How to properly wear maternity panties. How to properly put on a prenatal bandage

main function prenatal bandage- provide support for the abdomen (while not squeezing it) and at the same time help the child to take the correct position in the uterus (in particular, the bandage prevents premature descent of the fetus). A rationally designed and properly selected bandage relieves the load from the spine, which helps prevent the occurrence of lower back pain. Supporting the belly of the expectant mother, the bandage thus prevents the appearance of stretch marks.

We list the main indications for wearing prenatal bandage:

  • Active lifestyle. This is especially true for pregnant women who are in an upright position for more than 3 hours a day (primarily, of course, for working women).
  • Weak muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, pelvic floor.
  • Lower back pain, osteochondrosis.
  • The appearance of stretch marks.
  • Re-pregnancy (with repeated pregnancy the abdominal wall usually stretches more than with the first).
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Some types of obstetric pathology (such as the threat of miscarriage, excessive enlargement of the uterus).

Contraindications for use prenatal bandages practically none, but there is no unity among obstetrician-gynecologists on the issue of the expediency and necessity of wearing them. Some doctors strongly recommend that all pregnant women use this blessing of civilization, others are strongly against such "violence against nature", so "think for yourself, decide for yourself." In any case, be sure to consult your doctor - he will take into account the peculiarities of your pregnancy and your constitution, which is always much more convincing than appeals to arbitrarily "advanced" theories.

How to wear a bandage during pregnancy

Usually, bandages are worn from the 4th month of pregnancy: it is during this period that the stomach begins to intensively increase in size and the first stretch marks may appear. Prenatal bandages can be used up to last days pregnancy.

Wearing bandage for 24 hours a day (and even during the entire period of wakefulness) is unacceptable. Every 3 hours it is recommended to take a break of at least 30 minutes (unfortunately, women do not always remember this, especially when they are away from home - at work, for example).

3 most common options prenatal bandages.

  1. Briefs-bandages with an elastic supporting insert, located in front under the stomach, and behind - on the lower back. Since such bandage pregnant used as panties, it naturally needs to be washed frequently, which is somewhat inconvenient: to provide constant support for an enlarged abdomen, it is necessary to stock up on several bandage panties.
  2. Lace-up bandages. Strictly speaking, this is an “old-fashioned” domestic version of bandages-belts, which differs from its imported and more modern Russian counterparts in several very peculiar features. Firstly, they are extremely complex and inconvenient to use, and secondly, they are made of a material that does not stretch at all or practically, which means that it does not support the stomach well. In fairness, let's say that at present the domestic industry has mastered the production bandages for pregnant women made of elastic fabric (without lacing - with Velcro) with a good level of support.
  3. Bandages-belts. The support belt is put on underwear, which eliminates the need for frequent washing. Bandages-belts are fixed under the stomach with the help of a Velcro valve. Most models are equipped with not one, but three valves, i.e. in addition to the central one, there are two lateral joints, which provides additional opportunity adjust the size of the bandage. You can put on a bandage tape both lying down and standing up (it fixes the uterus, but does not press from above). Whereas the brace-panties are recommended to be worn in a horizontal position in order to properly distribute the pressure of the elastic insert on the stomach (less in the upper abdomen, more in the lower).

Modern technologies have made it possible to create materials that give the skin the ability to breathe (they are even sometimes called “second skin”). Bandages for pregnant women made with the addition of such hygroscopic, "breathable" materials, meet the most stringent hygiene requirements. Bandages made in Great Britain and Germany enjoy well-deserved popularity. In these countries there are small firms that specialize exclusively in clothes for mothers - expectant and nursing. These products are quite expensive, but they combine an attractive design and high functional qualities, and also meet all medical requirements. Unlike relatively cheap models, available only in the "white" version, expensive branded underwear is available in a rich color scheme– white, black, beige… True, it should be noted that doctors strongly recommend wearing white underwear: in their opinion, whiteness is an additional incentive to keep underwear in perfect cleanliness. The products of the middle price range include bandages of Italian and Baltic production, which are very popular in our country. Unfortunately, these models, which are very attractive in appearance, sometimes do not quite correspond to their intended purpose, i. do not have a very good level of support.

In order not to make a mistake with the size bandage for pregnant women, it is best to seek help from a specialist shop or pharmacy consultant. If you still prefer to do it yourself, keep in mind that the size of the bandages-belts corresponds to your size before pregnancy (S (42-44), M (46-48) or L (50-52), XL (52-54 ), XXL (56 and above)), and to find out the size of the bandage-pants, you should add one more size to the "pre-pregnant" size. When choosing a bandage belt, it is best to try on several options and stop at the one in which you feel most comfortable.

Postpartum bandages

Postpartum bandages not only support the stomach and hips (the skin and muscles of which during pregnancy and childbirth, of course, temporarily lose their original tone), but also relieve the load from the spine, relieving fatigue and back pain.

Postpartum bandages may be in the form of pants made of elastic fabric or in the form of an elastic band.

Combined postpartum bandages can be used both before and after childbirth (when used during pregnancy, the wide part of this bandage falls on the back, and the narrow part is fixed under the stomach; after childbirth, the bandage is turned “back to front”: the wide part fits the stomach, the narrow part is fixed on the back).

If in the case of prenatal bandages there are practically no contraindications to wearing them, then the use postpartum bandages associated with certain restrictions.

Wearing postpartum bandages not recommended (or should be limited) for some types of sutures after caesarean section, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney diseases, accompanied by swelling, skin and allergic diseases, and in some other cases. About postpartum bandage it is necessary to consult a doctor. An obstetrician-gynecologist, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of childbirth, the postpartum period and the individual characteristics of your body, will decide on the admissibility and expediency of using a bandage after childbirth and help you choose the right model.

Of course, wearing a postpartum bandage does not eliminate the need for special exercises to maintain the tone of the abdominal muscles. It is quite possible (and necessary) to combine both, doing gymnastics in a bandage.

Since childbearing is not an easy task, most products for expectant mothers are designed to alleviate this condition. A bandage during pregnancy is one of those: the innovation was introduced quite recently, but has already become the subject of discussion and received both negative and positive reviews.

To decide whether a bandage is necessary, a woman needs to gather more information on this issue. If the expectant mother nevertheless sees the expediency of wearing a special prenatal bandage, she needs to know how to choose the right option from the whole variety of brands.

During pregnancy, the bandage is of great importance for the health of the woman. It is a special medical belt (or elastic pants) and fixes the anterior abdominal wall. It is easy to guess what the true purpose of this device is to support. This has a beneficial effect not only on the physical condition of the woman, but also contributes to the normal development of the fetus.

It is known how great the load on the spine of the expectant mother is. Especially if she expects the appearance of two or three babies at once. In addition, the internal organs, squeezed by the enlarged uterus, also suffer. This is exactly the condition when a bandage is needed during pregnancy.

The purpose of wearing it is to compensate for the load, as well as prevent stretch marks on the skin.

It is of great importance whether you choose special support panties or a bandage for pregnant women: for each expectant mother this is individual, and many features of the body should be taken into account.

The positive aspects of wearing a bandage during pregnancy:

  • greatly facilitates gestation, especially if;
  • helps to reduce the feeling of fatigue, pain in the ankle joints;
  • reduces discomfort in the lumbar region, reducing pressure on the spine and organs located in the small pelvis;
  • prevents the appearance;
  • prevents untimely descent of the fetus (physiologically, the phenomenon is typical for the 38th week of pregnancy), reduces the risk premature birth;
  • supports the abdomen if the abdominal muscles are weakened;
  • promotes the correct location of the child inside the mother's womb;
  • thanks to special breathable fabrics in such a device it will not be hot even in summer;
  • easy to use (each model is complemented detailed instruction and operating instructions).

How to choose a bandage?

Let's figure out how to choose the right bandage for a pregnant woman:

  • Bandage-shorts are well suited for the cold season. It completely covers the tummy and hips - you can use it as an additional layer of clothing.
  • Choosing a bandage panty for a pregnant woman is worth summer period. Firstly, it will not be hot in them, and secondly, the panties are made of thin elastic fabric and are almost invisible even under light clothing.
  • If during the day you need to take off and put on the product, and the conditions for this are not quite suitable, then it is better to choose a bandage belt. This model is also suitable for summer season because it covers a small part of the body.
  • When choosing a bandage for pregnant women who suffer from, it is better to stop on a corset - it supports not only the tummy, but also the lower back.

Before buying, be sure to try on the bandage. It should be pleasant and soft to the touch. Pay attention to solid inserts and seams - they should not rub and cut into the skin.

Types of bandages for pregnant women

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which bandage for pregnant women is better - you need to consult with a gynecologist who will examine, study the results of the examination and make a decision.

Bandage panties / shorts for pregnant women

They appeared on sale not so long ago, but have already received a lot of positive feedback because of their convenience. Such a bandage is a shorts with an elastic belt-insert located under the lower abdomen. There is a wide range of styles and colors.

One of the obvious advantages is the low cost of this type of bandage. In addition, the device is easy to put on and comfortable to wear. Thanks to the thoughtfulness of the model, and, in particular, the presence of an elastic insert, good support for the abdomen is guaranteed - the shorts stretch as it grows.


  • It is necessary to wear a bandage for pregnant women in a prone position, which deprives you of convenience if you need to visit the toilet in a public place.
  • Manufacturers prescribe in the instructions the need for daily washing. Therefore, the expectant mother will have to buy several spare bandages at once.
  • Not suitable for women who have a predisposition to overweight: the model is not designed for excessive stretching, so shorts will soon squeeze the stomach, rubbing the skin and creating significant inconvenience.

Universal bandage for pregnant women

The peculiarity of this medical product is that it can be worn not only during pregnancy: the bandage is intended for use after childbirth. It looks like a belt with a wide and narrow part, each of which is adjustable with sticky fasteners.

During the bearing of the child, the narrowed section of the belt should be under the enlarged belly, the wide section should be placed on the lower back. Using the belt postpartum period, it is necessary to turn the bandage on the contrary.

This type is most convenient for women who are prone to rapid weight gain during the period of bearing a baby. The product prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the body and acts as a prophylactic against sagging skin after childbirth. The advantage is the practicality of the bandage, its universal purpose and low cost.

The bandage, due to its design, supports not only the tummy, but also the lumbar region, thereby reducing the load on the spine. As a rule, such bandages are Velcro, which helps to adjust the size of the product to your measurements and easily adjust it as your tummy grows.

Popular brands that produce bandages for pregnant women

Present on the market great amount supporting devices for pregnant women. According to reviews, expectant mothers especially highlight some brands of bandages.

Bandage for pregnant women "Fest"

The manufacturer "Fest" produces a whole line of products for expectant mothers. Therefore, based on the individual characteristics of the body, each woman will be able to choose exactly the bandage in which she will feel comfortable. The advantage of a medical product of this brand is the ability to treat an existing pathology and prevent the development of new complications.

Its main purposes:

  • reducing the likelihood of circulatory disorders in the renal parenchyma;
  • reducing the risk of premature termination of pregnancy;
  • prevention of female genital prolapse in the postpartum period.

Bandage for pregnant women "Orlett"

Differs in practicality, a range of purposes and high cost. The fabric from which the product is made is characterized by wear resistance and breathability. Possesses resistance to moisture, low degree of allergic influence.

The bandage has additional tightening bands that make it easier to fit it to the desired size, while reducing pressure on the lumbar spine. The accompanying instructions indicate when to wear a bandage during pregnancy: the end of the second - the beginning and the postpartum period.

Bandage for pregnant women "Nuova vita"

This manufacturer offers bandages different styles, sizes and colors. You can purchase a prenatal bandage both in the form of panties and in the form of a belt. If you decide to purchase a product from this particular manufacturer, then you were not mistaken: the bandage is made of microfiber, which ensures its tighter fit to the body, without sacrificing a sense of comfort.

Each expectant mother will be able to choose the most suitable color for herself: white, flesh or black.

Bandage for pregnant women "Ecoten"

The undoubted positive quality of the bandages of this brand is the presence in each product of an additional tie that holds the belly of the pregnant woman, and two plastic "ribs". The reason for wearing it is a predisposition to sagging skin, prevention of weakening of the abdominal wall and unloading of the lumbosacral spine. The belt is universal, so it can be used after childbirth.

There are many brands, colors and models of this orthopedic design. The gynecologist will recommend the best option. Before buying, you should measure the circumference of the abdomen and the volume of the hips - this will determine the desired size of the bandage for pregnant women.

It is advisable to purchase this product only in pharmacies or specialized stores for pregnant women: you do not need to buy it "from hand". First, it's unhygienic. Secondly, this is not entirely practical: the bandage could be subjected to repeated washing, which will negatively affect its functionality.

How to put on and when to start wearing a bandage?

There are no universal terms when you need to wear a bandage during pregnancy. Doctors recommend doing this no earlier than 20 weeks. If the pregnancy is going well, the mother can decide for herself whether she needs additional support. If there are problems, the doctor will advise her to buy a prenatal bandage for pregnant women.

To get a positive effect, you need to know how to wear a bandage for pregnant women. This should be done only in a horizontal position, while the hips should be slightly raised.

The belt or elastic insert should be located in front under the stomach, slightly covering the pubic part. This is provided so that the woman herself can use the bandage: fasten and unfasten it without outside help. In a fixed state, it should not put pressure on the belly of the expectant mother, cause even slight discomfort or, even worse, pain.

If you continue labor activity, you need to plan the time in such a way as to be able to unfasten the bandage every 3 hours. The duration of such a break should be at least half an hour. Otherwise, the constant wearing of a supporting product in a fixed position can turn into a number of troubles. For example, a violation of the motor activity of the child, circulatory failure internal organs or diseases of the spine.

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Wearing a bandage during pregnancy always raises questions for expectant mothers: how to choose it, how to wear it and how long to wear it. This information is very important for the bandage to perform its functions effectively. Is it possible to sleep and sit in a bandage during pregnancy?

How to wear a maternity bandage

After the expectant mother has decided on the choice of a prenatal bandage, she will have to master the science of putting it on and wearing it. How well the girl will use this accessory depends on her well-being and the development of the child. A well-chosen bandage does not slip off the pregnant woman's tummy, does not press and does not bring discomfort.

We will tell you in detail whether it is possible to sit in a prenatal bandage, when it is better to wear it and when it is necessary to rest from it.

How to put on a maternity bandage

How a girl puts on a bandage depends on its effectiveness, as well as the comfort of the pregnant woman herself. Most expectant mothers, when purchasing this accessory, do not know how to put on a prenatal bandage. This information must be indicated on the product packaging. In some cases, there are even pictures on the box that tell you how to properly put on the prenatal bandage of this company.

First of all, you should know that the bandage is worn only lying down.

The girl should lie on her back and place a pillow or roller under her buttocks. So the load is evenly distributed throughout the body, and the baby in the womb will be able to move from the bottom of the abdomen to the top. pressure on bladder will decrease, and it will be possible to put on and fasten the bandage tightly. A properly dressed accessory passes under the stomach, rests against the pubic bone and hips. At the same time, he should never put pressure on his stomach!

When to start wearing a bandage during pregnancy

One of the most FAQ expectant mothers: when to start wearing a bandage during pregnancy. In most cases, this accessory is required when the baby begins to actively gain weight and the tummy grows. It was then that there is a lot of pressure on the spine and legs of the expectant mother. To find out from what week you should wear a pregnancy bandage, it is better to first consult with a gynecologist. On average, the terms vary from 22 to 27 weeks of pregnancy. At multiple pregnancy prenatal bandage is required, when to start wearing it, your gynecologist will tell you. Most likely, it will be a period of less than 20 weeks, depending on the well-being of the girl.

Information about from what month to wear a bandage for pregnant women with a scar on the uterus or polyhydramnios may be different. Most often this is a period of 4 months. It is worth adding that if there are medical indications for wearing a bandage, only a doctor can determine the start date for its use. Each pregnancy proceeds individually, therefore, in order not to harm yourself and your baby, consult a gynecologist.

There is only one contraindication when you can not wear a bandage during pregnancy. If before 30 weeks the fetus has not taken the correct position with its head down. Then wearing a bandage will prevent the baby from changing the position, and you will have to wait, even despite severe back pain.

Let's sum up a little. From what period of pregnancy you need to wear a bandage for you, only the attending physician who leads your pregnancy will tell you for sure. He will also tell you until which week to wear this accessory. For medical reasons, the bandage is usually worn until the very birth, only from the 38th - 39th week the wearing is limited in time, since the tummy is already starting to sink, and the baby is moving along the birth canal, preparing for birth.

How long can you wear a maternity bandage

Not all expectant mothers know when buying how many hours pregnant women can wear a bandage without a break. Usually doctors recommend putting it on for 3-4 hours if the girl has a long walk on foot. If you are going to wear a brace all day long, take a 30 minute break every 3 hours. At this time, it is advisable to lie down, if possible. At night, the bandage must be removed. It is best to wear it when the girl walks or sits a lot.

If you are uncomfortable in the bandage, dizzy, and the child has become very active, you should immediately remove the bandage.

The attending physician determines how long to wear a bandage for pregnant women in the presence of special medical indications. For example, with severe lower back pain, it is worn daily throughout the day until the very birth. Don't forget to take breaks and rest. If the bandage brings significant relief to the pregnant woman, then doctors allow her to wear it all the time, removing it only at night. However, all these cases must be considered individually, taking into account the pregnancy history of each girl.

It is no secret that with the increase in the duration of pregnancy, it is more and more difficult for a woman to do her usual household chores. Simultaneously with the stomach, the load on the lower back also increases. As a result, most women begin to experience pain and discomfort in the back. In some cases, a successful pregnancy outcome becomes impossible without additional fetal support. For this purpose, a special orthopedic design for pregnant women is prescribed - a bandage. How to wear it correctly and for how long, how to learn how to put it on and how to choose a product of the desired model and size, we will tell in our article.

Why do pregnant women need a bandage?

The word bandage translated from French means "bandage". Indeed, an orthopedic product, presented in the form of panties or a belt, is prescribed to fix the anterior abdominal wall of the abdomen in a certain position. As a result, the load on the spine is also reduced, which is especially important in multiple pregnancies.

The benefits of a bandage are as follows:

  1. Provides support for a rapidly growing belly, without putting pressure on the fetus.
  2. Premature lowering of the abdomen is prevented.
  3. The load on the spine is reduced, pain in the back and legs is reduced.
  4. Prevention of the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen is provided.

According to doctors, the orthopedic design cannot harm the unborn baby, but only if you know how to properly wear a bandage for pregnant women. It is prescribed by obstetricians-gynecologists for certain indications and not to all women. Despite all the benefits of a bandage, it makes the abdominal muscles weaker, which makes it harder for them to get into shape after childbirth. In addition, the design cannot be used for transverse position fetus and an allergic reaction to the material from which it is made.

How to wear a universal bandage correctly for pregnant women?

The presented model is the most popular among expectant mothers. The universal bandage is an elastic belt, consisting of a wide and narrow part, each of which is regulated by Velcro. The practicality of this model lies in the fact that the product can be used both during pregnancy and after childbirth. This is one of the main advantages of the universal orthopedic design.

It remains only to figure out how to wear a bandage during pregnancy in both cases:

  1. When carrying a fetus, the belt is placed with a wide part towards the back, and the narrow part is fixed with Velcro under the stomach. This allows you to properly distribute and reduce the load on the spine.
  2. the universal bandage is put on the other way around. The wide part fixes sagging abdominal muscles, and the narrow part supports the back.

The bandage is worn both in summer and in the cold season. In the first case, it is put on underwear, and in the second - on tights or trousers. Some manufacturers produce belts with perforations in the material, which allows the skin to breathe in the heat.

Prenatal bandage panties

On sale is a wide selection of models of supporting products of this type in different colors. Panties with a wide elastic waistband are comfortable to wear. The insert stretches as the abdomen grows, providing the necessary support for the fetus. In addition, no one has any doubts about how to wear a bandage pant for pregnant women. Visually, they practically do not differ from ordinary underwear, only they have a higher design due to the elastic insert.

It is correct to wear such a prenatal bandage for pregnant women, like any other model, during the active growth of the abdomen. But the presented design cannot be used when carrying twins or with intensive weight gain. Over time, the panties will begin to put pressure on the stomach and rub the skin. In addition, the product will have to be washed daily to maintain hygienic cleanliness, or put on directly over underwear.

Features of using a belt for pregnant women

This model has much in common with the previous one. The prenatal belt looks like an elastic band with Velcro. It is thanks to them that the bandage can be well adjusted. The product is worn directly on the underwear, which ensures hygiene.

Learning how to properly wear a bandage for pregnant women, like the previous model, is not difficult at all. To do this, the product is first placed under the stomach, then the belt is fixed on the back, after which the Velcro is brought forward, where they are fastened. This bandage allows you to keep the fetus at the same level, reducing the load on the lower back.

The advantages of the model include:

  • the ability to adjust the belt and relieve pressure without removing;
  • can be worn both in the supine position and standing;
  • good support of the fetus in the desired position, without creating pressure on the uterus;
  • high strength.


This model of an orthopedic structure for supporting the abdomen is not very popular among pregnant women. According to reviews, it is very inconvenient to wear a wide bandage for pregnant women correctly. Like a regular corset, the product is tightened with lacing, which requires outside help. In this regard, universal models have more advantages.

A corset bandage is prescribed for pregnant women who have serious problems with the spine, which makes pregnancy problematic. The orthopedic product allows you to fix the fetus over the entire area of ​​the abdomen, both from above and below, reduce the load on the spine and improve posture.

Overview of manufacturers of bandages for pregnant women

In Russia, there are several brands at once that produce supporting orthopedic structures for women who are carrying a baby:

    FEST. The manufacturer produces a whole line of products for pregnant women, including several models of bandages, underwear and other devices that can be useful for a woman. As for prenatal orthopedic structures, they are medical devices, which means that they can only be used after a doctor's prescription and for medical purposes.

    Orlette. Products of this brand are distinguished by improved functionality and high price. This cost is due to the quality of materials that will definitely not cause an allergic reaction. Many women are interested in how to properly wear the Orlette bandage for pregnant women. Firstly, the product is intended for the second and early third trimester. Secondly, it can be used after childbirth. Thirdly, for convenience, the design is adjusted to any shape with the help of special tapes and Velcro.

  1. Ecoten. This manufacturer produces bandages that can be used both during pregnancy and after childbirth. Most elastic waistbands are equipped with plastic ribs to provide maximum support to the lower back muscles. They are ideal for women with a predisposition to stretch the skin of the abdomen after childbirth.

How to choose a bandage by size?

The main rule to follow when buying a product is that if you are in doubt about the size, go for the larger option. Otherwise, you risk pinching the stomach and harming the fetus.

As for the size, to determine it, you need to know the volume of the hips and the girth under the abdomen in centimeters. Options and Size chart specific manufacturer must be indicated on the packaging. Before wearing a prenatal bandage for pregnant women, it will be correct to try it on, walk around in it, sit down and stand up. It should be comfortable. The belt should not slip off the stomach and put pressure on it.

When and how to wear a maternity bandage?

It should be noted that it is strictly forbidden to appoint oneself to wear an orthopedic structure of one of the models presented above. Only an obstetrician-gynecologist should do this based on the current situation. The doctor may prescribe to start wearing it from 23 to 30 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the active growth of the uterus begins, as a result of which the stomach and the load on the back increase significantly. From about 39 weeks, the bandage should only be worn when walking long distances and when doing routine housework. At this time, the stomach should already gradually descend so that the fetus prepares for childbirth.

  1. The product must be removed at the time of sleep (both day and night).
  2. A bandage in the form of a belt and panties is recommended to be worn no more than 3 hours a day. If this is not possible, then you should remove it for at least half an hour, after which the product can be put on again.
  3. If the baby behaves too actively in the stomach, you need to remove the bandage for 30 minutes and wait until the baby calms down.

How to put on a bandage?

To properly fix the product, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The bandage should be put on in a strictly horizontal position. The pregnant woman needs to lie on her back, and put a pillow under her buttocks so that the pelvis is raised.
  2. After lying down for a few minutes, it is necessary to tightly fix the bandage under the stomach. It is not necessary to tighten it too much, but it should be noted that a weak fastening will also not bring the desired effect.
  3. A pregnant woman should know that it is correct to wear a bandage for pregnant women, like any other clothing, without a feeling of tightness, heaviness and discomfort. To check: a hand should pass freely between the product and the stomach.

For many women during pregnancy, doctors prescribe women to wear a bandage to alleviate her condition and the baby. However, gynecologists disagree. Some are ardent opponents of bandages. In this article, we will explain both points of view, tell you why a bandage is prescribed during pregnancy, and in what cases it is still better not to wear it.

When a pregnant woman's tummy begins to grow, it's time to think about wearing a bandage - somewhere from the 20th week of pregnancy. This is especially true for mothers who lead an active lifestyle and have to spend a lot of time on their feet. Why do you need a bandage during pregnancy in this case:

  • To reduce pain in the coccyx and pelvic bones.
  • Take the load off your spine.
  • If the abdominal muscles are weakened, the bandage will support the fetus instead of strong abdominal muscles (this often happens if a woman is carrying more than one child, or is already pregnant for the second or third time).
  • If a woman has a predisposition to stretch marks, then a bandage is a must.
  • If the expectant mother has osteochondrosis, varicose veins, obstetric pathologies or the threat of premature birth, then the bandage should be worn.

Types of bandages during pregnancy

In lingerie stores, where products for pregnant women are necessarily sold, you can find all kinds of bandages, different in shape. Most often, girls choose such bandages during pregnancy:

  1. Belt worn over underwear. Outwardly, it resembles an elastic band that provides effective support to the abdomen. It prevents the formation of ugly stretch marks, which are always so hard to get rid of after childbirth. The belt can be adjusted in size due to special valves that are located on the sides of the bandage.
  2. Briefs with an elasticated front that provides a supportive effect to the belly. It is located above the stomach and is worn like regular panties. But such a bandage cannot be worn daily, because it will have to be washed every day. But if you purchase several of these bandages, then the convenience of its use immediately becomes greater.
  3. Combined bandage in the form of a wide belt fastened with Velcro. It supports not only the stomach, but also the back.
  4. Corset. It is practically not used by women anymore, because it is less functional and inconvenient to use.

How to wear a bandage during pregnancy?

There are several rules for wearing a bandage during pregnancy:

  • You can't sleep in it. Periodically during the day, it must be removed - after 3 hours of wearing, you need to take an hour break. Only in the event that without it you become very ill, you can not take it off at all.
  • Be sure to learn how to wear a bandage during pregnancy so that it does not squeeze the abdominal cavity, but only supports the tummy. Future mom should not feel any discomfort in the bandage.
  • A woman must always proceed from her own feelings and sensations. Even if the doctor recommends removing the bandage, but you feel worse without it, then do not remove it. In the same way, behave if you feel bad in a bandage, but you need to wear it until the very birth.

Whether to wear a bandage during pregnancy: arguments for and against

Now we will give you the arguments of doctors who disagree on whether it is necessary to wear a bandage during pregnancy. After analyzing the pros and cons, you will be able to decide for yourself whether you need such support for the abdomen in the course of bearing a child, or is it better to do without it.

  1. Arguments in favor of a bandage:
  • a woman in a bandage will not feel pain in her legs and back;
  • the risk of premature birth will decrease, since the child will not go down ahead of time;
  • if you wear a bandage, then the child will spin less and will immediately take the correct position in the stomach;
  • the bandage is almost invisible under clothing and can be worn both in summer and winter.
  1. Arguments against wearing a bandage:
  • due to the bandage, the abdominal muscles relax, so they are then more difficult to recover than the abdominal muscles that were not supported by the belt;
  • the abdominal muscles can withstand the load, as it is inherent in nature;
  • bandages made of synthetic materials can cause allergic reactions on the abdomen and lower back;
  • there is no escape from stretch marks when wearing a bandage, if you have a predisposition to this;
  • the bandage should be worn during pregnancy, when there are medical indications for this: the threat of abortion, underdevelopment of the cervix, low position of the fetus, scar on the uterus, neurological pain, in the lumbar spine, multiple pregnancy.

If you decide that you need to wear a bandage, then purchase it only at a pharmacy. Each bandage must be tried on to determine which one really suits you. You need to choose not the one that is more expensive or cheaper, but the one in which you are most comfortable. If none of the options that you tried on fit you, then continue looking for a convenient model in another pharmacy. Remember that the state of your baby inside the womb and your well-being will depend on this choice.

Video: "How to wear a bandage during pregnancy"
