Is it possible to enlarge the wedding ring. Is it possible to increase the size of the gold ring: how to do it? What to wear with a silver ring

To date, methods for adjust the ring to the correct size, crafted to perfection.

In a jewelry workshop, such work can be done in the presence of a customer in 10-15 minutes. The main thing is that the ring falls into the skillful hands of a jeweler who deserves positive feedback about his work.

How to reduce the ring size?

To make a ring smaller, jewelers use three methods.

  • Cutting a piece of rim (shank).

This method is applied to rings adorned with precious stones in order to avoid damage to the overall structure of the jewelry. It is previously recommended to remove all stones from the setting, especially when soldering the ring with an open fire.

For rings made of white gold, with enamel or mother-of-pearl, laser soldering is used.

If, the jeweler cuts a piece of the base 3.14 mm long, into two sizes - 6.28 mm, and then grinds and polishes the joint.

  • Rim wrinkle.

This method is usually used to reduce the size of wedding rings without precious stones and decorative elements.

If the ring needs to be adjusted by half a size, it is simply knocked down, and if by 1-1.5-2 sizes, it is preheated, increasing the elasticity of the metal, and then knocked down to the desired size. The deposit is cleaned off, and the product is polished.

  • Insert without cutting.

The method is expensive, but excluding all signs of impact on the decoration. The ring remains the same, only its inner diameter decreases. This happens due to the soldering of a base metal plate or an additional ring into the inner part of the product.

How to increase the ring size?

In this case, jewelers also practice three methods.

  • Rim boring.

The method is simple, but applicable only for rings with a thick rim, which need to be increased by half a size. Its main drawback is the loss of worn gold, however, sometimes this method is the only one that allows you to increase the size of a complex-shaped ring with stones or decor without damage.

  • Mechanical stretch.

This method is used to increase the size of ordinary wedding and signet rings. The ring should not be too wide - no more than 10-12 mm. Thin rings are easier to stretch, even 2 sizes, but the method is not suitable for too thin products - they can burst.

The jeweler first determines the amount by which the ring should be enlarged, then heats the product, puts it on the crossbar and, turning its handle, achieves the required size. At the end of the work removes irregularities, grinds and polishes the ring.

  • Metal insert.

Or by setting a stone, you can increase in size only by making an insert from a similar metal. The product is cut from below and expanded to the desired size, and an insert prepared in advance is soldered into the resulting space. Before soldering, the insert and ring are boiled in boric acid to preserve their shine. After the final processing, the ring looks like a single whole.

Most women and men wear wedding rings as a sign of fidelity to each other, simple rings like decorations. But when faced with a choice for the first time, many do not know the required volume. Any jewelry shop will provide you with a finger diameter determination service, but there are cases when you need to know the size in advance. In this case, the question arises: how to determine the size of the ring at home?

What is ring size

The size of the ring means its diameter, i.e. the distance between two opposite points on the circumference of the hole. Look clearly at the photo below.

To determine the diameter of a piece of jewelry at home, it is worth considering some points:

  • Throughout the day, the volume of the fingers changes slightly. Noon is the best time to determine the volume. In the morning, the hands are still swollen, due to the water accumulated during the night.
  • Do not measure after sports, at high room temperature, immediately after a cool street.
  • It should be borne in mind that independent measurements will not have high accuracy. This will be an approximate / indicative size.

Choosing jewelry for the ring finger right hand, learn that it may not be the right size for the left hand. If you were given a piece of jewelry that is not the right size, then in this case, contact the jeweler, he will roll it out (slightly increase the diameter).

How to determine the size of the ring according to the table at home

Consider two ways to determine the size of the ring yourself at home using the table. To do this, you will need to prepare a small piece of thick paper, a pen, a ruler, half a meter of thread (knitting thread is ideal for thickness), scissors. In addition to plain paper, a checkered sheet is well suited. For home measurements, keep in mind that the ring should pass freely through the joint (phalanx).

With a strip of paper

  • First way. Cut a strip from a sheet with a width of one to one and a half, and a length of up to five centimeters. Wrap it around your desired finger. In the place where the end of the strip adjoins, put a mark with a pen. Unfold the paper, measure the distance from the edge to your mark with a ruler. The length found is the girth, to find the cross section you need to divide this value by the number 3.14. The size is determined by finding the diameter equal to the table.

  • Second way. This option is perfect for men who want to put such a gift on the finger of their beloved girl, having with them another one suitable for the inner contour. Take the ring and attach it to the sheet, circle its outline with a pen, a thin marker inside at the base. Find the diameter of the resulting circle. Usually, the difference between the sizes is half a centimeter.

Advice. it is worth rounding the result obtained to a smaller value for narrow rings, to a larger one for wide rings.

With a thread

For this homemade method, take a thick thread (tape), wrap five turns around the selected finger a little tightly and carefully (the width of the winding should not be more than six millimeters). Don't wrap it too tight. Cross both ends without tearing them off the turns, cut them off with scissors at the intersection. Or mark with a pen the place where the ends of the thread intersect, unwind, cut at the marked places. Measure the resulting piece of thread with a ruler.

And in order to determine your individual size at home, you should divide the value obtained from the measurement by a special number 15.7. The result must be rounded.

International table

Video: How to make a ring size template at home using coins

Some sites offer ready-to-print templates. But when copying or printing a pattern, the image will be slightly distorted. Therefore, at home it is better to make a template with your own hands.

Watch the video - how to learn how to make a template for the sizes of the desired rings on your own at home:

As you can see, the conditions provided at home make it quite possible to determine the right size for your ring. These methods are not only easy to use, but will also take you a small amount of time.

If you know more simple, interesting and effective ways how to determine the size of the ring at home, then leave your comments. They will be useful to other readers.

How to change ring size

Any jewelry or bijouterie creates a mood for a girl if used for its intended purpose, and does not gather dust in a small box. Therefore, if we are talking about rings, they must certainly correspond to the size of the finger.

But, alas, the size of our fingers changes over the years (most often upwards). And a donated ring or ring may not initially fit the finger on which you so want to see it. And then there is a need to change the size of the ring, reduce or increase it.

Change ring size

First of all, it must be said that it is possible to increase or decrease the size of the ring only in a jewelry workshop. At home, without the appropriate equipment and skills, it is impossible to do this.

  1. In the price list of jewelry workshops, you will definitely find a service for the repair of items made of precious metals. With special care, you need to approach the change in the size of the ring. First of all, examine the surface of the product, if it is smooth, then the master will be able to increase it even by 3 sizes, and if there are notches, drawings or stones on the ring, then it will not be so plastic.
  2. You must clearly know on which finger you will wear the ring in order to measure the diameter of the desired finger. You should also determine the initial size of the jewelry, visit the salons and use special tools and size samples.
  3. Try on rings in a relaxed state. During hot weather, after serious physical activity, during illness, there may be swelling on the fingers, which will complicate the determination of the exact size.
  4. Find out about workshops that fit and repair jewelry. The cost of such services should not be artificially high. Seek advice and recommendations from friends and consultants in jewelry stores.
  5. Before giving the product for fitting, go around several workshops and personally talk with 2-3 masters, discuss the details of the upcoming procedure. If you need to reduce the size of the ring, then this can be done by compression (this execution is only suitable for products with a smooth surface). The correct shape of the ring is ensured by uniform compression from all sides at the same time. Another way is to cut a piece of metal, suitable for products with notches. Only very professional craftsmen are taken to change the size of the product, which has an engraving, due to the high risk of damage to it.
  6. If metal is to be cut, the cut is best made close to the sample, as it will be less visible.
  7. Repair of platinum products is carried out only on special equipment, which costs a lot of money, so not every workshop can afford it.
  8. If the master told you in detail about the upcoming procedure, warned about possible risks, but offered a guarantee for the quality of the work performed, then you can opt for such a workshop.

Important facts and nuances: how to roll out a ring at home?

The ring is an indispensable decoration for fingers, known since ancient times. Today you can pick up a ring of almost any size. But sometimes there is an unpleasant situation - your favorite ring suddenly becomes small, or the gift does not fit on your finger. In this case, rolling in a jewelry store can help. But it is quite expensive, so it is better to find out how to roll a ring at home and whether it is even possible. It will not hurt to find out whether this particular product can be increased or not.

What rings can be rolled out?

Increasing the size of the ring by rolling has some features that must be considered. Unfortunately, many types of rings are not rolled due to quite natural processes during rolling:

1. Rings with rotating inserts.

2. In most cases, the dimensions of bimetallic rings do not change.

3. If there is a drawing or a stone, it is also impossible.

Based on this list, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to roll out a ring with stones is one - in no case. In this case, only one metal base may remain, and the pebbles will leave their nests due to stretching and deformation of the metal.

Is it possible to roll out the ring yourself?

Unfortunately, at home it is quite difficult to increase the size of the ring. Because for this, at least, you will need experience and a special tool. Not every man has a special bolt, a gas burner and a hammer with a rubber surface in the garage or pantry. In most cases, a special rolling device is used. But even if all this is there, then a lack of experience can lead to irreparable damage to the ring.

But the technology used by jewelers to increase the size with the help of a crossbar and special device, is clear enough:

To begin with, the ring is heated red-hot with a gas burner.

· Then let it cool down on its own, while preparing the tools.

Slightly cooled decoration is inserted into the device and gradually rolled out. It is important not to immediately press hard on the bow, otherwise there is a risk of damaging it.

Periodically, the ring is removed and the existing stretch is estimated.

· If necessary, the surface is straightened by stuffing on the crossbar and polished.

There is one very important nuance that you need to pay attention to. It depends on him how much the ring can be rolled out. You need to pay attention to the thickness of the bow. If it is very thin and fragile, it is not recommended to roll it out, there is a risk of tearing it. But in general, the thicker the bow, the more larger size you can roll it out. Naturally, the rings are not rubber, and stretching from size 13 to 21 will not work. The limit is three or four positions at best.

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Gold has excellent plasticity, so if necessary, the size of a gold ring can be relatively easily changed by reducing or increasing by one or two sizes. Performing such an operation at home, even with the right tools, is not recommended, since in inept hands the jewelry can be irreparably deformed.

The most common way to increase the size of the ring is mechanical. The master first checks what the true size of the product is, and then determines by what amount it is necessary to increase it. After measurements, the ring is treated with a burner flame. When it cools down, the product is put on a special crossbar. With the help of a roller corresponding to the profile of the product, the ring is stretched to the required size. It remains to align the ends and grind the ring to its original shine.

There is a more time-consuming way to increase the size of the ring. In this case, it is increased by inserting a piece of metal of a similar sample. First, a joint is formed, where a piece of material is applied and carefully soldered when heated with a heater flame. The updated product is then bleached, dried and carefully processed with a jewelry file to remove possible protrusions and depressions.

When choosing a specific method, experts always proceed from the size of the ring. For a thin product, simple mechanical stretching is most suitable. If the ring is massive and thick, it is easier and more reliable to use the insertion method. In the simplest case, when the ring needs to be enlarged by just a fraction of a millimeter, sometimes its inner surface is simply bored, removing the thinnest layer of metal.

If the ring has inserts in the form of stones, they are often dismantled before work. This is done in order to reduce the risk of stresses appearing in the stone, which may well lead to its irreparable deformation. After increasing the size of the ring, the stones are easily inserted into their places, securing them accordingly.

The wedding ring is a symbol of marriage, so the spouses wear it on the ring finger of their right hand as a sign of fidelity to each other. However, there are situations that require an increase in its size. As a rule, the traditional marriage ring consists of gold, which has plasticity. Thus, it will not be difficult for a jeweler to change such an important piece of jewelry by one or two sizes.

Undoubtedly, the complexity of the work is determined directly by the master and it depends specifically on the type of wedding ring: smooth or with stones. It should be borne in mind that the pricing policy of each individual company is diverse, so you need to contact only those specialists who do not raise any doubts about their professionalism and competence. Otherwise, such an important element of the marriage union runs the risk of being irrevocably spoiled.

The main ways to increase the size of a wedding ring are: stretching this metal on a crossbar, as well as inserting a piece of gold of the same standard. First of all, the jeweler measures the exact size of the ring, after which he determines how much the product should be enlarged. Then, the master anneals the ring with the flame of a special burner, and when it cools down a little, he puts a crossbar on the stretching roller prepared in the roller. After that, a roller is installed, which in shape corresponds to the profile of the gold jewelry. Further, the jeweler, by rotating the bolt handle, moves the guide axis and, accordingly, the clamping handle, and with his free hand he presses the roller against the ring, trying to fit it onto the bolt. Thus, when the ring gets the right size, the master will wash it, bleach it and level the ends of the ring. In the end, the product is polished, thereby acquiring the original luster.

In the event that a piece of jewelry is enlarged by inserting a piece of gold, then it is necessary to impose small fragments of this metal without fail of the same test on the joint, and then solder them under the flame of a burner. After that, the piece of jewelry is bleached, dried and the inserted piece is adjusted so that there are no protrusions and depressions. It should be noted that if wedding ring thin, then best method changes in its size will be mechanical stretching. In contrast, a thick ring tends to be difficult to stretch, so inserting a piece of gold is advisable.

Enlargement of a gold ring with stones is mainly carried out by an experienced craftsman in the following sequence: he removes the stone from the mount, does certain procedures with this metal in order to change the size, and then inserts the stone back. It must be remembered that such an increase in the size of the ring with a stone will cost the client much more.

How to change ring size?

To date, methods for adjust the ring to the correct size. worked out to perfection.

In a jewelry workshop, such work can be done in the presence of a customer in 10-15 minutes. The main thing is that the ring falls into the skillful hands of a jeweler who deserves positive feedback about his work.

How to reduce the ring size?

To make a ring smaller, jewelers use three methods.

  • Cutting a piece of rim (shank).

This method is applied to rings adorned with precious stones in order to avoid damage to the overall structure of the jewelry. It is previously recommended to remove all stones from the setting, especially when soldering the ring with an open fire.

For rings made of white gold, with enamel or mother-of-pearl, laser soldering is used.

If the ring is one size too big. the jeweler cuts a piece of the base 3.14 mm long, into two sizes - 6.28 mm, and then grinds and polishes the joint.

This method is usually used to reduce the size of wedding rings without precious stones and decorative elements.

If the ring needs to be adjusted by half a size, it is simply knocked down, and if by 1-1.5-2 sizes, it is preheated, increasing the elasticity of the metal, and then knocked down to the desired size. The deposit is cleaned off, and the product is polished.

  • Insert without cutting.

The method is expensive, but excluding all signs of impact on the decoration. The ring remains the same, only its inner diameter decreases. This happens due to the soldering of a base metal plate or an additional ring into the inner part of the product.

How to increase the ring size?

In this case, jewelers also practice three methods.

The method is simple, but applicable only for rings with a thick rim, which need to be increased by half a size. Its main drawback is the loss of worn gold, however, sometimes this method is the only one that allows you to increase the size of a complex-shaped ring with stones or decor without damage.

This method is used to increase the size of ordinary wedding and signet rings. The ring should not be too wide - no more than 10-12 mm. Thin rings are easier to stretch, even 2 sizes, but the method is not suitable for too thin products - they can burst.

The jeweler first determines the amount by which the ring should be enlarged, then heats the product, puts it on the crossbar and, turning its handle, achieves the required size. At the end of the work removes irregularities, grinds and polishes the ring.

A ring with a complex ornament or a stone setting can be enlarged in size only by making an insert of a similar metal. The product is cut from below and expanded to the desired size, and an insert prepared in advance is soldered into the resulting space. Before soldering, the insert and ring are boiled in boric acid to preserve their shine. After the final processing, the ring looks like a single whole.


In a number of stores in St. Petersburg "Jewellery Network 585" there are jewelry workshops where you can repair jewelry, as well as carry out professional care after them. Our stores employ experienced jewelers who are well versed in jewelry and will be able to repair jewelry that is dear to your heart.

Shops in St. Petersburg with jewelry workshops:

1 B. Moscow, 1-3/2 Art. m. Vladimirskaya/Dostoevskaya
2 Babushkina, 71/8, 1st floor Art. m. Lomonosovskaya
Bolsheviks, 1
Art. m. Bolsheviks
4 Elizarova, 12
Art. m. Elizarovskaya
5 Efimova, 1/4a

6 Komendantsky, 12, building 1
Art. m. Komendantskiy prospect
7 Kosygina, 23
Art. m. Ladozhskaya
8 Ligovsky 41/83
Art. m. Ploschad Vosstaniya
9 Moscow, 2
Art. m. Sennaya / Sadovaya / Spasskaya
10 Cash, 49, apt. 3 Art. m. Primorskaya
11 Novatorov, 112, 1st floor Art. m. Prospect Veteranov
12 Driving around, 43a Art. m. Ligovsky prospect
13 Stachek, 77a Art. m. Avtovo
14 Engels, 138
Art. m. Enlightenment
Name of work performed Price, rub) 750 test / White gold(rub) With drag. stones
1 Washing the product in a cleaning solution in ultrasound from 50 from 100 from 150
2 Restoration of the presentation of the jewelry - removal of scratches, deformation, contamination of inserts + polishing and washing of the product:

Earrings, Ring, Massive bracelet

Chain Massive

from 500
3 Soldering a gap with a golden thin figure of a chain or bracelet:

One place

two places

4 Soldering a massive gold chain or bracelet (weighing 15 g or more)

One place

two places

5 Soldering break hollow gold chain or bracelet

One place

two places

6 Soldering break gold chain 2nd, 3rd weave and more threads

One place

two places

7 Silver chain soldering: One place/
Soldering the lost finish ring
from 150 + 50
8 Soldering the finishing ring in a gold chain

With the manufacture of the lost element + metal*

9 Soldering a complex hollow bracelet with repinning:

One seat + metal *

from 400 from 700
10 Ring repair with one break:

without stone

from 900
11 Repair of a broken gold seal ring:

without stone

from 1000
12 Broken earring repair with soldering (One place)

without stone

Each additional soldering (place) + metal*

from 1000
13 Reducing the size of the ring with a shank cutout:

without stone

Fastening-fastening of a stone at a separate rate

from 1000
14 Increasing the size of a figured ring or a ring with a stone (without sawing) from 300 from 500 from 800
15 Increasing the size of the ring by inserting (soldering)

Without stone + metal*

With stone + metal*

from 1500
16 Reducing, increasing a thin wedding ring:

One size

For each subsequent size

17 Reducing, increasing a massive wedding ring:

One size

For each subsequent size

18 Stone setting from 200 from 300 from 500
19 Stone fixing from 200 from 250 from 250
20 Crown cleaning

One element

from 50
21 Restoration - restoration of lost items in jewelry and antiques dog price dog price dog price
22 Reducing bracelets, chains from 300 from 500
23 Reduction of watch bracelets made of precious metals with pinning + metal* from 350 from 600
24 Installing watch bracelets on watches from 200
25 Replacing the chain lock (gold):


Chain Lock Replacement (Silver)

26 Lock Repair (Gold):


27 Restoration of the presentation of silverware (soldering):

Spoon coffee, tea, table, piles, saucers, coasters, etc.

Pouring spoon / ladle, cigarette case, creamer, etc.

* In cases where a master's precious metal is used to perform repairs, the cost of 1 g of 585 gold is 1,500 rubles.

Jewelry made of precious metals has not lost its relevance throughout the history of mankind. Rings and rings in the Middle Ages served as symbols of power and a reward for services. They passed from lord to vassal, who wore jewelry with particular pride. Jewelers of that time often performed stretching of gold accessories, because everyone's fingers are different.

In our time, this happens less often, we do not pass our rings to each other, but age, appearance excess weight, swelling of the hands require a proportional increase in jewelry that a person can wear for many years.

If there is a need to change the size of a product made of gold, silver or platinum, then you need to contact a specialist in a jewelry workshop. Gold jewelry will be stretched or rolled out for you in a minimum time and little money. A silver product coated with a layer of rhodium should not be subjected to such treatment, because the outer surface may change its original appearance. Platinum is a refractory metal, so it is impossible to change the size of such a ring without special equipment, which is not available in every workshop.

With the help of professional tools, master jewelers increase the size of rings in several ways.

Important! Engraved jewelry cannot be enlarged without deforming the inscription.

Roll out

This method is used quite often. It is uncomplicated and suitable for many jewelry, But it is undesirable to roll out a ring with a thin shank (the inner part of the ring adjacent to the finger) because it gets even thinner. The algorithm of actions of the wizard will be as follows:

  • measurement of the size and cleaning of jewelry;
  • rolling the lower part to the desired parameter;
  • giving the correct form;
  • cleaning and polishing.

Important! Rings with drawings, stones, inserts, as well as those with a bimetallic composition are not subjected to rolling.


This method is used more often than others. He is referred to when enlarging a gold ring with a thin shank without openwork inserts or precious stone. With it, you can change the jewelry by 1-3 sizes in half an hour, but at the same time, the inner surface of the jewelry will become thinner. Wide rings do not stretch in this way. The process consists of several stages:

  • determining the right size for mechanical stretching;
  • heating the product and placing it on a rotating crossbar, as a result of which the softened metal of the ring is slightly lowered down the cone, and the internal size increases;
  • washing, cleaning, grinding and polishing accessories.

Insert the desired piece of metal

To increase the ring by one size, it must be expanded by 3.14 mm. This is done in the following way:

  • the decoration is cut and moved apart to the desired distance;
  • the incision site is closed with a piece of metal that matches in color, shape and sample;
  • joints are soldered or processed with a laser in the presence of inlay;
  • at the final stage, the product is subjected to bleaching and polishing.

Important! At the end of the work, which will take at least an hour, the client’s hand should show off a piece of jewelry without signs of additional processing.


In this way, the size does not change radically. They turn to him if you need to increase the ring quite a bit, and the thickness of the product allows you to lose part of the metal without changing the outer surface. The job will take an hour. The essence of the method is to remove the thinnest strip of gold, which will help the jewelry to sit on the finger more freely and more comfortably. The appearance of the product will not change, no one around will notice the traces of processing.

Important! The disadvantage of this method is the loss of the ground part of the expensive metal, but sometimes this is the only way in which the jewelry can be worn.

What if the ring is with a stone, with a diamond?

The work of changing the size often begins with heating the product, and stones, especially precious ones, cannot be subjected to heat treatment. They can change color, become cloudy, crack. Therefore, before starting work, the jeweler must warn the client that the stone will have to be removed during metal processing, as well as an increase in payment for the work performed. After stretching the ring, the stone is returned to its place.

Sometimes boring can be used to increase the size of the ring with the stone. The decisive factor in this is the thickness of the shank.. If it is sufficient, then the decoration can be increased by a maximum of half a size. The work will take from 10 to 30 minutes, all this time the stone will be in its place. You don't need to delete it.

Another method used for inlaid jewelry is the insertion of a piece of metal. In this case, the jeweler will prefer to solder the gold patch with a laser. At the end of the work - polishing, grinding - the overhead part will not be visible, but such processing takes at least an hour.

Is it possible to increase the size of the ring at home and how?

Given that the above methods require professional training and the availability of special devices, we can conclude that there is little point in increasing the ring at home. Moreover, the cost of work in a jewelry workshop will not be very high.

If, nevertheless, you are determined to work on your own, and you have the appropriate tool, then follow the instructions:

  1. prepare a gas burner for work, pliers or round nose pliers. Stretching is performed using a special crossbar and a small rubber mallet;
  2. take the ring and clamp it with pliers;
  3. turn on the gas burner and glow the ring until it turns red;
  4. leave the accessory for a few minutes to cool to a warm temperature;
  5. place on the crossbar and start stretching, lightly tapping the ring with a hammer and slightly moving it along the cone;
  6. Finally, dip it in a boric acid solution for a shine.

What to do if you lose weight and your favorite ring begins to fall off your finger? Or did you see a ring in the store a little larger than you need? The easiest way is to reduce the size of your ring in a jewelry workshop. But if for some reason the master refuses to accept the product for work, the situation can be corrected with improvised means.

There are three ways to fit the ring to size. Its diameter is changed by cutting, compressing or inserting an inner rim into it.

  • Tenderloin. To reduce the ring by one size, the master cuts a piece of metal about 3 mm long from the rim. In this way they come with a "wedding" or a product with small stones.
  • Compression. The jeweler heats the ring in a flame, partially cools it, and then places it in a cone and covers it with a pressing ball - a punch. Striking the press with a hammer, he lowers the product along a tapering cone, and the pliable metal is compacted. After processing, carbon deposits are removed from the product and polished.
  • Insert. To reduce the diameter, an additional rim of the same or another metal is soldered inside the ring. This is the simplest and safe way adjust the size of the jewelry, but it can be the most expensive if you order a bezel from the same precious metal.

Which method the master chooses for your jewelry depends on the characteristics of the ring. Smooth rings withstand any processing; a product wider than 8 mm cannot be compressed (it is deformed during forging); openwork - it is better to reduce the inner rim.

If you looked after yourself original ring that does not fit, ask the seller if the fitting is done in the store itself (this service may be free for customers). When cutting down in a jewelry workshop, the removed piece is weighed and evaluated. Part of the metal will go to soldering the seam, and the rest will be returned to you or taken into account when paying for the work.

Reducing rings with inset stones

Reworking rings with stones is more painstaking work than fitting engagement rings and others. smooth rings. Usually they are reduced by tenderloin. But not in every model, you can simply remove the excess and solder the seam:

  • even with a slight decrease in the diameter of the tire (by 1–1.5 sizes), the frame is sometimes deformed, ceases to tightly cover the stone, and it is easy to lose it;
  • in the place where the frame is attached, the metal may burst during processing or after a while.

Therefore, large stones are removed from the frame, and after the work is completed, the shape of the fastening is corrected. In some cases, you have to cut off the frame itself, then solder it in place of the already reduced ring. Small stones are not removed from massive rings, but on thin ones, you can leave the inserts on the upper part of the rim (for example, small diamonds arranged in a row on a gold ring).

Are you afraid that the inserts will be replaced for you in the workshop? Before applying there, give the product for a gemological examination, after which they will put a tag on it with a description of the stones: their number, characteristics and cost. When leaving the ring in the workshop, ask the craftsman to cut the fragment so as not to damage the brand - it can be difficult to re-brand the product, especially if it is antique.

Will downsizing affect the appearance of the ring?

With the right job done appearance ring does not change. But if a non-professional took up the matter, you can get your ring with a flaw:

  • Some minerals do not tolerate high temperatures, and if the master did not remove the stone before work, when heated, it may crack or change color.
  • With a slight decrease in the diameter of the ring (by half a size or less), it becomes not perfectly round, but elliptical; When reduced by more than two and a half sizes, the design on the central part and / or the insert may suffer.
  • Sometimes during heat treatment, silver products brighten, as heat burns the patina on their surface. The patina effect is returned by special treatment in a jewelry workshop or at home using improvised means, such as iodine or sulfuric ointment.
  • Can change the appearance of a multi-metal ring, such as multi-colored gold (they are harder to disguise the seam).

When choosing a workshop where you will take the ring for alteration, ask the master what equipment he works on. The most gentle way to solder metals is laser welding. It heats them less than gas, and the seam is thinner and neater.

What rings can not be reduced?

Most jewelry shops will not undertake to customize rings made of base metals, and not at all because such work would cost less than processing a gold, silver or platinum ring. Do not argue with the master, but ask him to explain why he does not agree to help you, and most likely you will hear the following:

  • he does not know what alloy the ring is made of and cannot predict how the metal will behave when cut, heated or forged;
  • in most cases, cheap metal rings lose their shape and color during processing. When compressed, they crumble, turn black or green from heating, and the seam cannot be hidden by polishing;
  • after processing, some alloys oxidize and begin to release substances harmful to the skin, but it is impossible to determine in advance whether this will happen to your ring.

You can not reduce some items made of precious metals (more precisely, you should not do this). For example, when a silver rhodium ring is heated, the matte coating on the surface deteriorates, and it will have to be restored, but it will not be possible to restore its original appearance and color. It is difficult or impossible to reduce rings made of openwork filigree and complex patterns.

Platinum rings are difficult to process. In order to change the diameter of such a product, special equipment is needed, and not all jewelry workshops have it. Platinum is a hard and refractory metal, it requires a laser tool for cutting, and a high-temperature crucible is used for heating and forging. In some cases, after cutting a fragment from a platinum ring, a trace remains if the solder at the welding site differs in color or blackens.

We reduce the ring at home

If you do not want to give the jewelry to the workshop, try to fit it to size yourself. The easiest way to avoid losing a ring that is too loose is to put it on top of another, and the inconspicuous bottom ring will hold the loose top one.

If the second ring bothers you, use other ways to “put” the jewelry on your finger more tightly. However, before you reduce a non-precious ring at home, try to find out what alloy it is made of.

Silicone lining

The simplest and affordable way to reduce the ring on your own is to glue a transparent silicone lining into it. Reduced in this way, the ring tightly covers the phalanx, stops slipping, but at the same time its external size does not increase and it does not put pressure on adjacent fingers. Silicone does not irritate the skin and does not react with metals, resistant to impact household chemicals and cosmetics.

The ring seal is inexpensive, but it is quite difficult to buy it in stores, and not everyone can order it on AliExpress. Therefore, some women make such linings from improvised materials. Keep in mind that durable materials (such as cable insulation) are not intended for skin contact and can cause allergies, and safe rubber rings will last no more than a month and a half.

A compromise between a store-bought and a homemade lining can be sealing the ring with hot silicone from a special gun. Squeeze a silicone track onto the inside of the ring, smear it and let it dry. This tab is less durable than the finished one, but it is safe for the skin. In this way, it is convenient to reduce rings made of alloys that are not taken for alteration in jewelry workshops.

Nail polish

The easiest way to fit a ring is to apply several coats of clear nail polish to the inside of the ring. How many layers you need will have to be figured out empirically. Sometimes it is enough to smear it five to seven times, but if the ring is too large, the layers will be from 10 to 15. In order not to spoil the work, wait until it dries after each layer. Of course, the process can take a long time, but be patient, otherwise everything will have to be redone. If over time the decoration will fit you, the layers of varnish can be easily washed off.

However, varnish and remover will not harm only precious metals. But alloys can change color or texture, so it's better not to experiment with them.

3D printing of an understudy ring

If the question “is it possible to reduce the size of the decoration?” in the workshop they answered negatively, but you are afraid to spoil it in artisanal ways, order an understudy ring. The designer of a specialized printing house will make a 3D computer model for you, and then it will be printed with a transparent photopolymer on a special printer. Using the sample, the jewelry workshop will create a casting mold and make an exact copy of the ring, but in the right size.

This technique allows you to repeat even very complex models or openwork rings, the size of which cannot be changed. If we are talking about a purchased product with complex details, in which only the size does not suit you, then it will be made from the same metal and the same stones will be inserted into it.

However, copying a ring from a 3D model is not the cheapest way to resize it. Therefore, it is more often used for antique rings so as not to spoil the original.

As you can see, reducing the ring is quite simple, for this it is not necessary to contact the workshop. True, this work is painstaking and requires patience.
