Bielita-Bitex hair mask. pet

We asked the girls one question: how do they help their hair in autumn? It turned out that the masks of Belarusian manufacturers cope with such problems as brittleness, dullness, dryness and exhaustion, no worse than the products of expensive brands.

Alena Lis, head of a public organization

- I live in two countries (Belarus and Belgium), I travel often, there is little time for myself. My hair is long, thin, but very thick and slightly curly. Therefore, “tangles” when wearing a scarf with a flowing mane are almost always provided, comb at least five times a day!

I try not to use a hair dryer or any other styling products more than once a month. After 35 years, the hair began to noticeably "grow up" and became drier. I realized that balms no longer solve the problem and it's time to use something more effective.

I searched for a long time, I tried ready-made nourishing masks, moisturizing, against brittleness, against split ends (this is generally a utopia), the usual "chemical" and my favorite from flax seed, which I do on my own, but the effect was not very noticeable. In addition, and natural masks, and the products from the store had to be kept on the hair for a long time - sometimes up to 40 minutes - and washed thoroughly (if linen). A large consumption of water and time with my rhythm of life is an unaffordable luxury.

Somehow I came across on the Internet a review of effective Belarusian cosmetics, which, among other things, mentioned a mask-restoration with keratin Keratin Active from Belita-Vitex(2.65 rubles). The option is budget (and on days when in GUM, TSUM a 20-25% discount is almost free), so you can use it generously.

The consistency of medium density, the color is white (that is, without unnecessary dyes), the effect gives immediately after the first application. Hair is perfectly combed, shiny, soft and pleasant to the touch, and most importantly, it is enough to hold it for only 30-40 seconds! Just what a busy person like me needs. No caps and wraps, and it is washed off easily. And yet, since this is not organic cosmetics, the mask does not need to be rubbed into the scalp.

Soon I will try what is called a mask with phytokeratin (vegetable equivalent of keratin) called Professional Organic Hair Care the same manufacturer. It's very interesting what the result will be.

Veronika Makarova, PR Specialist

— My hair is long, straight, obedient, thick, but thin. They are greasy at the roots, dry at the tips, and do not want to be styled. Hairstyle is difficult to add volume or curl curls. Due to the frequent use of the hair dryer, the tips are depleted, the weather also pretty spoils appearance. Therefore, from time to time I use masks to “nourish” the hair and give it the desired shape without any problems.

A friend recommended a product to me "Belita-Vitex" Professional Hair Care(up to 15 rubles). It is just designed for tired hair that has been tortured by dyeing, perm, straightening with an iron, and so on. It was written on the package that the mask works almost instantly, within 30 seconds. I decided to try and have no regrets. The main active ingredients are wheat and cashmere proteins, as well as almond oil. The tool really gives the hair a "live" rested look.

For greater effect, I keep the mask on my head longer, 5-7 minutes. Then I wash off and dry in the usual way. The hair is easy to comb and shimmer in the light.

The product is not the cheapest series. However, the jar is large, you can stretch for a long time. The mask smells good, is easy to apply and works quite effectively. By the way, you can use it from time to time as a balm.

The tool is not necessarily suitable for everyone. For my thin and straight hair - just right, but the owners of thick, hard curls may well disappoint. Try. Nothing without this.

- I don't have such long hair(up to the shoulder), but rather naughty. They are smooth, but thin, and often split. Therefore, it is difficult to do without additional care.

I recently discovered a wonderful tool for myself - an intensive cream mask. Hair Strength and Growth Modum Bamboo(about 7.5 rubles). The price of this tool is not as low as that of many other Belarusian masks, but the result is pleasing, and it lasts for a long time, if you do not apply half a jar to your head at a time.

Inside the container is a thick mass that envelops the hair well. At the mask nice smell. In the composition, by the way, essential oils of lavender, sage and cedar elfin. It is better to use the remedy a couple of times a week. I usually distribute along the entire length and wait 5-10 minutes. After several applications of the mask, the hair began to fall out less often, dryness and brittleness disappeared. In general, I really like her.

They say that the body gets used to the same means. Therefore, I periodically buy a superactive mask. Burdock against falling out from Belita-Vitex(about 2.5 rubles). Firstly, it is cheaper, and secondly, it is quite good, in my opinion. I do not keep the mixture on my hair for a long time. The mask works quickly. It seems to me that after this procedure, the hair seems to become more voluminous, in addition, a beautiful shine appears.

My main advice is not to "overfeed" your hair. In everything you need to observe the measure, otherwise they will become oily, and the skin on the head will deteriorate due to clogged pores.

Ekaterina Latushkina, tourism specialist

- I have hair. middle length. Sometimes they become dry, in winter and during the off-season they can become electrified, but at the same time they lend themselves well to styling and do not require daily washing.

I use the mask to give smoothness, eliminate the effects of frequent blow-drying, coloring, and so on. I like the Belarusian remedy to enhance shine and restore damaged hair structure Liv Delano Valeur(about 4 rubles). I accidentally saw this product in the store and decided to try it, because then I dyed my hair for the first time. I'm lucky. The mask has been very effective. Now I recommend it to all my friends.

The tool restores dyed hair well, gives extra shine and, I would say, even fixes the color. I apply a thick, dense mass from a jar to my hair after washing my hair and leave it for several minutes without any additional action. I use the mask as needed, regardless of the time of year.

Liv Delano Valeur a good option for those who are not ready to give a lot of money for hair care, but want to help them as much as possible. The effect is visible after several applications. I want to try other masks from this company. She has many interesting proposals.

Anna Gridyushko, project manager

- I have never used expensive masks, because the only problem with my hair is the lack of volume. However, the hairdresser I go to advised me to use masks instead of balms, because they are more nourishing and do not dry out the hair. I always choose inexpensive and, as a rule, Belarusian products. For the purposes described above, I think they fit perfectly.

I have long, straight, thin and smooth hair. In winter, they are terribly electrified, but they rarely split. But, as I said, volume is very difficult to achieve. If it turns out to lift the strands with a hair dryer, the hairstyle “lives” for a maximum of an hour. Even the bouffant does not hold. Of my favorite means, I would especially single out regenerating care mask Liv Delano Green Style(about 3.3 rubles). The mask is just designed for thin and weakened hair, helps to restore them and provides an antistatic effect.

I keep the product on wet hair for 5-10 minutes (for a better effect, you can wrap it with a towel). Many of my friends are delighted with this mask as a regenerating product. For me, it works more like a normal balm. It is better to try any remedy once than to hear about it 10 times, especially since the price allows it. So try.

IN Lately Markell products are of great interest to me, however, I don’t know what to choose specifically. If you used hair care products of this particular brand or, perhaps, there are effective products from other Belarusian manufacturers in mind, write in the comments. I would be grateful for your helpful advice!

In the abundance of cosmetic products, it can be quite difficult to find a really high-quality product. Probably, every girl has bought an advertised shampoo or cream more than once, but without waiting for a miraculous effect, she had to send it to the trash can or to the farthest shelf. Today, more and more women praise Belarusian cosmetics Belita, which does not have a wide advertising campaign, and therefore is not known to everyone. Let's take a closer look at the brand's products and, perhaps, find another must-have in our cosmetic bag, maybe it will be Belita masks or lipstick.

Getting to know Belita Vitex

Modern girls often prefer popular cosmetic brands such as Loreal, Garnier, Bourgeois, even despite the low cost of their products. It just so happened that domestic producers cause less confidence, and perhaps it really is a matter of prestige. Beautiful recognizable tubes of creams and bottles of mascara just ask for a cosmetic bag! But alas, the quality of the goods often disappoints. Unless the placebo effect appears and you yourself inspire yourself with the positive qualities of a particular cosmetic product. Maybe it's time to change tactics? Why not try something natural and domestic, even if not so famous?!

Two companies Belarusian Belita and Vitex have been working together for more than 25 years. Over the years, the range of goods has expanded so much that every woman can find from these manufacturers not only a product for caring for her body, but also decorative cosmetics, household chemicals, make-up accessories and much more. Belita and Vitex did not deprive men of attention, there are also special means for teenagers. Let's look at the top products of the Belarusian manufacturer.

Mask Belita for hair protein

One of the most favorite products of the Belarusian manufacturer among buyers is Belita protein hair mask. It provides a quick professional restoration of the hair structure after dyeing, chemistry or with the effect of "sealing". Like most products for professional use, the Belita hair protein mask has a large volume - 500 ml. The product has a pleasant smell of apple freshness, which remains on the hair for a long time. The dense consistency of this product ensures comfortable application to the hair. The usage pattern is quite simple:

  1. On clean, damp hair, apply the desired amount of protein mask, without touching the roots.
  2. Put a shower cap on your head.
  3. Within 10 minutes, with the help of a hair dryer, it is necessary to warm the curls with the agent applied to them.
  4. Rinse off the composition, and then you can proceed with the usual styling.

Numerous rave reviews confirm the effectiveness of this product. Considering its low cost, about 200 rubles, it is impossible not to buy this mask. Your hair will become soft, manageable, and the ends will take on a healthy, well-groomed appearance. The effect is especially noticeable on hair exhausted by dyeing in light colors. Of the shortcomings, some girls note only the need to wash their hair more often than usual, but for shiny and obedient strands, this is not high price.

Belita face mask Calendula

Another bestseller of Belarusian production was the Belita face mask with calendula. This product will become a lifesaver for girls with sensitive facial skin, who find it quite difficult to find a mask that does not cause discomfort from application.

This tool cleanses and reduces pores, regulates the sebaceous glands, thereby providing the skin with dullness for a long time. In the composition of "Calendula" you will find red clay and kaolin, which are absorbents that cleanse the pores. Customer reviews for the most part confirm the effect declared by the manufacturer in the instructions. Of the shortcomings, only the content of parabens and polymers in a small amount can be noted. The volume of the bottle is 100 ml, the cost is about 100 rubles, are you still looking for this mask on the shelves of the store?

Alginate mask Royal Iris

A product such as the Belita alginate mask is recommended by most cosmetologists to their clients for do-it-yourself skin care at home. Alginate mask Belita or as it is also called a plasticizing mask will become an indispensable express procedure before an important event. If you're looking for a quick face lift, color boost, and shine control, give this product a try. The price of a bag of powder is about 150 rubles, some beauties divide this volume into 2 applications. To make your skin glow with health, follow these steps step by step:

  1. Dilute the powder with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  2. Quickly apply the product to the skin of the face before it starts to harden.
  3. After a couple of minutes, you will feel a slight chill from the mask.
  4. It takes about 15 minutes for the product to dry completely.
  5. Removing the “Royal Iris” is quite simple for itself - it is easily removed in one piece.
  6. After using the product, wipe your face with tonic. You will be surprised how smooth your skin will become, and the pores will shrink right after the 1st application.

Belita face mask Super smoothing

Another tool for instant result - mask Belita for the face with the effect of smoothing the skin. The Belita Vitex mask was created in collaboration with the Swiss specialists Pentapharm. Application instructions are very simple:

  1. apply the substance to cleansed skin;
  2. wait 20 minutes;
  3. rinse with warm water.

In just 20 minutes, you will get renewed, rested skin and a rejuvenating effect. The price is less than 100 rubles per 100 ml of the product.

Whitening mask from Belita Vitex

Belita whitening mask will allow you to solve the problem age spots on the face. For girls with problematic skin, prone to pigmentation, will be a godsend a series of bleaching products, which includes night cream, tonic and whitening mask Belita.

The whitening effect of the product is provided by fruit acid, which makes up 10% of the product, as well as 1% salicylic acid. The Belita Vitex mask has a rather liquid consistency, but it does not “slip off” the face. In the presence of wounds on the skin, the acid can cause tingling. The product does not tighten the face, although it dries out a little. Among the shortcomings are again parabens, but cosmetics manufacturers, alas, rarely do without them. The cost is very low, as with all branded products. A tube will cost you about 80 rubles.

On the official website of Belita Vitex, you can get acquainted with all the existing products of the company. The pursuit of brands often hits the pocket, but does not bring satisfaction with quality. Let's enjoy shopping and save money, because quality does not always mean a high price, which confirms.

Hair masks from the Belita-Vitex concern (Belarus) are recognized as one of the best that are produced on the territory of the post-Soviet countries.

The manufacturer itself has been operating for far from the first year, offering complex cosmetics for personal care (both for women and men).

What is unique about their hair masks? Are they inferior in terms of efficiency to foreign counterparts?

Mask features

At the moment, the company presents a wide range of different hair care masks. There are both simple ones (for regular care), and those that restore the structure of the hair, give it volume and saturate it with moisture (its lack most often causes split ends).

At the same time, the components used in production are also used by foreign eminent companies, such as: Numero, Loreal, ProfiStyle, Salerm.

The cost of Belarusian products, of course, is much lower.

Such masks are also attracted by the fact that they undergo clinical trials and are certified by the Belarusian Ministry of Health. This is the best confirmation of their effectiveness and efficiency. Quite a few important point– each mask contains a detailed composition, without abbreviations and possible double meaning.

Types of funds offered

On this moment Belita-Vitex products are represented by the following masks:

  • Nutritious with sea salt. Ideal for owners too oily hair.
  • Adsorbent with amino acid complex. Prevents split ends.
  • Laminating mask containing gelatin. Perfect for dry hair.
  • Express mask (washed off) with flax oil. Simultaneously restores and regulates sebum production.
  • Castor oil mask for hair loss. Recommended for use by trichologists from diffuse alopecia (evenly over the entire area of ​​the scalp).
  • Firming mask with blueberries and vitamin complex. Universal, contains vitamins A, E, B, PP groups.
  • Revitalizing mask with keratin. It is better to use it already in cases where the hair is damaged and actively split.
  • Active mask with burdock extract. A versatile option for everyday use.
  • Mask with active collagen. It is believed to be best suited for those who have dandruff problems.
  • Peeling mask with black cumin extract. Dramatically increases the number of active roots, but does not weigh down the hairstyle.

There are also three masks for complex care, recommended by the manufacturer for everyday use (1-2 times a week). They are suitable for owners of problematic hair who want to refresh their curls, give them natural beauty. They include a basic vitamin complex and a minimum of surfactants.

Separately, it is necessary to talk about mask with Baicapil complex. The manufacturer positions it as a means to give density to the hairstyle. But it works by activating the growth of "sleeping" hair follicles. The mask is a popular analogue from Provital (and is produced under an issued license).

Instructions for use

For each mask produced, the manufacturer gives detailed instructions for its recommended use.

Worth noticing that ideally, before using any product (not only this series), you should consult a trichologist or at least a dermatologist. If he gives other recommendations for use, then it is better to be guided by them.

Conventionally, all hair masks that are produced by Belita-Vitex can be divided into washable And indelible. There are also compress masks (for wrapping). The first ones are applied to the washed hair along the entire length (including the skin), and after 5-10 minutes they are washed off with warm running water.

Leave-in products come in the form of a lotion. Apply in the same way, and then comb your hair. Compress masks are recommended to be used immediately before washing, wrapping them in a towel and polyethylene for 30-40 minutes.

A more important point is the frequency of mask use. For ordinary ones, this is up to 2 times a week, for specialized ones - 1 time in 1-2 weeks (specify in the instructions).

In no case should they be used more often, as it will give either by-effect or an allergic reaction.

Hair masks from the manufacturer Belita-Vitex are inexpensive, but very effective products that not only care for curls, but also heal them. A wide range of hair cosmetics allows you to choose the product that will quickly cope with the existing problem.

Hair masks from the manufacturer Belita-Vitex is a quality product, which are manufactured in the Republic of Belarus. The range of cosmetics is quite extensive. Each girl will be able to find the product that suits her in terms of composition and effect. And the low price makes the masks even more in demand.

Product overview


The mask is designed to care for hair that has been damaged as a result of dyeing, curling or styling. Fights brittleness, loss and. Compound:

  • wheat extract;
  • cashmere oil;
  • almond oil.

Weightless recovery mask

The product has a light texture, thanks to which it is evenly distributed over the hair and them.

As part of the conditioning components and. With regular use, the appearance of curls improves, they are strengthened and restored.

Daily care

This is a vitamin mask that contains two main components - avocado and nettle. They nourish and treat hair from the inside. You can apply the mask on an ongoing basis. She smoothes the curls, giving them shine and.

Tar and zinc

This cosmetic product is designed specifically to combat. The composition contains the following components:

  • natural tar;
  • rosemary extract;
  • birch bud extract.

This composition perfectly treats the strands and prevents the formation of dandruff.

Compress mask against hair loss and thinning

The composition includes the following components:

  • red pepper;
  • burdock root extract.

Active ingredients instantly restore hair from roots to ends. In the process of application, hair growth is activated, as dormant follicles awaken.

Color Care System

The mask is designed to care for colored hair. Compound:

  • avocado;
  • vitamins C, A, E, B and D.

Thanks to the avocado, the hair is protected from color fading. And vitamins make the shade rich and radiant for a long time.


The mask is designed for intensive nutrition, regeneration and strengthening of curls. After its application, the hair becomes shiny, strong, dryness disappears,. Compound:

  • mink fat;
  • Coconut oil;
  • extract of aloe and nettle;
  • citrus acid and wool wax.

Instructions for use and contraindications

The indicated products from Belita-Vitex are contraindicated only if you are allergic to the components included in the composition. So before use, it is worth conducting an allergic test by applying a little product to the skin of the elbow. After 2 hours, assess the condition of the skin.

Conditionally Belita-Vitex masks are divided into 2 groups: washable and non-washable. There are also products for wrapping. First apply to washed curls along the entire length, and after 5-10 minutes remove with warm water.

Leave-in products are available in the form. It is applied in the same way, and then the strands are combed. Apply masks for wrapping before washing your hair for 30-40 minutes, wrapping them with polyethylene and a towel. Apply ordinary masks 2 times a week, and specialized ones - 1 time in 1-2 weeks.

Belita-Vitex hair masks are budget cosmetics excellent quality. Its advantages: a wide range, availability, instant results and low price. Regular use of products will allow the hair to become alive, shiny and healthy.

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In search of the perfect hair care product, many women opt for inexpensive brands, because a high price is not always a guarantee of effectiveness. Hair mask from Bielita-Bitex is a frequent guest in the lockers of many Russian women.

Features and Benefits

The largest cosmetic company in Belarus was founded in the late 1980s. Then the beginning of production was served by a close "friendship" with one of the Italian firms, which provided the enterprise with equipment and gave several of its own formulations of cosmetic preparations for use.

Later, the range of the company expanded, its own specialists appeared, who developed drugs that are unique in composition. Today, the company conducts a full production cycle: it develops cosmetics, manufactures them, creates packaging on its own and sells goods on the market through retail chains and its own stores. Bielita-Bitex has a separate enterprise that creates extracts from natural plant materials collected in Belarus.

The company manufactures decorative cosmetics household chemicals, toothpastes and brushes, perfumes, manicure tools, repellents, liquid soaps and even provides hotels with cosmetics in single-use packages. However, in Russia, creams and hair care products are in the greatest demand.

Bielita-Bitex offers more than 20 types of hair masks. They belong to different cosmetic series and are different in composition and effect. In addition, there are several masks in the series for professional care.


Bielita-Bitex professional masks are designed for care in beauty salons. And although, when you come to a hairdressing salon in Russia, you are unlikely to find this cosmetics, the reviews of experts about it are not bad. Many novice cosmetologists use it for training and see quite decent results. You can purchase this line of products online.

There are 4 types of mask in the professional series:

  • "Sealing hair". The manufacturer offers it as a mask for the care of damaged hair after dyeing, perm Or just use a hair dryer all the time. The packaging promises that the composition will “seal” the hair, fill in microcracks and moisturize.

The composition contains various proteins, as well as vegetable oils (almond, castor) and cosmetic "chemistry".

  • Aminoplasty mask is recommended for thin and fragile hair. It contains vitamins B5 and PP, which strengthen the roots, as well as amino acids that restore hair length (taurine and glycine). The overall result that the manufacturer promises is compaction, thickening of the hair, which is compared with salon procedure"lamination".
  • For damaged and porous hair fit SOS-mask with moisturizing and structural-restoring action. The composition contains valuable argan oil and a complex of ceramides that restore damage along the length. It is recommended to apply on well-washed hair for no more than 10 minutes.

The consistency of the mask is quite thick and oily, suitable for girls with dyed, hard, dry hair. For those whose hair is generally normal, such a tool is likely to be too heavy.

  • For lovers organic cosmetics the mask is produced without silicones, parabens and dyes - "Nourishing with phytokeratin."

It contains a combination of natural vegetable oils (jojoba, shea, almond) and an amino acid complex of phytokeratins. The tool is suitable for normal curls and for intensive care for damaged and brittle hair.

For home care, the company's assortment includes more than two dozen different masks. Let's dwell on the most interesting products.

For those who have “straw” on their heads, the brand offers collagen bioactive mask "Hair Collagen+". Inside the jar, the manufacturer placed the active composition of natural betaine and collagen. These components are designed to penetrate deep into each hair, smooth it, thicken and moisturize.

A very unusual tool peeling mask from the "Magic of Morocco" line. It contains volcanic Moroccan clay Gassul, which is responsible for deep cleansing of the scalp. It is cleansed of dead skin cells and the remnants of styling products that we use every day. This procedure allows hair to grow better and prevents dandruff.

The recipe also contains black cumin oil: it normalizes the fat balance and prevents split ends.

It also contains clay, this time pink. It absorbs impurities and secreted sebum. natural oils shea and rose hips allow oily hair that you just want to wash endlessly, do not dry out from cosmetics, and vitamins heal the hair along the length.

From falling out, several remedies are presented at once.

  1. Mask-expert against loss. It contains active plant components (calamus root extract, horse chestnut and nettle extract), which heal the follicles and stimulate growth in length.
  2. Bath mask "Force of nature" with castor oil requires a warm head wrap. It activates Castor oil, vitamins and calamus rhizome extract, which awaken follicles from sleep and stimulate new hairs to grow.
  3. Classics of the genre - compress with burdock oil from the Healing bath line. This product is more likely to strengthen already regrown hair. Active ingredients - burdock oil, extracts of calamus, yarrow and nettle. The composition also contains active yeast protein, which is also very effective for hair care.
  4. Super active mask "Burdock" with enhanced formula suitable for intensive firming care and growth stimulation. Burdock root extract, yeast proteins and caffeine should do this.
  5. Popular with shoppers keratin mask "Keratin Active" suitable for different types hair. It restores the hair structure with natural keratin. Softens the hair and makes combing much easier. The drug has a light texture, literally "melts" on the head and is easily washed off.


In general, hair products from this manufacturer are loved and popular. The overall rating of Bielita-Bitex masks is not found below 4 stars out of 5.

Review of hair care products from Bielita-Biteks.

Obviously, the professional series is the most effective. By the way, it is significantly more expensive than “homemade” cosmetics of the same brand, but it comes in heavier packages.


Means for thickening, weighting hair. Well suited for owners of dry or sparse hair.

According to reviews, it smells good, has a thick consistency, does not flow. Consumed sparingly. Most of the girls noticed a wonderful conditioning effect: the hairstyle does not fall apart, there is no “dandelion” effect, the hair acquires extra shine and a healthy look.

  • In this case, the hair after using the drug gets dirty faster, you will have to wash your hair a little more often than usual. Requires thorough rinsing.
  • Restorative and therapeutic effect was not seen.
  • Many customers compare this remedy with other PRO-series drugs. and note that it has an excellent effect at a lower cost.

Keratin Active

  • Very inexpensive hair care product. The consistency is dense, the mask does not flow and is easy to apply. Unlike "Aminoplasty", according to reviews, it is very easy to wash off.
  • With it, you can achieve easy combing, shine and conditioning effect. Those who use the mask regularly note that the ends of the hair began to look more well-groomed and neat.
  • According to customers, it is better not to use this drug for girls with very sensitive scalp., because contains a lot of silicones. A number of girls experienced dry ends after use.

Organic Hair Care

  • Brand's attempt to create organic Belarusian cosmetics. The mask does not contain silicones, parabens and dyes. Those who are good at deciphering chemical terms note that in a jar, in addition to healthy oils, polymers are present, but they are easily washed off after use.
  • The drug is thick, easy to apply, slightly gluing the hair. Due to the sticky effect, consumption increases slightly. The reviews note that the mask has a cumulative effect - i.e. the longer you use it, the more noticeable the result.
  • The mask thickens the hair improves the condition of the hair after dyeing.
  • A number of girls noticed that due to the lack of silicone the mask has a very weak conditioning effect: it is difficult to comb the hair, it gets tangled and fluffy.

"Deep Cleansing Course"

  • The drug is much less popular than the rest of the masks listed above, however, reviews speak of its good effectiveness.
  • This tool, like any clay or mud mask, improves the appearance of oily hair and revitalizes the scalp. It is not thick in consistency and is not consumed very sparingly.
  • According to reviews, the scalp is visibly refreshed The effect lasts for several days. The mask does not dry the hair along the length either - the oils present in the composition allow them to remain soft and easy to comb.
  • The root of the oily hair problem this tool will not eliminate, however, it will visually improve the look of the hairstyle.
