A man loves but hides the signs. How to understand that a guy is in love

It changes a person's behavior, so people in love who are close to the object of their adoration begin to behave differently.

And for many girls who are trying not to be mistaken in feelings, the question arises: how to know if a guy loves you? To answer it, you need to carefully observe how a man behaves and how he looks.

Psychology of a man in love

falling in love - complex, multifaceted feeling, the formation of which depends on many factors, including:

  • individual preferences;
  • features of the appearance and personality of the mother (relationships with the mother can significantly affect the preferences of a man);
  • personal characteristics of a man;
  • interests;
  • life goals.

The physiological basis of any love, both female and male, is the hormones that are produced in the body.

They in a certain way affect the mood, cause a feeling of lust, lead to the appearance of changes in the somatic state characteristic of falling in love, such as fever, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, a feeling of pleasant pressure in the abdomen (those same "butterflies").

When a man feels that he is in love, he seeks to attract the attention of a woman, to evoke a reciprocal feeling in her. During this period, falling in love is most powerful and can drown out rational thinking.

It's harder for a man to control himself, he begins to behave differently, trying to achieve what he wants. If this is successful, in the process of developing a relationship, he looks closely at the woman and begins to better understand what exactly he wants from her.

How does he fall in love?

Understand, how men fall in love and how they feel, it is easier if we consider the stages of development of love:

In the future, his feelings develop according to two scenarios: either love goes out, or it transforms into love.

What is he experiencing?

How does a man know that he is in love? There is hardly a person who does not understand that he is in love.

Love has bright features, which distinguish it from other feelings, and the key of them is the somatic manifestations that occur while being next to a woman: fever, increased sweating, trembling in the limbs, changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

There may also be a feeling of arousal, and in men it is expressed more strongly than in women.

Somatic manifestations and sexual desire are harmoniously combined with a strong feeling of sympathy, the desire to help, support, desire put yourself in the best light and get a response.

The thoughts of a man in love, especially when his feelings are at their maximum, revolve around the girl he likes, so it can be difficult for him to concentrate on business.

For some, falling in love, on the contrary, is beneficial: they are full of strength and energy, their brain works more actively, and life tasks are solved with ease.


Signs of love can be divided into:

  • behavioral. By the way a man behaves and how he talks, one can judge the presence or absence of feelings;
  • non-verbal. These include gestures, facial expressions, features of movements. These nuances are harder to notice, but they can be just as informative as behavioral ones. It is especially useful to pay attention to them in cases where a man is able to control his behavior well.

Behavioral signs of love:

Also a man in love changes outwardly: begins to take care of himself, begins to play sports, puts on best clothes, carefully combs hair, can change hairstyle.

To impress, he may start doing things no one expects him to do, like driving to work on a brand new bike.

Increased nervousness can also be a sign of falling in love: a man always twirls something in his fingers, can answer inappropriately, hides his eyes.

12 signs that a guy loves you:

How to recognize?

Most men, regardless of age, behave when in love similarly. But there are some differences in the behavior of boys and adult men, married and single guys.

Listen to the advice of psychologists:

How does a man fall in love? Non-verbal signs:

How to check if a guy loves?

Courtship, good sex, beautiful words, a pile of gifts do not always say that a man ready for a serious relationship and really loves. Therefore, a woman may want to check if she is loved.

How to understand that a man is in love? Female illusions about male love.

Men are not without mystery, just like women. True, upon closer examination, the veil of mystery melts away. For example, a man in love, but hiding his feelings, is an interesting object for analysis.

It is possible to understand that a man is in love by certain signs, but how to do this if he carefully hides his feelings? We'll figure out!

Why can he hide sympathy

There are not many reasons. He:

  • married;
  • does not want to look weak;
  • afraid of being rejected;
  • himself in shock from what happened to him;
  • considers it inconvenient at his age.

Of course, all guys are different - in terms of psychotype, horoscope, upbringing, education, habitat. This affects the behavioral aspect. But still there are common moments that betray the one who fell in love.

He is changing. Sometimes abruptly. Often awkward.

A bold impulsive handsome man suddenly becomes quiet and embarrassed. Sometimes blushes and hides his eyes.

A calm, quiet nerd, seemingly for no reason, begins to play tricks: he is ready to jump from the roof into a snowdrift, sing with a guitar, get drunk and light up in a nightclub.

Diagnosis one: fell in love.


Consider the specific signs of a guy in love pretending that nothing is happening.

By look

Love makes the unfortunate always look at the object of your sigh. She attracts him like a magnet, and he is unable to resist. He cannot control himself.

Well, perhaps - he works in the secret services, has psychological training and great willpower. And still, sooner or later it will pierce. The call of nature is stronger.

Noticing how he looks, you can easily understand if a man is in love with you! Admiringly. This is visible from the side. The young man himself may not even realize that sparks of admiration flow from his eyes.

He examines the woman as a whole, in parts - admires every movement, the bend of her body. Often unconsciously look freezes on the lips. He watches, spellbound, as she says something, smiles, licks her lips. Look and experience bliss.

Some subjects, especially those with a high level of intelligence, are aware that it is indecent to look at a beloved with wide-open eyes.

They begin to “encrypt” - they cast sidelong glances, look at them from the sly. But since they do it often, they also give themselves away.

Clothing and appearance

Absolutely - falling in love, the guy begins to preen, often look in the mirror. More often than necessary, he splashes in the shower, examines his teeth, pimples, the color of the hairs on his mustache with passion.

The dude will buy himself a few more branded items, a scarf or a cool watch.

The one who has never given a damn about fashion and brands will definitely wash his jeans, take out new socks from the closet or think about buying a fresh shirt, jacket("the old one got lost").

The guy will polish the shoes (or wash last year's dirt off the sneakers and wipe the former white inserts with toothpaste). Goes to the hairdresser.

Another bright sign is perfume. If a representative of the stronger sex suddenly smells of perfume - toilet water, lotion, deodorant, cologne - a fact: he fell in love.

In an emotionally agitated state, both women and men almost always abuse perfumes.

Psychology of behavior

Behavior may become unstable. He is either thoughtfully sad, or tenderly lyrical, or excitedly relaxed. Suddenly he will remember Blok, Tsvetaeva, or, at worst, an excerpt from "Eugene Onegin" learned at school.

Intricately and masterfully describe some theorem. He will talk about the high - opera, ballet, the philosophy of the ancient Greeks ...

And then, as if nothing had happened, he will tell a couple of obscene anecdotes, replacing obscene phrases with interjections.

Be attentive to the lady of your heart. Will soulfully delve into all its little content maxims.

And if she is smart and informative, she will google the incomprehensible phrases she has dropped in order to “be in the subject” in the next conversation.

If a lady, unfortunately, has a deep inner world, she will start reading the classics, will be carried away by the fine arts. She can skate or ski, if her beloved spends her leisure time like this.

More often than before, he finds reasons to be close to a woman from whom he is blown away. He comes up with joint business, offers to help with the housework, accompany him to the tire shop with the car, go for seedlings. He suddenly has two tickets for a ballet, a concert, a biennale.

But then he can suddenly disappear for several hours or even days. He doesn't write, he doesn't call. By the way, as the most unpleasant option - drinking. Then he comes out of the binge, washes, shaves, irons his jeans. The woman is surprised. Becomes softer and more attentive. He needs it very much, he spreads his wings again.

Sometimes it is important for a person to touch the object of adoration. But this is not always possible. You can also understand that a man has fallen in love by this sign - he finds a reason, as if by accident, to touch his arm, shoulder, waist.

Body and gestures

They can also betray a lover, no matter how he tries to disguise himself. Often his body is tense or even shackled.

Pay attention to the hands excitement will give out a tremor. The lover's hands often tremble with excitement or embarrassment. The palms become wet.

He crosses his arms over his chest - an attempt to "close". And then, on the contrary, he suddenly opens up, straightens his shoulders and showing off her whole body- that's how handsome I am.

And, really, at such a moment, the women nearby involuntarily gasp - oh, good! Hands, as a rule, at such a moment the guy is holding on to the belt or belt of his trousers.

It is important for him (often unconsciously) to demonstrate a significant part of his body, the male basis of the foundations. And women involuntarily “read” this.

If adrenaline goes off scale, and the time has not yet come to open your feeling, he will sign up for a rocking chair. However, almost every second will decide to pump up muscles - I really want to be attractive.

Do you believe in love horoscopes? Learn all about the character, by external signs and his behavior!

Cancer men are the most mysterious representatives of the water element! Find out how to win their love and what they can be like in a relationship.

About the main signs of a Pisces man in love, and how, by his behavior, you can easily figure out that he is in love with you.


Always in love full of sexual energy. She literally bursts it and spreads around.

If a woman is not observant, but has good intuition, she will definitely feel it. Male Energy makes her worry for no reason.

She will become anxious, call her relatives, in search of the cause of her anxiety. He will not find the reasons, he will begin to get annoyed, even angry. Then he gets tired.

But anxiety will not pass while the lover is in her information field. Some especially emotional instances and at a distance are able to broadcast their powerful energy.

Just like some ladies are able to read it, being away from a loving knight.

These states, it must be emphasized, are rather uncomfortable. It is especially difficult when you do not understand what is actually happening. This problem is solved in only one way - the guy will reveal his feelings, and everything will happen between them.

What is a woman to do

If you notice in a man - a friend, colleague, neighbor, just an acquaintance - the above signs, take a closer look and simply accept the fact that someone has a crush on you.

If you allow the relationship to develop, pay attention to.

Do not allow- married, do not like the subject, not up to love - anyway, do not offend the man, do not hurt with rudeness and callousness.

On the one hand, men are very vulnerable.

On the other hand, just think: you are loved!

Let hiding the feeling, let it be hopeless. But, my God, it's such a happiness to be loved.

Not everyone is so lucky. Feel it, rejoice. And support the man whom Cupid kissed.

Who among us at least once in our lives has not dreamed of feeling like Dr. Lightman from the popular TV series Lie Theory? He will learn to instantly read emotions, unravel the secrets of those around him and determine by his eyes what they are thinking about. What passions are hidden behind a mask of indifference or an on-duty polite smile? What are friends and acquaintances discussing behind your back? How to know if a guy loves you?

So many questions and only one answer. Everything is possible. If you wish, you can learn to understand motives and aspirations, read people's emotions no worse than psychologists. This requires attentiveness, determination, knowledge of the secrets of human psychology and, of course, constant practice.

How can you know if a guy loves you? There are several levels of verification. The first way is to observe the young man, study oddities, unusual moments in behavior. What should you pay attention to?

For a superficial diagnosis, an express method is suitable - try to talk to the “suspect”. Let it be a friendly conversation on neutral topics. Don't ask directly.

Listen for compliments. If a young man talks about your beauty, praises you for your quick wits and a great sense of humor, the gentleman is interested in you and wants to please you. A signal that a guy is in love is a hint of your importance to him.

The compliments that an enthusiastic young man makes are especially sensual and sweet. At the same time, if the boy is modest, it will be difficult for him to hide his excitement and slight trembling from an attentive girlish look.

In face-to-face communication, a young man will feel awkward, afraid to seem stupid or offend his chosen one with a careless statement. Sometimes boys are ashamed of their feelings and try to hide their excitement behind demonstrative indifference.

How to understand if a guy loves you? True feelings will be given out by the “mirror of the soul”. Pay special attention to the eyes of the interlocutor. If a girl likes it a lot, her eyes young man will shine in a special way, giving out all thoughts and dreams.

If a girl is tactful and well-mannered, she will show delicacy and respect, which will help the young man open up.

How to check a guy without a truth serum if he loves me? The second way is to study non-verbal signs. But we'll talk about this a little later.

Top 10 main signs of falling in love

10 signs that a guy is in love with a girl:

  1. He follows you with his eyes, looks mesmerized, but turns away sharply if you notice it.
  2. Shows care, supports and tries to protect, behaves with you differently than in everyday conversations with other people. Maybe the boy is really just good friend, but, most likely, when you are near his heart beats faster.
  3. You can talk for hours, completely forgetting about the time. The young man asks a lot of questions, talks about himself, shares pleasant memories and tries to cheer you up.
  4. Shows attention to detail. Worries that the chosen one does not freeze, urging her to wear a hat and a warm scarf. Share the most delicious piece of cake. Give up his seat in the theater and give up his jacket when it rains so that the girl does not get wet.
  5. Often smiles. If a boy fell in love with you, you can not worry about your shortcomings or words spoken out of place. Even the most stupid deeds will seem to him cute oddities. The secret is simple: a man in love tends to idealize the chosen one. This is the magic of love.
  6. Ready to open up, trust, show yourself real, without lies and pretense. An ordinary person who has flaws and weaknesses. If a young man does not hide his real feelings from you, although in the company of other girls he always behaves with restraint, caution and extremely politeness, this means that you are a very important person for him.
  7. Respects personal space, does not impose its interests, does not try to limit your freedom. He does not like scenes of jealousy, because he knows how important it is to trust his partner and appreciates your relationship.
  8. He tries to take care of himself. Sometimes a young man is even ready to change his image and give up bad habits to become more attractive to the girl he likes. A guy in love behaves like a true gentleman: from offering to carry a heavy backpack or help with a physics test, to always being ready to help out in difficult times in the broadest sense of the word. Thus, the young man demonstrates that he is a worthy candidate for a relationship and is trying to attract the attention of a potential girl.
  9. Constantly looking for meetings. Adjusts the life schedule and routes so as to see the lady of the heart more often. If at a party with mutual friends, on public transport, during evening walks in the park, you meet the same young man who does not take his eyes off you, it is unlikely that this is just a coincidence. Perhaps the gentleman is too modest and does not dare to approach. In this case, it is worth taking the first step, getting to know him better. Suddenly it turns out that he has been in love with you for a long time? Even asked a classmate or best friend about what flowers and sweets you like.
  10. Ready to indulge whims and perform unusual, sometimes even crazy deeds, to realize any desire, just to attract your attention. But do not abuse your power over the gentleman, otherwise he will be disappointed as soon as he feels that he is being used for personal purposes. You can't play with people's feelings.

Feelings at a glance or the secrets of psychology

Now you know what explains the strange behavior of the guy at school. This feature is especially pronounced in adolescents. Of course, he does not pull the pigtails of the girl he likes, does not scatter her pencils and does not throw a tiny mouse into the backpack, as the younger guys do.

But, for the sake of his beloved, a young man sometimes also does very non-trivial things. From serenade under the windows, cute everyday surprises, painted confessions on the walls of the neighbor's house and birthday fireworks beautiful girl to a huge heart of rose petals and a personalized basket of sweets.

Gifts are another signal of sympathy. The lover, as a rule, tries to make the chosen one happy in all available ways.

How to understand if a guy's feelings for a girl are real? Stop worrying and beating yourself up. Pay attention to the psychological clue - non-verbal signs of love in teenagers.

Learning body language

To find out the whole truth about the feelings of a young man, body language will tell - facial expressions and gestures. How to determine if he loves you? Just remember the typical movements that indicate that you have a secret admirer.

If a boy next to you or during a conversation pulls his clothes, straightens his hair, actively gesticulates, does not know where to put his hands, brushes invisible dust off his jacket, is embarrassed to look into your eyes for a long time, then he is not indifferent to you.

Also, a clear signal of sympathy is confused and nervous speech, long pauses, which is not typical for this young man.

In communication with other people, including the fair sex, he behaves differently, but in the company of such a charming young lady he stumbles, cannot find the right words, is afraid to seem impolite, stupid.

The whole truth about feelings can be learned from a rapid pulse and dilated pupils. A light, as if "accidental" touch of yours causes a shiver of excitement. The suitor is lost, confused in words, trying with all his might to maintain an indifferent expression on his face, not betraying excitement.

If the interlocutor sweats, he is embarrassed and blushes or turns pale, this also indicates that the gentleman is in love. After all, it is not in vain that people say that the admirer always “breathes unevenly” towards his passion.

Pay attention to the toes of your shoes. Are they pointing in your direction? This is a very good sign. And if the gentleman during the conversation does not take his eyes off his lips, then he does not mind kissing the interlocutor.

When communicating, the boyfriend will try to be closer, he does not want to leave the zone of trust. He can lightly touch his hand during a conversation, put his hand on the back of a chair on which the object of adoration sits.

Will try to copy your movements, becomes a kind of "mirror". Repeats the inclination of the body, characteristic postures. Even breathing, timbre and speech speed become identical.

Be patient, benevolent, treat with understanding the boy's attempts to attract attention and he will definitely appreciate it. Perhaps behind the awkward movements, hesitant speech and ridiculously tousled hair is your “prince handsome”?

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The fact that a person likes you can be understood not only after the recognition “on the forehead”, but also by the unconscious behavior of the admirer.

  • People of the first type always try to be closer to the object of their feelings: go to places where they can cross, try to stumble, as if by chance, touch at every opportunity (push a little, then, apologetically, hug, etc.).
  • People of the second type, on the contrary, avoid the person they like, and when talking, they are rude, because it seems to them that the “victim” either guesses about their feelings, or now they are simply not good enough to appear before her. And if "object X" goes up, they will automatically go down.

So if from you Lately someone shied away or, on the contrary, often accidentally intersects with you, know: all this is not without reason.

  • The lover often looks at his object of adoration: he always seems to have missed some important detail. If this is unrequited love without a chance, then there will be even more views: it’s better that way than nothing.

    However, if a glance is intercepted, then often a “second front” is suddenly activated in a lover: for example, the nearest curtain requires immediate inspection or an unfamiliar grandmother in the next room is clearly eager to meet.

With conversations, there are also two options:

  • In a person, the "alloy" of a poet, philosopher and journalist wakes up sharply; he speaks the most difficult and interesting topics even if you never thought about them in your life. A bonus sometimes connects a kaveenshchik.
  • An adequate and well-read person turns into a dumb sheep with a vocabulary, like a stool. If you are one of those people, try not to overdo it with trying to impress the interlocutor.
  • People often talk about the person they like with others. or trying to bring the conversation to this topic. Even if they have a serious conversation with a group of colleagues, having heard the right name out of the corner of their ear, they will casually go over to a neighboring company.
  • Interesting detail: a person can talk about the object of desire even very, very negatively, allegedly proving to himself and everyone around him that he doesn’t like him at all: “Masha is kind of strange ...”, “Come on, this Dima is such an idiot!”
  • Or another way - emphasizing similarities in conversation, for example: “It seems that only Pasha and I are watching Game of Thrones.”

Every woman who has noticed the courtship of a man would probably like to know more precisely about his feelings. But the representatives of the stronger sex, as a rule, carefully hide them, finding it difficult to express what they have inside with the help of words. Love for any person is his personal secret and trying to hide it, the lover behaves not quite normally.

If you observe the behavior, posture, gestures of such a man, then determining his intentions will not be too difficult. For tying Serious relationships you need to be able to distinguish real feelings from simple flirting.

Not usually caring about how he looks, he suddenly begins to dress modern and beautiful, looks after his hair, uses a good perfume.

Knowing that when looking at an object of interest to us, the pupils expand, it is possible to determine the feelings of a man by being able to catch his eye.

The lover will talk with his passion with a changed timbre and intonation in his voice.

Also, clear signs of falling in love with a girl will be pink cheeks, head tilt to one side and eyebrows with a “house” during a conversation. At this time, he becomes open to his beloved - he does not hide his palms, both thumbs lays for the belt, keeps the back straight, and the chest feeds forward.

The posture can also give him away: the full-face position without crossing arms and legs or sitting, with knees pointing towards the girl, indicates that the lady is very attractive to him.

Strong love can cause:

  • deep confusion,
  • fussiness,
  • excitement at the sight of a beloved woman.

This can be expressed in incoherent babble or overly active gestures when talking, accompanied by involuntary movements - straightening hair and clothes, getting your forehead wet with a handkerchief, removing dust particles from your shoulders and other unnecessary gestures.

An active lover finds a reason to be where his beloved is at that moment. He begins to get involved in the same interests as his girlfriend. He notes minor changes in her appearance and he likes all this. Although some men, on the contrary, hide their feelings to such an extent that they become impregnable and cold.

But most often, the one who is in love becomes a romantic, ready to get a star from the sky. He is attentive, caring, gives gifts, fulfills all whims, and is the first to help.

Such behavior can be overshadowed by excessive jealousy of a lover. Fearing that he has a rival, he can make a scandal. In more well-mannered men, the mood immediately deteriorates, they either become isolated, or simply become angry.

Representatives of the stronger sex can betray their love with excessive eloquence. Some obviously brag about their life achievements, embellishing them. Almost all men, feeling sympathy for a woman, begin to learn the details of her life.

It also betrays a lover's desire to touch his beloved, at least by chance or in a fit of politeness (for example, helping to put on a coat).

  1. He tries to conquer the girl by inserting funny anecdotes and jokes into the conversation.
  2. Meeting with his beloved is more important for him than all his other affairs.
  3. He will always help if you ask him even very urgently.
  4. Becomes incredibly caring.
  5. Trusting, he begins to talk about his cherished thoughts, secrets, experiences.
  6. The woman he loves is the best in everything, he admires her and wants to achieve great success.
  7. A man in love always assumes the participation of the girl he likes in his affairs.
  8. A person who truly loves is always ready to protect both from a physical threat and from an emotional shock, not even allowing the thought of offending himself. Can physically feel if a loved one hurts.
  9. Sacrificing his comfort and safety, in a difficult case, he acts without shifting the situation to others.
  10. He always listens to the opinion of his beloved, considering it the most important. May postpone his work to be more attentive.
  11. He remembers well everything that is important for the girl he loves.
  12. Fully trusts, letting go on personal matters, very bored at the same time.

Not necessarily all men in love can show the listed signs. Each person perceives the world in his own way and may manifest himself not according to the “standard”. The main thing for a woman is to carefully observe and feel. Or you can just talk openly.
