New Year's corporate event for dentists scenario. Medical Party: Boredom Pill

We offer you interesting and funny scenario corporate new year only for doctors and medics. After all, celebrating in your work team, where everyone is united by one interest, is much better than with strangers. So take a break and have fun, because you still have to save people.

Saved people for a whole year
And a little tired.
We will hold a corporate
Let's relax with you!
All the doctors are here
Everyone is beautiful and smart.
Everyone is waiting only for you
Santa Claus, come here!

Santa Claus is out.

Father Frost:
First time with doctors
Even if it's a gray head.
When I didn't get sick
He didn't cough or sniffle.
My pride is a red nose
Hello, I'm Santa Claus!

You pass to the frost table,
And take treats.
Raise your glass
And proclaim the first toast!

Father Frost:
I want to drink friends
So that you always save people!
So that your profession lives,
And brought a lot of benefits to people.
For you, doctors, I will say this toast,
And I'll drain my glass to the end!

Drank and ate
And they floated a little.
I propose to sing ditties,
To loosen up a bit.

Chastushka 1:
Like December 31st
Called the doctor to the house.
When suddenly Santa Claus arrived,
Beard and red nose!

Chastushka 2:
I'm scared to go to the doctor
I will invite him to my house.
Let him come soon
And bring a ticket with you.

Chastushka 3:
I got a headache
Called a doctor.
The doctor prescribed pills
Didn't say anything.

Chastushka 4:
I went to the hospital in the morning
There was a queue.
In the evening the turn came
The doctor didn't take a damn thing.

Chastushka 5:
Heart beats knock-knock-knock
What ailment do I have?
I asked the doctor
But he doesn't know shit.

Father Frost:
So friends, please come to the table,
I will make a second toast.
So that the phone 03 is always,
Was available until the morning.

And let's play
And let's thaw a little.
Brave who, please come here
The game started first.

In this competition, you will need medical gloves. In them, you make a hole in each finger with a thin needle, and fill each glove with a liquid, for example, juice. On command, the participants begin to drink juice from these holes on the gloves. Whoever can drink faster wins.

Father Frost:
Played a great game
And got a little tired.
No, aren't you tired friends?
Then let's play again!

Competition 1.
This competition is like a children's game of the city. Only instead of cities it is necessary to name objects related to the hospital, as well as the name of diseases. And if you want, you can also the names of famous doctors. As always, whoever fails to name a word in turn is out.

Competition 2.
If you are holding a corporate party in a hospital, then you can arrange a race on the beds on which sick people are transported. To do this, you need to make a small obstacle course in a large corridor in order to drive not in a straight line, but along a curve. It is necessary to mark the stopwatch, for how long each of the participants will overcome the track. Whoever can do it the fastest and does not knock down objects that need to be avoided is the winner.

Competition 3.
And this musical competition. Only you need to dance with hospital items. That is, the music turns on and, for example, the surgeon dances to the music and does his usual “surgical” things - he pulls out a scalpel, puts on gloves, and so on. Which doctor will do better and funnier, he won.

Competition 4.
We call this competition - remember everything! When the doctors have already drunk, then you need to make them remember the course from student life. That is, the ophthalmologist should name the symptoms of the disease of another doctor, and he must say what kind of disease it is. And so to every doctor who can say everything correctly, he is the best doctor.

This fabulous New Year's scenario for the celebration new year celebration in the medical team, which was written by the modern author Zinaida Markina, the site really liked. We hope you enjoy it too. Thanks to the author for the talent!

Scenario for celebrating the new year (medical with Dr. Aibolit)


Baba Yaga, Dr. Aibolit, Forest Princess, Monster, Grandfather, Grandmother, Snow Queen - Snow Maiden, Forest Thorn, Santa Claus

Grandfather and Grandmother are on the stage, everyone is busy with their own business.

Grandma: Tomorrow New Year, and I have neither a new dress, nor a trough. Damned poverty! It's your fault, old one, I told you... I told you... you shouldn't have released the golden fish.

Grandfather: And yet I bought you a present, dear, it will look so beautiful on your finger.

Grandmother: (mimicking) On the finger ... Wait, wait, did you buy the ring? What money did you spend? Go, those that I put aside for the bath?

Grandfather: No, my dear, my gift is not worth money, it is worth being made with all my heart. This…

Grandma: don't pull the cat's tail, speak fast! What is this?

Grandfather: This is ... a thimble.

Grandma: Idiot! (crying) Oh, and a sucker! Oh, I feel bad! Call Aibolit! Hair falls out, eyes go blind, ears are hard of hearing, teeth ... and those are no longer left. And all because of you, rotten stump.

(they knock on the door) This is Aibolit, Go, open it! (Baba Yaga enters)

Baba Yaga: Hello! It's me.

Grandma: What do you want here? Grandpa, what is this freak? Your mistress?

Grandpa: You're crazy! I don't know her, I see her for the first time.

Baba Yaga: Shut up, old woman! There is something important. Didn't you wait? Do you want to celebrate the New Year?

Grandma: We want!

Baba Yaga: That's what I want. But in Israel, the new year is celebrated in the fall. Do you want us to celebrate it in Russian with a Christmas tree, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden?

Grandfather: And how!

Baba Yaga: Therefore, we need to unite against the dark forces. Let's get acquainted: The chairman of the great party of lazy people, loafers and idlers is Baba Yaga. Let's start acting! Get dressed, we urgently go to the forest. Our goal is to find Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Ready? Let's go! And then I will not accept you into the party.

(The Forest Princess walks along the path) (Dance of the Forest Princess) (Grandfather, Grandmother and Baba Yaga come out to meet her)

Baba Yaga: Girl, where are we?

Forest Princess: You are visiting me, the Forest Princess. For some reason, winter never comes. And tomorrow is the New Year. Where did the cold go The Snow Queen? Baba Yaga, maybe you have enemies, so they keep the Snow Queen.

Baba Yaga: I have no enemies, I'm already five thousand years old, if there were, then a long time ago ... in another dimension. And I live. You see, I trans-re-zhi-la them.

Forest Princess: And who are these middle-aged people?

Baba Yaga: These are representatives of the working people. The working class, so to speak, and the peasantry.

Grandmother: Yes, we are representatives, and we demand ...

Grandpa: Stop it! Sorry, Miss Forest Princess, my old lady is nervous, she was really looking forward to the new year.

Forest Princess: A representative of the working people passed here a couple of hours ago, but he has been celebrating for so long that he still cannot understand what holiday it is now, either Women's Day, or Harvest Day, or Tankman's Day. It's not his fault, you see, it's still summer outside.

Baba Yaga: Like we have in Israel. Even in winter the birds sing, can you imagine? At my friend Chaim, trills of birds are heard all the time in the house, he says: Do you hear, Yaga, he sings, you scoundrel! Why don't these birds sing? They have no wives, no debts, food is pasture, they have not even heard about the economic crisis. What we are going to do?

Forest Princess: Search. First you need to find the Snow Queen, and then it will snow, and Santa Claus and his granddaughter will come. I'll tell you a secret: she is being held by the Forest Monster. Oh, I'm afraid it's coming here. Hide! (Everyone is hiding) (Dance of the Beast)

Monster: Ha! Everyone seemed to get it! Hey, Thorn Forest, my wife, where are you? How did I live without her? (dance of the Forest Thorn)

Forestthorn: In the first 60,000 years of your life, I wasn't even born yet, you old spiteful critic. You have been living for so many years that you cannot count yourself. How do you manage?

Beast: I live long because I eat a lot of garlic.

Forest thorn: Stinky! Your garlic smells all over the forest!

Beast: But I'm so healthy! Listen, I'll tell you a story.

Thorn forest: Again, you will carry nonsense. Lie, don't lie.

Beast: So it really was. Everyone will confirm. Ilya Muromets sobered up after the New Year. I saw a terrible mess in the forest. Everything is broken, broken, and Zmeyuga Gorynych is lying like a naked man right on the grass, snoring for the whole forest. And someone tied his long neck. Kashchei was hung on a branch, and Yaga was stuffed headfirst into a mortar. Ilya pulled her out, and she told him: How good you are, Ilyushenka, when you are sober! (Baba Yaga jumps out)

Baba Yaga: Yes, that's right! And so it was, but how do you know? And the Serpent Gorynych is a real fool. I've always noticed this.

Beast: I didn't think he was hiding it. No, Gorynych is not an example for young people. What are you, a witch, appeared?

Baba Yaga: I came as a representative of a powerful party.

Beast: Fearman? Swindler? Or maybe old vessels?

Baba Yaga: But, but, the greatest party of idlers, lazybones and loafers, and with me the working people. Hey, get out! (grandfather and grandmother included)

Grandfather: The people demand: let the Snow Queen go, and then we will celebrate the New Year.

Grandma: Well, monster! I so want to dance the New Year's dance.

Monster: No! I won't let go! I can't stand your holidays.

Grandma: Oh, I'm dying!

Baba Yaga: Doctor Aibolit, come here quickly!

Doctor: I'm coming! Already here. Grandma is sick?

Monster: I'm sick! Forest Thorn, I am sure that after my death you will not shed a single tear. And I wanted to buy you new rags for the New Year.

Forest Thorn: I will leave you because I also want to celebrate the New Year. Remember, you will be left alone, think!

Doctor: Grandma, here's a pill for you, drink it, everything will pass. And you, Monster, it's time to stop drinking, smoking, doing dirty tricks and even need to stay away from your wife.

Beast: Wow conditions. I'm a man. What's left for me?

Doctor: Shave in the morning.

Forest Thorn: I'd rather marry the devil.

Beast: Marriages between blood relatives are forbidden.

Baba Yaga: Doctor, ask him to release the Snow Queen, otherwise ... tomorrow the New Year will not come.

Monster: I hear you. God with you. Forest Princess lead the Snow Queen out of the Palace of the Thickets. (dance of the Snow Queen)

Forest Princess: Snow Queen, run to the North, find Father Frost and Snow Maiden there.

(The Snow Queen nods and runs away)

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter, they are applauded.

Santa Claus: Hello, dear children! They prepared pens, clapped, oh, well done! Ugh! I reported, there were children's Christmas trees all around, gifts had to be distributed .... yes, and they poured a little ... Hello, fabulous inhabitants! My granddaughter and I drove straight from the North.

Grandmother: This is not the Snow Maiden, this is the Snow Queen, I immediately saw that she just changed her hat.

Snow Maiden: I was slippery and cold,

I didn't notice the people.

Grandmother: That's it, the working people did not notice.

Snow Maiden: Now I live in the rumor of the people

And every time I strive forward.

Santa Claus: And now let's go in a crowd to our forest zucchini, we will celebrate the new year!

Forest Thorn: No, now we'll make a clearing here. Baba Yaga, bring everything you are rich with. (Baba Yaga brings and puts food on the floor) (to the Monster) And where is the inscription on the cake: Dear wife?

Beast: I forgot...what the devil.... I'll write now, writes with a pen "To my forest tree."

Forest Thorn: Wrap it up, I eat it alone.

Doctor: Just a few minutes left. Let's go, Santa Claus!

Santa Claus: Twelve beats,

And my glass is raised.

And at this moment mysteriously ringing,

My love is the fuse of all my deeds.

For the magic of your calling eyes,

For all the moments I spent with you

For the joy of meeting that awaits us -

For the thirst that knows no quench!

Snow Maiden:

Let the glasses clink

Father Frost
Fairy Dream
Christmas decorations:
Icicle Gilded
Icicles - girls
Silver Rains - boys
Children and the Host enter the hall to cheerful music, walk around the Christmas tree; a round dance begins with the song "Near the Christmas tree." A loss sounds, the children scatter around the hall and freeze.
So it's time to celebrate our favorite holiday - the New Year.
Children read poems by L. Chadova "New Year's Roll Call".
Today, in this hall,
We'll tell you about
How New Year's celebration
Comes to every home.
About how bright they shine
garlands of lights,
That there is no holiday
More beautiful and brighter.
Us fairy fairy
Opens the door to a fairy tale
Stands in a circle, shy,
Decorated fir.
green eyelashes
In toys, tinsel,
And we say "thank you"
We, Christmas tree, to you.
We look forward to
We are guests,
And fairy tale characters
And magicians, and animals.
And Santa Claus
Of course we'll call...
We will certainly
We are waiting for the Christmas tree!
Children sing the song "New Year". Then they sit on chairs, and three boys and a girl sit down in the center of the hall in Turkish style on the carpet and dream.
Tell us what you would like to receive for the New Year as a gift from Santa Claus?
Children sitting on the floor take turns talking about their desires.
1st boy:
I would like such a robot
Clockwork and steel.
With a pistol and a sword
With an airgun.
I would not have a simple doll,
Clockwork Barbie doll.
In the most fashionable dresses,
With golden strands.
2nd boy:
I would like a computer
I would sit with him all day:
I would study the alphabet
Played different games.
3rd boy:
I dream about football
About a big green field.
I would like a soccer ball
I would be pleased.
How interesting guys! I know that Santa Claus will try to fulfill everything that you have in mind. He promised to come to us as soon as possible. It's cold outside, and a blizzard has broken out. And we have a holiday here.
We will meet Santa Claus soon
He walks away
And brings gifts to children
IN kindergarten in a big bag.
And so that Grandfather Frost finds his way to our kindergarten, let's call him.
Children and the Host call Santa Claus. He enters the hall to the music.
Father Frost:
Hello kids -
Girls and boys!
I came to you in kindergarten,
I am very glad to see you all.
It's New Year's in the yard -
Have fun, honest people!
I would start dancing now -
After all, he never forgot how to dance.
Children stand around the Christmas tree, join hands and walk in a round dance with the song "The New Year has come to us." Then they sit on chairs.
Father Frost:
Oh, how I missed you, for fun and dancing. And most of all I missed magic. Do you love magic?
The children answer.
Grandfather Frost, the New Year's holiday is magic and fabulousness itself, and therefore we are looking forward to your surprises.
Father Frost:
So it's instant! (Magic music sounds, Santa Claus begins his story.)
This tale fits
After all, it is about the New Year!
Your Christmas tree is good in a festive and colorful outfit. What do you guys think, who prepares gifts for you for the New Year? (Children answer.) That's right, - I, Grandfather Frost. But I have an assistant - fairy Dream. All your wishes and dreams come to the fairy, and only then she tells me about them. And now the fairy Dream is happy to accept wishes from the guys. She has a lot to do on New Year's Eve. (Thinks.) So what am I talking about? Ah, your tree is beautiful! What bright toys on it! It seems to me that they are alive and want to tell you something, but no one hears them. Let's see what happens on the Christmas tree this festive evening?
Magical music sounds, Santa Claus sits on a chair among the guys. Behind the Christmas tree are: Icicle, Gilded Cone, Flashlight and Snowflake. Sounds music "Beatles" (children's processing). "Toys" run out skipping in pairs and stand in front of the Christmas tree.
I am not a simple bump at all,
Glass and gold.
Shine my festive outfit,
And on the sides the lights are on.
I heard on New Year's Eve
Treasured dreams are given flight,
And dreams rise
To the beautiful fairy of beauty.
And I - Icicle, so slim,
That I should become a model.
Hung in a street window
I was bought in a store.
And in stores, I heard
Very little is known about fairies.
Fairies, I heard, have their own house
On a cloud, on a lace.
She is the dreams of children, like roses,
He knows how to collect in a bouquet,
And help Santa Claus
Perform them on New Year's Eve.
On the Christmas tree we are not at all crowded,
And together it is very interesting.
Added friends around
New neighbors and friends.
A sharp, loud laughter is heard (phonogram). "Toys" get scared and scatter to their places. The phonogram of the song "Break, destroy" sounds. Two hooligans come out - Svechka and Ogonyok. They go around the entire hall and stop in the center.
I am a New Year's candle
I'm messing everyone up today.
Trouble, evil, mischief
Bring me only joy!
Twinkle, I look nice
But in the soul - insidious ...
I would set fire to the tree
Let the fireman come.
Let's spoil the holiday for everyone at once,
Let's bewitch you now.
IN candy boxes
Let's put rubbish and traffic jams.
At the fluffy tree
We only want
Delicate needles
Let's turn it into flames!
Candle (displeased).
How boring, even reluctant to dirty tricks - to mess with small things! We need to find a stronger opponent.
I suggest flying to the fairy Dream and stealing her wand.
Candle: (joyfully).
That's great!
Then they won't dream
And forget about the New Year.
We will leave everyone without gifts,
Wonderful and bright!
They hit each other on the shoulder and, joyful, head for the door.
Father Frost:
(gets up and turns to the guys).
Look what the Light and the Candle are up to! We need to warn Fairy Dream. Who will go? What about my gray head?! I forgot that the New Year is magical holiday! We will be helped Christmas decorations- they are very friendly and courageous, they just need to be revived.
golden icicles,
painted dresses,
You need to get off the tree
Start dancing together!
Performed "Dance of the Golden Icicles".
Father Frost:
So Icicles, so well done!
(Waving wand.)
"Rain" shiny, turn around
Appear before us.
To the boys of silver
It's time to go dancing.
Dance of the Silver Rain. One of the Silver Rains and Icicle come out to the middle of the hall.
Father Frost:
You Silver Rain
Should warn everyone.
And you, Icicle, run with him
And, if necessary, help.
Will you tell the fairy
About the intention of the villains!
Silver Rain
In this matter, try
It is necessary - and not to worry!
Without a beautiful fairy
We can't. Faster!
I'm worried, Santa Claus,
I'm bursting into tears now!
How to reach safely
Don't crash along the way.
Silver Rain and Icicle run away.
Father Frost:
And we guys will see what the Dream fairy does.
Santa Claus sits on a chair. Music sounds with a bell ringing. The fairy Dream comes out and dances.
Fairy Dream:
Oh, how I love on the cloud
On pink, ride
Fulfilling all desires
You smile from the sky.
Everyone dreams on New Year's Eve
And somehow it happens
That all cherished dreams
Fulfilled by friends.
Candle and Light come out.
Twinkle: (mournfully).
I am a skinny Light
I am short in stature.
I can hardly breathe, poor
Exhausted and pale.
Have pity on us, fairy
Pour some water for us.
Fairy Dream:
Oh, you got cold on the way!
Tea must be brought.
Of course, I am glad for the guests,
I'll treat you to chocolate!
Fairy enters the house, Candle grabs a magic wand. The light turns off and it gets dark. Candle and Twinkle run away.
Fairy Dream: (leaves the house and is surprised)
What is it, what happened?
It was like the sun was hidden in a cloud.
Help, stars, fairy,
Dispel the darkness quickly!
Sounds "Song of Stars" (from the movie "Little Red Riding Hood"). Free improvisation of girls to the music. Then the light turns on.
Fairy Dream: (looks around).
Here's hot tea and sweets...
Where have you gone, kids?
Silver Rain and Icicle run in.
Silver Rain:
We didn't make it, that's the problem!
Candle with Fire came here.
And the magic wand was stolen together,
And they ran away with her.
But we will find it!
Fairy Dream: (looks under the tree and does not see a magic wand).
What should I do? Who will help me?
Silver Rain:
Well, of course, Santa Claus! Let's call him.
Fairy, Icicle and Rain call Grandfather Frost. He approaches them.
Father Frost:
What the hell happened?
Bad what happened?
Fairy Dream:
Ah, Santa Claus! Firepaw and Candle came to me and stole my wand.
Father Frost:
That magic wand? (He grabs his head.) Ai-yay-yay! Now the magic will not come true, and all the guys will be left without gifts for the New Year.
Fairy Dream:
And their dreams will not come true.
Father Frost:
Only children can help us
They are the friendliest of all!
Sounds magical music with the chime of bells.
Fairy Dream:
Circle us with Santa Claus, waltz,
Like a dream
And we find ourselves now
Among the children, in the garden!
To the music of the waltz, the fairy and Santa Claus dance in pairs around the Christmas tree.
Fairy Dream:
Hello guys!
Father Frost:
Guys, there was a problem with the fairy. Can we help her?
The children agree. The song "Break, destroy" is heard, and the Light and the Candle appear.
We are the strongest
We are the bravest!
Very beautiful,
And very skillful!
Father Frost:
Shame on you, Ogonyok and Candle, why did you offend the fairy?
Yes! Does anyone love us? Every now and then you hear: do not touch the candles, do not kindle the fire. And so hunting to show how beautiful we are.
How gentle we are!
And how patient ... (aside.)
Dangerous and scary...
And we are strong, and yet - fearless!
Father Frost:
So now you can prove it. Just give the fairy a magic wand.
No matter how! If you beat us in games, then we'll see.
Father Frost:
(referring to children)
For goodness to shine
Both in large and in children,
Try to beat
These braggarts!
Well, where do we start? Can we run?
Father Frost:
Now we will find out how smart you are. Here I have multi-colored ice cubes in my bag.
So I'll melt them in no time!
Father Frost:
You won't get anything. You, Ogonyok, are small, but my ice floes are large, and besides, they are magical. Help me, Fairy Dream, to scatter the pieces of ice.
Game "Who pass faster on ice ". Candle and Spark lose.
But we can dance.
Father Frost:
So dance for us, and we'll clap for you, right, guys?
"Dance of the Light and the Candle" (music and movements are arbitrary). Candle and Firepaw try to dance, but they can't. Either Ogonyok went the wrong way, then Candle crushed Ogonyok's leg.
Father Frost:
Make way, honest people!
Santa Claus is dancing!
Santa Claus and Fairy Dream are dancing. Children accompany the dance by clapping their hands.
Presenter: (Spark and Candle).
You need to learn from Santa Claus. Although he is in years, he famously knows how to dance.
Dancing is not so easy, but we know a lot of poetry. Now we'll tell you.
Father Frost:
This business! I love listening to poetry.
Light and Candle (happily)
The fly sat on the jam,
That's all the poem!
Well, what are these verses? Listen to how our children read poetry.
Children read poetry.
Yes, we also "flew" in this competition.
Several more competitions are held at the discretion of the Host. Candle and Twinkle lose.
Okay, we lost. Take your magic wand, otherwise it has already pierced me all over. (Takes out a wand from his belt and gives it to the fairy.)
Fairy Dream:
Well done boys! Your courage and friendship helped bring back the magic wand! Now, Santa Claus, it's time for magic and gifts.
Gives the wand to Santa Claus. The Dream Fairy and the Host go behind the Christmas tree and light candles on a tray.
Oh no, that won't do! What is being done? The wand was taken away, they don't want to give us gifts. It turns out that we are completely useless things?
Father Frost:
Well, why is that? Candle and fire are very useful things, but they must be handled very carefully. Everyone knows that it is customary to light candles on New Year's and Christmas.
That's great! How is it?
Magical music sounds. Candle and Light disappear from the holiday.
Santa Claus (gesturing with a stick).
Come true, magic, always to the delight of children
And in life, and in a dream, and in fabulous dreams!
Today in reality we will meet this miracle -
The lights on the festive candles will dance!
Fairy Dream takes out a tray with lit candles and distributes them to children. Candles are in transparent rounded cups. The song "Light the Candles" is performed. Children put candles on the table near the side wall and sit on chairs. Santa Claus comes out with a bag of gifts.
Father Frost:
Children's eyes are bright -
New Years is soon.
Receive your gifts
Come on people!
Sounds like funny music, and Santa Claus with a fairy give gifts to children.
Father Frost:
Have you received all the gifts?
Father Frost:
Nobody forgotten?
Father Frost:
At the elegant Christmas tree, the children sang,
But it's time for us to say goodbye.
Behind all the games, your laughter resounded.
Happy New Year, children, congratulations to all!
Santa Claus and Dream Fairy leave the hall. The holiday ends.

Sometimes doctors insist that future mom remained in the hospital for conservation even despite the holidays. Of course, it's not very fun. However, as the famous Dale Carnegie said, if fate presents you with a lemon, try making lemonade out of it.

Think about a child
Do not try to escape home in any way - by persuading the doctor or hiding your true state of health. According to medical statistics, most of the “newcomers” come to the hospital with complaints on the morning of the first of January, after fireworks, champagne, Russian salad and skiing. Is it worth the risk? After all, the key to your happiness next year is not having fun New year's night and the health of the baby.
Irina, Maksimka’s mother: “On the morning of the 31st, during a round, by hook or by crook, I asked the doctor for a “time off” on receipt. I really wanted to celebrate the holiday with my husband. They let me go at two, and at 11 pm I arrived back, in festive attire and ... with contractions. It's good that the period was already decent. I made a New Year's wish in prenatal, and it came true in a few hours - my son was born. "

Set the mood
No need to cry and feel sorry for yourself - this will not turn hospital rooms into banqueting hall, and the nurse - in the Snow Maiden. But a positive attitude will make a quite pleasant place out of a dull chamber. Decorate it with tinsel and balls, cover festive table, more precisely, a nightstand, turn on the TV with New Year's concert. Pay attention to yourself, because a pale face and a bun on your head will only spoil your mood. Get your hair done and light makeup, put on nice clothes. Of course, hairpins and Evening Dress you are unlikely to come in handy, but a tunic with comfortable trousers will come in handy.
Alina, Ilya's mother: “Before the holiday, there were only three of us, unlucky mothers, left on the floor. At first we called our husbands and cried into the phone, and then we united and had a wonderful holiday. We asked our relatives to give us some yummy treats, decorated the ward with garlands and celebrated the New Year quite cheerfully. There's something about it! Who else, if not other expectant mothers, will discuss models of strollers and cribs on New Year's Eve with such rapture?

Engage the public
A great way to improve your mood is to lift it up to someone else. The roommates in the ward, and the medical staff who remained in the hospital, probably also want to go home to their families. Please them sincere congratulations, small gifts or treats. If the doctors on duty do not object, you can even hold impromptu competitions and quizzes in the ward.
Vika, Alenka's mother: “Being a mother of two sons, I dreamed of a daughter. But the ultrasound stubbornly asserted that another boy would be born. On New Year's Eve at the hospital, my mothers and I did something like fortune-telling on the baby's gender, and I pulled out a pink ribbon. And soon New Year's miracle really happened - I had not a son, but a daughter!"

Set up a teleconference
Be sure to call your family and friends, and they will become a little closer. Just don't get upset. There is no reason to feel lonely, because you are celebrating this holiday together with the closest and dearest person - your baby!
Zoya Roma's mother: “Knowing that I would have to celebrate the New Year in the hospital, I asked in advance close friend to buy gifts for my relatives and friends (explaining in detail what I want), and when they came to visit me, I handed them the bundle down with the nanny. The next morning they brought me a return package with all sorts of nice gifts and a bunch of postcards.
