Is it easy to be a friend? Talking to students

IN Lately Oleg Radchenko's father noticed that his son's friends did not call him, no one came to see him in the evening; and the son does not leave the house. He sits at the computer for hours, reading something or just watching TV. The fact that the guy reads is good, - said the father. A computer and a TV are the things you need. But why did his son's behavior change so suddenly? Once upon a time, the phone would not stop ringing, everyone needed Oleg, he was in a hurry somewhere, he solved problems with someone, even homework did it somehow. When the boy stayed at home on the next day off, his father asked what was bothering him, why was he closed and unhappy? Oleg did not answer for a long time, but then he said that for some reason his friends had cooled off towards him. Father said:

* - It's hard to be a real friend.
* - But I don’t refuse anything to anyone - the boy shrugged his shoulders - I let you write off .. If necessary, I can tell you in class. my mobile
* guys enjoy.
* - Willingness to help classmates is good. And that's what worries me. You were friends with Mishka Senin. He stopped coming to you, does not call on the phone. Did you quarrel? Have you offended him?
* - When he answered biology, he said nonsense, carried nonsense, everyone started laughing at him, and so did I. He probably didn't like it. So they joke with me. I'm not offended.
* - Resentment is different from insult. Sergei Blinov often called you on the phone. And you laughed at him too?
* - He could not or did not have time to do physics, asked me to explain, but I offered a notebook - they say, copy off, I was in a hurry somewhere.
* - Now it's clear, the father said to his son. Friendship is the work of the soul. With your ridicule, your refusal to explain the difficult task, you showed indifference. And if you think about it, you can think of many similar examples. A true friend will not laugh for the company at the mistakes of another, will be able to understand, give advice, and offer to write off tasks - there is nothing simpler. If necessary, you can sacrifice your own time for the sake of a friend.

Oleg listened to his father without interrupting. He himself understood that being a true friend is hard. Time passed, and again Oleg's phone did not stop, the guys came to him, and again he disappeared somewhere for almost a whole day.

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Class hour on the topic: "Is it easy to be a good friend?".

Target: formation of benevolent friendly relations between guys

rallying children's team, while taking into account the individuality and uniqueness of the personality of each child.


To acquaint children with basic moral concepts, such as: friendship, kindness, sincerity, communication, camaraderie, mutual assistance, support, empathy.

Conduct a self-assessment by students of their own qualities and motivate the desire for self-change;

Change the positions of individual students in the system interpersonal relationships and improve team relationships

Develop skills to argue your point of view;

Cultivate goodwill, respect for each other.

Preliminary work.Conduct student surveys.

move class hour

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys. I am glad to welcome you to our class hour.

Guys, we are not alone today. We have guests. But you should not be embarrassed by the presence of strangers. I ask you to be open, active and attentive as always.

Today we have to discuss with you a very important and interesting topic.

Please look at the screen. You will see an excerpt from baby video magazine "Yeralash". Think about what will be discussed in class today?

(Video clip from "Yeralash" "True Friendship")

You guessed it right, today we are going to talk about friendship and how easy it is to be a good friend.

2. Problem situation.

To the question “Do you have a friend?” most of you give positive answers.

And here are the answers to the question “Who is your friend?” may be completely different. (Deskmate; acquaintance in the yard; classmate; the person with whom he spent a shift in the camp; section comrade). Why did it happen, because everyone is asked the same question?

3. The purpose of the class hour.

Let's think today what a friend is, what qualities he needs, and is it easy to be a good friend, draw up the rules of a true friend and try to understand if we can follow these rules in life?

Look at the words on the slide. Can we say that we are talking about the same person? How to decide who is a friend for us, and who is a comrade, or a friend.


I'll read the definitions, and you guess who we are talking about.

Close acquaintance (friend);

A person who is close to someone in terms of views, common work(comrade);

This is the one who is connected with someone by mutual trust, devotion, is responsible for him, worries, worries, worries (friend).

4. Determination of the moral qualities of a good friend (work in groups).

What brings people together? What character traits would you like to see in your friends? Together with you, let's “break” into two groups the proposed words denoting the qualities necessary for a good friend, and the words denoting the qualities that need to be “outlived”. Having conferred together, decide on which quality of character it is worth putting a + sign, and where -. Time has gone.

(The leaflets are printed moral qualities personalities (each group has one sheet).

Understanding, deceit, delicacy, proximity of views, uncertainty, envy, forgiveness, benevolence, indifference, nobility, self-criticism, talkativeness, restraint, thoughtfulness of phrases and actions, impudence, generosity, irritability, sincerity, friendliness, devotion, callousness.

So, please read what character traits are inherent in you. Let everyone conclude for himself whether I am a good friend? Now let's look at the qualities that a real friend should not have.

Now you were able to see how many qualities you need to cultivate in yourself in order to learn how to become a good friend.

Guys! Friendship is a delicate flower... Take care of friendship. Let's take care of the friendship flower of our school. You will fill the petals of this flower with words. But not simple, but after consulting, write on each petal one of the most important, in your opinion, quality, without which there can be no friendship.

(Each of the four groups writes one quality on two prepared petals and attaches the petals to a flower attached to the board.)

The ability to be friends is a quality that not everyone possesses. A good friend is valued, cherished, and such a person is rarely alone. Can you make friends? Try to sincerely answer the questions of the next test and, perhaps, you will learn something new about yourself and your ability to be friends. I will read out the points of the test statement, and you need to write the number of the statement and the answer on your sheets: “yes” or “no” »
Quiz: Are you a good friend?

Distribute the text of the test to everyone

Now look at your answer sheet. The more “yes” answers in it, the greater the need to work on oneself. A person who has all the qualities and aspirations listed in the test can never become a good friend. Such a person runs the risk of being alone, becoming a loser, making himself unhappy, and at the same time people close to him.

I hope that this test will make each of you think about the fact that being a friend is a difficult and painstaking work, it is work, first of all, on yourself. Let's think about the rules of friendship?

5. Drawing up the rules of a true friend (work in groups).

You are offered situations, discuss them in groups and think about how a real friend will act in them, answer the questions and formulate a rule for a real friend, write it down and attach it on the board.

(Students work in groups, present their rules, cards with the rules of a real friend are attached to the board.)

1) Volodya is in the 4th grade, and his friend Kolya is in the 2nd grade. Volodya decided to attend judo sports section and invites Kolya with him. Kolya does not like this sport. Volodya is offended and says: “Kolya, since you are my friend, then you should also practice judo.”

Does Volodya understand friendship correctly?

As you suggest, Volodya should do it.

Rule 1. Yield to a friend.

Rule 2: Respect your friend's opinion.

2) Vera won a prize at a reading competition. Her friend Masha does not come up to her and does not congratulate her on her victory, because she herself expected to receive an award.

What advice would you give Masha?

Rule 3. Do not envy a friend, know how to rejoice in his success.

3) Vanya could not solve the problem, Misha let him write off.

What would a real friend do in Misha's place?

Rule 4. Help a friend, if he doesn’t know how to do something, teach him.

4) According to Natasha, good friend- this is a friend who will help in everything

Natasha, share sweets, buns with her, and if you need to do something for Natasha, for example, clean the office, he will definitely do it.

Who benefits from such friendship?

What advice would you give Natasha?

Rule 5 true friendship disinterested.

So, these are the situations that happen in our life. Maybe some of them were familiar to you and helped you think about your behavior and your friend.
- Guys, please read the rules that you wrote down.

6. Game "Associations".

In conclusion, we will play the game "Associations", in which you can find out how the guys, your comrades, see you. The task of the incoming player is to guess which of the players was guessed by all the others. To do this, he must ask the players questions, such as: “If this person were a plant, what kind?” or “What animal, color, sport, building, subject does your friend associate with?”

Word of the counselor: Isn't it a fun game? Now try to analyze: what associations about you do you remember? Which of the associations confirmed your idea of ​​yourself? Which were unexpected for you? Which surprised you? What do you think about your behavior or appearance caused them?

Associations are being discussed. The children express their opinions.

Word of the counselor: Maybe some of your friends' associations have helped you discover something new about yourself.

7. Modeling the situation.

1) How do you deal with the situation?

(Situations are written on the cards, children choose cards and tell how they will act)

If my friend is successful in something, then I

If I offended my friend, then I

If I think my friend has betrayed me, then I

If a friend makes a mistake and may commit a dangerous act, I...

If my friend invites me to play a trick, then I

If my friend is scolded for me, then I

If my friend is unfairly scolded, then I

If my friend calls me rude, then I

If I see that my friend does not like the way I treat him, then I

If I have candy then

If I have an interesting film, then I

If my friend didn't do his homework, then I

If my friend can't play the game, then I

8. The result of the class hour.

This is where our lesson comes to an end. Probably, each of you had to think about unexpected questions and solve unusual “problems”, ask yourself questions (pleasant and not very pleasant). Maybe some of you have "changed" a bit in better side and “changed” something in his attitude towards a friend ... The main thing is to remain unchanged - a good attitude towards people!

9. Reflection.

Now look at the slide and say:

  • What was the most interesting for you today;
  • What is important for you to discover;
  • I can praise myself and my classmates for...

The result of our work today was the creation of the “Rules of a True Friend”. If you follow these rules, then I am sure that you will be a true friend and, of course, do not forget about the qualities without which friendship cannot exist.


Recently, Oleg Radchenko's father noticed that his son's friends do not call, no one comes to see him in the evening; and the son does not leave the house. He sits at the computer for hours, reading something or just watching TV. The fact that the guy reads is good, - said the father. A computer and a TV are the things you need. But why did his son's behavior change so suddenly? Once upon a time, the phone would not stop ringing, everyone needed Oleg, he was in a hurry somewhere, he solved problems with someone, he even did his homework somehow. When the boy stayed at home on the next day off, his father asked what was bothering him, why was he closed and unhappy? Oleg did not answer for a long time, but then he said that for some reason his friends had cooled off towards him. Father said:

* - It's hard to be a real friend.
* - But I don’t refuse anything to anyone - the boy shrugged his shoulders - I let you write off .. If necessary, I can tell you in class. my mobile
* guys enjoy.
* - Willingness to help classmates is good. And that's what worries me. You were friends with Mishka Senin. He stopped coming to you, does not call on the phone. Did you quarrel? Have you offended him?
* - When he answered biology, he said nonsense, carried nonsense, everyone started laughing at him, and so did I. He probably didn't like it. So they joke with me. I'm not offended.
* - Resentment is different from insult. Sergei Blinov often called you on the phone. And you laughed at him too?
* - He could not or did not have time to do physics, asked me to explain, but I offered a notebook - they say, copy off, I was in a hurry somewhere.
* - Now it's clear, the father said to his son. Friendship is the work of the soul. With your ridicule, your refusal to explain the difficult task, you showed indifference. And if you think about it, you can think of many similar examples. A true friend will not laugh for the company at the mistakes of another, will be able to understand, give advice, and offer to write off tasks - there is nothing simpler. If necessary, you can sacrifice your own time for the sake of a friend.

Oleg listened to his father without interrupting. He himself understood that being a true friend is hard. Time passed, and again Oleg's phone did not stop, the guys came to him, and again he disappeared somewhere for almost a whole day.

Recently, Oleg Radchenko's father noticed that his son's friends do not call, no one comes to see him in the evening; and the son does not leave the house. He sits at the computer for hours, reading something or just watching TV. The fact that the guy reads is good, - said the father. A computer and a TV are the things you need. But why did his son's behavior change so suddenly? Once upon a time, the phone would not stop ringing, everyone needed Oleg, he was in a hurry somewhere, he solved problems with someone, he even did his homework somehow. When the boy stayed at home on the next day off, his father asked,

What worries him, why is he closed and unhappy? Oleg did not answer for a long time, but then he said that for some reason his friends had cooled off towards him. Father said:
It's hard to be a real friend.
“But I don’t refuse anything to anyone,” the boy shrugged his shoulders, “I let you write off .. If necessary, I can tell you in class. my mobile
The guys are using it.
- Willingness to help classmates is good. And that's what worries me. You were friends with Mishka Senin. He stopped coming to you, does not call on the phone. Did you quarrel? Have you offended him?
- When he answered biology, he said nonsense, carried nonsense, everyone started laughing at him, and so did I. He probably didn't like it. So they joke with me. I'm not offended.
- An insult is different from an insult. Sergei Blinov often called you on the phone. And you laughed at him too?
- He could not or did not have time to do physics, he asked me to explain, but I offered a notebook - they say, copy off, I was in a hurry somewhere.
“Now I understand,” the father said to his son. Friendship is the work of the soul. With your ridicule, your refusal to explain the difficult task, you showed indifference. And if you think about it, you can think of many similar examples. A true friend will not laugh for the company at the mistakes of another, will be able to understand, give advice, and offer to write off tasks - there is nothing simpler. If necessary, you can sacrifice your own time for the sake of a friend.
Oleg listened to his father without interrupting. He himself understood that being a true friend is hard. Time passed, and again Oleg's phone did not stop, the guys came to him, and again he disappeared somewhere for almost a whole day.

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Is it easy to be a friend

Summary of a class hour for grades 5-6 on the topic “Is it easy to be a friend”

Description: This design is suitable for class teachers 5 - 6 classes. The classroom is aimed at moral education students, so it can be used in any educational system.
Target: To form in students the concept that being a true friend is not at all easy.
1. To form in students the concept of a friend;
2. Show wide use words "friend" in creativity.

Preparatory work:
1. Some students to learn poems about a friend;
2. Find an audio recording with the song "A friend in need will not leave" M. Plyatsovsky;
3. First divide the class into 4 groups.

Decoration, equipment and supplies:
1. Cards with tasks for working in groups;
2. Sheets of paper for drawing up a psychological "portrait" of a friend;
3. Laptop, projector and audio recording “A friend will not leave you in trouble” by M. Plyatsovsky.

Class time course:

The music of M. Plyatsovsky “A friend will not leave you in trouble” is playing, one student comes out and recites a poem by Alexander Ryazantsev:

Everyone in the world talked about friendship,
But only I myself suddenly understand
What is only for you now in the answer,
After all, you are my true, faithful friend!
And so that in our life it does not happen
You can be sure - I will always come!
I want it to be equal
We are joy, happiness, sorrow and trouble!

What is the poem about?
How do you know what a friend is? (express opinions).

A friend is a person who has a friendship with someone. ("Dictionary of the Russian language" by S. I. Ozhegov).

What is friendship? (Express opinions).
Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, common interests. ("Dictionary of the Russian language" by S. I. Ozhegov).

And who is a comrade? (Express opinions).
A comrade is a person who is close to someone in terms of views, activities, and living conditions; friendly to someone. ("Dictionary of the Russian language" by S. I. Ozhegov).

What is the difference between a friend and a friend? (people do not feel special attachment to a comrade. In most cases, they are not united common interests, but random converging factors. This can be work in the same team, living in the neighborhood, a joint visit to a fitness club, etc.).

Now we will make a psychological "portrait" of a true friend. You are divided into 4 groups. I will give out sheets of paper to each group and you must write down the qualities that a true friend should have.
I'm waiting for your answers in 5 minutes. (Children read out the qualities of a true friend, the teacher writes them on the board).

Approximate answers of children: faithful, kind, cheerful, sincere, generous.

“In happiness it is easy to find a friend, in misfortune it is extremely difficult.” - Democritus.

How do you understand these words?

Let's remember proverbs and sayings about a friend or friendship.
Sample responses from children:
An old friend is better than two new ones.
Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
Make new friends, but don't lose old ones.
A tree is supported by roots, but a person is supported by friends.
Not the friend who walks for a couple. And the one who helps in trouble.

Guys, now I will give each group cards with a proverb, you must understand what its meaning is. I'm waiting for your answers in three minutes.
For a friend, seven miles is not a suburb.
You will not get to know your friend without trouble.
Friendship is not a mushroom, it does not grow in the forest.
The dress is better new, and the friend is old.
Guys, are there any among you who have a real friend?
Have there been moments in your life when your friend helped you a lot? (Discussions)

“If a person has a devoted friend, he has, as it were, two lives for the fulfillment of his desires.” — Francis Bacon.

How do you understand this statement?

Now I will distribute cards with tasks to each group, I will give 5 minutes to think about it. The cards describe the situation. You must decide together what a true friend should do.

First group:
Petya was given a ticket to a concert of his favorite singer for his birthday, he had been waiting for the concert for three months. And finally, that day has come. Tomorrow he will sit in the concert hall and listen to the songs of his favorite artist. But then Lesha's friend unexpectedly called him and asked Petya to study mathematics with him tomorrow, because the day after tomorrow he had a test in this subject. Lesha asked Petya to devote the whole day to solving examples with his best friend, since mathematics was very difficult for him.
What is the best way to proceed in this situation?

Second group:
Oleg and Vitya are the best friends, football lovers. For a very long time they dreamed of competing in the game with the guys from the neighboring village, but those guys still could not get the required number of players. The birthday of Oleg's beloved grandmother is approaching - she and her parents are going to visit her in the city. Oleg is looking forward to this day, because he missed his beloved grandmother very much. And finally, the two teams are ready to play football. The guys called Oleg and told him the date and time of the game, but this date and time coincide with his grandmother's birthday. There is no one to replace Oleg in the game, because he is a great goalkeeper. This is the only day when the guys can get together in full, because then a new one will begin academic year and all of them will go home from their grandparents.
What should Oleg do in this situation?

Third group:
Lena was really looking forward to visiting her cousin Olya, because they had not seen each other for 2 years. Thousands of kilometers separated them all this time. We only talked on social media. But already tomorrow morning Lena will go to the airport with her parents to meet her sister, give her big bouquet flowers, and then all together they will go to lunch in a cafe ... But then the phone rang - it was Natasha who called, best friend Lena:
Natasha - "Lena, hello! How are you?"
Lena - Hello! Everything is fine".
Natasha - “Listen, I will have a small request for you. Could you stop by the flower shop tomorrow and pick up the bouquet I ordered for my mom for her birthday? I, unfortunately, will not be able to pick it up, because. my parents and I are now staying in the village with my grandmother and will arrive late in the evening. And the salon is open tomorrow only until lunch.
“Just at this time I will have to go to the airport to meet Olya,” Lena flashed through her head.
What should Lena do in this situation?

Fourth group:
Nikita and Sergey - two best friend. Nikita has been visiting the dance studio for many years. Traditionally, once a year he participates in reporting concerts. Nikita is very responsible in preparing for the concert. But finally, they announced the date of the reporting concert - it coincides with the date of birth of Nikita's friend, Sergei. Nikita had been invited to his birthday for a long time, and promised to come, because he had never missed Sergei's birthday. Serezha's parents did their best, thinking entertainment program for kids all day.
What to do in this situation?

Guys, now we need to answer main question"Is it easy to be a friend?" (arguing).
And why? (because often you have to neglect your plans and plans of your family)
Is friendship worth the sacrifices real friends make for it?
Do you have a real friend?
Are you ready to be real friends?

I wish you that in your life you will always be surrounded by only true friends!!!
