Recipes for homemade foot peeling. Acid peeling for feet

This procedure is based on the ability of acids to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and remove dead cells. Fruit acids, among other things, have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

The procedure promotes renewal and restoration of the skin of the legs. Acid peeling for feet helps to get rid of corns and cracks, stimulates and normalizes metabolic processes in skin cells, prevents chafing and moisturizes the skin.

How to perform an acid peel for feet

Currently, acid peeling for feet is a fairly popular and sought-after procedure offered by many beauty salons. It is based on the effect of acids of the AHA group on the skin.

Acid peeling for feet is carried out as follows:

  • on clean skin legs impose special napkins, which are impregnated with an acid solution;
  • then the legs are wrapped with plastic wrap;
  • after the required time has elapsed, the napkins are removed from the feet and, using a special spatula, the pieces of skin that have peeled off (softened) are removed.

After the procedure, nourishing and moisturizing creams are applied to the skin of the legs. Beauticians recommend acid peeling for feet periodically - once every three weeks.

When peeling for a pedicure is contraindicated

  • the presence of various diseases of the skin and nails;
  • mechanical damage to the skin (scratches, cracks and wounds);
  • individual intolerance to the components of the remedy.

Acid peeling for feet at home

Modern cosmetic companies produce preparations that allow acid peeling for feet and at home. They are available not only in the form of napkins, but also in the form of socks. As a rule, such socks are put on for about an hour, after which they are removed and the stratum corneum is removed with a pumice stone.

Japanese foot peeling is quite popular. You can buy "Japanese socks" (COGIT Foot Peel Pack) for peeling at a price of 600-850 rubles. According to reviews on cosmetic forums, Novasilk Exfoliation wipes from CORPORA are also an effective means for caring for the skin of the legs. If you are interested in this pedicure peeling, you can buy it at special points of sale at a price of about 820 rubles.

It is possible to carry out acid peeling for feet without using cosmetics, for example, using kefir. For kefir foot peeling you will need: fatty kefir (100 g), two plastic bags, terry socks and nutritious cream. Warm up the kefir a little and apply it on the feet, then put plastic bags (film) and terry socks on your feet. After an hour and a half, wash off the yogurt from your feet and moisten them with cream. Kefir peeling is recommended before going to bed. After several such procedures, your heels will become smooth and tender.

Foot peeling is one of the least common, but no less important cosmetic procedures for maintaining beauty and health.

The legs are subjected to intense stress every day, while the situation is exacerbated by the women themselves, violating the natural diet and movement. An additional problem is created by wearing shoes with high heels, however, even the owners of the correct, from a medical point of view, shoes are subject to such unpleasant phenomena as rough skin on heels, calluses, corns.

Peeling, carried out in the salon or at home, will help get rid of keratinized areas, cracks, scuffs. It remains to clarify the features of the procedure using modern means and methodologies.

Tradition or innovation: types of peeling

Peeling is a cleansing procedure that removes dead cells on the surface of the skin. Thus, it is possible to achieve cleansing of pores, accelerate the processes of nutrient intake and slow down aging.

It has a more gentle character, however, performed regularly, allows you to achieve the same effect as with a professional approach in a beauty salon.

The most traditional is the mechanical effect on the keratinized skin of the feet. To do this, first the legs are steamed, and then cleaned with a pumice stone or a special nail file. Some people use a razor blade for the same purpose, but this method is quite dangerous.

Mechanical cleansing, smoothing the roughness of the skin is carried out with the help of gommages - agents that form a film after application, which is then cleaned with the remains of keratinized cells. The composition of such mixtures may include minerals:

  • White clay;
  • finely porous clays bentonites;
  • white pigment titanium dioxide.

The most exotic type of peeling is the use of Garra Rufa fish, which first soften the skin with a specific enzyme, and then pinch it off. The cost of the procedure is affordable, but its implementation does not always achieve the desired effect.

Peeling mask for legs is gaining more and more popularity. The advantage of the tool is that it can be purchased in a store ready-made or made independently using such natural ingredients, like sea salt, coffee, aromatic oils, fermented milk products (kefir, sour cream, yogurt), herbs or their infusions, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Such a mask is prepared immediately before peeling, after warming up the legs in warm water. The scrub is applied with massaging movements, after which the product is washed off with warm water, and the feet are wiped dry.

Active in Lately used, performed in several ways. From the name it is clear that the active substance in this procedure are acids, which are injected into the gel or applied to a special napkin or socks. It is under the action of acids that the softening of the keratinized layer of the skin occurs with its further cleansing with pumice.

Features of the cleansing acid procedure

For holding legs at home convenient to use special socks marketed by several manufacturers.

The tool is effective if the instructions are followed exactly and the procedure is carried out regularly. It consists of acid for exfoliation and regeneration of the epidermis, mainly lactic acid (acidum lacticum), essential oils and plant extracts (for example, sage, soapwort, ivy, chamomile, watercress, clematis, lemon) to soften and heal the skin of the feet.

The procedure takes an average of 1.5 hours, during which you can do household chores or relax. After the session time has elapsed, the product is removed without residue with soap and water.

For two days after using the socks, you should not steam your legs, as this will cause the substances absorbed during the peeling to be washed out. As a result, intensive exfoliation will not occur.

Acid peeling usually gives results after 7 days, activation of exfoliation is observed at the end of the second week. At this stage, you should not act intensively on the skin with mechanical means: this will lead to the appearance of wounds and inflammatory processes.

At the end of the procedure, the skin is completely restored, it becomes soft and smooth. In the summer, peeling in socks should not be carried out, since the regeneration process is accompanied by intense exfoliation. When wearing open shoes, peeled legs look unaesthetic.

Chemical Peel Precautions

Acid peeling, due to the use of chemically active substances, can be harmful instead of good. Therefore, before the procedure, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

The procedure for chemical cleansing, including the use of socks, is prohibited:

  • immediately after another type of cleaning;
  • with allergic reactions to compound agents;
  • with damaged skin (scratches, wounds, cracks);
  • with diseases of the skin or nail plates;
  • in the presence of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, neoplasms, inflammation;
  • during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

In such cases, you can use a mask using natural ingredients or kefir peeling. For this, 100 g of fatty kefir is heated and applied to the problem area with massaging movements. After the legs are wrapped in plastic wrap and socks are put on. The cleansing procedure lasts 1.5 hours, after which the kefir is washed off, and a moisturizing foot cream is rubbed into the skin.

Legs are that part of the body that constantly needs intensive care. Foot peeling can be done regularly in the salon, but such a procedure is convenient to perform at home, and skin treatment compositions are easy to prepare yourself.

Home peeling for feet can be no less effective than salon peeling. However, these procedures should not be compared. In some cases, it is indeed necessary professional care. This is especially true in cases where the stop condition is very neglected.

Masters of beauty salons use very active compounds containing acids for peeling. At home, you should not use such products, as you can get burned.

Many women do not understand the difference between a scrub and a peel. In fact, many cosmetologists believe that this is one and the same procedure. But scrubs are more commonly called means that allow you to remove keratinized particles from the surface of the skin mechanically, and in the compositions for peeling, substances that dissolve the upper layers of the dermis are most often used.

It is advisable to take care of the feet at home by applying special mixtures to them only if the skin is not in a very neglected state. When the feet are covered with a layer of corns and they have cracks, calluses, you need, first of all, to do a pedicure on your own or in the salon. Peeling can be used as a procedure that maintains the beauty of women's legs.

To begin with, it is worth properly preparing for home care. Feet need to be steamed out. For this, it is recommended to use a bath. Steamed feet should be blotted with a clean towel and an exfoliating compound applied to them. You can buy a special preparation of industrial production. In shops professional cosmetics We offer a wide range of foot care products. Creams and lotions contain fruit acids in various concentrations. The effectiveness of the funds also depends on the content of active components.

The composition for peeling can be easily prepared at home. If the feet are rough and require careful care, you can mix in plastic utensils 30 milliliters of camphor alcohol and glycerin, add 10 milliliters of ammonia and boric acid, as well as 2 tablets of hydroperite or 30 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide. In the resulting mixture, you need to pour a little soap grated on a grater. This composition can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 months. It should be applied to the steamed skin of the feet for 5-10 minutes until completely dry. Next, wash off the drug with 10% calcium chloride or warm water. This method of removing keratinized tissues can be used no more than once every 1-2 weeks. During breaks, it is permissible to apply other methods of foot care. When the skin on the legs acquires the desired softness, you can move on to more gentle procedures.

To remove keratinized particles, you can use honey-nut peeling. To prepare the composition, you need to grind 7-10 hazelnuts or almonds in a blender. Next, you should mix them with 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. The resulting mass must be applied to the steamed feet and massaged, and then wrap the legs with a plastic bag for 10 minutes. After the procedure, the mixture should be washed off with warm water and a nourishing cream applied to the feet. With the help of peeling, it is possible to dissolve dead cells of the epidermis and remove them from the surface of the skin. At the same time, the heels and feet become more receptive to care, so after such a procedure, you can even apply a nourishing mask to the skin.

Peeling for feet based on black radish has a very good effect. To prepare the composition, the radish must be peeled, grated, squeezed and put in a plastic half. Next, add 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and 1 tablespoon of flour to it, then mix. The resulting composition should be applied to the feet, lightly rubbing it. Next, you need to wrap the legs with plastic bags and wash off the product after 10 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can wear warm socks on your feet.

You can make the skin softer by applying citrus peeling to it. Half an orange or grapefruit should be cut into pieces and chopped with a blender along with the peel. Next, you need to add 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds to the gruel and apply to the skin of the feet, rubbing lightly. It will be possible to wash off the composition after 10 minutes.

Coffee is a very effective scrub. Experts advise using cheap coffee for the preparation of cosmetic formulations or collecting grounds after each drink. The ground grains must be poured hot water before use, and then squeeze out excess liquid.

To increase the effectiveness of scrubs and peels, coarse sea salt or even river sand can be added to the formulations. These components contribute to the mechanical exfoliation of keratinized particles. If the skin of the feet is in fairly good condition, candied honey can be regularly applied to it for 10 minutes. In this case, the legs must be massaged.

Scrub based on apricot kernels is considered very effective. To prepare it, you need to grind the bones in a coffee grinder and mix with nourishing cream or honey. The more abrasive particles in the scrub, the more effective it is.

If the skin of the feet is very dry, you can apply a special oil composition to it. To prepare it, mix 1 tablespoon of salt with 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. You can add some essential oils to the mixture. To achieve the desired effect, you only need a few drops of the concentrate.

You can also mix 3 tablespoons of honey with 1 tablespoon of brown cane sugar for a peeling treatment. The resulting mixture should be massaged on the feet for 5 minutes.

As for the frequency of the procedure, you need to focus on your own needs. Beauticians recommend taking care of your feet in this way 2 times a week in summer and 1 time per week in autumn, winter and spring, when people usually wear closed shoes and the skin does not roughen so quickly. If the condition of the feet wants the best, you can alternate home care with salon care and do not forget about regular pedicures.

Foot peeling is a procedure necessary to keep the feet in perfect condition. Each woman can perform it at home, choosing for herself exactly the recipe for preparing an exfoliating composition that suits her best.

Foot peeling at home is a sure step towards tenderness and perfection of the skin. To carry out the “transformation” procedure, it is not necessary to use store-bought compounds and products; you can prepare an effective alternative yourself. The main advantage of home cosmetics is that the prepared product is made from products good quality and will not cause complications when used correctly.

What are home peeling products?

Foot peeling at home is a gentle cleansing procedure. The means used for peeling the feet, as a rule, are weaker and more gentle, do not provoke serious complications even with erroneous actions.

Home peelings of the legs, according to the principle of exposure and the order of execution, do not differ at all from salon cleaning options. Compositions for peeling legs can be conditionally divided into two types:

  • For chemical peeling legs - various acids are used, for example, lactic, glycolic or fruit. Such a procedure is more complicated and requires careful implementation, compliance with the rules and procedures. If they are violated, burns and an extension of the full recovery period are possible;
  • For mechanical peeling - everything is simpler here. As a rule, for mechanical cleansing, compositions with abrasive particles are used (in home cosmetology they are salt, sugar, ground coffee, and others) or masks with natural acids that are found in ordinary products.

As for the depth of exposure to the skin, only superficial or medium peeling can be performed at home. During superficial cleansing of the legs, only the stratum corneum of the epidermis is touched, while median peels penetrate deeper and act up to and including the spiny layer. This is quite enough to guarantee the skin a well-groomed appearance, softness and elasticity.

Recipes for natural scrubs and foot masks

Home scrubs and foot masks are the most loyal peeling products. They gently affect the skin, nourish it and moisturize without complications and pain. Scrub peeling combines light massage and aromatherapy.

Scrubs and masks for peeling feet are so simple that anyone can cook them. From peeling with homemade scrubs, your legs are guaranteed to get a lot of pleasure, and your heels will become tender and elastic. For peeling legs at home recipes the best means will come in handy. We present to your attention the top scrubs and foot masks.

Kefir foot peeling

Kefir contains natural lactic acid. Lactic acid peeling is considered one of the most popular techniques that use beauty salons to combat keratinized areas on the skin. Lactic acid is active, destroys dead cells and stimulates the appearance of new ones. The procedure is painless, does not cause itching, redness or other side effects. To prepare a kefir scrub you will need:

  • 0.5 tbsp kefir without additives.
  1. Kefir is heated in a bath to a temperature of 35-38C.
  2. Place the feet in plastic bags, where then pour warm kefir. To prevent the bags from sleeping and the product from spilling out, tie the bags and put on warm socks.
  3. For 2 hours, do what you love, try not to walk.
  4. After the specified time, remove the bags, rinse your feet in water.
  5. Finish the foot peeling with a nourishing foot cream.

Coffee foot peeling

Scrubs with ground coffee are somewhat different from mild kefir cleansing. The focus is on abrasive coffee particles. They “tear off” dead cells, making room for new and elastic ones. At the same time, massage with ground coffee enhances blood microcirculation, activates metabolic processes, and the nutritional composition itself fills the cells with useful substances and minerals. To prepare a coffee foot scrub you will need:

  • 1 st. l. coffee grounds;
  • 1 tsp sea ​​salt of medium or fine grinding;
  • 2 tbsp. l. unrefined olive oil.
  1. Mix salt with coffee.
  2. Add oil extract to bulk ingredients. It can be olive or any base cosmetic oil.
  3. Soak your feet in the bath.
  4. Massaging movements distribute the prepared composition in the footsteps.
  5. Perform a light foot massage for 2-3 minutes.
  6. You can leave the peeling agent on for another 5-10 minutes.
  7. Rinse off the scrub with water, and additionally treat the problem areas with a pumice stone.
  8. Dry your feet and apply a nourishing cream.

To maximize the effect of nourishing scrubs, apply them to cleansed and steamed skin. To do this, before the procedure, take a hot bath or soak your feet in a bath with herbs, sea salt.

Chocolate peeling

Chocolate peeling for legs and body is a favorite salon method of skin cleansing. Chocolate is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, so it actively helps to eliminate toxins and neutralize free radicals. The secret of this effect is hidden in cocoa, which will be used to make the scrub:

  • 15 g cocoa powder;
  • 7 g of granulated sugar;
  • 60 ml whole milk.
  1. Slightly warm the milk in the bath (up to 38C).
  2. Mix all ingredients until creamy.
  3. Apply fragrance to cleansed feet.
  4. Massage your feet for an additional 3-5 minutes.
  5. Do not rinse off the chocolate remedy for another 10-15 minutes.
  6. Rinse your feet with warm water.
  7. Apply nourishing foot cream.

Home scrubs and foot masks are weaker than chemical compositions in beauty salons. Therefore, be prepared that the procedure needs to be repeated after a while.

Honey peeling

Honey is a piggy bank of vitamins and nutrients, its healing properties used in cosmetology for a long time. It favorably affects the metabolism in cells, stimulates regeneration processes. To prepare a honey foot peeling, you will need:

  • 1 st. l. liquid honey;
  • 2 tsp salt (preferably sea);
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive or almond oil.
  1. Mix all the ingredients so that the mixture is homogeneous.
  2. For greater effectiveness, vegetable oil can be slightly heated.
  3. Apply the composition to the feet.
  4. Massage your feet for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Do not wash off the honey remedy for 15 minutes.
  6. Remove scrub residue with warm water.
  7. Apply foot cream to fix the result.

One home scrub may not be enough to remove keratinized skin layers, so use a pumice stone or a special nail file in addition. If the result suits you, mechanical cleaning you can drop. Be sure to apply a nourishing cream at the end of the procedure.

Nut peeling

Nuts are sources of natural fatty acids. Nut scrubs perfectly soften problem areas, remove dead cells, fill with a mass of nutrients. Treat your feet with a fragrant exfoliating treatment infused with almonds or hazelnuts. To prepare the composition you will need:

  • 7 walnut kernels;
  • 1 st. l. oatmeal;
  • 1 st. l. honey;
  • 5 st. l. yogurt.
  1. Honey is recommended to use liquid, if necessary, melt it to a fluid state.
  2. Grind oatmeal and nuts.
  3. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Spread the prepared nut scrub on the cleansed skin of the legs.
  5. Massage your feet for 3-5 minutes.
  6. Leave the product on your feet for 15 minutes.
  7. Wash off the composition.
  8. Treat your skin with a nourishing cream.

Homemade peeling socks

When there is no patience and time for a long-term regeneration of the skin of the feet, peeling socks come to the rescue. The procedure is superficial. chemical peels legs. It is very effective and easy to perform, and it also has minimal risk. side effects. In just 7 days, rough and dry heels will be replaced by young, firm and elastic ones. It's hard to believe this, you just have to try it for yourself.

A similar method of cleansing the heels came to us from the countries of Asia, it is there that the world-famous socks for peeling the feet are produced. You can recreate no less effective socks at home. For the cleansing procedure you will need:

  • Lactic acid;
  • Cotton socks;
  • 2 plastic bags.
  1. Trim the socks so that they only cover the bottom of the foot (sole and heel).
  2. Dilute lactic acid with water so that its concentration is up to 20%. The higher the concentration, the more likely it is to harm the skin.
  3. Soak cut-off socks in acid solution.
  4. Put the prepared socks on the feet.
  5. Place your feet in bags. Fasten the bags on your leg so you don't fall asleep.
  6. Relax and do what you love.
  7. Remove socks after 2 hours, rinse feet with water and apply cream.

In the presence of cuts and wounds, expectant and nursing mothers, as well as patients with diabetes, cannot use socks for chemical peeling. The limitation of the procedure also applies to patients with an allergy to lactic acid.

There is no need to treat the skin with pumice stone after chemical peeling, acid composition and so actively affects dead cells. You will notice the first result in 1-2 days - the skin will begin to peel off and lag behind. It is impossible to peel off layers of the epidermis that exfoliate. Wait for them to fall off on their own and enjoy soft heels.

So that problematic calluses and corns, roughness and roughness of the heels do not disturb your beautiful legs, competent and high-quality care for them is enough. This will help you natural masks and scrubs. Such cosmetics will cost a penny, but their compositions are real wealth for the skin of the legs. Treat yourself to healthy and soft feet.

With the onset of the summer season, each representative of the fair sex reduces her wardrobe to a minimum, and exposes the most beautiful sides of her "soul" to everyone's envy. Legs are one of the main weapons of seduction of women, however, dry, rough, and even sometimes cracked heels do not make it possible to use their "weapon" in full force. So that you are not afraid to “sparkle your heels”, running away from another fan, I suggest doing a delicious, very simple and effective pedicure at home using sugar peeling, which will make your heels very soft, smooth and pleasant to the touch.

Benefits of sugar peeling for heels

Admit it, because more than once you have solved the problem of peeling and coarsening of the heels with the help of the usual razor. Until now, some beauty salons practice this type of trimmed pedicure. However, it has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, it is considered quite traumatic, and if the skin is cut off more than necessary, then wounds form, and as a result, the woman becomes uncomfortable and even painful to walk. Secondly, already a week after the procedure, the skin again begins to coarsen, peel off, and the coarsening can be more significant and deep.

Therefore, such a radical disposal of rough skin should be abandoned, and simpler, safer and very effective means, one of which is sugar peeling.

for heels allows:

  • moisturize the skin of the leg;
  • get rid of dry heels;
  • get rid of cracks, corns and the feeling of "emery" on the heels;
  • eliminate rough skin on the heels.

Store-bought heel peels are amazing, but they are quite expensive. But, I offer an alternative salon procedures– safe, sugar peeling.

And you can rejuvenate and improve the skin of the face with the help of simple natural remedies – .

How to make sugar peeling for heels at home

Of course, before peeling for the heels, the legs must be steamed in warm water with the addition of baking soda (for 1 liter 2 tablespoons of soda), for 15-20 minutes. Soda disinfects well, softens the skin, makes it more pliable for peeling. Next, you can rub the heels a little with a natural pumice stone.

For sugar peeling take:

  • sugar - 3 tbsp. - the basis of peeling, has a scrubbing effect, moisturizes the skin, heals cracks and wounds;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp, brightens the skin, slightly softens and exfoliates dead skin cells;
  • flaxseed oil (can be replaced with olive, almond) - cares for the skin, eliminates dryness, softens the skin.

Mix all the components, and apply on the already steamed skin of the heels, with massage movements, gently rubbing the product for 2-3 minutes. Then rinse the legs with warm water, apply a nourishing cream. If the skin on your heels is too dry and there are cracks, then carry out such a home pedicure every other day, until the cracks heal. Then, to maintain the legs in a well-groomed form, exfoliate once a week.

Take note of this tool and you will forever get rid of problems with rough, dry and cracked heels. Also, for healing cracks, you can use home mask.
