should remember that you can only use them if you are in the bath alone or with people who will not mind these procedures, because others may be allergic to these products. Or they might just be uncomfortable.

Herbal infusions

This beauty recipe has not gained such popularity as the scrubs written above, although undeservedly, since herbal infusions have a wider range of applications. Especially in bath procedures.

Preparing such an infusion is very simple: just a few minutes before entering the steam room, pour dry herbs (a couple of teaspoons per 200 ml of water) with boiling water and let it brew a little. Infusions of herbs, as well as scrubs, must be applied at least in the second entry into the steam room, before that having been doused with cool water after previous entries.

The infusion (water) itself should be applied with massage movements to the skin of the face, neck, chest. And then you can rub the weed with coarser skin areas - hips, back, elbows and knees.

Absolutely all medicinal herbs are suitable for the preparation of such infusions. You can even prepare them yourself, collecting the ones you like and drying them in the summer, and purchase them at a pharmacy. Also, if you decide to go to the bathhouse in the summer, you can take freshly picked herbs with you, they will be even more fragrant and effective. For this purpose, nettle, centaury, clover, cuff, chamomile, calendula are mainly used. I recommend you also try licorice and kelp, known as seaweed.

I liked the infusion of licorice because it moisturizes and softens the skin very well, and after it there is not even a need to use a cream. The skin after applying this infusion becomes velvety and tender like a baby. And sea kale is very useful because it contains a large number of iodine.

In the Russian bath, decoctions or infusions of medicinal herbs have long been used, which were poured onto stones in order to create a special aroma in each case in the steam room or to cure the patient. Inhalation of medicinal steam in the bath is one of the types of inhalation.

Useful substances, penetrating through the respiratory tract and enlarged pores into the body, favorably affect the central nervous system.

The most famous recipe is pouring stones with infusion of steamed birch brooms. Often in steam rooms they serve beer or kvass (0.5-1 tablespoon of kvass per basin of water).

In addition to bath decoctions from medicinal herbs, diluted watermelon juice, honey (1/2 tablespoon of honey per basin of hot water), infusion of horseradish leaves, vegetable oils and other substances that evaporate on hot stones are used.

Bath massagers

In addition to using various scrubs and skin masks in the bath, it is very effective to use massagers. They are used to improve blood microcirculation in the cells of the skin, remove dead cells, and help to relax.

One of the best massagers for a bath is a broom. However, you can fully feel the relaxing effect on your body only if an experienced bath attendant soars.


You can make such a massager yourself. To do this, you will need to cut 10-12 sprigs of blackcurrant about 40 cm long, tie them with a rope at one end, then dry. These sticks are for tapping yourself or your partner on the back, legs. Outwardly, this may seem like a rough device, but nevertheless, such a broom of sticks hits very gently.

It can be made with my own hands: sew from dense coarse fabric, natural, of course, or simply purchase at a pharmacy. With a mitten they rub themselves or a partner on the back, feet.

And yet, returning to the above, I dare to assure that, nevertheless, the most the best remedy, which combines the above properties, is honey with salt. So, women, going to the bath you need to pre-purchase a pack of salt and about 200 grams of honey. Honey is better to choose natural. Also, do not forget to take the dishes with you where you are going to mix it all.

Arriving at the bathhouse, the first thing to do is to melt the honey by the stove in the steam room so that it becomes liquid. After the honey becomes a suitable consistency, pour salt into it. All this is gently stirred with a spoon and again set to bask. We add enough salt so that there is no layer of honey left, that is, so that a layer of honey is not visible above the settled salt. Again, we leave it all on the stove.

Then we rest and steam, as usual - at first we just warm ourselves, without a broom, the next time we steam with a broom, rest a bit and make up for the loss of fluid with warm tea, but after that, before entering the steam bath again, we take our mixed substance with our hands and methodically rub all over the body with massaging movements. We start to rub from the neck, finish with the knees or heels, as you wish. Then we put another layer on women's problem areas, or potentially problematic ones. Only this should be done carefully, since hot and sticky honey is instantly absorbed into the body, and if you make movements abruptly, you can pull the delicate skin and hurt yourself or your partner.

After the procedure, the body will look like the body of a silver hare, as everything will be covered with salt crystals. We go into the steam room, warm ourselves, use a broom. After that, you should douse with cold water and cool down. Further, everything is as always - steam continues, massage ... The result of this procedure will exceed all expectations. The skin is tightened, velvety, tender, the result is many times superior to the effect of any spa-salons. On top of that, you will have plenty of time to talk and have a great time with your partner.

Thus, going to the bathhouse is not just steam and, at best, a broom. This is a great opportunity to take care of yourself, put your skin and body in order, improve the state of mind and body.

Our beauty and skin condition depend on the conditions in which we live and how we take care of ourselves. Work, the fast pace of life, stress, poor diet and environmental problems do not make us healthier. Bath procedures at home and in SPA salons- this is a great opportunity to recuperate and clean the "feathers". In the bath and sauna, we literally shed the skin, or rather its hardened cells. This renewal is wonderfully reflected in our appearance and mood. A few tips for those who are going to the bathhouse for a cosmetic skin renewal session:

  • cosmetics have no place in the steam room! Bath procedures And Foundation, powder, shadows are incompatible. They clog pores. Rinse off the mascara, but we advise you to apply hygienic lipstick on your lips right before entering the steam room;
  • after removing makeup and a hygienic shower, visit the steam room. But do not immediately apply creams and masks from head to toe. The skin in the bath is steamed, moisturized and sweats profusely. The ideal time for beauty treatments is between sessions in the steam room or after the bath, in the relaxation room. The bath prepares your skin for better absorption of all the magical beauty products.

Eye and skin care. Soft skin century - the object of utmost attention. It is on the eyes and the condition of the skin around the eyes that they pay attention when they meet. And if the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then wrinkles, stars, circles and bags under the eyes are an indicator of your health and age. The delicate area around the eyes will be grateful for chamomile tea compresses after the bath. You can prepare this decoction right in the bath, steaming the flower collection with hot water in the steam room. Then blot the skin with soft non-woven wipes. The main thing is not to use wipes with alcohol-containing lotions and fragrances!

Lip care. We protected the lips hygienic lipstick, and after the bath, you can apply your favorite balm. Do not be alarmed if, after a session in a sauna or bath, lips that are weathered in autumn and winter seem to peel off. This is a natural and gentle peeling of the lips.

Face and neck care. Oil compresses are relevant: capsules of liquid and oily vitamins can be added to heated oil, applied to the skin, covered with a soft film and a terry towel. After 20 minutes, we wash everything off and into the bath!

Hair care. Beautiful hair is the dream of most: both women and men. In the bath, the hair is exposed to intense heat and humidity. The structure of the hair changes: keratin scales rise. This leads to hair fragility and at the same time promotes deeper penetration of masks and balms. Cosmetical tools well-known firms and special lines for saunas and baths are good. But preference should be given to SPA-remedies made from natural products. Everyone can cook them. We use what is in the refrigerator and in the kitchen: yolk, mayonnaise, honey, various oils, mustard powder(stimulates hair growth). Useful oils stock up at the pharmacy. For hair, burdock and grape oils are recommended.

And yet, in a sultry steam room, your hair and head need a hat or cap. Most importantly, no synthetics and bathing caps, even if they really suit you! They tighten the skin, when heated, they can release unpleasant odors. You will not get pleasure and benefit from such a “decoration”, and a headache is easy. We choose a hat and a cap from felt, we do not chase after bright colors. If it is impossible to find it, then feel free to take a terry towel and wind a turban around your hair.

In conclusion, after a session of all procedures, I wash my hair with my favorite shampoo. Slightly cool water when rinsing will seal the hair scales. The effect of hair shining with purity and healthy shine is guaranteed to you. And try not to use a hair dryer and tighten your hair after the bath with rubber bands!

Hand and foot care. In the bath there is time to gently massage the skin of the hands, undeservedly forgotten fingers, to relax the feet. Give your hands and feet time and attention. The steamed skin of the hands will gratefully accept a soft scrub, and the feet should be pampered with baths, adding herbs, oils and paraffin to them.

Body skin care. The air in the steam room dilates blood vessels, opens all the pores of the skin. In the bath, you can say goodbye to greasy mud plugs, and heat and steam with herbs disinfect open pores. Capillaries that have been fully activated will transform the skin, giving it a youthful color and smooth grooming.

Secrets of aromatic oils and herbal decoctions for massage:

  • chamomile soothes dry skin;
  • rosemary, wormwood, yarrow significantly improve blood circulation and lead to smoothing of wrinkles;
  • hops will relieve redness;
  • rose oil restores skin cells;
  • sage is ideal for restoring immunity;
  • citrus extracts and oils fight cellulite.

Be sure to do a peeling in the bath or in the sauna, use coffee grounds, sea salt as a scrub. Take care of your skin to receive enthusiastic compliments for a long time.
