Scenario of the holiday "Autumn Katavasia" methodical development (grade 6). Autumn katavasia - scenario for middle and high school students Event scenario autumn katavasia

Autumn holiday at school
"Autumn riot"

Purpose: to cultivate love for the beautiful, for nature, for the Motherland. Develop aesthetic taste, a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, the ability to have fun, have fun.

Decoration: Autumn flowers, yellow leaf garlands, branches autumn trees, clusters of mountain ash, on the table in a vase - vegetables, fruits, an exhibition of drawings on autumn theme, colorful balloons. On the stage is a poster "A dull time - the charm of the eyes!" At the door - an invitation poster "Welcome to the Autumn Ball!"

Event program.
Competition "Autumn gift" production and presentation unusual gift Autumn. ( autumn bouquet, postcard, craft, made using improvised and natural material. The name, the originality of the idea, the performance of the product and its presentation are evaluated.)
Competition "Autumn Smile" - the production and presentation of an outfit or its elements on an autumn theme. Title, originality of performance and presentation are judged.
Competition "Vegetable Presentation" An unusual presentation of a vegetable, a recipe and a dish using a vegetable.
Competition for the best performance of a poem.

Event progress.

Waltz sounds. A dance is being performed.
Hosts of the holiday: boy Dima and girl Yana.

Dima. Good afternoon, invited guests of our autumn ball! Yes, yes, you are not mistaken, it is the invited autumn ball that will open in a few moments.
Yana. Let me clarify that the ball in the 21st century is not very popular, and therefore it is better to call our program “Autumn Catavasia”. Do you agree, dear guests of the holiday? That's good. We invite all of you to take part in our unusual program.
Dima. Yes, but at least we should keep the old traditions of autumn balls and solemnly open our holiday!
Yana. I completely agree with you, and allow me, a beautiful lady, to utter these beautiful words.
Autumn invited us to her ball today. So that no one is late, Autumn asked. And here we are! The hall sparkles, Faces are warmed with warmth. It's time to open our ball, And spin in the dance.

But where is Autumn? What if she forgot her way to us? With affairs, maybe she hesitated a little? Let's call autumn; We will all say together: “We are waiting for you at the ball, Autumn!”

The soundtrack of a blizzard sounds. Slush and Frostbite crawl out onto the stage, covered with a veil of leaves.
Slush. (stretching) I'm sleeping, or it seems to me (pinches himself) No, it doesn't seem like autumn is in full swing. Hey Chill, wake up!
Frostbite. Brrr! What are you shouting, neighbor!
Slush. Wake up, autumn has come!
As soon as autumn comes, our turn comes, And the Slush and the Cold are advancing. And no one is waiting for us. And we, on the contrary,
And we are always scolded, but scolded.
Slush. I am Slush, I am around in galoshes and with an umbrella, I wander through puddles, I catch up with dampness.
Frostbite. And Kholodryga is a friend, everything runs around,
On all passers-by letting cold.
Listen, Slush, where are we with you? To the ball, or what, what? Maybe we were called here?
Slush. What are you, Kholodryga, what are you! Apchi! How many years I live in the world, no one has ever called me to visit.
Frostbite. And me, Kholodryga, is also not very favored. Well, since they didn't call us, they'll regret it. We will spoil the whole ball for them.
Slush. (whining) Here they were invited (shows to the hall). And we are not with you!
Frostbite. Phew, what a mess! Don’t cry, it’s cold without you, let’s better think about how to teach these people a lesson so that they don’t become conceited!
Slush. Invented! Now we will enchant all the guests, and they will fall asleep, and we ourselves will make such such a slush, we will arrange such a cold that autumn will turn from golden into rainy.
Frostbite. Brr!
Slush. To the sad!
Frostbite. Brr!
Slush. Now I will scout the slush on a silver platter (brings water on a silver platter).
Frostbite. Hooray! Happened! Well, hold on, now I'll freeze you!
(Running with a big fan, and the slush splashes with water.)
Slush. And I also have candy.
Frostbite. (reads) Snickers.
Slush. You yourself are Snickers! And this is "Rhinitis!"
Frostbite. (reads) Ba-un-tee!
Slush. Not "Bounty", but "Cheahunty"! Hand out candy!
(They run and hand out sweets.)
Frostbite. It's time to invite our friend Apchi! He will entertain us all evening. Do you agree?
(The slush drags Aphi along. He resists and constantly sneezes.)
Apchi. Where are you taking me? I am a sick, feeble Apchi! The most miserable on earth!
Slush. We have business for you!
Apchi. (interestedly) Someone needs to be influenced?
Frostbite. You see, we have a plan.
(Whispers in ear.)
Apchi. Yes, clearly! You've come to the right place! Gotta use the trick!
Slush. (thoughtfully) Cunning?
Apchi. Ladies, who are they? Guests? With you, I'll have some fun now. What are you good at? Can you sing? What about dancing? Well, let's see now! How did my dear friends, Slush and Chill, affect you? Or didn't work at all? How will you surprise me? Show me something!
Yana. The guys of our school put a lot of effort into preparing a gift for Autumn! But instead of her, Chill and Slush came to our holiday.
Apchi. No, and what an autumn ball without the queen of autumn: you must call her and immediately!
Dima. Come on, guests, all together call Autumn: Queen Autumn, come to us!
(Music sounds, Autumn appears.)

Good evening, my friends!
Waiting for, come on, me?
The summer was hot -
For a long time the power did not yield,
But everything comes to a time -
I arrived at the threshold.
I brought you pain
To have pies
I brought you vegetables
Both for soup and cabbage soup.
Pears, apples that honey
For jam, compote.
Dear children, all my autumn gifts are in this big basket. Now I will give you riddles, and you will guess.
Curious red nose, Up to the top of the head in the ground, Only sticking out in the garden, Green heels. What is this? (Carrot).
She was a blade of grass, she drank all the water, She turned white, grew fat, As if she crunched sugar, Summer lived - she made a lot of clothes, dressed, dressed, but could not undress. (Cabbage.)
He is golden and mustachioed, There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets. (Ear).
Grown from a grain, the golden sun. (Sunflower).
There was a green fruit - it didn’t ask for it in the mouth. They put it in a bowl, he changed clothes, put on Red, ripened for food. (Tomato).
It hung in the spring - it was sour all summer, And it became sweet - it fell to the ground. (Apple).
And green and thick, A bush grew in the garden, Dig a little under the bush - (potatoes).
His character is nasty, He grew up in the garden, Wherever he comes, he will bring everyone to tears. (Onion).
The flower is honey, And the fruit is pood. (Pumpkin).
The red turnip, It has settled firmly in the ground, For its crest, and into the cauldron, There will be borscht on our table. (Beet).
The cramped house was torn apart
Into two halves. And rained down from there, Beads, pellets. (Peas).

Yana. We are glad to see you in this hall and invite you to a place of honor. Madam autumn, we have gathered a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits, we have made a lot of preparations for the winter.
Dima. Autumn invited us here to give everyone its last, wonderful moments, the enchanting, barely perceptible aroma of autumn flowers, the bright tempting beauty of the harvested fruits and, of course, an autumn-like pensive and at the same time joyful mood.
Yana. Yes, yes, indeed, autumn is not only a time of sadness and sadness, it is also a time of joy. Why? Because autumn is beautiful all around, and everyone is looking forward to meeting the most fun time of the year in winter.
Dima. And so today we will not only sigh and be sad in unison with the romantic lady of autumn, but also have fun, dance, enjoy her last moments.
Yana. So, dear friends, at today's holiday we will not only show our abilities and talents, but also joke, play and have fun! Now for the fun questions! You must answer "You are right!" or “You are wrong!”, but all together, let's practice!
(Checking the hall, how they know how to scream)
If a yellow-red leaf fell to you, straight up to your feet, Someone will say this is summer, (Is it Summer?) We will answer! ("You are not right")
What a time of year, a miracle, Leaves flew around at all Someone will say It's autumn! (Really?) Well, of course! "You're right"
If it's raining and foggy, If it's sad and dreary, (What you need to saddle) You just need to smile! Surely! "You're right"
You will not meet such beauty, In winter, summer or spring. Autumn is a time of bright colors, (Really?) Well, of course, the same! "You're right"
Everyone scolds the season, Maybe Winter is better right away, After all, Autumn is not to everyone's liking? What do you say, are you together? We will answer! ("You are not right")
Dima. Well, now we are moving on to the competition program, because pleasant surprises have also been prepared for the winners in our competitions. Therefore, those who have enthusiasm and a cheerful mood are invited to participate in the competition " Autumn motives 2009".
Yana. Please pay attention to one of the Autumn Smiles competitions, which we will hold directly in this hall.
In order for our competition to take place, it is not enough for the participants alone. We need to choose the composition of the jury of the competition.

Competition "Autumn smiles".
Let me ask you a question: “What would you prefer to go to the autumn ball this season?” Famous fashion designers have decided to help you.
Here, not in dreams, but in fact, I decided to help you "House of Models", It is important to understand the issue, What to wear this season.
Unfortunately, the magazine with the names of the models has been lost, and the students of the school are invited to comment on the costumes themselves.
Demonstration of outfits.

Competition "Vegetable Presentation"
One evening in the garden turnip, beets, radish, onions Decided to play hide and seek, But first they stood in a circle. Calculated clearly right there: One, two, three, four, five Hide better, hide deeper, Well, I'm going to look. Where did the vegetables go? Where to look for them? We learn about this from the stories of the guys.
So, the beginning of the next contest "Vegetable Presentation" is announced.
Competition "Autumn gift".
Autumn comes to us with gifts. And what gifts and to whom our participants have prepared, we will now see. Because our next competition is called "Autumn Gift".
Presentation of gifts.
In case there are hitches, games with spectators:

I love to play with falling leaves. And when I went to your holiday, I came up with a game for you. The game is called "What a leaf." Who wants to play this game with me, come out. So, I announce the rules of the game. Now you will see different leaves, they are all numbered. I will ask you what tree this or that leaf is from. And you will answer me. All sheets are numbered.
The game "Who will eat the apple faster." The apples are tied to a rope and the task of the participants is to eat the apple. Without touching it with your hands.
Everyone knows how tasty and healthy potatoes are. Very often we all have to both plant it and clean it. I suggest that the participants in the game harvest. The game is called "Collect the Potato". It is carried out as follows: a lot of potatoes are scattered on the floor, and the blindfolded participants in the game must quickly harvest in one minute. The winner is the one who collects the most potatoes in a bucket.
No one needs to prove that watermelon is very healthy, tasty and beautiful. I invite you to take part in the next game. It's called "Bon Appetit". Each participant in this game with their hands tied must eat the share of watermelon placed in front of him. The one who eats faster than the others wins.

[ Download the file to view the link ] Well done guys. I really enjoyed your holiday. We sang, danced, guessed riddles, played, and now it's time for me to go to the forest, to the field. Goodbye! See you next year.
The jury sums up the results of the competitions. Rewarding.
Happy holiday! With the onset of golden autumn! Our evening continues with an autumn disco.

Primary classes.
Costume. Our model is called "Seasons". Pay attention to the organic combination of incongruous items. The shirt evokes warm memories of summer. Valenki are primordially Russian shoes that warmed our ancestors, and still serve us. An umbrella is necessary both during summer rain and in autumn bad weather. It happens to use an umbrella during the winter thaw. The poet said: “I love a thunderstorm at the beginning of May.” May is a spring month: it turns out that an umbrella connects all seasons. Judge for yourself whether or not our model will be included in the collection of the autumn season 2009.

Costume - ensemble "Autumn splashes". The ensemble "Autumn splashes" is represented by a skirt (model "sun-flared"), a hat (model "Panama"), and a silk scarf. Made from transparent polyethylene film. The size of the model is universal. The skirt at the waist of the fashionista is fixed with a movable cord. Long narrow stripes at the hem of the skirt give the ensemble elegance and lightness. Panama fields protect the face of a fashionista from the cold drops of autumn drizzle, and passers-by from the sparkling gaze of a fashionista. A silk scarf gives the ensemble festivity and elegance. The color scheme of the ensemble is combined with the colors of autumn.

7th grade.
Our model is called "Universal Chuevo-Podgornskaya". Pay attention to things. Galoshes are indispensable in our village, given our broken roads. Shorts are needed in autumn so as not to stain longer items (for example, trousers). The padded jacket is warm and comfortable in our autumn cold. You definitely won't freeze in it! Well, the hat will save both from the cold wind and from the rain. And that our model is one of the favorites, you can be sure by looking at what fellow villagers are walking around the house.

8 - 9 grades.
Suit "Autumn girlfriends".
Once, our girls, decided to show dancing. But, and dancing without a costume, Somehow boring, unreasonable.

Mountain ash and birch are the most beloved trees of the Russian people, it is not for nothing that they are reflected in Russian folklore, author's work: “White birch under my window ....”, “What are you standing, swaying, thin mountain ash”, “That birch, then mountain ash ...» Birch and mountain ash are the most beautiful trees in Russia. But they are especially beautiful in autumn. Bright colors took a mountain ash in her outfit: she uses red, burgundy, purple. And birch prefers golden colors.
“Forests clad in crimson and gold,” a classic wrote about mountain ash and birch. Where can you go in such costumes? At a disco, on an excursion to the autumn forest, and if you cover yourself with an umbrella at this time, then you can go unnoticed in the classroom.


Primary classes.
Autumn gives people not only vegetables. She has another gift - forest mushrooms. (Children in mushroom costumes sing ditties.)

chocolate papakha,
white silk coat,
He looked at the honey agaric, gasped:
- A real leader!

You go in the morning today
In the grassy valleys
Dial Russula
Full basket.

bug-eyed fly agaric
Sideways sat on the slope.
Let's not go to the slope -
We don't need fly agaric.

Next to the needles
Redheads under the trees.
Not small, not big
And they lie like pennies.

Multicolored grebes
So they climb into the fields.
We don't need any
We bypass.

Under the aspens on a hummock
Mushroom in a raspberry scarf.
Call a boletus
And you have to take it.

Grade 5 Carrot.
The oldest root crop that mankind has been using for more than 4 thousand years, carrots were known to the ancient Greeks and Romans. But until the 16th century it was considered a delicacy. Only in the 17th century, carrots began to be bred everywhere. At the same time, sauces appeared from it, which are now considered a delicacy among the Germans and the French.
In Germany, "soldier's coffee" was made from roasted carrots, which is still brewed in some villages today.
Carrots came to the territory of Russia in time immemorial. In the 16th century in Rus', carrot juice was considered healing: they were treated for diseases of the liver and heart.
In ancient times, carrots were whitish in color and thin. Only when the ancient man dug up the first garden, watered, loosened the vegetable, the carrots began to turn red and get fat. Carrots turned red because carotene was added to it. Latin was spoken in ancient Rome. Now it is used by scientists, doctors, pharmacists. The Latin word for carrot is carota. The substance that turns it orange is called carotene.
When you eat a carrot, inside you, in your body, carotene turns into vitamin A - this is the growth vitamin. He is needed by the guys, calves, everyone who needs to grow up. Why was it named after the carrot carotia, and not repin, not rutabini, not tomato, not persimmon? Because it was first found in carrots. Root crops contain sugars, fatty oil, nitrogenous substances, mineral salts and various vitamins - provitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, etc.

Stepmother and Alyonka come out.

Stepmother: Alenka, today is my holiday! And there will be many guests in the house! You have exactly one hour to tidy up, wash the dishes and prepare a treat!

(The stepmother leaves. Alyonka sits and goes through the vegetables in the basket.)

Alena. My light, mirror, tell me, Yes, show the whole truth: Which vegetable is sweeter than all, Tastes best and more valuable than all? What should I choose, tell me And point to the vegetable. Give me advice for comfort
How to prepare a meal?

Music. Elves come out.
Elves (in turn): Our friendly cheerful class Will surprise you today! In our view, the miracle vegetable is a feast for the eyes! There is one beauty, And blush, and slender. Even though he lives in a dugout for a century, But a great honor from all. Who passes close - Bows low. Guess, Alyonka, what kind of vegetable is this! Here carrots, like nesting dolls, Sit on a wooden spoon! From Greece and Rome, Prima arrived to us. To charm people, to become a delicious delicacy!
Song to the melody "Little Country"
We will call our carrots - the main vegetable, After all, without it you can’t immediately cook Tasty and fresh cabbage soup, You can’t cook soup and salad without carrots, Growth will add dexterity Carrots are a treasure of vitamins.
Chorus: Carrot is a sweet root crop, Delicious fruit. Known in Russia, useful for children
Sweet carrot juice!

6th grade. Potato.
500 years ago, no one in Europe knew that there is such a plant - potatoes. And how was it to know that if before the homeland of potatoes, South America, none of the European sailors have yet sailed.
But the ships of Christopher Columbus, a brave navigator, returned to Spain from a long voyage. The most valuable cargo that they brought home was seeds, tubers, grains of new plants unknown to Europe. "Papa" is the name given to the potato by the Quechua Indians. In honor of the "dad" they held a harvest festival. Women dressed up large tubers like dolls, men danced with a bag of tubers on their heads.
But in Europe, they did not immediately understand that the main thing for potatoes is tubers. One English rich man decided to treat his guests to an overseas curiosity planted in his garden. Instead of digging tubers out of the ground, the gardener picked green balls from the bushes that hang on the stems after the potatoes bloom. These bitter, inedible potatoes were served on a silver platter to the guests. Some of the guests, after tasting the treat, choked, someone's face twisted, someone ran out of the table. After all, they ate potatoes from the wrong end.
The novelty was not accepted everywhere. In some places in Russia, even potato riots began. Russian peasants believed the rumors that the potato is a “damn apple”, planting it is a sin: you will pollute the earth, you will be left without bread. By royal order, the rebels were flogged with rods, and the most stubborn were even exiled to Siberia. But it was not the cruel reprisals that convinced the peasants that it was profitable to plant potatoes. The potatoes convinced me. Remember the fairy tale about the turnip? Why did grandfather need a big, big turnip? To feed both the grandmother and the granddaughter - the family. Previously, in cold winters, when rye crops were frozen, turnips replaced bread for the Russian peasant.
A hearty and fruitful "daddy" replaced the turnip. Now it is no longer turnips, but potatoes have become for us and all other peoples of Europe the “second bread”.
Dramatization of the song "Antoshka".

7th grade. Turnip.
Very ancient history also has a turnip. Her homeland is the Mediterranean. In ancient Greece, turnips were used for food, livestock feed and as a medicinal plant. Among the ancient Romans, baked turnips were considered a great delicacy.
Before the advent of potatoes, turnips successfully replaced it. In Rus', it was the most beloved and most common vegetable. Many customs and beliefs are associated with it. Until now, "Turnip" is considered one of the most beloved fairy tales for kids.

Scene "Turnip"

Leading. Sometime in the early spring
Grandfather went to the garden
And under the old pine
I planted a turnip, and now
The turnip keeps growing, growing.
The turnip grew big
The time has come to dig it.
Grandfather saw, was surprised
He decided to call his grandmother

Grandfather. Grandma, stop what you're doing
Look at the turnip.
Eh! Successfully succeeded!
Help me to pull.

Grandmother. What are you, grandfather, crazy,
Do I absolutely, what is there nothing to do?
Jeans brought to the store,
And go further there.
And without jeans, our granddaughter
Will cry all day.
You don't understand fashion
Oh, you fool, you old stump.

Leading. So yes, my grandfather thought.
What to do, how to be here?
Don't do things alone
He went to wake up his granddaughter.

Grandfather. Masha, granddaughter, get up.
It's already 3 o'clock on the clock.
Help me pull the turnip
Together we'll get through it.

Granddaughter. Oh, grandpa, I can't.
I'm busy with everything.
Maybe tomorrow I can help.
Ask for a cat.
Well, now I'm going to eat
And then I'll sleep again.
And I also promised:
I'm going to visit Lenka.
I need to roll
And paint a bit.
We're going to the disco
So get off it, dude.
Leading. Grandfather thought, looked
And decided to call the cat.

Grandfather. Kitty, honey, help!
You see, Masha is busy.
Mouse. Grandfather, what are you, bent where!
It's all not for me.
I'm running to the pantry,
Maybe tomorrow I can help.
While there is no cat there -
For me there is beauty!
And while the cat is fighting,
I'll stock up for a whole year.

Leading. What is an old man to do?
Got rejected everywhere.

Grandfather. I'll go to the garden again
I'll pull it again.
Maybe happiness smiles?
Can I take it out now?

Leading. Pulled once, pulled twice, but all in vain.

Grandfather. I wish I could pull it out now
It would be great.
I'll take it one more time -

Cat. Oh, grandpa, maybe tomorrow?
Oh, grandpa, maybe later?
I have a plan now
There is a fight with one cat.

Leading. What to do - everything is in business.
Don't approach anyone.
And, completely upset,
He decided to go to the Beetle.

Grandfather. Bug, my dear friend!
At least you don't refuse me.
At least you do your own business
Set aside for a day.
The turnip grew big
And it's time to dig it.
And everyone here, you know,
Urgent business.

Bug. Grandpa, are you out of your mind?
Sharik came to me here.
Today we are with him again
We were going to take a walk.
In vain did I wind up,
Painted my nails all night
And you, grandfather. Attached here -
No one else to help?
Well, bye, grandfather, I went,
Chatted here with you.
Ball, ball, wait,
Here he is, my dear.

Leading. Grandpa almost got sick.
A mouse ran past.

Mouse. Hello old!
Why are you so tired?
Drunk or something early in the morning?
What will happen to you next?

Grandfather. Not to drink, dear,
Here things are quite different.
The turnip grew big
And everyone is so busy.
No one can now
Help an old grandfather.
Help me though, mouse,
And then the turnip will be covered.
If it suddenly starts to rain
Our turnip will rot.
Leading. Hop! And pulled grandfather.
All relatives ran -
They grabbed the old man.

Grandmother. Here, grandfather, well done.

Granddaughter. One pulled out a turnip.

Bug. How did you manage to do this?

Cat and mouse. Dike. We will eat her.

Grandfather. You, relatives, wait,
You don't make much noise here.
You didn't help me.
How to get rid of did not know.
You go, well, and I
I will eat.

Leading. And all relatives
Here she sighed, fell silent,
shook her head
And went again
Walk about your business.

8th grade. Cucumber.

Sounds music from the television program "What? Where? When?". A large black box is taken out into the hall. One of the participants from the class, who plays the role of a vegetable, sits in the box in advance.

Leading: About the vegetable that lies in the black box, they say: “Not nice for good, but good for nice!”. It is not satisfying and poor in vitamins, but when cut into slices, lies on a plate, fresh, cool, juicy, one smell increases appetite, it was not in vain that the Roman emperor Tiberius demanded that this fresh vegetable be always served to him for dinner, and after all, one and a half There were no greenhouses thousands of years ago. But even at that time there were real inventive masters in Rome. They came up with the idea to strengthen the boxes with seedlings on wheels. The wheels turned after the sun, so that the seedlings would receive sunlight all day long. This is very gentle creatures They love water and heat. And if it gets a little colder, they die, because the story of their life is the story of a man's war with frost. Their homeland is Indochina, China, the country of eternal summer. When he moved to Europe, the frost threatened him: “If I find you in the field in May, I will kill you! I'll stop in September - I'll kill you! There is no way for you to go north!” But he dared to break the border drawn by the frost, and a man helped him in this. To stay in the occupied territory, the soldier digs a trench; for this vegetable, such a trench is a greenhouse. But he cannot sit in a greenhouse all his life, his grown seedlings must move to the field. And the battle in the field is always won by the May frost - it completely destroys the landing force. However, in Lately this vegetable knows no loss. And not because the frost has become kinder, but because he has new equipment - a transparent plastic film. So, what kind of vegetable is in the black box?!
(A boy dressed as a cucumber comes out of the black box).
Cucumber: I'm very good at salads. You can’t do without salads: in most cases, they are simple and quick to prepare, they are light and healthy meals. And finally, advice for those who want to keep their skin perfect. Rub your forehead and cheeks with a piece of cold cucumber. This will immediately refresh and soften the skin. Lie on the couch for five minutes, putting cucumber slices on your eyelids, and your tired eyes will become shiny again.
There are few vitamins in me, But I meet you everywhere: In the country, at home, in stores - I go to any food. I'm always delicious, appetizing, And you don't look at me. And instead of watching, you just have to eat me.

Grade 9 Beet.
People have known beets since ancient times. In the 3rd century BC, the ancient Greek botanist Theophrastus described beets that grew wild on the Mediterranean coast. Swiss chard was the first plant to be cultivated by man.
The ancients cultivated beets mainly as a medicinal plant. The ancient Romans enjoyed eating beet leaves.
In the Middle Ages, root beets appeared. On the territory of the USSR, in Armenia, beets were known for two thousand years BC. In Kievan Rus, it was cultivated in the 10th - 11th centuries. Now root beets are one of the most popular plants.

A scene from the fairy tale "Morozko".

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Municipal educational institution -

secondary school with. Volga



for a themed holiday in grades 5-7

Deputy Director for BP

Autumn holiday at the school "Autumn Katavasia"

Scenario autumn holiday in a school for middle school students.

The event is attended by one team from each class, 2 presenters, jury and actors: slush, cold, apchi, autumn.

Event progress.

Waltz sounds. Leaders come out. Hosts of the holiday: a young man Misha and a girl Lera.

Misha: Good afternoon, invited guests of our autumn ball. Yes, yes, you are not mistaken, it is the invited autumn ball that will open in a few moments.
Lera. Let me clarify that the ball in the 21st century is not very popular, and therefore it is better to call our program "Autumn Catavasia". Do you agree, dear guests of the holiday? That's good. We invite all of you to take part in our unusual program.
Misha. Yes, Valeria, but at least we should preserve the old traditions of autumn balls and solemnly open our evening!

Lera. I completely agree with you, Mikhail, and allow me, a beautiful lady, to utter these beautiful words.

Autumn us to your ball
Today invited
So that no one is late
Autumn asked.
And here is the cape
The hall sparkles
Warmly warmed faces
It's time to open our ball
And spin in the dance.
Misha. But where is Autumn?

Suddenly she
Forgot your way to us?
With business, maybe she.
A little delayed?
Let's call autumn;
Let's all say together:
(in chorus):“We are waiting for you at the ball, Autumn!”

The soundtrack of a blizzard sounds. Slush and Frostbite crawl out onto the stage, covered with a veil of leaves.

Slush (stretching) Am I dreaming, or do I think ..,..(pinches himself) No, it doesn't seem like autumn is in full swing. Hey Chill, wake up!
Frostbite: Brrr! What are you shouting, neighbor!
Slush: Wake up, autumn has come!

Frostbite: As soon as autumn comes, our turn comes,
And Slush and Chill are coming.
And no one is waiting for us. And we, on the contrary,
And we are always scolded, but scolded.
Slush: I am Slush, I am around in galoshes and with an umbrella,
I wander through puddles, I catch up with dampness.
chilly: And Kholodryga is a friend, everything runs around,
On all passers-by letting cold.

Listen, Slush, where are we with you? For a ball or something? Maybe we were invited here?
Slush: What are you, Kholodryga, what are you! Apchi! How many years I live in the world, no one has ever called me to visit.
Frostbite: And me, Kholodryga, is also not very favored. Well, since they didn't call us, they'll regret it. We will spoil the whole ball for them.
Slush: (whining) Here they are invited (points to the hall). And you and I don't care!
Frostbite: Phew, what a mess! Don’t cry, it’s cold without you, let’s better think about how to teach these people a lesson so that they don’t become conceited!
Slush: Invented! Now we will enchant all the guests, and they will fall asleep, and we ourselves will make such a slush, we will arrange such a cold that Autumn will turn from golden into rainy.

Frostbite: Brr!
Slush: To the sad!
Frostbite: Brr!
Slush: Now I'll scout the slush on a silver platter (puts water on a saucer)

Now I will bewitch you…! Run, chill!

(Participants leave)

(1 Competition "Autumn Smiles")

Misha: Let me ask you a question: “Where would you prefer to go to the autumn ball this season? Famous fashion designers have decided to help you

Lera: Here not in dreams, but in reality
I decided to help you "model house",
Understanding the important issue
What to wear this season.

Misha: Unfortunately, the magazine with the names of the models has been lost, and the students of the school are invited to comment on the costumes themselves. The first competition "Autumn Smiles" is announced.

(Demonstration of outfits.)

Misha: Beautiful autumn, did you like the guys' models?

Autumn: In my time, all colors are good, and the guys tried their best! :)

(The word of the jury.)
(2 Competition "Vegetable Presentation")

Lera: Dear autumn, can you tell us a story?

Autumn: One evening in the garden
Turnip, beetroot, radish, onion
Decided to play hide and seek
But first, stand in a circle.
calculated right away:
One two three four five…
Hide better, hide deeper
Well, I'm going to look.
Lera: Where did the vegetables go?
Where to look for them?

Misha We learn about this from the stories of the guys. The second competition "vegetable presentation" is announced

Teams will present vegetables.

(The word of the jury.)

Lera: Autumn comes to us with gifts. And what gifts our participants have prepared for a beautiful autumn, we will see now. Because our next competition is called "Autumn Gift".

(3 Competition "Autumn gift".)

(Demonstration of gifts.)

Misha So our contests are over.

Lera: So it's time for the jury to take stock and award the winners.

Misha In the meantime, the jury is preparing to announce the results, it's time to thank autumn for being present at our holiday.

Lera: Thank you, autumn, for your extraordinary beauty, for the rains, because they give life to plants and help ripen fruits,

Misha and even for the coolness, because on such days inspiration comes and unforgettable masterpieces are created.

Autumn: How I love to sew a dress,

Work around the house.

I love to stir in the field

Yellow straw.

I like to immerse in the field

And cry all the way

Wander at sunset

On an empty field.

I love to sing songs

indulging the heart,

And don't bother me

Since I am like this!

Everything to me, Autumn, to match.

And how I strain

Into a white bed

I'll pick up right away.

Lera: Goodbye autumn!

Autumn: Until next year!


Slush: We are with you, we are with you!

Frostbite: Gotta make friends with winter...

(slush, holodryga and apchi run away)

Misha So, the word of the jury!

The jury sums up the results of the competitions. Rewarding.

Misha In the meantime, our autumn katavasia has come to an end!

Lera: Thank you all for your attention! See you again!

Our evening continues with an autumn disco.

Purpose: This game program is aimed at developing the creative abilities of primary school children, cognitive interest, broadening their horizons. During the preparatory work during the game, children are given the opportunity to be convinced of the effectiveness of joint efforts, the need for mutual assistance, to experience the joy of acting together, which develops a sense of collectivism and promotes class cohesion.


Participants answer questions from the facilitator. The question sounds simultaneously for all teams. If the answer is ready, the captain must raise a leaf of his tree - this will be a signal to the leader and the jury that the team is ready to answer. For each correct answer, the team receives one leaf (according to its name, i.e. a leaf of maple, oak, birch, willow). The team with the most scores wins.

To the sounds of A. Rosembaum's song "Waltz Boston"

Good afternoon to all participants of the game,
dedicated to the golden season.
The mistress of the cheerful goes to the new settlers
Fine autumn, in villages and villages.
Came at dawn, did not sit down for a moment,
I looked around and immediately got to work.
Kalina with rowan painted thickly,
Cabbage creaked on strong teeth.
At the mills it turned white with fresh flour,
Dressed with orange birch silk.
She spread the curly winter with a carpet,
In the distant flight of cranes spent.

Today, it is autumn in all its magnificent diversity that will be under our close attention.

As a result, the jury will definitely determine the winner and name the best. And we will not only be active participants, fans and helpers, but we will also learn a lot of new and interesting things about this amazing time.

Dear attendees, let's welcome our competent jury of ...

And now let's introduce to the public and to each other the autumn hunters for the intellectual harvest.


Empty our school garden
Spider webs fly into the distance,
And to the south end of the earth
Cranes stretched out.
School doors opened.
What month came to you? SEPTEMBER

All the darker face of nature -
Blackened vegetable gardens
The forests are bare
The bird voices are silent.
The bear went into hibernation.
What month has come to us? OCTOBER

The field is black and white
It rains, then it snows.
And it got colder
Ice bound the waters of the rivers.
The winter rye freezes in the field.
What month can you tell me. NOVEMBER

The motto of our quiz:

So that nature become a friend,
Know all her secrets
Unravel all mysteries
Learn to observe.
Let's develop quality together
And ours will help to find out everything
Well, since we are all human,
Then we will cooperate
And you will share the responsibilities with your friends.
Only together, only together
Need to study nature!

WARM-UP In many fairy tales, people go to distant lands to the kingdom of the thirtieth to look for a wonderful, marvelous miracle. But there are a lot of miracles around! Here is one of them: next to the house or by the road, in a grove or in a forest. This is a tree!

So familiar at first glance, it is fraught with so much unusual ...

Questions about trees(pictures of trees on the blackboard).

1. In winter, this tree looks like a dried spruce; in spring, the branches of the tree are covered with soft green needles; in autumn they turn golden, and in winter they fall off. What is this tree? (Larch.)

2. Leaves growing at the very ends of branches fall last in autumn. Why? (They are the youngest)

Z. What color is the needles on larch in autumn? ( needles in autumn becomes lemon yellow.

4. “Looking at them, you begin to understand the meaning of the old words: tents overhead.

Obviously, such tents in former times were called canopy. These are the words of K. Paustovsky. What tree is he talking about? (About willow.)

5. Which tree leaves turn red in autumn? (Aspen, rowan, maple.)

6. Which trees are the first to shed their leaves when autumn comes? (Linden, birch and elm leaves are the first to lose.)

7. When Golden autumn ends?

The leaf fall ends - the golden autumn ends.

8. Which trees shed green foliage? (Willow, alder, lilac)

9. Which tree leaves fall first?

Aspen leaves fall with the first frosts, then maple leaves. Only alders and willows along the banks of the rivers stand thick and green until the first snow.

And then frozen, blackened, crispy leaves fall to the ground.

Moderator: - I ask the jury to announce the results of the competition “ WARM-UP”

Bravo, guys, consider that you have warmed up before the next, very difficult competition, in which you will have to work hard. Our ancestors regarding lazy people and loafers had very categorical opinions, which were expressed in numerous proverbs about work.


That is the name of our next contest.

Leading: - Your task is to restore the confused parts of the proverbs.

I ask the captains to come and take tasks.

CLIP FOR THE SONG “What is autumn?”

Proverbs for the first team:

Proverbs for the second team:

If all proverbs are restored correctly, the team receives five points - at the rate of one point for one proverb.

I ask the jury to announce the results of the contest "PROVERBS"

Contest “I BELIEVE - I DON’T BELIEVE” topic:"About the Birds"

1 Do you believe that all migratory birds fly south from us in autumn? (Not all. Some fly away from us in the fall to the east through the Ural Mountains, for example, a small songbird chatterbox, lentil, phalarope.)

2. Do you believe that some birds stock up for the winter? (Very few: owls collect killed mice in hollows for themselves, jays - acorns, nuts.)

3. Do you believe that it is easier for a bird to survive in autumn than in summer? And why? (In autumn, because in autumn she gets fat, and a thick layer of fat and a dense feather protect her from shot.)

4. Do you believe that woodpeckers lead a company in autumn and winter, i.e. friendly with other birds? (In autumn and throughout the winter, woodpeckers join flocks of tits, pikas, and nuthatches.)

5. Do you believe that there is a beast that lives in the water in summer and in the ground in winter? (Water rat.)

6. Can spiders fly? (On autumn days, the wind carries cobwebs with young spiders.)

Moderator: - I ask the jury to announce the results of the contest "I BELIEVE - I DON'T BELIEVE"


One person from each team.

The players, by drawing lots, find out their story and sit down. Then explain the terms of the competition. Using pantomimic skills to play autumn miniatures on a given topic.

  1. The bear improves the den and goes into hibernation.
  2. 2. Hamster, collecting supplies for the winter.
  3. 3. A hedgehog piercing mushrooms and apples on needles.
  4. 4. Farewell dance of cranes. (fans)
  5. Resourcefulness and artistic abilities are evaluated on a ten-point scale.

The players are performing.

I ask the jury to announce the results of the competition.

ATTENTION! Black box.

It is good at the time of flowering, strewn with snow-white flowers; good in summer, in a green halo of fluttering foliage; but closer to autumn, when its thin branches bend under the weight of ruby ​​bunches of ripening berries, it becomes beautiful.

Once upon a time, in the culture of many Slavic peoples, this shrub, widespread in the middle lane, symbolized young girlish beauty. Then it was an integral part of the wedding ceremony. While preparing the dowry, the future bride embroidered a towel with a pattern of viburnum leaves and berries - the time will come, and she will present it as a gift to the groom. Much later, already before the wedding, her branches decorated the room, tables with festive treats, wedding loaves ...

Side by side with joy in the image of this shrub created by folk legends, there is sadness. One of the legends tells about a girl in love who turned into a bush on the grave of her lover, and another says that bright red, like blood, fruits are the hearts of those who fell in battles with enemies.

Listen to another legend.

During the raids of the Tatar-Mongol horde, a widow lived. She had two daughters. Beautiful girls were born like Easter eggs. You can drink water from your face - as they say. And the masters! What only their skillful hands could not do - they sewed, spun, embroidered, grew flowers, mowed bread. Trouble came, enemies attacked the village, houses caught fire, children cried. The mother of the girls called: “Run, daughters, death is better than enemy captivity.”

The girls hid in the forest outside the village ...

The Tatars burned and robbed the village, leaving a conflagration behind them. The sisters returned to their mother's house, they found only ashes, coals, and charred walls. From the tears of girls that rolled down from wonderful faces, a bush grew there, and the girls named it in memory of their mother - ... The bush rages with the beauty of the bride in spring, the beauty of motherhood and maturity rages in the bush in autumn. Throughout life, this plant accompanies a person - it gives happiness and fate, protects from troubles, like a mother's heart.

And how many sincere and tender songs have we composed about her, how many wise fairy tales have been created? From distant childhood, we carefully keep in our memory the magic (Kalinov) bridge, on which the Russian hero, Ivan, the peasant's son, defeated the 12-headed snake. For the Slavic peoples, she has always been a symbol happy holiday, kindness, beauty, love and family happiness, personified modesty and innocence.

It blooms profusely in late May with fragrant white clusters. And, like a bride in a white veil, you involuntarily admire her, from afar you catch the exciting aroma of her flowers. And the bees tirelessly circle over it, the nectar in the flowers is stored no less than that of a linden - a honey tree.


AUTUMN is a symbol of maturity and fertility, bearing the stamp of fatigue from labor and a close look at one's labors.

On Pompeian and Roman frescoes and mosaics, Autumn is depicted as a woman with grapes and a vine.

TASK: to make an autumn outfit from leaves.

I invite our participants to create their own image of AUTUMN:

September, October, November.

At this time, the game with the fans.

Mysteriously the forest silence is noisy,
Autumn sings and wanders invisibly through the forests...
It gets dark day by day
and here it is again
A longing song to the sound of gloomy pines.

Leading:- I think that our teams have already coped with the task, I ask the jury to announce the results of the competition.

Competition “Vegetable Presentation” TALE ABOUT THE TURP

This comic tale can be played without prior rehearsal. The texts should be prepared in advance and distributed to the participants before the performance, while everyone draws a role for himself. So that the grandfather would not get confused, we put paper "caps" with the image of carrots, potatoes on the heads of the participants ...

Grandpa planted a turnip...
Grandfather turnip said:

You grow, grow big.
Become a rich harvest
So that I can be proud of you.
I'll bring you some water
Five buckets of fertilizer ...
Oh, I'm tired, it's time to sleep.
(He lies down near the turnip and falls asleep.)

Grandpa sleeps without worries.
turnip between the more,
Yes, it fights with weeds:
Their feet and hands...
Here is autumn in the yard.
Chilly morning in September
Grandfather woke up, scared.
(Grandfather wakes up and jumps from the cold, chattering his teeth.)

Ah, I am an old sleeper.
It's time to pull the turnip.
I grew up, I look a little.
Oh, yes, the turnip was born!
I never dreamed of such a thing. (Grabs a turnip and pulls.)

Leading: Grab it, but the turnip was indignant.


What a clumsy old man!
I am not a turnip, I am a carrot.
You did not wash your eyes.
Turnips I am a hundred times slimmer.
And orange too.
If you need a Korean salad,
You will be lost without me...
Do not drink carrot juice
There is no substitute for my soup...
And one more secret.

Well, get in the basket.
What is it, what a miracle
Maybe I slept badly?
I sowed the turnip in the spring.
Okay, my friend, wait,
I'll pull out another turnip.


Oh oh oh,
I protest!
I am not a turnip. I am Potato!
Even the cat knows this.
I am the head of all fruits
It's as clear as twice two:
If there are no potatoes in the soup,
No need to pick up a spoon.
I hear for chips, grandfather,
The most important component.
In hot oil, look here
I can become french fries
I am your main crop!

Well, get in the basket.
Well, I'll go to the turnip again.
How firmly it sits in the earth!
Oh yes turnip, here are those on!

Summing up the game. Rewarding.

Purpose: Organization of cognitive leisure of pupils


Expand your horizons, enrich your vocabulary

Create an emotionally joyful holiday atmosphere

Build communication skills

Decoration: Autumn flowers, garlands of yellow leaves, autumn tree branches, an exhibition of autumn-themed drawings, colorful balloons, musical equipment, autumn vegetables.

Waltz sounds. A dance is being performed.

Vedas1: Good evening, invited guests of our autumn ball. Yes, yes, you are not mistaken, it is the invited autumn ball that will open in a few moments.

Vedas2: Let me clarify that the ball in the 21st century is not very popular, and therefore it is better to call our program "Autumn Catavasia". We invite all of you to take part in our unusual program.

Vedas 2: I completely agree with you, and allow me, a beautiful lady, to utter these beautiful words.

Autumn us to your ball

Today invited

So that no one is late

Autumn asked.

And here is the cape

The hall sparkles

Warmly warmed faces

It's time to open our ball

And spin in the dance.

All leading. We are opening our festive Autumn Ball.

Vedas 1: The honorable right to cut the ribbon and open our Autumn Ball is granted ... (the ribbon is cut, music sounds, everyone lines up)

Vedas2: It is autumn outside the windows ... We call it differently: cold, golden, generous, rainy, sad ... But, be that as it may, autumn is a wonderful time of the year, this is the time of harvest, summing up the results of field work, this is the beginning studying at school is preparation for a long and cold winter... And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming!

Vedas 1: Folk wisdom says: "Autumn is sad, but life is fun." So let beautiful music sound on this October day, unrestrained cheerful laughter flow like a river, your legs do not know fatigue in dancing, let your fun never end!

Now let's take an oath autumn ball.

Vedas 2: Have fun from the heart!

All. We swear!

Vedas 1: Dance until you drop!

All. We swear!

Vedas 2: Laugh and joke!

All. We swear!

Vedas 1: Participate and win in all competitions.

All. We swear!

Vedas 2: Share the joy of victory and the prizes received with friends.

All. We swear! We swear! We swear!

Vedas1: Today we were invited to this hall by a romantic, mysterious, charming, unpredictable, sedate lady.

Autumn us to your ball
Today invited
So that no one is late
Autumn asked.
And here is the cape
The hall sparkles
Warmly warmed faces
It's time to open our ball
And spin in the dance.
Vedas2: But where is Autumn?

Suddenly she
Forgot your way to us?
With business, maybe she.
A little delayed?
Let's call autumn;
Let's all say together:
“We are waiting for you at the ball, Autumn!”

The soundtrack of a blizzard sounds. Slush and Frostbite crawl out onto the stage, covered with a veil of leaves.

Slush (stretching) I'm sleeping, or it seems to me ..,.. (pinches himself) no, it doesn't seem that autumn is in full swing. Hey Chill, wake up!
Frostbite: Brrr! What are you shouting, neighbor!
Slush: Wake up, Autumn has come!

As soon as autumn comes, our turn comes,
And Slush and Chill are coming.
And no one is waiting for us. And we, on the contrary,
And we are always scolded, but scolded.
Slush: I am Slush, I'm around in galoshes and with an umbrella,
I wander through puddles, I catch up with dampness.
Chilled: And Chilled is a friend, everything runs around,
On all passers-by letting cold.

Listen, Slush, where are we with you? For a ball or something? Maybe we were invited here?
Slush: What are you, Kholodryga, what are you! Apchi! How many years I live in the world, no one has ever called me to visit.
Kholodryga: Yes, and me, Kholodryga, is also not very favored. Well, since they didn't call us, they'll regret it. We will spoil the whole ball for them.
Slush: (whining) Here they were invited (shows to the hall). And we are not with you!
Chiller: Fu, what a mess you made! Don’t cry, it’s cold without you, let’s better think about how to teach these people a lesson so that they don’t become conceited!
Slush: Got it! Now we will enchant all the guests, and they will fall asleep, and we ourselves will make such a slush, we will arrange such a cold that Autumn will turn from golden into rainy.

Frostbite: Brr!
Slush: To the dull!
Frostbite: Brr!

Slush: Now I will scout the slush on a silver platter (brings water on a silver platter)
Frostbite: Hurrah! Happened! Well, hold on, now I'll freeze you!

(runs around with a big fan while Slush splashes water)

Slush: I also have sweets.
Frosty: (reading) Snickers.
Slush: You yourself are Snickers! And this is "Rhinitis!"
Frostbite: (reading) Ba-un-tee!
Slush: Not a bounty, but “Cheahunty give out candy!

(running and handing out candy)

Frostbite: It's time to invite our friend Apchi! He will entertain us all evening! Do you agree?

(The slush drags Apchi along. He rests and constantly sneezes)

Upchi: Where are you taking me? I'm a sick, non-powerfulApchi! The most miserable on earth!
Slush: We have business for you!
Apchi: (interested) Whom should be influenced?
Chiller: You see, we have a plan (whispering in your ear)

Upchi: Yes, I see! You've come to the right place! Gotta use the trick!
Slush: (thoughtfully) Cunning?
Upchi: Ladies, who are they? Guests? Now I'm going to have some fun with you.

Apchi: But what an autumn ball without the autumn queen: you need to call her and immediately!
Come on, guests, all together call Autumn: Queen Autumn, come to us!

Music sounds, Autumn appears.

Good evening, my friends!
Waiting for, come on, me?
The summer was hot - for a long time the power did not yield,
But everything comes to a time -
I've come to the door!

And in our hall today - a carnival of youth and beauty - the competition "King and Queen of Autumn".

The performances of the contestants will be evaluated by an authoritative jury consisting of:

And now it's time to get acquainted with the participants of our competition.

Let's support our contestants with a round of applause! And we begin our first autumn competition.

Knock on the door. Enter Pierre Cardin.

Pierre Cardin: Bonjour, ladies and gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen! I am Pierre Cardin, a French fashion designer. I brought you my latest autumn collection. Meet!

Autumn: So, the "Minute of Glory" for our first participant is coming. (in turn, the participants come out and introduce themselves and their costumes)

Autumn. Applause to the participants of the first competition!

Vedas1: Thank you, Pierre, you have a very interesting and extraordinary collection. Thanks for your showing. We invite you to stay on our holiday.

Autumn: And we move on to our next contest " Autumn hairstyle»
Performing and demonstrating hairstyles using the tools prepared for you. The name, originality of execution is estimated.

Ved2:. Contests for spectators.

1 Competition - Riddles:

1. Came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves (Autumn).

2. He sees and does not hear, walks, wanders, prowls, whistles (Wind).

3. The beast is afraid of my branches, they will not build nests in them, my beauty and power are in the branches, tell me quickly - who am I (Autumn).

4. Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (Sheet)

5. Very friendly sisters, they wear red-haired berets. Autumn is brought to the forest in summer (Chanterelles).

6. They ask me and wait, and when I come, they hide (Rain).

7. Under the ground, a kublo bird swept and laid eggs (Potato).

8. There is a hat but without a head, there is a leg, but without shoes (mushroom).

9. The dress was lost, the buttons remained. (Rowan.)

10. There is a thorn on the pitchfork,

Dressed in scarlet.

Who will fit

Togo pricks. (Rose hip.)

11. Yegor lies under the boundary,

Covered with a green veil. (Cucumber.)

12. Green above, red below,

It has grown into the ground. (Carrot.)

13. I look like the sun,

And I love the sun

I turn after the sun

I am my head. (Sunflower.)

2 contest - Feed a friend

All of you probably love apples. I hope our members do too. In the game, you can use apples or carrots. Two players sit on chairs opposite each other. They are blindfolded and given an apple. They start feeding each other. The one who ate the apple the fastest wins.

Competition 3 - Chickens and cockerels

Three couples collect grains (beans, peas, seeds) scattered on the table for one minute. Those who collect the most win.

4 competition - Crossword "Vegetables and fruits"

Find the names of vegetables and fruits

Carrot, tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, onion, cabbage, orange, tangerine, lemon, apple, grape, plum, watermelon, corn, pepper, pomegranate, pear, potato, beetroot, pineapple, cherry, melon, cherry, strawberry, banana, mango.
In total, 26 titles.

Autumn: So, our members are ready to show off their hairstyles. Applause to the participants of the second competition!

Autumn: The next competition "Situation". Participants are given a situation, after thinking, they present their answer.
For young men.
So, guys, imagine that the girl you really like invited you to visit her. You, like a true gentleman, buy flowers. Come and see: your girlfriend is sitting with her classmate and watching football. Your actions.
For girls.
March 8. You invited the guy you like to visit you. The meeting is scheduled for 8 o'clock, but his plans suddenly change and he arrives 2 hours early. You open the door in a dressing gown, woolen socks and curlers on your head. Your actions.
(There is a competition).

Vedas 1: While our contestants are thinking, we will sing a song with you ...

Y. Shevchuk "What is autumn?".

Autumn: And now let's listen to our participants ... Another competition has come to an end, we ask the jury not to forget to evaluate our contenders for the title of "King and Queen".

Vedas1: Do not forget that the theme of our evening is a ball, an autumn ball! A ball - what is it? That's right, these are dances in pairs: gentlemen invite ladies, ladies invite gentlemen and whirl in a waltz!

Ved2: What is a girl without a boyfriend? That's right, it's a unit. What is a guy without a girl? This is zero. Zero without a wand. Who can prove that it is not zero? I think that all our participants!

Vedas1: Before we entrust our daredevils to invite ladies of gentlemen to the waltz tour, we will hold a training event for them. Therefore, take chairs. Raise them to the level of your chest and hold them gently, like your partner. Maestro! Music!

Waltz with a chair.

Autumn: I see that there are real gentlemen and ladies here. And the jury continues to evaluate our participants.

Vedas2: Autumn comes to us with gifts. And what gifts our participants have prepared, we will see now. Because our next competition is called “Autumn Dish”.

Vedas1: Autumn ... The golden season, striking with the richness of flowers, fruits, a fantastic combination of colors ...

Vedas2: The autumn ball is a holiday of friends, and friends try to give each other joy.

Autumn: And now the competition "Theatre of Autumn Miniatures". Pantomime should play autumn miniatures on a given topic.

Vedas 1: Plots are glued on the autumn leaves. Participants come up to the host, pull out one of the plots, and after a minute they play the plot, the audience must guess the topic of the plot.


1. The bear improves the lair and hibernates.

2. Chickens are counted in the fall.

3. A hamster gathering supplies for the winter.

4. Hedgehog, piercing mushrooms and blocks on needles.

5. Farewell dance of cranes.

6. Squirrel hides nuts in a hollow for the winter ..

Vedas 2: Competition with the audience. "Both"
1. Both coffee and a football player. (Pele)
2. Both a doctor and a scientist. (Doctor)
3. Both a hat and a person (Invisible)
4. Both the cat and the make of the car (Jaguar)
5. Both the river and the brand of the car (Oka, Volga)
7. And the island, and the motorcycle. (Java)
8. Both a flower and a tree (cactus)
9. Both candy and sour berry (Barberry)

10. Both a bread product and a steering wheel (Baranka)
11. Both a tree and a dumbass (Oak)
12. And fruits, trousers (Bananas)
13. And a raincoat from the weather, and a mushroom (Raincoat)
14. Both an insect and a listening device (Bug)
15. And the goddess of the morning dawn, and the cruiser Aurora)
16. Both a young shoot and an old appendicitis (Process)
17. Both porridge and poultry (Oatmeal).
18. Both an optical device and points in the game. (Points)
19. Both plant and small arms (Bow)

Autumn. Participants are asked to demonstrate their theatrical abilities.

Vedas1: While the jury is summing up the results of all competitions, we will reward the most active viewers (token counting)

Jury word. Choice of King and Queen. Rewarding.

Vedas2: Autumn has fully come into its own today and we will celebrate its arrival. We thank this autumn for bringing us all to the autumn ball. Winter, spring, summer ahead...

Vedas1: And then autumn again. How many more will be in our life! We hope that the golden lights of the Autumn Ball will be lit for all of us more than once in our school. See you soon!
And now the disco.
