French braid hairstyle. How to braid a braid in reverse: weaving pattern

Long hair has always been in fashion. Nothing emphasizes the beauty and well-being of a girl like long well-groomed hair. But if the gloss and smoothness can be maintained with various cosmetics, then with a beautiful styling you will have to try. beautiful styling can be done with a braid, which is back in fashion.

A girl with a beautiful braid always looks attractive celebratory event, as well as in Everyday life. This hairstyle gives elegance, romance and always looks neat. A girl who learns to weave it can always look great. At first glance, it seems that it is quite difficult to make such a hairstyle for yourself, but it is not.

In fact, weaving braids is not entirely difficult, but you will have to practice a lot to learn how to do everything beautifully and neatly. Consider how to braid your own braid.

What you need to know about weaving

The braid can be braided on medium and long hair. Various guides that can always be found on the Internet will help you master the skill - they all explain the principles of weaving. After several workouts, you can learn how to make various weaves for yourself. You can start with the simplest, and then move on to the complex.

Do not worry if the braid does not work the first time, everything comes with practice. Subsequently, you can learn how to weave neat braids for yourself, as they were made by a master. In addition, you can experiment and weave unusual braids that start from the center of the head or from the sides.

Preparatory work

Before you start braiding yourself, you need to prepare your hair. You should not braid them if they are dirty, the hairstyle will look untidy in this case, even if you try very hard.

It is necessary to carefully work with a comb first, so that the hair becomes obedient, they must be combed. If they are too fluffy, then you can sprinkle them with some water from a spray bottle.

During weaving, the following things may be needed: several combs, two mirrors, invisible hairpins, hairpins, elastic bands, hairpins, a hair fixing agent.

Scourge a simple braid of three strands

Mirrors should be positioned so that you can see what is happening in front and behind. Comb your hair with a flat comb. Moisturize your hair a little so it doesn't frizz. All hair should be pulled back with a comb, then divided evenly into three parts. Each part is separated from each other, the fingers help in this, laying them down and not letting them mix with each other.

Two side strands need to be woven into one middle strand, first the left, then the right, and so on. First, the braid is braided at the back, then the hair can be thrown over the shoulder and braided in front. At the end, you can leave a small part of the hair not braided, and clamp the braid with some kind of device, such as an elastic band or hairpin.

How to braid a fishtail

Weaving this option is not difficult, so even beginners can master it. Such a braid always looks spectacular and is an adornment of appearance. If you want to know how to braid a girl's braid beautifully, then try this option.

For convenience, you can collect the hair in ponytail so that you can control the strands. It is necessary to select one strand in the middle, everything should begin with it. It should be well combed, and then divided into two parts. After that, you need to bring the right strand behind the left, the left should be on top.

Take a comb, preferably thin and separate a small strand from the left side and add it to the opposite. The less hair is taken, the more beautiful it all looks in the end.

When performing such a hairstyle, you do not need to allow the appearance of roosters, so you need to try to pull your hair. Then you need to separate the hair on the right, they should be located in the hand on the opposite side.

So alternately a small part of the hair is added from one side and the other and transferred to the hands from the opposite side. At the end, the braid is secured with a hairpin or elastic band. You can also just braid it to the very end and use nothing.

french braid

In weaving this braid, the entire hair part of the head, including the bangs, is used. The braid should be tight, so it should be done as close to the scalp as possible. Only if the hair is long, more than 12 cm, it will be possible to make such a braid. Weaving it will be a little more difficult than the previous options, but it also looks amazing, suitable for any event.

Consider how to braid a French braid:

  1. We comb all the hair, separate the central strand, divide it into three parts. We throw two side strands through the middle one.
  2. The side strands should be replenished with a new portion of hair. It is better to take the same amount of hair on each side, this will make the hairstyle look neater. Can be taken more hair, then the braid will look romantic. Less hair is also good, it will make the image elegant.
  3. The braid is braided to the end and its tip is fastened with an elastic band. Another option for fastening is with studs. To do this, you need to form a small bundle at the tips.

How to braid two pigtails

Consider how to braid two pigtails. Hair should be well combed. Then you need to divide the entire mass of hair into two parts, making a parting, which should be as even as possible. Clip one part of your hair with a hairpin so that it does not get tangled during work. Then take one section of hair and divide it into three more sections.

Then weave it like a regular pigtail with fixing the tip with an elastic band or some other device. Do the same with the other part of the hair. You will get two cute pigtails on the sides, which will make the image more delicate. Two pigtails on the sides will look good on both a little girl and a young girl.

Braid with ribbon

You will need to call beautiful ribbon, it can be multi-colored, with openwork patterns, satin, etc. Hair must be clean and combed. Then the weight of the hair mass is divided into three equal parts.

On the central curl you need to tie a ribbon. The side strand on the left side is superimposed on the central one, threaded under the strand with the tape and superimposed on the next one. The ribbon is held under the middle curl and placed between two strands. Thus, the braid is woven to the end, where all the hair is fixed with an elastic band. If you pull the strands out of the braid a little, then it will look openwork.

Volume braid

Such a braid will make any girl romantic and elegant. Therefore, you need to learn how to braid voluminous braid. It's not difficult to make it. You can use any technique - you can weave a simple braid, you can French or some other.

In order to create volume, it is necessary to apply the plucking technique. To do this, it is necessary to take the outer part from the edges of the strands and stretch them in such a way that they are pulled out of the braid. This technique quite complex, it is important to master it perfectly. Otherwise, you can get an ugly and sloppy hairstyle.

But thin and sparse hair with such a braid will look great and voluminous. The more voluminous you want to get the hair, the more they stretch the sides. Sometimes pre-made highlighting with strands dyed in different colors, creates volume.

Bangs in a pigtail

Braids can be woven not only on long hair ah, but also on short ones. Learn how to braid a pigtail like a bang. Even on the shortest bangs, you can braid a pigtail, for example, in a boho style. If the bangs are long, then you can braid the tourniquet or French bangs.

Braid - boho on a bang is woven in this way:

  1. Hair is divided into three parts. The bangs are one part, the next consists of bangs hair and strands of long hair, the third is only long hair: Bangs and long hair are braided alternately. You need to try to weave tightly;
  2. At the end, the braid is attached with a hairpin to the main hairstyle. I must say that this option will make any styling more attractive.

french braid in bangs it is sung with the gradual addition of long hair and it also turns out great. But the hair must be woven tightly. At the connection of chili and long hair, weaving ends or is woven into the main hairstyle.

If the hair is short, then the braid from the bangs can be fixed with invisibility on the side. You can use a beautiful hairpin, it will decorate the image. If you slightly stretch the strands from the braid, then it will look more voluminous. Use any accessories - ribbons, flowers, etc... They will make the hairstyle more vivid and unique. If you just need to fix the braid, then any hairpins to match the hair color will do.

Knowing how to braid beautiful braid, you can always make other people admire your hairstyle. A little effort and you master this art to perfection.

IN Lately among the fair sex, due to the variety of options and the beauty of forms, the “French braid” has become especially popular. And although this type of weaving did not appear at all in France (the earliest mentions were found on rock paintings in Algeria and they are more than six thousand years old), there are several versions of why the braid is called “French”. One of them says that for the first time this method of weaving was widely advertised and launched into the masses by a certain French stylist, putting it in opposition to the “English braid”. According to another version, in the eighteenth century, the court hairdresser braided the hair of majestic persons in the Palace of Versailles in a similar way. Which one is true doesn't matter. The main thing is that the "French braid" suits everyone and looks great on the head of any woman.

Weaving a French braid (classic)

The essence of weaving any of the options for the "French braid" is the addition of additional strands to the main strands of the braid from the free mass of hair.

The classic version is created as follows:

  • Hair must be carefully combed. Owners of liquid hair are recommended to first make a pile on the front of the head.
  • It is necessary to separate a small strand of hair above the forehead and tie it with an inconspicuous silicone rubber band.
  • On each side, one more strand must be separated from the central strand, and of the same size.
  • Make a binding by throwing the side strands onto the central one, as for a simple braid.
  • On the next binding, you need to add hair from the free mass of hair to each side strand. It is necessary to grab the strands on the sides and parallel to the height of the braid.
  • Braid in the same way until you run out of loose hair (approximately to the base of the neck).
  • Next, weave the braid to the end and secure with an elastic band.
  • Silicone gum on the top strand must be disguised under the hair or carefully cut off with thin nail scissors.
  • You can leave tight weaving, or you can add splendor. To do this, slightly lower the lower elastic band and stretch the parts of the braid along the entire length.
  • In order for the hairstyle to look neat for a long time, you can spray it with varnish.

To make any braid bright, original and festive, it is enough to add decorations, for example, a colored shiny ribbon.

A few tips for choosing a ribbon:

  • The tape should be soft (without a metal frame inside).
  • The optimal width is 1.5 centimeters.
  • Before use, it is advisable to wash the tape so that the color does not shed and does not stain the hair.

How to weave (the two most simple options out of many possibilities):

  • The "French braid" with a ribbon is woven in the same way as the classic or voluminous version, but instead of the central strand, a ribbon is used. It needs to be fixed with an invisibility, chosen to match the hair under one of the upper strands.
  • After dividing the hair into strands, from which the "French braid" will be formed in the future, it is necessary to tie a ribbon to the middle strand. Both ends of the ribbon must be equal and necessarily much longer than the hair (otherwise the ribbon may not be enough). Ribbon halves are added to the side strands. After that, the “French braid” is braided, only you need to try to shift and add strands so that the ribbon always remains on top. It is best to first shift the hair, and then put a tape on top of them.

French braid "Fishtail"

Among other variations of the “French braid”, for its eccentricity, the “fishtail”, aka “spikelet”, deserved special love for the weaker sex. It can be straight, and oblique, and tight, and lush, with a combination of other elements, for example, ordinary braids, bundles, plaits or tails.

How to do a french braid Fish tail»:

  • Clean and carefully combed hair must be divided into two equal parts with a straight parting in the middle.
  • The French version of the "Fishtail" starts from the forehead, while the usual one - at the base of the neck.
  • To form a weave, it is necessary to separate small (conditionally equal) strands from the edge of each part of the hair and alternately throw them to the other side.
  • Thus, the “fishtail” is braided along the entire length of the hair, and at the end it is fixed with an elastic band or a hair clip.
  • To give your hair a French charm, you can decorate it with flowers.

The classic version of the "French braid" looks somewhat flat and is not always suitable for those women who have thin hair. However, stylists and hairdressers have found an excellent solution to this problem - this is the “reverse French braid”. It is also called "inverted" and "voluminous".

When creating a “braid on the contrary”, they are guided by the same principles as in the classic version, but only the side strands are placed not on top of the central one, but under it.

The "inverted French braid" is often used with a variety of buns. The bundle can be formed from the braid itself or assembled separately, and can also be located above and below the braid.


  • First of all, weave a “French braid on the contrary” (one or two if desired). It can begin in any part of the head (near the forehead, at the neck, behind the ear, and so on).
  • The braid is woven to the right place and fixed (with a silicone rubber band or an invisibility in the color of the hair).
  • Then a bundle is formed (braids, plaits are twisted or a bagel is used).

The “French braid” looks very interesting, braided not straight, but on its side or in a zigzag. That is, weaving should not begin at the forehead, but behind any ear. Then weave not down, but diagonally. If a zigzag is planned, then having reached the edge, it is necessary to turn the weaving in the opposite direction. Otherwise, the execution technique is no different from the classic version or “braids in reverse”.

How to do two French braids

Such a wonderful weave as a “French braid” will look great in a double copy. This option for its originality, beauty and practicality will especially appeal to young girls. After all, it can be done for study, and for a walk, and for a party, and for a date.

  • You will need two mirrors, which must be set opposite each other so that if you look into one of them, then the back of the head can be seen in the other.
  • Divide your hair vertically into two equal sections.
  • Temporarily remove one part to the side and stab so as not to interfere.
  • From the second part, form a “voluminous French braid”, moving from top to bottom and tie with an elastic band.
  • Release the second part and do the same with it.
  • Fluff and decorate the braids.

Sophisticated and refined young ladies will like the “French braid with bows”. This hairstyle will look great with an evening dress or a wedding dress.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • It is necessary to separate a small amount of hair from the forehead and tie them so that they do not interfere.
  • From the remaining hair, you need to braid the classic "French braid" to the side.
  • Secure the finished braid with an elastic band.

  • Then the left hair must be combed and moistened with water so as not to fluff.
  • A hairpin must be threaded into the first ring of the finished braid.
  • Separate a thin strand from the mass of loose hair, moisten, form two rings, thread one of which into a hairpin and stretch it through the braid.
  • Hide the remaining tip under the hair.

  • Separate another thin strand and do the same steps, but only in the next division of the braid.
  • So with all the left hair.
  • Fix your hair and spray with varnish.

And lovers of loose hair can use the "French braid". For example, to create a romantic hairstyle, which hairdressers call "French waterfall". In it, the hair is woven into a braid and directed down so that it really resembles a jet of water.

Weaving order:

  • Weaving starts from the temple like a regular braid.
  • Three strands are separated. The lower one is placed on the central one, then the upper one is placed on the central one.
  • Down again, then up.
  • Now a small strand is separated from the free hair above the braid and placed there, and their ends (the upper and additional strands) remain hanging down.
  • Further, the lower strand is thrown over the hanging one, which takes its place.
  • The top strand is thrown again.
  • Now you need to separate a small strand under the oblique and throw it on the top one (just like the bottom one before) and so on.
  • According to this scheme, all the hair around the head is braided (from temple to temple).
  • The ends of the "waterfall" can be left straight or curled.

It is not for nothing that the people from time immemorial say “a braid is a girl’s beauty”, because it can make any lady a little more beautiful, graceful, prettier, more romantic and feminine.

French braid: video

Every day is a desire that is quite obvious, and girls need to spend a lot of time to achieve this goal. When going to work in the morning, a woman cannot visit a hairdresser for professional styling, so she has to learn the basics of creating a stylish and beautiful hairstyle on her own. One of the most practical styling options can be considered braids. The only difficulty that arises in such a situation is how to braid a braid for yourself, because it is extremely inconvenient. To solve this problem and spend only a few minutes on styling in the morning, you need to find out which braids are worth weaving, what weaving patterns are and how to embody them on yourself.

Types of weaving

When it comes to creating a stylish hairstyle, braids are the most playful, feminine and delicate option. There are a huge number of options for braids, and to make at least one of them, you need to know how to braid your own braid. So, there is a huge variety of weaving, among which the most popular are:

  • French braids.
  • Spikelets.
  • Braids with release (“French Falls”).
  • Collected braids.
  • Pigtails of 2 strands.
  • Complex weaving (4, 5 or 6 strands).

The versatility of braids lies in the fact that they can be braided on hair of any length, except for short ones (2-3 cm). Even if the strands only touch the shoulder line, you can still weave something original from such hair.

Classic options

When it comes to how to braid yourself, you should consider the simplest and most classic version of weaving, which uses only three strands. Even the classic version of such a braid can be of several types: start with a tail or trail like a “Spikelet”.

How to braid your own hair? Detailed instructions for weaving a classic "French braid"

The first option is the most popular. The weaving pattern in this case is very simple.

  1. The hair is carefully combed and collected in a ponytail. Moreover, if the owner of the hair wants to fix the base of the tail, then this can be done with an elastic band. Braid weaving is possible without this element.
  2. The entire tail is divided into three large strands of the same volume.
  3. You need to weave according to this scheme: taking the right strand in one hand, the left in the other, you need to alternately shift the extreme part of the hair to the place of the one that was in the middle. For example, you start weaving from the right strand. You are swapping the position of the right side of the tail with the middle one. Then carry out the same procedure with the left part of the hair: change its position so that after one turn the left strand of hair is in the middle, and the one that was middle is on the left.
  4. Weave to the very end of the tail and secure the weave with an elastic band or hairpin.

If you still don’t know how to braid your own braid, then you should study another weaving pattern, then you will understand exactly what and how to do in order to get a stylish and neat styling.

"Spikelet" - convenient, practical and fast

This type of weaving also belongs to the classic version, and its shape can be of two types: internal (strands are shifted on top of each other, from top to bottom) and external. The braid, on the contrary, it is external, differs only in shifting the strands from the bottom up, therefore, answering the question of how to braid the braid on the contrary to itself, you just need to remember that the strands are shifted from the bottom up. Any braid can be external, just change the course of weaving.

Scheme of weaving "Spikelet"

Let's consider the process of how to braid a braid to yourself in the Spikelet variation.

Weaving this type of braid can be carried out in the center or obliquely (diagonally). The classic version is done in the center, and its weaving pattern is quite simple.

First you need to carefully comb all the hair and take the outermost upper strand. Now you should divide it into three parts and start weaving like a classic "French braid" (the diagram is discussed above). Having made 2 or 3 turns, you need to start adding to each extreme strand a small part of the hair that has not yet been woven. Thus, weaving is brought to the point where all the strands are in the pigtail. If the curls are long, then the remaining, unbraided hair, which will be below the line of the head, can be fixed in a regular ponytail or braided to the very end like a classic "French braid".

If the external type of weaving is chosen, then the strands are superimposed on each other from the inside - from the bottom up. For those who are interested in how to braid a braid on its side in the form of a spikelet, you need to remember only one point. In this case, the topmost strand of hair is taken at the temple (right or left - as convenient) and woven to the opposite side. The rest of the weaving scheme is the same as above.

"French Falls" - a feminine styling option for a holiday or weekday

The most relevant type of weaving can rightfully be considered the “French Falls”. This hairstyle is great for medium to long hair. To know how to braid a beautiful braid to yourself like " French waterfall”, you just need to understand a few key features of weaving and the general scheme.

Hair should be combed thoroughly and slightly damp. Then you need to take the last strand near one temple and divide it into three parts. Make 2 or 3 turns like a classic braid to secure the base of the weave. After that, you need to take into account one key feature in order to know how to braid a waterfall braid for yourself: during weaving, each middle strand is released, and the part of the hair that is under it is taken in its place. The shape of the braid can be both external and internal, as you like. Weaving should be carried out strictly on one horizontal line to a parallel temple. At the end, several ordinary turns are made like a classic braid to fix the weave.

If a girl is the owner of wavy or curly hair, then nothing else needs to be done with this hairstyle. Girls whose hair is straight, you need to curl all the hair that has been released into curls to get a feminine, romantic and easy styling.

Pigtail "Fishtail"

No less famous type of weaving is the "Fishtail". This styling differs in that only two strands are used in it. To know how to braid a beautiful fishtail braid for yourself, you need to study the diagram. Such a braid can also be made in the form of a spikelet or start from the tail. In any case, the selected weaving pattern will remain the same.

  1. It is necessary to carefully comb the hair, moisten it a little.
  2. Divide the tail into two parts.
  3. From each tail you need to take a thin strand of hair and shift it to another tail.
  4. Perform the same action with the other part of the tail.
  5. The resulting weaving "cross to cross" continues to the very end.
  6. At the end, the pigtail must be fixed with an elastic band.

To make the “Fishtail” beautiful, you need to take the thinnest strands of hair for weaving. In this case, you can definitely understand how to braid a braid for yourself. Photos of many examples allow you to clearly understand how this or that weaving is carried out, therefore, when looking for a suitable braid for yourself, you should pay attention to graphic instructions.

Weaving braids is a huge scope for imagination

A braid is a versatile hairstyle option. Such styling can last in perfect condition all day and at the same time not be shabby. The pigtail does not need to be constantly adjusted, so if your work or leisure is often associated with the movement of hands, then neat styling in the form of weaves is ideal for this.

Even the most standard pigtails can be weaved in different ways, as the owner of the hair wants. If you are interested in how to braid a braid around your own head, then it is worth remembering the weaving of the classic "spikelet". In this case, the direction can be absolutely anything: around the perimeter of the head, diagonally, in the center, in a square and, of course, in a circle. The weaving pattern is no different, but it is much more difficult to execute. A braid in a circle usually has additional strands intertwined on one side only. So neatly weaving braids on your own is a rather complicated matter, but mirrors can help in this case. If all other hairstyles did not require special attention from the outside, then mirrors are indispensable here.

Set up a mirror, stand so that you can see how you are braiding, and start styling your hair. In this case, even the most intricate weaving give in to hands and be fulfilled.

A beautiful braid is the pride of every girl

Owners of medium and long hair, as well as strands to the shoulder line, are really lucky, because you can weave original and interesting pigtails from such curls.

A braid is the most versatile hairstyle. It not only allows you to forget about styling for several hours, but also not to be afraid for the condition of your hair. In a braided form, the hair is not exposed to the wind, it does not need to be combed or subjected to a lot of mousses or hairsprays. Therefore, if a girl wants to take care of her hair, not to touch it for some time, then pigtails will do.

They are also great for everyday outings, for parties and even for special occasions, solemn events. In this case, you just need to choose the right form. A huge number of the most various options weaving allows each girl to find the styling that fits the shape of her face and that she can do on her own, standing in front of a mirror.

To neatly weave braids, you need to train a little, because even the simplest weaving for a beginner can be overwhelming.

Surely every girl loves a change in her image. This is easy to achieve if you have long or middle length hair. To do this, it is enough to make a beautiful, unusual hairstyle based on a French braid. Today there are many ways to weave it. It can be woven in a standard way, in the form of a return line, or with the help of silicone rubber bands.

How to weave?

Everyone can learn to weave braids! After all, now there are a huge number of online lessons and photos for beginners, which describe the whole process step by step. To do this, it is not at all necessary to have special abilities, but of course you will have to follow certain rules.

So, how to weave a French braid:

  • French braid is woven on prepared hair. They need to be combed carefully. So that they do not fluff and do not get out during work, be sure to use special styling products (moisturizing spray-conditioner, serum or wax), or just sprinkle your hair with water and comb it so that the hair is saturated with moisture.
  • After that, you need to choose a place from which the French braid will begin.
  • Select a strand in the shape of a V and fix it with an elastic band.
  • Divide the selected strand into three equal parts.
  • You need to start twisting the strands in the standard way. One weave is enough, after which all the strands must be taken in left hand and on the right side, pick up a small strand, connecting it with the middle strand from the main braid. Tighten the weave tightly.
  • Take all the strands in right hand. On the left side, separate the strand and add it to the left strand from the main braid. Pull the connected strands and tighten the weave tightly.
  • Strands need to be pulled closer to the head. After some weaving, the elastic band, which fixes the main part of the hair, must be removed.
  • Similarly, weave the entire braid to the ends of the hair and fix with an elastic band or hairpin. Spray the finished result with a fixing varnish.

Step-by-step photo instructions for weaving a French braid

Photo of weaving a braid to itself with the help of rubber bands

Fashionable hairstyles with a French braid: for long, medium and short hair

Fashionable hairstyles with a French braid are easy to perform not only on long and medium hair, but also on short (shoulder-length). A slightly tousled French braid is the trend of the 2019 season. You can see this by looking at the photo. Such a hairstyle does not look sloppy at all, but rather gives the image some kind of zest, endows it with fragile femininity, romance, airiness and lightness.

Photo of a hairstyle with a tousled French braid

French weaving on long hair

On long hair, a French braid can be combined with buns. This weaving in the form of a rim looks very good.

Weaving on one side

On medium hair, you can weave a side pigtail with slightly elongated strands. Thus, it will turn out to give the hairstyle more volume. This technique is especially relevant if the hair has a fine structure.

Two braids, woven not very tightly and slightly elongated, look quite unusual, but at the same time stylish and fashionable.

If you do not want to bother and it seems to you that it is very difficult to weave for yourself, then try to create such a hairstyle using rubber bands. On the Internet you can find a lot video instructions dedicated to this fascinating process. A braid made of elastic bands, despite the fact that it is considered very simple to perform, looks quite festive. Therefore, this hairstyle option can be safely used with evening dresses.

Photo of a French openwork braid made of rubber bands

Another interesting way transformations - braid the braid in reverse. The weaving pattern is the same, but the difference is that the strands are intertwined not from the top, but from the bottom.

French braids braided from bottom to top

Evening version of weaving

Braid from bangs

Braid with loose hair

French braid low bun

Braid hairstyles suitable for medium hair

french braids on short hair can weave diagonally or in the form of a horizontal spikelet. It can sometimes be difficult to adapt to weaving, but there are various tricks that will help you create a beautiful and neat hairstyle even on short haircut. For this you can use artificial strands. By the way, it is not at all necessary to buy them in the same shade with the “native” hair color. You can try to weave colored strands. This technique will give the image of color and unusualness.

Hairstyle with braids and bun

French braid hairstyles for short hair

small braid for short hair

two french braids for short hair

French braid hairstyles

The French braid, thanks to its interesting design, allows you to create not only everyday bows for work or walks, but also real evening looks. If you are going on a date, then make a slightly disheveled basket. This hairstyle will look great with elongated earrings, cocktail dresses.

Braid “basket”

For walks to the movies, cafes, try to braid a French braid, but only from above, starting from the frontal part, and make a tail at the back of the head. This combination is the real trend of the season.

Braid with a bun

Also, the French braid looks great in a duet with loose hair that can be slightly curled.

Photo hairstyles with a braid and loose hair

Are you having a business dinner or an important meeting where you want to make a positive impression on others? Style your hair with a French braid and a high bun. In this way, you will be able to bring an effortless businesslike look into your appearance.

French braid hairstyles great way transform and update a boring image. They are the perfect solution if you need extra volume. They look equally good with or without bangs.

Be sure to try this weaving, and you will see that you can look beautiful and fashionable in any circumstances.

Several photos of fashionable hairstyles

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Braiding is an ancient way of styling long hair, and although women have been doing it since time immemorial, it is still very relevant today. On many of the world's catwalks, you can find models with elaborate weaving, and many designers prefer long-haired girls for their shows - thus complementing the created image. But instead of the usual weaving, they come up with new ways, for example, a French braid on the contrary, many small African braids or an unusual wreath of beautifully braided hair.

Description of the purl French braid, weaving pattern

How to braid the braid inside out correctly - step by step

Weaving in reverse

  • In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe crown, a large strand should be separated;
  • We divide it into three parts - one lies on the right, the other in the middle, and the left part;
  • Start weaving from the right side, we put it under the middle one;
  • Then the left strand should be placed under the right, which should be located in the middle;
  • Then we again select a strand from the left side and connect it with the 2nd curl, which should be located on the left side;
  • Move medium hair under the newly created strand;
  • In the center of the strand we grab the hair and create a new strand, and place it on the right side;
  • In this technique, braid all the hair, picking up the hair on both the right and left each time.
  • Secure the remaining hair with a decorative clip or you can remove them under the braid with invisible ones.
  • For a casual look, pull out some strands and cover your hair with a fixing hairspray.

On video diagram weaving braids on the contrary for beginners.
