Wishes to children and parents for the summer holidays. Congratulations on the holidays in prose

The last bell rang
And the lines are all gone.
Annual all grades
Very good.

All summer ahead
You can safely rest
About lessons and homework
Don't even remember.

But holidays, of course,
Needs to be put to good use
To September on the topic
Create a sensation by writing.

Summer, vacation, sun, beach,
Grandma in the village, rest,
After all, holidays, cheers,
There will be something to remember later!

Rest to you, good
Happiness, joy, fun,
Happy summer holidays to you
Positive vibes!

So welcome summer holidays finally arrived. I want them to be fun and educational. The will to relax, but at the same time spend them to good use. Let every day be sunny and warm, joyful and unforgettable!

Happy holidays!
You, joyfully meeting summer,
Enjoy them positively
And rest brightly, beautifully,
I wish you a lot of impressions
Love, joy, adventure,
And happy memories
Avoid disappointment
Merry, stormy travels,
Many interesting walks
I wish all plans come true
And many of your wishes!

End of lessons, summer awaits
His time has come
Happy holidays everyone
I congratulate you in the morning.

I wish you happy days
With adventure friends
Places new, unfamiliar,
And happy moments.

I want holidays
Happy to spend
I wish for 3 months
Forget about school.

In the hot summer there is no study,
I really want to walk
Because in nature
We all have fun.

Let the summer day bring
Fresh cheerfulness charge,
All fatigue will be thrown away in an instant,
Days of fun will surprise.

Congratulations on this moment
It's time for the holidays
Conduct experiments
It is possible in the summer every time.

The long-awaited summer is ahead,
Days of freedom and the sun are warmed,
You can live them carefree
And there is no need to rush to the desk.

Happy holidays everyone
I want to rest for sure.
You've been hard at work all year
Gain new strength, friends!

Summer, sun, sea, beach.
Long-awaited vacation time.
In thoughts rest and courage,
Fulfillment of desired dreams.

Forget for three months
About control, dictations,
Rest. Don't grieve to live
Chips washed down with Fanta.

Academic year ended
It was difficult for everyone
It's vacation time
And rest is not a sin.

Let the sun shine bright
It's hot outside
But in September, guys,
It's time for you all to go to school.

Well, dear children,
Here comes summer to us!
Throw away your books
And ride the seas!

Or maybe to the grandmothers in the village
Or to the lake with friends!
Let them be daily
Only joy and good luck with you!

May this summer bring
You have a bright vivacity charge!
And know that the whole school is waiting for you
Looking back!

Here comes the summer
Let your nose light up
The body will rest and the mind
Entertainment is waiting for you.

Smile at the sun,
Warm up, pull up
And forward to the river, to the forest,
Summer sheaf brings miracles!

I composed this little book and handed it to my students in the family club-school "Newpath"

To my beloved students

Wishes for the summer

from Tatyana Alexandrovna


Read thoughtfully

along with the elders


Wishes for the summer, for life…………………8

Explore the world you live in and develop……………………………………..10

A person who wants to understand why you need to study is to teach yourself

Dear friend! Imagine this:

As a small, tiny baby you are born into our world. At first, your mother continues to be this world for you: her warm body, to which you cuddle, her gentle hands, her sweet milk. Having got used to it a little, you begin to notice - to see - that the new world is not only mom, there is also dad, other people are relatives. They also have gentle and careful hands, affectionate eyes. You begin to feel and understand: everyone loves you! And around - a space filled with various interesting objects that you can reach so far only with your eyes.

This is how your life begins in a new world for you. Later, you already reach for objects with your hands, boldly taste and touch everything that comes across - you begin to practically master the world in which you live. And you grasp everything “on the fly”: a spoon to eat, a chair to sit comfortably… and then you learn more and more about the world: the sun! Moon! Sky! Trees, flowers, herbs… amazing beautiful world! A great variety of people and objects created by them. People laugh or feel sad, life around you goes according to certain laws. All this needs to be understood.

- Why? For what?

“To learn how to live in this world, life, world, and live in such a way that you from everyone and from you all have only joy.

- And in order to learn how to live, what needs to be done?

- Understand how to communicate with other people correctly (so that each of them and you can enjoy and benefit from this communication). And yet - it is very important - to get to know this, our native world, as best as possible. This is what the school is for. Different school subjects reveal different sides of our world. When you study geography, for example, what do you learn about the world?

- How our world is arranged - planet Earth, what countries and peoples live on it, what they do, what customs and rules of life they have.

What about studying math?

By studying history, you will find out how long people have been living on Earth and what a long way they have traveled, making mistakes and suffering from this - in search of more happy life. Physics is the science of the laws of nature. Having learned them, people made many discoveries and inventions. There are many of them - various interesting sciences that open the way to understanding the world and life. And without studying Russian, other languages, you will not learn to read and you will not be able to read a single line in books and textbooks that store many, many knowledge; you will not be able to write down your thoughts or describe your discoveries.

“Do you understand now why a person needs a school?” Why does he need to teach himself?

— On the basis of the acquired knowledge, try to understand the laws of nature, the laws of human relationships, and most importantly, learn to feel this - such a native world in which you live. Learn to rejoice in everyone good display and learn not to continue evil: not to return evil for evil, resentment for resentment. It is better to calmly say to the offender: “If you behave like this, it means that you have not understood something important in life”, “Why are you prompting me to answer you with evil for your evil? I don't wish you harm." Checked: first a reaction of surprise and confusion, and later - respect for the one who said so and even his defense. It is important to learn to understand, and therefore to forgive people who, out of misunderstanding, do evil, and to accumulate in oneself the strength that can stop any manifestation of evil. No, this is not physical strength, and those who say that goodness should be with fists are wrong. With fists - this is already a manifestation of evil. This is an inner strength when a person in your presence does not even think about the bad. It's the power of will multiplied by the power of love. Trying to achieve such great power is a worthy goal of life! This is the only way for good transformations in the world.

Let me tell you one sad observation. People have been living on Earth for a long time, but even today many people live their lives without fully understanding the world in which they live, without understanding the rules of a happy life, therefore they make many mistakes, as a result of which they suffer involuntarily, and sometimes on purpose. make other people suffer. Almost every person in the world is unhappy in some way, and there are still few happy, “understanding” people on earth. Therefore, each new - young - generation has to solve the problem: how to live in such a way, how best to arrange the world so that people live happier? Therefore, every new person entering into life should treat every other person or any living creature with understanding and compassion and try to live in such a way that only joy and benefit from him on earth.

How should one "behave" in life?

- You need to “behave” in life in such a way as to be an example of “life without evil”, to study the world in order to, having understood its laws, become stronger, kinder, smarter, more skillful than you were yesterday.

Wish: love the world in any of its incarnations: be it a small blade of grass, a beautiful flower or a huge, scary-looking animal. Nothing can resist love! love, benefit

Love every person, with all his sufferings and joys, with his delusions and insights. Because the life of people is difficult from thoughtlessness, and to think them today is not regular school For some reason, no one specifically teaches in an ordinary family. It's just that such experience has not been gained - specifically to teach children to think and make responsible decisions.

IN new school, as in a new life - learn to think about everything and explain events and phenomena from the point of view of good.

Wishes for the summer, for life

IN whatever you do, try to do it beautifully and firmly, for the benefit of you and others. Remember: usefulness, strength and beauty are the main conditions for any work.

At try to do everything beautifully and firmly, for the benefit of you and others.

AND study nature: the weather, plants, insects, bird and animal life in your estate (in the city, in the country, that is, where you live). Choose one or more topics and take notes, sketch or take pictures. In summer and autumn there will be an opportunity to talk about their achievements and discoveries, to make a scientific report. Do it at will.

W bring a notebook, write down interesting things. Do it at will.

IN eat diary. Not everything can be remembered, and a diary will later help you better understand yourself and the world. Do it at will.

TO describe the images of the world (objects, phenomena, experiences, sensations, states, actions, processes), try to understand and explain everything. Do it always.

W find that one answer is not an answer. Get many answers to one question and output your answer. Try to do so.

T renounce yourself in kindness, sincerity. Do it always.

W nay: there are no children's and adult affairs, there are cases “on the shoulder”. Participate in the affairs of the family, take the matter "according to your strength." Try to do so.

TO describe the strength of mind and body. Do it always.

R develop intuition. Before you do anything, first ask a question within yourself and wait for the answer. For fidelity, you can ask a question to others, combine all the answers with your own, draw a conclusion, and only then make a decision for action. Try to do so.

AND get rid of fears. Know that man is the strongest of all. The strength of a person is in love and peace of mind. Cultivate peace of mind in the face of danger. A calm mind will tell right action.Try to do so.

AND get rid of bad habits, replace them with good ones. Think about it.

Explore the world in which you live and develop

In order to build a happy life, you need to study the world in which we live, develop good qualities in ourselves and identify our abilities and talents.

Summer- a wonderful time for a better acquaintance and study of mother nature, for revealing one's abilities and talents. Spend your free time on this. I offer you a variety of activities for the summer. You can do it as you wish or not do it at all. You can try a little of everything. Choose.

Creative activity

  1. 1. Scientific research.(Everything that is done according to plan and described in detail is a scientific study)

Sample Topics for Research. I will help to draw up a work plan and make a real scientific work useful to you and others.

  1. Medicinal herbs.
  2. Birds of the native land. (Insects, wildlife).
  3. The life of ants (bees, butterflies, etc.).
  4. Plants in our estate.
  5. Flowers.
  6. My meadow.
  7. My family.
  8. New thing I learned this summer.
  9. Manor life.

10. My best friend(it can be: a person, a cat, a dog, a bird, a tree, etc.).

11. You can come up with a topic yourself (a).

II. Essay on any topic. Oral story.

III. Artistic creativity.

Sample themes for creativity.

  1. Preparation of works for the exhibition:

- paintings;

— applied art;

- stones;

- other on request.

IV. Training or domestication of animals, birds.

V. Spiritual and physical self-development.

  1. Learn to try to do everything beautifully, firmly and usefully for you and for others.
  2. Learn not to be afraid, to maintain peace of mind.
  3. Develop intuition, ask questions and wait for an answer, learn to hear and heed the advice of the inner voice.
  4. Train in kindness and sincerity.
  5. Train the body and spirit.
  6. Accumulate images of the world (objects, phenomena, experiences, sensations, states, actions, processes), try to understand and explain everything.
  7. Get rid of bad habits, replace them with good ones.

Reminder for autumn holidays

And don't forget:November 07 classes begin.

I am waiting for you! Have a nice holiday!

SW. parents!

Cl. supervisor

Familiarized with the memo:

Reminder for autumn holidays

Dear children and dear parents!

In order not to overshadow the joy of rest, not to upset your loved ones, I want to remind you that during the holidays, children should not forget the rules of personal safety.

Be attentive and careful on the carriageway, follow the rules traffic, rules for using a bicycle.

Being at home, be careful when handling sharp, cutting, piercing objects, gas and electrical appliances, objects household chemicals, medicines.

Do not play with matches or lighters.

Do not respond to signs of attention and orders from a stranger. Don't go anywhere with strangers.

Do not play in dark places, in landfills, vacant lots and in abandoned buildings, next to the railway.

If a suspicious object is found, do not touch it, inform an adult.

Do not play with stray animals. Wash hands after playing and before eating.

Without parental permission and without adult accompaniment, do not go to water bodies and into the forest. Don't move to another location.

Dress according to the weather.

Do not sit in front of the TV, computer.

Make good use of your free time. Read more, repeat the material covered. Provide support to your parents.

And don't forget:November 07 classes begin.

I am waiting for you! Have a nice holiday!

SW. parents! Take care of the life and health of your child during the holidays!

Cl. supervisor

Familiarized with the memo:

Student __________________________

Parents _________________________

Reminder for winter holidays

Holidays with 7 G.

Help the young and old.

Do not forget: January 16 school starts.

Cl. supervisor

Familiarized with the memo:

Student __________________________

Parents _________________________

Reminder for winter holidays

Holidays with December 30, 2016 to January 15, 201 7 G.

Dear friend! I want to remind you that during winter holidays you must not forget about your safety and your health:

Obey the rules of the road. Know that the winter road is dangerous.

Do not go far from home without the permission of your parents, if you need to leave, warn your parents.

Carefully use the gas stove, electrical appliances, do not leave them unattended.

Be careful with fireworks, use them only with adults, do not use firecrackers. This is dangerous for your health.

Walk more in the fresh air: go skiing, sledding. Be careful during snowfall and ice.

Do not go on the ice far from the shore, do not come close to the hole.

Do not communicate with strangers, do not invite them into the house. - Do not touch abandoned bags or boxes.

Don't sit in front of the TV and computer. Read books, study subjects on your own.

Help the young and old.

Do not look for new adventures and sensations, rest safely. Remember! You are always welcome at home and at school!

Do not forget: January 16 school starts.

During the holidays, the responsibility for the life and health of children are the parents!

Cl. supervisor

Familiarized with the memo:

Student __________________________

Parents _________________________

Reminder for spring break

Be attentive and careful on the carriageway, follow the rules of the road, the rules for using a bicycle.


Do not play in dark places, in landfills, vacant lots and in abandoned buildings, next to the railway.

If a suspicious object is found, do not touch it, inform an adult.

Do not play with stray animals. Wash hands after playing and before eating.

Without parental permission and without adult accompaniment, do not go to water bodies and into the forest. Don't move to another location.

And don't forget:03 April classes begin.

I am waiting for you! Have a nice holiday!

SW. parents! Take care of the life and health of your child during the holidays!

Cl. supervisor

Familiarized with the memo:

Student __________________________

Parents _________________________

Reminder for spring break

Dear Guys! From March 27 - holidays. In order not to overshadow the joy of rest, not to upset your loved ones, I want to remind you that during the holidays you should not forget the rules of personal safety.

Be attentive and careful on the carriageway, follow the rules of the road, the rules for using a bicycle.

Notgo out on the ice during the spring flood.

Being at home, be careful when handling sharp, cutting, piercing objects and electrical appliances; Do not play with matches or lighters.

Do not talk to strangers (strangers). Do not respond to signs of attention and orders from a stranger. Don't go anywhere with strangers.

Do not play in dark places, in landfills, vacant lots and in abandoned buildings, next to the railway.

If a suspicious object is found, do not touch it, inform an adult.

Do not play with stray animals. Wash hands after playing and before eating.

Without parental permission and without adult accompaniment, do not go to water bodies and into the forest. Don't move to another location.

Make good use of your free time. Read more, repeat the material covered. Provide all possible assistance to your parents.

And don't forget:03 April classes begin.

I am waiting for you! Have a nice holiday!

SW. parents! Take care of the life and health of your child during the holidays!

Cl. supervisor

Familiarized with the memo:

Student __________________________

Parents _________________________

Reminder for summer holidays



SW. parents! Take care of the life and health of your child during the holidays!

Cl. supervisor

Familiarized with the memo:

Student __________________________

Parents _________________________

Reminder for summer holidays

Dear friend! To benefit from summer vacation, be extremely careful and follow the rules of personal safety.

Follow the rules of the road, the rules for using a bicycle, be careful when crossing the street.

While at home, be careful when handling sharp, cutting, piercing objects and electrical appliances; do not play with matches or lighters.

Do not play in dark places, in dumps, wastelands and abandoned buildings, next to the railway.

Don't play after dark.

Without parental permission and without adult accompaniment, do not go to the pond and the forest.

Follow the rules of safe behavior on the water,Swim only in specially designated areas and during warm weather.

Do not eat unfamiliar mushrooms and berries.

- If you find a suspicious object, do not touch it, inform an adult.

Do not go anywhere with strangers and do not get into a car with them.

- Observe the time mode when watching TV and working on a computer.

Make good use of your time. Make friends with a book.

Provide all possible assistance to your parents.

I wish you a pleasant and safe summer holiday!!!

SW. parents! Take care of the life and health of your child during the holidays!

Cl. supervisor

Familiarized with the memo:

Student __________________________

Parents _________________________

It's vacation, hooray!
I congratulate you,
Spend your days hard
I wish from the bottom of my heart.

To gain strength,
Sleep from the heart
To days later of learning
Were very good.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief
After all, it's time for the holidays.
Joy, games and fun
Feels the child.

Moms and dads will too
Rest from lessons.
And they do not need to be stricter,
You can pamper your child.

Rest will be what you need
So many things to do
To enjoy playing
And want to go back to school.


Happy holidays to all students! I want to get indescribable sensations and impressions from the rest. Enjoy safety. Get an incredible boost of energy and fill the balance of power. Gain positive emotions and recharge good mood. Relax and have fun, see you soon!


We read, we wrote
Our fingers are tired
So let's shout together:
"We really need to rest!"

Let the holidays give us
Joy, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpositive,
We will sleep early in the morning
And get up slowly.


Holidays, holidays -
happy days it's time
abandoned textbooks,
The kid laughs.

I wish you guys
Great to rest
Gain strength and vigor
After all, soon again on the road.

Cool congratulations on the start of the holidays


Finally they arrived -
These sweet days
When to be with friends
And get up whenever you want.

Rest, empty to the fullest,
More strength, less laziness
To go back to school again
With a lot of new impressions.


Holidays are here, hooray!
After all, it's time for joy
It's time for fun and miracles
Great happiness to heaven!

Hang out with friends, have fun
Let it surprise new life
Good luck be with you
Any day and any moment!


Finally shot back
The school year has flown by.
Long-awaited vacation time
It's already arrived.

I congratulate you on the start
These carefree days.
Glorious new discoveries to you,
Good, devoted friends.


Holidays are freedom
Vacations are heaven.
Nature calls to embrace -
Walk, have fun, relax!

Forget about learning, tasks -
Now is not the time for them.
Meet up with friends...
Finally the dream came true!

Don't let problems spoil
great mood,
Let time give vacation
Only bright impressions!


Holidays have come - this is happiness,
And I want to congratulate you on this holiday,
I wish you mood, joy, fun,
Perhaps you will make your dream come true!

I wish you a great rest
I wish you a good time
Do not forget to read sometimes you books,
And you spend less time on the Internet!

Beautiful wishes for the start of the holidays


Hooray, the holidays are here, folks!
You can't think of a better time.
You can forget about studying completely,
Play and walk, the envy of everyone.
I wish you a good rest
And with new forces on the road ahead.


Holidays are here, hooray
We wish you, friends,
Have a great vacation
To want to learn more
Reach all peaks
Don't be lazy to study
To achieve everything in your studies.


Hooray! The holidays have come
We congratulate you on this
Forget the lessons for a while
We sincerely wish you
Enjoy every minute
But make good use of your time
And an interesting activity
Find yourself to your liking!


Hooray, holidays! Congratulations on the start of your vacation and I wish you a great time, not to be bored for a minute, not to sit still for a second. May something incredibly interesting happen to you, may every day of the holidays be fun, cool, educational, bright and happy.


The kids are tired at school
But the holidays have arrived.
There is an opportunity to rest
Sleep in the morning.

Have fun and sleep longer.
You read, play more.
Let the game be bright
Since it's time to rest!

Poems with the beginning of the holidays


Hooray! The holidays have come
So, joy is ahead,
You have been waiting for the holidays for a long time,
Hearts flutter in the chest!

May holidays be with you all
Give the sea pleasure
And lead to all dreams
To brighten the mood!


holidays, vacations,
All parents sighed
Rest is waiting, days are waiting for you,
Accept my congratulations!

I want to sleep, eat,
And listen to music for you
I want to walk for a long time
And you won't sleep until late!


Lessons can not be learned
It's time to beat the buckets,
This is impressive
With that, congratulations!

It's time not to think about anything
Let life fill with a big key
Put aside training for everyone
The holidays have arrived!


The time for fun is coming
Holidays are waiting for you!
There will be school worries
Tossed aside.

Have fun and enjoy
Let rest bring joy.
Gain strength for learning
To conquer the heights.

Fresh, vivid impressions,
Interesting acquaintances -
There's a time for everything
Let it give delight!


Hurray, the holidays have come, I congratulate you!
Now I have more time to read books.
And have fun happily, walking the streets.
And do whatever you want, and do a lot of things!

Let this glorious time give positive.
And the holidays will bring a supply of goodness and strength.
May the days come warm, and you will live beautifully.
So that every moment and every hour brings good luck!


What a noisy ringing
The hubbub, screams, squeals?
The holidays have come
"Joy!" - that's the motto.

I wish to rest
Gain strength quickly
To your learning path
It could easily go on.


Happy holidays! Let it last longer
Only good things happen
All wishes will come true
And laughter and joy will knock on the door!

You are strong, boldly gain enthusiasm,
Meet good friends more often
Use life to its fullest
Let good luck pour to the top!


We congratulate you on a legal holiday,
Happy start of those long-awaited holidays,
Let the mood be cheerful and perky,
Happy, beautiful, very bright days to you.

And cast away all sorrows and worries,
Forget about learning for a while
The path does not strain you with work,
Relax, be carefree!


Congratulations on the holidays - I wish you a cool vacation,
May adventures and entertainment await you on vacation,
I wish you fun, and spend with interest
Free days from study to good luck on the way
I met to so easily fulfill plans, my goal,
To recharge with positive, to embody a lot of ideas,
Bring everything to life - all aspirations, all these days do not be sad,
Only with pleasure you to remember the holidays in the future!


Cheerful rest, cheerfulness and freedom, cheers! Congratulations on your holidays. I wish them to be fun and interesting with unforgettable adventures and joyful events, I wish you to renew your energy and good mood, recharge with positive and patience.


No need to run anywhere
You can sleep long in the morning
Everyone walks together in the yard
And almost never get tired.

It may seem strange
But I want to congratulate you
With your desired rest,
And leave all the problems!


Wonderful hour, wonderful time,
Days of rest and bustle.
How wonderful that school life
All dreams come true.

I wish you only bright days,
Only warm, colorful and long,
And spend your time
With family, friends, loved ones.


Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Vacation time
Vacation time
Evil has come!
We want to rest
Gain fresh strength
Breathe freedom into your chest
Going out with friends,
Tired of not knowing!


Holidays - time to walk and make friends,
Share moments of happiness with family,
Treasure warmth, kindness, beauty,
And then you have to study again!

But vacation time is still in the yard,
And you should have fun, don't cry,
And let the weather be at this time
Give the sun light and warmth, not slush!


Enough early rises for us
And unlearned lessons
You can take a deep breath
And dive into the holidays!

Yes, cheers! hello freedom,
Even if you lasted six months,
Well, okay, anyway.
Well, who is not happy - a fool!


Long live freedom and space
Expanse and good luck in your personal life!
Intimate conversation with friends
And in the evenings the songs are obscene.

Let your holidays be loud
With business, meetings and hot dances,
To taste cheerful, joyful victories
Accompanied by new successes!


Here is the rest, finally
Vacation time has come again.
Long waited, looking forward,
Tired schoolchildren "tribe".

Of course, they will fly by quickly,
It's like they haven't been at all
But when all thoughts are about them,
Waiting for it to come sooner.


The intoxicating moment has arrived
And training can be delayed
For fun there will be a pedestal,
Holidays are great to live in.

Congratulations on this from the bottom of my heart,
Make good use of your time
Let it rush not in a hurry,
Leave joy behind.


The school year is over
For this, congratulations!
And rest to the full
For the summer we wish!

Let rest give you
Pleasant moments
Will leave you a memory
Unforgettable adventures!


Holidays are a great time
And summer, they are doubly pleasant,
The sun opened its arms
And our kids are happy!

Lessons can not be taught at all,
But just run, jump, somersault,
And swim in the sea water all day,
Well, what could be better in the world?

I congratulate you on the holidays
Gain strength, have a great rest,
And shake off school fatigue from your shoulders,
I wish you with all my heart and soul!


The last bell rang and the lessons behind,
Summer is ahead of you guys sunny days.
Relax, have fun, and don't be lazy to read,
Friends spend all holidays with a bang!


The long-awaited summer is ahead,
Days of freedom and the sun are warmed,
You can live carefree
And there is no need to rush to the desk.

Happy holidays everyone
I want to rest for sure.
You've been working hard for a whole year
Gain new strength, friends!


End of lessons, summer awaits
His time has come
Happy holidays everyone
I congratulate you in the morning.

I wish you happy days
With adventure friends
Places new, unfamiliar,
And happy moments.

I want holidays
Happy to spend
I wish for 3 months
Forget about school.


Exams, bye!
My native class - see you soon.
Friends - do not be sad:
Not prom.

Spring ringing playfully
She spent the summer with everyone.
Well, what are you upset about?
Holidays! Forgot?

Similar congratulations

Popular congratulations

We congratulate you on a legal holiday,
Happy start of those long-awaited holidays,
Let the mood be cheerful and fervent,
Happy, beautiful, very bright days to you.

And throw away all sorrows and worries,
Forget about studying for a while
The path does not strain you with work,
Relax, stay carefree!

Congratulations on the holidays - I wish you a cool vacation,
May adventures and entertainment await you on vacation,
I wish you fun, and spend with interest
Free days from study so that luck is on the way
I met so that it is so easy to fulfill plans, my goal,
To recharge with positive, to embody a lot of ideas,
To realize all-all aspirations, all these days do not lose heart,
Only with pleasure you to continue to remember the holidays!

I congratulate you on the long-awaited vacation and wish you a wonderful pastime, an exciting and fun vacation, a lot of adventures and travels, funny stories and colorful emotions.

What a noisy ringing
The hubbub, screams, squeals?
The holidays have come
" Joy!" - that's the motto.

I wish to rest
Gain strength quickly
So that your study path
It could easily go on.

Hooray, the holidays are here, folks!
You can't think of a better time.
You can forget about studying completely,
Play and walk, the envy of everyone.
I wish you a good rest
And with new forces on the road ahead.

The kids are tired at school
But the holidays have arrived.
There is an opportunity to rest
Sleep in the morning.

Have fun and sleep more.
You read, play more.
Let the game be bright
Since it's time to rest!

Congratulations on the holidays
I want to have a great rest
Let there be joy and enthusiasm
And let every day be clear.

I wish you strength
And accumulate impressions
So that with new zeal science
At the school desk to bomb.

At last the holidays have come to us,
We will rest, have fun,
Weekdays all training passed,
A smile lit up our faces.

Let these days be interesting
Full of wonderful impressions
To be remembered for a long time by all of them,
And not erased in memory over time.

Happy holidays! Let it last longer
Only good things happen
All wishes will come true
And laughter and joy will knock at the door!

You are strong, boldly gain enthusiasm,
Meet good friends more often
Make the most of this life
Let good luck pour in!

No need to run anywhere
You can sleep long in the morning
Everyone walks together in the yard
And almost never get tired.

It may seem strange
But I want to congratulate you
With your desired rest,
And leave all the problems!

A wonderful hour of a wonderful time,
Days of rest and bustle.
How cool that in school life
All dreams come true.

I wish you only bright days,
Only warm, colorful and long,
And spend your time
With family, friends, loved ones.
