Signs that a woman has given birth. Change in fetal activity

You have been carrying a baby under your heart for nine months and are looking forward to that long-awaited moment when your eyes will finally meet. However, before this miracle happens, you and your baby will have hard work, namely the birth process. The process of childbirth should be approached very responsibly, which means knowing in detail how it happens. In this article we will talk specifically about and how to behave during the birth process so that the long-awaited meeting with the baby takes place as soon as possible and without.

Signs of labor beginning

The most sure signs beginning labor, those that indicate that the process of delivery has already begun - this is the release of the mucous plug, the outpouring amniotic fluid and regular contractions. But even a few days (1-2 weeks) before the baby begins to “break through” into this world, the woman usually feels the previous signs of the imminent approach of labor, the so-called harbingers of labor. Yes, yes, labor usually does not begin suddenly and unexpectedly: a woman often feels its immediate inevitability even before she urgently has to go to the maternity hospital due to intensifying contractions and the breaking of her waters.

Experts determine the following signs of labor beginning, which is only a few days away:

  • prolapse of the abdomen. Some downward displacement of the abdomen occurs due to the baby sliding into the entrance of the small pelvis - this is how he prepares for the subsequent journey through the birth canal. In women who give birth for the first time, abdominal prolapse occurs approximately 2-4 weeks before the start of the birth process itself, in multiparous women - on the eve of childbirth. However, it also happens that the stomach does not drop at all;
  • lower back pain. Painful sensations in the lower back are caused by the same displacement of the baby. At the same time, a woman may notice an increased urge to urinate and some loosening of the stool, this is the effect of hormones;
  • changes in appetite and weight loss. Most often, a few weeks before the onset of labor, appetite decreases, even if you wanted to eat constantly throughout pregnancy. At the same time, very often a pregnant woman’s body weight decreases by approximately 1-2 kg - this is how the body prepares for the upcoming birth;
  • change in the baby's behavior. The child can either behave more actively, or, conversely, calm down. Moreover, the last option is more likely - with the gained weight, it is difficult for him to move in the uterus;
  • false contractions. Irregular and practically painless contractions can make themselves felt a few days before birth. Thus, the uterus “warms up” before the upcoming birth, prepares for it;
  • discharge of the mucus plug. The mucus plug does not necessarily come off immediately before childbirth - this can happen a week or two before the start of the delivery process.

How to understand that labor has begun?

However, all of the above signs may appear several days or even weeks before birth. But how do you understand that labor has begun?

So, the first sign of the onset of labor is contractions, which are characterized by contractions of the uterine muscles. These rhythmic contractions appear in the lower back and abdomen and are felt as a dull or aching pain. Contractions are very similar to the painful sensations during menstruation, and the pain becomes more noticeable with each passing hour. Between contractions there is usually no pain at all. When contractions repeat every 15-20 minutes, gradually reducing the interval to 3-4 minutes, this is a sign that the amniotic fluid will break very soon and the process of giving birth will begin. Women who give birth for the first time are often frightened by contractions and begin to panic, not wanting to endure the pain. We recommend that you prepare yourself in advance for the fact that this pain is bearable and, importantly, rewarded, since very soon you will become the happiest woman with the proud status of mother. In addition, if you master a certain breathing technique during contractions, and also ask your loved ones to massage the sacral area in your lower back during severe pain, the pain will significantly decrease. In between contractions, try to sleep, as you will still need strength.

After the contractions become more frequent, the discharge of amniotic fluid is a completely natural process. The water may leave in small leaks or, on the contrary, gush out in a sudden stream - it all depends on how the amniotic sac ruptures. Typically the waters appear as a clear liquid and are odorless. However, if you notice that the water has acquired a greenish tint or a dubious odor, there is a high probability that some pathology is observed on the child’s part. This should be reported to your doctor immediately. The process of water breaking is completely painless, so there is no need to worry about this at all. In addition, it is important to take into account that if you are outside the maternity hospital when your water breaks, you should hurry, since the next step involves the birth of a child.

The birth process itself is entirely individual for each woman. Some women experience a gradual progression of contractions followed by the urge to push. Others give birth more quickly - contractions and subsequent attempts immediately become active. For others, contractions drag on for 5-6 hours and pushing occurs much later. In any case, the birth process has already begun, so you should trust Mother Nature and the specialists who will give birth to you and simply follow their recommendations. This way, you will avoid unnecessary panic and help your baby meet you as soon as possible. Don’t worry in vain, because childbirth is a natural process inherent in nature, so you will intuitively perform correct actions to help yourself and your baby get through this path as quickly as possible. And in combination with precise work medical workers- the birth process will be easy and under strict control. The main thing is not to be afraid of anything and remember that very soon all the unpleasant sensations will disappear, and you will become another happy mother. Good luck to you, good health and easy childbirth!

Especially for- Ira Romaniy

The pregnancy is proceeding successfully, the expectant mother feels well, but she is not left with a feeling of anxiety about the most important process - childbirth. This is especially exciting if a woman is giving birth for the first time. How do you know that a baby is ready to be born when you need to go to the hospital so that doctors can deliver the baby on time? All women planning to give birth should know the first signs of labor so as not to harm themselves or the baby.

Many people try to completely trust the doctor who sets the due date, or rather the date of birth, but in practice, most often it turns out that the child is born earlier or later than the appointed date, this depends on many factors. Premature birth is just as dangerous as a post-term baby, so you need to monitor your body and take care of yourself in order to feel the first signs of labor in time. It is necessary to know what will happen in the body before childbirth, what changes in the female condition should be understood as the approach of childbirth.

What are the first signs of labor?

The main first sign of approaching labor is a drooping abdomen. The point is that the baby must come down in order to prepare for its birth. With normal labor, this occurs at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, it even becomes easier for a woman to breathe, but many will experience discomfort due to frequent urination and swelling. Your arms and legs may swell, and you may need to go to the toilet more often. This is due to the fact that the child, having dropped, puts pressure on the kidneys and bladder, so don’t be afraid of swelling, they will be a warning to you, as the first sign of approaching labor, that happy moment when the baby is born.

Another major sign that labor is approaching is weight loss. Throughout your pregnancy, you have only been gaining weight, but now you have suddenly lost a couple of kilograms. Don’t be alarmed, it means you will soon become a mother, which is why it is so important to regularly measure your weight throughout your entire pregnancy. Weight loss occurs due to the absorption of amniotic fluid, so you should not be afraid of this.

The first sign of imminent labor will be a change in appetite. If you ate well, and suddenly stopped experiencing pleasure from eating, you suddenly lost your appetite, get ready for an imminent birth. This will also be evidenced by an increased appetite, if it was not typical for you during pregnancy.

Immediately a few days before giving birth, a woman begins to feel a nagging pain in the pubic bone. If it has become habitual for you that your back, lower back ache, then now the pain will transfer to the pubic part. The fact is that for childbirth it is necessary for the bones to become softer in order to facilitate childbirth, so a certain softening occurs, which is accompanied by a dull pain. Don't be afraid of these symptoms, just start getting ready to go to the hospital.

In addition to physiological changes in the body, psychological metamorphoses also occur. The character and mood of a woman becomes changeable, sometimes she cries, sometimes she laughs. During pregnancy this was less noticeable than a few days before giving birth, so this sign should also be paid attention to. You cannot sleep, you have become worried about some previously unimportant problems, you are attacked by apathy or, conversely, aggression. All this will pass after childbirth, but in the meantime, it’s time for you and your husband to prepare for the birth of your baby.

What to do if the first signs of labor are detected?

If you notice several of these early signs of labor and they are getting worse, you are due to give birth in less than a week. However, you should behave very carefully during the last trimester, do not lift anything heavier than one and a half kilograms, and lie down more. However, small physical exercise will be beneficial, otherwise you can transition, that is, the child will be born later than necessary, what the risk is, read the article: Is post-term pregnancy dangerous?

It is best to walk in the fresh air for several hours a day, in a park, in a garden, and do feasible household chores - dusting, washing dishes, cooking. Tasty food, ironing, but washing the floors at an angle or washing clothes by hand is prohibited. In these household chores, let your loved ones help you, or a handy tool - a mop with a comfortable long handle, a washing machine.

But the main thing before childbirth is positive emotions that should be present around the woman all the time, so that the baby feels the mother’s good condition, no worries, so that nothing frightens him before birth.

How to determine the onset of labor?

All the signs that a woman exhibits let her know that childbirth is near, that she needs to be constantly prepared for it, and that she needs to collect the things that will be needed in the maternity hospital. However, the closer the crucial moment, the more worries she will have about whether she will be able to understand that labor is beginning.

To determine the onset of labor, it is necessary to pay attention to obvious signs of a change in a woman’s condition:

  • Adrenaline is released, her palms and feet become wet, she begins to feel a strong growing excitement
  • Some fluid always comes out of the uterus, sometimes with blood discharge - this is a special mucus plug that protected the baby throughout the entire pregnancy. However, there are times when she comes out a day or two before the birth itself, but most often just before the birth.
  • Contractions begin. First contractions - only a little painful sensations, the pain moves from the lower abdomen to the lower back. If you don’t immediately notice these sensations, don’t worry, the first labor can last up to 14 hours, so you will have time to see a doctor when you feel stronger contractions. Gradually, the strength of contractions and their duration will increase. Prenatal contractions occur at intervals of about 5 minutes, and are becoming more frequent. When the uterus begins to contract, you will feel it, and this will also be preceded by the release of amniotic fluid.
  • It should be understood that the breaking of the waters is the beginning of labor, but the waters can break slowly if the path is blocked by the baby’s head, or quickly, in this case it is very important to carry out the birth as quickly as possible so that the child does not suffocate or get injured, any delay can become critical for baby's health. If you were not at the doctor's office when your water broke, carefully remember the time and appearance waters, their smell, all this needs to be known to the obstetrician-gynecologist who will deliver the child.

What to do if your water breaks?

Firstly, you should not panic, you must immediately call an ambulance or your husband, who will take you to the hospital, even if your water has broken and there are no contractions. You need to ride in a reclining position; you can take a bottle of still water or black tea with lemon with you. Usually modern women They think through everything in advance, so when packing your bag for childbirth, do not forget to take water, as you really want to drink during childbirth and after.

The first signs of premature birth

We will talk more about premature birth in another article, but now I would like to explain only those cases when you should really worry that you are experiencing the first signs premature birth. The fact is that a pregnancy is considered normal when the baby is carried for about 40 weeks; if labor begins earlier, then it is premature and you should be prepared for anything, which is why it is so important to know the signs of premature birth.

If you identify the symptoms and first signs of premature birth in time, you can consult a doctor in time:

  • The appearance of contractions that repeat every 10 minutes or even more often
  • Discharge of watery fluid, which may indicate damage to the amniotic fluid sac
  • Lower abdominal cramps similar to menstrual cramps
  • Dull aching pain in the lower back, which may be temporary
  • Pressure in the pelvic area can also be periodic
  • Abdominal cramps

If you notice several of these signs, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid premature birth.

How to induce contractions on your own?

But not only premature birth is dangerous, but also post-term pregnancy, so if you have been pregnant for more than 41 weeks, you can induce contractions on your own without harming the baby’s health in order to speed up the natural process of giving birth.

To induce natural contractions on your own, when the baby is in no hurry to be born, you should eat more foods that contain fiber, drink less water, and do not overeat. This will stimulate intestinal function.

You need to walk more, be in an upright position, you can even dance at home. Gradually, under the weight of amniotic fluid, the fetus will move, the muscles of the uterus will begin to contract, which will lead to the first contractions, and subsequently to childbirth.

You can massage the nipples of the breast, which allows the hormone oxytocin to appear in the body, which also causes contraction of the muscles of the uterus. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the skin of the breast, preparing it for feeding.

Pat your belly, talk to your child, call him, tell him how much you love him. Such contact between mother and child is sometimes the main impetus for the birth of a baby.

Pregnancy is coming to an end, and the coming harbingers suggest that you will soon give birth. How many are there, how and when do these signs appear?


By the beginning of childbirth, external and internal changes. This is a natural necessity inherent in nature: for the birth of a baby, the body must be prepared. Sex hormones provide such preparation, because before delivery the dominant composition changes. If progesterone dominated and supported the course of pregnancy and the vital activity of the fetus for almost nine months, then shortly before birth it is replaced by estrogen. This hormone prepares the cervix, vaginal walls and perineum. Organs acquire elasticity and extensibility, and at the same time strength and resistance to mechanical stress. The cervix softens and shortens by almost half. The lumen of the cervical canal is gradually preparing for opening, the fetal head is already lowered to the maximum, tightly pressed to the bones of the small pelvis.

Estrogen regulates and onset labor activity: The “peak” of hormone production is needed during the contraction and pushing period.

When the cervix has matured and the necessary nerve connections and hormonal levels have formed, the expectant mother begins to physically feel changes in her body.


Around week 37, the first signs of mother and baby’s readiness appear. For some, they occur just a few days before birth; for multiparous women, they begin even later, closer to the time the baby is born. Any of the signs indicates the likelihood that regular labor may occur both in the next few hours and within a week.

Stomach dropped

A subtle external symptom, especially for the pregnant woman herself. In recent weeks, the grown fetus feels quite cramped, and the mother finds it difficult to breathe and bend over. But as labor approaches, the head “settles” lower towards the exit, pressing against the pelvic bones. The woman feels that breathing becomes easier and it seems that her stomach is no longer in the way. But with the descent of the abdominal wall, other problems begin: frequent urge to go to the toilet, constipation, aching pain in the lower back.

Two weeks later, this sign is clearly visible in primiparous women, and in multiparous women, a few days or hours before birth.

A drooping tummy changes your gait. A waddling gait means that you are about to give birth.

False contractions

These precursors may not be present for everyone, and especially for first-time mothers. They begin around 38–40 weeks. These are training bouts, a “dress rehearsal.” How does a woman feel:

  1. In terms of intensity and tension, the process is similar to periodic pain during menstruation. An interesting fact is that the more painful the menstruation was, the stronger the false contractions.
  2. Tension in certain areas of the abdomen (top, bottom, sides, closer to the groin), which can be felt with the palm of your hand.
  3. False contractions gradually fade, their intensity does not increase.

Such precursors most often begin in the morning or evening, and do not exceed two hours in time. It is impossible to predict their appearance in advance. But, according to doctors’ observations, they can begin if a woman:

  • Full bladder.
  • Active sexual intercourse.

All women in labor are worried and afraid to confuse the harbingers with real contractions. By what signs can you understand that this is only preparation:

  • Attacks with different intervals and duration.
  • Pain sensations decrease and can completely disappear if the woman changes her body position.

But when contractions become regular and prolonged, the interval between them is smaller - it’s time to get ready, childbirth is coming soon.


Throughout the pregnancy, the cervical canal was blocked by a plug made of a lump of thick mucus. It served as a barrier that prevented infections from reaching the developing fetus.

Closer to delivery, the cervix gradually opens, matures, becomes soft and pliable. At this time, the mucus plug comes off. For some, this goes away instantly, while for others, the discharge can last for several days in small portions: transparent, yellowish, with brown and scarlet streaks. If the mucus plug comes off, the pregnant woman should tell her doctor.

Weight loss

The changed hormonal background, which occurs several days before childbirth, leads to the removal of excess fluid. With a drop in progesterone levels and an increase in estrogen in the blood, a woman can lose 1-2 kg.

Ripe cervix

The last, most informative precursor is determined only by the doctor during the examination. For first-time mothers, this begins a day or two before birth, for those giving birth again - two weeks. What's happening:

  • The cervix shortens and is positioned along the pelvic axis
  • Her tissues are softened
  • The channel allows a finger to pass through.

All warning signs are normal and do not require an urgent visit to the doctor. But if expectant mother There is no sign of this or that, this does not mean that the body is not preparing. Each organism is individual, and for some, any of the “preparation” stages may go unnoticed.

Reliable signs

How to understand that labor has already begun? According to true contractions and discharge of amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid). The cervix opens, and true contractions come - muscle contractions of the walls of the uterus. At first they last from 20 to 30 seconds with a break of 20 minutes. Over time, they reach a minute, and the interval is reduced to 3 minutes. At the beginning of the labor period, the pain is quite moderate, but over time it becomes quite intense. The sacrum and lower back, inner or outer thighs hurt.

When should you go to the maternity hospital? Obstetricians believe that if a woman becomes scared or anxious, it’s time anyway. The main thing: do not be in a state of panic and fear.

The water may pour out at once or gradually leak. It is important, especially for first-time mothers, not to mistake them for incontinence. Amniotic fluid is transparent, may be pinkish, with a specific odor.

The breaking of water is the beginning of the first stage of labor, and the woman should hurry to the maternity hospital with her “duty bag”. When contractions can be waited, the water-free period should not last more than 12 hours. If necessary, the obstetrician will decide on one type of stimulation or another.

Danger signs

The warning signs of premature birth are no different. If a woman experiences the described symptoms earlier than 35 weeks, she should immediately go to the doctor.

How to find out about preterm labor or other complications:

  • Leakage of fluid (dampness or watery discharge when moving).
  • Mucus interspersed with scarlet blood, brown or greenish.
  • Fever.
  • High blood pressure and tachycardia.
  • No fetal movements.
  • Diarrhea with nausea.

But if you are already 40–41 weeks pregnant and there are no signs, you should not be upset and suspect that something is wrong and the birth will be difficult. Practicing doctors never take them into account. Just have a positive attitude and everything will be fine. There is very little left for the long-awaited meeting.

The last weeks of pregnancy are the most exciting. The woman can’t wait to find out when labor will begin, how it will be, and what her baby will look like. This is especially true for those women who are giving birth for the first time. At the same time, they are also interested in the question of how labor begins, so as not to confuse malaise and training with signs of the birth of a child. It is important to monitor all the changes occurring in the body, and then you can easily understand that it is time to go to the maternity hospital. This article will help you figure this out.

How to find out about the approaching birth so that you can prepare and get to the maternity hospital?

This question interests every expectant mother, especially first-time mothers. The body itself will tell you that labor will begin soon. All his changes will speak for themselves that it’s time to give birth soon. The main thing is to listen to him and pay attention to every little thing.

The prenatal period is considered to be from the 38th week of pregnancy. It is from this moment that you can notice symptoms before childbirth, harbingers that it will soon be time to give birth. At this time, training contractions appear. They are irregular and occur mainly when the body position changes. In primigravidas they appear within 5 or more days before giving birth. They prepare the uterus for a future event, so don’t worry and go straight to the maternity hospital. How then do you know that you are giving birth? Real ones are characterized by periodicity and rhythm. If their interval is 10-15 minutes, and they last at least a minute, then you can safely go to the maternity hospital.

What are the warning signs of labor for first-time mothers? Essentially, they are the same, no matter what the birth is. When preparing the body, you may experience loose stool, the urge to go to the toilet is even more frequent. The baby becomes less mobile due to lack of space. However main feature is that the appearance of contractions in first-time mothers is less intense and rapid. The harbingers of premature birth are the leakage of amniotic fluid or their rupture.

The main signs of labor beginning

The onset of labor has its own characteristics for primiparous and multiparous women. The first signs of labor are the appearance of regular contractions and the breaking of water. It’s not worth going to the maternity hospital if contractions are periodic, appear very rarely, and mainly with sudden movements. These are not signs of the onset of labor, but training contractions.

During the first pregnancy, signs of labor begin in advance and do not coincide with the date of this event. So, how does childbirth go for first-time mothers? The first signs of labor in first-time mothers may begin 1-2 weeks earlier. Pain in the lumbar region, nausea, vomiting, and prolapse of the abdomen occur. Birth signs in the form of contractions and breaking of water are quite long-lasting. This is due to the inelasticity of the previously nulliparous birth canal, as well as the need to open the cervix, the process of which takes longer.

Signs of labor in first-time mothers often include a burning sensation in the lower abdomen. This may also be emotional changes associated with nervous overstrain from the unknown signs of the onset of labor and the approaching process. At what week does labor begin for first-time mothers? The answer is strictly individual. The fetus can be ready for birth at either 38 weeks or 42 weeks.

Precursors of a second birth usually begin at 37 weeks. Signs of the onset of labor develop much more rapidly than in firstborns. First signs imminent birth can be noticed just 1-2 days before birth. The abdomen in multiparous women usually drops just before the hearth itself. The birth canal is more prepared, so the process happens much faster. The main signs of labor in the second pregnancy are the appearance of contractions, the interval of which becomes increasingly shorter.

10 signs that labor is approaching

The course of pregnancy and childbirth is individual for each woman. Including signs of approaching labor are not necessarily observed all together, and each expectant mother has her own special combinations. How then do you know that childbirth is coming soon? So, the following signs indicate their approach:

1. Removal of the mucus plug

The mucus plug is necessary to protect the child from infections. When the cervix dilates, the mucous plug comes out, which can be whole or in portions. This sign can be noticed both two weeks before childbirth and before the very beginning of the birth process. It looks like vaginal discharge. In some cases, bloody discharge is allowed.

2. Breaking of water

The outpouring of water indicates the beginning of labor. This process can occur in different ways. Water may pour out even before the contractions begin, they may leak little by little, and in some situations it is necessary to pierce the amniotic sac for them to drain.

3. Contractions

A sign of contractions are wave pains that appear first in the lower back and move down the abdomen. They have a regular periodic character. The pain gradually increases. In primiparous women it usually lasts longer than in multiparous women.

4. Lower back pain

On later During pregnancy, lower back pain begins to appear due to a change in the center of gravity, the appearance of false contractions, the production of the hormone relaxin, and preparation of the cervix. Pain sensations are regular. Longer pain that turns into excruciating torture and is irregular in nature may indicate pathologies that require examination by a specialist.

5. Stomach prolapse

In primiparous women, the abdomen becomes drooping two weeks before giving birth. If this is not the first pregnancy, then this can happen just a day or two before giving birth. This is the so-called preparation of the baby for birth. It descends into the pelvic area and presses against the outlet. At the same time, it puts even more pressure on the bladder, causing urination to become more frequent.

6. Frequent urination and bowel movements

Increased urination is associated with a change in the position of the child and his lowering into the pelvic area. However, women often wonder why the discharge during bowel movements becomes more abundant and liquid. This is due to the effect of hormones that relax the cervix on the intestines, resulting in diarrhea. Symptoms are relevant 27 days before birth.

7. Change in fetal activity

The activity of the fetus before birth becomes much less noticeable as it grows and there is not enough space for it in the mother's uterus.

8. Changes in appetite and weight loss

Shortly before giving birth, a woman who has eaten well throughout her pregnancy may lose her appetite. If she ate poorly throughout pregnancy, then before giving birth, on the contrary, her appetite may increase. Also during this period, the absorption of fetal fluid occurs, which is why the milestones decrease slightly.

9. Nesting Syndrome and Unexpected Mood Changes

One of the signs of an imminent birth is the desire to actively prepare for the birth of the baby. The woman withdraws into herself and begins to do cleaning, laundry and other household chores. At the same time, the mood becomes very changeable. She can laugh and then cry a minute later.

10. Soft neck

This sign can only be considered by an obstetrician-gynecologist during an examination. The cervix smoothes and becomes more elastic due to the action of hormones.

Thus, determining the onset of labor is not so difficult. How do you know when labor is about to begin? The main thing is to listen to your body, its changes and not panic. After identifying signs of imminent labor, you need to go to the maternity hospital. Do not forget that labor in first-time mothers is usually less rapid compared to the second and subsequent pregnancies.

The first pregnancy is a very exciting time for a woman, because she does not know how she will feel before giving birth, how it will go, how much pain she will have. Therefore, almost every expectant mother awaiting the birth of her first child listens to her body in order to understand when the “X-day” will come. Sometimes excessive vigilance forces pregnant women to urgently go to maternity ward ahead of schedule.

To end up in a maternity hospital in right time and not resort to stimulation, you need to catch the moment of the establishment of labor. To do this, the expectant mother needs to know about the symptoms that appear in the last weeks of pregnancy, indicating the imminent appearance of the child. This complex of phenomena is called “harbingers of childbirth.”

Signs of approaching labor

The symptoms that appear in pregnant women before childbirth are usually natural and follow a certain sequence:

3-4 weeks before birth

The first signs of labor in first-time mothers are the appearance of aching pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes the pain radiates to the lower back, leg, and there is a feeling of fullness in the pubic area. Pregnant women also notice a prolapse of the abdomen, it becomes a little smaller, but sometimes in first-time mothers this symptom appears much later - a week before the birth of the child.

Uterine signs of labor in first-time mothers are false contractions. They differ from the real ones in their unsystematic nature; the severity of the pain syndrome varies from almost imperceptible to extremely intense. Some expectant mothers notice tension in the uterus, when it becomes dense and hard, this feeling lasts up to several hours.

1-2 weeks before birth

Signs of labor in first-time mothers that appear at this stage are decreased appetite and loss of 1-2 kg of weight. These symptoms are associated with the removal of fluid from the body. Some pregnant women do not notice weight loss, but their weight stops increasing a few days before giving birth.

1-3 days before birth

Signs of approaching labor in first-time mothers are the appearance of a mucus plug and changes in the digestive and urinary systems of the body. The mucus plug is a jelly-like substance with dark red streaks, often coming out quickly and with a loud sound, sometimes flowing out in small portions over several days. Usually it goes away 1-3 days before birth, but the timing of its appearance is extremely subjective and varies from 1 hour to 10 days before the birth of the unborn child.

Some expectant mothers may experience diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. Some pregnant women, on the other hand, experience constipation before giving birth. The nature of urination also changes; it may become more frequent or less frequent.

A few hours before giving birth

Signs of beginning labor in first-time mothers require special attention; they are the signal for hospitalization in the maternity ward. The main indicator of the onset of labor is contractions. During the upcoming birth, they are systematic, accompanied by dilatation of the cervix and do not go away with relaxing procedures. As the moment of the birth of the unborn child approaches, the pain syndrome intensifies. Sometimes women in labor experience rupture of amniotic fluid - discharge large quantity clear liquid.

With the following sensations before childbirth in first-time mothers: systematic contractions, increased pain, rupture of amniotic fluid, hospitalization in the maternity ward is required, as they are a signal of the birth of a child in the coming hours.

However, you should not panic ahead of time, since it is much easier to endure contractions at home. It is better to go to the maternity hospital when contractions begin to appear every five minutes and their duration reaches 45 seconds. If a woman in labor is afraid of the upcoming birth, earlier hospitalization is indicated.

Signs of premature birth

Premature births are those that occur between 28 and 37 weeks. The signal to start is:
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bloody issues;
  • cramping pain for more than 30 seconds;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • absence of movements of the unborn child.
The appearance of these symptoms requires immediate contact with a doctor, who will either take action to maintain the pregnancy or carry out a premature birth.

Preparing for the birth process

Every expectant mother should carefully monitor her condition, as various symptoms can serve as precursors to labor. The main signal of the upcoming birth of a child is the beginning of contractions. It is necessary to distinguish true contractions from false ones. The first are systematic, accompanied by dilation of the cervix and are not relieved by relaxing procedures.

When a pregnant woman begins to experience contractions, to speed up the onset of labor, she should actively move to open the cervix of the uterus. In the future, to relieve pain, it is useful for the woman in labor to make rocking movements with the pelvis and massage the sacrum. Toward the end of contractions, it is important for a woman to control the correct breathing rhythm.

When contractions occur at 5/45 (duration 45 seconds, interval 5 minutes), you should go to the maternity ward. If the pain is very intense or there is rupture of amniotic fluid, immediate hospitalization of the woman in labor is required. The most important rule for expectant mothers is not to panic and follow all the doctor’s instructions, which is a condition for a successful birth.

While expecting her first child, a woman may experience various symptoms - warning signs of labor. These signs are subjective and can occur at different times. Precursors of childbirth are the response of the mother’s body to changes associated with the future appearance of the child; they are not a pathology. The main reason for hospitalization in the maternity ward is the appearance of systematic contractions. If the expectant mother experiences unusual symptoms before 37 weeks of pregnancy, she should immediately consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of premature labor.
